WEBVTT 1 00:02:27.270 --> 00:02:27.840 Mark Ryavec: Good evening. 2 00:03:24.210 --> 00:03:25.230 CJ Cole: Whoever said hi. 3 00:03:25.590 --> 00:03:26.730 Ira Koslow: Mark hi. 4 00:03:27.060 --> 00:03:28.560 CJ Cole: Mark hi. 5 00:03:29.250 --> 00:03:36.000 Ira Koslow: hi hi cj saying Kathy I see ya cuz you got that for version. 6 00:03:36.360 --> 00:03:42.090 CJ Cole: yeah I did I had been able to download it from as soon as an APP on. 7 00:03:44.970 --> 00:03:48.000 CJ Cole: You know, on the neighborhood whatever it is. 8 00:03:49.080 --> 00:03:50.100 CJ Cole: on their website. 9 00:03:53.280 --> 00:03:56.820 CJ Cole: yeah I just I Google docs and I don't get along. 10 00:03:59.970 --> 00:04:10.080 CJ Cole: I have too many different emails addresses associated and it's impossible there's no way of getting rid of it so. 11 00:04:19.770 --> 00:04:20.460 Okay. 12 00:04:22.950 --> 00:04:24.390 Ira Koslow: Okay, great we ever caught. 13 00:04:25.470 --> 00:04:25.920 Mark Ryavec: Your. 14 00:04:25.980 --> 00:04:26.520 Ira Koslow: eye God. 15 00:04:32.970 --> 00:04:36.330 Ira Koslow: i'm going to promote that to somehow. 16 00:04:36.660 --> 00:04:40.410 Ira Koslow: good idea now when I do that she doesn't promote. 17 00:04:41.010 --> 00:04:42.390 George Francisco: What you want to make me a Co host. 18 00:04:42.510 --> 00:04:43.560 Ira Koslow: Let me handle asher. 19 00:04:45.540 --> 00:04:46.530 Ira Koslow: Leave the. 20 00:05:33.960 --> 00:05:34.560 Ira Koslow: moon. 21 00:05:40.650 --> 00:05:41.070 Ira Koslow: moon. 22 00:05:47.940 --> 00:05:52.140 George Francisco: She will be rejoining as a panelist says, I guess the gave you that same. 23 00:05:54.180 --> 00:05:55.290 Never she doesn't move. 24 00:05:59.790 --> 00:06:01.860 Ira Koslow: we're trying to do both. 25 00:06:03.150 --> 00:06:04.020 Ira Koslow: Some reason. 26 00:06:14.280 --> 00:06:14.640 Ivan: So. 27 00:06:15.960 --> 00:06:16.320 Ira Koslow: Oh yeah. 28 00:06:25.260 --> 00:06:25.650 Daff: hi there. 29 00:06:27.210 --> 00:06:27.810 Ira Koslow: hi. 30 00:06:31.980 --> 00:06:35.340 Ira Koslow: Great we can actually Lisa Nick. 31 00:06:42.630 --> 00:06:43.530 Seven right. 32 00:06:44.910 --> 00:06:49.200 George Francisco: It is seven, it is, it is something my friend is seven. 33 00:06:52.830 --> 00:06:59.040 Ira Koslow: All right, thank you all for coming and I preface the new agenda with. 34 00:07:00.270 --> 00:07:01.380 Ira Koslow: The fact that I. 35 00:07:01.920 --> 00:07:04.020 Ira Koslow: In my rush and. 36 00:07:04.380 --> 00:07:05.100 Ivan: I have no say. 37 00:07:08.070 --> 00:07:09.990 Ira Koslow: hello to everybody else here. 38 00:07:11.190 --> 00:07:14.100 Mark Ryavec: and hear you but it's not not very high hi. 39 00:07:15.000 --> 00:07:16.290 Ira Koslow: Let me try something else. 40 00:07:35.370 --> 00:07:39.750 George Francisco: Ivan is having trouble getting sound, so I told him to. 41 00:07:51.330 --> 00:07:52.920 Ira Koslow: I will try and talk loud. 42 00:07:55.440 --> 00:07:59.280 George Francisco: I told the incident is probably might be to settings or just might have is. 43 00:07:59.490 --> 00:08:02.430 George Francisco: Fine, as get button here is here as well. 44 00:08:04.140 --> 00:08:05.250 Great alright. 45 00:08:09.360 --> 00:08:10.170 Mark Ryavec: we've got a quorum. 46 00:08:10.830 --> 00:08:12.210 Ira Koslow: yeah we had a call with. 47 00:08:12.660 --> 00:08:13.050 George Francisco: Video. 48 00:08:13.710 --> 00:08:15.270 Ira Koslow: And we have five action so. 49 00:08:15.840 --> 00:08:16.590 Mark Ryavec: For the core. 50 00:08:17.220 --> 00:08:18.870 Ira Koslow: yeah it's in the bylaws. 51 00:08:20.400 --> 00:08:22.680 Ira Koslow: For ad come only. 52 00:08:28.140 --> 00:08:29.250 George Francisco: You want me to bring Jim up. 53 00:08:29.310 --> 00:08:30.060 Are you guys just. 54 00:08:34.320 --> 00:08:36.000 Hugh Harrison: Is Melissa coming or not. 55 00:08:39.630 --> 00:08:41.310 George Francisco: I will keep an eye out for her, though. 56 00:08:41.610 --> 00:08:50.040 Hugh Harrison: yeah cuz she asked me yesterday we're going to meet yesterday yeah I might need to take minutes, so I just need to know. 57 00:08:50.730 --> 00:08:55.890 Ira Koslow: Well, I would say yes, you need to take minutes, thank you, as long as you're willing. 58 00:08:56.730 --> 00:08:59.520 Hugh Harrison: Well, I will add the agenda, so I can. 59 00:09:00.420 --> 00:09:00.930 Ira Koslow: Go ahead. 60 00:09:01.890 --> 00:09:03.030 Ira Koslow: get your stuff together. 61 00:09:05.280 --> 00:09:06.990 George Francisco: called meeting to order either i'll take. 62 00:09:07.080 --> 00:09:08.340 Ira Koslow: i'll jot down. 63 00:09:08.820 --> 00:09:12.600 Ira Koslow: I will call the meeting to order, what is the. 64 00:09:14.700 --> 00:09:19.500 Ira Koslow: outcome at 702 I believe and. 65 00:09:21.510 --> 00:09:25.170 Ira Koslow: Costly saw last meeting guys i'm going out with a thud. 66 00:09:27.030 --> 00:09:28.170 Ira Koslow: Instead of a bang. 67 00:09:29.640 --> 00:09:34.770 Ira Koslow: roll call everybody's here, except Melissa we have five out of six. 68 00:09:36.450 --> 00:09:38.040 Ira Koslow: Can I have a motion to approve. 69 00:09:38.670 --> 00:09:41.400 George Francisco: The ICO approved my friend. 70 00:09:41.970 --> 00:09:42.660 Second. 71 00:09:43.680 --> 00:09:44.040 Mark Ryavec: Like a. 72 00:09:44.520 --> 00:09:49.050 Ira Koslow: Thank you, mark second anybody opposed. 73 00:09:50.070 --> 00:09:53.700 Ira Koslow: Unanimous now, the Minutes are listed here. 74 00:09:53.940 --> 00:09:55.440 Ira Koslow: But they were on the. 75 00:09:57.420 --> 00:10:01.080 Ira Koslow: Committee page, so I can have a motion to approve the. 76 00:10:01.110 --> 00:10:02.580 George Francisco: minutes for Angela and. 77 00:10:02.730 --> 00:10:03.600 George Francisco: Again, I will. 78 00:10:03.630 --> 00:10:05.820 Ira Koslow: move to prove that Thank you second. 79 00:10:06.210 --> 00:10:08.070 Ira Koslow: Second, I can mark. 80 00:10:08.550 --> 00:10:11.130 Ira Koslow: There we go anybody oppose. 81 00:10:12.510 --> 00:10:13.440 Ira Koslow: unanimous. 82 00:10:14.730 --> 00:10:15.750 Ira Koslow: it's approved. 83 00:10:17.100 --> 00:10:21.810 Ira Koslow: announcement and public comment on items, not on the agenda. 84 00:10:24.420 --> 00:10:27.180 George Francisco: Oh, we have a ton of items. 85 00:10:27.360 --> 00:10:29.310 Ira Koslow: On the agenda Lisa okay. 86 00:10:29.820 --> 00:10:30.870 George Francisco: Okay, go ahead. 87 00:10:31.380 --> 00:10:33.660 Lisa Redmond - Venice Catholic Worker: hi good evening I can hear you just fine. 88 00:10:35.430 --> 00:10:38.700 Lisa Redmond - Venice Catholic Worker: it's not on the agenda but it's about the agenda. 89 00:10:41.130 --> 00:10:56.910 Lisa Redmond - Venice Catholic Worker: I have emotion on there and and other people have had motions in the past and me as well, and my personal email and phone number is displayed Now I understand why that's needed when you submit an emotion, but it's not needed. 90 00:10:56.940 --> 00:10:58.380 Lisa Redmond - Venice Catholic Worker: When it's put on the agenda. 91 00:10:58.710 --> 00:11:14.700 Lisa Redmond - Venice Catholic Worker: And you know when you have application for board seats you carefully wash the information in private information of another person and that's not given the same respect to people putting emotions you none of you would certainly you know publish your personal phone number. 92 00:11:17.460 --> 00:11:17.880 Hugh Harrison: I did. 93 00:11:18.240 --> 00:11:26.220 Lisa Redmond - Venice Catholic Worker: going to ask for you know that to be removed and going further that that respect be allowed to all people. 94 00:11:27.390 --> 00:11:29.250 George Francisco: We just motion. 95 00:11:29.490 --> 00:11:30.090 Lisa Redmond - Venice Catholic Worker: Thank you. 96 00:11:34.170 --> 00:11:34.620 George Francisco: Okay. 97 00:11:35.820 --> 00:11:37.830 Ira Koslow: Let me see if I can erase it just now. 98 00:11:39.360 --> 00:11:42.090 George Francisco: You try yeah I have it open in the. 99 00:11:43.980 --> 00:11:46.410 Ira Koslow: yeah but i'm displaying it that's why i'm saying. 100 00:11:46.710 --> 00:11:47.580 George Francisco: yeah the Google. 101 00:11:51.120 --> 00:11:51.240 I. 102 00:11:53.340 --> 00:11:54.630 George Francisco: O a look at it to. 103 00:11:54.690 --> 00:11:56.610 Ira Koslow: Think, so we moved it on. 104 00:11:57.630 --> 00:12:00.060 Ira Koslow: To had come cuz it's. 105 00:12:01.410 --> 00:12:02.130 Ira Koslow: I mean to. 106 00:12:03.270 --> 00:12:04.950 Hugh Harrison: I thought we talked about this last month. 107 00:12:07.650 --> 00:12:09.330 CJ Cole: know some point. 108 00:12:10.440 --> 00:12:11.160 George Francisco: Sometimes. 109 00:12:11.550 --> 00:12:13.110 Hugh Harrison: Somebody said they were going to take care of it. 110 00:12:13.470 --> 00:12:15.840 George Francisco: that's okay i'm Let me take i'm gonna take it off right now. 111 00:12:17.970 --> 00:12:21.000 George Francisco: There I took it off it's just one of those things that got carried over. 112 00:12:22.920 --> 00:12:23.430 George Francisco: it's off. 113 00:12:25.560 --> 00:12:27.360 Ira Koslow: Its off found a year off that. 114 00:12:30.000 --> 00:12:30.390 thing. 115 00:12:31.950 --> 00:12:33.000 Ira Koslow: Making it difficult. 116 00:12:35.550 --> 00:12:37.380 CJ Cole: And doesn't make it difficult at all. 117 00:12:37.770 --> 00:12:40.350 james murez: I re you have revision tracking turned on. 118 00:12:42.720 --> 00:12:45.000 james murez: You have to turn it off to actually make it go away. 119 00:12:49.620 --> 00:12:52.830 Ira Koslow: Sorry, but that only takes it away from this everybody else's so. 120 00:12:55.320 --> 00:12:56.850 james murez: As long as it's published. 121 00:12:58.890 --> 00:13:00.360 Ivan: can make a note and. 122 00:13:00.540 --> 00:13:01.860 Ira Koslow: Make sure that it doesn't have. 123 00:13:03.420 --> 00:13:03.570 Ivan: As. 124 00:13:09.480 --> 00:13:09.840 Ivan: well. 125 00:13:11.850 --> 00:13:15.840 Ivan: All right, hang on hang on, let me try that. 126 00:13:27.780 --> 00:13:28.140 Ivan: No. 127 00:13:30.930 --> 00:13:31.470 Ivan: No. 128 00:13:37.290 --> 00:13:38.340 Ivan: I don't know what happened. 