WEBVTT 1 00:00:40.260 --> 00:00:41.280 james murez: Good evening, good evening. 2 00:00:41.940 --> 00:00:42.600 Daffodil Tyminski: Good evening. 3 00:00:45.000 --> 00:00:46.050 james murez: Did you see my email. 4 00:00:48.360 --> 00:00:50.220 Daffodil Tyminski: Now i'll check my email. 5 00:00:50.400 --> 00:00:52.170 james murez: yeah That would be an important one, to start with. 6 00:00:53.580 --> 00:00:54.780 james murez: That will you have a copy and. 7 00:01:01.800 --> 00:01:02.550 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 8 00:01:06.300 --> 00:01:07.890 Daffodil Tyminski: I see a number of emails. 9 00:01:08.880 --> 00:01:12.420 james murez: Well, would have been within the last 20 minutes. 10 00:01:12.930 --> 00:01:13.380 Okay. 11 00:01:15.480 --> 00:01:16.890 james murez: And and Mike. 12 00:01:18.390 --> 00:01:19.590 Daffodil Tyminski: Mike rob will be here. 13 00:01:20.040 --> 00:01:22.860 james murez: Mike bravo email he's not going to be making it. 14 00:01:24.240 --> 00:01:27.180 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I saw his email emailed him back saying thanks for letting us know. 15 00:01:27.360 --> 00:01:28.410 james murez: Okay, good so today. 16 00:01:39.120 --> 00:01:42.360 Daffodil Tyminski: The city just could make this all so much easier than they do I mean. 17 00:01:43.410 --> 00:01:45.150 Daffodil Tyminski: They should just do one training module. 18 00:01:46.440 --> 00:01:46.800 james murez: yeah. 19 00:01:51.660 --> 00:01:59.760 james murez: You shouldn't have to have some type of special email access only to you buy them for each one of the trainings. 20 00:02:00.660 --> 00:02:00.990 yeah. 21 00:03:04.860 --> 00:03:05.040 Oh. 22 00:03:06.210 --> 00:03:08.760 james murez: he's Andre on a head calm. 23 00:03:09.720 --> 00:03:10.290 Yes. 24 00:03:11.430 --> 00:03:13.770 Daffodil Tyminski: Excuse me one second i'm just gonna go plug my phone I realized. 25 00:03:22.050 --> 00:03:24.090 james murez: Yes, Ivan go ahead and speak. 26 00:03:25.650 --> 00:03:27.150 Ivan: Can you put me on the panel, please. 27 00:03:28.320 --> 00:03:30.330 james murez: um I suppose so. 28 00:03:31.230 --> 00:03:31.830 Thank you. 29 00:03:33.120 --> 00:03:35.850 Andrea Boccaletti: And I am in my ad COM what what. 30 00:03:36.330 --> 00:03:40.650 james murez: I can't remember anything I couldn't remember if you posted the mirror report. 31 00:03:41.940 --> 00:03:42.510 Andrea Boccaletti: Did. 32 00:03:42.840 --> 00:03:45.810 james murez: yeah well, I had to go find it you see my email. 33 00:03:46.740 --> 00:03:48.990 Andrea Boccaletti: No, but the america's EMEA is under. 34 00:03:49.110 --> 00:03:59.310 james murez: I had to go look for it that's all Okay, when you do your agenda request you should always include the link to the reports. 35 00:03:59.760 --> 00:04:02.970 Andrea Boccaletti: When I do the agenda requests. 36 00:04:03.030 --> 00:04:13.500 james murez: So yes, at the after you do your minutes you post your minutes to the website after you post, the Minutes to the website, because the Minutes have to have the mirror report link in them. 37 00:04:13.920 --> 00:04:30.180 james murez: But you take that same near report link, along with the motion of approval from your committee, and you post all of that into an agenda request on the board for the board to be able to then receive it, and then all of that information is in one place, at one point in time. 38 00:04:31.110 --> 00:04:31.500 Okay. 39 00:04:49.980 --> 00:04:53.280 james murez: Who else is on his alley on the outcome, I forget I think she is. 40 00:04:53.280 --> 00:04:54.480 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, she is. 41 00:04:58.230 --> 00:04:59.820 james murez: Clark know Helen know. 42 00:05:01.020 --> 00:05:02.040 james murez: Nick no. 43 00:05:03.900 --> 00:05:05.970 james murez: More no Lisa redmond know. 44 00:05:09.120 --> 00:05:09.720 Alley Bean: hi. 45 00:05:10.710 --> 00:05:11.460 hi. 46 00:05:12.990 --> 00:05:14.340 Alley Bean: Wait my video there cuz. 47 00:05:16.350 --> 00:05:19.920 Alley Bean: I know Mike bravo can't come because it's indigenous people stay. 48 00:05:22.230 --> 00:05:24.030 james murez: Really, I thought it was Columbus day. 49 00:05:24.390 --> 00:05:26.160 Alley Bean: They changed it did you know that. 50 00:05:26.820 --> 00:05:30.450 Alley Bean: legally binding changed it to indigenous peoples day forever. 51 00:05:30.900 --> 00:05:31.920 james murez: Oh, I didn't know that. 52 00:05:32.220 --> 00:05:35.130 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes, oh changed, not in conjunction. 53 00:05:36.690 --> 00:05:37.860 Alley Bean: I think I don't know. 54 00:05:38.700 --> 00:05:41.400 james murez: He may Columbus is the one that started it all right. 55 00:05:44.670 --> 00:05:48.480 james murez: Well he's the one that he's like the one that made the big move. 56 00:05:49.890 --> 00:05:50.610 Alley Bean: over here. 57 00:05:50.970 --> 00:05:51.480 yeah. 58 00:05:54.210 --> 00:05:55.620 Alley Bean: that's true right. 59 00:05:57.150 --> 00:05:57.780 Alley Bean: So it's. 60 00:06:02.790 --> 00:06:03.120 Alley Bean: So. 61 00:06:03.180 --> 00:06:04.680 Daffodil Tyminski: Probably have quorum right. 62 00:06:06.000 --> 00:06:06.570 Do we. 63 00:06:07.830 --> 00:06:10.380 12345. 64 00:06:11.640 --> 00:06:13.680 Alley Bean: Is NICO here yep. 65 00:06:13.860 --> 00:06:14.670 Andrea Boccaletti: Is that yes. 66 00:06:16.800 --> 00:06:20.280 james murez: So who are we missing Melissa and Mike bravo. 67 00:06:20.940 --> 00:06:21.960 And Mike brown Jason. 68 00:06:23.550 --> 00:06:24.690 Alley Bean: Jason sugars. 69 00:06:25.140 --> 00:06:25.890 james murez: Going Jason. 70 00:06:29.730 --> 00:06:32.490 james murez: 1234 out of six know is there, eight of us. 71 00:06:34.530 --> 00:06:36.420 Ivan: form is for for outcome. 72 00:06:36.510 --> 00:06:38.460 james murez: Always Ivan is not one you're right. 73 00:06:39.150 --> 00:06:40.440 Ivan: No i'm not quorum. 74 00:06:40.830 --> 00:06:43.740 james murez: was just counting the boxes I wasn't reading the names. 75 00:06:44.250 --> 00:06:46.260 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah well, we have a quorum, though, I think. 76 00:06:46.290 --> 00:06:48.270 james murez: We could get started okay let's get started. 77 00:06:49.680 --> 00:06:52.800 james murez: um do you want to bring up the agenda and and all that you go through it. 78 00:06:54.330 --> 00:06:55.200 james murez: Or should I do that. 79 00:06:56.160 --> 00:07:01.410 Daffodil Tyminski: um I it'd be easier, I think you did it I can manage people's speaking. 80 00:07:01.890 --> 00:07:03.720 james murez: Okay um. 81 00:07:05.490 --> 00:07:06.960 Let me see if I can find it. 82 00:07:28.950 --> 00:07:32.430 Alley Bean: That, I can see who the participants are just out of curiosity. 83 00:07:32.820 --> 00:07:34.770 james murez: Yes, you go down to the bottom. 84 00:07:35.070 --> 00:07:36.450 Alley Bean: I hit participants. 85 00:07:36.750 --> 00:07:38.520 james murez: Right and then on one side, it says. 86 00:07:38.580 --> 00:07:40.110 james murez: panel and on the other side it. 87 00:07:40.110 --> 00:07:41.250 says attendee. 88 00:07:43.710 --> 00:07:45.210 Just just want to see who's here. 89 00:07:47.850 --> 00:07:50.190 Alley Bean: No, no big deal I can't oh there I see got it got it. 90 00:07:50.640 --> 00:07:51.870 james murez: Okay cool okay. 91 00:07:53.700 --> 00:07:55.890 james murez: So def can I work off of my word version. 92 00:07:56.580 --> 00:08:01.170 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, I that's why I say you can just do it scribe as we go. 93 00:08:01.470 --> 00:08:01.890 james murez: Okay. 94 00:08:02.250 --> 00:08:04.500 Daffodil Tyminski: All right, and then Melissa just joined the meeting. 95 00:08:04.800 --> 00:08:05.520 Alley Bean: Here yeah. 96 00:08:05.910 --> 00:08:07.710 Daffodil Tyminski: um and then. 97 00:08:09.840 --> 00:08:12.330 Daffodil Tyminski: I just work with Melissa on the back end put it. 98 00:08:12.840 --> 00:08:15.150 james murez: yeah I just assumed that i'll take the. 99 00:08:15.150 --> 00:08:17.460 james murez: minutes and that'll be that. 100 00:08:18.510 --> 00:08:19.260 Alley Bean: she's here. 101 00:08:19.470 --> 00:08:21.390 james murez: Yet, but that's Okay, I think i'm going to do it anyway. 102 00:08:21.780 --> 00:08:24.630 james murez: Oh okay i'll explain in a second. 103 00:08:24.840 --> 00:08:30.360 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, just had some formatting issues between word and the other document thing, so we have we're sorting out. 104 00:08:30.600 --> 00:08:31.110 Alley Bean: got it. 105 00:08:31.680 --> 00:08:32.370 um. 106 00:08:33.510 --> 00:08:36.900 james murez: Let me screen share this here we go. 107 00:08:41.070 --> 00:08:42.420 james murez: And so. 108 00:08:43.770 --> 00:08:50.130 james murez: This off the screen, and let me go up here to you. 109 00:08:52.470 --> 00:08:54.600 james murez: Oh wait, I have to let Melissa and hold on a second. 110 00:08:56.280 --> 00:08:59.130 james murez: I have to stop sharing on and on Okay, I can do it from here. 111 00:09:00.600 --> 00:09:01.620 james murez: let's the diner. 112 00:09:02.640 --> 00:09:03.120 james murez: emote. 113 00:09:04.290 --> 00:09:07.050 james murez: devil i'm going to just in case for some reason, we were to get. 114 00:09:08.160 --> 00:09:13.020 james murez: disconnected because of this terrible weather, I mean it's really blowing windy over here i'm going to make you. 115 00:09:13.290 --> 00:09:13.890 Daffodil Tyminski: Here so. 116 00:09:14.040 --> 00:09:15.570 james murez: i'm going to make you co host as well. 117 00:09:15.990 --> 00:09:16.410 Okay. 118 00:09:17.700 --> 00:09:19.740 james murez: Melissa should now be in Melissa you're in. 119 00:09:20.940 --> 00:09:21.390 melissa diner: Okay. 120 00:09:21.480 --> 00:09:22.650 james murez: let's i'm going to go ahead and. 121 00:09:22.650 --> 00:09:23.370 james murez: Take the Minutes. 122 00:09:23.430 --> 00:09:24.330 james murez: And I will. 123 00:09:25.890 --> 00:09:31.890 james murez: I will, I will deal with this and we can figure it out on the on the back end okay after the meeting or something. 124 00:09:33.000 --> 00:09:43.980 melissa diner: But so then, what does that mean, do you need me like if you don't want it, you can do it that's totally fine anyone can take their own minutes, but you are you saying don't want me to take minutes. 125 00:09:44.970 --> 00:09:47.040 james murez: Oh yeah i'm going to take minutes for tonight. 126 00:09:48.990 --> 00:09:49.740 melissa diner: Because i'm doing it. 127 00:09:50.340 --> 00:09:55.320 james murez: i'm doing it from a word Doc, and so I just want to be able to keep track of it, and then you don't want to have to deal with the word Doc. 128 00:09:57.180 --> 00:10:01.950 melissa diner: Well, I mean I don't have to deal with the word Doc if I just take the Minutes. 129 00:10:02.160 --> 00:10:04.140 james murez: Oh Okay, well, we can both do it. 130 00:10:05.610 --> 00:10:06.720 melissa diner: Okay that's fine. 131 00:10:07.260 --> 00:10:12.000 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah she was most of Jim was reformatting stuff and I just didn't have enough time. 132 00:10:13.080 --> 00:10:13.410 Daffodil Tyminski: To. 133 00:10:14.370 --> 00:10:15.510 Daffodil Tyminski: get it done, I mean. 134 00:10:15.630 --> 00:10:30.120 melissa diner: All yeah for my that I I I just as happens, sometimes I just didn't have time to format it for the draft version which is add calm, but like you know it'll all be reformat it, as it always is for the for the jenna. 135 00:10:30.630 --> 00:10:38.670 james murez: Okay, so i've already reformatted so at least I could read it, and at this point i'm going to go through the reformatted version so let's call this meeting to order at 709. 136 00:10:42.600 --> 00:10:43.170 james murez: and 137 00:10:44.310 --> 00:10:45.390 james murez: daffodil are you here. 138 00:10:47.910 --> 00:10:48.540 Daffodil Tyminski: I am here. 139 00:10:48.720 --> 00:10:51.570 james murez: Okay, Jim yours is here, Melissa are you here. 140 00:10:52.860 --> 00:10:56.790 james murez: Well, this is here Mike bravo is not here, let me just quickly. 141 00:10:58.680 --> 00:11:00.300 james murez: comment him out here. 142 00:11:01.770 --> 00:11:02.790 james murez: Not here. 143 00:11:04.080 --> 00:11:07.530 james murez: i'm allie is here Jason sugars did he arrived. 144 00:11:08.730 --> 00:11:11.460 james murez: And somebody look at the palace and see here, I can do that. 145 00:11:11.970 --> 00:11:13.260 Daffodil Tyminski: I do not think he is here. 146 00:11:13.770 --> 00:11:17.790 james murez: Okay, so he comes in, somebody has to let us know by him raising his hand or something. 147 00:11:18.300 --> 00:11:19.620 james murez: Okay um. 148 00:11:19.680 --> 00:11:20.730 Daffodil Tyminski: i'll keep an eye on it to. 149 00:11:20.820 --> 00:11:21.600 james murez: Okay, thank you. 150 00:11:22.770 --> 00:11:25.740 james murez: My screen is being shared it's really hard to yeah. 151 00:11:25.770 --> 00:11:26.130 Daffodil Tyminski: I know. 152 00:11:26.400 --> 00:11:26.790 Okay. 153 00:11:27.900 --> 00:11:28.890 james murez: NICO are you here. 154 00:11:29.880 --> 00:11:30.390 Nico Ruderman: i'm here. 155 00:11:30.750 --> 00:11:32.760 james murez: Great Thank you Andre are you here. 156 00:11:35.790 --> 00:11:36.300 james murez: Andre. 157 00:11:39.780 --> 00:11:41.280 james murez: We need a verbal commitment. 158 00:11:42.780 --> 00:11:44.670 Daffodil Tyminski: You know he is not on at the moment. 159 00:11:45.930 --> 00:11:46.680 james murez: He was here. 160 00:11:47.040 --> 00:11:48.330 Daffodil Tyminski: He was here we. 161 00:11:49.110 --> 00:11:50.520 Nico Ruderman: All text real quick see what's up. 162 00:11:54.480 --> 00:11:57.360 james murez: Maybe the wind knocked him out okay well let's keep going. 163 00:11:58.470 --> 00:11:59.040 james murez: um. 164 00:12:02.520 --> 00:12:08.760 james murez: Approval of that standing administrative committee meeting minutes oh they're not included here, so we have to go to the next. 165 00:12:08.760 --> 00:12:11.070 melissa diner: We have wait hold on do we have a quorum. 166 00:12:11.640 --> 00:12:12.630 james murez: Yes, we have a quorum. 167 00:12:12.930 --> 00:12:13.830 melissa diner: Great Thank you. 168 00:12:15.000 --> 00:12:16.650 james murez: takes for for a quorum we have for. 169 00:12:18.930 --> 00:12:25.590 james murez: announcements and public comment on items, not on the agenda daffodil you want to see if there's any hands raised. 170 00:12:26.160 --> 00:12:32.550 Daffodil Tyminski: There is, we have two hands Helen fallon Lisa redmond anyone else have anything. 171 00:12:33.630 --> 00:12:34.620 Daffodil Tyminski: For it up now. 172 00:12:35.910 --> 00:12:39.630 Daffodil Tyminski: Alright, so we'll start with Lisa i'm Helen why don't you go ahead and go first. 173 00:12:40.620 --> 00:13:00.630 Helen Fallon: I just want to clarify something I was trying to look it up, but don't you have to have a majority of the committee for a quorum committee of eight correct so Why would it before just my very puzzling, and also on one of the items is coming up so well, I guess i'll address that one nevermind. 174 00:13:01.860 --> 00:13:02.310 Helen Fallon: Thank you. 175 00:13:04.590 --> 00:13:06.360 james murez: Last time I counted, we had five. 176 00:13:07.500 --> 00:13:13.110 Helen Fallon: Right Ivan said, you need only needed for so I mean let's just I mean, I think we should be clear on what. 177 00:13:14.850 --> 00:13:16.920 Ivan: was said requirements for. 178 00:13:19.230 --> 00:13:21.750 Daffodil Tyminski: It doesn't make a difference, actually, because we had five. 179 00:13:22.740 --> 00:13:26.640 Daffodil Tyminski: Right, thank you for bringing that up i'm go ahead Lisa make your comment. 180 00:13:27.480 --> 00:13:29.130 james murez: i've been called if we need you. 181 00:13:31.890 --> 00:13:31.980 Lisa Redmond: know. 182 00:13:34.020 --> 00:13:34.770 Daffodil Tyminski: say that again. 183 00:13:35.940 --> 00:13:37.950 Lisa Redmond: Is it my turn to talk others were talking. 184 00:13:38.640 --> 00:13:40.740 Daffodil Tyminski: it's your turn to talk so sorry about that go ahead. 185 00:13:41.430 --> 00:13:58.680 Lisa Redmond: i'm just going to point out that, for some people, it is a holiday and an important one, and so i'd appreciate sensitivity there, but, most importantly, it is a holiday and maybe we would consider in the future, not having meetings on days that are. 186 00:13:59.910 --> 00:14:09.750 Lisa Redmond: Technically, a holiday if it's important enough that the mail isn't delivered and banks are closed, I think it's an important enough day that possibly meeting should not be held. 187 00:14:10.980 --> 00:14:12.030 Lisa Redmond: for future reference. 188 00:14:13.530 --> 00:14:16.770 Daffodil Tyminski: thanks for that that's something we'll take in consideration. 189 00:14:18.570 --> 00:14:19.710 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so. 190 00:14:20.730 --> 00:14:23.160 Daffodil Tyminski: Go ahead next with the agenda, Jim. 191 00:14:23.850 --> 00:14:25.200 james murez: Okay well we're all. 192 00:14:25.680 --> 00:14:26.820 Daffodil Tyminski: I have, I have alone. 193 00:14:26.820 --> 00:14:27.540 Daffodil Tyminski: everyone's hands. 194 00:14:27.600 --> 00:14:30.030 james murez: Ivan says he has his hand up for public comment. 195 00:14:31.440 --> 00:14:33.690 Ivan: No it's not public comments it's an announcement. 196 00:14:37.230 --> 00:14:38.010 james murez: Okay, go ahead. 197 00:14:38.610 --> 00:14:39.600 Ivan: Okay, so. 198 00:14:40.860 --> 00:14:43.590 Ivan: I was notified by the city clerk. 199 00:14:45.840 --> 00:15:01.860 Ivan: The registrations from the election are available to us, I requested them as part of my left things being the election chair and they're supposed to come out tomorrow. 200 00:15:02.460 --> 00:15:14.640 Ivan: will be getting the names and dresses and that addresses the names and emails of everybody's I registered to vote the requested a ballot. 201 00:15:16.140 --> 00:15:25.290 Ivan: Those will be handed over to the communications officer for me for a addition to our mailing list databanks. 202 00:15:27.390 --> 00:15:27.870 Ivan: that's it. 203 00:15:28.410 --> 00:15:29.010 james murez: Thank you. 204 00:15:30.060 --> 00:15:30.510 Daffodil Tyminski: Thanks. 205 00:15:34.320 --> 00:15:41.400 james murez: Okay, moving right along old administrative business there's none new administrative business. 206 00:15:43.590 --> 00:15:48.570 james murez: We have to rick requisition two requests. 207 00:15:49.590 --> 00:15:59.340 james murez: To agenda request for put in to create some new committees and can I see there's hands are yup. 208 00:16:01.740 --> 00:16:03.420 james murez: did all the hands go down daffodil. 209 00:16:03.750 --> 00:16:04.530 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, they did. 210 00:16:04.710 --> 00:16:13.830 james murez: Okay, so their backup so so let's move on to five a approve of public safety mission statement. 211 00:16:15.720 --> 00:16:30.720 james murez: The request was being made by Helen fallon mission, the Venice neighborhood Council public health safety committee this is identical to the old one, I think mission is to increase all aspects of personal safety, health and everybody read that Do I need to read that. 212 00:16:31.950 --> 00:16:33.420 Alley Bean: I read it, I think. 213 00:16:33.810 --> 00:16:39.030 james murez: So I think it's on the screen everybody can read it, we don't need to read it into its into the recording it's good enough. 214 00:16:41.190 --> 00:16:45.600 james murez: So we need a motion to. 215 00:16:47.910 --> 00:16:49.860 james murez: open public comment I guess. 216 00:16:51.120 --> 00:16:52.110 Alley Bean: i'll make a motion. 217 00:16:53.610 --> 00:16:54.330 Daffodil Tyminski: Also, I can it. 218 00:16:55.560 --> 00:16:57.240 james murez: can do we have names of those people. 219 00:16:59.430 --> 00:16:59.910 Daffodil Tyminski: alley. 220 00:17:00.090 --> 00:17:02.130 Daffodil Tyminski: led motion seconded. 221 00:17:02.730 --> 00:17:08.700 melissa diner: And, just to be clear, Jim it's a motion to approve the mission statement great was that you're asking for. 222 00:17:10.050 --> 00:17:13.200 Alley Bean: open public comment okay through the mission statement an open. 223 00:17:13.260 --> 00:17:17.370 james murez: door to open yet to prove the mission statement and and open public on it. 224 00:17:18.480 --> 00:17:20.190 james murez: And daffodil seconded it is that right. 225 00:17:20.760 --> 00:17:22.200 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, right great. 226 00:17:22.260 --> 00:17:22.680 james murez: Thank you. 227 00:17:23.910 --> 00:17:27.420 james murez: um so yeah there's two hands up, I guess, did you want to call. 228 00:17:27.420 --> 00:17:33.480 Daffodil Tyminski: Our three hands up our our all of you it's Lisa redmond Helen fallon and Eric and more. 229 00:17:34.650 --> 00:17:39.270 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm Helen why don't since this was your request, why don't you go first. 230 00:17:42.690 --> 00:17:44.730 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh you're gonna have to unmute yourself. 231 00:17:44.940 --> 00:17:45.720 Helen Fallon: yeah I do. 232 00:17:46.200 --> 00:17:53.460 Helen Fallon: Okay, I think it's important that we have a public safety committee, I think this mission statement covered it all, I hope that. 233 00:17:54.720 --> 00:18:03.510 Helen Fallon: You will vote to approve this mission statement and then we'll put on the agenda on the draft agenda and Warren agenda. 234 00:18:04.020 --> 00:18:10.830 Helen Fallon: Establishment the reestablishment of this ad hoc committee Personally, I think it should be a standing committee but that's the bylaws issue. 235 00:18:11.460 --> 00:18:24.330 Helen Fallon: And more knows of that that he's ever going to address it, but meanwhile, I think this is important committee for the stakeholders to have we have a lot of attendance and a lot of interest, and it was functioning well and I would like to see it continue. 236 00:18:26.730 --> 00:18:27.360 Daffodil Tyminski: Thanks hon. 237 00:18:28.830 --> 00:18:32.280 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm Erica more go ahead. 238 00:18:34.320 --> 00:18:34.950 Erica Moore: hey there. 239 00:18:36.090 --> 00:18:36.630 Erica Moore: I actually. 240 00:18:39.630 --> 00:18:43.830 Erica Moore: And I was gonna say what Lisa said about not having a national holiday. 241 00:18:45.780 --> 00:18:57.570 Erica Moore: For you know bro a myriad of reasons but anyways first this I absolutely hope that you do support this because that particular committee was very effective and our community needs that. 242 00:18:58.650 --> 00:18:59.220 Erica Moore: So. 243 00:19:01.020 --> 00:19:07.530 Erica Moore: Yes, please really consider not having a meeting on a holiday that actually affects your. 244 00:19:09.900 --> 00:19:14.580 Erica Moore: absence is of our indigenous people, I mean Hello thanks. 245 00:19:16.920 --> 00:19:20.400 Andrea Boccaletti: used to be crystal clear here look what. 246 00:19:21.600 --> 00:19:21.960 Andrea Boccaletti: Right. 247 00:19:22.050 --> 00:19:22.800 james murez: This is back. 248 00:19:23.250 --> 00:19:24.180 Daffodil Tyminski: Andre is back. 249 00:19:25.470 --> 00:19:33.960 Daffodil Tyminski: Everyone knows we did consider moving the meeting, but there was not another date that we knew that we could get them in time that we can get the board agenda out in time. 250 00:19:34.560 --> 00:19:37.470 Daffodil Tyminski: So we didn't realize it was the holiday until. 251 00:19:38.820 --> 00:19:47.250 Daffodil Tyminski: Last week, you know upon us, so we are actually very sensitive to the issues we are not trying to any way to impact anyone's holiday. 252 00:19:47.940 --> 00:19:48.270 But. 253 00:19:49.770 --> 00:19:54.630 james murez: You know, we could just cancel it this point post postpone the the board meeting until next month. 254 00:19:55.710 --> 00:20:10.500 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah well we don't want to do that there's too many issues that we have to deal with, and so we don't want to be doing this on a holiday either, but this was what we thought was best for the Community, so we could keep the meeting going in October Lisa go ahead, you have to unmute yourself. 255 00:20:14.190 --> 00:20:23.640 Lisa Redmond: NICO it's not cool to keep bringing up that it's Columbus day um I i'm going to say that I understand the need for a public health and safety. 256 00:20:24.450 --> 00:20:29.730 Lisa Redmond: committee, but I really don't like the part of the mission statement that they talk about all the. 257 00:20:30.390 --> 00:20:37.230 Lisa Redmond: various different departments like building and safety and sanitation and animal services it basically gives them. 258 00:20:38.100 --> 00:20:45.390 Lisa Redmond: And by saying, like mind, it was similar missions that basically gives them free rein to talk about everything, and they did. 259 00:20:45.930 --> 00:20:58.620 Lisa Redmond: cross over into a lot of areas that were not part of their own bailiwick, so I would be appreciative of maybe just that line was taken out of their mission statement and the whole. 260 00:20:59.880 --> 00:21:01.890 Lisa Redmond: Area of what they discuss this tightened up. 261 00:21:02.400 --> 00:21:02.730 Alley Bean: To we. 262 00:21:02.970 --> 00:21:03.450 Lisa Redmond: are hoping. 263 00:21:03.660 --> 00:21:04.050 Lisa Redmond: They would be. 264 00:21:04.080 --> 00:21:17.700 Lisa Redmond: Fine Lisa I was talking about where it goes and all Los Angeles city departments with similar mission, such as building and safety and sanitation and animal services, you know. 265 00:21:20.730 --> 00:21:33.090 Lisa Redmond: It just kind of gives them like I said, open to be able to talk about anything and they were they were passing motions on homeless housing that had nothing to do with them, among other issues as well. 266 00:21:34.530 --> 00:21:35.400 Daffodil Tyminski: Thank you Lisa. 267 00:21:35.910 --> 00:21:36.540 Lisa Redmond: Thank you. 268 00:21:38.790 --> 00:21:40.020 james murez: Is that the end of public comment. 