WEBVTT 1 00:02:26.120 --> 00:02:27.980 jim murez: Yup, i'm promoting you now. 2 00:02:31.050 --> 00:02:33.180 Michael Jensen: Hey, Jeremy, how are you? 3 00:02:35.110 --> 00:02:36.610 Michael Jensen: Pretty good? 4 00:02:37.270 --> 00:02:41.060 jim murez: So I think I will make you the host. 5 00:02:41.160 --> 00:02:41.980 Michael Jensen: Okay. 6 00:02:42.370 --> 00:02:47.940 jim murez: and and I don't know if i'm gonna stick around. I'm really tired. I have to get it really early in the morning. 7 00:02:49.470 --> 00:02:57.570 Michael Jensen: I get it up since 5 this morning. I'm running out of steam. How how long is your agenda tonight? 8 00:03:00.710 --> 00:03:01.590 Michael Jensen: It's 9 00:03:02.640 --> 00:03:05.140 Michael Jensen: We've got some 10 00:03:06.480 --> 00:03:14.770 Michael Jensen: to minimize cases where I go to regular cases, and then we're going to 11 00:03:15.080 --> 00:03:18.190 Michael Jensen: talk about some long term planning stuff. 12 00:03:20.510 --> 00:03:21.660 Michael Jensen: So I don't know. 13 00:03:21.900 --> 00:03:22.920 Michael Jensen: Okay. 14 00:03:28.450 --> 00:03:30.060 jim murez: What's the long term stuff? 15 00:03:32.710 --> 00:03:41.780 Michael Jensen: Oh, sorry. Public comment on the permanent Al fresco ordinance and on the Mta lot. 16 00:03:43.880 --> 00:03:48.340 Michael Jensen: But we're we're not gonna we don't have any motions. I'm: just starting the conversation. 17 00:03:48.760 --> 00:03:49.680 jim murez: Okay. 18 00:03:51.880 --> 00:03:55.800 jim murez: Connie, i'm promoting you is Danielle. 19 00:03:57.530 --> 00:03:58.680 jim murez: panel member. 20 00:03:59.100 --> 00:04:02.950 jim murez: Oh, hold on, let me pull up the list here. 21 00:04:03.710 --> 00:04:10.360 Michael Jensen: So Karen, Daniel and Daryl are not yeah, okay? 22 00:04:12.310 --> 00:04:16.290 jim murez: Yeah, because I would. I would be interested in participating in the long range stuff. 23 00:04:16.500 --> 00:04:24.400 Michael Jensen: but I don't know if i'll make it through the nice meat. Well, I think I, My plan is to have a meeting next week as well. 24 00:04:24.530 --> 00:04:25.330 jim murez: Okay. 25 00:04:25.670 --> 00:04:35.950 Michael Jensen: so they'll be in the I mean, I know that's also you have Friday farmers market. So that's maybe not helpful. No, today was the day was an extra exhausting day 26 00:04:38.610 --> 00:04:39.670 Michael Jensen: understood. 27 00:04:42.220 --> 00:04:56.440 Michael Jensen: But we may. I'll see what what's in the pipeline. But next week maybe fewer items, and dedicated more to the discussion of long term planning issues. But we're going to see we'll. We'll see how tonight goes, and 28 00:04:56.690 --> 00:05:04.640 Michael Jensen: and that all maybe gauge how much I how many other things I potentially want to put on the agenda next week. 29 00:05:05.700 --> 00:05:08.690 jim murez: Okay? Well, maybe what i'll do is I will 30 00:05:09.280 --> 00:05:13.850 jim murez: come back later. If i'm, you can also always submit your written comment 31 00:05:14.640 --> 00:05:17.540 Michael Jensen: to the it's more difficult. 32 00:05:17.730 --> 00:05:21.370 jim murez: then. It takes even more time. I have so many things I have to write up already. 33 00:05:22.650 --> 00:05:23.230 Yeah. 34 00:05:23.510 --> 00:05:28.440 Michael Jensen: I hear you is Jeff. By the way, yeah, Jeff's on the committee. 35 00:05:29.480 --> 00:05:30.880 jim murez: Jeff: i'm promoting you. 36 00:05:31.650 --> 00:05:39.330 Michael Jensen: By the way, there's a couple. I'll send you a follow up email on it. But there's a couple of President letters that I haven't gotten back from you. 37 00:05:39.420 --> 00:05:45.190 jim murez: Oh, yeah, well, I guess, because I've been so damn busy with so many other things. By the way. 38 00:05:45.370 --> 00:05:50.010 jim murez: you can already start doing live meetings. If you want, you can postpone until April. 39 00:05:50.170 --> 00:05:52.670 jim murez: But if you want to spend your meetings live, you can. 40 00:05:52.730 --> 00:05:55.050 Michael Jensen: I know and have. So 41 00:05:56.470 --> 00:06:01.970 Michael Jensen: my question is the technology for zoom or hybrid meetings. 42 00:06:02.030 --> 00:06:06.890 jim murez: We're not. That won't come until maybe in April. 43 00:06:07.180 --> 00:06:10.010 Michael Jensen: Okay? No, I've just had. I've had questions about that. 44 00:06:10.070 --> 00:06:17.880 jim murez: so as far as being able to do a hybrid meeting. I mean. One of the things that I would like to do is see what happens if if if 45 00:06:17.950 --> 00:06:18.890 you know 46 00:06:19.250 --> 00:06:22.980 jim murez: 10 people all enter a room that has Wi-fi. 47 00:06:23.130 --> 00:06:26.130 Michael Jensen: or they are all using their cell phones. 48 00:06:26.160 --> 00:06:31.250 jim murez: and everybody keeps themselves muted except for when it's their turn to talk. 49 00:06:31.630 --> 00:06:34.420 jim murez: Can you actually create a hybrid meeting that way. 50 00:06:35.470 --> 00:06:39.320 jim murez: In other words, you would both be in the same room. Everybody would have the 51 00:06:39.960 --> 00:06:49.430 Michael Jensen: Chris. If you make me the host, I'll I'll start promoting people. Okay? Well, I think everybody. I've been keeping up Chris. Chris Mclean. 52 00:06:49.540 --> 00:06:52.240 jim murez: Yeah, i'm promoting him now. Got it? 53 00:06:53.610 --> 00:07:04.730 jim murez: So the concept is really simple. Why can't you have 10 or 15 people all on zoom in the same room as long as everybody has their microphones turned off? You don't get the feedback. 54 00:07:05.100 --> 00:07:12.570 jim murez: The other thing would be that everybody would probably need to either wear your phones, or somehow, to keep the echoing. 55 00:07:12.680 --> 00:07:16.190 jim murez: and it would you turn off, you could probably turn off 56 00:07:16.820 --> 00:07:21.030 jim murez: all of the speakers except for one and plug in an external speaker to one device. 57 00:07:22.820 --> 00:07:27.750 jim murez: And then, theoretically, you could do hybrid meetings just by allowing people in the 58 00:07:28.570 --> 00:07:35.640 Michael Jensen: in in the room to all parts. Yeah, I think we have enough trouble just even with zoom and microphones 59 00:07:35.850 --> 00:07:38.390 Michael Jensen: when we're all in different rooms. But 60 00:07:39.670 --> 00:07:45.800 jim murez: well, so there is a there is a solution. We applied for funding to be able to get the equipment to do it. 61 00:07:45.940 --> 00:07:47.800 jim murez: and it's stuck in the city. 62 00:07:48.210 --> 00:07:49.090 Michael Jensen: Okay. 63 00:07:50.790 --> 00:07:52.940 jim murez: it's not. It's not a hard thing to do. 64 00:07:53.380 --> 00:07:58.340 jim murez: Everybody has to have microphones, and you have one television display 65 00:07:58.610 --> 00:08:04.150 jim murez: or 2. Then you have a camera that points to to the entire board. 66 00:08:04.600 --> 00:08:09.340 Michael Jensen: Yeah, I mean, I've been to plenty of city council meetings, not even just in La, but like 67 00:08:09.370 --> 00:08:10.360 Michael Jensen: Podunk 68 00:08:10.460 --> 00:08:16.090 jim murez: on towns, Basically, the requirement is that all of the 69 00:08:16.860 --> 00:08:18.700 jim murez: committee members 70 00:08:18.830 --> 00:08:22.970 jim murez: are on screen at the same time. And then there's another thing 71 00:08:23.170 --> 00:08:27.290 jim murez: that you know, and this is going to start happening absolutely in April. 72 00:08:27.440 --> 00:08:34.230 jim murez: that that the quorum of the committee must be present at the live meeting. 73 00:08:34.270 --> 00:08:39.510 jim murez: whether it's hybrid or strictly live. The quorum has to be at the meeting. 74 00:08:39.530 --> 00:08:42.600 jim murez: and then there's a whole bunch of other caveats that say. 75 00:08:43.820 --> 00:08:48.710 jim murez: a committee member can only miss 2 live meetings a year. 76 00:08:50.040 --> 00:08:56.390 jim murez: and this has yeah, there, this is all has to do with the Brown Act. and it hasn't been adopted yet. 77 00:08:56.970 --> 00:09:06.550 jim murez: and it's very unclear exactly how it's all gonna work out at the end of the day attendance isn't in the brown. Oh, yeah, it is actually 78 00:09:07.000 --> 00:09:13.910 Michael Jensen: you have to have the quorum of the no right. But i'm saying like absences, Anyway, Marnush is here, too. She's on the committee. 79 00:09:13.970 --> 00:09:20.250 Michael Jensen: but we don't need to get into it now. We've got plenty of other stuff to discuss in this form, so I want to get get this on the move 80 00:09:20.870 --> 00:09:24.140 jim murez: no way people are moving around. They have to sit still. Hold on. 81 00:09:32.250 --> 00:09:35.410 jim murez: Yeah, there's a whole bunch of rules. I sat through a whole meeting on it. 82 00:09:36.990 --> 00:09:38.220 jim murez: We'll get there. 83 00:09:38.390 --> 00:09:41.460 Michael Jensen: Yeah. Let me let me. 84 00:09:41.540 --> 00:09:49.400 jim murez: Yeah, You got 8. Let me promote you to a host. Do you want to have me me? Do you want me to assign a co-host 85 00:09:52.080 --> 00:09:58.450 Michael Jensen: in case I lose the Internet I mean, sure, any volunteers? 86 00:10:00.370 --> 00:10:04.590 barrycassilly: Yeah, I' to be co-host 87 00:10:04.760 --> 00:10:09.320 Michael Jensen: Sorry anyone but Perry Lauren 88 00:10:10.340 --> 00:10:13.480 Michael Jensen: do you are you on a computer, or are you on a ipad or something? 89 00:10:13.970 --> 00:10:15.170 lauren siegel: I'm on a computer? 90 00:10:15.260 --> 00:10:21.110 Michael Jensen: Do you mind being the co-host? Just in case I I don't think i'll lose Internet, but it's better to have a backup. 91 00:10:21.630 --> 00:10:22.430 lauren siegel: Sure. 92 00:10:22.680 --> 00:10:26.860 barrycassilly: Yes, we all agree with that 93 00:10:29.310 --> 00:10:34.550 jim murez: well i'll. I'll stay on his co-host. As well, but I may not stay until the end of the meeting. So 94 00:10:34.570 --> 00:10:44.120 Michael Jensen: fair enough. Okay, thanks, Jim. All right. You're You're now, host, take it away. Okay, I'm going to call this meeting to order. It is 704 95 00:10:44.320 --> 00:10:48.200 Michael Jensen: roll call Corinne 96 00:10:49.310 --> 00:10:52.700 Corinne baginski: here. Yeah, yeah. 97 00:10:53.030 --> 00:10:55.000 barrycassilly: here. Not as co-host. 98 00:10:55.120 --> 00:10:58.640 Michael Jensen: Yes, Andrew, you said he was going to be late. Lauren. 99 00:10:58.710 --> 00:10:59.960 lauren siegel: Yes, here. 100 00:11:00.320 --> 00:11:01.740 Michael Jensen: Matthew. 101 00:11:04.890 --> 00:11:07.670 barrycassilly: Oh, no, Matthew 102 00:11:08.120 --> 00:11:12.810 Michael Jensen: Chris here. and I am here, and Jeff 103 00:11:12.830 --> 00:11:13.610 Jeff Martin: here. 104 00:11:14.220 --> 00:11:23.070 Michael Jensen: Alright. Thank you. I don't have, I think, any announcements except well, maybe I'll just mention I think we're gonna have a meeting a week from tonight 105 00:11:23.160 --> 00:11:25.800 Michael Jensen: on some of the same topics. So 106 00:11:25.830 --> 00:11:35.080 Michael Jensen: that's not one of our regularly scheduled dates, but I believe we'll have a quorum but for for the public's just edification 107 00:11:35.170 --> 00:11:40.010 Michael Jensen: that, in addition to the one at the end of the the month as well. 108 00:11:40.360 --> 00:11:43.020 Michael Jensen: That will likely be in addition to it. 109 00:11:48.910 --> 00:11:57.740 Michael Jensen: But I believe I, the the the meeting next week is probably going to be a narrower agenda, so no cases. We'll just talk. 110 00:11:58.430 --> 00:12:01.940 Michael Jensen: We have more of the discussion for what's on the end of this agenda 111 00:12:02.120 --> 00:12:11.240 Michael Jensen: approval of minutes from February second. Can I have a May motion, and a second please a motion for approval. 112 00:12:11.280 --> 00:12:13.120 Michael Jensen: and i'll second it. 113 00:12:13.160 --> 00:12:14.870 Michael Jensen: and that's Karin. 114 00:12:17.790 --> 00:12:20.420 Michael Jensen: Alright, that's not right. There we go. 115 00:12:20.460 --> 00:12:27.910 Michael Jensen: All right. Roll. Call Chris here Now the we're routing on minutes. So 116 00:12:30.610 --> 00:12:32.190 Michael Jensen: is that a Yes. 117 00:12:33.740 --> 00:12:37.430 Christopher McLean: you need to take public comment 118 00:12:38.880 --> 00:12:52.770 Michael Jensen: on the minutes on a minute. Yup! You gotta let anybody that has a question if to to voice before you take a vote, most likely nobody will. But i'm just saying you have to on every public comment on the minutes. 119 00:12:53.020 --> 00:12:56.710 Michael Jensen: Let me see where the list of attendees is. 120 00:12:58.670 --> 00:13:01.820 Please raise your hand. If you'd like to make a comment on the minutes. 121 00:13:09.480 --> 00:13:21.130 Michael Jensen: not seeing any hands. I will over zoom our. We'll call them up. Chris. Yes. Lauren. 122 00:13:21.220 --> 00:13:22.110 lauren siegel: Yes. 123 00:13:22.270 --> 00:13:23.100 Michael Jensen: Corinne. 124 00:13:23.500 --> 00:13:24.370 Corinne baginski: Yes. 125 00:13:24.770 --> 00:13:25.480 Michael Jensen: Jeff. 126 00:13:25.660 --> 00:13:26.600 Jeff Martin: Yes. 127 00:13:27.450 --> 00:13:28.270 Michael Jensen: Mary. 128 00:13:28.620 --> 00:13:29.490 barrycassilly: yes. 129 00:13:30.310 --> 00:13:32.840 Michael Jensen: and I vote Yes, that's 130 00:13:33.150 --> 00:13:34.680 barrycassilly: I didn't miss any one. Did I? 131 00:13:34.840 --> 00:13:36.050 Michael Jensen: The screen? Now 132 00:13:36.680 --> 00:13:38.360 barrycassilly: we have 6. 133 00:13:38.930 --> 00:13:39.960 Michael Jensen: So 134 00:13:43.370 --> 00:13:48.670 okay. Declaration of conflicts of interest or exparte communications. 135 00:13:52.680 --> 00:13:53.420 Mehrnoosh Mojallali: Hmm. 136 00:13:54.080 --> 00:13:55.100 Michael Jensen: Anyone? 137 00:13:56.160 --> 00:13:56.920 Mehrnoosh Mojallali: No? 138 00:13:58.560 --> 00:14:05.730 Michael Jensen: Okay. I've spoken to the staff members on each of these cases, and also the 139 00:14:06.470 --> 00:14:10.360 Michael Jensen: applicant reps for the 2 cases we have in 10 140 00:14:13.640 --> 00:14:17.430 Michael Jensen: general public comment. 141 00:14:18.220 --> 00:14:27.220 Michael Jensen: Please raise your hand. If you have a general public comment on an item, not on the agenda tonight. I will limit the public comment to 1 min 142 00:14:29.120 --> 00:14:34.400 Michael Jensen: for each person only seeing Robin's hand. Go ahead, Robin. 143 00:14:35.630 --> 00:14:53.810 Robin Murez: Hi! So first of all, thank you all for passing the motion regarding the invalidation of the De Minimis waiver on the Life Card Tower. Let's hope that that happens because wrongful documents should not stay on the books, they can create more problems. 144 00:14:53.840 --> 00:15:01.090 Robin Murez: Another point is Cj. I think, in the last, or one of the meetings suggested that 145 00:15:01.250 --> 00:15:15.220 Robin Murez: There' be outreach and including like a community forum. I don't know what you call it on some of the projects that you guys are doing which are really important to the community, and that the community doesn't really have information about that. 146 00:15:15.490 --> 00:15:22.100 Robin Murez: And I want to reiterate that I think that that's how outreach should be utilizing their 147 00:15:22.430 --> 00:15:36.380 Robin Murez: efforts and their funds. I mean, if we're going to be spending money for the Neighborhood Council, it should be to get the word out, you know, when you're voting on something like increasing the height of buildings along Venice Boulevard. That's just huge, and 148 00:15:36.400 --> 00:15:38.010 I really think it should 149 00:15:38.210 --> 00:15:42.670 Robin Murez: get out there. And then I just also want to mention that 150 00:15:42.710 --> 00:15:51.430 Robin Murez: it's unfortunate. I'm sure you already had the scheduled. But tonight there is starting at 7 30, the candidate 151 00:15:51.660 --> 00:16:01.170 Robin Murez: Forum, whatever you call it. They're presenting. The candidates are going to be speaking to the East Venice Neighborhood 152 00:16:01.230 --> 00:16:05.310 Robin Murez: group, and I know I want to hear that. So 153 00:16:05.330 --> 00:16:11.870 Robin Murez: I think it's unfortunate that there is a conflict. But you guys are doing important stuff, and 154 00:16:11.970 --> 00:16:19.460 Robin Murez: I think it's important, though, that we know who the candidates are who are running 155 00:16:25.390 --> 00:16:27.860 Michael Jensen: phone number ending in 6 9 0. 156 00:16:28.280 --> 00:16:29.210 barrycassilly: Oh, no. 157 00:16:35.380 --> 00:16:36.240 1310****690: Hi! 158 00:16:37.590 --> 00:16:38.800 1310****690: Can you hear me? 159 00:16:39.120 --> 00:16:40.370 Michael Jensen: Yes. 160 00:16:40.890 --> 00:16:45.370 1310****690: okay. This is Yolanda. 8 6 9 0. 161 00:16:48.840 --> 00:16:50.520 Michael Jensen: Yes, you want to. We can hear you. 162 00:16:50.990 --> 00:16:54.620 1310****690: Okay, all right. Yes. 163 00:16:54.820 --> 00:16:58.920 I just want to make a recommendation to Lupeck. 164 00:16:59.150 --> 00:17:04.940 1310****690: and I know that trees come up on private property. Well, I'm going to tell you something, you guys. 165 00:17:05.220 --> 00:17:10.250 Today I had a tree fall onto one of my properties. 