WEBVTT 1 00:02:06.330 --> 00:02:10.440 jim murez: Okay guys, you have control over the meeting i'll see you back here at six o'clock. 2 00:02:11.310 --> 00:02:12.270 Paul Davis: And then watch him. 3 00:02:12.480 --> 00:02:13.740 jim murez: i'm really sorry about. 4 00:02:15.570 --> 00:02:16.440 Paul Davis: Sorry Devon just wanted. 5 00:02:16.740 --> 00:02:18.330 jim murez: To make it a short meeting anyway. 6 00:02:18.750 --> 00:02:20.370 Paul Davis: we're going to work with a gym no problem, thank you. 7 00:02:20.670 --> 00:02:22.110 Paul Davis: Alright alright have a good night. 8 00:02:22.170 --> 00:02:24.480 jim murez: Your host and joe's co host. 9 00:02:24.630 --> 00:02:25.680 jim murez: Beautiful okay. 10 00:02:26.970 --> 00:02:27.840 Paul Davis: dad when he just turns. 11 00:03:27.630 --> 00:03:28.620 Paul Davis: hello, Joe. 12 00:03:28.950 --> 00:03:30.090 Joseph Murphy: hey Paul, can you hear me. 13 00:03:30.600 --> 00:03:32.340 Paul Davis: I can hear you yes indeed. 14 00:03:32.370 --> 00:03:32.910 Paul Davis: How are you. 15 00:03:35.250 --> 00:03:35.580 Joseph Murphy: Yes. 16 00:03:38.100 --> 00:03:42.000 Joseph Murphy: I noticed him appointed you as the host which is not a bad idea. 17 00:03:42.420 --> 00:03:51.150 Paul Davis: Well i'm happy to share that lets you know, let me just see her where we are standing so Jim okay so well well you're a Co host we're both hosts. 18 00:03:54.060 --> 00:03:54.510 Joseph Murphy: i'm what. 19 00:03:54.870 --> 00:03:56.700 Paul Davis: you're a Co host we are both hosts right. 20 00:03:56.700 --> 00:03:58.950 Joseph Murphy: Now okay good mm hmm. 21 00:04:04.620 --> 00:04:05.850 Joseph Murphy: Well, so far as you and me. 22 00:04:06.360 --> 00:04:07.260 Paul Davis: Well that's true. 23 00:04:08.430 --> 00:04:12.150 Paul Davis: Only 528 so we have two minutes before we might expect other people to be joining us. 24 00:04:12.510 --> 00:04:12.900 Okay. 25 00:04:16.410 --> 00:04:21.810 Joseph Murphy: I was I couldn't hear anything before I actually just now plugged in the. 26 00:04:23.280 --> 00:04:28.770 Joseph Murphy: The system, a rate I understood Jim was explaining to you what happened. 27 00:04:29.730 --> 00:04:33.960 Paul Davis: I don't even know if he was explaining he was deaf he was apologizing I said it was no big problem. 28 00:04:34.260 --> 00:04:35.370 Joseph Murphy: yeah okay good. 29 00:04:37.380 --> 00:04:41.280 Paul Davis: Because, obviously we can we're we're able to be flexible we're accommodating people. 30 00:04:43.590 --> 00:04:44.070 Joseph Murphy: There you go. 31 00:04:44.520 --> 00:04:45.630 Paul Davis: and Joe you know, I think. 32 00:04:46.800 --> 00:05:05.370 Paul Davis: we're kind of we're in this place now, where I suppose we're supposed to be starting subcommittee meetings among the people who have volunteered to focus on the parks thing right I i'm afraid i'm probably guilty of not you know what collaborating with Robin and john. 33 00:05:06.450 --> 00:05:12.690 Paul Davis: palka to start discussions or start updating our map or whatever right, we need to get to work, basically, so I think, where we are, is that right. 34 00:05:13.050 --> 00:05:17.070 Joseph Murphy: Well, Paul you've got a job and family and all sorts of other things going on. 35 00:05:17.940 --> 00:05:21.150 Paul Davis: So, true, but we're supposedly going to do a few things here. 36 00:05:22.170 --> 00:05:27.630 Joseph Murphy: Well, I agree, but at the same time, others have to kind of picked up the ball and run with it too. 37 00:05:27.900 --> 00:05:29.580 Joseph Murphy: And just keep us informed so. 38 00:05:30.210 --> 00:05:30.750 Joseph Murphy: we'll see. 39 00:05:31.080 --> 00:05:42.840 Paul Davis: Okay, well, maybe we can, if depending on who shows up tonight, either now or at the MID month meeting, maybe we can talk a bit about what people you know what just an action plan for moving ahead, I know, Joe i'm going to go to Montreal for. 40 00:05:43.890 --> 00:05:50.340 Paul Davis: A basically a week as of the 11th so i'll be out of town and mid month, but I, it may well be that I can still call him. 41 00:05:54.150 --> 00:05:58.830 Joseph Murphy: Well, I decided to depend on you to be there because you're you're so helpful. 