269 00:21:40.680 --> 00:21:46.020 Daffodil Tyminski: Well we've got Helen with her hand up again Lisa I guess did not put her hand down, I will let her it. 270 00:21:47.160 --> 00:21:47.850 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 271 00:21:51.510 --> 00:21:52.920 Daffodil Tyminski: I think we're aware of the issue. 272 00:21:54.600 --> 00:21:55.170 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 273 00:21:56.880 --> 00:22:00.780 Daffodil Tyminski: Is there any comment with the committee I see, we have two hands up. 274 00:22:03.720 --> 00:22:03.960 Daffodil Tyminski: and 275 00:22:04.020 --> 00:22:05.820 Daffodil Tyminski: Andrea why don't you go first. 276 00:22:06.960 --> 00:22:20.010 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay i'm in reference it wasn't NICO that made the comment about Christopher Columbus day it's been Christopher Columbus day I know it's also a indigenous peoples Day, which I absolutely. 277 00:22:21.180 --> 00:22:22.860 Andrea Boccaletti: Support absolutely. 278 00:22:24.120 --> 00:22:26.370 Andrea Boccaletti: But anyway, i'm here tonight, so um. 279 00:22:28.500 --> 00:22:38.280 Andrea Boccaletti: I also want to say that I like that line being included in there and all Los Angeles city departments for this similar mission, because we all know that building safety can cause a lot of. 280 00:22:40.440 --> 00:22:47.490 Andrea Boccaletti: You know, unsafe conditions and things for for neighborhoods as well, so let's let's keep that in there, sanitation, I like it. 281 00:22:48.510 --> 00:22:49.320 Andrea Boccaletti: that's it Thank you. 282 00:22:49.440 --> 00:22:53.700 Daffodil Tyminski: Thanks Andrea NICO go ahead, you need to unmute yourself. 283 00:22:55.320 --> 00:23:05.670 Nico Ruderman: yeah I just want to comment Lisa I didn't say a word tonight, except for presence and I in fact I was just texting my friend Mike bravo that I was offended we're having this meeting tonight, but, but thanks for the shoutout appreciate it Lisa. 284 00:23:10.050 --> 00:23:10.860 Daffodil Tyminski: Ali go ahead. 285 00:23:11.490 --> 00:23:21.240 Alley Bean: Okay, I just have a question Helen is the or Jim whoever knows the answer, is this the same exact Mr mission statement from the previous committee. 286 00:23:22.920 --> 00:23:23.190 Helen Fallon: So. 287 00:23:23.940 --> 00:23:26.460 james murez: I did I did check it and, yes, it is the idea. 288 00:23:26.910 --> 00:23:37.830 Helen Fallon: I just wanted, and I would add that it's based on those departments are under the umbrella of public health and safety in the city that's why they were okay I mentioned, thank you. 289 00:23:37.920 --> 00:23:54.000 Alley Bean: I just want I didn't want to make sure, thank you and, by the way I did speak with Mike bravo and he's he was not offended he just wasn't free and I did you know I talked to him this morning, to see if it was problem he's he's good. 290 00:23:55.410 --> 00:23:56.640 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, thanks for that. 291 00:23:57.300 --> 00:23:58.560 Daffodil Tyminski: Jim go ahead, you have a comment. 292 00:23:59.070 --> 00:24:00.660 james murez: yeah, I just wanted to say that. 293 00:24:02.340 --> 00:24:12.810 james murez: In the past we haven't watched how the committee's have have stepped over the lines of one another in nearly as closely as we're going to in the future, this is one of the things that. 294 00:24:13.410 --> 00:24:20.880 james murez: Both daffodil and I have been working at trying to to make sure we don't have the problems that we had in the past. 295 00:24:21.330 --> 00:24:27.180 james murez: And the consideration of whether or not that line stayed in or was removed with something I thought very seriously about. 296 00:24:27.840 --> 00:24:38.700 james murez: Well, I was reading the mission statement and went back and confirm that this mission statement was the same as the previous mission statement, and it was, and I just feel like you know if if. 297 00:24:40.830 --> 00:24:48.390 james murez: This committee starts to step on toes of someone like like the land use and planning committee through building and safety issues. 298 00:24:48.870 --> 00:25:02.700 james murez: will deal with it when the time comes, and either they'll have a joint meeting or this Community this committee will probably have to step back, because the other committee is a standing committee, and it has a higher rank than an ad hoc committee. 299 00:25:04.140 --> 00:25:05.610 james murez: that's all I have to say thank you. 300 00:25:06.690 --> 00:25:07.140 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 301 00:25:08.490 --> 00:25:12.000 Daffodil Tyminski: You know, I have a comment but Melissa why don't you go first and i'll and i'll go. 302 00:25:12.090 --> 00:25:28.650 melissa diner: Oh, I was just gonna say not on topic, but i'm happy to add as a small constellation to today that we call our meeting to order in honor of indigenous peoples day if everyone's on board for that and I just added it as a note seven minutes. 303 00:25:31.020 --> 00:25:31.200 melissa diner: Of. 304 00:25:32.280 --> 00:25:32.910 melissa diner: board meeting. 305 00:25:33.180 --> 00:25:37.500 james murez: that's a nice gesture we can do that to you okay yeah. 306 00:25:37.740 --> 00:25:52.290 Daffodil Tyminski: that's great um yeah I am when when we got the request and Jim and I did talk about it and Lisa that's a great catch we we had the same thought that you did like is this too broad and then we realized it's the. 307 00:25:52.290 --> 00:25:56.490 Daffodil Tyminski: same as it was, and we realized, where the language came from, so it made sense. 308 00:25:57.060 --> 00:26:05.970 Daffodil Tyminski: But i've met with various committee heads with you know a lot of committees crossover and i've had the same conversation with everyone, which is. 309 00:26:06.330 --> 00:26:19.710 Daffodil Tyminski: Just be respectful try to stay in your lane, and if there's a problem just be open to dealing with it, so there may be, and you know I know everyone kept complaining, in the last term about this committee, you know overshooting. 310 00:26:20.460 --> 00:26:30.810 Daffodil Tyminski: Its boundaries, but I honestly think that if we just kind of collaborate on this it's not going to be that big of a deal, and I do appreciate that the language comes from the city itself. 311 00:26:31.980 --> 00:26:38.490 Daffodil Tyminski: So I throw that out there for what it is, but I do think you know Lisa to address your concern we'll keep an eye on it moving forward. 312 00:26:42.210 --> 00:26:43.290 james murez: We take a vote on this. 313 00:26:45.660 --> 00:26:53.610 james murez: We need a vote to approve the mission statement know the creation of the committee. 314 00:26:54.810 --> 00:26:55.140 Daffodil Tyminski: hmm. 315 00:26:57.510 --> 00:26:59.100 Daffodil Tyminski: Can I ask a question of Ivan. 316 00:26:59.460 --> 00:27:01.260 james murez: yeah go ahead cuz I was gonna ask them to. 317 00:27:04.170 --> 00:27:10.230 Daffodil Tyminski: zoom has put us into an awkward parliamentary procedure here are either gym or I should not vote. 318 00:27:12.180 --> 00:27:12.570 Ivan: Why. 319 00:27:13.350 --> 00:27:17.970 Ivan: Because reading terrorism, leaving know you can vote. 320 00:27:19.410 --> 00:27:20.580 Ivan: Everybody can vote. 321 00:27:23.310 --> 00:27:28.950 james murez: The only only one of us is allowed to make the motion and since you're conducting the. 322 00:27:29.670 --> 00:27:36.090 Ivan: yeah whoever the Chair cannot make her second motion but vote. 323 00:27:36.360 --> 00:27:39.570 Daffodil Tyminski: i'll make the motion I misunderstood the conversation we had earlier nevermind them. 324 00:27:40.320 --> 00:27:48.420 melissa diner: But then I have a point of clarification Ivan, then the original motion should just be to create the committee correct. 325 00:27:53.160 --> 00:27:53.430 Ivan: That. 326 00:27:53.790 --> 00:27:56.970 james murez: we're approving we're approving the mission statement the. 327 00:27:58.080 --> 00:27:59.490 melissa diner: original emotion was. 328 00:27:59.580 --> 00:28:01.230 melissa diner: Right yeah right. 329 00:28:01.770 --> 00:28:05.910 Ivan: All right, if it passes i'll tell you what what can go on the board agenda. 330 00:28:05.970 --> 00:28:07.200 james murez: Now, or you will. 331 00:28:07.260 --> 00:28:07.770 james murez: will do that. 332 00:28:08.610 --> 00:28:11.100 james murez: Ivan Ivan will do that offline Thank you. 333 00:28:12.120 --> 00:28:14.520 Daffodil Tyminski: All right, go ahead, Jim call about. 334 00:28:14.940 --> 00:28:19.920 james murez: Yes, um well Okay, I have to stop sharing my screen, so I can see, who all of. 335 00:28:20.040 --> 00:28:22.020 melissa diner: It can call a boat, why do you need I mean. 336 00:28:23.490 --> 00:28:24.510 james murez: you're the one that does a. 337 00:28:24.750 --> 00:28:25.980 melissa diner: Great daffodil. 338 00:28:26.550 --> 00:28:27.120 Yes. 339 00:28:28.830 --> 00:28:29.190 james murez: Yes. 340 00:28:29.700 --> 00:28:31.080 melissa diner: I vote yes Ali. 341 00:28:31.350 --> 00:28:33.000 melissa diner: Yes, NICO. 342 00:28:33.900 --> 00:28:34.290 Yes. 343 00:28:35.970 --> 00:28:36.420 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes. 344 00:28:36.930 --> 00:28:37.770 unanimous. 345 00:28:41.550 --> 00:28:43.530 james murez: Okay, let me share the screen again. 346 00:28:45.900 --> 00:28:47.790 james murez: We doing a lot of us tonight, it seems like. 347 00:28:49.230 --> 00:28:53.430 james murez: Okay, the next one by be um. 348 00:28:55.050 --> 00:28:57.540 james murez: Somebody want to make the motion. 349 00:29:00.150 --> 00:29:03.540 Alley Bean: I will want to make a motion to pass the approval of. 350 00:29:03.870 --> 00:29:05.310 james murez: Of this mission statement. 351 00:29:05.550 --> 00:29:08.220 Alley Bean: Of this mission statement, I will make that motion. 352 00:29:08.880 --> 00:29:14.670 james murez: The mission statement is to have a second ad hoc committee oh that's not quite what it says. 353 00:29:15.090 --> 00:29:15.840 Alley Bean: What it is. 354 00:29:16.080 --> 00:29:17.430 james murez: that's what this is yes. 355 00:29:19.440 --> 00:29:21.420 Alley Bean: Oh, to make a separate one than the other one. 356 00:29:21.780 --> 00:29:35.910 james murez: Well yeah I mean that's what's on the agenda that this was submitted as an agenda request from Lisa redmond and it's the approval of an ad hoc homeless Committee and the mission statement is here. 357 00:29:37.890 --> 00:29:38.070 So. 358 00:29:43.230 --> 00:29:44.280 james murez: Okay, so. 359 00:29:45.570 --> 00:29:49.140 james murez: Lead being Melissa great. 360 00:29:50.700 --> 00:29:51.210 james murez: i'm. 361 00:29:53.130 --> 00:29:55.740 james murez: definitely want to go ahead and take public comment. 362 00:29:56.160 --> 00:30:00.900 Daffodil Tyminski: Sure um Lisa go ahead, you need to unmute yourself. 363 00:30:03.330 --> 00:30:13.020 Lisa Redmond: First off my apologies NICO I meant to Sandra it was a human error, I i'm I take that back i'm sorry for shouting you out. 364 00:30:13.710 --> 00:30:22.590 Lisa Redmond: I apologize i'm actually this really doesn't even need to be on the agenda because last month that didn't make the agenda and I called. 365 00:30:22.980 --> 00:30:34.860 Lisa Redmond: In there was some confusion about was it made in time or not, but anyway, you did pull it up you discussed it, it went on to the board agenda the Boards already approved this last month it's the same exact. 366 00:30:35.790 --> 00:30:45.900 Lisa Redmond: mission statement and you created the committee and named frank Murphy is the Chair it really doesn't even need to be on the agenda whatsoever it's already done. 367 00:30:48.120 --> 00:30:57.330 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, well then let's just move on thanks for letting it we didn't know that we probably should have reached out for clarification, but we weren't aware that you weren't intending to do something separate so. 368 00:30:57.510 --> 00:30:57.780 No. 369 00:30:58.950 --> 00:30:59.520 Alley Bean: yeah I remember. 370 00:31:00.120 --> 00:31:10.050 Lisa Redmond: I said it wasn't on and we have in there was a confusion of not making it on time, or it was on time or not anyway it's all it's a done in overthink it's all good. 371 00:31:10.650 --> 00:31:11.280 james murez: Okay, great. 372 00:31:12.090 --> 00:31:13.020 Ivan: All right, Jim. 373 00:31:13.290 --> 00:31:13.560 james murez: Is there. 374 00:31:14.580 --> 00:31:16.890 james murez: Is there any other public comment on the item on the floor. 375 00:31:17.100 --> 00:31:18.300 Alley Bean: I just had a question. 376 00:31:19.290 --> 00:31:20.100 james murez: yeah go ahead Alex. 377 00:31:21.030 --> 00:31:22.800 Alley Bean: Are you are you now the Co chair. 378 00:31:22.860 --> 00:31:25.860 james murez: The one second i'm going to close public comment on this item. 379 00:31:25.920 --> 00:31:26.640 james murez: How we go ahead. 380 00:31:27.300 --> 00:31:33.330 Alley Bean: I was just curious Lisa are you so I got confused last week to are you now the Co chair of with frank Murphy. 381 00:31:33.720 --> 00:31:34.680 Lisa Redmond: Of the woman me. 382 00:31:35.250 --> 00:31:39.210 Lisa Redmond: No, I don't think frank wants a Co chair and i'm not even sure if i'm on the committee. 383 00:31:41.160 --> 00:31:46.980 james murez: Oh okay let's let's get back let's get back to our regularly scheduled show here. 384 00:31:47.370 --> 00:31:49.830 Alley Bean: If that's her mission statement i'm just curious should yes. 385 00:31:49.830 --> 00:31:54.960 james murez: No, no that's okay Okay, so now we have to move on to Item number six consideration and approval of. 386 00:31:54.960 --> 00:31:55.170 The. 387 00:31:56.490 --> 00:31:56.970 james murez: board. 388 00:31:58.320 --> 00:31:59.910 Daffodil Tyminski: Again, someone needs to withdraw them. 389 00:32:01.380 --> 00:32:06.570 Ivan: Somebody made a motion to put to put this on the floor you. 390 00:32:06.720 --> 00:32:08.790 Ivan: have to get a motion now to remove it. 391 00:32:09.030 --> 00:32:11.880 james murez: Okay, do I can I have emotional remove this from the floor. 392 00:32:12.450 --> 00:32:13.440 Alley Bean: I make a motion. 393 00:32:13.800 --> 00:32:15.090 Andrea Boccaletti: thing today I will second to. 394 00:32:15.810 --> 00:32:19.470 james murez: Thank you Andre all those in favor say Aye. 395 00:32:20.160 --> 00:32:22.800 james murez: Aye we thought we should have a roll call vote. 396 00:32:23.790 --> 00:32:24.720 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I would just do it. 397 00:32:24.930 --> 00:32:26.160 james murez: yeah go ahead down. 398 00:32:28.530 --> 00:32:28.890 james murez: excuse. 399 00:32:29.250 --> 00:32:29.790 melissa diner: To go. 400 00:32:30.450 --> 00:32:30.870 yeah. 401 00:32:33.360 --> 00:32:34.560 james murez: Too many shops. 402 00:32:35.130 --> 00:32:36.570 james murez: damn yes. 403 00:32:37.590 --> 00:32:39.270 melissa diner: Oh, is that, yes, Ali. 404 00:32:39.540 --> 00:32:42.000 melissa diner: Yes, you go. 405 00:32:42.930 --> 00:32:43.440 Yes. 406 00:32:45.120 --> 00:32:45.510 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes. 407 00:32:46.710 --> 00:32:47.160 melissa diner: Great. 408 00:32:49.380 --> 00:32:52.920 james murez: Okay now back to our regularly scheduled show. 409 00:32:55.860 --> 00:32:58.230 james murez: Okay, so let's move on to. 410 00:32:59.340 --> 00:33:00.540 james murez: The Board agenda. 411 00:33:05.250 --> 00:33:12.000 james murez: Okay, so i'm Melissa in this version I already fixed the link here, just so you're aware of it. 412 00:33:13.200 --> 00:33:17.430 james murez: But you're going to need to put it into the one that's in the, what do you call it in the. 413 00:33:17.850 --> 00:33:22.410 melissa diner: I just gym again, this is just a draft board agenda. 414 00:33:22.470 --> 00:33:23.910 melissa diner: Anything that's final. 415 00:33:23.940 --> 00:33:26.670 melissa diner: We can sing on on the board agenda, no. 416 00:33:26.670 --> 00:33:27.840 melissa diner: problem absolutely. 417 00:33:28.170 --> 00:33:32.430 james murez: Okay um so item one no problem. 418 00:33:34.440 --> 00:33:38.640 james murez: We can approve that can we approve two. 419 00:33:40.350 --> 00:33:42.360 james murez: and three. 420 00:33:44.730 --> 00:33:46.140 james murez: and four. 421 00:33:47.160 --> 00:33:49.740 james murez: And five a. 422 00:33:50.850 --> 00:33:52.800 james murez: And five be. 423 00:33:55.980 --> 00:33:57.990 james murez: And six a. 424 00:33:59.310 --> 00:34:01.560 james murez: And six be. 425 00:34:01.920 --> 00:34:03.600 melissa diner: No, no, just do it through five. 426 00:34:03.630 --> 00:34:06.510 melissa diner: Because of questions on six because. 427 00:34:06.540 --> 00:34:09.510 melissa diner: Items weren't submitted so just do it through the end of five. 428 00:34:10.140 --> 00:34:10.650 OK. 429 00:34:13.710 --> 00:34:19.620 james murez: OK, can I can, I have a motion to approve items one through five beam. 430 00:34:20.250 --> 00:34:21.510 Andrea Boccaletti: And today i'll make that motion. 431 00:34:24.210 --> 00:34:24.870 james murez: Who is that. 432 00:34:26.760 --> 00:34:27.390 james murez: Who seconded. 433 00:34:28.080 --> 00:34:30.870 Daffodil Tyminski: I was daffodil but someone else may have spoken up as well. 434 00:34:31.440 --> 00:34:38.880 james murez: Thank you daffodil Andre made the motion daffodil seconded do we have any hand, we have to raise hands. 435 00:34:40.530 --> 00:34:43.950 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay um Lisa redmond go ahead. 436 00:34:46.290 --> 00:34:49.020 Lisa Redmond: um first of all, under. 437 00:34:50.070 --> 00:35:03.060 Lisa Redmond: Five be government reports and b&c announcements i'll just go stay with that Tristan marler is misspelled it's Tristan T and not Tristan. 438 00:35:03.900 --> 00:35:20.370 Lisa Redmond: Nobody likes their name misspelled and secondly um you only list some of the committee's and not all of the committee's and so i'm starting to think if everyone's going to give committee reports at that point 15 minutes is a long time. 439 00:35:21.510 --> 00:35:21.930 Lisa Redmond: that's all. 440 00:35:25.260 --> 00:35:25.710 Daffodil Tyminski: Thank you. 441 00:35:27.360 --> 00:35:28.200 Daffodil Tyminski: Helen go ahead. 442 00:35:29.250 --> 00:35:34.770 Helen Fallon: Jim can you scroll back up i'm not sure to five something either the stuff on the redistricting. 443 00:35:35.550 --> 00:35:38.820 james murez: yeah um I think that's farther down Oh, maybe I. 444 00:35:38.820 --> 00:35:41.760 Helen Fallon: was five something's up there. 445 00:35:43.140 --> 00:35:43.560 Helen Fallon: Right. 446 00:35:44.070 --> 00:35:45.870 Helen Fallon: Is there gonna be is this going to be. 447 00:35:45.900 --> 00:35:48.360 Helen Fallon: flushed out a little bit because, like. 448 00:35:50.160 --> 00:35:56.100 Helen Fallon: What is I don't understand it's more than a report or you've got a motion apparently. 449 00:35:57.870 --> 00:36:10.410 james murez: um yeah well we're gonna have to decide on that we need to provide the document we didn't have it for this meeting, so the red note is in there to get it onto the Boards agenda and we'll decide when we get there. 450 00:36:10.770 --> 00:36:16.770 Helen Fallon: That shouldn't be under new business are you going to be voting on it in the section where it's under reports and announcements, I guess that's just. 451 00:36:17.790 --> 00:36:28.440 james murez: I will have to find out from Ivan later that's a good question whether or not it needs to be here or someplace else it's possible that needs to be under new business and i'll put a note in here right now. 452 00:36:38.340 --> 00:36:41.010 james murez: Because it's the type of committee that it is. 453 00:36:43.140 --> 00:36:55.200 james murez: i'm not sure because it's a it's a task force it's not actually a so it's a task force that I created i'm not sure what's given, but I will find out, and we will do it according to whatever parliamentary procedures are Thank you Hello. 454 00:36:57.780 --> 00:36:59.310 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, and that's it for public comment. 455 00:37:01.290 --> 00:37:01.830 james murez: Okay. 456 00:37:02.400 --> 00:37:03.450 Ivan: um I had. 457 00:37:05.040 --> 00:37:09.720 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh sorry I didn't we have you're in a different screen on my view. 458 00:37:10.710 --> 00:37:12.180 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, good. 459 00:37:12.570 --> 00:37:31.950 Ivan: Alright, so suggestion here, the Presidents report and announcements supposed to be specific things that the President needs to tell everybody things other reports should go under number five scheduled advancement and presentation. 460 00:37:32.850 --> 00:37:36.480 james murez: Okay, so you're saying move special report for led w. 461 00:37:37.170 --> 00:37:38.610 Ivan: Both of these reports. 462 00:37:38.910 --> 00:37:42.990 Ivan: You want to make these presentations a report that's where they should go. 463 00:37:43.980 --> 00:37:45.480 Ivan: report should only be for you. 464 00:37:45.990 --> 00:37:46.470 james murez: got it. 465 00:37:47.070 --> 00:37:47.520 Okay. 466 00:37:49.140 --> 00:37:49.590 james murez: Okay. 467 00:37:51.990 --> 00:37:56.430 Daffodil Tyminski: Thank you Ivan okay okay So is there any other board comment. 468 00:38:01.830 --> 00:38:04.170 Daffodil Tyminski: Seeing on see no hands. 469 00:38:05.550 --> 00:38:06.240 Andrea Boccaletti: or comment. 470 00:38:06.570 --> 00:38:07.260 james murez: yeah go ahead. 471 00:38:08.040 --> 00:38:18.690 Andrea Boccaletti: I do want to just ask is so is that true what Lisa said about all the committee's it's it's every single committee that we have is going to give a 15 minute or as 15 minutes to give a report. 472 00:38:19.350 --> 00:38:29.790 james murez: I mentioned that last time, I would like every committee to give a report, but I would like to encourage all of the committee's to to pre record their reports into a two minute video. 473 00:38:30.720 --> 00:38:38.700 james murez: So we don't get carried away and have five minute reports from one and 32nd reports from somebody else it's clearly if a committee doesn't need to make a. 474 00:38:39.660 --> 00:38:49.770 james murez: Two minute report and they only need to make a 32nd report there's no reason to try and extend it out, but I would like to make sure that we try and stick on some kind of schedule and if we could pre record them. 475 00:38:50.370 --> 00:38:58.770 james murez: Because everybody's only able to see it in video anyway, it would also allow some of the committee chairs, to be able to give their reports, perhaps. 476 00:38:59.430 --> 00:39:08.190 james murez: In front of a bicycle zooming by on ocean walk for a house under construction or you know, whatever. 477 00:39:08.490 --> 00:39:15.390 james murez: It might make it a little bit more colorful and interesting if the reports were actually out in the field that somebody could just do with a selfie on their phone. 478 00:39:16.050 --> 00:39:25.740 james murez: It might make it more interesting so yeah, I would like to see the reports be pre recorded, and I would like to see each committee being able to make a report in your case you could be sitting in front of an adding machine. 479 00:39:27.360 --> 00:39:29.130 Andrea Boccaletti: of me to my editor. 480 00:39:29.490 --> 00:39:29.970 james murez: There you go. 481 00:39:30.540 --> 00:39:32.490 james murez: It will be something to report you actually. 482 00:39:32.490 --> 00:39:34.140 Daffodil Tyminski: already has a report section. 483 00:39:34.170 --> 00:39:37.470 james murez: Now that's true you already have a report, so you probably wouldn't need to. 484 00:39:39.510 --> 00:39:47.100 Daffodil Tyminski: that that was the comment I was going to make that I don't think we need a separate spot for the budget advocates immediately followed by the Budget Committee report. 485 00:39:47.400 --> 00:39:48.240 james murez: Was that in here. 486 00:39:48.720 --> 00:39:49.890 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah i'm. 487 00:39:50.910 --> 00:39:51.420 Daffodil Tyminski: On five. 488 00:39:51.450 --> 00:40:00.480 james murez: Be isn't the budget advocate though my understanding is the budget advocate is a separate thing from what. 489 00:40:01.620 --> 00:40:08.280 james murez: The treasures job is for the dnc board, in other words it's it's participating as. 490 00:40:08.280 --> 00:40:10.860 Daffodil Tyminski: Well, yes, but i'm just thinking practically. 491 00:40:11.490 --> 00:40:21.600 james murez: yeah because in the olden days when we still were able to do live meetings, the budget advocates would all meet downtown and they would sit around and and you know. 492 00:40:22.680 --> 00:40:30.030 james murez: Carry on about how the mayor's budget was being handled, that would be a great background for a video if somebody was doing it live anymore. 493 00:40:30.780 --> 00:40:44.250 james murez: I mean, I think that if they're going to do the same kind of format, but they're going to do it on live on on a zoom call that might be the place to you know make one's recording I don't know i'm just saying. 494 00:40:44.280 --> 00:40:47.100 Daffodil Tyminski: But i'm just it's fine let's just move on. 495 00:40:47.220 --> 00:40:49.980 james murez: If we don't have the reports if there's nothing to. 496 00:40:50.130 --> 00:40:50.520 Daffodil Tyminski: Do it. 497 00:40:51.840 --> 00:40:52.650 Daffodil Tyminski: No twist K. 498 00:40:52.710 --> 00:40:57.930 Daffodil Tyminski: So we've emotion on the floor for items one through five be. 499 00:41:00.030 --> 00:41:01.500 Daffodil Tyminski: To put those on the agenda. 500 00:41:02.130 --> 00:41:05.820 james murez: yeah so Melissa could you take the the roll call vote, please. 501 00:41:06.900 --> 00:41:07.170 melissa diner: yeah. 502 00:41:07.860 --> 00:41:08.340 yeah yes. 503 00:41:10.200 --> 00:41:10.800 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes. 504 00:41:11.610 --> 00:41:12.300 Yes. 505 00:41:13.740 --> 00:41:14.250 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes. 506 00:41:15.210 --> 00:41:15.750 Ali. 507 00:41:19.500 --> 00:41:20.010 melissa diner: Ali. 508 00:41:23.340 --> 00:41:24.030 Yes, i'm sorry. 