166 00:17:10.609 --> 00:17:30.210 1310****690: and I think when it comes to deciding on private properties, whether the tree stays, the tree gets away, or whatever it is, let that have. Let the owners decide what they're going to be doing, because the legality of all this gets very, very, very difficult. I just want to make that recommendation. Thank you. 167 00:17:30.600 --> 00:17:31.850 Michael Jensen: Thank you. Onda. 168 00:17:34.420 --> 00:17:39.650 Michael Jensen: Okay, Closing general public comments. 169 00:17:45.750 --> 00:18:00.980 Michael Jensen: I want to. So we had some left over case assignments that I want to dole out. So take a look at these. There's nothing to talk about on them. But if you have any questions, just what hit me up after the meeting or outside of the meeting 170 00:18:03.680 --> 00:18:09.410 Michael Jensen: that takes care of 8 9. These are de minimis V. So 171 00:18:10.420 --> 00:18:17.960 Michael Jensen: cases that i'm recommending for the Vnc. Consent Calendar. If anyone has any comments, including 172 00:18:18.160 --> 00:18:22.250 Michael Jensen: members of the public, please please raise your hand. 173 00:18:24.030 --> 00:18:25.950 Michael Jensen: I'll start with the public comment on it. 174 00:18:31.190 --> 00:18:34.000 Michael Jensen: Go on to your hand is up. I'm going to lower it 175 00:18:34.020 --> 00:18:35.670 Michael Jensen: if you want to say anything. 176 00:18:40.070 --> 00:18:44.070 Michael Jensen: Okay, i'm not seeing any public comment committee comments on these. 177 00:18:46.720 --> 00:18:48.480 Michael Jensen: Nope. Okay. 178 00:18:48.810 --> 00:18:55.710 Michael Jensen: Moving on to our cases. 7 2 3 ocean front walk. Do we have have 179 00:18:56.290 --> 00:18:59.690 Michael Jensen: Chris? Who is the presenter. On this 180 00:18:59.730 --> 00:19:02.790 Christopher McLean: it was Jesse. 181 00:19:03.310 --> 00:19:05.250 Christopher McLean: I notified him that what he was 182 00:19:06.840 --> 00:19:10.380 Christopher McLean: that we're having the meeting, and you got on the agenda, so I don't know where he is. 183 00:19:12.910 --> 00:19:14.200 Michael Jensen: I think I have a week. 184 00:19:14.720 --> 00:19:18.700 Michael Jensen: Yeah. You want to text them. We can. Also, we can just take these out of order. 185 00:19:19.320 --> 00:19:23.690 Michael Jensen: Who's the Barry, who's the person on place? 186 00:19:27.370 --> 00:19:28.080 Michael Jensen: All right. 187 00:19:30.300 --> 00:19:32.770 barrycassilly: That would be. 188 00:19:33.280 --> 00:19:34.890 Michael Jensen: is he? 189 00:19:35.030 --> 00:19:36.520 barrycassilly: He should be in the audience. 190 00:19:38.990 --> 00:19:41.650 Michael Jensen: Looking in the attendees I see 191 00:19:44.740 --> 00:19:46.430 Michael Jensen: I do not see. 192 00:19:47.940 --> 00:19:48.630 Michael Jensen: and 193 00:19:49.900 --> 00:19:55.680 barrycassilly: i'm sure he's gonna be here. I don't know why he isn't here right now. but 194 00:19:56.890 --> 00:20:01.270 barrycassilly: maybe we could just move on to something else to come back to this. 195 00:20:01.690 --> 00:20:09.320 Michael Jensen: Yeah, I guess we'll do that. I'm: just going to text. Brian actually have his number. 196 00:20:09.420 --> 00:20:10.680 Do we have? 197 00:20:11.900 --> 00:20:13.740 Michael Jensen: Okay, Well 198 00:20:14.230 --> 00:20:17.520 Michael Jensen: let me know if the either presenters come on. 199 00:20:17.600 --> 00:20:22.360 I so we're gonna take things out of order here 200 00:20:22.520 --> 00:20:24.110 Michael Jensen: and move on to 201 00:20:24.310 --> 00:20:34.270 Michael Jensen: these long term planning topics. This is mostly to get public comments. We can have some discussion afterwards, but want to start off with the permanent Al fresco ordinance. 202 00:20:35.080 --> 00:20:38.150 Michael Jensen: The background for this is so. We for the last 203 00:20:38.350 --> 00:20:44.480 3 or so years enjoyed, or at least most of us have enjoyed having outdoor dining. 204 00:20:46.240 --> 00:20:51.970 Michael Jensen: and the as Covid is coming to an end, or the emergencies 205 00:20:52.350 --> 00:21:00.930 Michael Jensen: the city is going to pivot to requiring, you know, long or permanent 206 00:21:02.070 --> 00:21:05.180 Michael Jensen: licensing or permissions to do 207 00:21:06.640 --> 00:21:15.300 Michael Jensen: tab outdoor dining. We're going to talk about the or tonight. At least, I just want to talk about outdoor dining on private property, not on the sidewalks or public right away. 208 00:21:17.270 --> 00:21:24.240 Michael Jensen: So i'm gonna open it up to public comment. Unless anyone wants me to bring up. I can pull up the fact sheet. 209 00:21:25.030 --> 00:21:27.000 Michael Jensen: but i'll start just 210 00:21:27.060 --> 00:21:31.470 Michael Jensen: if anyone has any public comment on this we can. We'll start with that. 211 00:21:34.910 --> 00:21:36.540 Michael Jensen: Seeing some hands. 212 00:21:38.480 --> 00:21:41.200 Michael Jensen: We'll start with Daryl Duffy. 213 00:21:43.960 --> 00:21:46.370 Darryl DuFay: Thank you. Hi, You hear me. 214 00:21:46.630 --> 00:21:50.680 Darryl DuFay: Yes, okay. I I have a question about this. 215 00:21:51.790 --> 00:21:54.130 Darryl DuFay: but I see how fresco 216 00:21:56.880 --> 00:22:06.660 Darryl DuFay: people that are involved. It is taken. It seems to me it is taken out a parking space after parking Space Street. 217 00:22:06.750 --> 00:22:14.170 Darryl DuFay: And does this have anything to do with returning the parking spaces back to the public? 218 00:22:21.810 --> 00:22:27.220 Michael Jensen: Yeah, we can answer. I'll answer you afterwards. I don't want to. I don't want to just answer every 219 00:22:27.400 --> 00:22:30.200 Darryl DuFay: that. That just basically is when I see 220 00:22:30.350 --> 00:22:40.140 Darryl DuFay: dozens and dozens of parking spaces that no longer exists. and I understand that with the out Frisco ordinance does this. In fact. 221 00:22:40.200 --> 00:22:40.880 Darryl DuFay: we 222 00:22:41.090 --> 00:22:44.570 Darryl DuFay: we keep those parking spaces there. 223 00:22:45.670 --> 00:22:48.580 Michael Jensen: Here we go. That's my question. 224 00:22:48.740 --> 00:22:49.920 Michael Jensen: We'll talk about that. 225 00:22:52.490 --> 00:22:56.400 Michael Jensen: I'm sorry. I forgot to start. Let me just pause real quick and 226 00:22:56.550 --> 00:23:00.480 Michael Jensen: get my stop watch up here because forgot to do that. 227 00:23:12.530 --> 00:23:13.160 Yeah. 228 00:23:26.930 --> 00:23:28.430 Michael Jensen: Okay. 229 00:23:29.330 --> 00:23:30.860 sorry, guys. 230 00:23:31.810 --> 00:23:33.930 Michael Jensen: I always forget how to do this. 231 00:23:35.490 --> 00:23:36.290 Michael Jensen: 6, 1 s. 232 00:23:45.570 --> 00:23:47.390 Michael Jensen: Okay, Everybody see a stock watch now. 233 00:23:50.100 --> 00:23:52.870 Michael Jensen: Okay. Cool, all right. 234 00:23:52.890 --> 00:23:55.630 Michael Jensen: Oh, when I see promote the panelists. 235 00:23:57.040 --> 00:23:59.890 Michael Jensen: All right, Robin. Meres your minute starts. 236 00:24:00.510 --> 00:24:04.520 Robin Murez: Hi, so i'm sorry i'm also a little unclear about this regarding 237 00:24:04.540 --> 00:24:12.350 Robin Murez: private property. You know it seemed I I I would love to have an explanation before I make 238 00:24:12.510 --> 00:24:16.910 Robin Murez: a complete comment. I would comment regarding 239 00:24:17.460 --> 00:24:21.660 Robin Murez: well things that I've also heard from other neighbors is that 240 00:24:21.690 --> 00:24:28.380 Robin Murez: people don't like these hideous barricades and and commercial 241 00:24:28.690 --> 00:24:36.930 Robin Murez: advertising that has also cropped up on some of them, and I think that's more, though related to when they are in 242 00:24:37.100 --> 00:24:38.080 Robin Murez: public 243 00:24:38.200 --> 00:24:58.100 Robin Murez: parking spaces, and that and then again, i'm sorry if i'm off topic about this being in public. But when word plaza, there's been a plan to turn that into having no vehicles and having outdoor seating, and that would be wonderful without having these horrible arcade, you know. 244 00:24:58.340 --> 00:24:59.640 Robin Murez: and containers. 245 00:24:59.910 --> 00:25:02.180 Michael Jensen: Okay, thanks, Robin. That's your minute. 246 00:25:11.720 --> 00:25:14.290 Michael Jensen: Okay. So just for some 247 00:25:14.380 --> 00:25:17.170 some background. The idea is that 248 00:25:17.400 --> 00:25:20.390 Michael Jensen: restaurants doing this would have to 249 00:25:21.640 --> 00:25:25.390 Michael Jensen: park the out the new outdoor area 250 00:25:25.560 --> 00:25:28.520 as service floor area. So 251 00:25:29.680 --> 00:25:34.790 Michael Jensen: one thing that has been brought up as being problematic in Venice is nearly every single restaurant 252 00:25:34.810 --> 00:25:38.310 Michael Jensen: doesn't have surplus parking to be able to 253 00:25:38.700 --> 00:25:40.160 Michael Jensen: to accommodate that. 254 00:25:40.350 --> 00:25:42.940 Michael Jensen: So that's one of the 255 00:25:43.440 --> 00:25:48.520 Michael Jensen: sort of issues where the rest of the city, you know. This is a citywide ordinance. And so 256 00:25:49.570 --> 00:25:53.500 Michael Jensen: that's where one area where Venice may not. 257 00:25:55.030 --> 00:26:01.480 Michael Jensen: may not be like other places. So that's why I think the discussion is is important. Here. 258 00:26:01.730 --> 00:26:06.510 Michael Jensen: Does the committee have any comments, or are there any other public comments on this issue? 259 00:26:07.090 --> 00:26:12.280 Michael Jensen: My My hand was up to? Oh. oh, sorry I can't see it because i'm on the attendees list. 260 00:26:12.840 --> 00:26:19.380 Michael Jensen: Jim, go ahead your minute. So yeah, it's the extra parking spaces, and and personally I think that 261 00:26:19.440 --> 00:26:28.620 jim murez: until they can completely comply with the land use plan that we have. I'm not talking about specific. When i'm talking about the land use plan. 262 00:26:29.470 --> 00:26:35.210 jim murez: I think that there's a tremendous risk that we would have 263 00:26:36.110 --> 00:26:49.450 jim murez: in approving anything along these lines, because it would set a precedence or or an issue with getting a land use plan approved, or a land implementation plan approved in the future. 264 00:26:49.630 --> 00:26:54.000 jim murez: One of the things that you have to do when you get a coast to development permit 265 00:26:54.040 --> 00:27:02.140 jim murez: is is state that it's not going to prejudice the city from getting the upcoming plan up, and this would east of Lincoln 266 00:27:02.210 --> 00:27:09.740 jim murez: extra parking spaces like you say they still need to park it. in my opinion, but I don't think anybody has extra parking spaces. 267 00:27:09.760 --> 00:27:15.830 jim murez: so i'm i'm opposed to allowing it to continue the way it is, and I think that 268 00:27:16.080 --> 00:27:22.370 Michael Jensen: you need to take some very, very serious consideration about what it holds in the future. Okay, thanks, Jim. 269 00:27:25.490 --> 00:27:31.330 Michael Jensen: All right. We've. Oh, and we have one more Z. That Yolanda 270 00:27:40.020 --> 00:27:40.970 Michael Jensen: go on to. 271 00:27:41.950 --> 00:27:52.710 1310****690: Yes, I just like to make a presence if the food trucks are allowed to take up parking spaces, and then they put out 272 00:27:53.020 --> 00:28:01.640 1310****690: their tables to accommodate their client. Doesn't that fall under the Al fresco permit also. 273 00:28:01.930 --> 00:28:18.950 1310****690: or is does it go under another permit, because I see a lot of these food trucks that just parked and take away a lot of parking spaces. And then they set out their little tables, and they they they do their thing, and they don't have to comply with anything. 274 00:28:18.950 --> 00:28:28.510 1310****690: But then, if you go against them, then they all go against everybody else, and even the the restaurant, the owners of restaurants, that 275 00:28:28.580 --> 00:28:31.700 they are supposed to be allowed to also serve food 276 00:28:31.830 --> 00:28:37.490 1310****690: as As it is, I just wanted to make a calling because I see that happening more and more and more. Thank you. 277 00:28:37.940 --> 00:28:39.080 Michael Jensen: Thank you, Anna. 278 00:28:45.430 --> 00:28:46.200 Mehrnoosh Mojallali: Hmm. 279 00:28:51.950 --> 00:28:54.830 Michael Jensen: Okay. Any other hands in the audience. Very 280 00:28:56.080 --> 00:29:01.360 barrycassilly: yeah. I just wanted to. I I think this needs a little bit of an update, because 281 00:29:01.510 --> 00:29:07.820 barrycassilly: you know, the city came out with it. It's draft. Our planning came out with a draft ordinance planning Staff did. 282 00:29:09.880 --> 00:29:15.170 barrycassilly: That's been to put it as politely as I can. That's been thrown into garbage. 283 00:29:16.410 --> 00:29:26.380 barrycassilly: the outpouring, the outpouring from the community being upset about that proposed ordinance being a overly bureaucratic 284 00:29:26.810 --> 00:29:31.890 barrycassilly: and a very UN business friendly 285 00:29:31.930 --> 00:29:36.090 barrycassilly: was overwhelming so going back to the drawing board. 286 00:29:36.220 --> 00:29:49.250 barrycassilly: I'm not really sure what we're supposed to be like talking about tonight, but the discussion as it stands now, as I understand it is that there are people who want 287 00:29:49.990 --> 00:29:58.920 barrycassilly: everything changed, but nobody really knows how. And then there are people who want the restaurants to be grandfathered in their current usage. 288 00:30:00.440 --> 00:30:07.270 barrycassilly: So that's you know we're starting over with this thing. Anyway. The draft ordinance is dead. 289 00:30:09.540 --> 00:30:14.040 Michael Jensen: Okay? Well, thanks for that update. 290 00:30:14.320 --> 00:30:22.650 Michael Jensen: I see Brian's here, so i'm gonna switch gear unless do we have other public comments on the Al fresco ordinance. 291 00:30:22.940 --> 00:30:33.970 Michael Jensen: This is not going to be something that is decided anytime. Well, I wouldn't say anytime soon, but but we're going to be dealing with this over the course of several meetings, so this is not your only opportunity. 292 00:30:34.110 --> 00:30:38.810 So if the city is going back to the drawing board, we'll be talking about whatever the next iteration is 293 00:30:39.020 --> 00:30:39.960 Michael Jensen: of this. 294 00:30:39.980 --> 00:30:43.670 Michael Jensen: But i'm gonna shift back to 295 00:30:43.790 --> 00:30:46.620 Michael Jensen: Chris, do you have? Is your case here? 296 00:30:49.840 --> 00:31:01.050 Christopher McLean: No, I texted him right when you said that I haven't heard back yet, but I I think he works for Brian, so maybe Brian's gonna present for him. I'm not sure. 297 00:31:02.390 --> 00:31:05.000 Michael Jensen: Got it 298 00:31:05.520 --> 00:31:07.070 Michael Jensen: all right, Brian 299 00:31:08.820 --> 00:31:11.530 Michael Jensen: and i'll promote you to panelists. 300 00:31:12.210 --> 00:31:16.560 Michael Jensen: Do you have do you want me to pull up the plans or anything for you while you present. 301 00:31:21.800 --> 00:31:29.260 Brian Silveira: Hey, Nicole? No, I I cannot. If i'm able to share my screen, I can, I can present. Which case are we on? 302 00:31:30.810 --> 00:31:34.680 Michael Jensen: We are on. I think Brian is. The is is actually the rep for both. 303 00:31:35.000 --> 00:31:41.140 barrycassilly: So are we on 304 00:31:41.440 --> 00:31:42.340 Michael Jensen: first case. 305 00:31:44.520 --> 00:31:57.350 Brian Silveira: Okay. So ocean from walk. Get it. guys. I have a a confession to make here. I had no idea that either one of these we're on the agenda for tonight. I actually just found out. 306 00:31:57.550 --> 00:32:02.150 Brian Silveira: I didn't know that the meeting and then rescheduled for tonight, so 307 00:32:02.160 --> 00:32:14.500 Brian Silveira: I am prepared to speak about Byzantine Place, even though I I don't have a presentation. I i'm sure I can. You know just present the plans, and speak to the project 308 00:32:14.710 --> 00:32:26.540 Brian Silveira: for 7 23 ocean front walk. No one from my office knew about this, and it it's not urgent. I don't think we're gonna have a a hearing for probably another 3, 4 months at least. 309 00:32:26.670 --> 00:32:30.800 Brian Silveira: unfortunately, so that one, I think we can 310 00:32:30.920 --> 00:32:33.370 Michael Jensen: post phone for for another meeting. 311 00:32:35.090 --> 00:32:42.650 Michael Jensen: so we'll continue 7 2 3, until the end of the month. Chris, can you please send a reminder email to Brian 312 00:32:43.230 --> 00:32:48.270 Michael Jensen: when we put the agenda up, or when I put the agenda up next at the end of the month. 313 00:32:48.490 --> 00:33:04.580 Christopher McLean: Yeah, no problem. I emailed Jessie, but it was like 2 days ago. So it's probably short, you know. Short notice, I guess is is Jessie in the meeting right now. She she and I didn't even speak about it today, so I assume she didn't know she's not 314 00:33:04.730 --> 00:33:06.430 Brian Silveira: Yeah, so 315 00:33:06.800 --> 00:33:08.900 Brian Silveira: she didn't know, and 316 00:33:09.190 --> 00:33:26.450 barrycassilly: I I didn't know. So sorry about that, Brian. We'll we'll we'll get this one. But wait a minute, even on Pasani. I'm. I'm staff on Pasani. And there this is Barry and Brian. If there is some miscommunication between the 2 of us. 317 00:33:27.080 --> 00:33:30.180 barrycassilly: and you want to continue like, what do you want to do? 318 00:33:30.590 --> 00:33:36.430 Brian Silveira: No, that's okay. Barry, I think, is is is one. You know our hearing is March 20, third. 