129 00:13:41.820 --> 00:13:42.330 Ivan: My. 130 00:13:43.830 --> 00:13:46.650 Ivan: Title somewhere stuff you can't hear any of us. 131 00:13:47.070 --> 00:13:51.870 Ivan: Is there is there something stuck into like the headphones or something no. 132 00:13:55.620 --> 00:13:56.310 Ivan: No. 133 00:13:58.080 --> 00:13:59.880 Ira Koslow: I heard somebody else. 134 00:13:59.970 --> 00:14:00.300 i'm. 135 00:14:02.490 --> 00:14:03.000 Ivan: Video. 136 00:14:09.150 --> 00:14:09.660 George Francisco: i'm sorry. 137 00:14:11.760 --> 00:14:15.000 james murez: He has their telephone turned on and also there's. 138 00:14:15.300 --> 00:14:16.110 Ira Koslow: No, no. 139 00:14:28.800 --> 00:14:30.090 Ira Koslow: sounds like somebody has. 140 00:14:30.180 --> 00:14:32.550 Ira Koslow: To computers or two connections on in the. 141 00:14:32.550 --> 00:14:35.100 Ira Koslow: sale that's what that weird. 142 00:14:35.190 --> 00:14:35.580 George Francisco: That was. 143 00:14:35.880 --> 00:14:44.550 George Francisco: That is me that is Ivan and he keeps unmuted himself because i'm sure, because he can't hear any of us, but we can hear him. 144 00:14:44.640 --> 00:14:45.300 George Francisco: So. 145 00:14:45.570 --> 00:14:51.570 George Francisco: I was trying to help him and I had everything muted and you asked me to unmute and then he unmute himself and we were getting the feedback, so I. 146 00:14:51.570 --> 00:14:52.560 Ira Koslow: tried it i'm sorry. 147 00:14:52.920 --> 00:14:53.880 George Francisco: that's okay all right. 148 00:14:54.390 --> 00:14:56.250 Ira Koslow: i'm trying to find out that it is. 149 00:14:57.360 --> 00:14:58.620 George Francisco: I just hung up on him so. 150 00:14:59.970 --> 00:15:01.200 Ira Koslow: Okay sorry. 151 00:15:04.590 --> 00:15:09.480 Ira Koslow: Oh, that can business do nothing, nothing all right let's get to the agenda. 152 00:15:15.570 --> 00:15:17.580 Hugh Harrison: By the way, George i'm fine i've got the minute so. 153 00:15:17.700 --> 00:15:18.300 George Francisco: Okay, great. 154 00:15:18.450 --> 00:15:19.410 Hugh Harrison: You got enough to do. 155 00:15:20.100 --> 00:15:20.640 yeah. 156 00:15:21.690 --> 00:15:23.220 Ira Koslow: Thank you, thank you, you. 157 00:15:25.800 --> 00:15:38.970 Ira Koslow: All right, board agenda So can I get a motion to put 12345 on. 158 00:15:39.690 --> 00:15:40.770 George Francisco: So moved. 159 00:15:41.610 --> 00:15:43.500 Hugh Harrison: Second, all second. 160 00:15:43.890 --> 00:15:46.260 Ira Koslow: Thank you, and in comment. 161 00:15:46.650 --> 00:15:47.850 CJ Cole: I have a question. 162 00:15:49.410 --> 00:15:51.870 CJ Cole: Before we even got to number one. 163 00:15:52.410 --> 00:16:01.020 CJ Cole: Okay, there is a new statement in this agenda that I think we have to call attention to. 164 00:16:01.320 --> 00:16:18.960 CJ Cole: Yes, that's the requirements that we've got I have a majority of our board members actually present in Venice, to make it or you know I know I assume this is something that Jim has asked us to put it in which makes no sense. 165 00:16:19.050 --> 00:16:20.640 Ira Koslow: All right, I don't know where is this. 166 00:16:21.840 --> 00:16:24.360 CJ Cole: It is right, above number one. 167 00:16:25.650 --> 00:16:31.980 CJ Cole: it's California State law 54 953. 168 00:16:35.730 --> 00:16:36.690 james murez: So, if I may. 169 00:16:37.530 --> 00:16:41.310 Ira Koslow: that's fine it says doesn't say everybody it's just as a majority. 170 00:16:41.550 --> 00:16:42.270 CJ Cole: When Killarney. 171 00:16:42.960 --> 00:16:43.560 Ira Koslow: yeah oh. 172 00:16:43.950 --> 00:16:48.480 james murez: I read that requires a slightly different request or roll call. 173 00:16:49.830 --> 00:16:55.260 james murez: I did something that I asked about also I think it's been on there for some time, since the coven thing started. 174 00:16:56.370 --> 00:16:57.690 james murez: I asked Ivan about it. 175 00:16:58.800 --> 00:17:03.060 james murez: And it seems as though they, the majority of the board. 176 00:17:03.060 --> 00:17:03.570 Ira Koslow: Members. 177 00:17:03.960 --> 00:17:20.730 james murez: need to be within the boundaries of the dnc as cj pointed out, and that means that the roll call with need to ask each individual that was present at the meeting, where they were physically located at the time role was being taken. 178 00:17:21.000 --> 00:17:21.780 Ira Koslow: Okay, great. 179 00:17:23.220 --> 00:17:24.660 Ira Koslow: that's ridiculous, but all right. 180 00:17:25.230 --> 00:17:27.570 Ira Koslow: hi hi it's gonna affect you more. 181 00:17:27.600 --> 00:17:28.980 Ivan: I mean at the next meeting or. 182 00:17:33.720 --> 00:17:34.380 Hugh Harrison: Somebody. 183 00:17:38.520 --> 00:17:41.430 Ivan: All right, i'm trying i'm getting i'm trying to. 184 00:17:43.050 --> 00:17:44.220 Ira Koslow: Leave and come back. 185 00:17:45.990 --> 00:17:47.490 Ira Koslow: Just turned off and come back. 186 00:17:47.610 --> 00:17:48.870 james murez: We can hear you there Ivan. 187 00:17:50.010 --> 00:17:56.700 George Francisco: ya know what guys I apologize I mute him and me when I go away to talk to them and stuff so. 188 00:17:57.030 --> 00:17:58.530 George Francisco: Okay, I apologize for. 189 00:18:00.000 --> 00:18:01.200 George Francisco: Death has got her hand up and. 190 00:18:01.200 --> 00:18:03.090 Ira Koslow: They said we're going out with a side. 191 00:18:05.160 --> 00:18:06.030 Ira Koslow: Mostly my fault. 192 00:18:07.650 --> 00:18:12.630 Ira Koslow: Okay, Jim point well taken Thank you cj point well taken. 193 00:18:13.050 --> 00:18:15.300 George Francisco: capitalize or even when we take role. 194 00:18:15.660 --> 00:18:20.940 Ira Koslow: will make a note to say I you in the Venice boundaries. 195 00:18:22.230 --> 00:18:22.800 Is this. 196 00:18:24.090 --> 00:18:30.630 Daff: I thought the city someone from the city, I thought weighed in on that and said that role was suspended during coven. 197 00:18:32.250 --> 00:18:35.880 james murez: So that rule is part of the brown act and. 198 00:18:36.900 --> 00:18:48.690 james murez: lesson specifically suspended Freddie said that we don't have to do it, but it's actually part of the telecommunications portion of the brown act, so I guess it's. 199 00:18:49.920 --> 00:18:53.250 james murez: Just it's up to whoever's going to be taking role I don't really care. 200 00:18:54.300 --> 00:18:54.600 well. 201 00:18:56.250 --> 00:18:57.180 Ira Koslow: Yes, okay. 202 00:18:58.320 --> 00:19:04.680 Ira Koslow: Thank Thank you everybody we're all here, because we know we're all here Okay, so we have no problem. 203 00:19:08.340 --> 00:19:13.410 Ira Koslow: Alright, so 1234 okay thanks tj so one through five. 204 00:19:14.430 --> 00:19:16.530 Ira Koslow: Anybody close to him. 205 00:19:18.750 --> 00:19:22.710 Ira Koslow: Okay unanimous now six, this is. 206 00:19:23.760 --> 00:19:24.630 Ira Koslow: These are. 207 00:19:27.030 --> 00:19:40.020 Ira Koslow: Guidelines for starting the meeting, if we look at this, we have to do, bought by you can read it, but we're appointment at a parliamentarian open nominations now for chairs of standing committees. 208 00:19:41.160 --> 00:19:45.360 Ira Koslow: Any Community office wishing for where they should notify the President so there's no. 209 00:19:47.520 --> 00:19:52.470 Ira Koslow: Community officer you notify the President that you'd like to take one of those committees. 210 00:19:53.220 --> 00:20:05.640 Ira Koslow: And then, it has to be, I think we proved that outcome that's the problem with a lot of this we're not going to have an ad come into August, so you really can do a lot of some of this work right away, but this we can do. 211 00:20:07.350 --> 00:20:12.450 Ira Koslow: Now all current ad hoc committees are expired at the beginning of that meeting. 212 00:20:13.950 --> 00:20:28.860 Ira Koslow: And then it tells you what to do this is submitting a mission statement through Agenda request it mission statement gets approved by add calm and then at the next meeting, it is the chairs are pitch. 213 00:20:30.840 --> 00:20:40.920 Ira Koslow: Selection now nominations are also open for land use and neighborhood land use committee for next month August. 214 00:20:42.120 --> 00:20:49.140 Ira Koslow: Or the end of July and August, will be the same committee so until this is replaced in the August meeting. 215 00:20:52.800 --> 00:21:04.650 George Francisco: IRA, we will we will make sure that the loop and neighborhood committee committee applications are updated and corrected with the proper date so i'll make sure like. 216 00:21:05.040 --> 00:21:05.430 Ira Koslow: yeah. 217 00:21:06.330 --> 00:21:06.900 George Francisco: i'll make i'll make. 218 00:21:07.650 --> 00:21:11.940 Ira Koslow: That a diary by you, or you and john before the next meeting. 219 00:21:12.120 --> 00:21:12.420 George Francisco: yeah. 220 00:21:13.050 --> 00:21:14.010 Ira Koslow: i'll make sure we'd only. 221 00:21:14.280 --> 00:21:14.580 George Francisco: Half of. 222 00:21:14.940 --> 00:21:16.950 Ira Koslow: them are aware right great okay. 223 00:21:17.250 --> 00:21:17.670 Ira Koslow: I haven't. 224 00:21:18.810 --> 00:21:20.130 CJ Cole: I have another question. 225 00:21:20.520 --> 00:21:30.990 CJ Cole: They are they are standing committees, they just keep the same mean like we didn't list neighborhood but um you know and. 226 00:21:32.220 --> 00:21:40.860 Ira Koslow: know their chairs, we start the new meeting those chairs if they're not real they go away. 227 00:21:42.060 --> 00:21:45.930 Ira Koslow: Now john reed will not be the Chair of rules and selections. 228 00:21:46.050 --> 00:21:47.220 CJ Cole: When the next realize it. 229 00:21:47.760 --> 00:21:52.350 CJ Cole: But you you haven't listed all of the standing committees. 230 00:21:52.860 --> 00:21:57.720 Ira Koslow: Well, there are people like see my colleagues were elected so they're still there. 231 00:21:57.780 --> 00:22:00.510 Ira Koslow: yeah So these are the ones where the guys are gone. 232 00:22:02.850 --> 00:22:04.020 CJ Cole: You should. 233 00:22:04.320 --> 00:22:05.580 George Francisco: walk yes. 234 00:22:06.390 --> 00:22:08.880 George Francisco: He did he did list them, it says arts OSHA. 235 00:22:09.240 --> 00:22:11.580 Ira Koslow: OSHA laws and rules and select yeah. 236 00:22:12.150 --> 00:22:15.660 CJ Cole: But the other ones, so, in other words, is the neighborhood committee. 