509 00:41:27.990 --> 00:41:28.530 melissa diner: NICO. 510 00:41:30.450 --> 00:41:30.900 Nico Ruderman: Yes. 511 00:41:31.590 --> 00:41:32.220 Thanks. 512 00:41:35.910 --> 00:41:36.480 james murez: Okay. 513 00:41:37.860 --> 00:41:40.050 james murez: I assume that that meant the motion carried. 514 00:41:42.120 --> 00:41:58.050 melissa diner: Over we don't need to like make a separate motion for items six but just quick thing like Andrea you need to submit to me as soon as possible, the actual motions for your reports they have to come in as promotions, as we. 515 00:41:58.050 --> 00:41:59.310 melissa diner: discussed in addition. 516 00:41:59.790 --> 00:42:08.100 Andrea Boccaletti: be okay, I have a question about that because i've never done it once and i've been on three board members meetings as treasurer so. 517 00:42:08.670 --> 00:42:15.960 melissa diner: we've been doing it for you, but that's going to end for all committees us doing things for them and we're trying to transition. 518 00:42:16.290 --> 00:42:24.570 melissa diner: In being nice, but you know jim's also trying to like make sure everyone's accountable for what they have to do in a new way so. 519 00:42:25.380 --> 00:42:37.530 melissa diner: So this is something he always submitted every month, I can send you and you can look back at any previous board agenda copy and paste it exactly how it's been submitted with attachment moving forward, you say you know. 520 00:42:39.570 --> 00:42:39.900 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay. 521 00:42:41.190 --> 00:42:46.410 james murez: Thank you, Melissa and and the link that the URL that's here, this is to the correct. 522 00:42:47.640 --> 00:42:49.620 james murez: Expenditure report so. 523 00:42:50.970 --> 00:42:59.910 james murez: That was one that I went and looked up there's two hands raised do we have a motion first to approve six a&b 668 and. 524 00:42:59.910 --> 00:43:04.830 melissa diner: 16 we can just keep going through the agenda gym like numbers like. 525 00:43:04.860 --> 00:43:05.520 james murez: molto. 526 00:43:05.580 --> 00:43:06.510 melissa diner: Number you have to. 527 00:43:06.630 --> 00:43:08.790 james murez: We have raised hands i'm not sure if it's about. 528 00:43:09.750 --> 00:43:18.600 melissa diner: These items we have another emotion yet so we don't have to take any raise hands, if you just keep going through, and then we get a motion on the floor, since it's already. 529 00:43:18.750 --> 00:43:42.120 james murez: Okay, six and seven, eight and eight we can't really do at this point we don't know, I guess, we can okay so, six, seven and eight and nine, but we haven't filled in what nine is going to be yet so we'll figure that as as we move forward so can I get for 6789 please. 530 00:43:43.950 --> 00:43:45.210 Daffodil Tyminski: I will make a motion. 531 00:43:46.920 --> 00:43:47.910 james murez: Who said that. 532 00:43:48.030 --> 00:43:49.890 james murez: Who was that staff, no Okay, thank you. 533 00:43:50.910 --> 00:43:54.570 james murez: um and Andre made the second you got that Melissa. 534 00:43:55.380 --> 00:43:55.980 melissa diner: I got it. 535 00:43:56.160 --> 00:43:58.920 james murez: Okay now public comment on those four items. 536 00:43:59.340 --> 00:44:01.710 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, um Lisa redmond go ahead. 537 00:44:03.780 --> 00:44:08.820 Lisa Redmond: Yes, six, eight, at last, month's add calm meeting there was discussion about. 538 00:44:09.480 --> 00:44:26.190 Lisa Redmond: The m E R and that it's an acronym and even Jim said hell yeah i'm a big fan of spelling something out first before we use an acronym and then it never made it to the board agenda to which many people during the board meeting said what's m er so perhaps we can spell it out. 539 00:44:26.640 --> 00:44:27.900 james murez: it's spelled out here. 540 00:44:29.310 --> 00:44:29.910 Lisa Redmond: um. 541 00:44:30.240 --> 00:44:30.660 Alley Bean: When I. 542 00:44:31.470 --> 00:44:32.940 james murez: were right here. 543 00:44:33.270 --> 00:44:34.890 Lisa Redmond: monthly expenditure will now. 544 00:44:34.890 --> 00:44:37.260 Lisa Redmond: yeah but the one i'm looking at it is not. 545 00:44:37.470 --> 00:44:47.910 james murez: Right, it would there were there were a number of corrections that were made minor details that were made in the copy that we're going to be looking at on screen to the one that was posted online. 546 00:44:48.240 --> 00:44:51.150 Lisa Redmond: But okay i'm gonna looking at the one on one all right that's all. 547 00:44:51.450 --> 00:44:51.990 james murez: Thank you. 548 00:44:52.560 --> 00:44:53.640 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah thanks for that. 549 00:44:54.810 --> 00:44:56.760 Daffodil Tyminski: Helen go ahead and unmute yourself. 550 00:44:59.730 --> 00:45:05.640 Helen Fallon: I just want to point out that, if this is going to be submitted by the treasure and this came up at the budget. 551 00:45:06.690 --> 00:45:16.080 Helen Fallon: there's no reason at all for these reports to be two months behind they're not the monthly expenditure reports prepare by the city is not. 552 00:45:16.530 --> 00:45:33.420 Helen Fallon: negotiable it's just the facts is just what you've spent it's just what's been uploaded and that's it doesn't require approval and a foundry is going to be doing it, you can just submit it just as you know, this is just as on here, and he submitted before the final the final agendas. 553 00:45:34.560 --> 00:45:49.230 Helen Fallon: The agenda is finalized there's nothing you need to look at or discuss about it, and then you can be caught up and you're always current I just don't understand why you want to remain two months behind it makes no sense whatsoever so. 554 00:45:50.010 --> 00:45:51.960 Daffodil Tyminski: Thank you i'm. 555 00:45:53.010 --> 00:45:55.860 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay i'm bored comment either. 556 00:45:56.370 --> 00:45:58.500 james murez: way, we have to close public comment. 557 00:45:59.190 --> 00:46:00.630 Daffodil Tyminski: We have closed public comment. 558 00:46:00.840 --> 00:46:01.260 james murez: Thank you. 559 00:46:06.060 --> 00:46:06.390 Ivan: Okay. 560 00:46:08.250 --> 00:46:09.150 Ivan: All right, so. 561 00:46:10.290 --> 00:46:14.970 Ivan: If I remember, right from the budget meeting we never approved the murder, because we didn't have it. 562 00:46:17.760 --> 00:46:19.980 Ivan: So i'm not sure what murder says. 563 00:46:20.790 --> 00:46:21.900 Andrea Boccaletti: I did we did have it. 564 00:46:21.990 --> 00:46:24.690 james murez: We have the July we have that report, this is the. 565 00:46:24.690 --> 00:46:25.410 Ivan: July one. 566 00:46:27.150 --> 00:46:28.290 james murez: I can bring it up. 567 00:46:28.290 --> 00:46:31.800 Ivan: The latest one remember, we had to push it to the next month. 568 00:46:33.150 --> 00:46:34.710 Andrea Boccaletti: know we have proved the August summer. 569 00:46:36.150 --> 00:46:36.690 Ivan: Okay. 570 00:46:36.780 --> 00:46:38.940 james murez: The Minister in there, so far. 571 00:46:39.000 --> 00:46:43.140 Ivan: Alright, so this is why I don't have it in front of me and the version I got. 572 00:46:44.190 --> 00:46:46.170 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, we gotta go live, and I think. 573 00:46:46.260 --> 00:46:47.430 Ivan: Okay The other thing. 574 00:46:48.780 --> 00:46:52.260 Ivan: of web corners what this never came to the Budget Committee. 575 00:46:53.130 --> 00:46:57.450 james murez: So yeah I did go back and re listen to the recording. 576 00:47:01.590 --> 00:47:04.920 Ivan: Well alright I missed one meeting is that this is. 577 00:47:06.090 --> 00:47:07.680 james murez: Not only the meeting you missed it. 578 00:47:08.370 --> 00:47:09.960 Ivan: Okay, all right i'm sorry. 579 00:47:11.820 --> 00:47:13.050 Ivan: paperwork available. 580 00:47:13.530 --> 00:47:14.430 james murez: I don't see or. 581 00:47:14.490 --> 00:47:16.230 james murez: hear this is the report. 582 00:47:16.530 --> 00:47:19.530 Ivan: don't mark the other one the Web corner. 583 00:47:20.010 --> 00:47:23.910 Andrea Boccaletti: Right, the city hasn't send me any paperwork yet i'm getting ahead of the curve with them. 584 00:47:24.420 --> 00:47:25.470 Andrea Boccaletti: it's something that. 585 00:47:25.470 --> 00:47:27.270 Andrea Boccaletti: The city, the. 586 00:47:29.040 --> 00:47:35.070 Andrea Boccaletti: city clerk told me is going to be required so i'm getting ahead of it and getting them to approve it already. 587 00:47:35.820 --> 00:47:37.380 james murez: And that's what this says, right here. 588 00:47:37.830 --> 00:47:42.240 Ivan: But you're asking the board to approve something that the Budget Committee has seen yet. 589 00:47:44.370 --> 00:47:44.610 Ivan: ready. 590 00:47:44.850 --> 00:47:48.150 Andrea Boccaletti: And I brought it up at the Budget Committee on Friday i'm sorry on. 591 00:47:49.470 --> 00:47:51.210 Andrea Boccaletti: When do we have the budget come on. 592 00:47:52.860 --> 00:47:54.180 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay, so Monday. 593 00:47:55.470 --> 00:47:55.830 Okay. 594 00:47:57.930 --> 00:48:00.090 james murez: So it says upon upon. 595 00:48:01.230 --> 00:48:02.010 james murez: approved approve. 596 00:48:03.330 --> 00:48:04.050 james murez: The approval of. 597 00:48:04.140 --> 00:48:10.590 james murez: The Board, then the city's gonna send us the service agreement, the city sending us the service agreement not web portal. 598 00:48:12.090 --> 00:48:12.360 Daffodil Tyminski: Right. 599 00:48:15.450 --> 00:48:16.770 melissa diner: I have the same question. 600 00:48:16.770 --> 00:48:17.220 melissa diner: Over and. 601 00:48:17.820 --> 00:48:22.560 melissa diner: Like I think this will come up again so just correct me and or clarify. 602 00:48:23.040 --> 00:48:37.410 melissa diner: It says we're approving a scope of services, approved by the nc board so have we previously approved the scope of services is there an addendum of scope of services we've approved that we can attach or like what because it's not clear to me either. 603 00:48:38.370 --> 00:48:47.580 james murez: I was clear to me is the services that we've currently been receiving is what it is we're approving we're not increasing the services and we're not. 604 00:48:47.850 --> 00:48:49.020 Daffodil Tyminski: Using the services. 605 00:48:49.500 --> 00:48:49.920 melissa diner: Okay. 606 00:48:50.130 --> 00:48:54.120 melissa diner: So if there's anything Andrea has that shows what those regular services. 607 00:48:54.120 --> 00:48:58.290 melissa diner: are probably prevented a lot of back and forth if we just attach that. 608 00:48:59.790 --> 00:49:15.780 Andrea Boccaletti: yeah I mean I don't have anything I don't have what those services are i'm not the one who who got those services for the board that's something that's just been continuing because i'm coming in, after I don't know how long is left corner been doing our website. 609 00:49:16.080 --> 00:49:16.650 james murez: Good question. 610 00:49:17.100 --> 00:49:19.080 Andrea Boccaletti: One year two years, three years, I have no idea. 611 00:49:19.740 --> 00:49:24.840 james murez: that's something that we'd guess, we would have to go back and ask you if he had a copy of the original contract. 612 00:49:25.980 --> 00:49:27.750 james murez: If that's the question you're asking. 613 00:49:28.650 --> 00:49:34.020 melissa diner: yeah we're just I mean we can't show what we pay them every month I don't know. 614 00:49:34.080 --> 00:49:35.250 james murez: it's just that, when you're. 615 00:49:35.340 --> 00:49:36.690 james murez: That would be on the moon report. 616 00:49:37.950 --> 00:49:47.580 melissa diner: Right, as long as you outline that so we just don't say we don't know and, we hope, Andrea walk them through that I think that would clarify these questions to anyone that asks. 617 00:49:49.320 --> 00:49:52.500 james murez: Okay, I think I still have the Marine corps here and we want to look at it now. 618 00:49:53.280 --> 00:49:56.280 Ivan: Communications officer didn't you have a copy of this. 619 00:49:56.700 --> 00:49:59.040 james murez: No, I never had a copy of the service agreement. 620 00:50:00.420 --> 00:50:00.750 Daffodil Tyminski: My. 621 00:50:02.430 --> 00:50:05.790 james murez: city made it, I have no idea when it was created. 622 00:50:06.600 --> 00:50:18.990 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah my impression from the interaction with the city was that this was just sort of foist on us ages ago and the city didn't have their paperwork in line so that's why they want a new approval. 623 00:50:19.740 --> 00:50:27.570 Daffodil Tyminski: Well, so I it, you know I don't I haven't researched all the history of the paperwork, but it seemed to me that was what was driving this whole thing to begin with. 624 00:50:28.320 --> 00:50:40.830 james murez: But i've been my understanding is is there are a very few select companies that the city has approved to do neighborhood Council websites. 625 00:50:41.640 --> 00:50:54.060 james murez: And those companies all have agreements with the city and you get to select between company a versus company B and we got company C or D I don't know. 626 00:50:54.600 --> 00:51:02.610 james murez: And and it's just been that way forever, but we can ask you where there might be a copy of that contract, Melissa you don't recall ever seeing a copy of the contract. 627 00:51:03.390 --> 00:51:16.740 melissa diner: Well, I don't know I mean you always just submitted everything within attachment so like let's just ask him about that it's a simple thing and drag can sync with him about so it's out there to the public and let's move on. 628 00:51:16.890 --> 00:51:20.520 james murez: Show yeah let's let's go ahead and vote on this, I think that this is. 629 00:51:21.210 --> 00:51:23.760 Ivan: Another suggestion is from one check with them and. 630 00:51:25.710 --> 00:51:26.820 Ivan: He was around when we. 631 00:51:27.600 --> 00:51:38.070 james murez: look and see what we have in the records and if we can't find anything in the records, we can go and ask the people that exist, we can even ask them corner, what kind of send us a copy of our agreement i'm sure they have one. 632 00:51:38.520 --> 00:51:46.950 james murez: And i'm sure they will be more than happy to send it, especially since we're telling them we're getting ready to renew it so we can do that for the board meeting let's move on with this stuff. 633 00:51:47.430 --> 00:51:48.210 Andrea Boccaletti: I have my hand up. 634 00:51:50.100 --> 00:51:54.360 Andrea Boccaletti: Go ahead okay um I like Helens comment. 635 00:51:56.130 --> 00:52:08.760 Andrea Boccaletti: The stakeholders comment about getting caught up since the September Mer was available just minutes, I mean minutes before the. 636 00:52:09.330 --> 00:52:24.720 Andrea Boccaletti: Budget and Finance Committee meeting why don't we instead of having to approve, since that is something that we're going to go over that i'm going to go over in my budget and Finance Committee report a 10 minutes every single board meeting let's just get caught up. 637 00:52:25.740 --> 00:52:34.080 Andrea Boccaletti: Let me, let me present August and September at this next meeting, and we won't be two months behind anymore, it makes sense, makes perfect sense. 638 00:52:36.390 --> 00:52:52.470 Ivan: we're always going to be two months behind because they don't release to summer before the Budget Committee meets so we're always going to be one an extra months behind unless you want to change the date for the Budget Committee meeting. 639 00:52:53.280 --> 00:52:53.700 Ivan: With my. 640 00:52:54.840 --> 00:53:01.890 james murez: guys and guys time out let's let's take this offline we'll talk about this at the next budget and Finance Committee meeting. 641 00:53:01.890 --> 00:53:05.580 james murez: Okay we're not we're not going to change anything tonight because we didn't. 642 00:53:05.580 --> 00:53:07.140 james murez: do anything ahead of this meeting. 643 00:53:09.270 --> 00:53:23.190 james murez: Will will do it when the time comes, but what we can say open the discussion, I think the problem is going to be that we do need to review the the the report prior to putting it on the boards agenda but we'll figure out how to do that. 644 00:53:23.700 --> 00:53:25.260 melissa diner: got me to take a roll call Jim. 645 00:53:25.500 --> 00:53:27.690 melissa diner: Please jam it oh. 646 00:53:28.860 --> 00:53:29.460 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes. 647 00:53:30.030 --> 00:53:31.170 james murez: Jim yes. 648 00:53:32.280 --> 00:53:34.170 melissa diner: I vote yes Andrea. 649 00:53:34.830 --> 00:53:36.690 melissa diner: Yes, Ali. 650 00:53:36.960 --> 00:53:38.370 melissa diner: Yes, NICO. 651 00:53:41.820 --> 00:53:42.120 melissa diner: NICO. 652 00:53:43.620 --> 00:53:44.520 Daffodil Tyminski: We oh. 653 00:53:44.580 --> 00:53:45.540 Nico Ruderman: Sorry, yes. 654 00:53:46.140 --> 00:53:46.590 melissa diner: Thank you. 655 00:53:49.260 --> 00:53:50.460 melissa diner: anonymous moving on. 656 00:53:52.770 --> 00:53:53.970 james murez: Okay um. 657 00:53:56.880 --> 00:54:01.320 james murez: So we're now on to item 10 110 a. 658 00:54:04.110 --> 00:54:05.100 james murez: The. 659 00:54:05.850 --> 00:54:10.380 melissa diner: way Jim Jim, can I just say one thing, the way we usually do this is we'll make like. 660 00:54:10.410 --> 00:54:14.910 melissa diner: One motion for all of these at the end is like you can do it, however, you want, but like. 661 00:54:15.240 --> 00:54:28.560 melissa diner: You can also just do it as like we put all the ones that are unanimous on, and then the others stay on the board agenda if you want to like do it efficiently or please do it another way, to but that's just something I want to mention. 662 00:54:29.670 --> 00:54:33.840 james murez: Well, I think we want to keep them all Okay, we can do that 10 a B. 663 00:54:34.860 --> 00:54:35.670 james murez: C. 664 00:54:37.080 --> 00:54:40.140 james murez: D, the problem is, we have a couple of no we can't do that. 665 00:54:41.610 --> 00:54:43.050 james murez: We have a couple of issues. 666 00:54:45.570 --> 00:54:51.390 james murez: So A and B were correctly submitted, but are missing information. 667 00:54:53.790 --> 00:54:57.060 james murez: they're both missing distributions who's going to be getting these letters. 668 00:54:59.040 --> 00:54:59.670 james murez: um. 669 00:55:01.530 --> 00:55:05.190 james murez: So we can do A and B first and and. 670 00:55:06.600 --> 00:55:08.130 melissa diner: cool i'll make that motion. 671 00:55:08.310 --> 00:55:10.320 Alley Bean: Okay um can I can I. 672 00:55:11.370 --> 00:55:12.330 Alley Bean: Can I just make a. 673 00:55:13.110 --> 00:55:13.590 Alley Bean: Right, we have. 674 00:55:13.650 --> 00:55:16.650 james murez: We have to get, we have to get emotion first public comment. 675 00:55:19.290 --> 00:55:23.820 Daffodil Tyminski: So the motion in place items 10 eight and 10 be on the agenda i'll make that motion. 676 00:55:23.910 --> 00:55:25.380 Alley Bean: Correct i'll second. 677 00:55:27.990 --> 00:55:29.070 james murez: Did you get that Melissa. 678 00:55:29.550 --> 00:55:30.900 melissa diner: I got it okay. 679 00:55:30.930 --> 00:55:31.860 james murez: there's two hands up. 680 00:55:34.230 --> 00:55:35.430 Daffodil Tyminski: Three actually hold on. 681 00:55:36.090 --> 00:55:38.520 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay um go ahead Lisa. 682 00:55:39.900 --> 00:55:44.580 Lisa Redmond: Oh, I was just going to point out the 10 be is six Oh, and that could go on. 683 00:55:44.610 --> 00:55:45.330 Lisa Redmond: To sense. 684 00:55:47.070 --> 00:55:50.250 Daffodil Tyminski: You know, thank you um. 685 00:55:51.360 --> 00:55:52.170 Daffodil Tyminski: Go ahead home. 686 00:55:54.090 --> 00:56:03.180 Helen Fallon: Just wanted, I just wanted to point out that I believe on tell you how the distribution of the city staff emails here is that who gets this and the applicant. 687 00:56:04.860 --> 00:56:09.840 Helen Fallon: I don't know whatever distribution, you have usually just the planning department. 688 00:56:12.930 --> 00:56:15.030 Daffodil Tyminski: Thank you um. 689 00:56:16.350 --> 00:56:18.630 Daffodil Tyminski: And then alley you have your hand up. 690 00:56:19.230 --> 00:56:27.060 Alley Bean: yeah I just had a question i'm glad that you change the format to make the case description, with a colon like that, because I have found the original thing online. 691 00:56:27.510 --> 00:56:32.460 Alley Bean: kind of confusing, but for people that haven't been to the loop peck meeting would it be weird. 692 00:56:32.880 --> 00:56:45.240 Alley Bean: To put in parentheses after the three files here, and the new files on 10 being all these what are in those files, so that people that are doing research can like, for example, I was wondering if there was Community outreach. 693 00:56:45.840 --> 00:56:49.560 Alley Bean: It can we just say what those three files are like is one just the architectural. 694 00:56:49.560 --> 00:56:50.400 Lisa Redmond: plans is. 695 00:56:50.700 --> 00:56:51.000 You know. 696 00:56:53.490 --> 00:56:53.760 Alley Bean: For. 697 00:56:53.820 --> 00:56:57.720 Daffodil Tyminski: people that are that would be very helpful if if. 698 00:56:59.040 --> 00:57:02.250 james murez: That request was already made a balloon pack chair. 699 00:57:02.580 --> 00:57:05.160 james murez: This This is how the material was submitted. 700 00:57:05.880 --> 00:57:07.980 Alley Bean: Okay, if that's possible, that would be really a. 701 00:57:07.980 --> 00:57:13.890 james murez: matter of fact, the material was submitted way you saw it online not formatted like this, and this is. 702 00:57:14.130 --> 00:57:14.790 Daffodil Tyminski: My mad at it. 703 00:57:15.690 --> 00:57:18.450 james murez: I went through and reformat it so be easier to see tonight. 704 00:57:18.870 --> 00:57:20.940 james murez: Great Keep it up here address should still be. 705 00:57:22.410 --> 00:57:26.250 james murez: Here, this should here, I have to turn off revision tracking hold on one second. 706 00:57:26.700 --> 00:57:30.720 Daffodil Tyminski: And by the way, i'm just noting the public comments close we've moved on to avoid comment, thank you. 707 00:57:31.470 --> 00:57:35.310 james murez: um this this still needed to be more formatted correctly. 708 00:57:37.410 --> 00:57:43.260 james murez: Now now it's more correct i'm in the misspellings i'm not going to deal with. 709 00:57:43.830 --> 00:57:45.120 james murez: It yeah so. 710 00:57:45.240 --> 00:57:54.090 james murez: The request was made and and we have to you know see if it if the land use chair wants to do that we're working on an automation solution. 711 00:57:54.360 --> 00:58:05.550 james murez: it's going to take care of formatting these things automatically, and it will always have the title each document there, but at this point we don't have that so it's a little bit of extra work, and you know getting people to do extra work because. 712 00:58:06.000 --> 00:58:07.650 james murez: Not sometimes the easiest thing to do. 713 00:58:08.820 --> 00:58:11.010 melissa diner: Can I mean, can I comment on that. 714 00:58:12.420 --> 00:58:12.930 james murez: Second. 715 00:58:13.200 --> 00:58:14.520 james murez: Let me just finish my comment. 716 00:58:14.730 --> 00:58:19.110 james murez: The city staff on this is IRA brown Jason Douglas works for the city. 717 00:58:20.640 --> 00:58:21.360 james murez: For the. 718 00:58:22.980 --> 00:58:36.870 james murez: For the councilman yeah not staff on this project, so this is actually incorrect and it sort of makes me wonder whether or not there's a distribution list because his name should be on the distribution list it shouldn't be referencing the city. 719 00:58:37.380 --> 00:58:51.090 james murez: zoning administrator it's a completely different function and so that's why I put on here missing distribution because typically when we send these things out a copy goes to. 720 00:58:52.770 --> 00:59:10.560 james murez: The head of the planning department, the zoning administrator that's on this particular case, it also goes to the councilman and the councilman his deputy, is always followed the councilman deputy doesn't come before the councilman himself and that's just a matter of respect. 721 00:59:11.670 --> 00:59:25.980 james murez: And, and that wasn't done here, and I don't know why, on some of the earlier previous board board agendas, it was done correctly here, it was so I don't know why and that's why I put the comment there okay go ahead, most i'm sorry. 722 00:59:27.780 --> 00:59:33.990 melissa diner: So just a couple of things it's my understanding that now all the committee chairs are sending. 723 00:59:35.700 --> 00:59:48.540 melissa diner: All of the letters out So are we just scanning who they're sending them to for approval before they send them or what because if they're sending it out, then it's the distribution list sort of becomes. 724 00:59:49.230 --> 00:59:59.130 melissa diner: not our problem at the board level as long as they're getting it to whoever they want to see and touch it and they could change that after you approve that or anytime so like at this point. 725 00:59:59.580 --> 01:00:10.680 melissa diner: Maybe it's not something we need a concern ourselves with and then also do we want to just also do 10 be to consent, because typically in the past broadcom we would just do that. 726 01:00:12.420 --> 01:00:16.560 james murez: yeah I agree, I agree with 10 be to consent. 727 01:00:17.640 --> 01:00:20.850 james murez: We should probably take these as separate motions now. 728 01:00:22.500 --> 01:00:28.560 melissa diner: So let's go easily get back on facts and on combo you can do whatever you want, if we want to do here. 729 01:00:29.310 --> 01:00:31.320 james murez: No, no 1010 a we just. 730 01:00:31.470 --> 01:00:38.880 james murez: 10 a weird we're putting on the boards agenda, we already took public comment on 10 and 10 be and then let's just take a separate vote. 731 01:00:40.170 --> 01:00:45.480 james murez: For these two items so that way there's no confusion about everybody understanding the 10 B is going to consent. 