319 00:33:37.790 --> 00:33:49.340 Brian Silveira: and you know i'm well versed enough in pizza you that I think I can explain the project without having an elaborate presentation. We can just get into it and go through the plans. 320 00:33:49.540 --> 00:33:58.330 Brian Silveira: Yeah. And and I suppose you know, if you guys feel like you do want a presentation or you don't have enough information we can. We can post phone, and I could leave the hearing record open 321 00:33:58.380 --> 00:34:03.520 Brian Silveira: on March 20, third. But i'd like to try and get through it if that's okay. 322 00:34:03.920 --> 00:34:06.580 barrycassilly: We Haven't meeting next Thursday. 323 00:34:06.990 --> 00:34:11.540 Michael Jensen: No, but Barry, I hold on, but I I would prefer to 324 00:34:11.920 --> 00:34:25.210 Michael Jensen: get this next Thursday. I would like to be solely devoted to the long term planning issues, one of which we're talking tonight. So i'd like to get if, if it's possible, Brian, and you can do it. I'm happy to hear the case. 325 00:34:25.219 --> 00:34:26.590 barrycassilly: Okay, okay. 326 00:34:26.889 --> 00:34:31.750 Christopher McLean: Yeah, guys, Sorry. I just realized there's a there was a snap who, because my email is still kind of 327 00:34:31.870 --> 00:34:40.010 Christopher McLean: not properly set up through this account, but I emailed Brian and Jesse and you, but I guess it didn't go through. 328 00:34:40.600 --> 00:34:42.429 Christopher McLean: Well, we're 329 00:34:42.770 --> 00:34:47.920 Michael Jensen: we're on to the next one now. But, Chris. let's talk after the meeting about your email. 330 00:34:48.400 --> 00:34:49.900 Christopher McLean: Okay, Thank you. 331 00:34:53.679 --> 00:34:55.170 Michael Jensen: Take it away, Brian. 332 00:34:55.530 --> 00:34:56.699 Brian Silveira: All right. 333 00:34:56.719 --> 00:35:03.750 Brian Silveira: So I think you can. You can. You should be able to. Yeah, Can I share? 334 00:35:03.850 --> 00:35:05.760 Michael Jensen: Yeah, let me stop mine. 335 00:35:05.810 --> 00:35:08.030 Brian Silveira: Okay, let me go ahead and do that. 336 00:35:08.430 --> 00:35:21.330 Brian Silveira: all right. So Brian Silvera, Brian sovereign associates on behalf of the applicants to Michelle, Me. Post and Steve me. Those are the developers for this project. 337 00:35:21.700 --> 00:35:27.280 Brian Silveira: This project, you know. I I won't go through the whole history. 338 00:35:27.480 --> 00:35:34.490 Brian Silveira: I'll just let you know that the original version of this project was filed in in 2,015. That's how all it is 339 00:35:34.720 --> 00:35:39.520 Brian Silveira: the version that's before you currently is 340 00:35:39.570 --> 00:35:42.130 Brian Silveira: 8 condominium units. 341 00:35:42.290 --> 00:35:52.250 Brian Silveira: 5 of those are market rate, 2 and 3 bedrooms, and 3 of them are affordable, mellow replacement units. 342 00:35:52.500 --> 00:35:55.130 Brian Silveira: all 3 of which 343 00:35:55.420 --> 00:35:59.460 Brian Silveira: I have a right of return for the tenants at Paisani. 344 00:35:59.480 --> 00:36:04.250 Brian Silveira: 2 of those tenants have been living there for the past 5 years rent free. 345 00:36:04.290 --> 00:36:16.580 Brian Silveira: and one of those tenants has moved, but she'll be offered right in return, so all 3 of the affordable units are are dedicated to to the previous sentences. 346 00:36:16.640 --> 00:36:31.450 Brian Silveira: as is intended with the mellow ordinance. But pretty much never happens in Venice now. So this project. it is a density bonus project, and so we are utilizing some incentives. 347 00:36:31.470 --> 00:36:40.910 Brian Silveira: mostly off menu. So we have 11 feet of additional height. Total height, variable. Roof is 46 feet. 348 00:36:41.420 --> 00:36:44.430 and a flat roof is 41 feet. 349 00:36:44.700 --> 00:36:46.630 Brian Silveira: We also 350 00:36:47.390 --> 00:36:56.730 Brian Silveira: are utilizing parking option, one from the density bonus ordinance which requires only one parking space for a one bedroom unit. 351 00:36:56.800 --> 00:37:02.570 Brian Silveira: 2 parking spaces for 2 and 3 bedroom units, and no guest parking. 352 00:37:03.020 --> 00:37:07.880 Brian Silveira: So 3 of the units, which are the 3 bedroom of 4. Here. Excuse me. 353 00:37:07.910 --> 00:37:15.680 Brian Silveira: 3 of the units, which are the one bedroom affordable, will each have one space, and the remaining units will all have 2 spaces. 354 00:37:16.790 --> 00:37:27.740 Brian Silveira: We have a rear yard reduction, which is just a 6 inch reduction. so 14 feet 6 inches in Lou, with 15 feet 355 00:37:27.890 --> 00:37:43.710 Brian Silveira: not much to speak of, and then for the front yard. We're asking for 11 feet 11 inches in lieu of the 15 feet. All 3 of those incentives are on menu ministerial incentives. 356 00:37:43.870 --> 00:37:48.540 Brian Silveira: The ones that are off menu non ministerial incentives 357 00:37:48.860 --> 00:37:54.560 Brian Silveira: sort of our a product of the way that the parking is designed. 358 00:37:54.740 --> 00:38:01.470 Brian Silveira: So one of those incentives is to permit, and I. I can zoom in here. If you guys want to read these. 359 00:38:04.300 --> 00:38:11.970 Brian Silveira: permit 7 parking stalls to be provided as standard stalls and 5 to be provided is compact 360 00:38:12.020 --> 00:38:18.370 Brian Silveira: in lieu of the minimum 8 parking stalls required. So what this means is when you. 361 00:38:18.440 --> 00:38:21.020 Brian Silveira: when you are providing 362 00:38:21.660 --> 00:38:31.760 Brian Silveira: fewer parking solves or excuse me when you are providing less than your parking stalls required. They are supposed to all be standard stalls. 363 00:38:31.850 --> 00:38:46.450 Brian Silveira: Some of our stalls are compact. Some of them are standard. So instead of all 12 of our parking stalls being standard. we're just doing 5 compact and 7 standard. That's all that that is, it's not asking for a reduction in parking. 364 00:38:46.970 --> 00:38:53.210 Brian Silveira: and then the same thing with the last, the waiver of development standards here, which is off menu. 365 00:38:53.370 --> 00:39:08.930 Brian Silveira: Some of the parking spaces are provided is tandem. And so we're we're simply asking for permission to provide. The to parking spaces is is tandem spaces for certain units. Again, not not a reduction in parking, but just. 366 00:39:09.130 --> 00:39:11.690 Brian Silveira: you know, having to do with the parking design. 367 00:39:13.690 --> 00:39:14.930 Brian Silveira: And 368 00:39:15.030 --> 00:39:24.530 Brian Silveira: you know I I could probably go on for a long time about this project, but you know we we don't see a lot of for story projects in Venice. 369 00:39:25.130 --> 00:39:26.130 Brian Silveira: and 370 00:39:26.970 --> 00:39:35.000 Brian Silveira: you know, I I think this one really is worthy of the density bonus incentives. It's, you know, 3 of its 8 units 371 00:39:35.030 --> 00:39:41.720 Brian Silveira: are going to be replacement mellow units, which and you almost never see. And 372 00:39:44.580 --> 00:40:00.960 Brian Silveira: yeah, you know, I I think, like I said I, I didn't have a a presentation prepared, so i'm just kind of going off the cup. But Why, Don't? I turn it over to questions, and then i'm happy to get into any details. 373 00:40:01.110 --> 00:40:10.150 Michael Jensen: clarifying questions about the project, not not substantive, but clarifying questions from the presentation, and then we'll go to follow the comment, and we'll do committee discussion. 374 00:40:10.460 --> 00:40:11.960 Michael Jensen: Lauren, you have your hand up. 375 00:40:12.120 --> 00:40:19.150 lauren siegel: Yeah. You had mentioned that there was one parking spot for each of the one bedrooms and 2 for the others. 376 00:40:19.150 --> 00:40:38.220 Brian Silveira: That's 13, but you mentioned 12 parking spots, so i'm just curious how that works with the with a 20% bicycle reduction. So yeah, the the way the math works is right. 13 is the requirement, and I should have explained that again, i'm sorry for not being prepared. 377 00:40:38.220 --> 00:40:45.610 Brian Silveira: 13 is the requirement. But then we get to eliminate a parking space because of the the automatic bicycle reduction. 378 00:40:45.670 --> 00:41:00.320 Brian Silveira: So that's not. That's not technically a request for a reduction in parking. But yes, we have, I guess. Technically speaking, we have 2 single parking spaces for 3 379 00:41:00.620 --> 00:41:11.780 Brian Silveira: affordable units, and i'll also mention that so right now there are 6. There are 6 units there, and most of them are vacant, but historically there have been up to 8 units operating there. 380 00:41:12.010 --> 00:41:16.380 Brian Silveira: All of the garages were built, you know, almost 381 00:41:16.470 --> 00:41:18.080 Brian Silveira: a century ago. 382 00:41:18.160 --> 00:41:34.010 Brian Silveira: Few of the garages have been boot, like in Berlin to units. The other garages had been turned into storage, and so what you had. There was a condition where there were 8 units with 0 parking spaces, and everybody parked on the street. 383 00:41:34.200 --> 00:41:41.150 Brian Silveira: So this is not only is it in that game in parking, but it's. It's a net reduction in number of units as well. 384 00:41:47.430 --> 00:41:51.850 Michael Jensen: Okay, Any other committee clarifying questions before I open it up to public comment. 385 00:42:02.890 --> 00:42:08.480 Michael Jensen: Okay, for some reason I cannot get to the participant panel. There we go. 386 00:42:08.810 --> 00:42:18.120 Michael Jensen: All right. Please raise your hand for public comment while I am getting that getting the timer out. 387 00:42:21.260 --> 00:42:23.300 Michael Jensen: we're gonna do. 388 00:42:27.240 --> 00:42:27.880 Okay. 389 00:42:29.570 --> 00:42:30.190 Michael Jensen: Okay. 390 00:42:36.290 --> 00:42:41.380 Michael Jensen: 1 min i'll do 90 s on this. 391 00:42:42.400 --> 00:42:46.450 Michael Jensen: and I'm only seeing one hand up so far. 392 00:42:47.200 --> 00:42:49.960 Michael Jensen: Robin Rudolph Here, go ahead. 393 00:42:50.610 --> 00:42:52.350 Robin Rudisill: What do you know? 394 00:42:52.500 --> 00:42:54.350 Robin Rudisill: Hi, it's Robin. 395 00:42:54.560 --> 00:43:11.800 Robin Rudisill: I just have a couple of questions to clarify what I'm seeing here Number one. Can you go over what the off menu request are again? I think you said it's parking, and that was it. The other ones were on menu, but maybe it may be parking in height. 396 00:43:11.800 --> 00:43:16.900 Robin Rudisill: I want to be a little bit more clear on the the height request like, what's the 397 00:43:17.150 --> 00:43:31.080 Robin Rudisill: actual height requirement in this particular planning designation area, and then what you're requesting, and what the percentage is, and all that. And then could you mention how many units were originally identified 398 00:43:31.380 --> 00:43:42.080 Robin Rudisill: as affordable replacement under mellow sort of how that reconciled to what you're ending up proposing here. And lastly, have you had any conversations with 399 00:43:42.170 --> 00:43:46.050 Robin Rudisill: either Julia and O's group, or coastal, or E, or both. 400 00:43:46.070 --> 00:43:49.700 Robin Rudisill: about what? How you will. 401 00:43:49.950 --> 00:43:57.040 Robin Rudisill: I sure that the density bonus and the law and the coastal act are harmonized with this project. Thank you. 402 00:43:58.420 --> 00:43:59.330 Okay. 403 00:43:59.890 --> 00:44:02.960 Brian Silveira: I'm. Just taking notes One moment. 404 00:44:04.750 --> 00:44:09.580 Brian Silveira: Okay. So thank you, Robin. 405 00:44:11.830 --> 00:44:16.830 Brian Silveira: Let me zoom in on this. I'm: not seeing any other hand. So i'm going to close public comment. 406 00:44:20.660 --> 00:44:26.630 Brian Silveira: Okay, Thank you. Yeah. So this actually this. 407 00:44:26.700 --> 00:44:27.590 Brian Silveira: this 408 00:44:27.920 --> 00:44:31.410 Brian Silveira: well, the first one here these are, by the way, the 409 00:44:31.460 --> 00:44:36.580 Brian Silveira: on and off menu incentive. So these are all on menu incentives. These 3, 410 00:44:36.770 --> 00:44:42.880 Brian Silveira: the waivers of development standards are what they would consider to be off menu incentives. 411 00:44:43.120 --> 00:44:52.490 Brian Silveira: This first one we we actually scratch. That's not going to appear on the hearing notice. So originally, I think, department of city planning 412 00:44:52.870 --> 00:45:10.740 Brian Silveira: wanted us to add that just as a precaution, because they weren't sure whether the specific plan would allow more than one roof access structure even for a multi family building. But then they came to the conclusion that it was okay, because it was required for fire department egress. 413 00:45:11.040 --> 00:45:18.940 Brian Silveira: So this one here is no longer one of our our waivers or or incentives. 414 00:45:19.530 --> 00:45:20.780 Brian Silveira: So 415 00:45:21.400 --> 00:45:26.200 Brian Silveira: Robin, and you know, to clarify for anyone who's interested. 416 00:45:26.580 --> 00:45:31.610 Brian Silveira: This requirement here. When you provide 417 00:45:31.670 --> 00:45:46.230 Brian Silveira: you're You're 12 right, I guess we're providing 12. The requirement is 13, as as Lauren pointed out. But whenever you provide the minimum number of parking spaces, they're all supposed to be standard stalls. 418 00:45:46.390 --> 00:46:02.440 Brian Silveira: That's just, you know, sort of tied to the the old parking code. And so all this is is a request to provide 5 of the 12 spaces that we are providing as compact rather than providing all 12 419 00:46:02.530 --> 00:46:04.560 Brian Silveira: as a standard spaces. 420 00:46:05.920 --> 00:46:07.690 Brian Silveira: And then this here 421 00:46:09.120 --> 00:46:09.960 Brian Silveira: Oops. 422 00:46:12.820 --> 00:46:19.980 Brian Silveira: So this one here is because and maybe if I go to the parking plan, it might be easier to explain this. 423 00:46:24.010 --> 00:46:35.640 Brian Silveira: but so to permit 7 units to have access to parking stalls in lieu of 8 units. And so again, what this means is that when you have. and in our case you have 8 units. 424 00:46:36.060 --> 00:46:40.830 Brian Silveira: if you you're supposed to provide one parking space for each unit 425 00:46:41.100 --> 00:46:48.230 Brian Silveira: before you can then continue on providing more parking spaces. We have 426 00:46:48.320 --> 00:46:54.520 Brian Silveira: 12 parking spaces, so we're supposed to have at least one space available to each unit. 427 00:46:55.040 --> 00:47:05.850 Brian Silveira: But we don't, and the reason why we don't is because the parking spaces for the market rate 2 and 3 bedrooms are tandem spaces. which leads only 428 00:47:05.860 --> 00:47:11.840 Brian Silveira: 2 single parking spaces to share between the 3 affordable units. 429 00:47:12.080 --> 00:47:25.350 Brian Silveira: so 2 of the affordable units will get one parking space, and one of the affordable units will not have a parking space, but in reality they they're gonna require that the parking be unbundled. Anyway. 430 00:47:25.400 --> 00:47:27.940 Brian Silveira: it's just the way that they do it. So we've 431 00:47:28.640 --> 00:47:32.170 Brian Silveira: we designed it with the intent, obviously, of 432 00:47:32.240 --> 00:47:33.370 Brian Silveira: selling 433 00:47:34.030 --> 00:47:38.280 Brian Silveira: the 2 parking spaces or the tandem parking spaces to the 434 00:47:38.600 --> 00:47:45.570 Brian Silveira: the larger units. But so here you go. It's 1, 2, 3 4 5 6, 435 00:47:45.990 --> 00:47:54.550 Brian Silveira: and then here's a single space, 7 8 9, 10. So the tandems belong to the the larger market rate units 436 00:47:54.780 --> 00:47:57.560 Brian Silveira: 2 single standard spaces. 437 00:47:57.580 --> 00:48:03.820 Brian Silveira: and then the third unit, the third affordable unit would not have a parking space. But again, there is 438 00:48:03.970 --> 00:48:08.380 Brian Silveira: This is the street I don't know if any of you guys have ever been by there. But it's 439 00:48:08.820 --> 00:48:23.250 Brian Silveira: one of the few streets in Venice that always has street parking. We did a a parking study. Dcp. Required us to do one where we went out there in, you know, daytime and then evenings during the day and during the weekend. 440 00:48:23.330 --> 00:48:35.540 Brian Silveira: and you know we always counted at least, you know, 1012 parking spaces on the street. and and, as I mentioned, you know historically, there were up to 8 households living here with 441 00:48:35.560 --> 00:48:38.900 Brian Silveira: with no no onsite parking. 