237 00:22:16.560 --> 00:22:17.700 George Francisco: chaired by the Vice President. 238 00:22:18.600 --> 00:22:19.290 Ira Koslow: Vice President. 239 00:22:20.100 --> 00:22:25.890 Ira Koslow: Okay, I Lucas chaired by the look, you know those people were reelected Sema. 240 00:22:26.160 --> 00:22:32.640 George Francisco: IRA let's hang on a second Jim hang out with your hand let's we got a couple of blue hands up here public comment, I was switched on to the wrong thing let's let them. 241 00:22:33.030 --> 00:22:33.390 Ira Koslow: Okay. 242 00:22:33.660 --> 00:22:34.680 George Francisco: I want to say this is. 243 00:22:35.880 --> 00:22:37.050 George Francisco: Yolanda go ahead. 244 00:22:39.600 --> 00:22:40.230 George Francisco: Right Yolanda. 245 00:22:44.520 --> 00:22:45.540 George Francisco: You got yourself. 246 00:22:52.440 --> 00:22:52.980 Ira Koslow: next one. 247 00:22:53.040 --> 00:22:54.540 George Francisco: you're still muted Yolanda. 248 00:22:58.200 --> 00:22:58.530 CJ Cole: No. 249 00:23:00.090 --> 00:23:03.690 George Francisco: Okay, all right we'll go to Lisa go ahead Lisa you can unmute yourself. 250 00:23:04.950 --> 00:23:11.610 Lisa Redmond - Venice Catholic Worker: yeah i'm gonna beg to defer about six he that all current ad hoc committees are now expired. 251 00:23:14.190 --> 00:23:25.470 Lisa Redmond - Venice Catholic Worker: Not that i'm a huge fan of the Public Health and Safety Committee, but they had their first meeting, I believe it was either January or December, which meant that they were approved by the board last. 252 00:23:26.430 --> 00:23:39.990 Lisa Redmond - Venice Catholic Worker: You know November, December so they are way, less than a year old and I don't think there's anything in the bylaws that say a new president and a new administration totally ruins and kills all at current ad hoc committees. 253 00:23:40.530 --> 00:23:43.260 Lisa Redmond - Venice Catholic Worker: So that's just my thinking. 254 00:23:43.890 --> 00:23:44.160 Great. 255 00:23:45.330 --> 00:23:46.230 Ira Koslow: Okay, thank you. 256 00:23:47.430 --> 00:23:48.240 Ira Koslow: anybody else. 257 00:23:51.360 --> 00:23:53.670 Ira Koslow: Okay, that was for comment Jim. 258 00:23:54.930 --> 00:23:55.500 james murez: i'm. 259 00:23:57.600 --> 00:24:00.630 james murez: Now I forgot what I was going to say cuz I want to look up. 260 00:24:00.630 --> 00:24:01.200 Ira Koslow: Lisa. 261 00:24:01.320 --> 00:24:03.030 Ira Koslow: You got two years to remember. 262 00:24:04.170 --> 00:24:04.500 Ira Koslow: g. 263 00:24:04.680 --> 00:24:12.660 james murez: backlinks Oh, I wanted to mention that the I heard, I believe, George say he was going to update the. 264 00:24:14.310 --> 00:24:19.950 james murez: neighborhood committee application, but i've already asked a leak to update the. 265 00:24:22.230 --> 00:24:22.950 james murez: New Pack. 266 00:24:24.090 --> 00:24:25.050 james murez: application. 267 00:24:25.650 --> 00:24:34.170 james murez: yeah and I think needs to be updated before the meeting and so far as part of she has not submitted anything unless you've gotten something I. 268 00:24:34.380 --> 00:24:37.500 Ira Koslow: don't know all right Alex is in charge of that George. 269 00:24:37.830 --> 00:24:39.540 George Francisco: yeah we'll make sure it gets done. 270 00:24:41.340 --> 00:24:42.750 George Francisco: As I have for the last five years. 271 00:24:43.140 --> 00:24:46.770 james murez: Old the old one is actually missing an item all together. 272 00:24:47.160 --> 00:24:52.170 james murez: It the numbers jumped from three to five, so I don't know Whatever happened to number four but. 273 00:24:52.230 --> 00:24:56.220 George Francisco: We will, we will make sure it's all okay Jim Thank you George you're welcome. 274 00:24:59.160 --> 00:25:11.220 Ira Koslow: Okay, so five I mean sorry 678 the final final of the final nine. 275 00:25:12.480 --> 00:25:16.110 Ira Koslow: Alright, so let's go 85675 through eight but i'm emotional. 276 00:25:16.560 --> 00:25:19.650 Hugh Harrison: goodbye i'll move with six through eight. 277 00:25:19.950 --> 00:25:21.480 George Francisco: And I said that you. 278 00:25:22.020 --> 00:25:23.010 Ira Koslow: yeah position. 279 00:25:24.390 --> 00:25:28.230 Ira Koslow: unanimous on the agenda, so now nine. 280 00:25:30.870 --> 00:25:34.470 Ira Koslow: So this is sort of up to you, Jim I, in a sense. 281 00:25:35.610 --> 00:25:38.820 Ira Koslow: You want to rewrite these this is this is just what we did. 282 00:25:40.290 --> 00:25:46.020 Ira Koslow: writing of the La FC and lapd cover reports. 283 00:25:47.460 --> 00:25:51.630 Ira Koslow: The following written reports will also be posted online. 284 00:25:53.730 --> 00:25:55.560 Ira Koslow: Trust mala is the new. 285 00:25:55.830 --> 00:25:59.520 Ira Koslow: Venice feel deputy chanted is always there. 286 00:26:00.540 --> 00:26:01.980 Ira Koslow: Leo hasn't shown up. 287 00:26:03.690 --> 00:26:07.890 Ira Koslow: brandon comes sack brad. 288 00:26:09.690 --> 00:26:12.060 Ira Koslow: I don't know what's gonna happen with that sorry. 289 00:26:13.560 --> 00:26:14.400 Ira Koslow: and Freddie. 290 00:26:17.370 --> 00:26:22.260 Ira Koslow: Gray, Sir, can we have 9am be. 291 00:26:23.370 --> 00:26:24.330 George Francisco: So moved. 292 00:26:26.490 --> 00:26:29.160 Ira Koslow: Second, took a chance after we get a second. 293 00:26:29.760 --> 00:26:30.450 Hugh Harrison: or a second. 294 00:26:31.530 --> 00:26:33.360 Ira Koslow: Alright, so I can buy it you. 295 00:26:35.160 --> 00:26:37.290 Ira Koslow: Probably come in for me, Jim. 296 00:26:37.770 --> 00:26:38.700 james murez: i'm so. 297 00:26:38.760 --> 00:26:42.090 james murez: Nice, if you could scroll back up to 9am. 298 00:26:43.980 --> 00:26:49.530 james murez: The wording on nine eight needs to be revised the read this report will be given. 299 00:26:50.070 --> 00:26:56.130 james murez: in writing by the committee, they don't want to give the report in writing and. 300 00:26:58.200 --> 00:26:58.620 Ira Koslow: Jeff. 301 00:26:59.040 --> 00:26:59.640 james murez: hold on I. 302 00:27:00.000 --> 00:27:01.500 Ira Koslow: will change it to whatever you want. 303 00:27:01.830 --> 00:27:07.980 james murez: Ireland let's take that sentence out and assuming that the meetings are going to be recorded. 304 00:27:08.340 --> 00:27:09.420 Ivan: yeah well. 305 00:27:09.840 --> 00:27:11.040 james murez: What we will do in. 306 00:27:11.160 --> 00:27:12.150 In future. 307 00:27:15.390 --> 00:27:17.160 james murez: Agendas is, we will let. 308 00:27:17.190 --> 00:27:17.550 Ivan: You know. 309 00:27:17.730 --> 00:27:18.030 The. 310 00:27:19.350 --> 00:27:21.600 james murez: The actual reporting. 311 00:27:21.870 --> 00:27:23.250 If they make a preset. 312 00:27:24.270 --> 00:27:26.940 james murez: wise if they want to make a presentation fine. 313 00:27:28.800 --> 00:27:29.070 james murez: But. 314 00:27:29.670 --> 00:27:30.150 james murez: The public. 315 00:27:30.180 --> 00:27:32.910 Ira Koslow: Well, why don't you just write the sentence. 316 00:27:34.200 --> 00:27:36.000 Ivan: And we'll put it in before the agenda as. 317 00:27:37.200 --> 00:27:38.070 james murez: Well, at this point. 318 00:27:38.130 --> 00:27:41.070 james murez: At this point I don't have a recording because you're the only. 319 00:27:41.070 --> 00:27:41.430 Ivan: want to. 320 00:27:44.010 --> 00:27:44.670 Ira Koslow: get off. 321 00:27:45.330 --> 00:27:46.050 Ivan: mute yourself. 322 00:27:49.380 --> 00:27:49.920 Ira Koslow: Thank you. 323 00:27:50.220 --> 00:27:54.000 james murez: know at this point I can't write that sense because I don't know. 324 00:27:58.560 --> 00:27:59.100 Ira Koslow: who's ever. 325 00:27:59.370 --> 00:28:01.860 Ira Koslow: On either you try muting yourself because last. 326 00:28:01.860 --> 00:28:02.640 Ira Koslow: time it was you. 327 00:28:05.340 --> 00:28:06.270 George Francisco: Keep muting. 328 00:28:06.600 --> 00:28:07.650 George Francisco: sunning himself. 329 00:28:08.250 --> 00:28:09.210 Ira Koslow: right there it is. 330 00:28:09.360 --> 00:28:11.130 Ira Koslow: Okay he's muted, the noise stop. 331 00:28:11.400 --> 00:28:18.870 Hugh Harrison: yeah I may make a suggestion we just go with jim's original suggestion take the sentence out and whatever happens happens. 332 00:28:19.110 --> 00:28:22.770 Ira Koslow: All right, Okay, thank you, thank you. 333 00:28:23.040 --> 00:28:29.100 Hugh Harrison: And i'll make i'm willing my as a secondary emotion i'm ready to make that a friendly amendment of george's. 334 00:28:29.160 --> 00:28:30.750 Ira Koslow: Okay sure that's fine. 335 00:28:31.170 --> 00:28:33.630 George Francisco: No such thing as a friendly amendment but it says. 336 00:28:34.050 --> 00:28:44.670 George Francisco: That we do not have to make motions and amendments for clerical changes to the agenda that's wording, I mean unless it's to substance, I mean we do not have to do that. 337 00:28:45.360 --> 00:28:47.280 George Francisco: Okay let's change our question. 338 00:28:48.690 --> 00:28:54.930 Ira Koslow: Alright, so A and B are on the agenda, I think we voted to me yeah. 339 00:28:54.960 --> 00:28:56.190 Ira Koslow: No objections. 340 00:28:57.210 --> 00:28:58.200 Ira Koslow: Alright, see. 341 00:29:00.450 --> 00:29:10.230 Ira Koslow: ya this was a request that came in and I think that's two minutes yep is fine, he spent his neighborhood association they've been working with us. 342 00:29:11.760 --> 00:29:12.300 Ira Koslow: 10. 343 00:29:15.120 --> 00:29:24.150 Ira Koslow: Now 1010 eight there are selections that we have to make now normally if we know the people, the. 344 00:29:25.860 --> 00:29:35.100 Ira Koslow: The financial of the Budget Committee will make recommendations we don't know anybody, so this is we're leaving this up to. 345 00:29:37.890 --> 00:29:41.040 Ira Koslow: gym at his disposal, yes, Jim. 346 00:29:41.700 --> 00:29:43.050 james murez: So can I ask. 347 00:29:44.130 --> 00:29:49.470 james murez: Under 10 a number one number two and number three who currently holds those positions. 348 00:29:52.950 --> 00:29:53.820 George Francisco: Here i'm just. 349 00:29:54.600 --> 00:29:56.430 Hugh Harrison: curious three we have no to. 350 00:29:57.480 --> 00:29:57.720 yeah. 351 00:29:59.160 --> 00:30:01.170 james murez: So huge no number two. 352 00:30:02.370 --> 00:30:09.930 james murez: And number three George so if we just assume we're going to follow that it would be Andreas and daffodil. 