Board of Officers Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM.
Westminster Elementary School Auditorium
1010 Abbot Kinney Boulevard
Venice, California 90291
Parking is available in the school’s staff parking lot. Enter the parking lot from the south side off of Westminster Avenue, in the first block west of Abbot Kinney Boulevard.
For notifications about all VNC meetings, follow this link to the LA City's Early Notification System. Alterantly, the VNC maintains a Calendar where all meetings are posted along with their respective Agenda.
Board of Officers email addresses are defined as follows:
The Venice Neighborhood Council Board of Officers conducts its business by reviewing and prioritizing agenda requests for Board action (generally either in the form of a motion or letter) or announcements submitted by stakeholders, governmental entities and other interested individuals and organizations. The Administrative Committee has the discretion to postpone an request, refer it to a specific committee for review and recommendation, treat it as an announcement or consider and resolve it as a non-Board administrative matter.
CLICK HERE to fill out an Agenda Request.
If you would like to be notified of our meetings and receive agendas via email,
click here and sign up by checking the NC box.