442 00:48:38.940 --> 00:48:44.170 Brian Silveira: and and people manage to park on the street. So that's 443 00:48:46.570 --> 00:48:57.700 Brian Silveira: that's the off menu. And then. with respect to the on menu. So the rear yard setback request. The reduction is only 444 00:48:57.830 --> 00:49:11.450 Brian Silveira: a 3% reduction. So you could see here. That's within that the 20% allowed for it to be on menu. The height increase is 11 feet, which is also on menus. So 445 00:49:11.520 --> 00:49:18.670 Brian Silveira: the height limits here are 30 and 35 feet, you know, 30 feet flat, 35 feet variable. 446 00:49:18.940 --> 00:49:24.780 Brian Silveira: And then on menu. You are allowed to go an additional 11 feet. So this one is also on menu. 447 00:49:28.410 --> 00:49:37.040 Brian Silveira: Excuse me. Nope. I messed that one up so. The height limit here is actually 30, 448 00:49:37.330 --> 00:49:40.060 Brian Silveira: 2530, 449 00:49:40.850 --> 00:49:43.280 Brian Silveira: and we are asking for 450 00:49:43.760 --> 00:49:46.260 Brian Silveira: 41 36. 451 00:49:46.550 --> 00:49:53.960 Brian Silveira: But again it's it's still just an 11 feet Increase the reduction in front yard setback. 452 00:49:54.530 --> 00:50:00.410 Brian Silveira: Is a this is actually a typo. It's supposed to be 20% reduction. 453 00:50:00.420 --> 00:50:06.800 Brian Silveira: So that is the maximum front yard reduction allowed for it to still be ministerial. 454 00:50:09.030 --> 00:50:16.350 Brian Silveira: Robin. You asked about how many units were originally identified in the mellow letter. So originally we had 455 00:50:16.380 --> 00:50:27.870 Brian Silveira: 3 units, and all 3 of those units. The the tenants who are living in those units are the same 3 tenants will have right of return through mellow to the 3 affordable units that we're building. 456 00:50:31.750 --> 00:50:36.120 Brian Silveira: and i'm not. I'm not sure if that answers your question, but they they're worth 3. And then. 457 00:50:36.260 --> 00:50:42.790 Brian Silveira: with the original project we ended up doing a feasibility study. 458 00:50:42.980 --> 00:50:49.020 Brian Silveira: So our mellow obligation became no units for the original project. 459 00:50:49.050 --> 00:51:01.640 Brian Silveira: and I I think you know that you know that turned into providing 3 units, so that we could accommodate all 3 of those those tenants that were found to have melody, and it's originally 460 00:51:04.000 --> 00:51:08.580 Brian Silveira: with regard to coastal and and mellow harmonizing. 461 00:51:09.510 --> 00:51:12.050 Brian Silveira: So you know, coastal 462 00:51:12.960 --> 00:51:21.840 Brian Silveira: coastal has, you know, played this one pretty close to the best they don't like to talk about, or at least they don't like to concede 463 00:51:21.960 --> 00:51:25.710 Brian Silveira: that they will allow for story projects. 464 00:51:26.030 --> 00:51:33.250 Brian Silveira: but on a case by case basis, You know we're able to approach them sometimes and talk about projects. And 465 00:51:33.400 --> 00:51:45.900 Brian Silveira: yeah, co coastal has said, You know they Again, they won't commit anything. But they've said, if we can make the findings for the parking, which I i'm satisfied that we have, especially with our parking study. 466 00:51:46.180 --> 00:51:53.070 Brian Silveira: that If if we do qualify for a bonus, we provide 3 out of the 5 units 467 00:51:53.190 --> 00:52:00.460 Brian Silveira: that the precedent is there especially far from you. We're over a mile from the beach. 468 00:52:00.520 --> 00:52:10.200 Brian Silveira: The precedent is there with, you know, the project on Lincoln and a couple of others to allow. The fourth story, which I know is is the big one for most people. 469 00:52:11.340 --> 00:52:16.300 Michael Jensen: So I hope that 470 00:52:19.190 --> 00:52:28.160 jim murez: I just have a couple of comments. I'm curious if they keep it in in a minute. Yeah, if the if the rooftop structures are part of the 471 00:52:28.290 --> 00:52:30.880 jim murez: 40 or the 11 feet of additional height. 472 00:52:30.970 --> 00:52:42.280 jim murez: i'm concerned that in the early 2 thousands the Vnc. Took a very strong position against having more than one rooftop structure per project. 473 00:52:42.300 --> 00:52:51.420 jim murez: and that came up when the Art Lofts project on Main Street was created, and I believe that they created 16 rooftop structures 474 00:52:51.560 --> 00:53:07.120 jim murez: on this, on the 16 units that are on the top floor, and then downtown loss was built, and they created another 30 of them, and it actually just created an additional complete fourth story. At that point the V and C. Rule. We don't want more than one per project 475 00:53:07.120 --> 00:53:22.220 jim murez: if they wanted to invert the stairway where the drains were at the bottom of the stairs, then they could. They don't have to have a rooftop structure, and I think that that's something that you should take very seriously, because you'd be opposing what the Vnc. Had previously ruled on 476 00:53:22.220 --> 00:53:27.170 jim murez: and and sent to the city as a loop as a as a 477 00:53:27.340 --> 00:53:43.920 jim murez: land use plan, change. This is one of the things it's supposed to be in the amended land. Use plan has nothing to do with fire access, fire, access. Can it still exist and have 2 exits out of off the roof? It's just that they having 2 structures. It creates a huge shadow on the property next door. 478 00:53:44.340 --> 00:53:45.110 jim murez: Thank you. 479 00:53:46.340 --> 00:53:50.480 Michael Jensen: Okay, Jim. Thanks. All right. Committee discussion. 480 00:53:56.990 --> 00:53:57.880 Michael Jensen: Lauren. 481 00:54:00.640 --> 00:54:01.840 lauren siegel: Hi, Brian. 482 00:54:01.960 --> 00:54:12.500 lauren siegel: I am trying to understand the process of when you guys, I guess I I looked up a little bit of do some research. So you're originally offering 483 00:54:12.970 --> 00:54:14.190 lauren siegel: 2. 484 00:54:14.600 --> 00:54:23.190 lauren siegel: So so some of your documents say one units being offered is low income, some say 2, and some say 3, so i'm a little confused 485 00:54:23.560 --> 00:54:40.740 lauren siegel: as to the process that you guys have gone through, so can you explain to me how you decide of the 8 sets of folks that were originally living on the property who gets to be offered these units, especially since you said only 2 486 00:54:40.740 --> 00:54:45.430 lauren siegel: are still living there. How do you decide who the third person is, how does all of that work? 487 00:54:47.160 --> 00:54:50.240 Brian Silveira: Sure it's a great question. And 488 00:54:50.610 --> 00:55:03.870 Brian Silveira: yeah, there is my Gosh! We've been through so many different iterations of this project. I don't blame you for being confused. I I seriously have a hard time keeping track of it myself. 489 00:55:04.340 --> 00:55:07.330 Brian Silveira: So the answer i'll answer your last question first 490 00:55:07.630 --> 00:55:18.700 Brian Silveira: we decided we got the 3 units based on the mellow determination, and it it was actually before the mellow determination. We looked 491 00:55:18.810 --> 00:55:26.620 Brian Silveira: at the rent rules, and and, you know, try to anticipate, like most people do who is paying affordable rents. 492 00:55:26.840 --> 00:55:30.810 Brian Silveira: And then, based on that, we decided on our own 493 00:55:30.830 --> 00:55:35.260 Brian Silveira: for the original project that we were going to provide 2 units. 494 00:55:35.590 --> 00:55:46.380 Brian Silveira: The reason it was too originally is because the third person who came back is mellow, qualifying. Originally we did not think that she was going to mellow, qualify. 495 00:55:46.980 --> 00:55:52.550 Brian Silveira: and so we, in the first project, decided to do 2 affordable units. 496 00:55:52.840 --> 00:55:58.310 Brian Silveira: but we didn't want them to be deed restricted, which is the reason why we use the feasibility study 497 00:55:58.410 --> 00:56:07.580 Brian Silveira: because we feel I I still feel like the process is flawed because mellow can identify someone. And now Sba can identify 498 00:56:07.710 --> 00:56:09.690 Brian Silveira: a unit or a person. 499 00:56:09.750 --> 00:56:15.540 Brian Silveira: you know for whom you're you're supposed to to be able to build a replacement unit. 500 00:56:15.990 --> 00:56:24.410 Brian Silveira: The problem is that person still has to qualify based on their income, and they have to do that some years later, when the project is built. 501 00:56:24.650 --> 00:56:27.810 Brian Silveira: So you know, person a in person B. 502 00:56:28.100 --> 00:56:35.630 Brian Silveira: Who were mellow, qualifying, based on rents which still, 3 or 4 years later, after mellow qualify 503 00:56:35.650 --> 00:56:49.260 Brian Silveira: based on income to buy their own unit. We thought that was a broken system, and so what we wanted to do is just build the unit, and then negotiate with them directly to buy the unit at an affordable price. 504 00:56:49.350 --> 00:56:51.240 Brian Silveira: We thought that was kind of a win win. 505 00:56:52.950 --> 00:57:03.770 Brian Silveira: What ended up happening was and i'm. I'm. Giving you the short version of this story. But what ended up happening was Sba came by the time we refiled this project to do 3 units 506 00:57:03.780 --> 00:57:13.970 Brian Silveira: we could no longer qualify for a feasibility study. We couldn't sell them directly, because mellow as the feasibility study option sba doesn't. 507 00:57:15.640 --> 00:57:23.850 Brian Silveira: So we when we redesigned it it intended to just do one unit. Then it became 2, because we thought that Sba was going to return to. 508 00:57:24.250 --> 00:57:34.300 Brian Silveira: and then we found out that Sb. It can actually compel us to do all 3 units. If, therefore, sale, the housing department can opt to to make all 3 affordable. 509 00:57:34.820 --> 00:57:36.720 Brian Silveira: so 510 00:57:36.910 --> 00:57:50.050 Brian Silveira: there were several changes there, and finally, we just settled on. You know we'll make them all affordable. and we'll communicate with the tenants, which you know we've been in touch with all 3 tenants, especially 2 of them throughout this process. 511 00:57:50.070 --> 00:57:56.890 Brian Silveira: to make sure that they understand they're gonna have to qualify, and what those those qualifying amounts are. and 512 00:57:56.900 --> 00:58:04.400 Brian Silveira: you know we'll we'll see what happens that we think that they they should be able to to buy those units when the project is built. 513 00:58:06.120 --> 00:58:20.050 lauren siegel: Okay. So I just a follow up. If it's okay. You had a bunch of people living on the property most of them left. You had only 2 remaining, and those you said, we're getting free rent for the last 5 years. 514 00:58:20.740 --> 00:58:21.950 Brian Silveira: Yeah, the 515 00:58:22.150 --> 00:58:32.780 Brian Silveira: Yeah. Well, so the the last thing that you said is correct. Yes, so the 2 remaining who are the 2 that we are had originally identified as being mellow, qualifying. 516 00:58:32.970 --> 00:58:44.860 Brian Silveira: Remain there, and they haven't. We, we, Ellis, the property, and when you, Ellis, a property, then you can collect rents. So when we allocate rather than telling them they have to leave. 517 00:58:44.980 --> 00:58:48.460 Brian Silveira: we just let them stay and not pay rent. And 518 00:58:49.850 --> 00:58:52.460 Brian Silveira: you know, admittedly, we didn't think it was gonna 519 00:58:52.490 --> 00:59:03.170 Brian Silveira: we didn't think it was going to take 6 years, so we told them that they could not pay rent for as long as the process took. But now they've not been paying rent for 6 years. And yeah. 520 00:59:03.570 --> 00:59:13.020 lauren siegel: but i'm still confused. How you got to choose who that third person is? Of the remaining 6 P. 6 parties that we're living on the property. 521 00:59:13.220 --> 00:59:16.910 Corinne baginski: Yeah, Where did she come from? Sorry I can't raise my hand. 522 00:59:16.970 --> 00:59:26.860 Brian Silveira: Oh, no, that's okay. So she came from. So the mellow determination as I mentioned this is going back now to Early on in the process. 523 00:59:27.000 --> 00:59:38.610 Brian Silveira: The melod determination returned, you know, 10 and a and 10, and B, as as we had expected, based on seeing the rents. but we had not expected it to return this third tenant. 524 00:59:38.670 --> 00:59:53.970 Brian Silveira: and the reason why it did is because they base the mellow determination, not on this particular tenant per se. But on her boyfriend who had moved in with her that we didn't know about. And so 525 00:59:54.280 --> 00:59:59.380 Brian Silveira: you know, we we were a little bit blind side in my but having said that. 526 00:59:59.910 --> 01:00:15.210 Brian Silveira: you know we're we're fine with the fact, You know. It was brought to our attention that this person wanted an affordable unit, thought that she or her boyfriend qualified. And so, you know, we were put in a position where, you know, we felt obligated to do 527 01:00:15.360 --> 01:00:18.730 Brian Silveira: 3 replacement affordable units. And so now that's what we're doing. 528 01:00:19.800 --> 01:00:22.290 Michael Jensen: Are any of the residents 529 01:00:22.340 --> 01:00:26.360 Michael Jensen: for the these 3 people on at the meeting tonight? 530 01:00:27.490 --> 01:00:37.540 Brian Silveira: No, I I would have told them to join. But I didn't know the meeting myself. 531 01:00:37.700 --> 01:00:38.590 Brian Silveira: Yeah. 532 01:00:40.290 --> 01:00:44.080 Michael Jensen: okay, Daryl: I see your hand again. Public comment is closed. 533 01:00:46.860 --> 01:00:48.120 Michael Jensen: Barry. 534 01:00:49.320 --> 01:00:56.730 barrycassilly: Yeah. all sense. Robin. open this discussion. 535 01:00:58.870 --> 01:01:04.280 barrycassilly: I have a couple of questions now. My understanding is that Robin 536 01:01:04.650 --> 01:01:08.050 barrycassilly: and a citizen for serving Venice 537 01:01:08.100 --> 01:01:10.900 barrycassilly: appealed the original project. 538 01:01:12.180 --> 01:01:24.070 barrycassilly: and their appeal is based on the fact that there were 2 affordable units, and Robin and Cpv. Felt there should be 3 affordable units. 539 01:01:25.900 --> 01:01:27.300 barrycassilly: Am I mistaken? 540 01:01:30.020 --> 01:01:35.310 Brian Silveira: Well, you know, Robin can probably speak to that better than I. But I think Robin. 541 01:01:35.530 --> 01:01:42.890 Brian Silveira: to quote or appeal, felt that there should be at least 3, and you know that was based on 542 01:01:42.960 --> 01:01:46.320 Brian Silveira: the mellow determination that was returned. So 543 01:01:46.830 --> 01:02:00.800 Brian Silveira: yeah, you know an an argument good and and was made, you know it could be meaning once made, that there were 3 units we had miscalculated, depending on how you looked at it. You know 544 01:02:01.560 --> 01:02:08.670 Brian Silveira: it. It's 2 or 3 units, and so. and to me it's it's sort of a moot point, you know. I I understand 545 01:02:08.680 --> 01:02:15.420 Brian Silveira: very. You know, that you feel a particular way about this and and that's okay, but it at this point. 546 01:02:16.090 --> 01:02:22.890 Brian Silveira: It's you know it's an 8 unit project with 3 affordable units, and that's what I'm coming to you there 547 01:02:22.910 --> 01:02:24.010 Brian Silveira: to support. 548 01:02:24.080 --> 01:02:27.230 barrycassilly: I understand, but I haven't expressed my feelings yet, and I 549 01:02:27.390 --> 01:02:32.180 barrycassilly: did not plan on doing so until the issue was raised 550 01:02:32.440 --> 01:02:34.810 barrycassilly: by the appellant. 551 01:02:37.170 --> 01:02:44.230 barrycassilly: and you know I did. I also didn't realize this was a break form project initially. 552 01:02:44.490 --> 01:02:49.430 barrycassilly: and it just it stands out as 553 01:02:49.480 --> 01:02:51.720 barrycassilly: as exceptional 554 01:02:52.030 --> 01:03:00.890 barrycassilly: that Robin and Cpv. Would be involved in an appeal of a break form project. And this would be it 555 01:03:00.910 --> 01:03:06.190 barrycassilly: given that that break for most of them, like 40 projects in Venice over the years. 556 01:03:06.270 --> 01:03:08.580 barrycassilly: and Robin has appealed none of them. 557 01:03:09.240 --> 01:03:12.170 barrycassilly: So this it really like. 558 01:03:12.430 --> 01:03:13.990 barrycassilly: catches your attention 559 01:03:14.300 --> 01:03:18.460 barrycassilly: that this project was appealed, and and it it 560 01:03:19.500 --> 01:03:24.190 barrycassilly: again since she has been raised it like. 561 01:03:24.400 --> 01:03:31.060 barrycassilly: Yeah, my feelings are racist questions in my mind about this third unit and the tenant and the third units. 562 01:03:32.170 --> 01:03:33.120 barrycassilly: So 563 01:03:33.550 --> 01:03:35.830 barrycassilly: I have to ask. 564 01:03:36.630 --> 01:03:48.860 barrycassilly: Census appeal disappeared. Has there been any financial renumeration between the owners or the general contractors, or anybody involved with this project, and 565 01:03:49.020 --> 01:03:51.900 barrycassilly: Cpv and or Robin 566 01:03:53.120 --> 01:03:55.330 barrycassilly: that led to the appeal being dropped. 567 01:03:58.050 --> 01:04:01.590 barrycassilly: Is it? Are you asking me that question? 568 01:04:03.660 --> 01:04:09.190 Brian Silveira: No, no, Mary. there there is been no financial remuneration. 