353 00:30:10.980 --> 00:30:12.660 james murez: And we'll figure out number two as time. 354 00:30:12.690 --> 00:30:15.720 james murez: goes on, but that gives me that gives you your names. 355 00:30:16.350 --> 00:30:16.740 Hugh Harrison: All right. 356 00:30:19.770 --> 00:30:22.500 Hugh Harrison: All right, alright well we'll put those in the Minutes. 357 00:30:22.740 --> 00:30:27.750 Ira Koslow: All right, and a B is expenditures report see. 358 00:30:28.920 --> 00:30:30.390 Ira Koslow: By the harddrive. 359 00:30:31.950 --> 00:30:32.790 Ira Koslow: See. 360 00:30:34.050 --> 00:30:38.430 Ira Koslow: 11 you as the Community officers go past the. 361 00:30:38.940 --> 00:30:42.090 Hugh Harrison: hour we do, Nice and TIM. 362 00:30:42.720 --> 00:30:46.740 Ira Koslow: All right, all right all right we'll get it is this about nine see attention. 363 00:30:47.040 --> 00:30:48.000 james murez: yeah it's nine see. 364 00:30:49.800 --> 00:30:55.620 james murez: i'm just curious because that was a request made by the communications officer me. 365 00:30:56.820 --> 00:31:02.130 james murez: During the current thing, am I getting recuse myself from Tennessee. 366 00:31:03.930 --> 00:31:04.230 Hugh Harrison: No. 367 00:31:04.830 --> 00:31:06.030 George Francisco: No, no, no. 368 00:31:06.570 --> 00:31:07.950 Ira Koslow: No, no we're not pay you. 369 00:31:08.370 --> 00:31:09.960 james murez: know, we have not Okay, thank you. 370 00:31:10.290 --> 00:31:11.940 Ira Koslow: Okay, you have no financial interest. 371 00:31:12.000 --> 00:31:12.990 james murez: that's right okay. 372 00:31:14.190 --> 00:31:20.610 Ira Koslow: All right, um any opposition to those see none there on the agenda. 373 00:31:22.800 --> 00:31:33.060 Ira Koslow: that's through 11 yes right so 12 now, this is the group that we've always had on our stuff although there's new people new. 374 00:31:33.120 --> 00:31:34.290 Hugh Harrison: New position so. 375 00:31:35.070 --> 00:31:39.690 Ira Koslow: bored then selects liaisons, and this would be something that. 376 00:31:40.950 --> 00:31:42.600 Ira Koslow: chip would deal with I guess. 377 00:31:45.270 --> 00:31:46.050 yeah good. 378 00:31:47.670 --> 00:31:48.630 George Francisco: I move we put. 379 00:31:49.650 --> 00:31:51.180 Ira Koslow: Welfare to 13. 380 00:31:51.480 --> 00:31:53.100 George Francisco: And 14 on the agenda. 381 00:31:53.490 --> 00:31:54.210 Ira Koslow: Yes, right. 382 00:31:54.510 --> 00:31:56.430 Ira Koslow: Yes, very good any. 383 00:31:57.030 --> 00:31:57.930 Hugh Harrison: 14 years yeah. 384 00:31:58.800 --> 00:32:01.920 Ira Koslow: Well that's I have nothing on there yet, but sometimes we put stuff. 385 00:32:02.070 --> 00:32:04.380 George Francisco: we'll just we'll just put forward to put a consent calendar. 386 00:32:04.380 --> 00:32:05.880 Hugh Harrison: Is all second. 387 00:32:07.050 --> 00:32:08.700 Ira Koslow: All right, any opposition. 388 00:32:10.290 --> 00:32:11.460 Ira Koslow: Right now. 389 00:32:12.660 --> 00:32:16.410 Ira Koslow: Okay, this is, this is really good that we go at get up. 390 00:32:19.350 --> 00:32:20.490 Ira Koslow: There was. 391 00:32:22.500 --> 00:32:26.520 Ira Koslow: Obviously not 4004 0002. 392 00:32:27.660 --> 00:32:29.010 Ira Koslow: there's no motion here. 393 00:32:30.930 --> 00:32:32.490 Ira Koslow: So I don't have to see, yes, Jim. 394 00:32:33.720 --> 00:32:35.580 james murez: Can you scroll back up to 13. 395 00:32:39.480 --> 00:32:49.170 james murez: We would like to move that you went right by it, but we would like to move that to the end of the agenda, we want to give people more than 30 seconds to. 396 00:32:49.170 --> 00:32:51.000 Ira Koslow: Speak well, that you can do whatever you want. 397 00:32:51.270 --> 00:32:58.050 james murez: But we want to move it from this location to the last item on the agenda and then whatever available time we have left. 398 00:32:58.470 --> 00:32:59.580 Ira Koslow: will divide it up over the. 399 00:32:59.970 --> 00:33:01.620 james murez: People they want to speak and let them. 400 00:33:02.190 --> 00:33:04.620 Ira Koslow: Great you can do that you're in charge. 401 00:33:04.980 --> 00:33:06.390 james murez: yeah so so let's see the. 402 00:33:06.390 --> 00:33:06.870 Note. 403 00:33:08.670 --> 00:33:09.720 james murez: it's not going to be item. 404 00:33:09.750 --> 00:33:14.160 Ira Koslow: 13 it's going to be at the end, after the board comments so before the board. 405 00:33:14.670 --> 00:33:17.130 james murez: At the very whatever the very end is. 406 00:33:17.250 --> 00:33:19.260 james murez: Right right before we adjourn. 407 00:33:19.710 --> 00:33:26.430 Hugh Harrison: Okay, I just Jen so you're aware yo you're ready for the blowback we've tried that before we got a lot of blowback. 408 00:33:27.180 --> 00:33:27.420 A. 409 00:33:28.800 --> 00:33:29.370 Hugh Harrison: lot of people. 410 00:33:30.060 --> 00:33:36.030 james murez: We want to give people plenty of time to have comments about things that are not on the on the agenda and we want to. 411 00:33:36.300 --> 00:33:47.970 james murez: offer them the opportunity to send it in in writing, either through the communication tracking system or through the agenda request system and and not keep people after 10 o'clock at night. 412 00:33:48.270 --> 00:33:58.530 George Francisco: Okay, so what i'm going to suggest to you, right here is that we move 13 to 18 be in make 18 be 18 see that's going to be my suggestion. 413 00:33:58.710 --> 00:34:00.540 james murez: yeah can you scroll down to what those. 414 00:34:00.930 --> 00:34:02.010 Hugh Harrison: i'll work it out. 415 00:34:04.170 --> 00:34:05.370 Hugh Harrison: At the end of the agenda. 416 00:34:05.940 --> 00:34:08.910 George Francisco: Ivan turn if you're calling me mute yourself. 417 00:34:08.940 --> 00:34:10.170 What is wrong with you man. 418 00:34:27.600 --> 00:34:27.990 james murez: Okay. 419 00:34:29.010 --> 00:34:29.610 Ira Koslow: All right. 420 00:34:30.450 --> 00:34:30.960 james murez: Thank you. 421 00:34:31.920 --> 00:34:32.400 For. 422 00:34:33.420 --> 00:34:34.500 Ira Koslow: Your boss now. 423 00:34:36.960 --> 00:34:38.220 james murez: You love it man I. 424 00:34:38.220 --> 00:34:39.600 Ira Koslow: can't oh I love this. 425 00:34:39.690 --> 00:34:40.920 james murez: Your how much. 426 00:34:41.010 --> 00:34:45.660 Ira Koslow: I loved it so much I my brain went in overdrive and I sucked up the whole thing. 427 00:34:46.800 --> 00:34:47.100 Ira Koslow: All right. 428 00:34:51.570 --> 00:34:53.190 james murez: This meeting is being recorded. 429 00:34:53.940 --> 00:34:56.010 Ira Koslow: This meeting is being recorded I oh. 430 00:34:56.310 --> 00:34:58.380 james murez: yeah No, it is not good. 431 00:35:00.120 --> 00:35:01.590 Ira Koslow: yeah oh just. 432 00:35:03.420 --> 00:35:06.360 Ira Koslow: I reminded Freddie that he has to get you this thing. 433 00:35:07.410 --> 00:35:09.780 Ira Koslow: At that right, right after the meeting. 434 00:35:11.130 --> 00:35:11.940 Ira Koslow: The APP. 435 00:35:13.080 --> 00:35:20.310 james murez: Well, I know that you promised me, you were going to send me the boilerplate for the letter, the letter head or what. 436 00:35:20.400 --> 00:35:29.640 Ira Koslow: Letters really yeah here's the thing the boiler plates of the letters, is that a boilerplate but i'll send you a loop a ladder and. 437 00:35:30.660 --> 00:35:31.410 Ira Koslow: board letter. 438 00:35:31.980 --> 00:35:33.090 Ira Koslow: yeah have some of them. 439 00:35:33.390 --> 00:35:40.980 james murez: You sent me like 10 letters that all have to be sent out and then in your message you said you were going to send me the letterhead. 440 00:35:41.430 --> 00:35:43.470 Ira Koslow: And until I let the blank. 441 00:35:44.340 --> 00:35:45.450 james murez: yeah the blank. 442 00:35:45.480 --> 00:35:46.920 Ira Koslow: yeah i'll send you the letterhead i'll make. 443 00:35:47.160 --> 00:35:48.300 james murez: Thank you make a note. 444 00:35:48.360 --> 00:35:55.170 Ira Koslow: yeah let her head gail will bring you the keys, and the gavel on Friday okay. 445 00:35:59.760 --> 00:36:00.150 All right. 446 00:36:04.800 --> 00:36:05.100 George Francisco: Okay. 447 00:36:05.970 --> 00:36:15.750 Ira Koslow: Alright, so 22 doesn't have emotion that sorry 22 paloma never came through with emotion. 448 00:36:17.010 --> 00:36:17.430 Ira Koslow: You know what. 449 00:36:17.460 --> 00:36:22.260 Ira Koslow: A little bit recommended, I mean I assume that's for this year of this yeah so. 450 00:36:23.550 --> 00:36:29.010 Ira Koslow: i'm going to say I say let's put it on the agenda and if we don't get emotion, by the time we're posting it's all. 451 00:36:30.180 --> 00:36:32.430 George Francisco: I can second that or i'll make the motion. 452 00:36:32.850 --> 00:36:34.080 Ira Koslow: Okay second. 453 00:36:35.790 --> 00:36:37.080 Ira Koslow: IRA I second. 454 00:36:38.100 --> 00:36:43.800 Ira Koslow: Alright, everybody post know we just got to have all right yeah so then be. 455 00:36:44.070 --> 00:36:52.620 james murez: IRA, can I just make a statement at this point, this will not be acceptable going forward, they need to be in on time yep. 456 00:36:52.710 --> 00:36:54.540 Ira Koslow: I wish. 457 00:36:55.980 --> 00:36:57.240 Ira Koslow: I agree with you, Jim. 458 00:36:57.330 --> 00:37:09.480 james murez: i'm making trouble I just saying the public deserves the right to be able to see what we're putting on the agenda and a vote of 40 to two without any information about it. 459 00:37:09.540 --> 00:37:10.590 Ira Koslow: Is not oh good. 460 00:37:10.620 --> 00:37:11.340 Ira Koslow: I agree. 461 00:37:12.090 --> 00:37:14.460 George Francisco: you're not making trouble you're. 462 00:37:14.640 --> 00:37:15.600 Ira Koslow: not making trouble. 463 00:37:16.620 --> 00:37:27.900 George Francisco: you're not getting right, yes, there are opportunities when we use a place when we instituted placeholders and I will verify this is some institutional memory. 464 00:37:28.440 --> 00:37:36.480 George Francisco: It was when we new cases work said, yet to be heard by Lou pack, so we set placeholders with titles and information. 