42 00:05:59.490 --> 00:06:02.970 Joseph Murphy: Well, if I said that if you can make it that'd be great if not, then. 43 00:06:02.970 --> 00:06:04.080 Joseph Murphy: we'll have to do without. 44 00:06:04.650 --> 00:06:16.380 Paul Davis: But why don't we tentatively imagine that I can call in and just plan ahead actually what what what is our I guess our mid month day would be I mean let's see. 45 00:06:16.440 --> 00:06:18.660 Joseph Murphy: It being the 11th I did send you a note on this. 46 00:06:18.840 --> 00:06:25.500 Paul Davis: Oh yes, right they love it as a day i'm flying away so that I be i'd have to check and see what time I arrived in in Montreal but anyway well. 47 00:06:25.560 --> 00:06:27.780 Joseph Murphy: Well, what if we What if we made it to third. 48 00:06:29.070 --> 00:06:33.840 Joseph Murphy: Third, Thursday, rather as long as we avoid the fourth Thursday, they were fine. 49 00:06:34.320 --> 00:06:40.470 Paul Davis: Okay, but let me just look at the calendar what I mean it might be best that we can do it on the 10th of someone's able you see here holding because I don't fly tell the 11th. 50 00:06:41.190 --> 00:06:44.460 Joseph Murphy: i'll tell you why I stick to the Thursday because there's a pattern in. 51 00:06:45.630 --> 00:06:48.300 Joseph Murphy: It people would. 52 00:06:49.740 --> 00:06:51.930 Joseph Murphy: it's sort of a pattern so becomes a routine. 53 00:06:53.070 --> 00:06:53.700 Paul Davis: patterns are good. 54 00:06:58.500 --> 00:07:00.420 Paul Davis: gonna see if I can find out when I land on the 18th. 55 00:07:09.720 --> 00:07:13.080 Paul Davis: Oh yeah so well i'm supposed to arrive at. 56 00:07:14.310 --> 00:07:22.830 Paul Davis: On the 18th and that is a Thursday and that probably means that i'll be in transit back to my house as a 530 meeting right. 57 00:07:25.080 --> 00:07:25.980 Joseph Murphy: Hopefully yeah. 58 00:07:26.340 --> 00:07:28.800 Paul Davis: And i'm on Thursday at 11 so. 59 00:07:30.210 --> 00:07:30.870 Paul Davis: it's gonna be hard to. 60 00:07:54.390 --> 00:07:56.130 Joseph Murphy: hang on pulse actually. 61 00:08:00.240 --> 00:08:02.130 Joseph Murphy: All of a sudden i'm not on there either. 62 00:08:04.980 --> 00:08:06.330 Joseph Murphy: you're there oh yeah. 63 00:08:07.800 --> 00:08:10.560 Joseph Murphy: I was having difficulty getting on. 64 00:08:11.280 --> 00:08:15.270 Paul Davis: Okay let's just say, promote two panelists i'm promoting these yeah. 65 00:08:19.320 --> 00:08:22.710 Joseph Murphy: i've kind of increase the volume, so I can hear what's going on. 66 00:08:23.190 --> 00:08:28.080 Paul Davis: i've just attempted both to a lot yeah so joelle and. 67 00:08:29.220 --> 00:08:36.360 Paul Davis: john are now able to talk and i've just I think we are i'm trying to promote them to a panelist right now. 68 00:08:39.300 --> 00:08:42.270 Paul Davis: john's a panelist and joelle. 69 00:08:43.560 --> 00:08:50.940 Paul Davis: is becoming a panelist hold on one moment I see john and joelle I think is muted herself but she's going to come out of that. 70 00:08:53.010 --> 00:08:57.720 Paul Davis: And joelle is becoming a panelist hi john. 71 00:08:57.990 --> 00:09:00.300 John Palka: hey Hello good to see ya. 72 00:09:00.570 --> 00:09:01.590 Paul Davis: Likewise, how are you. 73 00:09:01.650 --> 00:09:02.280 Joseph Murphy: I Chad. 74 00:09:02.640 --> 00:09:06.090 John Palka: A good see Joe yeah i'm doing okay. 75 00:09:06.930 --> 00:09:09.240 Paul Davis: Well, we try to do Okay, these days, we do our best. 76 00:09:09.270 --> 00:09:11.940 John Palka: You know yeah yeah for sure yeah. 77 00:09:13.230 --> 00:09:20.940 John Palka: I a couple weeks ago I tested positive for coven but i'm out of that out of that quarantine and all that all that stuff now. 78 00:09:21.570 --> 00:09:23.190 Paul Davis: wow that was your first time around. 