569 01:04:09.330 --> 01:04:19.010 barrycassilly: Okay, thank you. To your knowledge. Is there any connection between this third tenant and Cpv. Or Cpv. Members? 570 01:04:20.560 --> 01:04:32.720 Brian Silveira: I I have no idea in Cpv advocates for a lot of people as part of their mission, and I I don't know if this person has any special relevance to them. 571 01:04:32.820 --> 01:04:34.630 barrycassilly: Okay, Thank you. That's all 572 01:04:41.940 --> 01:04:43.460 Michael Jensen: any other committee comments. 573 01:04:45.080 --> 01:04:47.410 lauren siegel: Yeah, I think Corinne had her hand up. But 574 01:04:47.480 --> 01:04:51.680 Michael Jensen: oh, sorry i'm on the wrong. Okay, Karen, we'll, we'll go to you. 575 01:04:56.710 --> 01:05:01.940 Corinne baginski: Hi! I have a question in regards to the third tenant. 576 01:05:03.970 --> 01:05:08.500 Corinne baginski: It seems to me that there's some sort of implication that 577 01:05:08.730 --> 01:05:12.610 Corinne baginski: if you allow that third tenant 578 01:05:13.030 --> 01:05:18.930 Corinne baginski: as a low income. you will get that project pushed. 579 01:05:19.760 --> 01:05:24.640 Corinne baginski: and not being appealed, it's just a question i'm just from from what i'm hearing. 580 01:05:27.340 --> 01:05:30.170 Brian Silveira: Is it so i'm sorry. What was the question? 581 01:05:30.630 --> 01:05:37.420 Corinne baginski: Well, it just looks like this project has taken such a long it it's been such a long time 582 01:05:37.570 --> 01:05:40.700 that Originally you had too low income. 583 01:05:41.470 --> 01:05:44.960 Corinne baginski: and now you're you're introducing a third one. 584 01:05:45.350 --> 01:05:50.670 Corinne baginski: Do you actually think, by introducing that third low income 585 01:05:52.560 --> 01:06:00.580 Corinne baginski: tenant. you will strongly feel that you will be able to get that project going 586 01:06:01.960 --> 01:06:02.880 Brian Silveira: well. 587 01:06:03.480 --> 01:06:05.070 Corinne baginski: not having it appealed. 588 01:06:05.210 --> 01:06:10.990 Brian Silveira: Sure. Yeah, I I don't know. I mean, that's it's a weird way to phrase the question. But yeah, I suppose 589 01:06:12.270 --> 01:06:19.680 Brian Silveira: you know the appellants were were very clear with their appeal points that they felt strongly. There should have been at least 590 01:06:19.770 --> 01:06:21.900 Brian Silveira: 3. 591 01:06:22.210 --> 01:06:35.410 Brian Silveira: Hello, I do you you? The appellants felt felt very, and that's you know. That's public record. You're welcome to look at the appeal. The the appeal points. One of them you on the main one, I guess, was. 592 01:06:35.420 --> 01:06:43.700 Brian Silveira: They felt strongly that there should have been 3 replacement affordable units, and the mellow did identify 3 replacement affordable units. 593 01:06:43.810 --> 01:06:59.050 Brian Silveira: So by with the drawing this and refiling it with 3 affordable units. Yeah, that I guess that's exactly what we were doing is, we were hoping to to avoid an appeal, at least from citizens preserving that. 594 01:06:59.160 --> 01:07:09.590 Brian Silveira: But it's it's not solely for the purpose of avoiding an appeal. It's it's also in the interest of replacing all 3 units for all 3 times. 595 01:07:12.240 --> 01:07:12.990 Corinne baginski: All right. 596 01:07:13.220 --> 01:07:14.490 Michael Jensen: Jeff. 597 01:07:15.270 --> 01:07:32.520 Jeff Martin: Yeah, I guess I I have something positive to say, I I think you know, while you're asking for some off menu incentives to parking and height, I think the fact that this is a a for profit developer, it seems, providing almost 40% affordable units. 598 01:07:32.730 --> 01:07:43.730 Jeff Martin: you know, without public funding. I I think this is this is the kind of thing where These types of incentives, you know, make make total sense. So you know I I I applaud you for 599 01:07:43.760 --> 01:07:57.650 Jeff Martin: for providing such a large percentage of affordable units. It's probably very difficult to make this actually financially successful. So you know, I I think, overall it's a it's a very reasonable trade for what you're doing. So. 600 01:07:58.400 --> 01:07:59.250 Brian Silveira: Thank you. 601 01:08:00.270 --> 01:08:04.010 Michael Jensen: I have a oh, sorry, Lauren. I lowered your hand. I thought it was. Go ahead. 602 01:08:04.490 --> 01:08:13.620 lauren siegel: I I was just curious if there was community outreach what the neighbors think, what their opinions are. If you guys had shared this information with them. 603 01:08:14.260 --> 01:08:16.359 Brian Silveira: Yeah. So the neighbors. 604 01:08:16.450 --> 01:08:21.560 Brian Silveira: Well, a lot of the neighbors in that area have been. 605 01:08:21.600 --> 01:08:29.250 Brian Silveira: have tried to develop are in the process of developing, or have been bought by developers. Because this is 606 01:08:29.290 --> 01:08:38.170 Brian Silveira: this is that area of Venice, where you're actually able to build that a. A true R. 3 density. And so I think 607 01:08:38.590 --> 01:08:49.040 Brian Silveira: I think that a lot of the neighbors we're hoping, or at least waiting for this project to go through so they could cut and get a sense, for you know what what they might be able to do there. 608 01:08:49.290 --> 01:09:00.430 Brian Silveira: and I had. I spoken to some of them actually, and encouraged them to do projects that had affordable units, because i'm a huge advocate for mixed income projects 609 01:09:00.460 --> 01:09:03.020 Brian Silveira: and for multi-family projects. 610 01:09:03.160 --> 01:09:14.470 Brian Silveira: So yeah, the the immediate neighbors or not, you know I mean they're they're either supportive or they're just you know, kind of waiting for their own opportunity to develop. 611 01:09:14.760 --> 01:09:16.310 Brian Silveira: And then. 612 01:09:16.399 --> 01:09:22.760 Brian Silveira: yeah, the neighbors we did a a few, you know, 500 foot radius notification meetings 613 01:09:22.779 --> 01:09:31.359 Brian Silveira: back when we were working on this originally. and no one really showed up. No one was was much interested in this 614 01:09:32.630 --> 01:09:45.310 lauren siegel: Brian. I have a question hold on Mikkel. So so the 41 foot high building that covers 2 lots. The people aren't concerned about, you know, shade or 615 01:09:46.260 --> 01:09:50.670 lauren siegel: the scale of it at all I mean nobody's really expressed any of those concerns. 616 01:09:52.240 --> 01:09:53.180 Brian Silveira: Well. 617 01:09:53.420 --> 01:09:59.550 Brian Silveira: I don't know about nobody. I I know that the people, the the neighbors on this block have 618 01:09:59.690 --> 01:10:09.140 Brian Silveira: not. You know they've been supportive. And and are you know some of that that the neighbor directly to hey, let me go to a zoom, this man or in here real. 619 01:10:11.100 --> 01:10:15.340 Brian Silveira: so I can actually point out what I'm talking about. 620 01:10:36.850 --> 01:10:46.300 Michael Jensen: Brian. I have a I have a related question why you're pulling that up. So I remember there was community outreach down this project, and it's maybe first iteration. 621 01:10:46.640 --> 01:10:50.580 Michael Jensen: What was the height on that original project versus this one? 622 01:10:51.010 --> 01:10:56.940 Brian Silveira: Yeah, it was 11 feet lower. Right? Yeah. 623 01:10:57.090 --> 01:10:57.750 Brian Silveira: Yeah. 624 01:10:59.400 --> 01:11:03.600 Brian Silveira: So well, this is not really loading properly. 625 01:11:04.080 --> 01:11:09.440 Brian Silveira: There it is. So this is our property here. It's these 2 lots. 626 01:11:10.590 --> 01:11:17.690 Brian Silveira: This gentleman here. It filed for a duplex at some point, I think, he ended up with drawing. 627 01:11:18.350 --> 01:11:26.240 Brian Silveira: but that was a 2,015 case that was filed right around the same time that that we filed the original project. 628 01:11:26.520 --> 01:11:35.700 Brian Silveira: This person here, I think, is planning on doing a a small, on subdivision, or something like that. I actually met with them 629 01:11:35.710 --> 01:11:37.290 Brian Silveira: the owner there 630 01:11:37.690 --> 01:11:53.310 Brian Silveira: and then. I think that one of these up here I forget which one had plans to do a a large multi-family project. So it's. And this area is is coveted now, because people recognize that it's it's. 631 01:11:53.810 --> 01:11:59.010 Brian Silveira: you know, part of this very small portion of Venice. You know this this part included here 632 01:11:59.230 --> 01:12:12.670 Brian Silveira: where you can actually do our 3 development. You know most of Venice that's our 3 is, is limited by this specific plan to 2 units per lot. Which is it's kind of worthless, you know. It's like single family are already 1.5, 633 01:12:12.850 --> 01:12:15.190 Brian Silveira: you know. So people are. 634 01:12:15.410 --> 01:12:28.670 Michael Jensen: A lot of people are lining up to do multi-family projects here, and I think that they should I think it's it's a good area for it, and I wish they had sooner. 635 01:12:28.860 --> 01:12:35.030 Michael Jensen: If there's a someone who wants to make a motion, I just want to be cognizant. There's a lot of people waiting for the last item on our agenda. 636 01:12:40.400 --> 01:12:42.070 Whose case is this, Barry? 637 01:12:43.080 --> 01:12:44.760 Michael Jensen: So I can make a motion on this. 638 01:12:50.500 --> 01:12:51.290 Michael Jensen: Barry. 639 01:12:56.900 --> 01:12:57.790 barrycassilly: Sorry 640 01:13:04.110 --> 01:13:06.160 Michael Jensen: there it's your project. You want to make a motion. 641 01:13:06.710 --> 01:13:12.650 barrycassilly: Yeah, I would. I'll make a motion to approve the project as presented. 642 01:13:16.280 --> 01:13:17.940 Michael Jensen: so anyone there to second it. 643 01:13:18.080 --> 01:13:19.050 Andrew Mika: Second 644 01:13:19.940 --> 01:13:22.130 Michael Jensen: sorry. Was that Andrew? 645 01:13:22.590 --> 01:13:23.530 Andrew Mika: Yes. 646 01:13:25.040 --> 01:13:30.280 Michael Jensen: okay. I'm just gonna go across the screen based on the so out of order here. Chris. 647 01:13:31.750 --> 01:13:32.990 Christopher McLean: Yes. 648 01:13:33.110 --> 01:13:33.950 Michael Jensen: Lauren. 649 01:13:36.660 --> 01:13:37.620 lauren siegel: Yes. 650 01:13:38.030 --> 01:13:38.850 Michael Jensen: correct. 651 01:13:39.830 --> 01:13:40.510 Corinne baginski: Yes. 652 01:13:42.370 --> 01:13:43.100 Michael Jensen: Jeff. 653 01:13:43.400 --> 01:13:44.350 Jeff Martin: Yes. 654 01:13:44.850 --> 01:13:45.720 Michael Jensen: Barry. 655 01:13:48.030 --> 01:13:48.930 barrycassilly: Yes. 656 01:13:50.460 --> 01:13:51.330 Mehrnoosh Mojallali: yes. 657 01:13:52.360 --> 01:13:53.530 Michael Jensen: Andrew. 658 01:13:55.210 --> 01:13:56.150 Andrew Mika: Yes. 659 01:13:56.360 --> 01:14:00.340 Michael Jensen: okay, and I will also vote. Yes, motion carries 660 01:14:02.090 --> 01:14:05.520 Michael Jensen: Brian. You will be on the march. 661 01:14:06.190 --> 01:14:07.300 Michael Jensen: More meeting. 662 01:14:09.860 --> 01:14:16.370 Michael Jensen: I will hopefully. Someone will remind you if I forget. But it's the third Tuesday 663 01:14:16.710 --> 01:14:17.510 Brian Silveira: the 664 01:14:17.680 --> 01:14:20.220 Brian Silveira: we did march. What did you say? 665 01:14:20.590 --> 01:14:26.180 Michael Jensen: I third choose. I don't have a 666 01:14:26.340 --> 01:14:29.430 Michael Jensen: no 20 versions of Saturday. Okay, 21, 667 01:14:29.600 --> 01:14:36.270 Brian Silveira: 21. Okay. Perfect. And our hearing for anyone who's interested our our public hearing is on the 23, 668 01:14:36.340 --> 01:14:37.260 Brian Silveira: but more 669 01:14:38.110 --> 01:14:40.640 Brian Silveira: alright, and thank you very much. Guys. 670 01:14:42.900 --> 01:14:49.490 Michael Jensen: Okay. Moving on back to 11. B. 671 01:14:50.890 --> 01:15:08.290 Michael Jensen: We are introducing the discussion for public comment on the Mta lot, located at 100 sunset, also known as bridge housing on January 20, eighth, 2,016. The Metro board of directors adopted the motion calling for a community-based process to determine 672 01:15:08.490 --> 01:15:14.000 Michael Jensen: a new use for division. 6. What we know is the Mta lot, located at 100 Sunset at Main Street. 673 01:15:14.090 --> 01:15:16.470 Michael Jensen: through Metro's join development program 674 01:15:16.560 --> 01:15:25.440 Michael Jensen: between October 2,018, and March, 2,019 Mta's Joint Development Department conducted outreach efforts in Venice. A lot of that was done through the Vnc. 675 01:15:25.870 --> 01:15:36.660 Michael Jensen: The Outreach and development planning and design culminated in the latest draft development guidelines from May 2019, which summarizes the outreach efforts and contains several conceptual proposals for the Mta. Lot 676 01:15:37.170 --> 01:15:43.420 Michael Jensen: I, Loc or I. I linked all of those on the agenda. I hope everyone had a chance to check them out 677 01:15:43.520 --> 01:15:56.580 Michael Jensen: separately. I know everyone knows that there's the temporary bridge housing site that was approved in November of 19, eventually getting started in February of 2,000, and 20. 678 01:15:58.050 --> 01:15:59.970 Michael Jensen: So 679 01:16:00.220 --> 01:16:03.280 Michael Jensen: this has been a 680 01:16:03.300 --> 01:16:05.450 Michael Jensen: an area of 681 01:16:05.660 --> 01:16:09.780 Michael Jensen: you know, part of our community that has, you know. I think 682 01:16:09.890 --> 01:16:15.140 Michael Jensen: we were skeptical of of when this came in, and after all the promises that were 683 01:16:15.770 --> 01:16:22.160 Michael Jensen: supposed to come with it, we're broken. I think we were even less than skeptical, so 684 01:16:22.250 --> 01:16:27.610 Michael Jensen: i'm going to start off by just I want to solicit the the purpose of this is 685 01:16:28.450 --> 01:16:36.310 Michael Jensen: wanna pick up where we left off on the community outreach, and what is supposed to be a community led development. 686 01:16:36.640 --> 01:16:38.090 Michael Jensen: And so 687 01:16:40.550 --> 01:16:51.160 Michael Jensen: i'd start with. I guess we're gonna take some community feedback. I'm hoping everyone on the committee and and the public had a chance to look at the 77 page document 688 01:16:51.400 --> 01:16:56.110 Michael Jensen: that was done by Metro back in 689 01:16:56.670 --> 01:17:08.680 Michael Jensen: May of 19, or May. I think it was but the draft guidelines. But we'll start off before we start with public comment. Anyone on the committee have any questions. 690 01:17:14.310 --> 01:17:15.080 Michael Jensen: Lauren? 691 01:17:15.550 --> 01:17:16.970 lauren siegel: Yeah, didn't 692 01:17:17.240 --> 01:17:26.190 lauren siegel: Did they renew the lease without trouble? Or is Tracy's team looking at it again? I was unclear. If that's actually happening that they're renewing it 693 01:17:28.500 --> 01:17:29.660 Michael Jensen: to be determined. 694 01:17:35.160 --> 01:17:38.440 Michael Jensen: Okay, so i'm going to start with a public comments. 695 01:17:38.920 --> 01:17:41.560 Michael Jensen: and we're going to. 696 01:17:42.930 --> 01:17:43.750 Michael Jensen: Sorry. 697 01:17:44.570 --> 01:17:46.950 Michael Jensen: Yes, Barry. 698 01:17:47.570 --> 01:17:53.320 barrycassilly: Yeah. I just wanted to try to contextualize this a little bit more, because, you know, I think Lauren 699 01:17:53.410 --> 01:17:55.080 barrycassilly: Lauren's question was 700 01:17:56.560 --> 01:17:58.350 barrycassilly: very much to the point. 701 01:18:00.400 --> 01:18:03.980 barrycassilly: I think it's important that people understand that 702 01:18:04.880 --> 01:18:07.720 barrycassilly: that the 703 01:18:08.180 --> 01:18:11.530 barrycassilly: this process that that you're restarting. Mchale 704 01:18:13.520 --> 01:18:19.670 barrycassilly: had a several year investment by the community and the Mta. 705 01:18:21.360 --> 01:18:29.770 barrycassilly: In in community outreach and lots of feedback lots of information. And there's this document that we have that you're bringing up. 706 01:18:31.350 --> 01:18:41.360 barrycassilly: That was sort of left off. It was. The whole process was interrupted by Covid. and in the interim. 707 01:18:43.410 --> 01:18:50.790 barrycassilly: you know we had the Covid emergency, and the usage of the property was temporarily 708 01:18:52.210 --> 01:19:00.150 barrycassilly: assigned to its current usage. You know bridge housing. The Coastal Commission granted the city 709 01:19:00.180 --> 01:19:02.130 barrycassilly: to minimize labor. 710 01:19:02.240 --> 01:19:15.100 barrycassilly: But the city was not required to get a coastal development permit for 3 years to use the property as bridge housing. That Waiver stipulated that the 711 01:19:15.450 --> 01:19:20.360 barrycassilly: usage of the property is bridge housing would be dismantled at the end of 3 years. 712 01:19:22.690 --> 01:19:24.820 barrycassilly: that 3 years expired 713 01:19:24.850 --> 01:19:27.770 barrycassilly: literally the day before yesterday. 714 01:19:29.380 --> 01:19:32.760 barrycassilly: And so 715 01:19:33.330 --> 01:19:38.570 barrycassilly: there's a lot of questions about the disposition of the property going forward. 