732 01:00:46.110 --> 01:00:48.000 Alley Bean: Can I see the new 10 be just because I. 733 01:00:48.060 --> 01:00:49.680 james murez: haven't seen you that's not new. 734 01:00:49.710 --> 01:00:51.690 Alley Bean: Here, let me I just mean the reform any of it. 735 01:00:52.050 --> 01:00:56.460 james murez: Let me, let me fix this so it's a little bit easier to see I didn't get all of this done. 736 01:01:00.240 --> 01:01:03.180 Alley Bean: A representative Jesse feldman is from the city. 737 01:01:05.250 --> 01:01:07.110 james murez: No, that is now applicant. 738 01:01:07.770 --> 01:01:09.720 Alley Bean: I see applicant that's a little bit unclear. 739 01:01:09.780 --> 01:01:10.560 james murez: yeah yeah. 740 01:01:12.330 --> 01:01:13.110 Alley Bean: No, no okay cool. 741 01:01:13.380 --> 01:01:16.710 james murez: yeah I think that's probably about it. 742 01:01:17.160 --> 01:01:26.370 Alley Bean: And I like, by the way, Jim keeping Jason Douglas so we see who from the Council is the staff like on both of these you. 743 01:01:27.090 --> 01:01:28.680 james murez: he's not staff and 70. 744 01:01:29.640 --> 01:01:29.820 Alley Bean: Oh. 745 01:01:29.880 --> 01:01:30.900 james murez: he's not staff. 746 01:01:31.230 --> 01:01:33.780 james murez: Our ending sending this to him. 747 01:01:34.050 --> 01:01:36.810 james murez: will do absolutely nothing for the applicant. 748 01:01:37.170 --> 01:01:39.990 Alley Bean: Okay, I didn't know I thought, maybe Jason Douglas was on this from. 749 01:01:40.020 --> 01:01:41.490 Alley Bean: The Council OK. 750 01:01:41.700 --> 01:01:44.670 james murez: So, again here, I also put missing distribution. 751 01:01:45.000 --> 01:01:47.160 james murez: It doesn't say it doesn't say who it is. 752 01:01:47.640 --> 01:01:52.500 james murez: OK, that one of these files may say who it is because there was a master land use application. 753 01:01:52.770 --> 01:01:57.420 james murez: That was supposed to be submitted, so there should always be three documents for every land use project. 754 01:01:57.660 --> 01:02:02.070 james murez: In here, we only have two so i'm not sure which one is missing, there should always be an application. 755 01:02:02.310 --> 01:02:12.600 james murez: There should always be a set of prints and there should always be a staff report and the staff report should address the outreach meeting and what the Community said and what happened in the loop PAC meeting. 756 01:02:12.660 --> 01:02:13.980 Alley Bean: that's what I would like to know. 757 01:02:14.370 --> 01:02:14.640 Alley Bean: Where. 758 01:02:14.910 --> 01:02:25.410 james murez: And what we find always should always be three documents and on this particular case, we only have two so again missing distribution I would actually say we're also missing a file. 759 01:02:26.760 --> 01:02:28.380 james murez: i'm me turn revision. 760 01:02:28.620 --> 01:02:36.450 Alley Bean: Especially with a bar with alcohol, I think the outreach is really important for someone on the board to know how that went you know it means that. 761 01:02:37.050 --> 01:02:37.860 Alley Bean: I don't know where that. 762 01:02:38.100 --> 01:02:44.850 Alley Bean: place on Main Street is but that's something i'd like to know, for example, could be able to vote, you know yep yep. 763 01:02:45.570 --> 01:02:47.760 Daffodil Tyminski: it's across from the old chaya point. 764 01:02:48.240 --> 01:02:49.680 Alley Bean: Okay cool so it's commercial. 765 01:02:50.370 --> 01:02:51.870 Daffodil Tyminski: um okay so. 766 01:02:52.620 --> 01:02:57.480 james murez: it's the new place next to mishcon to a few of the old synagogue there, right at the end of maybe street. 767 01:02:57.900 --> 01:02:58.920 Alley Bean: Is that in Venice. 768 01:02:59.340 --> 01:03:00.060 james murez: yeah try to. 769 01:03:00.090 --> 01:03:00.720 james murez: catch it. 770 01:03:02.040 --> 01:03:03.630 Alley Bean: Okay cool Thank you. 771 01:03:03.690 --> 01:03:05.550 james murez: it's the last property in ben's. 772 01:03:08.490 --> 01:03:09.900 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so we have. 773 01:03:11.190 --> 01:03:15.210 Daffodil Tyminski: emotion on the floor I guess we've amended the motion now do we have a second on the amendment. 774 01:03:15.960 --> 01:03:16.530 Alley Bean: On a second it. 775 01:03:16.560 --> 01:03:35.370 melissa diner: Yet we have a second and the first and third, and a fourth on consent in lieu pack, can we take it to votes I guess is Jim wanted to do it, one to put 10 beyond loop back and one to put ours one to put 10 a on lubick and another put 10 beyond consent, can I take a roll call vote on. 776 01:03:35.370 --> 01:03:36.960 james murez: Those yes please do that. 777 01:03:38.190 --> 01:03:38.850 melissa diner: sham. 778 01:03:39.180 --> 01:03:39.660 Yes. 779 01:03:41.130 --> 01:03:41.940 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes. 780 01:03:42.030 --> 01:03:43.590 Alley Bean: I leaving yes. 781 01:03:43.980 --> 01:03:45.270 melissa diner: Andrea boca lady. 782 01:03:45.720 --> 01:03:47.190 melissa diner: Yes, NICO. 783 01:03:49.500 --> 01:03:54.390 melissa diner: Yes, I bought I vote yes unanimous now for 10 be to consent jam. 784 01:03:55.320 --> 01:03:56.700 melissa diner: Yes, that's it oh. 785 01:03:57.330 --> 01:03:59.010 melissa diner: Yes, Ali been. 786 01:03:59.190 --> 01:04:01.230 melissa diner: Yes, vocal melody. 787 01:04:01.590 --> 01:04:03.480 melissa diner: Yes, NICO Roman. 788 01:04:04.470 --> 01:04:08.160 melissa diner: Yes, and I vote yes, thank you, moving on to Tennessee. 789 01:04:09.420 --> 01:04:17.130 Daffodil Tyminski: The only thing I will say, is, I know we're trying not to fix stuff, but this was submitted with a ton of typos so we might just want to clean it up. 790 01:04:18.990 --> 01:04:19.530 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 791 01:04:20.310 --> 01:04:27.870 james murez: Okay 10 see is a bit more complicated, this was a motion that was. 792 01:04:30.480 --> 01:04:36.960 james murez: put on loop X agenda and due to not getting. 793 01:04:38.970 --> 01:04:39.840 james murez: A second. 794 01:04:41.280 --> 01:04:57.810 james murez: To the motion which actually didn't even get a first, because the original first motion was made by leaks and then she found out she's not allowed to make motions, so there was really no motion made and no second by the board, so the question is, does the board want to now hear this directly. 795 01:05:00.240 --> 01:05:06.060 james murez: And, and so we would need a motion to put this on the loop pack agenda. 796 01:05:06.750 --> 01:05:08.130 james murez: Like so we just wonder new. 797 01:05:08.250 --> 01:05:10.890 james murez: New business, maybe not loop back agenda just under new. 798 01:05:11.700 --> 01:05:13.800 Ivan: would go to the board agenda directly. 799 01:05:14.130 --> 01:05:17.520 james murez: Right so it's going to the board agenda directly under new business. 800 01:05:18.030 --> 01:05:25.050 melissa diner: It point of information, I just want to clarify committee chairs in general cannot make motions or. 801 01:05:25.140 --> 01:05:31.830 james murez: leaks, especially here, the chair of a committee is not allowed to make or second motion. 802 01:05:33.090 --> 01:05:34.260 melissa diner: But the President is. 803 01:05:35.970 --> 01:05:36.690 james murez: Excuse me. 804 01:05:37.320 --> 01:05:37.980 melissa diner: The President. 805 01:05:38.040 --> 01:05:40.230 melissa diner: is allowed to go second motion. 806 01:05:40.260 --> 01:05:47.010 james murez: No, not if i'm chair, so if I hand the gavel to daffodil, then I can make or second to motion. 807 01:05:47.610 --> 01:05:48.510 james murez: Okay well. 808 01:05:48.540 --> 01:05:58.710 james murez: Well i'm well i'm the chair of the committee, while i'm while i'm holding the gavel whoever it is it's holding the gavel over the body they're not allowed to make or second motions. 809 01:05:59.550 --> 01:06:00.570 melissa diner: it's enough, thank you. 810 01:06:00.960 --> 01:06:01.350 Okay. 811 01:06:03.150 --> 01:06:05.130 james murez: yeah we're all learning I just found that out to. 812 01:06:06.720 --> 01:06:08.760 Ivan: The rural the street people on the committee. 813 01:06:09.270 --> 01:06:09.750 Okay. 814 01:06:10.860 --> 01:06:12.000 james murez: exception we don't have. 815 01:06:13.650 --> 01:06:17.910 james murez: Thank you, thank you i'm here it's always good to hear from the peanut gallery. 816 01:06:18.510 --> 01:06:19.380 Ivan: All right. 817 01:06:19.710 --> 01:06:22.290 james murez: So we're putting this on to the. 818 01:06:23.730 --> 01:06:27.960 james murez: We need a motion to put this on to the Boards agenda under new business. 819 01:06:28.050 --> 01:06:30.240 Alley Bean: i'll make a motion that motion. 820 01:06:30.990 --> 01:06:32.010 james murez: Thank you, those alley. 821 01:06:33.900 --> 01:06:34.680 james murez: We hear a second. 822 01:06:38.070 --> 01:06:39.300 Andrea Boccaletti: And today, I was second to. 823 01:06:40.140 --> 01:06:45.750 james murez: Thank you, Andrea now let's open this for public comment I see there's a raised hand. 824 01:06:46.740 --> 01:06:48.060 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, Helen go ahead. 825 01:06:48.510 --> 01:07:00.630 Helen Fallon: yeah i'd like to recommend very strongly, based on my observations of loop pack, but you don't send rack motions to them, they either refused to hear them or take them off the agenda. 826 01:07:01.050 --> 01:07:10.830 Helen Fallon: and save everybody a lot of time and brief by just putting them before the board letting the board decide, because they don't want to hear them they don't believe in them and they just. 827 01:07:11.790 --> 01:07:22.290 Helen Fallon: figure out ways to get around and it's kind of embarrassing, frankly, is when you're a member of the public watching the maneuvers, so I think you should consider a standing rule. 828 01:07:22.290 --> 01:07:25.350 Helen Fallon: That was all looping rack motions in front of the Board you're welcome. 829 01:07:27.030 --> 01:07:27.900 Daffodil Tyminski: Thank you Helen. 830 01:07:28.860 --> 01:07:29.280 james murez: Any other. 831 01:07:29.610 --> 01:07:31.950 Daffodil Tyminski: Know hey Erica Yes, some. 832 01:07:32.280 --> 01:07:32.580 Daffodil Tyminski: Go ahead. 833 01:07:33.750 --> 01:07:35.850 Daffodil Tyminski: And then we're closing public comments there's no more hands. 834 01:07:36.720 --> 01:07:39.300 Erica Moore: I agree with Helen it's it's. 835 01:07:40.710 --> 01:07:43.110 Erica Moore: it's just a little bit frustrating because. 836 01:07:44.220 --> 01:07:50.340 Erica Moore: Their refusal to even entertain really disturbing and I think that it does make sense that. 837 01:07:52.620 --> 01:08:05.940 Erica Moore: they're going to come to the board anyway so just make sense, this pipeline it straight in and that way you don't have to waste your time and blue bag, because he needs to get really, really long, so I think that Helen has a good point. 838 01:08:08.520 --> 01:08:09.450 Daffodil Tyminski: Thank you Erica. 839 01:08:12.060 --> 01:08:16.260 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, any board comment anyone have anything to say on this. 840 01:08:22.020 --> 01:08:24.450 Daffodil Tyminski: i'll say that well. 841 01:08:25.260 --> 01:08:29.640 james murez: we're not talking about what we're not talking about the motion itself we're just talking about putting it onto the board. 842 01:08:30.810 --> 01:08:30.960 james murez: you're. 843 01:08:30.990 --> 01:08:31.410 Right. 844 01:08:34.260 --> 01:08:42.660 Daffodil Tyminski: I mean it's it's it's a bit of a dangerous line, I think, to um you know we either respect the committee's or we don't write. 845 01:08:43.410 --> 01:09:02.280 Daffodil Tyminski: And we've always had the rule that if something doesn't get a second it dies, so you know we either have to decide, are we going to respect their lanes as a board or not, and I think we should, I think if the committee doesn't want to have it passed on it shouldn't be passed on. 846 01:09:08.400 --> 01:09:12.660 Daffodil Tyminski: Any other board comment raise your hand otherwise. 847 01:09:14.190 --> 01:09:15.000 Daffodil Tyminski: Go ahead Ali. 848 01:09:15.240 --> 01:09:29.640 Alley Bean: And I don't really know if I have enough expertise to talk about this, but I, it seems to me that if it's emotion that, for some reason lubec doesn't want to hear but it's a rack motion, I think it should be able to come to the board. 849 01:09:31.290 --> 01:09:39.600 Alley Bean: that's my personal but I, you know I don't understand all the details of law and stuff like that which I am trying to learn as I go along, but seems to me that. 850 01:09:40.830 --> 01:09:47.220 Alley Bean: they're just because they don't want to hear it doesn't mean that you know it's a rack most shouldn't I think we should hear it that's just my gut feeling. 851 01:09:49.320 --> 01:09:51.420 Daffodil Tyminski: um Thank you Andrea go ahead. 852 01:09:52.410 --> 01:09:53.910 Andrea Boccaletti: ECHO, the same sentiment. 853 01:09:55.680 --> 01:09:57.840 Andrea Boccaletti: That they just talked about. 854 01:09:58.890 --> 01:10:00.420 james murez: That or, if I can raise my hand. 855 01:10:01.470 --> 01:10:04.560 Daffodil Tyminski: With that well you just you effectively did so go ahead. 856 01:10:04.710 --> 01:10:17.280 james murez: Now there now I can when i'm sharing screen that that I don't have that option um so I participated in the the the loop pack meeting where this item was brought up. 857 01:10:18.420 --> 01:10:22.380 james murez: And there were some good points that were made about Lou Pack. 858 01:10:25.080 --> 01:10:34.410 james murez: feeling as though and and I I kind of completely understand what they're saying that when a rack motion comes to them it's almost as though. 859 01:10:35.100 --> 01:10:52.650 james murez: it's already it's like any other planning case there's an outsider that's coming in proposing this is what what is, we want to do, and the way that it's been handled in lieu pack up until now, and this could very easily change in the near future. 860 01:10:53.670 --> 01:11:08.310 james murez: rack motions are just put on the agenda with and actually the first rack motion that ever had a link to the actual motion was this last loop back meeting and prior to that it was just rack made emotion. 861 01:11:08.520 --> 01:11:12.330 james murez: This is, do we want to take it on and there was no discussion. 862 01:11:13.380 --> 01:11:33.180 james murez: that one of the committee members, may I think, a very valid point when he said that if we treat this as though it's any other case and we assign somebody to understand the content of what the motion is and present that to the rest of the committee. 863 01:11:34.290 --> 01:11:46.230 james murez: Then we will be looking at it, as though we're taking an impartial stand and basing our understanding now on what we believe to be correct for our Community. 864 01:11:46.890 --> 01:12:01.230 james murez: And that made a lot of sense to me and we haven't done that in the past, and so I think going forward we may start seeing that, and so I don't want to be so short is to say that we don't want to necessarily hear this motion. 865 01:12:02.730 --> 01:12:12.090 james murez: Because I think that there is a lot of value to the rap group I mean if you have ever been to the Rack meetings you would realize that these are the. 866 01:12:12.600 --> 01:12:21.510 james murez: The true movers and shakers of West la, these are the people that are the most informed about what's happening throughout the entire city. 867 01:12:21.990 --> 01:12:35.310 james murez: And you know it would be like taking the cream of our crop, we have the people that are on our on our rack agenda or on our rack group, we have myself daffodil we have a leaks, we have. 868 01:12:39.000 --> 01:12:48.090 james murez: john reed who's a leaks backup we have vicki we have all of the people that that are the most informed about what's happening. 869 01:12:48.600 --> 01:12:53.670 james murez: In in transportation, we have Salima to is who's unbelievable knowledge. 870 01:12:53.940 --> 01:12:59.550 james murez: All of the people that have the most knowledge in our group about what's happening locally in our Community are participating this. 871 01:12:59.760 --> 01:13:11.550 james murez: And they're taking a position across 14 Councils, that all feel that there's an important issue here, that we should all become aware of, so I don't want to just brush it under the table, because one committee. 872 01:13:12.600 --> 01:13:17.280 james murez: didn't necessarily understand what was being presented to them and didn't have time to review it. 873 01:13:19.020 --> 01:13:28.800 Alley Bean: And I agree with you that I think we should be able, as a community to hear something that's really important, even if the loop staff doesn't think it's important. 874 01:13:29.370 --> 01:13:38.760 Alley Bean: So that we can open up for public discussion if it's something I tried to read it and understand it, but i'd love to hear somebody with more expertise than me. 875 01:13:40.170 --> 01:13:41.430 Alley Bean: describe you know, really. 876 01:13:42.480 --> 01:13:44.580 Alley Bean: present it like it's like you just said john. 877 01:13:44.970 --> 01:13:46.830 james murez: Right and that's why we have two people. 878 01:13:47.190 --> 01:13:48.570 Alley Bean: Like it's an issue to me. 879 01:13:48.750 --> 01:13:57.150 james murez: that's why we have two people that we send from our board to rack and those people are supposed to come back and inform us. 880 01:13:57.360 --> 01:14:10.890 james murez: In this case, the person came back put it on the agenda, put a link to the file and then said okay let's hear it, and there was no presentation about understanding what it was about there was no report there was no anything. 881 01:14:11.190 --> 01:14:18.480 james murez: And I think that's a problem, and you know it wasn't my original decision because I knew that ELISE was very. 882 01:14:18.810 --> 01:14:24.600 james murez: Under the pressure to have a lot of other things happening in her committee, but she also wanted to make sure she was the. 883 01:14:24.990 --> 01:14:34.230 james murez: rack member that was going to be making these reports that was going to be participating in it, and we have to see if she's going to be able to be the one that contributes that. 884 01:14:37.500 --> 01:14:39.270 james murez: We can ask her for it at the board meeting. 885 01:14:39.330 --> 01:14:40.740 james murez: Emily Valley. 886 01:14:44.100 --> 01:14:47.760 james murez: So let's take a vote on this, I think we've heard all we're going to hear on it. 887 01:14:49.890 --> 01:14:51.120 james murez: let's see one take a roll call vote. 888 01:14:52.260 --> 01:14:54.420 Alley Bean: Can you explain what we're voting how. 889 01:14:54.510 --> 01:14:54.840 james murez: What the. 890 01:14:54.900 --> 01:15:00.330 james murez: opportunity to put i'm just getting ready to share my screen again Okay, thank you to put. 891 01:15:02.370 --> 01:15:14.520 james murez: This item here this rack motion financial interest of developer, to put this motion onto the Boards agenda under new items under new business. 892 01:15:14.820 --> 01:15:15.510 Alley Bean: Okay, great. 893 01:15:19.470 --> 01:15:20.550 james murez: Melissa are you there. 894 01:15:26.970 --> 01:15:27.870 james murez: Is Melissa their. 895 01:15:29.970 --> 01:15:31.110 james murez: Capital is Melissa there. 896 01:15:32.310 --> 01:15:33.810 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm trying to say. 897 01:15:34.950 --> 01:15:35.880 Daffodil Tyminski: No she's not. 898 01:15:36.510 --> 01:15:37.500 Daffodil Tyminski: Like a boss or. 899 01:15:37.560 --> 01:15:38.850 james murez: issues in the audience. 900 01:15:39.660 --> 01:15:41.700 Daffodil Tyminski: um nope. 901 01:15:44.250 --> 01:15:46.350 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay i'll take the roll call. 902 01:15:46.620 --> 01:15:47.400 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay yeah. 903 01:15:47.970 --> 01:15:48.510 Yes. 904 01:15:50.010 --> 01:15:51.600 Daffodil Tyminski: Myself daffodil i'm voting no. 905 01:15:53.010 --> 01:15:53.550 Daffodil Tyminski: alley. 906 01:15:53.730 --> 01:15:55.650 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, Andrea. 907 01:15:56.520 --> 01:15:58.290 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, NICO. 908 01:16:00.840 --> 01:16:01.260 Nico Ruderman: Yes. 909 01:16:02.160 --> 01:16:07.530 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so five one with most absent emotion cares. 910 01:16:08.700 --> 01:16:09.510 Ivan: Okay, Jim. 911 01:16:09.810 --> 01:16:14.280 Ivan: Yes, all right, what we've done in the past with things like this. 912 01:16:16.230 --> 01:16:21.030 Ivan: Somebody should be invited to come down and make a presentation to the board. 913 01:16:22.950 --> 01:16:27.510 Ivan: About what's going on here, because you have no experts on it on the board. 914 01:16:28.800 --> 01:16:28.980 Ivan: To. 915 01:16:29.700 --> 01:16:30.930 james murez: Do you want to reach out to Jay. 916 01:16:32.070 --> 01:16:34.740 Ivan: I don't that's not my you know. 917 01:16:35.220 --> 01:16:36.510 james murez: Okay, well, I thought you were volunteering. 918 01:16:37.740 --> 01:16:38.700 Ivan: Your unwrap. 919 01:16:39.540 --> 01:16:42.060 Ivan: should reach out to them and have somebody come. 920 01:16:42.420 --> 01:16:45.060 james murez: yeah I will reach out to Jay and CP wants to do. 921 01:16:45.060 --> 01:16:53.820 james murez: Okay um does anybody recall, who made the motion on this one, and who seconded only because I want to make sure that Melissa has this information. 922 01:16:55.080 --> 01:16:55.770 james murez: Actually we just. 923 01:16:56.130 --> 01:16:56.850 Daffodil Tyminski: I believe. 924 01:16:56.970 --> 01:16:58.950 Daffodil Tyminski: Ali made the motion Andrea second it. 925 01:16:59.550 --> 01:16:59.910 Yes. 926 01:17:00.960 --> 01:17:01.380 Okay. 927 01:17:03.900 --> 01:17:05.220 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh, to a bs. 928 01:17:05.760 --> 01:17:07.290 james murez: And it was a yeah that's. 929 01:17:07.470 --> 01:17:09.180 Daffodil Tyminski: Right you're gonna have to distinguish your. 930 01:17:10.230 --> 01:17:11.100 Daffodil Tyminski: initials there. 931 01:17:12.390 --> 01:17:12.960 james murez: Good luck. 932 01:17:13.980 --> 01:17:18.030 james murez: And it was 510 it's five one year right Thank you. 933 01:17:19.800 --> 01:17:20.340 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 934 01:17:21.600 --> 01:17:22.110 Alley Bean: I can do. 935 01:17:23.640 --> 01:17:23.910 Daffodil Tyminski: It. 936 01:17:24.990 --> 01:17:25.860 james murez: yeah that's true. 937 01:17:29.280 --> 01:17:30.420 Daffodil Tyminski: Hollywood you say i'm sorry. 938 01:17:30.630 --> 01:17:32.280 Alley Bean: can be am be. 939 01:17:33.090 --> 01:17:34.050 Daffodil Tyminski: Am be okay. 940 01:17:34.920 --> 01:17:37.980 Andrea Boccaletti: Maybe i'll be makes more sense right, because I know it's only be. 941 01:17:39.210 --> 01:17:41.940 Alley Bean: amb that's I alley mills being so that's my my. 942 01:17:42.360 --> 01:17:42.780 Alley Bean: Legal name. 943 01:17:46.770 --> 01:17:48.390 james murez: Melissa has her hand up I just thought. 944 01:17:51.330 --> 01:17:52.560 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay i'll let her in. 945 01:17:52.980 --> 01:17:55.740 james murez: You want to okay yeah I don't see. 946 01:17:58.410 --> 01:17:59.760 james murez: Okay um. 947 01:18:01.650 --> 01:18:02.460 james murez: next one. 948 01:18:03.810 --> 01:18:09.060 james murez: So this 110 D um. 949 01:18:11.190 --> 01:18:15.780 james murez: I received an email half an hour before the meeting that. 950 01:18:17.460 --> 01:18:18.540 james murez: The motion. 951 01:18:19.980 --> 01:18:24.780 james murez: Was I have to go and pull up the motion because I didn't paste it into your hold on a second folks. 952 01:18:26.460 --> 01:18:31.380 james murez: question is, do we want to hear it, it was a placeholder it was sent in. 953 01:18:37.980 --> 01:18:41.760 james murez: After the deadline and we don't have the case files. 954 01:18:45.960 --> 01:18:51.120 Daffodil Tyminski: Well, we have right now, this is shaping up to be an extremely long board meeting. 955 01:18:51.390 --> 01:18:51.780 james murez: I know. 956 01:18:51.960 --> 01:18:53.040 james murez: I think how we. 957 01:18:54.540 --> 01:19:00.150 Daffodil Tyminski: know, I know, we had a couple things come in very late my suggestion is we see if. 958 01:19:02.340 --> 01:19:03.300 Daffodil Tyminski: We have time. 959 01:19:04.410 --> 01:19:05.250 Daffodil Tyminski: To put them on. 960 01:19:08.100 --> 01:19:15.990 james murez: Okay well this one was a unanimous vote so theoretically, it would go on to the. 961 01:19:17.070 --> 01:19:17.640 Daffodil Tyminski: consent. 962 01:19:17.910 --> 01:19:18.870 james murez: Calendar yeah. 963 01:19:21.000 --> 01:19:26.700 james murez: So wouldn't take extra time I mean i'll take us a little bit of extra time right now to go through the process. 964 01:19:27.150 --> 01:19:42.630 james murez: But the only other thing is, we don't have the documents we don't have the application, the plans and the staff report, but I do know that they exist, so we could try and Russell those out of up a leak, and I suspect, you probably would be willing to send them to us. 965 01:19:42.870 --> 01:19:43.890 melissa diner : And i'll put up make them. 966 01:19:44.760 --> 01:19:45.240 melissa diner : sign a. 967 01:19:45.420 --> 01:19:48.600 melissa diner : Consent pending those items are submitted by Friday. 968 01:19:48.750 --> 01:20:02.220 james murez: yeah this this line item here just takes you to the general webpage so that's not taking you to whatever it was that was heard and the motion to approve the project as presented doesn't mean anything until. 969 01:20:03.270 --> 01:20:04.380 james murez: We see what that was. 970 01:20:05.670 --> 01:20:06.120 Daffodil Tyminski: Right. 