465 00:37:37.230 --> 00:37:43.050 George Francisco: On our ad COM agenda, so there was a space for them at the board meeting and the public knew it was coming up. 466 00:37:43.440 --> 00:37:56.670 George Francisco: But it yet to been hurt at Lou pack so that that was the exception, and quite obviously over the last two years the exception has been masticated so that's okay it's much better to use the exception for what it was intended was. 467 00:37:57.330 --> 00:38:07.380 George Francisco: I was going to be on the board agenda but Lu peck had yet to hear it in the upcoming days in between add calm and the board meeting so you're you're correct and it's a good it's good that you bring that back. 468 00:38:07.620 --> 00:38:09.660 james murez: And just want to say that it. 469 00:38:09.780 --> 00:38:11.040 Ivan: You know, it just you know. 470 00:38:13.230 --> 00:38:13.950 Ivan: I then. 471 00:38:14.490 --> 00:38:20.340 james murez: It needed to be submitted to the agenda request system, so we could track and and again. 472 00:38:20.790 --> 00:38:21.930 james murez: that's all thank you. 473 00:38:21.990 --> 00:38:23.880 Ira Koslow: you're preaching to the choir. 474 00:38:23.970 --> 00:38:25.350 james murez: I got it IRA, thank you. 475 00:38:25.530 --> 00:38:28.710 Ira Koslow: you're preaching to the choir very annoying for two years, believe. 476 00:38:28.740 --> 00:38:30.840 james murez: Well, but now it's been recorded, thank you. 477 00:38:30.870 --> 00:38:32.760 Ira Koslow: Good I agree. 478 00:38:34.650 --> 00:38:36.600 Ira Koslow: All right, well, I don't know what happened. 479 00:38:37.950 --> 00:38:41.940 George Francisco: I could not make I even called him, but I can't kick up a phone call or to. 480 00:38:42.030 --> 00:38:46.350 Ira Koslow: know just i'm sorry I have any kind of getting shit together we can't keep. 481 00:38:46.530 --> 00:38:51.930 George Francisco: doing what i'm trying to kick his phone up to be a panelist but i'm it's not allowing me to. 482 00:38:53.490 --> 00:38:54.180 Ira Koslow: Okay. 483 00:38:54.450 --> 00:38:56.610 james murez: Have him hang up and start over now. 484 00:38:57.750 --> 00:39:00.030 George Francisco: Alright Ivan you can go ahead and talk here. 485 00:39:01.740 --> 00:39:02.820 George Francisco: You gotta unmute yourself. 486 00:39:09.000 --> 00:39:12.570 George Francisco: There gotta unmute yourself ivan's please press star six. 487 00:39:15.660 --> 00:39:17.160 1310****487: star six right Jim yeah. 488 00:39:18.990 --> 00:39:20.520 George Francisco: Okay, there you go, I will not talk. 489 00:39:20.670 --> 00:39:21.930 1310****487: Your your phone is lie. 490 00:39:22.230 --> 00:39:23.790 1310****487: you hear me yes. 491 00:39:24.930 --> 00:39:26.130 1310****487: Meeting still on. 492 00:39:29.220 --> 00:39:32.310 1310****487: All right, thank you well what number are we on. 493 00:39:34.350 --> 00:39:34.740 1310****487: Day. 494 00:39:35.820 --> 00:39:37.560 1310****487: 15 be i'll take. 495 00:39:39.060 --> 00:39:41.280 1310****487: You to install 15 a. 496 00:39:44.100 --> 00:39:44.640 1310****487: motion. 497 00:39:44.940 --> 00:39:46.350 Ira Koslow: it's often we post. 498 00:39:48.840 --> 00:39:56.910 1310****487: When when this happened to be invited from the post post yeah okay all right all right sorry on. 499 00:39:57.390 --> 00:39:59.430 George Francisco: Right now, hang on a second Ivan. 500 00:39:59.940 --> 00:40:01.380 George Francisco: Can you fill us. 501 00:40:01.440 --> 00:40:03.450 George Francisco: With your phone open okay. 502 00:40:04.560 --> 00:40:04.890 George Francisco: yeah. 503 00:40:05.250 --> 00:40:06.030 1310****487: Okay, so. 504 00:40:06.060 --> 00:40:07.980 George Francisco: i'm going to keep your phone open here. 505 00:40:08.160 --> 00:40:11.670 1310****487: Alright okay alright so so then you'll be able to hear. 506 00:40:11.670 --> 00:40:13.140 George Francisco: The rest of the meeting okay. 507 00:40:13.530 --> 00:40:13.950 Okay. 508 00:40:15.300 --> 00:40:15.420 1310****487: and 509 00:40:16.410 --> 00:40:18.000 1310****487: I will mention three. 510 00:40:18.090 --> 00:40:21.720 Ira Koslow: appears to have emotion and a vote that. 511 00:40:21.870 --> 00:40:24.930 Ira Koslow: That 60 thing is corrected above it. 512 00:40:27.840 --> 00:40:30.990 Ira Koslow: So let's put a motion to put beyond the agenda. 513 00:40:31.170 --> 00:40:32.310 George Francisco: I will make the motion. 514 00:40:32.490 --> 00:40:33.510 Ira Koslow: Thank you, second. 515 00:40:35.760 --> 00:40:36.480 Ira Koslow: How second. 516 00:40:37.560 --> 00:40:38.340 Ira Koslow: typos. 517 00:40:38.700 --> 00:40:41.040 james murez: Can you scroll up slightly per 15 be. 518 00:40:43.680 --> 00:40:44.430 james murez: Okay, thank you. 519 00:40:48.330 --> 00:40:48.750 George Francisco: Okay. 520 00:40:49.050 --> 00:40:51.480 CJ Cole: What that be one that you put on the consent. 521 00:40:52.080 --> 00:40:55.200 Ira Koslow: No, no, nothing is without putting anything on consent. 522 00:40:55.620 --> 00:40:57.240 Ira Koslow: Okay, I don't know if that's gyms. 523 00:40:58.800 --> 00:41:00.780 Ira Koslow: Have we've done it, but I don't know. 524 00:41:01.560 --> 00:41:04.920 james murez: If it's acceptable for consent put it on consent. 525 00:41:05.280 --> 00:41:07.500 Ira Koslow: Okay, then I will we always said it was no. 526 00:41:08.190 --> 00:41:09.630 james murez: position I got. 527 00:41:09.690 --> 00:41:10.320 Ira Koslow: It so. 528 00:41:10.530 --> 00:41:15.420 Ira Koslow: let's revise 15 be on consent anybody opposed. 529 00:41:15.630 --> 00:41:17.010 George Francisco: Not i'm not opposed. 530 00:41:17.100 --> 00:41:17.700 Ira Koslow: Okay, put it. 531 00:41:19.470 --> 00:41:19.800 Hugh Harrison: Okay. 532 00:41:19.890 --> 00:41:29.130 Ira Koslow: Now this is what I consider one of these ridiculous completely ridiculous motions, but I have nothing to say anymore. 533 00:41:30.750 --> 00:41:34.080 Ira Koslow: What is it, I mean I understand what project real key is. 534 00:41:35.160 --> 00:41:36.900 james murez: So, if I may. 535 00:41:37.140 --> 00:41:38.070 Ira Koslow: Yes, you may. 536 00:41:39.120 --> 00:41:39.840 james murez: The. 537 00:41:41.010 --> 00:41:45.990 james murez: motion that was passed by Lou Pack was written. 538 00:41:48.690 --> 00:41:54.540 james murez: daffodil do you want to step in here and speak up she's daffodils had a bit more conversation about this. 539 00:41:54.870 --> 00:41:57.840 Ira Koslow: I know somebody wanted to amend this. 540 00:41:57.870 --> 00:41:58.170 sure. 541 00:42:00.150 --> 00:42:13.050 Daff: Go ahead staff, I can explain what I believe happened um I think there was some confusion over the actual motion, combined with a computer glitch and. 542 00:42:13.620 --> 00:42:23.820 Daff: I believe that resulted in this motion being passed by Lou pack, but it was not the motion that the person who presented it to pack wanted to pack to pass. 543 00:42:24.690 --> 00:42:39.720 Daff: there's a whole backstory here, but I think we just don't need to go into it, the point is there is a motion that that it was before Lou packed about project room key at the ramada INN on Washington, and it is not what is on this agenda. 544 00:42:40.260 --> 00:42:41.730 Ira Koslow: So let's go back to looper. 545 00:42:42.150 --> 00:42:56.370 Daff: Well there's a timing issue involved here, so I do think that it could go back to the loop heck if Lou pack could hear it in the next couple weeks and still make it on the August agenda. 546 00:42:57.810 --> 00:42:58.800 Ira Koslow: uh well. 547 00:43:00.390 --> 00:43:00.720 james murez: Okay. 548 00:43:02.310 --> 00:43:03.720 Daff: Well, let just let me finish. 549 00:43:03.750 --> 00:43:13.110 Ira Koslow: three pages long, if you guys, that means you and Jane want to deal with this after meeting God gave us with a Cobra goodell. 550 00:43:15.120 --> 00:43:28.980 Daff: I would just listen alternative is to present an alternative motion at the board meeting I have not seen the alternative motion, so I don't know if substance of. 551 00:43:28.980 --> 00:43:29.190 Daff: What. 552 00:43:29.220 --> 00:43:31.410 Daff: It is close enough that that would be acceptable. 553 00:43:32.430 --> 00:43:45.120 Daff: um I believe that Jim spoke with a leaks and perhaps someone else about it, but I don't know what the outcome of that was frankly, it was my recommendation to go back to loop hack. 554 00:43:45.180 --> 00:43:45.990 Ira Koslow: But thank you. 555 00:43:46.050 --> 00:43:49.110 Daff: um I I you know. 556 00:43:49.500 --> 00:43:50.280 Ira Koslow: Yes, good. 557 00:43:50.340 --> 00:43:52.170 Daff: I don't know if loophole will hear it. 558 00:43:52.650 --> 00:44:04.170 Ira Koslow: In time care, I mean, in a sense, they're responsible and they're throwing their responsibility now on to the board know unless you want to take it across Jen. 559 00:44:05.010 --> 00:44:09.900 james murez: So elite was supposed to send to. 560 00:44:10.920 --> 00:44:30.900 james murez: Add calm the proposed alternative motion hyphen and I spoke about this and we were just going to attach it to the boards to the add calm agenda than to the Boards agenda as a proposed alternate motion, and then we would take it up at the board if the board. 561 00:44:30.900 --> 00:44:31.320 Ira Koslow: wanted to. 562 00:44:31.980 --> 00:44:47.280 james murez: act to loop back fine and if they wanted to just forget the original motion and just pass the alternate motion that would be fine, but the point was is that we wanted to get the alternate motion available into the public's I know. 563 00:44:47.580 --> 00:44:48.420 Ira Koslow: You have that. 564 00:44:48.870 --> 00:44:50.700 james murez: The I don't have a copy of it. 565 00:44:50.700 --> 00:44:51.600 Ira Koslow: When I don't either. 566 00:44:51.720 --> 00:44:57.570 james murez: To me it was sent to a leaf and a leak was supposed to forward into Ivan into you. 567 00:44:58.080 --> 00:45:00.240 Ira Koslow: I got didn't get it either, did you get it. 568 00:45:04.410 --> 00:45:06.240 George Francisco: he's not he's not saying anything. 