716 01:19:38.710 --> 01:19:46.520 barrycassilly: and and lots of things have changed like in the in just in the past few months. One of the things that's changed 717 01:19:46.770 --> 01:19:53.390 barrycassilly: is that there's an emergency order that the Mayor had passed by the City Council 718 01:19:53.450 --> 01:20:09.200 barrycassilly: allowing her and her administration. A broad range of powers to pretty much unilaterally. Do make a lot of of decisions in the city without going through a lot of processes. 719 01:20:09.590 --> 01:20:16.560 barrycassilly: and also the Mta board came out with a declaration that 720 01:20:16.660 --> 01:20:27.420 barrycassilly: they were going to earmark or their properties, their surplus properties for 721 01:20:27.540 --> 01:20:36.360 barrycassilly: emergency uses for homeless services, and for and or for very low income 722 01:20:36.640 --> 01:20:40.760 barrycassilly: housing projects. And there's an overlap between those 2. 723 01:20:41.860 --> 01:20:44.920 barrycassilly: The the lot that we're talking about 724 01:20:45.480 --> 01:20:57.290 barrycassilly: is not one of those properties. It's it's it's not a a property that would be targeted ironically, because bridge housing is there. 725 01:20:59.250 --> 01:21:09.200 barrycassilly: If rich housing is gone tomorrow. that property immediately goes to the top of the list. Well, I've been told informally. It goes to the top of the list. 726 01:21:10.350 --> 01:21:16.690 barrycassilly: and we'll be on people's desks to be dedicated to a new 727 01:21:17.080 --> 01:21:18.140 barrycassilly: usage. 728 01:21:19.580 --> 01:21:27.410 barrycassilly: And there's a lot of concern in the community with people who are familiar with this, that the that it could be assigned a new usage 729 01:21:27.440 --> 01:21:31.170 barrycassilly: that the the community might find 730 01:21:31.190 --> 01:21:48.520 barrycassilly: a lot more distasteful for those people to do than bridge housing. you know. But we also have the you know, we're dealing with a different environment now a little bit, because we have a new Council person. 731 01:21:48.630 --> 01:21:52.780 barrycassilly: you know. Obviously Mike Bonnet had violated every covenant 732 01:21:52.800 --> 01:22:10.520 barrycassilly: that the city had put in writing to the neighborhood with how the bridge housing a facility would be handled But trace is in office, and she's doing things differently She's re-establishing those covenants, and like the area being cleaned of 733 01:22:10.650 --> 01:22:15.380 barrycassilly: encampments nearby the bridge facility is is one of those things 734 01:22:16.890 --> 01:22:20.430 barrycassilly: so it's very complicated 735 01:22:20.640 --> 01:22:27.330 barrycassilly: that this being brought up again the permanent usage of the facility. 736 01:22:27.530 --> 01:22:38.250 barrycassilly: And I think that there's motivation, a lot of people's parts to start the discussion back up on what we would do with this lot permanently 737 01:22:38.440 --> 01:22:42.370 barrycassilly: in order for the community to regain control 738 01:22:42.730 --> 01:22:50.510 barrycassilly: of the process, or at least have a a a critical seat at the table in determining 739 01:22:50.780 --> 01:22:55.690 barrycassilly: what happens with the property. Given that this in right in the middle of that. 740 01:22:55.820 --> 01:22:58.840 barrycassilly: So I just wanted to 741 01:22:59.220 --> 01:23:02.780 barrycassilly: sort of add that contextualization. 742 01:23:03.130 --> 01:23:10.080 Michael Jensen: All right. I see there's actually someone from L. A metric. Thank you, Barry. There's someone from Ellie Metro Here, Marie Sullivan. 743 01:23:13.210 --> 01:23:21.620 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): Hi, everyone My name is Marie Sullivan. I was asked really last minute by the Council Office to 744 01:23:22.910 --> 01:23:28.510 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): come to this meeting and present, so I don't have a presentation per se. 745 01:23:28.560 --> 01:23:29.800 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): because it was really 746 01:23:29.950 --> 01:23:34.030 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): short notice. And I apologize. If you hear 747 01:23:35.750 --> 01:23:37.710 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): background noise. My kids are 748 01:23:37.780 --> 01:23:45.630 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): watching television so that I can be here, but just wanted to kind of jump in and 749 01:23:45.710 --> 01:24:00.960 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): give a quick status update. I am new to the project, so I don't have all of the background. But we our You know, the development guidelines that were established in 2,019 Pre. Covid still stand today, and 750 01:24:01.180 --> 01:24:04.300 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): the Rfp. 751 01:24:04.360 --> 01:24:06.800 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): To continue the 752 01:24:06.810 --> 01:24:12.090 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): developer selection for the permanent development will be released this month. 753 01:24:12.110 --> 01:24:17.090 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): So just wanted to give that update that you know we're excited about 754 01:24:17.270 --> 01:24:25.340 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): getting sort of restarted on this on this project, but also continuing with the original project in the original 755 01:24:26.540 --> 01:24:32.180 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): great input that we got from the community for those development guidelines 756 01:24:32.550 --> 01:24:37.120 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): which, of course, prioritizes, artists, uses and 757 01:24:37.280 --> 01:24:45.140 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): walk streets and preservation of the and all kinds of good stuff. So we want it to just kind of 758 01:24:45.150 --> 01:24:48.860 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): bring that to a lot of attention. 759 01:24:49.380 --> 01:24:54.870 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): I'm not sure what was being referred to with this. 760 01:24:55.960 --> 01:25:02.030 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): it being on the top of the list for some other use, because it is going forward with this. 761 01:25:03.800 --> 01:25:05.630 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): Solicitations are permanent 762 01:25:05.960 --> 01:25:09.230 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): development. So just want to do that update 763 01:25:09.650 --> 01:25:22.720 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): from the Council offices here also to yeah, there's a few people here, too, I I would say, I think we're gonna probably do a repeat of this. Just this item a week from today. 764 01:25:22.910 --> 01:25:27.300 Michael Jensen: So that's enough time for you to prepare a presentation or something like that. 765 01:25:27.890 --> 01:25:32.900 Michael Jensen: I would be happy to dedicate some time to that a week from tonight. 766 01:25:33.230 --> 01:25:34.180 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): Okay, great. 767 01:25:35.080 --> 01:25:39.130 Michael Jensen: And if you want, I will send you my 768 01:25:39.530 --> 01:25:45.210 Michael Jensen: well, you can, if you can email me@shareyoupcatvenicemc.org. 769 01:25:48.450 --> 01:25:52.960 Michael Jensen: I can set you up with that. But other than that, I mean, it'll be 7 Pm. A week from tonight. 770 01:25:53.080 --> 01:25:53.810 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): Okay? 771 01:25:53.880 --> 01:25:58.870 Michael Jensen: And there'll be a link on our agenda. But yeah, if you can email me. Then I can 772 01:26:00.160 --> 01:26:01.970 Michael Jensen: setting the agenda with one. Get up. 773 01:26:02.380 --> 01:26:05.300 Marie Sullivan (LA Metro, she/her): Alright, Sounds good, Great? Well, thank you. 774 01:26:08.530 --> 01:26:20.610 Michael Jensen: Okay. i'm gonna start public comment now. So just give me a second to get my stuff watch up here 775 01:26:27.410 --> 01:26:29.930 and the list of participants. 776 01:26:31.080 --> 01:26:37.480 barrycassilly: If there's somebody from the Council office, can we? I'm gonna go 777 01:26:37.810 --> 01:26:42.620 Michael Jensen: go through that right now. one for go. So 778 01:26:43.990 --> 01:26:45.730 Michael Jensen: the 11 are you there? 779 01:26:48.000 --> 01:27:04.130 Michael Jensen: Hi, everyone! Yes, i'm! Here am I. Do you want me just to chime in on the public comment. Or do you want to pull the comment to go first, and then I can give you a brief update in terms of. Well, if you want to give an update that's probably helpful for the public before they comment. 780 01:27:04.270 --> 01:27:10.430 Michael Jensen: But i'll I I mean, if if there's more for you to say after your public comment, I'm happy to put you back on. 781 01:27:11.510 --> 01:27:26.180 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: Yeah, i'll differ on in terms of what you think would be best on that front, and i'll do my best answer as much as I can right now, just to kind of get started. My name is one, but I also on the homelessness and housing 782 01:27:26.360 --> 01:27:27.390 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: cordon 783 01:27:27.400 --> 01:27:29.280 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: later for Councilwoman Park. 784 01:27:29.280 --> 01:27:54.440 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: and just to put it out there real quick, I'm. Had a planning and land use expert on this front. So any very technical questions I may have to defer, or maybe have our planning team join us next week when you have this again. But I do want to at least give a a brief update in terms of what our office has been doing since the Council woman took office, and 785 01:27:54.440 --> 01:28:18.810 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: as well as our recent meeting with Metro and their team as well. First again. My My name is Montreal, so I am the homelessness and housing Coordinator, and I have been working to kind of with the Councilwoman to utilize and assess all of the resources that we have here in CD. 11 per the last homelessness. Count, if you're not aware 786 01:28:19.150 --> 01:28:39.300 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: we have roughly 1,700 on housed individuals through LCD. 11. We did have the recent homeless discount on those numbers. Aren't. Just yet. So those numbers might just change. But right now that 1,700 number is based off of Losses last account, and their website one of the most important resources right now that 787 01:28:39.300 --> 01:28:55.850 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: not only that that pretty much the whole Council district has is the Abh. Here in Venice. The councilwoman in our office recently met with Metro to discuss 2 of the properties in our district. One of them, real quick, was the cover. Median: this 788 01:28:56.120 --> 01:29:07.450 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: okay, one obviously is this one that we're currently discussing, which is the 154 beds here at the Adh side in venice. A 100 of those are for the homeless and 54 are for transitional youth. 789 01:29:08.490 --> 01:29:11.110 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: And here is currently what we know 790 01:29:11.110 --> 01:29:38.220 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: the project timeline right now that we were provided was that they probably won't be breaking ground until 2,027, and that's the earliest to our understanding that it would be breaking ground in terms of starting the project that was recently mentioned. And so our understanding between now and until it actually breaks ground and it goes to the Rfp process, it would most likely 791 01:29:38.230 --> 01:29:47.880 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: remain vacant. We do have a limited timeline on our front in terms of what's gonna happen next in terms of extending the lease or not. 792 01:29:47.880 --> 01:30:17.470 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: because we would need to work with Lhasa and the various departments to decompress the site, if it is going to shut down. So we have about 2 weeks to kind of make the the count for the Council women and the various departments to make the call. It's not an overall unilateral decision on that front. We do have the Mayor's team involved. As you know, she's very focused on homelessness as it was mentioned earlier, you know. Obviously, Metro is going to be a part of it, Lhasa, the neighbors and the community. Obviously. 793 01:30:17.470 --> 01:30:22.410 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: we want to get involved and get some feedback during them this next 794 01:30:22.890 --> 01:30:40.770 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: few weeks. But we do want to make sure is that everyone provides some feedback. Our team is going to be releasing kind of a community survey, so that we can hear from you all in terms of what has worked, what Hasn't worked. I definitely know that 795 01:30:40.770 --> 01:30:59.000 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: in the past the community process and the overall neighborhood experience has not been the greatest, and the perception overall in terms of the way, and I heard it a little earlier was that essentially the community process. Overall was was a failure on that front, and it does. 796 01:30:59.000 --> 01:31:12.880 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: It does help to it, has. It has helped and is servicing a lot of individuals that otherwise would be on the street. But as the Councilwoman has already started. But the Council woman has already started 797 01:31:13.330 --> 01:31:25.710 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: process in fulfilling the the city's initial commitment to the community, especially here in Venice, through that we we want to just keep neighbors and the community kind of 798 01:31:25.710 --> 01:31:43.690 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: aware of kind of the 2 options that we're going to explore. Obviously, it could be just. It's going to decompress. It shuts down, and then, you know, Metro will go through its process of development, and, as I just briefly mentioned it on what we were told. It probably won't break around until 2,027 at the early 799 01:31:44.040 --> 01:31:55.030 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: The council woman has requested that they try and look at that timeline, and compress it a little fast or not, compress it, but expedited as fast as they can. But 800 01:31:55.060 --> 01:32:12.910 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: we haven't been given any any assurances just yet, as we just met with them about a week and a half ago or so. But that is a request that the councilwoman asked us to see if there is a faster timeline than 2,027. But we haven't been given any updates as a as of yet. 801 01:32:14.630 --> 01:32:16.080 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: and it's 802 01:32:16.800 --> 01:32:30.560 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: we want to. I'm sorry. I just briefly. And one of the other things that I did want to mention in terms of again. The other option would be that if it does shut down some of the resources around it that 803 01:32:30.560 --> 01:32:43.540 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: are lost in terms of the additional funding with our Abh side and the Enforcement zone around it as well as it could have an impact on some of the recent 41 18 804 01:32:43.540 --> 01:33:04.170 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: motions and signage that will be posted as a lot of you might be aware we do have to meet a certain amount of bed counts, and right now this is one of the biggest, As I mentioned earlier assets and or resources we have. When it comes to meeting our bed, count, we continue to explore additional locations throughout the district, both 805 01:33:04.170 --> 01:33:21.980 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: actually throughout the whole district to get more of those beds online, whether it be permanent or interim housing. But for now, in these next 2 weeks I really we really want to engage the neighbors in the community in terms of getting feedback to what has worked, what Hasn't worked. 