971 01:20:07.230 --> 01:20:09.210 Daffodil Tyminski: that's fine with me i'll second that motion Melissa. 972 01:20:10.290 --> 01:20:11.640 melissa diner : Falling motion I don't see. 973 01:20:12.030 --> 01:20:17.610 james murez: I don't see the following motion, though, that wants to move this is what was sent, let me just make sure. 974 01:20:18.870 --> 01:20:20.430 That I got the entire email. 975 01:20:22.500 --> 01:20:24.390 james murez: That still doesn't have a motion. 976 01:20:27.690 --> 01:20:36.390 melissa diner : All the motion we just made would cover her having to submit if it was approved or denied in addition to any supporting documents so. 977 01:20:37.230 --> 01:20:39.240 james murez: yeah so we don't have a motion. 978 01:20:40.920 --> 01:20:52.200 james murez: We don't actually have a motion to this that was net, this is all that was sent to me was sent to me at six o'clock tonight, yes, I saw that right, but a little bit later than that, but it doesn't actually have. 979 01:20:53.670 --> 01:21:05.430 james murez: It says item 2321 on tonight's add common agenda was heard at loop back on October seven the following motion was made by mckellen seconded by Chris. 980 01:21:06.060 --> 01:21:23.250 james murez: The motion carried on unanimously 500 and then it just has the initials of how it was voted, please let me know if you have any additional questions thanks a lot, I guess, I have additional questions, so I don't know how we want to deal with them any suggestions. 981 01:21:27.300 --> 01:21:31.050 Daffodil Tyminski: I mean we could tax the leaks and it just bookmark this and come back to it. 982 01:21:31.980 --> 01:21:32.550 james murez: If we can. 983 01:21:32.670 --> 01:21:36.300 james murez: We can do that, we can assume that it was I mean I remember that it was approved, as presented. 984 01:21:37.980 --> 01:21:41.220 james murez: We can do that, I mean I you know. 985 01:21:41.580 --> 01:21:46.500 melissa diner : A gym, if you remember that it's approved as presented, then what are we talking about. 986 01:21:46.530 --> 01:21:47.610 melissa diner : that's the motion. 987 01:21:47.640 --> 01:21:49.650 james murez: What we don't have an actual written. 988 01:21:49.650 --> 01:21:57.990 melissa diner : Motion right, but the the motion was to consent with them, with the approval motion submitted and attachments correct. 989 01:21:58.470 --> 01:21:59.400 james murez: i'm fine with that. 990 01:22:00.780 --> 01:22:04.950 Daffodil Tyminski: I mean, I imagine the case description is what the motion was. 991 01:22:07.800 --> 01:22:09.360 Alley Bean: Page views and a CDP. 992 01:22:09.720 --> 01:22:14.550 melissa diner : yeah we move on to public comment, since we have a motion on the floor. 993 01:22:15.780 --> 01:22:17.940 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, let's do let's keep it going, this is. 994 01:22:20.820 --> 01:22:23.700 Daffodil Tyminski: hold on one SEC guys i'm trying to for some reason it's not bringing it up. 995 01:22:23.820 --> 01:22:24.300 james murez: Well, we need. 996 01:22:25.560 --> 01:22:27.390 james murez: ocean and somebody else to second. 997 01:22:27.480 --> 01:22:28.800 melissa diner : I already have that i'm. 998 01:22:28.800 --> 01:22:30.780 melissa diner : A motion daffodil second today. 999 01:22:30.870 --> 01:22:32.490 james murez: Okay, thank you, I didn't hear i'm sorry. 1000 01:22:32.520 --> 01:22:35.490 Daffodil Tyminski: And as far as I see actually there's no public comment on this. 1001 01:22:35.610 --> 01:22:37.920 Daffodil Tyminski: photo we're going to close public comment. 1002 01:22:38.010 --> 01:22:43.050 Daffodil Tyminski: and go to the Committee anyone have anything to say on the committee. 1003 01:22:46.950 --> 01:22:49.980 Daffodil Tyminski: Seeing no hands why don't we take a vote great. 1004 01:22:50.010 --> 01:22:52.710 Alley Bean: Jim and we're going to put it on the agenda. 1005 01:22:53.280 --> 01:22:54.390 james murez: i'm looking. 1006 01:22:54.480 --> 01:22:55.200 james murez: Andre said. 1007 01:22:55.260 --> 01:22:59.010 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, yeah pending receipt of the appropriate documents. 1008 01:22:59.250 --> 01:22:59.820 Correct. 1009 01:23:01.230 --> 01:23:01.800 melissa diner : Jim. 1010 01:23:01.950 --> 01:23:03.360 melissa diner : Yes, definitely. 1011 01:23:03.810 --> 01:23:04.500 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes. 1012 01:23:04.710 --> 01:23:06.240 melissa diner : I vote yes Ali. 1013 01:23:06.420 --> 01:23:06.900 Yes. 1014 01:23:09.090 --> 01:23:09.540 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes. 1015 01:23:11.190 --> 01:23:13.140 melissa diner : And NICO. 1016 01:23:14.160 --> 01:23:14.550 Nico Ruderman: Yes. 1017 01:23:14.880 --> 01:23:15.420 Daffodil Tyminski: Thank you. 1018 01:23:15.510 --> 01:23:15.960 All right. 1019 01:23:20.040 --> 01:23:20.520 james murez: Okay. 1020 01:23:22.710 --> 01:23:24.030 james murez: Now we're on to old business. 1021 01:23:26.250 --> 01:23:27.540 james murez: Now we're on the new business. 1022 01:23:28.980 --> 01:23:29.610 james murez: So. 1023 01:23:31.470 --> 01:23:33.780 Daffodil Tyminski: Why don't we do 11 and 12 a together. 1024 01:23:36.630 --> 01:23:38.610 Daffodil Tyminski: What was 11 just. 1025 01:23:39.330 --> 01:23:41.580 james murez: Oh yeah old business there's no old business. 1026 01:23:44.160 --> 01:23:47.640 james murez: So Okay, we can do 11 and 12 at together. 1027 01:23:50.730 --> 01:23:51.720 james murez: Somebody want to make the motion. 1028 01:23:52.260 --> 01:23:55.710 Daffodil Tyminski: I will make the motion to put 11 and 12 a on the agenda. 1029 01:23:56.010 --> 01:23:57.240 Andrea Boccaletti: Then our second. 1030 01:23:58.740 --> 01:23:59.640 james murez: Public comment. 1031 01:24:01.980 --> 01:24:04.890 Daffodil Tyminski: um we've got let me let. 1032 01:24:06.420 --> 01:24:11.250 Daffodil Tyminski: Helen I don't know, maybe i'll let you go second so you can speak to something if you have to Lisa. 1033 01:24:12.660 --> 01:24:13.740 Daffodil Tyminski: Why don't you go. 1034 01:24:14.760 --> 01:24:16.980 james murez: who's the who's the last speaker. 1035 01:24:17.820 --> 01:24:18.570 Daffodil Tyminski: Erica more. 1036 01:24:18.810 --> 01:24:20.010 james murez: Okay, thank you. 1037 01:24:20.910 --> 01:24:36.630 Lisa Redmond: Okay, a couple things I hope I have to keep pressing this issue, but you keep publishing people's private phone numbers and private information and you keep saying you're going to address that but somehow that isn't so. 1038 01:24:37.890 --> 01:24:46.260 Lisa Redmond: Maybe i'll call Helen some lunch, now that I have her number um but the point I will i'm asking is did this go through committee. 1039 01:24:46.890 --> 01:25:02.190 Lisa Redmond: It doesn't say if it is or not, and if it hasn't gone through committee i'm going to suggest it does, and I know a lot of people feel anything with homelessness is pressing, but there's a huge difference between pressing and timely and. 1040 01:25:03.660 --> 01:25:18.150 Lisa Redmond: If unless there's like an exact date that this has to be done because it's coming before Council on the 21st and so they have to get their CDs and quick, then I get that but if there isn't a scheduled date. 1041 01:25:18.570 --> 01:25:20.700 Lisa Redmond: Then it should go through a committee first. 1042 01:25:21.480 --> 01:25:24.360 Daffodil Tyminski: Thank you, thank you Lisa Erica go ahead. 1043 01:25:28.050 --> 01:25:28.530 Erica Moore: Okay. 1044 01:25:31.980 --> 01:25:32.310 Erica Moore: Sorry. 1045 01:25:35.130 --> 01:25:38.610 Erica Moore: um as far as that we're talking about chop shop right. 1046 01:25:39.360 --> 01:25:41.970 Erica Moore: Yes, yeah i'm totally in favor. 1047 01:25:44.520 --> 01:25:49.230 Daffodil Tyminski: Great thank Thank you so much Helen go ahead you're going to send me. 1048 01:25:49.530 --> 01:25:50.010 Helen Fallon: Just to. 1049 01:25:50.130 --> 01:26:06.810 Helen Fallon: Just to clarify the Venice neighborhood Council it took a position on this and 2019 was a slightly different motion because it referred to this Council fly refers to the long beach city ordinance as the model and they referred to San Francisco and then. 1050 01:26:06.810 --> 01:26:07.440 Helen Fallon: When I brought. 1051 01:26:07.710 --> 01:26:14.280 Helen Fallon: on board a bicycle shop shop motion last year I my recollection is that went before the homeless committee. 1052 01:26:14.610 --> 01:26:30.990 Helen Fallon: was already vetted there, and when it went finally ATT COM decided they would just not even bother to put it before the board, they would just reiterate the letter that they sent in 2019, and this has been aired in front of stakeholders, I don't think there's a human being and. 1053 01:26:32.730 --> 01:26:45.180 Helen Fallon: I don't think there's too many stakeholders would think that it's okay for criminals to be praying on both the House and the House that's all I got to say about it and, yes, I would appreciate it if you make sure my personal email, is no longer on. 1054 01:26:46.800 --> 01:26:49.830 Helen Fallon: On in when it's when it actually becomes the final. 1055 01:26:50.970 --> 01:26:52.920 Helen Fallon: And yes, Lisa call me for calling. 1056 01:26:56.340 --> 01:26:59.370 Daffodil Tyminski: Thank you all um okay go ahead um. 1057 01:27:00.450 --> 01:27:02.100 Daffodil Tyminski: Anyone on the board have a comment. 1058 01:27:03.690 --> 01:27:15.360 melissa diner : I have a comment real quick just about this personal email thing, but I don't know, whoever has said we've always always put the information that's submitted on the agendas and that's. 1059 01:27:15.750 --> 01:27:24.150 melissa diner : includes personal information, so we can reach out to the maker of motion if we have questions or need to add attachments and or if the public has questions. 1060 01:27:24.480 --> 01:27:36.570 melissa diner : So if Jim wants to take responsibility for now changing that given it's a required part of how you submit for everyone board members included that's fine but that's never something we've committed. 1061 01:27:37.890 --> 01:27:44.310 melissa diner : And it's not it's not on the agenda request page is not disclosed anywhere it's always been a requirement. 1062 01:27:46.920 --> 01:27:48.510 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, Jim you have a comment. 1063 01:27:49.200 --> 01:28:03.720 james murez: So i'm just curious if this item was previously addressed on a prior board motion, why do we need to have it on this agenda, why can't we just resend a letter. 1064 01:28:05.010 --> 01:28:16.050 james murez: or resubmit the Community impact statement, based on the prior motion I know we can do that and I guess i'm not sure what the difference is between this chop shop. 1065 01:28:17.640 --> 01:28:24.600 james murez: issue and the previous chop shop issue and I guess, I would like to have somebody clarify that. 1066 01:28:27.420 --> 01:28:33.660 Daffodil Tyminski: Since Helen brought this up, I can let her do it if she wants, if not i'm happy to do it, but. 1067 01:28:33.690 --> 01:28:35.340 james murez: Do you remember our previous letter. 1068 01:28:36.030 --> 01:28:39.990 Daffodil Tyminski: Well Helen actually sent me all the previous letters um. 1069 01:28:40.050 --> 01:28:40.410 james murez: Is there. 1070 01:28:40.830 --> 01:28:41.220 Daffodil Tyminski: Is it. 1071 01:28:41.490 --> 01:28:52.140 james murez: Is there one from that we could use as a because if the if the prior board sent one in I can just ask Melissa who I think has the she knows how to do it. 1072 01:28:52.530 --> 01:28:55.470 Daffodil Tyminski: Right, so let me just let me just say the um. 1073 01:28:56.550 --> 01:29:05.280 Daffodil Tyminski: The urgency for doing this now is that there, this is again in committee and city council and there are some upcoming meetings that are time sensitive. 1074 01:29:06.360 --> 01:29:22.350 Daffodil Tyminski: The moat the ordinance or was changed slightly and because it's changed it's essentially the same one there's just a couple of references that are a little different So yes, we could easily take the old. 1075 01:29:24.030 --> 01:29:26.070 Daffodil Tyminski: Community impact statement and reuse it. 1076 01:29:26.610 --> 01:29:27.360 Daffodil Tyminski: With a letter. 1077 01:29:27.870 --> 01:29:29.190 Daffodil Tyminski: I can send you. 1078 01:29:29.880 --> 01:29:44.610 james murez: know I, I think we should just do that offline after the meeting and forget about the side of it there's no reason take board time to reiterate the same item all over again if the prior board already did it, we have, but we need to submit a Community impact statement it's a done deal. 1079 01:29:45.180 --> 01:29:51.060 melissa diner : And Jim I would just encourage you to use your executive authority take this off and move on and you'll. 1080 01:29:51.570 --> 01:29:55.890 Helen Fallon: Was there a Community impact statement approved, I thought it was just a letter that one out. 1081 01:29:56.010 --> 01:29:58.110 Helen Fallon: I don't think it was ever a Council file before. 1082 01:29:58.170 --> 01:29:58.800 james murez: yeah let me. 1083 01:29:59.730 --> 01:30:04.980 james murez: Know Helen let me interrupt you decide that you're not supposed to be talking anyway. 1084 01:30:06.090 --> 01:30:17.910 james murez: So anytime the board takes an action on any item meaning anytime the board votes and and on emotion and approves emotion or denies it. 1085 01:30:18.720 --> 01:30:26.790 james murez: Either way, however, it is a Community impact statement can be based referenced to that action being taken. 1086 01:30:27.300 --> 01:30:36.060 james murez: So, in the case that this item was discussed previously and a previous so so I know for a fact that IRA would never send out a letter. 1087 01:30:36.870 --> 01:30:45.060 james murez: Based on having had a conversation with somebody he would only do it, based on their having been action taken by the previous board. 1088 01:30:46.050 --> 01:30:56.040 james murez: Meaning that the board had a motion and whatever whoever submitted it, whether it was a committee or or an individual and with 60 signatures, however, it was done it doesn't make any difference. 1089 01:30:57.480 --> 01:31:03.900 james murez: emotion was made the motion was passed and that past motion then allowed him to write a letter. 1090 01:31:05.160 --> 01:31:18.120 james murez: The Community impact statement requirement is that it can only be made from the board, and that means that the decision had to have been previously made at the board so as long as we have a previous decision was made at the board. 1091 01:31:19.500 --> 01:31:20.190 james murez: we're good to go. 1092 01:31:21.000 --> 01:31:21.570 Helen Fallon: And I just. 1093 01:31:21.600 --> 01:31:28.380 Helen Fallon: get a clarification here because IRA was adamant video always had to have a specific CIS approved. 1094 01:31:28.830 --> 01:31:41.550 Helen Fallon: i'm fine if you folks are going to go on if you've gone you've made a decision to make a motion, the Council fella comes up, you will then file a ci so we don't have to go through this rigmarole that's why I submitted this this way. 1095 01:31:41.550 --> 01:31:42.810 james murez: Thank you, thank you Helen let. 1096 01:31:42.810 --> 01:31:43.500 james murez: me let you. 1097 01:31:44.280 --> 01:31:46.170 james murez: haven't did I get any part of that incorrect. 1098 01:31:47.190 --> 01:31:48.090 Ivan: No. 1099 01:31:48.630 --> 01:31:50.400 james murez: You didn't make thank, but let me. 1100 01:31:50.910 --> 01:31:52.620 Ivan: Let me point something out to hear. 1101 01:31:52.680 --> 01:31:56.430 james murez: You know what you can point it out pointed out to me after the meeting. 1102 01:31:56.730 --> 01:31:58.890 Ivan: know what we're doing. 1103 01:32:00.300 --> 01:32:00.630 james murez: we're going. 1104 01:32:00.930 --> 01:32:02.340 Ivan: To file number. 1105 01:32:02.640 --> 01:32:09.960 Ivan: Yes, that she's talking about is 21 1115 which means it's a brand new Council file. 1106 01:32:10.140 --> 01:32:14.280 Ivan: Yes, alright so whatever you sent in the past. 1107 01:32:14.760 --> 01:32:19.080 Ivan: Yes, wouldn't apply if the board approved to a different Council file. 1108 01:32:19.230 --> 01:32:20.190 Ivan: You won't have to go. 1109 01:32:20.220 --> 01:32:21.420 Ivan: back and do it again. 1110 01:32:21.570 --> 01:32:24.660 james murez: No that's not the point, the point is is the same issue. 1111 01:32:26.010 --> 01:32:32.100 Daffodil Tyminski: But it's almost yeah I think they just started a new file, because the basis of it is different. 1112 01:32:33.450 --> 01:32:35.520 james murez: it's the same issues is it still. 1113 01:32:37.290 --> 01:32:43.110 james murez: Ivan Thank you very much we're gonna move on, I understood perfectly perfectly what she said, thank you let's keep going. 1114 01:32:45.150 --> 01:32:47.820 james murez: Okay, let me share my screen we're moving on to the next item. 1115 01:32:52.530 --> 01:32:52.920 james murez: Okay. 1116 01:32:52.980 --> 01:32:56.070 Ivan: Good resolution we're just going to send another letter. 1117 01:32:56.670 --> 01:33:03.930 james murez: we're going we're going to send something into the Community impact we're going to file a Community impact statement, based on the previous decision yeah. 1118 01:33:04.920 --> 01:33:11.310 james murez: Alright well we'll we'll review it in between now and the end of the week, and if we screwed up we'll put it on the boards agenda but I don't think we did. 1119 01:33:12.330 --> 01:33:12.870 Ivan: Okay. 1120 01:33:13.950 --> 01:33:15.360 james murez: um 12 B. 1121 01:33:17.880 --> 01:33:22.710 james murez: And let's see do we want to do these together, because we do them one, at a time, so we need. 1122 01:33:24.480 --> 01:33:27.480 james murez: We need a motion to put let's see join. 1123 01:33:27.510 --> 01:33:28.680 james murez: me three. 1124 01:33:29.880 --> 01:33:31.860 james murez: She to code of conduct. 1125 01:33:32.910 --> 01:33:41.160 james murez: So you have 1234 1212. 1126 01:33:41.190 --> 01:33:42.600 Ivan: Be lead to disease separate. 1127 01:33:43.170 --> 01:33:43.710 Why. 1128 01:33:46.530 --> 01:33:48.270 Ivan: Because they're on different topics. 1129 01:33:49.050 --> 01:33:56.610 james murez: Okay, I thought they were all in the same thing rules and selection committee we're not discussing individual items and. 1130 01:33:57.390 --> 01:33:58.290 james murez: Okay, what. 1131 01:33:59.400 --> 01:34:01.890 james murez: we're we're not discussing the content we're discussing whether or. 1132 01:34:01.890 --> 01:34:04.170 Ivan: Not I understand that. 1133 01:34:04.590 --> 01:34:05.310 james murez: Okay we're. 1134 01:34:05.520 --> 01:34:09.090 Ivan: Talking about amending the standard rules. 1135 01:34:09.390 --> 01:34:10.950 james murez: Are and you know one, at a time. 1136 01:34:10.980 --> 01:34:15.120 james murez: Thank you Ivan all right, I don't want any problems tonight, I want to go home. 1137 01:34:16.140 --> 01:34:20.490 james murez: 12 be um somebody want to make a motion. 1138 01:34:21.690 --> 01:34:41.910 Alley Bean: I just have a point of clarification, for me, the request motion is very badly worded it's really confusing to me that's all so I don't know how to vote for it, like being on are not on because I it's just like, for example, as is, as is the case with lupus that that's so unclear I. 1139 01:34:41.970 --> 01:34:42.240 james murez: get it. 1140 01:34:42.660 --> 01:34:48.930 Alley Bean: Because there was discussion about this last week, so I think it should be really clear what the emotion is, and I just. 1141 01:34:49.230 --> 01:34:56.550 james murez: Thank you ellie that's a point of order, I got it, we need a motion on the floor, and it needs to be second, and so we can move on with our meeting. 1142 01:34:57.420 --> 01:35:00.450 Alley Bean: i'll make a motion I don't know what you motion to. 1143 01:35:04.050 --> 01:35:04.590 Okay, do we have a. 1144 01:35:06.270 --> 01:35:06.900 house, thank you. 1145 01:35:08.190 --> 01:35:09.180 james murez: Thank you, Melissa. 1146 01:35:09.450 --> 01:35:10.500 Alley Bean: What is the emotion. 1147 01:35:10.620 --> 01:35:12.210 james murez: Public comment, please. 1148 01:35:12.690 --> 01:35:14.340 Daffodil Tyminski: emotion is to place this on the. 1149 01:35:14.340 --> 01:35:15.690 Daffodil Tyminski: October board agenda. 1150 01:35:16.350 --> 01:35:18.300 Daffodil Tyminski: There is no public comment. 1151 01:35:21.630 --> 01:35:22.350 james murez: and raise. 1152 01:35:22.440 --> 01:35:24.360 james murez: Top dissidents have their hundreds. 1153 01:35:25.980 --> 01:35:26.700 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, they just put. 1154 01:35:26.910 --> 01:35:28.170 james murez: participants have their hand. 1155 01:35:28.170 --> 01:35:30.030 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay we're closing public comment. 1156 01:35:30.480 --> 01:35:32.580 james murez: To one already dropped off. 1157 01:35:33.330 --> 01:35:33.840 Okay. 1158 01:35:35.400 --> 01:35:36.420 Daffodil Tyminski: Go ahead Helen. 1159 01:35:37.320 --> 01:35:39.960 Helen Fallon: I would just suggest when you come to these rules. 1160 01:35:41.190 --> 01:35:55.410 Helen Fallon: For the board for the public that you actually have the original language what the change actually is, and the rationale for the change, these are the rules, you should be able to explain why this is better and what you have already. 1161 01:35:57.690 --> 01:35:59.760 Helen Fallon: Now reply to all of these revisions. 1162 01:36:01.080 --> 01:36:01.440 james murez: Thank you. 1163 01:36:01.500 --> 01:36:03.510 Daffodil Tyminski: um Lisa go ahead. 1164 01:36:04.470 --> 01:36:14.010 Lisa Redmond: yeah I was going to agree with kellen there, you should have the previous and the the news, so people can see the difference in the change of language. 1165 01:36:14.820 --> 01:36:25.920 Lisa Redmond: But i'm also going to point out that I about the personal information on the agenda, and this has been discussed many times but understand everyone. 1166 01:36:25.980 --> 01:36:26.820 Lisa Redmond: understands why you. 1167 01:36:26.850 --> 01:36:27.750 Daffodil Tyminski: need to pay on. 1168 01:36:28.230 --> 01:36:28.890 Lisa Redmond: A fucking. 1169 01:36:29.040 --> 01:36:29.910 Lisa Redmond: Yes, I am. 1170 01:36:30.270 --> 01:36:36.210 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah i'm eating oh it's off topic we we can send us an email will discussing it back to you. 1171 01:36:38.520 --> 01:36:39.750 Daffodil Tyminski: Any board comment. 1172 01:36:42.630 --> 01:36:49.620 melissa diner : My only comment on this is i've already been told by at least one other board members. 1173 01:36:49.680 --> 01:36:50.550 Daffodil Tyminski: Not now. 1174 01:36:50.640 --> 01:36:52.680 Daffodil Tyminski: On if it's on topic stay on topic. 1175 01:36:52.710 --> 01:37:00.090 melissa diner : it's it's it's on topic that this item and the next item, are going to be highly controversial. 1176 01:37:00.570 --> 01:37:05.160 melissa diner : i'm happy to add in the original links if they exist for any of these. 1177 01:37:05.490 --> 01:37:15.660 melissa diner : But I just I don't want to spend that much time on both this one, and the next one, when I feel like they're absolutely obsolete things that almost never come up. 1178 01:37:15.990 --> 01:37:30.030 melissa diner : And if anything they're just you know, in the spirit of more participation in my opinion, so that's all I wanted to say, I hope we just support putting them on, but I also hope we don't spend a lot of time on them moving forward. 1179 01:37:30.960 --> 01:37:31.410 Okay. 1180 01:37:33.420 --> 01:37:35.070 Daffodil Tyminski: Go ahead allie well. 1181 01:37:35.130 --> 01:37:48.300 Alley Bean: I just have the same comment, which is it's just a word in question for me, I think we should definitely have this on the agenda, but the the confusion last time for everybody, it seemed and myself included, was. 1182 01:37:48.930 --> 01:37:55.680 Alley Bean: I don't think anybody has a problem with the ex officio thing on every committee except it's against the bylaws what I heard. 1183 01:37:56.130 --> 01:38:07.260 Alley Bean: What I understood from Ivan to is on loop X, so can we just take the loop tech part off and I get clear and then I think everybody will will vote for it, and then won't be a big conversation. 1184 01:38:07.800 --> 01:38:15.660 Alley Bean: That seemed to be the issue that everybody was having a problem with, and then I thought it was according to Ivan it was in the bylaws that the President can't be. 1185 01:38:16.500 --> 01:38:32.280 Alley Bean: ex officio and vote on loop back that so that was my confusion, but this wording is really bad, for example, as in the case with lubec what does that mean it just it's just not worth it well, so it's going to be another huge discussion and take us into midnight hours so. 1186 01:38:32.340 --> 01:38:36.660 Alley Bean: Can we just clarify here going on the agenda and then we'll be good that's my feeling good. 1187 01:38:37.140 --> 01:38:39.960 james murez: howie way Ivan do not interrupt. 1188 01:38:42.780 --> 01:38:43.290 Daffodil Tyminski: Go ahead. 1189 01:38:47.970 --> 01:38:48.210 Andrea Boccaletti: Mike. 1190 01:38:48.600 --> 01:38:51.360 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm really sorry to I need to leave the meeting for a minute. 1191 01:38:51.900 --> 01:38:53.730 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay i'll be back in a couple minutes. 1192 01:38:54.870 --> 01:38:55.230 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay Mike. 1193 01:38:56.040 --> 01:39:01.950 Andrea Boccaletti: If we could really respect the hands being raised and calling people have their hands raised, thank you. 1194 01:39:04.770 --> 01:39:07.440 james murez: Well, your hand is raised, did you want to speak I. 1195 01:39:07.590 --> 01:39:08.190 Andrea Boccaletti: just spoke. 1196 01:39:08.550 --> 01:39:12.600 james murez: Okay, thank you um I need to stop sharing, so I can see, whose. 1197 01:39:12.600 --> 01:39:14.010 james murez: hands are raised hold on a second. 