569 00:45:06.510 --> 00:45:07.530 Ira Koslow: All right, not ever. 570 00:45:10.740 --> 00:45:11.550 Ira Koslow: You can deal with it. 571 00:45:11.610 --> 00:45:13.680 Ira Koslow: This is all ages. 572 00:45:13.950 --> 00:45:15.750 1310****487: yeah no. 573 00:45:15.870 --> 00:45:16.950 1310****487: No, I didn't get any. 574 00:45:17.400 --> 00:45:18.450 Ira Koslow: OK OK that's it. 575 00:45:18.840 --> 00:45:23.640 james murez: So there is no alternate motion at this point, I think we have to take this motion. 576 00:45:24.360 --> 00:45:25.740 james murez: As presented. 577 00:45:25.890 --> 00:45:27.420 james murez: By and deal with it. 578 00:45:27.780 --> 00:45:29.730 1310****487: Right all right good. 579 00:45:31.620 --> 00:45:39.900 George Francisco: All right, well then i'm gonna i'm gonna make a motion to send this this back to loop back for it to get squared away since, from what the sounds daffodil is saying is it's not. 580 00:45:40.470 --> 00:45:42.030 1310****487: it's not a pressurized and. 581 00:45:42.060 --> 00:45:48.840 George Francisco: Time sensitive for this next meeting, and I expect that lupa will do its very best. 582 00:45:49.530 --> 00:45:51.720 George Francisco: To hear it again at the next meeting in the. 583 00:45:51.720 --> 00:45:56.370 George Francisco: appropriate fashion with it cleared up, I don't think that's unreasonable so that'll be my motion. 584 00:45:56.790 --> 00:45:57.510 CJ Cole: I second. 585 00:45:58.560 --> 00:46:00.660 Ira Koslow: Okay, public comment. 586 00:46:02.220 --> 00:46:03.870 George Francisco: No public okay. 587 00:46:04.230 --> 00:46:05.070 Ira Koslow: aboard come in. 588 00:46:06.840 --> 00:46:15.690 Mark Ryavec: i'm going to be voting know because my understanding is in negotiations on instead of conditions on the remodel in operation has been ongoing Council. 589 00:46:16.560 --> 00:46:30.180 Mark Ryavec: And it would, I believe, out of timeliness, that it would be far better to simply put this on the agenda and then have leaks or someone else bring in substitute motion at the July meeting. 590 00:46:31.260 --> 00:46:44.070 Mark Ryavec: If that's what the proponents want is some slightly different language what you see before you but, again, there are ongoing there's a lawsuit underway and ongoing negotiations to add some. 591 00:46:45.150 --> 00:46:50.250 Mark Ryavec: Some conditions on to this project that will make it much more palatable for the people who live around it. 592 00:46:50.370 --> 00:46:51.180 i'll be going to. 593 00:46:53.250 --> 00:46:54.930 Hugh Harrison: Fight yeah oh I. 594 00:46:55.590 --> 00:46:56.550 George Francisco: got her hand up are. 595 00:46:57.150 --> 00:46:59.250 Ira Koslow: As I said, that's why I said definitely. 596 00:47:00.330 --> 00:47:15.960 Daff: hi I just some I am started jumping out of order here, but just to speak to that comment I did speak with the proponents of the motion, and that with them what their litigation schedule was with the city, to see whether it was critical that this make it on the July meeting and they. 597 00:47:16.980 --> 00:47:30.990 Daff: At least as of late this afternoon would prefer to have a clean correct motion go to the board, because I believe there's been a slight delay in what's going on, and it will give them time to have this hurt at the August board meeting so. 598 00:47:31.800 --> 00:47:44.970 Daff: It was my suggestion that to make sure we get a good clean motion and not get something that perhaps gets bastardized in the first meeting of a brand new board that we send it back to loop back so they get the motion they want in front of the board. 599 00:47:46.140 --> 00:47:54.690 Daff: that's you know take it as you will, but just so you know I don't believe that putting this on the August agenda will negatively impact anyone's position and litigation. 600 00:47:56.070 --> 00:47:56.940 Ira Koslow: You Harrison. 601 00:47:57.750 --> 00:48:02.580 Hugh Harrison: There are just like to say, given jim's comments about how he wants to run a. 602 00:48:04.140 --> 00:48:11.190 Hugh Harrison: ship that follows the rules, this is the motion passed by lubick if Luke Beck has buyer's remorse there's nothing. 603 00:48:13.050 --> 00:48:27.660 Hugh Harrison: Other than sending it back making any sense whatsoever and it's just it's unfortunately symbolic of what that committee often does, and I just need they need to do what they're going to do and present what they what they vote on it yeah. 604 00:48:28.530 --> 00:48:30.090 CJ Cole: always draw my second. 605 00:48:31.140 --> 00:48:32.250 Hugh Harrison: All second emotion. 606 00:48:33.570 --> 00:48:34.410 Ira Koslow: what's the motion. 607 00:48:34.710 --> 00:48:37.080 CJ Cole: know the motion to put it on the account I. 608 00:48:37.080 --> 00:48:38.460 Hugh Harrison: know it was emotional. 609 00:48:39.390 --> 00:48:40.800 George Francisco: send it back to loop back cj. 610 00:48:41.280 --> 00:48:42.480 CJ Cole: Okay, well then. 611 00:48:44.370 --> 00:48:44.670 Ira Koslow: Good. 612 00:48:44.910 --> 00:48:45.450 Okay. 613 00:48:46.920 --> 00:48:48.360 Ira Koslow: No more board comment. 614 00:48:48.660 --> 00:48:51.150 George Francisco: I think one other comment mark just is that. 615 00:48:51.360 --> 00:48:58.080 George Francisco: Not that, not that I don't agree with you know your outlook on this, but I do think that. 616 00:48:58.890 --> 00:49:04.050 George Francisco: As things change and evolve there, there may actually be things that. 617 00:49:04.320 --> 00:49:18.030 George Francisco: They that aren't in here that they would then discover they could put in there, so seeing is that there's not that's where that's where I come from, on this there might be other things they can put in that would be more beneficial to you know their strategy and to making it. 618 00:49:18.480 --> 00:49:23.850 George Francisco: A more holistic project that maybe are left out in this I know it's like three pages, so you know. 619 00:49:23.910 --> 00:49:24.480 1310****487: Maybe i'm. 620 00:49:24.780 --> 00:49:25.830 George Francisco: being overly cautious but. 621 00:49:25.890 --> 00:49:29.730 Mark Ryavec: that's where i'm coming from victory, he would need to accomplish that emotion. 622 00:49:30.960 --> 00:49:32.730 Mark Ryavec: The fact that this body has to travel. 623 00:49:33.750 --> 00:49:37.260 Mark Ryavec: operating with something through motions of always surprise me. 624 00:49:39.330 --> 00:49:43.350 Mark Ryavec: A standard procedure under robert's rules of order and. 625 00:49:44.730 --> 00:49:45.330 1310****487: Again I. 626 00:49:45.510 --> 00:49:48.000 Mark Ryavec: don't see any reason to back again the difference. 627 00:49:50.340 --> 00:49:55.050 Mark Ryavec: We asked elites to simply bring in some emotion at the meeting, it does not have to. 628 00:49:55.230 --> 00:49:58.200 Mark Ryavec: Know on the agenda before handle. 629 00:49:58.680 --> 00:50:00.570 Mark Ryavec: Particularly since it's going to be the same subject matter. 630 00:50:00.870 --> 00:50:14.310 Ira Koslow: Okay that's your opinion that's good all right let's have a vote to motion is to send it back to Luke to get a motion that makes sense, in our opinion. 631 00:50:15.390 --> 00:50:17.640 Ira Koslow: And it's been confused by the fact that. 632 00:50:18.090 --> 00:50:18.960 Ira Koslow: They didn't vote. 633 00:50:18.990 --> 00:50:35.910 Ira Koslow: On emotion, the woman brought in, but that doesn't matter she's not on the board she's out of nothing so you don't have to vote on her motion they voted on emotion, and this is what they pass, even though it's possibly a very bad mistake all right, the roll call but guess, we have. 634 00:50:36.060 --> 00:50:36.930 Both syrah. 635 00:50:38.940 --> 00:50:39.870 Ira Koslow: Yes, send it back. 636 00:50:40.500 --> 00:50:42.000 George Francisco: George yes. 637 00:50:42.540 --> 00:50:44.010 CJ Cole: cj yes. 638 00:50:44.880 --> 00:50:46.140 Mark Ryavec: Mark know. 639 00:50:47.970 --> 00:50:48.330 Hugh Harrison: Jim. 640 00:50:49.080 --> 00:50:50.400 George Francisco: Jim is not voting is not no. 641 00:50:50.400 --> 00:50:51.660 Ira Koslow: No, you vote you. 642 00:50:51.720 --> 00:50:54.510 Hugh Harrison: can vote oh there's like five minutes I vote yes okay. 643 00:50:54.780 --> 00:51:01.740 Ira Koslow: So it's for a one zero crush right sent back Thank you now here is. 644 00:51:01.830 --> 00:51:02.550 Ira Koslow: The next thing. 645 00:51:03.180 --> 00:51:05.940 Ira Koslow: This is another placeholder we're supposed to get the. 646 00:51:06.360 --> 00:51:10.020 Ira Koslow: Quote by now, we didn't get anything. 647 00:51:11.460 --> 00:51:20.640 Ira Koslow: So then, you see, that I try to have placeholders to be make this more rational it's turned into a big pain in the butt. 648 00:51:22.710 --> 00:51:28.200 Ira Koslow: So, right now, do we put this on though we have How long do we have to wait for a vote. 649 00:51:29.640 --> 00:51:50.190 Ira Koslow: i'm saying take it off, I mean I know it's a rack thing i've listened at rack to what these coast kitchens, are, in my mind that terrible, however, if we're going to really try to be for state as a legitimate legalize rule following board this doesn't go on, so I don't. 650 00:51:51.660 --> 00:51:57.210 CJ Cole: Let me say something, because I don't think they even got to this on their agenda. 651 00:51:58.200 --> 00:51:59.100 Ira Koslow: Oh alright well. 652 00:51:59.670 --> 00:52:06.300 CJ Cole: i'll say last warm Okay, and I think they lost quorum before they got this far. 653 00:52:06.570 --> 00:52:06.960 Right. 654 00:52:08.460 --> 00:52:12.090 Ira Koslow: Well then, i'm moving to not put this on. 655 00:52:13.110 --> 00:52:18.060 Ira Koslow: However, we make the motion I say the motion is to put it on the agenda. 656 00:52:19.110 --> 00:52:20.520 Ira Koslow: We get a second for that. 657 00:52:21.360 --> 00:52:22.050 Hugh Harrison: Right what's. 658 00:52:22.110 --> 00:52:24.900 Hugh Harrison: who's making that motion oh hey. 659 00:52:24.990 --> 00:52:26.640 Hugh Harrison: I guess you said, maybe. 660 00:52:27.510 --> 00:52:30.540 George Francisco: Let me ask you something, let me, let me jump in here real quick. 661 00:52:32.130 --> 00:52:42.360 George Francisco: So we'll make the motion, but our our all three of these motions of the same you know, do they do, they all have 15 D and F none of them have vote counts are they. 662 00:52:42.630 --> 00:52:43.050 George Francisco: Are they. 663 00:52:43.200 --> 00:52:44.040 then get it. 664 00:52:45.630 --> 00:52:50.220 George Francisco: Alright well we'll just deal with 15 day i'll make the motion to to send it back to loop back. 665 00:52:52.320 --> 00:52:52.890 Mark Ryavec: Okay. 666 00:52:53.880 --> 00:52:54.450 Ira Koslow: Thank you. 667 00:52:54.900 --> 00:52:55.860 George Francisco: Any opposition. 