806 01:33:21.980 --> 01:33:39.000 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: and ultimately I know there were issues over the last couple of years with, as I mentioned, some of the commitments that were made from the city to the residents; but as the councilwoman promised, she, the one of the first things she did was try and uphold that initial 807 01:33:39.000 --> 01:33:51.440 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: promise that was made to the community. And over the last 2 months we've been really focused on keeping in the Enforcement Zone within compliance. I do know that every so often there are some 808 01:33:51.560 --> 01:34:09.440 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: issues that arise here and there, but we do have the resources that are connected to the Abh that allow us to overall, keep compliance around the around the facility. So right now we really do want to hear from you. All the councilwoman has not made a 809 01:34:09.690 --> 01:34:22.680 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: commitment either way right now until we we hear back from from the residents and the neighbors. Some of you have reached out to us already, and provided some some feedback and some general concerns that I think we can. 810 01:34:22.680 --> 01:34:31.090 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: No, I don't think I I know we can address moving forward, but we really do hope to both engage the your 811 01:34:31.090 --> 01:34:42.910 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: for committee and the overall B and C. As well as the immediate neighbors around the area, to a address some of those concerns, and be again just make everybody aware of 812 01:34:42.910 --> 01:34:51.240 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: of the 2 important choices that we do have to make. So with that i'll I'll kick it back and answer as many questions as I as I can. 813 01:34:51.300 --> 01:35:03.140 Michael Jensen: Thank you on it, and I I really appreciate you attending our meeting tonight, and especially on such short notice. I know I I think I only told you about this earlier this week. 814 01:35:03.250 --> 01:35:11.040 Michael Jensen: So I think I wanna open it up to public comment. And, Jim, I see your hand. I'll take you with public comment. 815 01:35:12.720 --> 01:35:18.170 Michael Jensen: and one i'm just gonna lower your hand here. Let's see 816 01:35:20.170 --> 01:35:21.700 I can't do that. But 817 01:35:25.370 --> 01:35:31.720 Michael Jensen: so i'll start through public comment. Let me just get the clock up here 818 01:35:33.620 --> 01:35:35.770 Michael Jensen: and can everyone see the clock? 819 01:35:37.320 --> 01:35:38.280 Mehrnoosh Mojallali: Oh, my! 820 01:35:42.810 --> 01:35:44.860 Michael Jensen: Not hearing anyone say they can. 821 01:35:45.080 --> 01:35:48.320 Michael Jensen: All right. We'll start with 822 01:35:48.640 --> 01:35:50.200 Michael Jensen: Jim. Go ahead. 823 01:35:53.250 --> 01:36:07.340 jim murez: Yeah, thank you. I would like to see the Joint Development Project go forward as quickly as possible. I live within 500 feet of the project, so I can't discuss it at the board, because i'm on that committee that I can here in public comment. 824 01:36:08.170 --> 01:36:12.070 jim murez: I think that that the original project concept 825 01:36:12.120 --> 01:36:21.880 jim murez: was a very good one; that the project itself needed to be sustainable on its own merit without having outside funding, which meant a lot of things had to happen. 826 01:36:21.920 --> 01:36:38.600 jim murez: I was very involved in the process, and and i'm very familiar with the project. I think that it also offers a great parking opportunity for preferential parking in the community, and that's not one of the things that Mta really wanted to hear, but they are a transportation facility. 827 01:36:38.600 --> 01:36:49.750 jim murez: and the property was deeded to them for $1 back in 1,902, under the condition that they would provide transportation services to the community. 828 01:36:49.830 --> 01:36:58.170 jim murez: And and so I think that those those kinds of considerations need to be resurfaced and discussed in the community openly. 829 01:36:58.190 --> 01:37:14.340 jim murez: and we need to take a look at the project from the start and and get a good design there that will service everyone in the best possible way, including affordable housing, which doesn't necessarily mean that it can't be seniors or artists. Thank you. 830 01:37:15.660 --> 01:37:19.170 Michael Jensen: Alright, thanks, Jim Heidi. 831 01:37:23.460 --> 01:37:24.560 heidi: Hi, guys! 832 01:37:24.910 --> 01:37:39.220 heidi: So I think it's naive to think that we're gonna sue or fight or complain our way out of the bridge shelter, and we need to be realistic, because if we close it down, the land is going to be gobbled up and grabbed as part of the Mayor's emergency declaration. 833 01:37:39.220 --> 01:38:00.280 heidi: and you know, make no mistake. That land will be used to shelter people that, said the concept of bridge housing is a decent one, and it certainly is a necessary one today, and we've got we're dealing with this humongous humanitarian crisis. And clearly we need to provide a path so that people can get off the streets, and we can end. You know the era of encampments that we've been suffering through. 834 01:38:00.560 --> 01:38:05.530 heidi: Nothing good is happening for people either housed or unhoused in those encampments. 835 01:38:05.910 --> 01:38:24.750 heidi: The city promise to make the host community better, safer and cleaner in exchange for hosting bridge housing. Obviously that didn't happen, you know Bonn, and failed all of us, and he promised safety and security and recovery, and he promptly delivered none of it but that hasn't been the case for bridge housing everywhere in Los Angeles. 836 01:38:24.750 --> 01:38:54.570 heidi: During Covid, a few years back I personally visited and photographed each of the projects in Los Angeles. I think it was 18 of them at the time, and virtually all of them delivered on their promise to help both the community and the enhanced, and despite some rumors, many of them are located in residential neighborhoods. So, as I said, the idea, bridge housing is a decent one, and it was executed horribly here. But it's a new day, and thankfully we have new leadership. Our new Council woman, Tracy Park, she's committed to addressing home. 837 01:38:54.570 --> 01:39:12.900 heidi: This is the emergency. It is, and a humane way, and she's already made a huge impact around the bridge project in Venice. So the encampments are gone. The people who lived in them are now in safe shelter. The neighborhood is healing, and so we're the people who used to sleep on the streets. So I think we need to get and make the project. A success 838 01:39:13.170 --> 01:39:25.850 heidi: like it has been in other districts. We have every reason to trust her to do the job right, and we need to allow her the opportunity to keep the promises that bon and broke. 839 01:39:26.000 --> 01:39:38.510 heidi: So I say, we work with what we've got with a leader we can trust, and let's spend our energy working to make bridge housing work. Let's repair our community and let's save some lives together. 840 01:39:40.550 --> 01:39:41.400 Michael Jensen: Thank you. 841 01:39:42.630 --> 01:39:44.070 Michael Jensen: Cj: a call. 842 01:39:46.200 --> 01:39:57.120 CJ Cole: Okay, I think we have 2 issues here, and I don't know which one we're discussing. First of all, we have the issue of bridge housing and what's gonna happen in the near future. 843 01:39:57.190 --> 01:40:01.770 CJ Cole: Secondly, we have the whole issue of the joint development program. 844 01:40:01.890 --> 01:40:20.740 CJ Cole: and I do think that we're further along in this joint development program than anybody real license. They have already done the Rf. The IQ. And they already, I guess, to do the Rfp. So you know, I think we've got to look at what we're gonna spend our time on. 845 01:40:20.740 --> 01:40:22.490 CJ Cole: Is it going to be. 846 01:40:23.120 --> 01:40:30.790 CJ Cole: You know the bridge housing, or is it going to be what's going to happen in the future, and they are 2 totally different things. And 847 01:40:31.000 --> 01:40:36.420 CJ Cole: frankly. I I don't even know 848 01:40:36.800 --> 01:40:41.930 CJ Cole: I I don't know what your purpose of this call issue discussion is. 849 01:40:42.550 --> 01:40:44.960 CJ Cole: if you could tell me that would be great. 850 01:40:51.210 --> 01:40:58.080 Michael Jensen: Okay, thanks, Tj. But am I still on? Can Can you hear me, or do they get me 851 01:40:58.890 --> 01:41:13.400 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: just real quick. Cj: I. Yes, you are right. There are 2 kind of. There are 2 things here at at hand, and for me right now it's the more near future in terms of do we, in short, extend the lease, or do we 852 01:41:13.400 --> 01:41:26.410 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: allow it to sunset, and therefore we have to start the decompression of it, and wait until the long term process happens. So, in short, right now, my 853 01:41:26.410 --> 01:41:52.570 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: my role, right now, at least in in attending right now is to try and address the near future issue with whether it stays open or the least is whether we extend the lease or we start the decompression. So, as I mentioned over the next 2 weeks for the near future or the immediate future, not even near is what does the community want to see and get feedback in terms of a should we extended? And if we 854 01:41:52.750 --> 01:42:12.750 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: do what I've been the pros and cons ideally for me, you're looking at now that we, the councilwoman, has committed to fulfilling that initial community promise that was made by the city and the previous administrations, both the May previous Mayor as well as the Council representative that was here before. And 855 01:42:12.820 --> 01:42:34.700 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: do we extend that? Because, in short, I have 154 individuals that I need to work with with the Lhasa team to see whether or not they are going to have a home here for a while longer, or we need to start the decompression. So i'd really like to just put it out there right now that the Council woman really wants feedback from again. This. 856 01:42:34.990 --> 01:42:43.670 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: maybe the immediate neighbors in terms of, should we continue to operate and provide this crucial service that that we need here in the district. 857 01:42:43.990 --> 01:43:12.980 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: the long term. That's a bigger discussion with Metro and everyone that I think everyone kind of generally understands in terms of what will happen in Metro can can speak on that a little bit more next week. I guess my role right now is in the more immediate future getting feedback, so that ultimately I can go back and advise the Council woman on what we've heard, and what the community is saying, so that she can make the decision. As I said, with some of our other community partners. 858 01:43:15.380 --> 01:43:20.630 Michael Jensen: Thanks, for I keep going through the public comment. Daryl: do fine. 859 01:43:23.500 --> 01:43:24.540 Darryl DuFay: Thank you 860 01:43:26.240 --> 01:43:39.460 Darryl DuFay: to one, I say. Thank you. Thank you. What we have been list gone through for the last years is not being listened to is in terms of this in terms of the 861 01:43:39.600 --> 01:43:46.920 Darryl DuFay: project for the homeless. I agree with Heidi. 862 01:43:47.750 --> 01:43:55.720 Darryl DuFay: but we need to also look at what we have there. Why, it didn't work. What caused that? 863 01:43:56.060 --> 01:43:58.410 Darryl DuFay: And to restore 864 01:43:59.150 --> 01:44:06.770 Darryl DuFay: that which was lost with bonnet. The the community needs to be heard. 865 01:44:07.110 --> 01:44:19.250 Darryl DuFay: I I went. I went through all of the Mta joint development policies, all their workshops, and everything else. For a number of years I've been through that. 866 01:44:19.580 --> 01:44:26.140 Darryl DuFay: But you are absolutely right. The current thing is to make a decision for 150 people. 867 01:44:26.200 --> 01:44:28.930 Darryl DuFay: 100 adults. and 868 01:44:29.070 --> 01:44:35.390 Darryl DuFay: 50, 18 to 24 year olds. So I so look forward 869 01:44:35.440 --> 01:44:44.300 Darryl DuFay: to having the community involved in what's? Going? On. Thank God for Tracy Park! Thank you 870 01:44:45.960 --> 01:44:54.210 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: one quick point of correction there, Daryl. It's a 100. It's a 54 youth. Just to just to be clear. It's a 100 unhoused and fifty- 871 01:44:54.580 --> 01:45:04.160 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: for you, so I don't want to cut anybody short on that front. But yes, as I mentioned, we will have a survey that will be going out 872 01:45:04.280 --> 01:45:16.530 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: shortly by the end of the week I'm. Hoping so that we can get more of that feedback and myself and some of our team can make ourselves readily, steadily available to to further discuss. 873 01:45:16.730 --> 01:45:23.210 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: and any thoughts concerns that may come up from the from the community. If you can participate through the survey. 874 01:45:23.580 --> 01:45:24.450 Darryl DuFay: Thank you. 875 01:45:25.650 --> 01:45:27.880 Michael Jensen: Moving on Shawn O'brien. 876 01:45:29.940 --> 01:45:39.350 Sean Obrien: Oh, great thanks! So I wasn't going to speak until I heard one speak what i'd like him to bring next week if he can't answer it Tonight 877 01:45:39.590 --> 01:45:44.010 Sean Obrien: is the transparency, the numbers, the hard numbers. 878 01:45:44.030 --> 01:45:49.910 Sean Obrien: What is? What is the occupancy right now? What has it been month by month? 879 01:45:50.080 --> 01:45:56.140 Sean Obrien: Because what we've learned through the years is that the place has been half empty. 880 01:45:56.220 --> 01:46:13.140 Sean Obrien: regardless of Covid restrictions or whatever we need to know that we need to know how many people actually went through the system and actually got housing. Oh, these are all things that path should be providing us. We've been asking for years for transparency. 881 01:46:13.150 --> 01:46:24.630 Sean Obrien: We had a guy from Bonnan's office that periodically would give us updates. and I would love to see that every year we business as a profit, and was 882 01:46:24.760 --> 01:46:32.500 Sean Obrien: Oh, excuse me, a profit and loss statement, and that's what I don't know what else to call it. Let us know the hard numbers. 883 01:46:32.800 --> 01:46:33.540 Sean Obrien: What? 884 01:46:34.090 --> 01:46:41.910 Sean Obrien: How many people went through the system, how many people got kicked out, how many police officers had to arrive there on emergency calls. 885 01:46:42.110 --> 01:46:54.210 Sean Obrien: how many people got helped? How how many vacancies there are? And has it been worthwhile? And that's just what I want to say. If you don't want, if you don't have the information tonight. Please bring it next week. Thank you. 886 01:46:55.410 --> 01:47:00.990 Yeah, Shawn. I don't have the overall numbers in terms of, I guess, from the beginning to 887 01:47:00.990 --> 01:47:21.080 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: from when it first started. But I did have an in-depth meeting earlier this week with Pat themselves, and as of since my tenure, here, which is only been now a month, but to my understanding, as of all year, it has been at full capacity. About 2 weeks ago my 888 01:47:21.400 --> 01:47:38.090 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: and one of my colleagues. We're trying to assist a senior who was out in the cold. We're trying to to get the individual in, and we thought the Abh would have had some space because I had initially heard some of the same things you heard, Shawn, but they were at capacity with 889 01:47:38.090 --> 01:47:47.300 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: essentially 2 people waiting already to to go in. So to my understanding, they have relatively been at capacity on both. 890 01:47:47.600 --> 01:48:01.830 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: since both the unhouse, especially the take youth that has been at capacity. So those bets have been crucial again in servicing the unhoused here in CD 11. Do those numbers fluctuate? Yes, I i'm not gonna. 891 01:48:01.830 --> 01:48:25.290 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: I'm not gonna lie about that for sure. But I do know that there's been a difference between when there was again some of the broken promises to the community around it, and what has transpired more recently since the Council woman and the mayor partnered up to again fulfill those initial commitments to the community. But, to in short, answer your question, Shawn. Yes, I can 892 01:48:25.290 --> 01:48:28.300 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: as path to provide us some of those numbers. 893 01:48:31.660 --> 01:48:34.190 Michael Jensen: Okay, moving on Vicki holiday. 894 01:48:36.590 --> 01:48:44.460 Vicki Halliday: Thanks, Michelle. Just briefly. I live about 30 yards from the front gate of bridge housing. 895 01:48:46.060 --> 01:48:57.750 Vicki Halliday: The broken promises made this neighborhood suck. It has gotten better since. Inside, safe. The encampments are gone. The police are allowed to actually 896 01:48:57.930 --> 01:49:00.110 Vicki Halliday: and for some ordinances. Now. 897 01:49:01.680 --> 01:49:04.360 Vicki Halliday: if bridge housing is thrown out. 898 01:49:05.150 --> 01:49:10.030 Vicki Halliday: and there's a bridge of time between bridge housing being gone. 899 01:49:10.120 --> 01:49:12.760 Vicki Halliday: and Metro putting a shovel in the ground. 