1198 01:39:17.490 --> 01:39:19.380 james murez: So my hand is racing so as ivan's. 1199 01:39:22.980 --> 01:39:29.550 james murez: I will, I will take a first stab at this and i'm going to share the screen, so I can make it clear. 1200 01:39:31.380 --> 01:39:37.530 james murez: A couple of things, first of all, there was a comment made about their needs to be. 1201 01:39:38.730 --> 01:39:40.920 james murez: reference to the old language. 1202 01:39:43.110 --> 01:40:03.840 james murez: 12 vs new language it's not currently in the bylaws although it's been the accepted practice for many, many, many years back, as long as I can remember, and we were told by the person who has been working on the rules and the bylaws for since time began. 1203 01:40:05.010 --> 01:40:18.000 james murez: For instance, nearly time again that this was in the earlier version of the bylaws and then somehow it got stripped out, perhaps by done we don't know we don't have record of it, the records have been lost or misplaced. 1204 01:40:19.470 --> 01:40:38.220 james murez: Now, on to the wording that's here one of the things that we're doing in the rules and selections committee is trying to align the bylaws and the rules of the Standing roles, where the two documents will stay in synchronous with each other as time continues on. 1205 01:40:39.540 --> 01:40:41.850 james murez: If we were to write into here. 1206 01:40:43.620 --> 01:40:53.820 james murez: In so being the president's membership does not conflict with the bylaws, for example, as in the case with Lou Pack. 1207 01:40:54.840 --> 01:41:02.040 james murez: The bylaws make it very clear that Lou Pack is only allowed to have one board member. 1208 01:41:03.090 --> 01:41:13.620 james murez: So the wording here, which is actually quite clear, if you read it, word for word, in my opinion, the president's membership does not conflict with the bylaws. 1209 01:41:14.070 --> 01:41:27.240 james murez: For example, as in the case with Luca know, maybe should say within the case, as described in the bylaws for loop back, but the idea being that loop Pack is presently. 1210 01:41:28.350 --> 01:41:31.350 james murez: The only committee where that exists. 1211 01:41:32.700 --> 01:41:36.180 james murez: In the future, if a new committee was created. 1212 01:41:37.320 --> 01:41:48.390 james murez: Where the President was not to be part of the committee, which might exist, for instance in the election committed maybe the President should not be part of the election. 1213 01:41:48.840 --> 01:42:03.960 james murez: Then we would have to go back and rewrite the standing rules, again, so the idea was we don't want to have to keep rewriting the standard rules at some point in time, we probably want to have this standing rule written into the bylaws. 1214 01:42:05.010 --> 01:42:11.580 james murez: And we can remove it for all together from the standing rules and again, we would have to then go back and reference, so long as it doesn't. 1215 01:42:12.270 --> 01:42:24.780 james murez: conflict with other sections of these bylaws but right now we're only talking about this being standing rules, not conflicting with the bylaws, for example, as it would, in the case of loop back. 1216 01:42:25.050 --> 01:42:26.430 Alley Bean: That would be better wording. 1217 01:42:27.150 --> 01:42:28.140 james murez: Well, you like that better. 1218 01:42:28.320 --> 01:42:29.640 Alley Bean: Yes, as it does in the. 1219 01:42:30.180 --> 01:42:31.560 Alley Bean: boy does as it. 1220 01:42:32.640 --> 01:42:33.900 james murez: As it does. 1221 01:42:33.990 --> 01:42:36.090 james murez: uh huh is it. 1222 01:42:37.980 --> 01:42:38.760 james murez: Does. 1223 01:42:39.990 --> 01:42:43.590 james murez: Is he okay so that's already in there. 1224 01:42:43.800 --> 01:42:46.200 Ivan: Okay i'm you can't rewrite a committee motion. 1225 01:42:46.560 --> 01:42:47.400 james murez: I understand that. 1226 01:42:47.730 --> 01:42:49.800 melissa diner : He can add like Claire. 1227 01:42:49.980 --> 01:42:50.670 therapy. 1228 01:42:52.470 --> 01:42:52.950 melissa diner : For. 1229 01:42:53.070 --> 01:42:56.640 james murez: Now i'm just making notes i'm just making those. 1230 01:42:56.880 --> 01:43:13.020 james murez: Okay, the board the board can make this when the time comes, but I guess if this makes it clear now that you understand what I said i'm going to stop sharing let's move forward with it let's take a vote and move forward with our meeting now I haven't had his hand up and. 1231 01:43:16.110 --> 01:43:19.740 Ivan: Alright, so I was just gonna say Ali response to you. 1232 01:43:21.210 --> 01:43:29.850 Ivan: This committee can't change it put the board can so if you want to make a change to language you can do it at the board meeting. 1233 01:43:33.630 --> 01:43:33.990 james murez: Okay. 1234 01:43:34.320 --> 01:43:37.830 melissa diner : And we also will I will, I think we should add. 1235 01:43:38.160 --> 01:43:44.040 melissa diner : A point of something like an addendum that says this is new language it's not in the in the. 1236 01:43:44.610 --> 01:43:45.150 Ivan: don't we. 1237 01:43:45.210 --> 01:43:45.600 Ivan: I love. 1238 01:43:46.530 --> 01:43:52.500 melissa diner : Okay well someone clarify it then because it'll come up and if it's written it might be helpful i'm just trying to. 1239 01:43:52.500 --> 01:43:57.930 melissa diner : reiterate the wishes of the Committee to help people not ask questions at the board meeting. 1240 01:43:58.140 --> 01:44:01.590 Ivan: Okay, this is a new motion is no one would. 1241 01:44:03.900 --> 01:44:05.970 melissa diner : clear to you it's not clear to everyone. 1242 01:44:06.300 --> 01:44:06.930 Ivan: yeah we have. 1243 01:44:06.990 --> 01:44:07.830 No, Melissa. 1244 01:44:08.880 --> 01:44:11.340 james murez: Melissa we can add that as a comment. 1245 01:44:12.930 --> 01:44:19.320 james murez: we're not we're not making it as part of the motion it'll just be, this is a new new standing role that's great. 1246 01:44:19.350 --> 01:44:24.090 james murez: perfect right okay let's move on, take a boat, are you done Ivan I don't want to cut you off. 1247 01:44:24.180 --> 01:44:25.020 Ivan: i'm done Thank you. 1248 01:44:25.140 --> 01:44:25.920 james murez: Thank you okay. 1249 01:44:27.690 --> 01:44:28.650 james murez: All the hands, yes. 1250 01:44:29.370 --> 01:44:30.300 melissa diner : Capital gone. 1251 01:44:31.350 --> 01:44:33.390 james murez: yeah she had to run out and. 1252 01:44:34.740 --> 01:44:35.670 james murez: You know. 1253 01:44:36.210 --> 01:44:39.630 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm on i'm on but i'm gonna just abstain because I missed the discussion. 1254 01:44:39.870 --> 01:44:43.050 melissa diner : Okay, thanks i'm seeing Ali. 1255 01:44:43.410 --> 01:44:43.830 Yes. 1256 01:44:46.950 --> 01:44:48.270 Andrea Boccaletti: Oh sorry yes. 1257 01:45:02.340 --> 01:45:05.040 melissa diner : Great Thank you i'm. 1258 01:45:05.520 --> 01:45:09.810 james murez: def adele did I understand correctly, you want to change over to your cell phone, but I hear that. 1259 01:45:10.710 --> 01:45:11.490 Daffodil Tyminski: I already did. 1260 01:45:11.850 --> 01:45:12.690 james murez: Okay, thank you. 1261 01:45:16.560 --> 01:45:17.940 james murez: Okay um. 1262 01:45:21.570 --> 01:45:22.290 Now we're. 1263 01:45:23.520 --> 01:45:24.540 melissa diner : On 12 see. 1264 01:45:24.750 --> 01:45:26.670 james murez: yeah I gotta get back there hold on. 1265 01:45:28.590 --> 01:45:29.100 Do. 1266 01:45:30.360 --> 01:45:31.740 It all messed up your whole. 1267 01:45:33.900 --> 01:45:34.800 nervous system. 1268 01:45:43.950 --> 01:45:45.450 james murez: getting close there we go. 1269 01:45:46.710 --> 01:45:47.130 james murez: Okay. 1270 01:45:49.800 --> 01:45:50.520 james murez: What do we say. 1271 01:45:51.060 --> 01:45:52.500 melissa diner : c as in cat. 1272 01:45:52.860 --> 01:45:54.000 james murez: c as in cat. 1273 01:45:55.020 --> 01:45:57.870 james murez: joint meeting between committee and dnc. 1274 01:45:59.100 --> 01:46:00.300 james murez: Meaning dnc board. 1275 01:46:01.890 --> 01:46:03.120 james murez: I need a motion. 1276 01:46:03.990 --> 01:46:04.350 i'll make. 1277 01:46:05.880 --> 01:46:05.970 Alley Bean: sure. 1278 01:46:08.970 --> 01:46:09.810 james murez: We get a second. 1279 01:46:12.060 --> 01:46:13.800 melissa diner : I make us the second Melissa. 1280 01:46:14.280 --> 01:46:15.090 james murez: Thank you, Melissa. 1281 01:46:17.130 --> 01:46:22.290 james murez: um any hands are you going to be able to do the hand steph dillard you want me to. 1282 01:46:23.790 --> 01:46:25.140 Daffodil Tyminski: If you could that would be great. 1283 01:46:25.890 --> 01:46:29.310 james murez: No problem I just can't share the screen at the same time. 1284 01:46:30.720 --> 01:46:39.240 james murez: attendees we have one who raised hand Helen go ahead, please, well, we have to raise hands after Erica more no more. 1285 01:46:41.010 --> 01:46:51.630 Helen Fallon: That Ryan would just, I would like to point out that I attended the meeting which this motion was discussed, and there were several rationales some of them are usually conflicting. 1286 01:46:52.170 --> 01:47:04.290 Helen Fallon: On this issue, so I think you should provide the public with exactly why you need this and what the responsibilities of board need board members are going to be when they're in this kind of. 1287 01:47:05.100 --> 01:47:14.010 Helen Fallon: Committee declared joint meeting between the committee and the board of officers, because there's quite a bit of confusion about what you can or cannot do and I think the public. 1288 01:47:14.820 --> 01:47:29.010 Helen Fallon: needs to know what the rule is that some people were talking like oh you're going to be a panelist or you're going to be talking all you can give your opinion, all of which is my understanding, you can't do so, I think you need to clarify before you make a rule like this. 1289 01:47:34.920 --> 01:47:36.330 james murez: i'm Erica go ahead, please. 1290 01:47:38.550 --> 01:47:44.970 Erica Moore: hi yeah I agree with you it's it's confusing because it, it seems like there's so much. 1291 01:47:45.840 --> 01:47:58.170 Erica Moore: crossover everywhere, and I think what from what I heard a lot of a lot of the new people don't really know what all the rules are things and it's I think that this is just opening a can of worms personally. 1292 01:47:58.800 --> 01:48:09.960 Erica Moore: I really think that it does need to be loved outline more clearly as well, I wasn't able to be at that meeting, and I was really disappointed that I had to miss it um but. 1293 01:48:10.740 --> 01:48:19.410 Erica Moore: These are really important things and I really think that you know something like this can have far reaching impact, so I think this should not be taken lightly, thank you. 1294 01:48:21.960 --> 01:48:26.850 james murez: Okay, public comment is closed um do we have any committee comment i've been go ahead. 1295 01:48:27.300 --> 01:48:31.410 Ivan: yeah all right, I think there's a typo or something here. 1296 01:48:32.820 --> 01:48:35.490 Ivan: I don't remember it passing like this it says. 1297 01:48:35.970 --> 01:48:44.310 Ivan: All committee meetings are joint meetings that should be shall be agenda eyes as joint meeting. 1298 01:48:47.190 --> 01:48:47.580 Ivan: They don't. 1299 01:48:47.820 --> 01:48:52.710 Ivan: automatically become joint meeting they have to be agenda is a joint meeting. 1300 01:48:54.630 --> 01:48:57.570 Ivan: That has to be in the language meeting. 1301 01:48:59.790 --> 01:49:04.020 james murez: Okay, so we have to fix this word what did you say it was all committee meetings. 1302 01:49:04.170 --> 01:49:07.230 Ivan: Committee meeting shall be agenda eyes. 1303 01:49:09.090 --> 01:49:10.140 Ivan: I was dry cleaning. 1304 01:49:19.680 --> 01:49:21.330 james murez: Okay, does that look about right. 1305 01:49:23.250 --> 01:49:23.730 Ivan: i'm. 1306 01:49:24.120 --> 01:49:24.360 james murez: Nice. 1307 01:49:25.230 --> 01:49:28.680 Ivan: too small, but company agenda as. 1308 01:49:30.510 --> 01:49:34.800 Ivan: Not just to be a gen diagnosed as what's that are the word in there. 1309 01:49:35.340 --> 01:49:36.780 james murez: that's it's the deleted. 1310 01:49:37.350 --> 01:49:38.970 Ivan: It was deleted. 1311 01:49:39.120 --> 01:49:39.570 Okay. 1312 01:49:41.340 --> 01:49:41.820 james murez: Okay. 1313 01:49:44.610 --> 01:49:45.150 melissa diner : And I thought. 1314 01:49:45.600 --> 01:49:46.800 melissa diner : Okay, raise my hand. 1315 01:49:47.040 --> 01:49:49.890 james murez: Yes, go ahead, I just want to make sure i'm done with with Ivan. 1316 01:49:50.250 --> 01:50:04.230 melissa diner : I just want to be clear for people that we don't fall down the rabbit hole of like over red tape, like in order to have a joint committee meeting your agenda has to say it's a Joint Committee meeting. 1317 01:50:04.710 --> 01:50:13.890 melissa diner : But the the language changing is the saintly like you know and and even if you pass this just to a point to not spend more time on it than this. 1318 01:50:14.250 --> 01:50:22.350 melissa diner : Like if you submit an agenda and it doesn't say it's a Joint Committee meeting, do you think dawn's going to be like checking it for you to not have a meeting no and. 1319 01:50:22.710 --> 01:50:31.740 melissa diner : This literally comes up almost never I just want to be clear, like and also i've been for a point of clarification to people, so they know what they're voting on. 1320 01:50:32.070 --> 01:50:43.800 melissa diner : I think you should clarify that it just allows board members to speak as board members not as individuals from the public, which they could do anyways right Can you clarify that. 1321 01:50:45.000 --> 01:50:54.060 Ivan: yeah well you're you're right but I wouldn't put that in the motion, you can explain that at the board meeting when people were are discussing me. 1322 01:50:54.600 --> 01:51:01.050 Ivan: Okay, and I can talk about that too big split would wipe out bad comments we didn't change this. 1323 01:51:01.590 --> 01:51:03.360 melissa diner : Day thanks okay. 1324 01:51:04.290 --> 01:51:10.590 james murez: yeah I would i'm going to do one thing everybody can watch me scroll really quickly, just so nobody realized everybody realizes. 1325 01:51:11.130 --> 01:51:21.840 james murez: That every ad calm meeting see up here it's always a joint meeting this is nothing new we've done this, since the time began it just that we're trying to clarify it now. 1326 01:51:22.860 --> 01:51:42.990 james murez: um and and you know, there was an interesting comment made but recall who it was it just made it, but the comment that was made was she this is complicated and I don't understand because I didn't go to the meeting, excuse me we've been recording every single meeting every single meeting. 1327 01:51:44.610 --> 01:51:55.170 james murez: That anybody can go back and listen to now, before this next board meeting one of the things that I plan to do is send everybody on the board the links to all those video recordings. 1328 01:51:55.950 --> 01:52:00.930 james murez: Because anybody that says they're not informed or they don't understand, they need to go back and listen. 1329 01:52:01.170 --> 01:52:09.870 james murez: To the actual meeting to understand the content, the substance that was discussed, and this was carried out in great detail so for us to have to go back through it again now. 1330 01:52:10.170 --> 01:52:16.290 james murez: Just means that people aren't doing their homework and that's not fair to the rest of us that are doing our homework and are going all of these meetings. 1331 01:52:17.340 --> 01:52:21.150 melissa diner : You can also call Ivan or gym or any of us that might. 1332 01:52:21.150 --> 01:52:22.620 melissa diner : know at any time. 1333 01:52:23.370 --> 01:52:25.080 james murez: ellie has her hand up le go ahead. 1334 01:52:25.290 --> 01:52:25.920 Alley Bean: i'm sorry. 1335 01:52:26.910 --> 01:52:28.740 james murez: Definitely, you have your hand up go ahead. 1336 01:52:29.880 --> 01:52:40.560 Daffodil Tyminski: I do one, just to clarify what what is going to be sent as links to the videos with where in the video they can find it so no one has to sit and listen to every committee meeting. 1337 01:52:41.250 --> 01:52:49.440 Daffodil Tyminski: You know, Jim will direct you to like the specific part of the meeting, where this was discussed, but I would just say in general, I really feel like. 1338 01:52:49.830 --> 01:52:59.790 Daffodil Tyminski: The issue here is whether this goes on the board agenda, not the merits of the motion and we've completely just gotten away from that in this meeting, and this was these were passed by committee. 1339 01:53:01.290 --> 01:53:08.490 Daffodil Tyminski: And so the issue is, does it go to the board or not, and this should be a very simple discussion, and so I would. 1340 01:53:09.360 --> 01:53:23.820 Daffodil Tyminski: remind everyone that we are not getting into whether we like it don't like it whatever it's whether the Board should be hearing it in general we've adopted the position, respecting the committee's that if the committee's approve it and pass it we will put it on the board agenda. 1341 01:53:26.790 --> 01:53:27.840 james murez: let's say you have your hand up. 1342 01:53:28.260 --> 01:53:30.900 melissa diner : I don't mean to I just him doing two things. 1343 01:53:31.080 --> 01:53:31.830 james murez: at once, take. 1344 01:53:32.220 --> 01:53:33.870 Erica Moore: boring all the extra hands. 1345 01:53:34.050 --> 01:53:36.000 melissa diner : Are we ready to take a vote on this, or what. 1346 01:53:36.030 --> 01:53:36.840 Alley Bean: Yes, thank you. 1347 01:53:37.890 --> 01:53:38.880 Alley Bean: Wait wait wait wait no wait. 1348 01:53:38.910 --> 01:53:41.940 james murez: Sorry, I lower your hand thinking you were done. 1349 01:53:42.810 --> 01:53:49.260 Alley Bean: I just one last thing I again kind of like the thing which you then went on to clarify which Ivan says we can't before the meeting. 1350 01:53:49.560 --> 01:53:59.460 Alley Bean: I think it would be great if you explain to everyone what a joint meeting is before we have because people are gonna it's again it's just I think people need that. 1351 01:54:00.090 --> 01:54:00.480 Okay. 1352 01:54:03.870 --> 01:54:05.550 james murez: Okay let's take about roll call. 1353 01:54:06.690 --> 01:54:07.170 melissa diner : Jim. 1354 01:54:07.560 --> 01:54:09.180 melissa diner : Yes, dafoe. 1355 01:54:10.530 --> 01:54:11.010 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes. 1356 01:54:11.880 --> 01:54:13.830 melissa diner : Yes, Andrea. 1357 01:54:14.220 --> 01:54:15.900 melissa diner : Yes, Ali. 1358 01:54:16.170 --> 01:54:18.510 melissa diner : Yes, and NICO. 1359 01:54:21.960 --> 01:54:25.680 james murez: NICO you're being so quiet I love it make it easy. 1360 01:54:32.280 --> 01:54:34.020 james murez: Okay, moving along D. 1361 01:54:35.850 --> 01:54:38.250 james murez: So this was a rack motion. 1362 01:54:39.780 --> 01:54:40.650 james murez: i'm. 1363 01:54:42.480 --> 01:54:46.320 james murez: 7011 person abstained from the committee. 1364 01:54:47.760 --> 01:54:49.260 james murez: Because they didn't understand what. 1365 01:54:49.320 --> 01:54:49.920 Ivan: The scoop. 1366 01:54:50.160 --> 01:54:50.940 james murez: This was about. 1367 01:54:59.400 --> 01:55:08.400 james murez: I can summarize it very, very quickly, we don't really want to get into the merits of it as Melissa just pointed out, but basically. 1368 01:55:10.320 --> 01:55:14.820 james murez: The Director of Rack, I think that's what she calls herself. 1369 01:55:16.110 --> 01:55:18.150 james murez: is trying to. 1370 01:55:19.440 --> 01:55:20.280 james murez: Pass. 1371 01:55:21.090 --> 01:55:24.870 james murez: A new rule that will allow her. 1372 01:55:26.190 --> 01:55:34.200 james murez: for whatever reason she so deems so to be able to remove any elected board member. 1373 01:55:34.920 --> 01:55:53.100 james murez: or any appointed, excuse me any selected committee Member at her own will and her own discretion, without any hearing without any appeal process and without any recourse by the board or the Community that voted the Member into office. 1374 01:55:54.240 --> 01:55:55.350 Daffodil Tyminski: it's done. 1375 01:55:55.650 --> 01:56:05.040 james murez: it's the head of done that's correct I don't know who said that's what yes that's correct this is the woman that's in charge of the Department of neighborhood empowerment Rachel and I don't remember how to pronounce her last name. 1376 01:56:06.930 --> 01:56:11.280 james murez: And then, I have a motion to put this on the board. 1377 01:56:12.540 --> 01:56:13.440 james murez: Under new business. 1378 01:56:15.180 --> 01:56:15.870 james murez: Word agenda. 1379 01:56:17.160 --> 01:56:26.400 Daffodil Tyminski: it's daffodil i'll make the motion and to be clear, the emotion is is to not approve this proposed change that is the Rack motion. 1380 01:56:26.760 --> 01:56:27.840 melissa diner : And a second it. 1381 01:56:29.850 --> 01:56:32.100 james murez: Okay, any public comment. 1382 01:56:33.810 --> 01:56:34.320 Alley Bean: um. 1383 01:56:35.370 --> 01:56:38.400 james murez: I see two hands up, no one hand up. 1384 01:56:39.510 --> 01:56:40.500 james murez: Here okay go ahead. 1385 01:56:42.810 --> 01:56:53.700 Erica Moore: hi can you hear me yep okay good Okay, well, I just have a question is is that what is the normal procedure, I mean I don't think a person quote unquote should just be making random decisions but. 1386 01:56:54.150 --> 01:57:05.520 Erica Moore: If she's the head of that department and she's evaluating it I know you're I think that's weird why wouldn't there be due process seems like it's like a departure from what they normally do. 1387 01:57:05.820 --> 01:57:11.910 james murez: There is currently a process which requires them to have a panel of people impartial people. 1388 01:57:12.720 --> 01:57:27.810 james murez: hear the hear the complaint here the problem here the issue so, in other words, if one person on the committee was to call somebody a swear word and that person filed a grievance report and went through the whole process, she can just say oh I don't like. 1389 01:57:28.740 --> 01:57:30.930 Erica Moore: What you're saying he could do My point is that. 1390 01:57:31.260 --> 01:57:34.290 james murez: they're currently yes Erica Erica. 1391 01:57:34.320 --> 01:57:48.150 james murez: There currently is a procedure in place that allows them to do it they're trying to cut their budget that's what it boils down to they're trying to take they're trying to take new controls, so they don't have to go through the process. 1392 01:57:49.410 --> 01:57:53.130 Daffodil Tyminski: Again, the merits of the motion, we can discuss at the board meeting. 1393 01:57:54.180 --> 01:58:01.590 Erica Moore: Really shitty weather, because I think, obviously, they should be doing something that's reasonable and fair, which is having due process so. 1394 01:58:01.860 --> 01:58:06.210 james murez: Thank you, thank you Erica Helen you put your hand down and then back up did you want to speak. 1395 01:58:06.750 --> 01:58:12.990 Helen Fallon: Yes, I did, because I was wanting to make a point of information I looked up the Minutes from the Rules Committee. 1396 01:58:13.500 --> 01:58:26.910 Helen Fallon: And Ivan said you're not supposed to amend emotion that's been submitted by the Committee, it should reflect exactly what the committee voted on and the language you added to that last one is not an emotion that the committee voted on according to their minutes so. 1397 01:58:27.300 --> 01:58:36.240 james murez: Thank you i'm going to be doing that, at the board minute at the board meeting I just made that in my notes, Melissa didn't do that in her notes that was just so I wouldn't forget. 1398 01:58:36.270 --> 01:58:39.330 Helen Fallon: Okay, that wasn't clear when you voted on it at all. 1399 01:58:39.540 --> 01:58:42.540 james murez: We were we were voting to put the item on the agenda. 1400 01:58:42.570 --> 01:58:43.890 Helen Fallon: Not as long as you're. 1401 01:58:44.190 --> 01:58:45.690 Helen Fallon: Okay, as long as you're not putting. 1402 01:58:45.690 --> 01:58:46.410 Helen Fallon: Now language. 1403 01:58:47.550 --> 01:59:00.510 james murez: Helen he did not vote to amend the motion we didn't do anything like that we just voted to put the motion as it was written, which is the way it was on what was published, not with my notes okay. 1404 01:59:00.570 --> 01:59:01.800 Helen Fallon: Okay, I think you. 1405 01:59:03.060 --> 01:59:05.460 james murez: All right, closing public comment, Melissa go ahead. 1406 01:59:07.560 --> 01:59:09.060 melissa diner : I didn't have my hand up. 1407 01:59:09.540 --> 01:59:10.050 Okay. 1408 01:59:11.370 --> 01:59:13.440 james murez: Erica you had your hand up so you want to lower it. 1409 01:59:15.810 --> 01:59:16.860 james murez: um. 1410 01:59:19.560 --> 01:59:20.610 james murez: let's take a roll call vote. 1411 01:59:23.010 --> 01:59:23.730 melissa diner : Okay, Jim. 1412 01:59:24.090 --> 01:59:24.540 Yes. 1413 01:59:26.190 --> 01:59:26.760 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes. 1414 01:59:28.230 --> 01:59:28.650 Ivan: Yes. 1415 01:59:30.480 --> 01:59:30.870 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes. 1416 01:59:32.370 --> 01:59:33.930 melissa diner : and 1417 01:59:38.850 --> 01:59:39.210 Nico Ruderman: Yes. 1418 01:59:39.630 --> 01:59:40.110 Nico Ruderman: Thank you. 1419 01:59:47.490 --> 01:59:50.460 james murez: So this motion is is not. 1420 01:59:51.720 --> 02:00:03.510 james murez: A new one, it is an amendment to a standing role, so it says amendment, so I guess the other one should just say knew we wanted to be consistent, can I get a motion to put this on the floor, please. 1421 02:00:08.430 --> 02:00:09.630 melissa diner : i'll do it, Melissa. 1422 02:00:10.680 --> 02:00:11.910 james murez: Thank you, do we have a second. 1423 02:00:12.780 --> 02:00:14.310 Daffodil Tyminski: I will second it Stafford oh. 1424 02:00:14.760 --> 02:00:15.630 james murez: Thank you know. 1425 02:00:17.010 --> 02:00:18.270 james murez: let's take public comment. 