668 00:52:56.700 --> 00:52:58.260 Ira Koslow: Jim wanted to say something again. 669 00:52:59.010 --> 00:53:01.470 james murez: I just wanted to say that I had the conversation. 670 00:53:01.470 --> 00:53:02.190 1310****487: With the league. 671 00:53:02.340 --> 00:53:06.810 james murez: And I made it very clear that these needed to be submitted with agenda. 672 00:53:06.810 --> 00:53:08.190 Ira Koslow: Requests Thank you. 673 00:53:08.280 --> 00:53:09.690 james murez: said she understood that she. 674 00:53:09.690 --> 00:53:16.590 james murez: would do that, I think that cj is correct that they were not able to. 675 00:53:18.270 --> 00:53:31.680 james murez: maintain their quorum and for whatever reason, they didn't understand that rack motion is either to be voted up or, to be voted down, or perhaps if there's a. 676 00:53:31.680 --> 00:53:33.240 1310****487: grammatical issue. 677 00:53:33.510 --> 00:53:35.760 james murez: If they want to change a word or two. 678 00:53:36.030 --> 00:53:40.650 james murez: But what happened is I understand from a leak they got into rewriting the whole motion. 679 00:53:41.220 --> 00:53:50.520 james murez: Now it's no longer a rack motion and I think that if they need that day the lewd pack committee or a leak or somebody whoever needs to explain to them. 680 00:53:50.820 --> 00:54:06.990 james murez: That a rack motion is an outside body that's asking us either were in favor of it or we're not and we're not rewriting their emotions and if we want to create our own motion that rights to the same topic that's fine but it's no longer titled as Rack. 681 00:54:07.290 --> 00:54:10.050 james murez: And a fundamental flaw and that has to be fixed. 682 00:54:10.200 --> 00:54:13.620 Ira Koslow: Thank you so D why don't we put the NF together. 683 00:54:14.640 --> 00:54:14.970 George Francisco: Okay. 684 00:54:16.740 --> 00:54:18.690 George Francisco: The motions in. 685 00:54:19.110 --> 00:54:23.190 Ira Koslow: fact i'll read remain Okay, can we get a second. 686 00:54:24.720 --> 00:54:25.500 Ira Koslow: i'll second. 687 00:54:27.180 --> 00:54:30.840 Ira Koslow: Do we have public art board comment in. 688 00:54:31.350 --> 00:54:33.690 james murez: The hand so i'm sorry I didn't take it down. 689 00:54:33.810 --> 00:54:36.450 james murez: Okay yeah I thought George was going to put it down for me. 690 00:54:38.220 --> 00:54:41.160 George Francisco: I there's a lot of input on this NGO my. 691 00:54:42.210 --> 00:54:42.660 1310****487: gym. 692 00:54:42.810 --> 00:54:45.180 Ira Koslow: We can't put you down anymore your President. 693 00:54:48.300 --> 00:54:48.780 1310****487: Sorry. 694 00:54:49.380 --> 00:54:51.330 Ira Koslow: i'm just having fun now shipping. 695 00:54:53.910 --> 00:54:54.660 1310****487: In the old days. 696 00:54:54.780 --> 00:54:57.630 George Francisco: Where they called it playing out the string for old baseball fan. 697 00:54:57.630 --> 00:54:59.640 Ira Koslow: Oh yeah that's it. 698 00:55:01.200 --> 00:55:09.510 Ira Koslow: Alright, so D E and F anybody opposed to sending them back to loop back because they didn't follow the rules. 699 00:55:10.560 --> 00:55:13.200 Ira Koslow: Okay, thank you D and F us. 700 00:55:14.460 --> 00:55:15.060 Ira Koslow: lubick. 701 00:55:16.680 --> 00:55:19.320 Ira Koslow: 16 no business route. 702 00:55:19.650 --> 00:55:21.150 George Francisco: 16 and 17. 703 00:55:21.780 --> 00:55:22.770 Ira Koslow: All right now. 704 00:55:25.920 --> 00:55:27.720 Ira Koslow: These are all new business. 705 00:55:34.980 --> 00:55:39.090 Ira Koslow: All right, that makes sense 17 a be. 706 00:55:44.400 --> 00:55:50.790 Ira Koslow: So, this must be a rife machine as well now, just as, just to clarify moral what Jim said. 707 00:55:51.930 --> 00:56:03.960 Ira Koslow: When we vote this up, that means we go on a list of people who approve this, this does not go on to the city or anybody else till they're nine of the 15 rack members. 708 00:56:05.070 --> 00:56:11.910 Ira Koslow: That actually approve it so we're not really approved yet we're going into a group of people that are approving anyway. 709 00:56:13.860 --> 00:56:15.630 CJ Cole: that's not a rack motion is it. 710 00:56:16.500 --> 00:56:17.760 Which one well, it says. 711 00:56:18.840 --> 00:56:20.970 Ira Koslow: And the West side region, so I assume. 712 00:56:20.970 --> 00:56:23.430 CJ Cole: That this this came out of the homeless community. 713 00:56:24.810 --> 00:56:29.370 Ira Koslow: Yes, yes, but it's for the Rack oh with whatever okay. 714 00:56:30.090 --> 00:56:30.450 George Francisco: anyway. 715 00:56:30.510 --> 00:56:32.700 Ira Koslow: This is also going to be back. 716 00:56:32.760 --> 00:56:34.320 George Francisco: Let me interject so. 717 00:56:36.480 --> 00:56:45.150 George Francisco: Let me make a motion to put 1617 and 17 and the agenda because i'm wondering if 17 be and or 17 see can't on consent. 718 00:56:46.110 --> 00:56:47.070 Ira Koslow: Because there, oh no. 719 00:56:48.300 --> 00:56:48.810 Ira Koslow: All right. 720 00:56:49.770 --> 00:56:53.460 George Francisco: I can pull off, but i'm just i'm just repeating them and. 721 00:56:54.270 --> 00:56:55.110 George Francisco: They don't seem. 722 00:56:56.160 --> 00:57:01.470 George Francisco: It just they don't seem you know toxic or controversial right, I mean. 723 00:57:01.770 --> 00:57:03.690 Ira Koslow: Anybody that knows we guys want to do that. 724 00:57:03.690 --> 00:57:06.120 George Francisco: To the agenda that's my motion. 725 00:57:10.320 --> 00:57:10.860 1310****487: consent. 726 00:57:15.120 --> 00:57:18.300 1310****487: or IRA, can you hear me yeah we can hear you okay. 727 00:57:19.650 --> 00:57:26.670 1310****487: 16 and 17 our umbrella title you don't have to put that on the road on that. 728 00:57:27.510 --> 00:57:33.750 1310****487: The actual voting to be 17 a B, C or whatever. 729 00:57:34.110 --> 00:57:34.890 George Francisco: You want to do it. 730 00:57:36.090 --> 00:57:37.710 George Francisco: 17 and the agenda. 731 00:57:38.610 --> 00:57:40.170 1310****487: Okay okay. 732 00:57:40.770 --> 00:57:42.210 Ira Koslow: i'm like jagger on consent. 733 00:57:42.420 --> 00:57:44.760 1310****487: On the agenda because to report okay. 734 00:57:45.450 --> 00:57:45.900 Ira Koslow: All right. 735 00:57:47.010 --> 00:57:47.790 Ira Koslow: Do we have a second. 736 00:57:49.050 --> 00:57:51.990 Ira Koslow: Yes, okay second comment. 737 00:57:53.070 --> 00:57:57.150 Ira Koslow: No all right anybody opposed oh wait, there are two columns. 738 00:57:58.350 --> 00:57:59.640 Ira Koslow: That yeah. 739 00:58:00.240 --> 00:58:05.790 Daff: yeah So this was a rap motion and I think it's already been approved by seven Councils. 740 00:58:06.360 --> 00:58:06.810 Ira Koslow: All right, good. 741 00:58:07.740 --> 00:58:08.640 Daff: homeless one. 742 00:58:10.410 --> 00:58:13.680 George Francisco: def we're on 17 a like we all came with 17 eight going on the. 743 00:58:13.680 --> 00:58:14.100 Agenda 744 00:58:15.150 --> 00:58:18.210 Daff: I can't 17 yes, I bet you're dealing with a dnc. 745 00:58:18.750 --> 00:58:21.930 George Francisco: Right now we'll move on to 17 be all right. 746 00:58:22.020 --> 00:58:28.560 George Francisco: Okay, so my motion is going to be to put 17 be on consent and somebody can suck in, and now we can talk about that if you want. 747 00:58:29.640 --> 00:58:32.340 Ira Koslow: Right cj seconds Jim. 748 00:58:33.150 --> 00:58:33.420 um. 749 00:58:34.800 --> 00:58:40.470 james murez: I would just like the the motion to be revised to read, whatever. 750 00:58:41.550 --> 00:58:42.360 Daff: racks. 751 00:58:42.870 --> 00:58:55.380 james murez: date or or Item number on racks calendar some way of tying this back to what the original rack motion was there was what we're looking at here is somebody wrote this up. 752 00:58:55.680 --> 00:59:09.600 james murez: And wrote out West side regional alliance of Councils, but they didn't specify a date or what the item was on the Rack agenda and we really want to be able to in the future tie this back to. 753 00:59:11.340 --> 00:59:21.330 james murez: where it came from and other words yeah we're supporting their motion, and we want to have some way of tying it back so we just need to include that in the tech. 754 00:59:21.330 --> 00:59:32.310 George Francisco: Right, let me, let me, let me give you an answer for that and then we'll go to the afternoon when we got public comments, so my answer to that is, it is a rack motion we just insert the Rack motion title and information in the title of the motion, thank you okay. 755 00:59:32.670 --> 00:59:35.310 George Francisco: So let's get the public comment because it least is just. 756 00:59:35.310 --> 00:59:35.880 Ira Koslow: gonna yeah. 757 00:59:36.090 --> 00:59:40.080 George Francisco: Under then it doesn't it doesn't matter, it will just put it on the agenda so go ahead Lisa. 758 00:59:41.010 --> 00:59:47.760 Lisa Redmond - Venice Catholic Worker: specifically asking that this not go on to the cassettes calendar and also I don't think it was recommended by the homeless committee. 759 00:59:47.760 --> 00:59:54.960 George Francisco: 52 151 okay Thank you so i'm in a row so i'm just going to make a motion to put it on the agenda, then. 760 00:59:55.920 --> 00:59:58.590 Ira Koslow: change it okay okay. 761 00:59:58.710 --> 01:00:01.560 George Francisco: i'm 17 be on the agenda because we don't tend to get pulled off. 762 01:00:02.190 --> 01:00:03.510 Ira Koslow: We have a second to that. 763 01:00:05.940 --> 01:00:10.500 Ira Koslow: i'll second already cj you said okay any. 764 01:00:13.530 --> 01:00:25.770 Daff: No, I think I made my comment, this was on racket was in April 2012 and it has it, I would suggest if we're going to do these rack motions, this has a passage deadline of July, which is, I think, why it's on now. 765 01:00:26.460 --> 01:00:31.140 Daff: So we should just make a point in the future to note that, so when we're figuring out priority. 