900 01:49:13.700 --> 01:49:31.290 Vicki Halliday: I don't think that Mayor Bass is going to just let that lot sit there. But meanwhile, because bridge housing is gone. We are going to have lost our 41 18 signs, our sex, z status. All the things that got got us cleaned up, that allowed 901 01:49:31.320 --> 01:49:34.390 Vicki Halliday: bass and part to clean us up. 902 01:49:35.020 --> 01:49:43.370 Vicki Halliday: So there's sort of a a bridge, a funny term, a bridge between the end of the lease, and it being empty 903 01:49:43.410 --> 01:49:46.860 Vicki Halliday: and shovel going in the ground. We could get 904 01:49:46.970 --> 01:50:02.170 Vicki Halliday: safe camping there safe, parking there. That would be far less monitored and regulated than bridge housing. So I just want to point that out. I don't want to lose the 41 18 signs around here. Thank you. 905 01:50:03.830 --> 01:50:04.900 Michael Jensen: Thanks, Vicki. 906 01:50:06.120 --> 01:50:14.520 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: Yeah, thanks, Vicki. I mean, I that was more of a comment, and I I don't think I can dispute any of that. As I mentioned earlier, there. 907 01:50:14.550 --> 01:50:30.200 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: There is additional funding that is attached to the Abh to provide the additional services for our care, plus clean ups around the Abh, which is weekly, as well as some of the engage 908 01:50:30.200 --> 01:50:48.420 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: with our Lpd teams as well. We're also working to enhance a lot of those services through our office and overlap them to again as i'll, I'll keep on repeating, to to continue keeping that initial promise that was made to the neighbors in the in the community when this facility was first put in here. 909 01:50:51.330 --> 01:50:55.310 Michael Jensen: All right, Yolanda. 910 01:50:59.350 --> 01:51:02.010 1310****690: Okay. Can you hear me? 911 01:51:04.140 --> 01:51:06.110 1310****690: This is Yolanda. Can you hear me? 912 01:51:07.570 --> 01:51:21.130 1310****690: Hello, Yes, yes, we are good to hear you. Okay, Very good. Okay. One brought up a very interesting comment. Everybody that has made comments are very, very important. 913 01:51:21.290 --> 01:51:22.130 but 914 01:51:22.880 --> 01:51:38.920 1310****690: Juan said that there are a couple people waiting to go into this bridge housing. Can you correct me on that? The reason is because all of a sudden i'm starting to see little clean tent going up around 915 01:51:39.240 --> 01:51:49.870 1310****690: here on Venice, on the corner of Abbott Kenny in Venice. and I asked one of them. That's that's still sleeping under the the canopy of the bus. Stop. 916 01:51:50.040 --> 01:52:01.400 1310****690: I asked a friend to ask him, where did he come from? He's waiting to go into the bridge housing. I'd like to know what is going on. And who's bringing them back in? Because we have 917 01:52:01.580 --> 01:52:15.540 1310****690: mit ctl and some over there on Venison Pacific, and they're starting to spring up around my home, and i'd like to find out what resources if it's taken away, what kind of resources are going to be taken away. Thank you. 150. 918 01:52:16.470 --> 01:52:34.290 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: Hi, Linda. So I don't know if you're exactly within the Abh Enforcement zone, so there is some funds that is attached to all our abh homes and projects that allows us to again keep compliance within a certain section around the 919 01:52:34.730 --> 01:52:43.120 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: around the Abh. Since we have had compliance over the last 2 on since the councilwoman and the mayor did the insight safe 920 01:52:43.120 --> 01:52:58.960 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: our resources that they for the most part, on Thursdays I have been able to start expanding them a little bit more. Some of you are familiar with that. We started now, including Ozone and Speedway, and 921 01:52:58.960 --> 01:53:09.870 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: we're starting to kind of be, since we continue to keep the location relatively within compliance. Around the Aba zone and within the Aba zone we are starting 922 01:53:09.920 --> 01:53:36.620 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: to use some of those resources which is our care plus teams, which is the dedicated team that comes and ensures and helps us clean and gain compliance around the Abh site. Since we've kept it in there they come out all on Thursdays to keep compliance, since it's been in compliance, i'm able to start expanding the footprint just a little bit more. I can't go too far out of it, because again, there are funds that are directly tied to the Abh, and those 923 01:53:36.620 --> 01:53:51.140 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: dollars are earmarked for the zone specifically, and we can't do. I can't really send them. Let's just say to West La Area, because that that would go against what the funding is for. So some of the in terms of the wait list. It's not 924 01:53:51.140 --> 01:54:08.190 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: exactly a wait list per say like me, and you are used to in terms of like oh, there's a wait list. It's. Those 2 were reserved for individuals that are from the district, so that individual may have qualified for it, and through the coordinated entry system 925 01:54:08.270 --> 01:54:25.110 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: was matched to come in, and they just either couldn't make it that day, and needed they'll hold that bed for them for 24, essentially 24 h or less. So when we were trying to get that individual in kind of immediately that one night 926 01:54:25.110 --> 01:54:34.460 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: someone had someone in the district had, or in the general area had already been matched to that bed, so it was saved for them to come in either that 927 01:54:34.660 --> 01:54:47.220 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: right or the next morning, so the individual that we kind of identified to to try and take in could not go in because someone had been matched just before them. So with the individual that maybe you interacted with 928 01:54:47.220 --> 01:55:02.900 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: could have came from. I don't know where they would have came. There's different stories, not not in some not innocent stories, but someone always has different reasons why they're out or what they've been told. But if you can give me more information on that, I can definitely have our outreach teams 929 01:55:02.900 --> 01:55:13.870 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: follow up with them and and figure out if they are on the list to get in. But again overall we need more beds. So it is possible. You know, as I mentioned earlier, we have 7 930 01:55:13.870 --> 01:55:29.230 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: 1,500 unhoused individuals living in the streets of CD. 11, and this is only again a 100 beds and 54 for our youth. So it is possible that some people do want to go in. We just do not have the beds just yet. 931 01:55:29.250 --> 01:55:40.410 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: So it is possible that you were told that, and they're in the Q. And in the system, because overall we do need more beds all throughout the district. Not just here in Venice. 932 01:55:41.270 --> 01:55:47.090 1310****690: Yeah, but not only in our district. We have a big city, and we have a big county. So what's happening with that. 933 01:55:47.890 --> 01:56:17.870 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: so I can speak for the rest of the city and the county. But it is our understanding that everyone is, does need to pull their weight, and is looking to, and they all have some of their interim housing, as well as some of their abhs throughout the district. I do know that the Council woman is committed to making sure that the city overall meets its goal. But more importantly, that CD. 11 meets its goal in trying to get as many people the opportunity to get indoors and into housing as best they can. 934 01:56:18.020 --> 01:56:27.050 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: and, as I mentioned as of our most recent count, in which we have numbers, for there are roughly, 1,700 on housed individuals in CD. 11. 935 01:56:27.050 --> 01:56:39.020 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: We do want to make sure that every Council office pulls its weight overall throughout the city itself, but on the councilwoman, and our team is focused on the 1,700 that we currently have here in the district. 936 01:56:45.190 --> 01:56:47.000 barrycassilly: Mikhail, we can't hear you. 937 01:56:52.110 --> 01:56:55.570 Michael Jensen: Sorry we've got one more public comment from the puppet. 938 01:57:02.030 --> 01:57:15.320 -Puppet: Yes. and i'm very surprised and shocked that you people had enough sense to vote for the park puppet instead of the darling puppet. Let's get everybody in venison here. 939 01:57:15.880 --> 01:57:16.800 Yeah. 940 01:57:17.580 --> 01:57:29.220 -Puppet: And as you know, Katie or a slosty has sold you out. she votes in favor of homeless criminals. So you need to send all of your homeless 941 01:57:29.240 --> 01:57:32.810 -Puppet: over to that lady. She loves them 942 01:57:33.110 --> 01:57:34.310 yummy on me on. Yeah. 943 01:57:34.910 --> 01:57:39.140 -Puppet: now I will bring my friend homeless. Billy will not talk to you. 944 01:57:39.220 --> 01:57:42.740 -Puppet: Go ahead, sir. Oh, yeah. Oh. 945 01:57:43.070 --> 01:57:51.440 -Puppet: I I text everybody. I I came from New York 2 years ago. I got a bench warrant, so I came out here, and 946 01:57:51.530 --> 01:57:54.720 -Puppet: I get gr I get. I get food stamps. 947 01:57:54.850 --> 01:58:05.010 -Puppet: and i'm like I'm making about 3,500 a month living in my tent. Thank you. You people are so fucking stupid, you know. I I I love you taxpayers out here, man, but 948 01:58:05.130 --> 01:58:09.430 -Puppet: I but this coat puppet he's trouble. Why? 949 01:58:09.700 --> 01:58:13.260 -Puppet: Because if you shut down these Bridge House things. 950 01:58:13.360 --> 01:58:31.680 -Puppet: then i'm going to tell everybody back home not to come to L. A. Anymore. If you do that, so make sure you keep it open so we can keep importing more cripples, cycle pads, rapist thieves and muggers into your community. 951 01:58:33.060 --> 01:58:47.070 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: Okay, yeah, I I just think that there's a general misunderstanding of the process from our puppet friend. But more than happy to continue. I wouldn't. I wouldn't even 952 01:58:48.580 --> 01:58:56.860 Michael Jensen: get inside that head. Okay, committee discussion. Do you guys want to add anything? We are about 2 h in the meeting. 953 01:58:58.740 --> 01:59:03.980 lauren siegel: It seems to me if we're gonna have this discussion again next week, maybe we should hold off and do it. Then. 954 01:59:04.910 --> 01:59:14.690 Michael Jensen: Yeah, I would. I I think that's that's fine, unless I mean if if anyone else wants to add anything, I would also 955 01:59:14.950 --> 01:59:25.320 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: it would be good if we could at least get some feedback, either. If not now, it may be, reach out so that we could be better prepared with our team for next week as well. But yeah. 956 01:59:25.600 --> 01:59:36.840 Michael Jensen: Yeah. Well, I guess one. Let me give you my 2 cents on, because I I want this to be less of a focus of what's currently going on there, I mean, that's it's not that that's not important. 957 01:59:37.180 --> 01:59:49.780 Michael Jensen: but but it if it sounds like some people here are a little unclear as to what the operations are, and I I think part of that is the it was an opaque pitch from the from the get go. 958 01:59:49.920 --> 01:59:53.960 Michael Jensen: But I think, having an understanding about. 959 01:59:54.660 --> 02:00:01.820 Michael Jensen: You know who's in there? How many people are in there? Month to month? I think that was one of the questions from Shawn 960 02:00:03.890 --> 02:00:14.120 Michael Jensen: what the I mean. There are ambulances and fire trucks there like every other day. and 961 02:00:14.210 --> 02:00:18.420 Michael Jensen: what is going on in there, and what is going on in terms of changing that 962 02:00:18.700 --> 02:00:28.980 Michael Jensen: I I think probably people around it want to know that or know about that. And then what are the new, like? All of the conditions that were originally promised. 963 02:00:31.420 --> 02:00:33.010 Michael Jensen: What's being 964 02:00:33.200 --> 02:00:41.900 Michael Jensen: fulfilled now, so that we can look to like a Punch list of things that like, okay. This was before completely ignored by the Council Office 965 02:00:41.950 --> 02:00:48.840 Michael Jensen: that we're doing a 180 on that now, and we're forcing it. So whether it's special, clean up, or whatever it is, I think that would be helpful. 966 02:00:49.250 --> 02:00:51.520 Michael Jensen: So we can have some 967 02:00:53.550 --> 02:00:57.170 Michael Jensen: comparisons to contrast what our 968 02:00:57.480 --> 02:01:00.150 Michael Jensen: old experience was with this place. 969 02:01:01.400 --> 02:01:02.470 barrycassilly: Mikhail. 970 02:01:02.530 --> 02:01:03.420 Michael Jensen: Yes. 971 02:01:03.660 --> 02:01:21.770 barrycassilly: so this is Barry, I I would also say, I think it's fabulous that, like Juan is here, and also that I know somebody probably like called her while she was a serving dinner to her family, but that Marie was here from the Mta. 972 02:01:22.880 --> 02:01:25.330 barrycassilly: But I think if we're coming back next week. 973 02:01:25.500 --> 02:01:32.760 barrycassilly: it would be great if we, as you know, the part of the neighborhood group to get some outreach done 974 02:01:32.810 --> 02:01:39.440 barrycassilly: so as many people as possible know this discussion is happening and can participate next week. 975 02:01:39.670 --> 02:01:47.190 barrycassilly: you know. I think we should talk to Seamless. He's the outreach officer. I think we should make that a job one for ourselves. 976 02:01:48.170 --> 02:01:50.300 Michael Jensen: Everybody tell 10 friends. 977 02:01:50.560 --> 02:02:08.200 Michael Jensen: No. But anyway, i'll make that my job. Well, no, I there I was, I mean I was. I was joking, but i'm also not really. I mean that this is an issue that I think is near and dear to a lot of people, and unfortunately, you know, I I imagine some people were at tonight's 978 02:02:10.270 --> 02:02:16.920 Michael Jensen: at Tonight's a, you know. Meet the candidate forum. But 979 02:02:17.610 --> 02:02:22.710 Michael Jensen: the next week, hopefully, there's no conflict, and we can have even more more people here. 980 02:02:22.800 --> 02:02:34.130 Michael Jensen: I would. I hope everyone has also looked at the materials on this, because I do want to talk while I think you know the existing. What's there now? Bridge Bridge? Home is important 981 02:02:34.290 --> 02:02:35.950 Michael Jensen: for the permanent 982 02:02:36.150 --> 02:02:39.810 Michael Jensen: a project there is, I think, even more important. 983 02:02:40.090 --> 02:02:45.330 Michael Jensen: and I hope we can have start talking about what that concept looks like next time. 984 02:02:46.610 --> 02:02:47.390 barrycassilly: Great. 985 02:02:48.000 --> 02:03:05.850 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: Yeah. And as part of that I can, if if we coordinate in terms of what that agenda might look like for next week to respect everybody's time overall and make sure sure we're ready. I can work an invite path, or maybe you guys should invite path to be able to 986 02:03:05.910 --> 02:03:25.030 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: come and explain some of these things, and maybe we can give them a heads up in terms of some of the questions that the community and the committee might have, so that we can invite them to to come and attend as well. Metro is already committed. Our office is committed, and I think, between at the very least between us 3, we can 987 02:03:25.030 --> 02:03:41.610 Michael Jensen: get to answering most of all the questions and concerns that the community might have, and you can hear it more directly from that'd be great and one for me today. Do you mind just getting in? Can you get all sorry to cut you off. But do you mind just notifying path now? I'll get you the agenda as soon as I can. 988 02:03:42.730 --> 02:03:49.010 Michael Jensen: but just give them a heads up. So so it's on their radar. And if you want to put me on an email thread with 989 02:03:49.120 --> 02:03:53.410 Michael Jensen: with the people you'd like, I i'm happy to send them a a formal invite. 990 02:03:54.510 --> 02:03:58.120 Juan Fregoso - CD 11: Yeah, that that shouldn't be a problem. We'll connect with everyone and we'll, we'll make it happen. 991 02:03:59.530 --> 02:04:08.030 Michael Jensen: Okay, with that, we're at the end of the agenda. So i'm going to adjourn the meeting. Thank you, everyone. 992 02:04:08.050 --> 02:04:10.720 Michael Jensen: and see you in a week. 993 02:04:11.080 --> 02:04:14.340 Corinne baginski: Thank you.