1426 02:00:19.980 --> 02:00:29.280 james murez: But I wonder if there's a way I can leave this up it's long, and I think people still want to see it let's see if I can do it this way, public comment Robin ruta still has her hand up go ahead, Robin. 1427 02:00:31.380 --> 02:00:35.460 Robin Rudisill: I actually had my hand up before you close public comment on the last one. 1428 02:00:35.640 --> 02:00:37.170 james murez: Oh well take your comment now. 1429 02:00:37.470 --> 02:00:52.410 Robin Rudisill: yeah it doesn't impact you voted on, but I would like to suggest that, for the workplace equity policy in the workplace violence policy that you provide links to those so that your board members know what they're voting on when they suggest to add them. 1430 02:00:53.460 --> 02:00:54.720 james murez: Okay i'll make a note. 1431 02:00:55.320 --> 02:00:57.060 Robin Rudisill: and on on this one. 1432 02:00:58.440 --> 02:01:11.310 Robin Rudisill: I don't know i'm a little bit concerned about just the Chair having the discretion as to what constitutes good cause, normally, it needs to be you know, a couple three board members. 1433 02:01:12.360 --> 02:01:13.890 Robin Rudisill: or something like that, but. 1434 02:01:15.330 --> 02:01:20.820 Robin Rudisill: So i'd like to just I know that's more like content, so we can't really consider that, right now, but. 1435 02:01:22.050 --> 02:01:26.160 Robin Rudisill: It just again it's unclear, the motions really kind of unclear because. 1436 02:01:28.380 --> 02:01:37.350 Robin Rudisill: You know it's there's no real information as to what would be good cause a little more information on what that would be. 1437 02:01:39.510 --> 02:01:45.810 james murez: Okay, thank you um I think I saw some other hands up here hold on a second. 1438 02:01:47.040 --> 02:01:48.180 james murez: Erica go ahead, please. 1439 02:01:48.720 --> 02:01:59.970 Erica Moore: hey there you know just like you just said about that other issue it shouldn't be a singular person, I think, because it's so subjective and I think that I think it should be, I think it should be. 1440 02:02:01.410 --> 02:02:12.120 Erica Moore: It should not just be the chairperson it doesn't make sense, just like you just basically you're basically doing exactly you're going against what you just actually voted on a second ago. 1441 02:02:12.600 --> 02:02:17.490 Erica Moore: I mean it's obviously different issue but it's the same thing really it's one person having all the power. 1442 02:02:17.820 --> 02:02:28.350 Erica Moore: Which doesn't seem to make sense, because it's very subjective to decide what should be removed, or what should not you know your your I don't think that's I don't think that's a bias. 1443 02:02:28.410 --> 02:02:29.760 Erica Moore: Is what i'm trying to really say. 1444 02:02:30.090 --> 02:02:30.930 Erica Moore: I think that that's. 1445 02:02:32.010 --> 02:02:38.100 Erica Moore: That doesn't make sense, it should be at least several people, but I don't know it just doesn't make sense, thank you. 1446 02:02:38.940 --> 02:02:39.720 james murez: hey Thank you. 1447 02:02:41.850 --> 02:02:42.660 james murez: um. 1448 02:02:44.100 --> 02:02:49.260 james murez: let's move on there's one Robin had her hand up do you eat Robin did you finish go ahead. 1449 02:02:50.550 --> 02:02:50.970 Robin Rudisill: well. 1450 02:02:52.290 --> 02:02:54.000 Robin Rudisill: I i'm just wondering if. 1451 02:02:54.420 --> 02:02:55.500 Alley Bean: there's any guidance in. 1452 02:02:55.500 --> 02:03:00.300 Robin Rudisill: The brown Act or the robert's rules of order on this point, I guess that's a question for Ivan. 1453 02:03:01.980 --> 02:03:04.680 james murez: It will get diving in a second, thank you for asking the question. 1454 02:03:05.880 --> 02:03:11.010 james murez: um Okay, no more public comment Thank you do we have any committee comments. 1455 02:03:12.060 --> 02:03:13.290 james murez: Anybody want to raise your hand. 1456 02:03:14.610 --> 02:03:16.590 melissa diner : I, I want to say that we should. 1457 02:03:17.610 --> 02:03:19.890 melissa diner : I hope we just put this on because. 1458 02:03:20.910 --> 02:03:36.480 melissa diner : we've seen what you know if we don't have an efficient meeting, where we can put a lot of things on consent and somebody can just common make up a fictitious me and not really make sense and pull everything off that really hurts us and I don't think we're trying to. 1459 02:03:37.530 --> 02:03:39.180 Alley Bean: You know, say anyone that. 1460 02:03:39.390 --> 02:03:41.160 melissa diner : comes to these meetings or lot and it. 1461 02:03:41.160 --> 02:03:41.850 melissa diner : speaks. 1462 02:03:42.240 --> 02:03:43.110 Alley Bean: To simply. 1463 02:03:43.650 --> 02:03:44.730 melissa diner : Where has the reason of. 1464 02:03:44.730 --> 02:03:46.050 Alley Bean: Any find that they can't pull. 1465 02:03:46.050 --> 02:03:48.450 melissa diner : It off, but I think it's just to eliminate. 1466 02:03:48.450 --> 02:03:51.060 melissa diner : Those outliers from. 1467 02:03:51.090 --> 02:03:54.150 melissa diner : Being able to derail our meeting, thank you. 1468 02:03:56.280 --> 02:03:56.760 james murez: Thank you. 1469 02:03:57.510 --> 02:03:57.930 Alley Bean: Go ahead. 1470 02:04:02.550 --> 02:04:03.840 Andrea Boccaletti: Oh yes, you can. 1471 02:04:05.430 --> 02:04:05.790 james murez: Yes. 1472 02:04:06.360 --> 02:04:07.230 james murez: But he's got a lot of. 1473 02:04:07.590 --> 02:04:07.890 Police. 1474 02:04:10.710 --> 02:04:14.640 james murez: Who is somebody's got a lot of noise talking. 1475 02:04:15.240 --> 02:04:16.080 um. 1476 02:04:18.270 --> 02:04:19.530 Andrea Boccaletti: yeah I mean I don't. 1477 02:04:20.550 --> 02:04:23.490 Andrea Boccaletti: I don't know I don't fully understand this motion, but. 1478 02:04:24.780 --> 02:04:25.980 Andrea Boccaletti: Just the way it's written but. 1479 02:04:27.540 --> 02:04:27.960 So. 1480 02:04:29.130 --> 02:04:29.490 that's it. 1481 02:04:32.640 --> 02:04:42.240 james murez: Okay let's take a roll call vote, Melissa I don't see any other hands and anybody else on the committee had their hand up no Okay, Melissa go ahead and take a vote. 1482 02:04:46.170 --> 02:04:46.710 melissa diner : Jim. 1483 02:04:46.890 --> 02:04:48.240 melissa diner : Yes, that's it oh. 1484 02:04:49.200 --> 02:04:50.760 melissa diner : Yes, yes olly. 1485 02:04:53.430 --> 02:04:53.970 melissa diner : olly. 1486 02:04:56.220 --> 02:04:56.730 melissa diner : olly. 1487 02:04:57.060 --> 02:04:58.470 Alley Bean: So i'm sorry I was muted yes. 1488 02:04:58.470 --> 02:04:59.280 melissa diner : Oh colletti. 1489 02:05:01.860 --> 02:05:02.460 melissa diner : abstain. 1490 02:05:03.240 --> 02:05:03.630 Yes. 1491 02:05:05.400 --> 02:05:06.450 melissa diner : And NICO. 1492 02:05:07.500 --> 02:05:08.850 Nico Ruderman: Yes, thank you. 1493 02:05:11.910 --> 02:05:11.970 For. 1494 02:05:13.260 --> 02:05:13.800 melissa diner : Coming on. 1495 02:05:15.540 --> 02:05:16.110 james murez: Sorry. 1496 02:05:16.590 --> 02:05:17.100 melissa diner : Moving on. 1497 02:05:17.670 --> 02:05:19.050 james murez: Oh, did you get a vote okay. 1498 02:05:19.290 --> 02:05:21.390 james murez: yeah i'm. 1499 02:05:23.940 --> 02:05:25.830 james murez: washing the same councilman bonnen. 1500 02:05:27.690 --> 02:05:40.920 james murez: I guess that should be capitalized we'll worry about that later premium homeless and candidates per city ordinance it's translated rehousing So this was a motion, it was submitted by an individual. 1501 02:05:42.090 --> 02:05:42.690 james murez: um. 1502 02:05:45.450 --> 02:05:47.520 james murez: It has not gone through committee. 1503 02:05:48.900 --> 02:05:57.660 james murez: let's get it on the floor and then we can talk about it but i'm not sure even had we do this daffodil do you want to. 1504 02:05:58.860 --> 02:05:59.640 james murez: chime in here. 1505 02:06:00.780 --> 02:06:01.230 james murez: Before. 1506 02:06:01.320 --> 02:06:02.310 Ivan: It on the fly before. 1507 02:06:02.880 --> 02:06:04.200 Daffodil Tyminski: Well yeah so. 1508 02:06:04.800 --> 02:06:06.090 Daffodil Tyminski: Writing first what's. 1509 02:06:06.330 --> 02:06:06.900 james murez: Your go ahead. 1510 02:06:08.070 --> 02:06:09.690 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I think first we have to make the motion. 1511 02:06:11.250 --> 02:06:11.910 Daffodil Tyminski: So. 1512 02:06:13.140 --> 02:06:16.170 Daffodil Tyminski: The motion is to place this on the board agenda. 1513 02:06:16.680 --> 02:06:17.310 Right. 1514 02:06:18.360 --> 02:06:20.430 james murez: So we want to make the motion. 1515 02:06:21.180 --> 02:06:21.540 Daffodil Tyminski: On today. 1516 02:06:22.980 --> 02:06:25.080 james murez: Okay does somebody want a second emotion. 1517 02:06:27.360 --> 02:06:30.060 Daffodil Tyminski: I put either Andre or I is the first and second. 1518 02:06:30.960 --> 02:06:42.690 Daffodil Tyminski: I think we're October each other the background here is that Clark wanted to raise this issue and bring it before the board at the time the homeless Committee was just being formed. 1519 02:06:44.610 --> 02:06:51.330 Daffodil Tyminski: And so, he thought let's bring it right to the board, since there is no Committee, which is in some senses make sense. 1520 02:06:52.560 --> 02:07:00.330 Daffodil Tyminski: But frank actually the of the committee was formed frank just hadn't had a meeting, yet I spoke with frank he's willing to take it up at the meeting. 1521 02:07:02.010 --> 02:07:13.020 Daffodil Tyminski: it's obviously an important issue, but I think it's a big issue and to be vetted the first time at the board meeting is going to be problematic if there wasn't a committee, I would support it, but. 1522 02:07:14.160 --> 02:07:21.930 Daffodil Tyminski: I said, you know, we should think about sending this to the homeless committee and frank confirm that they would take it and you would have a meeting soon. 1523 02:07:22.560 --> 02:07:24.240 Daffodil Tyminski: So that's kind of the background on it. 1524 02:07:25.530 --> 02:07:39.150 Daffodil Tyminski: If you read the motion essentially what he's asking for is that the local laws be enforced and that is safe camping are not safe camping but a housing area be set up at land your la X. 1525 02:07:40.320 --> 02:07:41.040 Daffodil Tyminski: This has been. 1526 02:07:42.900 --> 02:07:53.880 Daffodil Tyminski: suggested by folks in the past, the Council offices consistently said that they can't use landed lx because of FAA rules um it's a longer story there but. 1527 02:07:54.930 --> 02:07:57.600 Daffodil Tyminski: that's essentially what this is so. 1528 02:07:57.840 --> 02:08:03.660 james murez: um I think we just need to send it to committee at this point Ivan what do we do to take it all. 1529 02:08:03.750 --> 02:08:10.500 Ivan: You can just make another motion to refer it to wherever you want to go to. 1530 02:08:11.250 --> 02:08:16.950 melissa diner : or Andrea and daffodil can just say they want their motion to be to refer it to the homeless committee. 1531 02:08:18.120 --> 02:08:18.720 Ivan: probably be. 1532 02:08:20.820 --> 02:08:24.030 james murez: One of you guys make a motion to refer this to the homeless Committee, please. 1533 02:08:25.470 --> 02:08:27.600 Daffodil Tyminski: I will make the motion to refer to the homeless committee. 1534 02:08:27.840 --> 02:08:29.580 james murez: And can I get a second from somebody. 1535 02:08:31.380 --> 02:08:31.860 james murez: hey. 1536 02:08:32.250 --> 02:08:33.510 james murez: Can we take a quick about. 1537 02:08:34.500 --> 02:08:37.230 melissa diner : It did you do public comment, do we need to do that. 1538 02:08:37.290 --> 02:08:40.230 james murez: I don't know do we have any hands up about sending this to the. 1539 02:08:40.950 --> 02:08:41.550 james murez: Let me look. 1540 02:08:43.350 --> 02:08:44.880 james murez: There are no hands up no. 1541 02:08:45.030 --> 02:08:47.400 james murez: Public mentors close, thank you for reminding me. 1542 02:08:48.060 --> 02:08:50.160 melissa diner : or comment we're good go to about. 1543 02:08:50.760 --> 02:08:52.620 james murez: park brown just raised his hand. 1544 02:08:53.310 --> 02:08:54.300 melissa diner : You closed public. 1545 02:08:54.930 --> 02:08:57.930 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm going to give him the opportunity is clark's motion I would. 1546 02:08:58.140 --> 02:08:59.910 Daffodil Tyminski: I would probably let him speak. 1547 02:09:00.000 --> 02:09:07.320 james murez: yeah Well he raised his hand and he lowered it now it's back up again Clark you gotta sit still I can't grab me I can't allow you to talk unless you sit still. 1548 02:09:08.850 --> 02:09:10.500 james murez: Okay Clark go ahead, you have the floor. 1549 02:09:13.740 --> 02:09:14.880 james murez: Park, you need to speak. 1550 02:09:17.850 --> 02:09:19.410 Andrea Boccaletti: clerk you have to unmute yourself. 1551 02:09:20.040 --> 02:09:21.960 james murez: i've tried out a meeting in three times now. 1552 02:09:22.290 --> 02:09:23.520 clark brown: Okay, can you hear me now. 1553 02:09:23.580 --> 02:09:24.870 james murez: Yes, all right. 1554 02:09:25.560 --> 02:09:38.040 clark brown: I discussed this with frank, this morning, and he said he had no objection to the board considering this and I confirm that, with an email and I sent copies of the email to both frank and Melissa. 1555 02:09:39.570 --> 02:09:40.050 clark brown: This. 1556 02:09:41.310 --> 02:09:59.550 clark brown: This motion calls for the board to authorize the President to send this memo to bond and it's a six page memo supported by eight exhibits about 50 pages of of exhibits and I think there's an urgent need for this. 1557 02:10:00.900 --> 02:10:09.000 clark brown: You know the last last couple days we've had two major incidents, with the rv is one at Westminster school in the other a. 1558 02:10:10.080 --> 02:10:20.160 clark brown: Fire that started at Lincoln and in rows and every day that we don't take care of these are bs and that we continue to have these experiments to see. 1559 02:10:20.370 --> 02:10:20.910 it's a threat. 1560 02:10:22.200 --> 02:10:34.980 clark brown: This memo is different than other things have been before the the board, it sets forth the detailed in a comprehensive strategy for dealing with these encampments and with the. 1561 02:10:36.180 --> 02:10:53.220 clark brown: With the rv that identifies five streets, where there are in cabins and arby's that identifies the four ordinances which empower the city to take care of these encampments in the rv is that identifies 9600 beds, which the mayor's office as. 1562 02:10:55.380 --> 02:11:03.300 clark brown: The Federal Court are available to take care of homeless people with bond and says about the FAA not allowing these. 1563 02:11:04.650 --> 02:11:07.560 clark brown: These encampments on to have its parcels is simply not. 1564 02:11:07.560 --> 02:11:08.070 Accurate. 1565 02:11:11.190 --> 02:11:21.420 clark brown: On abandons office on the mayor's office and on and on lx Los Angeles world airways, and the response show that there are no Doc. 1566 02:11:23.520 --> 02:11:44.940 clark brown: bar the city from using these two lakhs parcels for homeless, housing and in fact there's a letter from the executive director Chief Executive Officer of law was asking me if he if he has any objection whatsoever to the city using these two parcels over le X for almost. 1567 02:11:45.960 --> 02:11:53.100 james murez: Take Clark bars, we heard you were planning on sending this back committee that's the motion that's on the floor. 1568 02:11:54.420 --> 02:11:57.810 james murez: I gave you a chance to speak at this point we're going to send it back to committee. 1569 02:11:58.500 --> 02:12:04.290 james murez: And, and we don't need to go on about it tonight because we can't talk about the content of the motion. 1570 02:12:04.770 --> 02:12:13.920 james murez: In this Community this committee only here whether or not put the item on the agenda or not we've already made a motion to knock with the item on the agenda, but to send it back to Community so thank you. 1571 02:12:14.700 --> 02:12:19.080 melissa diner : Jim are you unilaterally doing that or am I taking a low, whichever way you want you're. 1572 02:12:19.440 --> 02:12:20.970 james murez: Taking a boat at this point. 1573 02:12:20.970 --> 02:12:22.710 melissa diner : From the great Jim. 1574 02:12:23.040 --> 02:12:26.190 Andrea Boccaletti: A public comment, this time it says no afford to comment. 1575 02:12:26.670 --> 02:12:30.600 james murez: Oh, if you want to have more we can have more common sure go ahead Andre. 1576 02:12:31.110 --> 02:12:32.280 Andrea Boccaletti: Well, he has their hand raised. 1577 02:12:34.200 --> 02:12:34.650 james murez: First. 1578 02:12:35.910 --> 02:12:36.450 james murez: Now he goes. 1579 02:12:37.380 --> 02:12:41.700 james murez: All the screen sharing I don't get to see all this stuff I apologize to all of you people. 1580 02:12:42.450 --> 02:12:47.370 Alley Bean: So we can't take a vote as to let this to go on to the board. 1581 02:12:48.990 --> 02:12:53.190 james murez: Well, right now, we have a motion on the floor to send it back to committee. 1582 02:12:56.010 --> 02:12:56.940 Alley Bean: send an email today. 1583 02:12:57.960 --> 02:12:59.400 james murez: Then, had a meeting yet. 1584 02:12:59.520 --> 02:13:01.290 james murez: The committee didn't say anything. 1585 02:13:01.500 --> 02:13:09.870 Alley Bean: No, but he just said that frank send an email to the board today saying that he wanted it to go on the board. 1586 02:13:10.080 --> 02:13:14.520 james murez: Well, he didn't say he wanted, he said he didn't object to going to the going to the board. 1587 02:13:15.090 --> 02:13:19.530 james murez: He doesn't affect you, but the committee has not yet reviewed it don't get the words mixed up. 1588 02:13:21.000 --> 02:13:28.740 james murez: Okay there's a big difference between having a committee of people review something and having one person saying I don't mind if it happens. 1589 02:13:30.210 --> 02:13:32.370 james murez: there's a big difference their alley okay. 1590 02:13:35.460 --> 02:13:37.110 Andrea Boccaletti: Can I rescind my. 1591 02:13:38.430 --> 02:13:40.200 Andrea Boccaletti: Second, to have this go to committee. 1592 02:13:40.560 --> 02:13:41.070 james murez: backed up and. 1593 02:13:41.610 --> 02:13:42.900 james murez: You can you can withdraw that. 1594 02:13:43.680 --> 02:13:44.370 Andrea Boccaletti: Are with each other. 1595 02:13:45.210 --> 02:13:47.700 james murez: Okay, so who wouldn't who made the original motion. 1596 02:13:49.110 --> 02:13:49.530 Alley Bean: I think. 1597 02:13:50.040 --> 02:13:50.400 Jeff. 1598 02:13:51.570 --> 02:13:51.870 melissa diner : and 1599 02:13:53.040 --> 02:14:02.790 melissa diner : Andrea made the motion and daffodil second did it so if andrea's with the drawing then someone daffodil can make it and someone can choose to second it or not. 1600 02:14:04.320 --> 02:14:06.480 james murez: Okay, so definitely do you want to make the motion. 1601 02:14:07.470 --> 02:14:09.750 Daffodil Tyminski: I will make the motion, and then I have a comment. 1602 02:14:10.620 --> 02:14:13.200 james murez: And we have somebody that wants to second it. 1603 02:14:20.430 --> 02:14:22.620 melissa diner : fails, if you want it to fail, Jim. 1604 02:14:22.680 --> 02:14:25.200 james murez: you're hearing no second the motion fails. 1605 02:14:26.640 --> 02:14:31.380 james murez: So now we're back to do we want to send this thing to the board. 1606 02:14:33.240 --> 02:14:35.520 Andrea Boccaletti: I will make a motion to send it to the board on today. 1607 02:14:35.610 --> 02:14:39.060 james murez: No, we already we already didn't we Oh, we already had one to send it. 1608 02:14:40.020 --> 02:14:47.040 melissa diner : Now, now we need a motion to send it to the board, so if someone wants to make a new one and dre I made it who's sending it. 1609 02:14:47.640 --> 02:14:49.290 melissa diner : Le Thank you. 1610 02:14:52.830 --> 02:14:55.680 james murez: Okay um let's take public comment. 1611 02:14:56.820 --> 02:14:58.920 james murez: All you board members need to lower your hands. 1612 02:15:02.430 --> 02:15:05.790 james murez: Public comment we're opening public comment to send this to the board. 1613 02:15:08.520 --> 02:15:09.600 james murez: I see one hand. 1614 02:15:11.550 --> 02:15:12.900 james murez: I see two hands. 1615 02:15:16.440 --> 02:15:20.730 james murez: They still see two hands that's it okay closing public comment after Lisa redmond. 1616 02:15:22.800 --> 02:15:24.450 james murez: um Lisa go ahead. 1617 02:15:27.240 --> 02:15:27.870 james murez: oops sorry. 1618 02:15:29.040 --> 02:15:29.760 james murez: Lisa go ahead. 1619 02:15:30.090 --> 02:15:40.770 Lisa Redmond: yeah thanks um I really think that this is ridiculous that this is going straight to the board it's not formally put out so we can't see it here. 1620 02:15:42.090 --> 02:15:50.850 Lisa Redmond: And what is the purpose of having committees, if things are going straight to the board always, this is becoming i'm noticing now with this new board. 1621 02:15:51.180 --> 02:15:58.440 Lisa Redmond: This is happening more and more frequently when things go to the board public comment is only given 30 seconds or less. 1622 02:15:59.160 --> 02:16:18.660 Lisa Redmond: The whole opportunity, as stated in your whole agenda is for people to really discuss and feel things out and take advantage of the longer public comment time at committees which you aren't allowed to do at board meetings so i'm really going to urge you to not put this on the. 1623 02:16:20.130 --> 02:16:23.550 Lisa Redmond: On the board it and send it back to committee. 1624 02:16:23.670 --> 02:16:25.830 james murez: Thank you, thank you Lisa Helen go ahead. 1625 02:16:30.150 --> 02:16:31.500 james murez: Helen you have your hand up go ahead. 1626 02:16:38.460 --> 02:16:39.570 james murez: I think I may have just. 1627 02:16:40.410 --> 02:16:41.580 Now Helen do you want to. 1628 02:16:42.720 --> 02:16:44.970 james murez: Wait sorry that was me I muted you try again. 1629 02:16:46.950 --> 02:16:49.440 james murez: i'm still here Okay, there you go now you're on a. 1630 02:16:49.530 --> 02:16:50.190 Helen Fallon: part time. 1631 02:16:51.420 --> 02:16:57.900 Helen Fallon: yeah I I found this motion a little vague and then, when I hearing there's 59 pages of. 1632 02:16:58.680 --> 02:17:15.810 Helen Fallon: of recommendations or memos and supporting exhibits that seems like a very complicated thing to just have it go directly to the board without having had it reviewed and available to stakeholders, a little bit before three days before the board meeting. 1633 02:17:16.860 --> 02:17:17.430 It just. 1634 02:17:18.480 --> 02:17:21.540 Helen Fallon: doesn't quite make sense, this isn't very simple it's. 1635 02:17:23.040 --> 02:17:30.960 Helen Fallon: Not if it takes 59 pages, just because you are unmuted now, so I remind you, please, don't forget that the issue about the approval of the. 1636 02:17:32.010 --> 02:17:34.800 Helen Fallon: public safety committee needs to be added to the agenda. 1637 02:17:37.950 --> 02:17:38.370 Helen Fallon: Thank you. 1638 02:17:39.120 --> 02:17:43.320 james murez: Thank you well that's a good point you forgot that one Melissa did you get her last second point. 1639 02:17:44.700 --> 02:17:48.060 melissa diner : it's always added after it's added at icon so a lady. 1640 02:17:48.060 --> 02:17:48.630 james murez: Okay, so. 1641 02:17:48.690 --> 02:17:51.690 james murez: Public comment is closed, I had already forgotten it's just my. 1642 02:17:53.730 --> 02:17:59.940 james murez: unfamiliarity This is like a familiar okay daffodil you have your hand up go ahead. 1643 02:18:01.200 --> 02:18:11.580 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I mean look, this is a very important issue Clark is right, it is an urgent issue and all he is really asking for is that we send a letter to support. 1644 02:18:12.570 --> 02:18:26.580 Daffodil Tyminski: fontan looking at the but the issue with self is so large and unwieldy and we actually do have a committee with committee members that have expertise in these areas, so um. 1645 02:18:27.510 --> 02:18:43.590 Daffodil Tyminski: I you know I we know bond is not going to do this immediately right so just being trying to be very realistic and again trying to respect the fact that we have committees, and we have a process and we just seem to be all over the place, with us. 1646 02:18:45.360 --> 02:19:00.540 Daffodil Tyminski: So you know, obviously, the motion to refer to committee failed, I do think as a practical matter if this goes to on the board agenda, we need to really rethink what that agenda is going to look like, because this is going to take pretty much most of the meeting. 1647 02:19:03.150 --> 02:19:09.810 Daffodil Tyminski: And we've been in those meetings before So either we need to cut other stuff out or. 1648 02:19:11.220 --> 02:19:14.970 Daffodil Tyminski: extend the meeting you know plan on this is going to be a one to a meeting. 1649 02:19:17.790 --> 02:19:20.280 james murez: Thank you for your hand is up. 1650 02:19:24.630 --> 02:19:28.230 james murez: Melissa took her hand down Thank you so i'm going to make my. 1651 02:19:28.770 --> 02:19:30.000 melissa diner : I have my hand up, can I. 1652 02:19:30.000 --> 02:19:31.170 james murez: saw yeah go ahead. 1653 02:19:31.440 --> 02:19:40.620 melissa diner : Look, I know everybody's learning and trying to flex and all of these things but yeah it's just we we can't have these meetings continue to go this long. 1654 02:19:40.860 --> 02:19:50.370 melissa diner : This is actually the first ad call meeting i've been to in 10 years it's gone class 9pm ever and we're not even close to done yet, so I think this needs to. 1655 02:19:50.700 --> 02:20:06.870 melissa diner : This is where the President, I would like to step in and make executive decisions to send things to committee when we can't get it together quick enough at these meetings, I would ask you to just do that Jim because you can, and we could have done that, before we had all of these discussions. 