766 01:00:31.500 --> 01:00:37.110 Daff: yeah I know we know that there's some urgency to say this one, not for subject matter, but just because of the deadline. 767 01:00:37.380 --> 01:00:38.280 George Francisco: Fine, and we are going to. 768 01:00:39.390 --> 01:00:42.210 George Francisco: Iraq motion information gets inserted in the title were. 769 01:00:42.210 --> 01:00:42.510 Below. 770 01:00:44.490 --> 01:00:45.990 George Francisco: 17 be going on the agenda. 771 01:00:46.890 --> 01:00:48.390 Ira Koslow: Yes, okay. 772 01:00:48.480 --> 01:00:49.410 George Francisco: So that's unanimous. 773 01:00:50.580 --> 01:00:51.570 Ira Koslow: Alright, see. 774 01:00:52.050 --> 01:00:58.380 George Francisco: So i'm going to do the same thing with 17 say i'm going to make the motion to put it on the consent agenda and see if Lisa is going to take it off. 775 01:01:01.500 --> 01:01:03.510 1310****487: We get a second second. 776 01:01:04.260 --> 01:01:04.650 George Francisco: All right. 777 01:01:05.070 --> 01:01:06.540 Ira Koslow: Okay now public comment. 778 01:01:07.230 --> 01:01:12.150 George Francisco: So just, we might as well, let her let her say she's going to take it off the consent agenda and then i'll change the motion so God listen. 779 01:01:13.740 --> 01:01:18.930 Lisa Redmond - Venice Catholic Worker: i'm going to take it off consent agenda and also say that it was not recommended by the homeless committee 62 zero. 780 01:01:21.180 --> 01:01:22.350 Ira Koslow: dash something happens. 781 01:01:22.410 --> 01:01:23.520 Ira Koslow: When this was put in. 782 01:01:23.940 --> 01:01:25.440 Ira Koslow: i'm in a singer dash. 783 01:01:25.530 --> 01:01:29.610 George Francisco: that's okay all right so i'm checking remake i'm not to put it on the board agenda. 784 01:01:33.750 --> 01:01:35.250 Hugh Harrison: Mark I assume you're still cycling. 785 01:01:35.910 --> 01:01:36.240 Yes. 786 01:01:37.440 --> 01:01:38.010 Ira Koslow: Okay. 787 01:01:38.460 --> 01:01:38.910 Jay. 788 01:01:40.020 --> 01:01:42.930 james murez: Was this also a rack motion I don't see it, saying so, and. 789 01:01:42.930 --> 01:01:43.290 Ira Koslow: You go. 790 01:01:45.420 --> 01:01:46.260 Okay, thank you. 791 01:01:48.030 --> 01:01:49.230 Ira Koslow: know this was not yeah. 792 01:01:49.440 --> 01:01:51.330 james murez: I just I thought I heard George say something. 793 01:01:51.390 --> 01:01:52.530 Ira Koslow: about this. 794 01:01:54.480 --> 01:01:54.900 james murez: Thank you. 795 01:01:55.290 --> 01:01:58.050 George Francisco: we're all unanimous and putting this on the agenda 17 yeah. 796 01:01:58.470 --> 01:02:01.260 George Francisco: Okay, all right very good a. 797 01:02:03.480 --> 01:02:03.960 George Francisco: The new. 798 01:02:04.110 --> 01:02:12.150 Mark Ryavec: Company your company correct the indentation 18 to be out to the far left 18 at the far left. 799 01:02:12.810 --> 01:02:13.200 George Francisco: margin. 800 01:02:13.710 --> 01:02:23.280 Mark Ryavec: Is similar problem with a couple of yet the motions earlier and I think it's just that it's a subset of the previous motion when it's a separate motion. 801 01:02:23.610 --> 01:02:30.720 George Francisco: Okay well we'll make sure that the that the no orphans in the in the format and gets corrected I got a note, right here. 802 01:02:30.780 --> 01:02:34.080 Ira Koslow: Right now, with these vlc announcement. 803 01:02:34.080 --> 01:02:40.560 George Francisco: hang on a second Mitch englander mix England or jail wants to share something with us which England or jail. 804 01:02:41.400 --> 01:02:43.980 George Francisco: Is all or nothing. 805 01:02:45.570 --> 01:02:49.290 Mitch englander jail: So, bringing the prison certain submit Julie englander. 806 01:02:52.020 --> 01:02:54.570 Mitch englander jail: How did you do that i'm not gonna tell you. 807 01:02:55.650 --> 01:03:16.200 Mitch englander jail: So it's good to see our records low still there, those of you with a thought you're gonna get rid of them you're wrong I was a lifelong member of this neighborhood Council you can't vote them out you can't get rid of them yeah that's right and then even after he expires. 808 01:03:16.320 --> 01:03:20.610 George Francisco: don't worry you want to know, like you're not talking about the motions nice to see you, thank you. 809 01:03:21.810 --> 01:03:23.760 George Francisco: All right, let me on to 18 a. 810 01:03:23.820 --> 01:03:32.310 George Francisco: The new 18 be, which is where Jim would like to put public comment at 18 see i'd like to make a motion to put those three on the agenda. 811 01:03:33.990 --> 01:03:35.400 Ira Koslow: Yes, hey has to be. 812 01:03:36.600 --> 01:03:37.320 Ira Koslow: changed. 813 01:03:37.350 --> 01:03:48.510 Ira Koslow: yeah I assume that via vlc representative beads to rack because i'm not a representative anyone, but that should be jim's name if he's going to go to rock has to me is. 814 01:03:48.750 --> 01:03:50.010 james murez: yeah i'm going to be the. 815 01:03:50.040 --> 01:03:51.540 Ira Koslow: Primary and definitely yeah. 816 01:03:51.630 --> 01:03:52.830 james murez: y'all okay. 817 01:03:53.070 --> 01:03:57.570 Ira Koslow: So make a note that take that out of you. 818 01:04:00.480 --> 01:04:01.020 james murez: hey. 819 01:04:01.770 --> 01:04:09.030 George Francisco: yay all right so let's see if Warren would like to actually speak on the motion or just speak go ahead more. 820 01:04:13.290 --> 01:04:16.530 Mitch englander jail: Yes, but we'll leave it the way it is we want. 821 01:04:17.640 --> 01:04:18.450 Mitch englander jail: To be around. 822 01:04:19.800 --> 01:04:38.940 Mitch englander jail: he's the most qualified he sits in his chair, he leaves a zoom connection on all day, so we can see what he's doing during the day and night, the most transparent number of any board i've ever seen our cause for a lifelong b&c representative do I have a second. 823 01:04:40.470 --> 01:04:40.860 Mitch englander jail: Second. 824 01:04:41.250 --> 01:04:42.810 George Francisco: You got a second Warren Thank you. 825 01:04:43.230 --> 01:04:44.700 Mitch englander jail: For the boat yeah. 826 01:04:44.730 --> 01:04:45.570 two seconds. 827 01:04:47.160 --> 01:04:47.490 Ira Koslow: Okay. 828 01:04:48.870 --> 01:04:49.260 Ira Koslow: All right. 829 01:04:51.240 --> 01:04:52.920 Ira Koslow: A jerk all right let's go back. 830 01:04:53.970 --> 01:04:59.580 Ira Koslow: and end this final yea be with. 831 01:05:00.630 --> 01:05:01.950 Ira Koslow: Approving the. 832 01:05:05.880 --> 01:05:08.760 George Francisco: approved the draft board agenda and make that motion. 833 01:05:09.390 --> 01:05:10.080 Second. 834 01:05:14.370 --> 01:05:15.060 Hugh Harrison: Mark second. 835 01:05:18.660 --> 01:05:19.650 Ira Koslow: and 836 01:05:19.920 --> 01:05:20.970 Any opposition. 837 01:05:24.120 --> 01:05:24.480 George Francisco: Ivan. 838 01:05:25.980 --> 01:05:26.160 Ira Koslow: Right. 839 01:05:26.850 --> 01:05:31.980 1310****487: Would you just indulge me for a minute cuz I miss I didn't hear the whole beginning of the meeting. 840 01:05:34.290 --> 01:05:35.160 1310****487: Beginning of the meeting. 841 01:05:37.350 --> 01:05:42.420 1310****487: I just want to go through the beginning and make sure, and then stuff I put in there and change. 842 01:05:43.890 --> 01:05:45.000 1310****487: That was changed. 843 01:05:49.770 --> 01:05:51.060 1310****487: stuff I want to make sure that. 844 01:05:52.650 --> 01:05:53.310 George Francisco: We went through it. 845 01:05:54.510 --> 01:05:55.890 1310****487: And i'm fine Thank you. 846 01:05:57.600 --> 01:05:57.990 1310****487: All right. 847 01:05:58.350 --> 01:06:00.840 Ira Koslow: Now we got the ABC the great. 848 01:06:01.080 --> 01:06:02.130 Ira Koslow: Alright okay. 849 01:06:02.730 --> 01:06:03.660 1310****487: Alright, thank you. 850 01:06:04.860 --> 01:06:09.930 Ira Koslow: Everybody I think that motion to adjourn doesn't need a boat just a Ger. 851 01:06:10.710 --> 01:06:11.550 1310****487: No, no. 852 01:06:11.580 --> 01:06:18.000 1310****487: No, you have to go back hey we had common agenda we vote on that. 853 01:06:18.060 --> 01:06:19.410 George Francisco: We vote on six and the. 854 01:06:19.410 --> 01:06:21.180 1310****487: outcome agenda right. 855 01:06:21.630 --> 01:06:24.990 George Francisco: i'm a motion mark second in it are we all in agreement. 856 01:06:25.290 --> 01:06:29.340 George Francisco: Yes, okay end of the agenda if you get to the end of the. 857 01:06:29.340 --> 01:06:30.060 George Francisco: Agenda 858 01:06:30.270 --> 01:06:33.930 George Francisco: automatically adjourn consider is adjourned thank. 859 01:06:33.960 --> 01:06:34.470 Ira Koslow: Thank you. 860 01:06:34.590 --> 01:06:35.520 George Francisco: Last add COM. 861 01:06:35.670 --> 01:06:37.560 Ira Koslow: Thank you, everybody and I apologize. 862 01:06:37.560 --> 01:06:38.490 Ira Koslow: Again, for. 863 01:06:39.480 --> 01:06:40.530 1310****487: Nobody yes. 864 01:06:41.190 --> 01:06:42.570 Ira Koslow: Anyway, it worked out better. 865 01:06:43.920 --> 01:06:46.650 Hugh Harrison: But I think you probably I don't want to COP out. 866 01:06:47.280 --> 01:06:49.020 1310****487: Because you guys yeah. 867 01:06:58.800 --> 01:06:59.970 Ira Koslow: Alright, I guess we're done. 868 01:07:01.890 --> 01:07:02.730 james murez: Thank you IRA. 869 01:07:03.900 --> 01:07:05.100 Ira Koslow: Welcome, thank you, Jim. 870 01:07:05.520 --> 01:07:06.300 james murez: I will look for you. 871 01:07:07.410 --> 01:07:07.740 1310****487: yeah. 872 01:07:07.830 --> 01:07:08.670 Daff: Okay, Sarah. 873 01:07:11.640 --> 01:07:12.630 1310****487: was your idea. 874 01:07:13.110 --> 01:07:14.850 Ira Koslow: The way we changed it so that was good. 875 01:07:15.270 --> 01:07:17.340 1310****487: Yes, i've been cure him, yes, all right. 876 01:07:18.480 --> 01:07:23.580 1310****487: Can you call me over i'm talking about like your. 877 01:07:25.140 --> 01:07:26.190 Ira Koslow: Stop share. 878 01:07:26.610 --> 01:07:27.630 1310****487: And meeting. 879 01:07:28.140 --> 01:07:30.450 Ira Koslow: For all is. 880 01:07:32.010 --> 01:07:32.610 Ira Koslow: me and. 881 01:07:38.640 --> 01:07:38.970 1310****487: My. 882 01:07:39.390 --> 01:07:40.560 wife and then the meeting. 883 01:07:46.320 --> 01:07:47.190 1310****487: compadres. 884 01:07:51.690 --> 01:07:52.140 Ira Koslow: bye.