1656 02:20:08.100 --> 02:20:09.330 melissa diner : and move on. 1657 02:20:09.420 --> 02:20:15.090 james murez: Thank you everyone so um yeah I need to ask the parliamentarian question i've been are you there. 1658 02:20:18.390 --> 02:20:19.320 james murez: i've been are you there. 1659 02:20:23.970 --> 02:20:26.760 james murez: Are you muted raise your hand if you're muted. 1660 02:20:28.140 --> 02:20:28.980 james murez: Are you asleep. 1661 02:20:29.100 --> 02:20:29.610 Ivan: i'm here. 1662 02:20:29.880 --> 02:20:30.570 james murez: Oh, thank you. 1663 02:20:30.630 --> 02:20:33.030 james murez: i'm here, thank you, I haven't um. 1664 02:20:33.120 --> 02:20:34.530 james murez: So my question. 1665 02:20:36.270 --> 02:20:50.190 james murez: Thank you Mike my question to you, we have a motion on the floor to put this on to the Boards agenda, Melissa believes that I have the executive ability to be able to. 1666 02:20:51.780 --> 02:20:58.170 james murez: send this to committee and not continue this particular item Is that correct or incorrect. 1667 02:20:58.170 --> 02:21:09.450 Ivan: Okay, almost yes, you have that authority, but you need to do it before the meeting before it goes on an orange when the agenda comes in, you set the agenda. 1668 02:21:09.780 --> 02:21:16.560 Ivan: Okay, at that point, you can you know you have the authority to refer to a committee on your own. 1669 02:21:16.950 --> 02:21:17.400 Ivan: Okay. 1670 02:21:17.730 --> 02:21:18.750 james murez: But why can't run. 1671 02:21:18.750 --> 02:21:18.840 The. 1672 02:21:20.370 --> 02:21:23.490 Ivan: emotion here, no you shouldn't do it, you can override the committee. 1673 02:21:23.790 --> 02:21:25.590 james murez: Okay, that that was. 1674 02:21:25.920 --> 02:21:27.930 james murez: Clear yeah that's clear, thank you for. 1675 02:21:27.960 --> 02:21:38.310 james murez: For Claire Okay, I wanted to make sure I get that right, all right, well, I just want to make it very clear, I am not at all in support of sending this thing to the board, I think, Melissa is absolutely correct. 1676 02:21:38.730 --> 02:21:53.250 james murez: And I really think that we need to utilize our committees, the idea of giving people 30 seconds, or even a minute to speak on this item 50 however many pages, it is if somebody wants to speak on each page that's an hour alone. 1677 02:21:53.760 --> 02:22:03.870 james murez: I mean it's ridiculous we can't take items like this onto the agenda of the Board and actually think we're going to get out before three or four o'clock in the morning, I am so opposed to this, I don't know how to. 1678 02:22:04.200 --> 02:22:09.990 james murez: express it strongly enough, this is a mistake to put on the boards agenda, Melissa take a vote. 1679 02:22:10.590 --> 02:22:11.130 melissa diner : i'm. 1680 02:22:11.220 --> 02:22:13.620 Alley Bean: going to withdraw my motion it. 1681 02:22:13.710 --> 02:22:18.030 james murez: So I think we're going to either both this up or down yeah. 1682 02:22:18.060 --> 02:22:24.180 Alley Bean: let's show the motive willing to withdraw the motion to even have it so that it doesn't happen. 1683 02:22:25.560 --> 02:22:26.040 james murez: um. 1684 02:22:27.090 --> 02:22:27.990 melissa diner : I would just vote. 1685 02:22:28.440 --> 02:22:30.660 melissa diner : When you're with your withdrawal Ali. 1686 02:22:31.590 --> 02:22:33.570 Ivan: What he already called for a vote. 1687 02:22:33.690 --> 02:22:38.700 Ivan: You can get on with crossings have nobody does anything after you call for vote. 1688 02:22:39.240 --> 02:22:41.070 melissa diner : Thank you Ivan Jim. 1689 02:22:44.550 --> 02:22:45.120 james murez: No. 1690 02:22:47.070 --> 02:22:47.640 melissa diner : After, though. 1691 02:22:52.260 --> 02:22:52.920 melissa diner : acid oh. 1692 02:22:56.490 --> 02:22:57.210 melissa diner : She here. 1693 02:22:57.390 --> 02:22:59.880 james murez: she's here her hand is up I don't know what that means. 1694 02:23:00.030 --> 02:23:01.260 melissa diner : Okay, I vote no. 1695 02:23:01.650 --> 02:23:05.880 Daffodil Tyminski: No, sorry sorry I was trying to unmute I couldn't get it to unmute now. 1696 02:23:05.940 --> 02:23:09.360 melissa diner : No problem I don't know Ali. 1697 02:23:09.660 --> 02:23:13.800 melissa diner : No, thank you and Andrea. 1698 02:23:14.100 --> 02:23:14.820 Yes. 1699 02:23:16.080 --> 02:23:17.070 melissa diner : And NICO. 1700 02:23:18.300 --> 02:23:18.840 Nico Ruderman: i'm saying. 1701 02:23:19.500 --> 02:23:20.010 melissa diner : Thank you. 1702 02:23:22.980 --> 02:23:24.900 james murez: To the motion does not carry now what. 1703 02:23:25.440 --> 02:23:26.490 melissa diner : It does carry. 1704 02:23:26.790 --> 02:23:28.770 melissa diner : Over no it doesn't carry sorry it doesn't go in. 1705 02:23:29.130 --> 02:23:30.480 james murez: The ocean was no yes. 1706 02:23:30.540 --> 02:23:31.110 melissa diner : Thank you. 1707 02:23:31.410 --> 02:23:33.900 james murez: Now, what happens if the motion does not carry. 1708 02:23:34.290 --> 02:23:34.890 For done. 1709 02:23:39.150 --> 02:23:39.420 melissa diner : well. 1710 02:23:41.250 --> 02:23:41.700 james murez: We have. 1711 02:23:43.170 --> 02:23:46.500 james murez: Do we have to do anything, or will it just automatically fall back. 1712 02:23:46.500 --> 02:23:46.920 Ivan: You don't. 1713 02:23:48.000 --> 02:23:48.210 Ivan: If. 1714 02:23:48.750 --> 02:23:51.540 Ivan: You don't do anything, it will just go away. 1715 02:23:52.200 --> 02:23:53.850 Ivan: And it will be up to you. 1716 02:23:56.670 --> 02:23:59.220 Ivan: And you know and submitted. 1717 02:23:59.820 --> 02:24:03.750 Ivan: Right it'll be up to the committee motion is dead right but. 1718 02:24:03.990 --> 02:24:05.070 melissa diner : Jim can refer it. 1719 02:24:05.130 --> 02:24:05.880 As a committee. 1720 02:24:07.770 --> 02:24:12.120 Ivan: hang on hang on, let me, let me finish here alright, if you want. 1721 02:24:13.200 --> 02:24:19.440 Ivan: You do have an option to reconsider the motion to send it to committee. 1722 02:24:21.930 --> 02:24:23.520 Ivan: that's up to you, somebody would have to. 1723 02:24:24.390 --> 02:24:25.200 james murez: say nothing. 1724 02:24:26.760 --> 02:24:28.830 james murez: If we say nothing, it will go back to. 1725 02:24:30.540 --> 02:24:33.540 Ivan: I think if you say nothing, nothing happens. 1726 02:24:33.630 --> 02:24:34.410 Daffodil Tyminski: Nothing hey. 1727 02:24:35.550 --> 02:24:35.820 james murez: Take. 1728 02:24:37.050 --> 02:24:39.030 james murez: It on park Clark will take it to committee. 1729 02:24:41.550 --> 02:24:54.540 Daffodil Tyminski: i've already spoken to frank, he will take it, I will work with Clark and frank, to make sure that they take it and it gets done expeditiously Thank you so as a practical matter again I don't we don't have to make the motion here, it will work it out we'll. 1730 02:24:54.630 --> 02:24:55.980 Daffodil Tyminski: We all agree, it should be addressed. 1731 02:24:56.040 --> 02:25:09.960 james murez: Just the mechanics okay this next 112 G was never heard in committee, and it was actually sent to rules and selections it was put on to the Boards agenda in error, so I just scratched it off before the meeting. 1732 02:25:11.490 --> 02:25:16.170 james murez: That was my executive power yeah I got one right okay um. 1733 02:25:16.320 --> 02:25:18.510 melissa diner : You wrote bring it back to committee right. 1734 02:25:20.460 --> 02:25:27.870 james murez: it's still on the committee it was never heard in committee, it was put on to our agenda by the Secretary in error. 1735 02:25:28.320 --> 02:25:32.550 melissa diner : it's been going to rules and selections at your directive correct. 1736 02:25:32.640 --> 02:25:42.540 james murez: It already is in rules and selections it was already on rules and selections agenda They ran out of time, and it will be heard at their next meeting great. 1737 02:25:44.700 --> 02:25:48.030 james murez: i'm not doing any redirecting i'm just saying it's not here okay. 1738 02:25:49.530 --> 02:25:52.170 james murez: motion to read. 1739 02:25:53.310 --> 02:25:58.890 james murez: Renewed upkeep of grassy areas along ocean print walk can I get a motion to. 1740 02:26:01.590 --> 02:26:02.400 Andrea Boccaletti: Make that motion. 1741 02:26:02.970 --> 02:26:06.930 melissa diner : And I guys wait wait Jim before you do that can we take any of these. 1742 02:26:06.930 --> 02:26:09.150 james murez: Together I think we probably can. 1743 02:26:09.180 --> 02:26:10.560 james murez: The next one is. 1744 02:26:10.620 --> 02:26:16.110 james murez: 12 I, which is a permanent ranger in the park. 1745 02:26:17.220 --> 02:26:20.220 james murez: Next, one is the right of entry to the. 1746 02:26:20.820 --> 02:26:22.350 james murez: Art by Jesse. 1747 02:26:23.400 --> 02:26:26.430 james murez: And that would be the last one so let's take these three together. 1748 02:26:27.450 --> 02:26:31.020 james murez: 12 he 12 I and 12 Jay. 1749 02:26:32.940 --> 02:26:34.380 james murez: Can I get a motion for all three of them. 1750 02:26:37.710 --> 02:26:39.300 Alley Bean: make them ocean alley. 1751 02:26:39.540 --> 02:26:40.440 james murez: Thank you ellie. 1752 02:26:40.500 --> 02:26:43.020 Daffodil Tyminski: Can I get a second a second and i'll say. 1753 02:26:43.500 --> 02:26:52.050 james murez: Thank you, though, um let's take public comment, let me get my little thing out here, I see a couple of hands are raised. 1754 02:26:53.430 --> 02:26:59.820 james murez: I see three hands are the same three hands are always race it's amazing okay Lisa go ahead, you got the floor. 1755 02:27:01.470 --> 02:27:09.750 Lisa Redmond: Thank you, the same three people that attend add calm meetings I hope someone amends the motion that all three of those motions. 1756 02:27:09.810 --> 02:27:11.550 Lisa Redmond: Go to consent calendar. 1757 02:27:12.420 --> 02:27:14.340 Lisa Redmond: So we aren't there till three in the morning. 1758 02:27:14.790 --> 02:27:18.330 james murez: Oh let's just take a quick peek yeah 6000. 1759 02:27:18.990 --> 02:27:19.560 james murez: Okay, thank you. 1760 02:27:21.660 --> 02:27:22.200 james murez: Helen. 1761 02:27:23.670 --> 02:27:24.180 james murez: You have the. 1762 02:27:24.330 --> 02:27:25.950 Helen Fallon: Word did out to Lisa. 1763 02:27:26.370 --> 02:27:29.880 james murez: Thank you, but what will be done soon Erica. 1764 02:27:32.010 --> 02:27:33.210 Erica Moore: let's make it three. 1765 02:27:33.690 --> 02:27:34.530 wow. 1766 02:27:37.170 --> 02:27:46.170 james murez: You know I have this cute little sculpture that's like the three blind that what is it the three monkeys one has no fear, no evil, see no evil, hear no honey, however, there. 1767 02:27:47.190 --> 02:27:50.220 Erica Moore: Are the Three Musketeers okay we're not we're not monkeys. 1768 02:27:50.580 --> 02:27:52.230 james murez: don't go there jail okay. 1769 02:27:53.610 --> 02:27:56.280 james murez: How about charlie's angels but let's. 1770 02:27:58.530 --> 02:28:04.800 james murez: Wait what Okay, so we have two hands up from the committee members, the public comment is closed. 1771 02:28:05.880 --> 02:28:06.690 james murez: davidow go ahead. 1772 02:28:09.780 --> 02:28:12.540 Daffodil Tyminski: I think it sounds a great idea, thank you for. 1773 02:28:13.410 --> 02:28:14.340 james murez: Andre go ahead. 1774 02:28:15.450 --> 02:28:19.080 Andrea Boccaletti: I concur, and I would make that motion that they could. 1775 02:28:20.370 --> 02:28:21.060 Andrea Boccaletti: Go to consent. 1776 02:28:21.360 --> 02:28:22.260 james murez: Okay, thank you. 1777 02:28:25.140 --> 02:28:33.180 james murez: um let's amend the motion than to say that these three items are going to consent, do I have any problem without anybody. 1778 02:28:33.450 --> 02:28:34.230 Alley Bean: i'll second it. 1779 02:28:35.220 --> 02:28:37.890 james murez: Thank you okay I well I didn't make the motion but i'm. 1780 02:28:37.920 --> 02:28:47.760 melissa diner : Just a yeah Ali if you'll just have your original motion and daffodil will have it be to consent and we're good to go and we can do a roll call vote, unless anyone else has something to say. 1781 02:28:48.780 --> 02:28:51.570 james murez: everybody's good with that okay let's take a look. 1782 02:28:51.750 --> 02:28:53.220 james murez: Jim yes. 1783 02:28:53.550 --> 02:28:55.260 Daffodil Tyminski: daffodil yes. 1784 02:28:55.650 --> 02:28:56.490 Andrea. 1785 02:28:57.810 --> 02:28:58.410 melissa diner : Ali. 1786 02:28:58.620 --> 02:28:59.010 Yes. 1787 02:29:00.690 --> 02:29:02.310 melissa diner : I vote yes NICO. 1788 02:29:06.330 --> 02:29:06.990 melissa diner : NICO. 1789 02:29:12.030 --> 02:29:12.660 melissa diner : NICO. 1790 02:29:12.750 --> 02:29:13.920 james murez: NICO you need to unmute. 1791 02:29:15.390 --> 02:29:16.260 Nico Ruderman: Sorry, yes. 1792 02:29:16.620 --> 02:29:22.560 melissa diner : Thanks and then now let's not forget that we still have to go back to a leaks as item, but I think we skipped. 1793 02:29:26.820 --> 02:29:29.070 Ivan: and I are sitting in here at the end. 1794 02:29:29.250 --> 02:29:30.000 james murez: yeah what. 1795 02:29:32.310 --> 02:29:33.360 james murez: Something at the end. 1796 02:29:33.570 --> 02:29:33.930 Okay. 1797 02:29:35.040 --> 02:29:36.450 Ivan: There are people who don't know who. 1798 02:29:38.640 --> 02:29:39.930 james murez: you're breaking up so yeah. 1799 02:29:40.020 --> 02:29:56.700 Ivan: There were people who don't know who Jesse Martinez, and I said, there should be a note, or something you're explaining this or somebody who's just going to pull it to find out to defeat the consent calendar thing you're i'm saying we might want to create. 1800 02:29:58.140 --> 02:30:07.440 melissa diner : Could we could is there, I don't know who he is either, but is this something you want to add to calling our meeting to order I don't know who he is or go. 1801 02:30:07.500 --> 02:30:14.550 Ivan: Go back to Jim rob and asked him if he can you know put into Denver men explaining what's going on here. 1802 02:30:14.730 --> 02:30:15.960 melissa diner : yeah okay. 1803 02:30:16.020 --> 02:30:17.130 Ivan: or he could also make an. 1804 02:30:17.130 --> 02:30:18.300 melissa diner : Announcement under. 1805 02:30:18.300 --> 02:30:20.700 melissa diner : ocean front walk meeting or whatever, but i'll. 1806 02:30:20.700 --> 02:30:21.240 Ivan: make him out. 1807 02:30:21.300 --> 02:30:21.720 He could. 1808 02:30:22.890 --> 02:30:25.890 Ivan: You know i'm saying somebody will pull it because they don't know. 1809 02:30:26.340 --> 02:30:27.540 james murez: But point, thank you. 1810 02:30:27.900 --> 02:30:28.290 Okay. 1811 02:30:29.490 --> 02:30:38.820 james murez: noted i'm okay we're going back up Melissa you seem to think that there's a loop pack item. 1812 02:30:38.940 --> 02:30:44.160 melissa diner : I thought we skipped the last item of loop back and we didn't decide, but maybe. 1813 02:30:44.160 --> 02:30:49.110 james murez: That was just 10 that was this 10 D and we put it on the. 1814 02:30:49.350 --> 02:30:51.510 melissa diner : Okay, good and we're good nevermind. 1815 02:30:51.630 --> 02:30:59.400 james murez: It was part of the consent calendar, because they had a 500 I mean they do show the vote is 500. 1816 02:30:59.610 --> 02:31:04.500 melissa diner : Okay, now, many of you for a moment just real quick we used to do this in our old meetings. 1817 02:31:04.770 --> 02:31:19.230 melissa diner : We used to like go through and see if there was anything else, we wanted to add to consent or cut, because if the meeting is going to go too long, so like do we have any idea like where we're at time wise and how long this stuff's gonna take. 1818 02:31:19.530 --> 02:31:20.580 james murez: No idea. 1819 02:31:20.760 --> 02:31:22.170 melissa diner : Well, I think that you're. 1820 02:31:22.500 --> 02:31:34.230 james murez: Like, I would like to point out, and I don't know that anybody, other than myself noticed it um when I created the zoom link I took into account that the last meeting ran too late. 1821 02:31:35.070 --> 02:31:49.140 james murez: And I reduce the time when we're going to start from seven o'clock to six o'clock so we can get out by 11 o'clock because last time we got out at midnight and hopefully six o'clock will be early enough that we can get out by 11 because after 11 I think everybody gets too tired. 1822 02:31:49.740 --> 02:31:53.910 melissa diner : And then, are you making a hard call that then you're going to call the meeting at 11. 1823 02:31:54.690 --> 02:31:56.430 james murez: I think if I do that. 1824 02:31:58.470 --> 02:32:11.340 james murez: We would need to publish that at the end of the meeting, and I would be okay doing that, we would have to put that down here someplace i've seen that done on other committees and boards before. 1825 02:32:12.270 --> 02:32:23.100 james murez: yeah it says 11 so it's seven saying approximately let's let's just take out the word approximately and say that this is going to be a hard end 11pm is going to be our heart and. 1826 02:32:25.320 --> 02:32:26.880 james murez: We could say honor before. 1827 02:32:28.020 --> 02:32:29.310 james murez: If we want to be nice about it. 1828 02:32:31.050 --> 02:32:31.560 james murez: Okay. 1829 02:32:34.560 --> 02:32:39.990 Ivan: Move, it should be sure you go back to the top and change the time to set. 1830 02:32:41.970 --> 02:32:42.180 Ivan: The. 1831 02:32:42.810 --> 02:32:45.690 james murez: Agenda, it has it in the zoom link it doesn't have it. 1832 02:32:45.720 --> 02:32:46.710 In the announcement. 1833 02:32:47.760 --> 02:32:48.150 Ivan: And you. 1834 02:32:53.310 --> 02:32:58.830 Daffodil Tyminski: know, as I say, we also should make sure that seem it does some outreach and people know that the time changes. 1835 02:32:59.460 --> 02:33:04.620 Ivan: To the board, you need to send an email to born, you know letting them know don't. 1836 02:33:05.670 --> 02:33:06.060 Ivan: See. 1837 02:33:25.440 --> 02:33:27.030 melissa diner : Okay you're turning the meeting. 1838 02:33:27.510 --> 02:33:30.960 Ivan: No, no yeah the boat the boat. 1839 02:33:31.230 --> 02:33:32.730 james murez: I said, you know I said. 1840 02:33:32.730 --> 02:33:33.930 james murez: No i've been just really. 1841 02:33:34.950 --> 02:33:37.020 james murez: I was just making a note for me not to forget. 1842 02:33:37.200 --> 02:33:37.650 Okay. 1843 02:33:38.760 --> 02:33:47.130 james murez: um okay so we're here on item six consideration of approval of October 19 draft board agenda. 1844 02:33:49.170 --> 02:33:53.790 james murez: We had a we have a motion and a second already or do we need what I don't remember how. 1845 02:33:54.060 --> 02:33:55.890 melissa diner : We don't have a motion and a second. 1846 02:33:55.980 --> 02:33:57.330 james murez: Okay, so I need a motion. 1847 02:33:59.010 --> 02:34:03.840 james murez: Somebody want to make the motion for number six that was all the work we just did in the last three hours. 1848 02:34:04.500 --> 02:34:06.570 Daffodil Tyminski: To emotion and staff at all. 1849 02:34:06.810 --> 02:34:07.650 Andrea Boccaletti: They are. 1850 02:34:08.640 --> 02:34:09.570 james murez: Andre seconded. 1851 02:34:13.980 --> 02:34:16.890 james murez: um do we have any public comment on this item. 1852 02:34:19.260 --> 02:34:22.950 james murez: I see one hand raised Lisa redmond go ahead. 1853 02:34:25.830 --> 02:34:27.690 james murez: Lisa redmond hand went down, thank you. 1854 02:34:28.350 --> 02:34:34.920 Lisa Redmond: let's go regarding regarding the time of having a hard cut off at 11 o'clock. 1855 02:34:36.750 --> 02:34:41.250 Lisa Redmond: i'm not i'm not an expert at robert's rules but i'm not sure that you can do that. 1856 02:34:42.000 --> 02:34:57.270 Lisa Redmond: But what I would recommend is you talk to some of your friends that are close with rules and selections committee and create a an amendment to our bylaws that says that and that's how most neighborhood Councils have that within their bylaws. 1857 02:34:58.440 --> 02:35:04.890 Lisa Redmond: And then maybe if there's a special issue then they'll vote to extend the meeting by half an hour or whatever, but um it's. 1858 02:35:05.010 --> 02:35:07.770 Lisa Redmond: Definitely don't think you can pick and choose. 1859 02:35:08.040 --> 02:35:12.180 Lisa Redmond: When you want to close it without it, you know being as part of the rules. 1860 02:35:12.270 --> 02:35:12.990 james murez: Okay well. 1861 02:35:13.140 --> 02:35:14.370 Lisa Redmond: i'm just putting that out there. 1862 02:35:14.820 --> 02:35:26.700 james murez: All right, we'll check with the parliamentarian, but I believe that we can just have a hard ending the way it the way that the robert's rules treats today, thank you for your comment um let's go back to board comment any board comment. 1863 02:35:28.590 --> 02:35:31.440 james murez: Andre you have your hand up value of your hand up Andre you go first. 1864 02:35:31.710 --> 02:35:37.170 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes, i'm just going to make suggestion for one we have the board meeting that were diligent with. 1865 02:35:38.130 --> 02:35:52.260 Andrea Boccaletti: muting people's mike's when they need right away, after they've given their public comment and to stop the speaking out of turn really need to cut that and let the President run the meeting, thank you. 1866 02:35:53.580 --> 02:35:55.620 james murez: Thank you Sally go ahead, please. 1867 02:35:56.550 --> 02:36:00.210 Alley Bean: um I just was wondering oh I don't know why my video turned off. 1868 02:36:01.290 --> 02:36:10.140 Alley Bean: If I know that i've been said that we're not allowed to have made the changes in the few things to clarify what what you'd written Jim but if. 1869 02:36:10.620 --> 02:36:19.440 Alley Bean: Is there any way that be before the item is discussed, you could reward it for people so that there's less conversation about it, I think. 1870 02:36:20.010 --> 02:36:37.530 Alley Bean: will stimulate a lot less conversation if those things are allowed to be amended, I don't know how what the rules are Ivan but I know we use it we can't do it now, but maybe if Jim could say that, before the public discussion, it would make everybody less talkative. 1871 02:36:38.010 --> 02:36:47.790 james murez: duly noted, I will try and do that I will talk to Ivan after the meeting to find out exactly what the procedure is for that I know that it can be done and we'll figure it out, thank you. 1872 02:36:48.600 --> 02:36:49.920 james murez: Melissa you have your hand up to. 1873 02:36:52.500 --> 02:37:08.310 melissa diner : yeah I mean I just I guess at the beginning of the meeting, if we want to make any amendments, the agenda that's the way we've most swiftly done it at the beginning, if there's just sink way to make things more clear quickly but that's somewhat hard sometimes when you're dealing. 1874 02:37:08.310 --> 02:37:14.220 melissa diner : With complex issues that people don't understand and then the other thing is just like. 1875 02:37:14.640 --> 02:37:22.860 melissa diner : We have all new board people we let a lot of like the new board people talk and figure it out, which takes time. 1876 02:37:23.190 --> 02:37:32.220 melissa diner : And so you know I don't want to be saying things and like i'll gladly not say anything but a lot of the things i'm interjecting ours, because I feel like. 1877 02:37:32.550 --> 02:37:40.200 melissa diner : People that know tons more than me about the law and many other things are so learning how to run these meetings so. 1878 02:37:41.160 --> 02:37:50.820 melissa diner : You know, Jim I think you have to like step up more and use your executive authority and keep things moving I know you're trying to be nice, but like. 1879 02:37:51.180 --> 02:38:00.390 melissa diner : it's not helping us get the meeting done quicker so like I encourage you to do that, and then I, and no one else have to have discussion. 1880 02:38:00.780 --> 02:38:09.570 melissa diner : On these items or to just immediately bring it to point of clarification for Ivan I mean the problem is, like all of us are volunteers and there is. 1881 02:38:09.840 --> 02:38:18.630 melissa diner : error and information that we get even from the parliamentarian from time to time, like he's human, so we need opinions to make the best judgment. 1882 02:38:18.960 --> 02:38:26.670 melissa diner : To be able to move forward so i'm going to do my best to try and i'll say anything I don't want to say anything but I definitely just don't agree with like. 1883 02:38:27.180 --> 02:38:35.460 melissa diner : saying nothing and letting the President go i'm trying to help move things along at certain points, so we can get it done quicker right. 1884 02:38:35.880 --> 02:38:39.810 james murez: Okay, thank you, I see no other hands let's take a boat. 1885 02:38:43.500 --> 02:38:44.010 melissa diner : Jim. 1886 02:38:44.460 --> 02:38:45.120 Yes. 1887 02:38:48.630 --> 02:38:49.230 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes. 1888 02:38:50.100 --> 02:38:51.360 melissa diner : Yes, Ali. 1889 02:38:52.080 --> 02:38:54.180 Alley Bean: So sorry, what did we voting on i'm I didn't. 1890 02:38:54.330 --> 02:38:55.770 melissa diner : Approval of the overall. 1891 02:38:55.770 --> 02:38:56.430 Alley Bean: Agenda yes. 1892 02:38:56.910 --> 02:38:58.860 Alley Bean: Yes, yes, yes. 1893 02:38:59.670 --> 02:39:00.600 melissa diner : i'm Andrea. 1894 02:39:01.020 --> 02:39:03.120 melissa diner : Yes, and. 1895 02:39:06.870 --> 02:39:07.230 Nico Ruderman: Yes. 1896 02:39:11.370 --> 02:39:18.420 james murez: Motion passes um it's 938 on my clock meeting is adjourned, thank you all. 1897 02:39:19.980 --> 02:39:20.850 Ivan: forward to meeting. 1898 02:39:21.120 --> 02:39:22.080 james murez: Everybody knows. 1899 02:39:22.140 --> 02:39:23.100 Daffodil Tyminski: Thanks guys. 1900 02:39:23.400 --> 02:39:24.540 Ivan: You guys did great. 1901 02:39:25.860 --> 02:39:26.820 Andrea Boccaletti: Thanks bye. 1902 02:39:28.380 --> 02:39:28.860 Daffodil Tyminski: bye guys. 1903 02:39:29.130 --> 02:39:31.590 james murez: bye bye Ivan if you have a minute I would talk to you. 1904 02:39:31.950 --> 02:39:32.910 james murez: But like what. 1905 02:39:33.690 --> 02:39:35.160 james murez: It off off offline yeah. 1906 02:39:35.970 --> 02:39:37.080 james murez: Okay, thank you.