79 00:09:23.580 --> 00:09:27.180 John Palka: yeah yeah it was my first time it was it was it was pretty mild. 80 00:09:27.660 --> 00:09:30.240 Paul Davis: yeah well it's not fun even anyway right. 81 00:09:30.780 --> 00:09:34.320 John Palka: yeah well the quarantines the no fun too. 82 00:09:34.680 --> 00:09:35.550 Paul Davis: yeah yeah. 83 00:09:36.960 --> 00:09:44.550 Paul Davis: Okay, so Joel dwells with us and able to talk, but she is muted at the moment um and. 84 00:09:45.240 --> 00:09:45.930 Paul Davis: Okay, so. 85 00:09:46.290 --> 00:09:47.700 John Palka: There she goes yeah. 86 00:09:48.240 --> 00:09:49.440 Paul Davis: hey Joe can you hear us. 87 00:09:52.800 --> 00:10:01.140 Paul Davis: All right, we'll see what happens um well john sorry you got through our head had to go through that but i'm glad you emerged and here you are. 88 00:10:01.590 --> 00:10:04.530 John Palka: Yes, yes i'm, on the other side excellent. 89 00:10:05.610 --> 00:10:13.380 Paul Davis: Well, so Joe and I were just chatting I mean we we know together that we have a short meeting tonight, which we think we can manage with. 90 00:10:13.740 --> 00:10:14.160 John Palka: All right. 91 00:10:14.550 --> 00:10:27.420 Paul Davis: Because of aspects of the schedule that Jim is working on, but um it's I think what we first started talking about well, I guess, we should kind of you sort of have a quorum, so we should come to order right Joe as a initial step. 92 00:10:31.260 --> 00:10:32.250 Paul Davis: Are you able to hear me Joe. 93 00:10:32.460 --> 00:10:34.170 John Palka: Joe is on mute okay. 94 00:10:35.010 --> 00:10:37.020 Paul Davis: Joe you're muted at the moment, it looks like. 95 00:10:42.480 --> 00:10:43.410 Paul Davis: Joe you're muted. 96 00:10:45.360 --> 00:10:47.310 Paul Davis: i'm gonna see if I can unmute you. 97 00:10:49.710 --> 00:10:52.770 Paul Davis: Well, we can request them to on you, I just didn't yeah. 98 00:10:53.790 --> 00:11:03.000 Paul Davis: Alright, so we're going to Joe is going to work on his audio and I think we soon, would like to try to come to order and have a real meeting because we're I think there's enough of us here that we can do that. 99 00:11:03.210 --> 00:11:05.370 Paul Davis: Yes, okay Joe there you are so. 100 00:11:07.170 --> 00:11:11.760 Joseph Murphy: joel's online if I don't see her on the screen, but I assume she's online. 101 00:11:11.970 --> 00:11:18.270 Paul Davis: These here and in their new she's going to be coming a panelist as well, so i'm asking. 102 00:11:18.960 --> 00:11:23.160 Joseph Murphy: Okay well let's call a meeting to order, then I call the meeting the order knock knock. 103 00:11:24.240 --> 00:11:25.290 Joseph Murphy: I learned how to do that. 104 00:11:25.620 --> 00:11:26.340 Paul Davis: I joelle. 105 00:11:28.920 --> 00:11:29.640 Paul Davis: joelle you there. 106 00:11:29.940 --> 00:11:31.080 Joseph Murphy: there's my news hi my name. 107 00:11:31.620 --> 00:11:32.640 Mehrnoosh: Hello everyone. 108 00:11:33.840 --> 00:11:40.980 Paul Davis: I do well, was just calling my phone here, but I think she's i've tried to promote her and she declined. 109 00:11:42.270 --> 00:11:48.150 Paul Davis: On at least one occasion, but I think she should be able to hear us and speak to how can you hear us and speak. 110 00:11:50.820 --> 00:11:51.030 Paul Davis: hmm. 111 00:11:52.620 --> 00:12:00.810 Paul Davis: Okay well joelle is gonna keep doing good things I know she's sort of linked up here um Okay, so we have a meeting to order yeah. 112 00:12:01.140 --> 00:12:03.180 Joseph Murphy: The median is called the order there any. 113 00:12:05.430 --> 00:12:08.700 Joseph Murphy: let's see I forget what the next item is all we have to here. 114 00:12:08.880 --> 00:12:10.710 Paul Davis: Is share the agenda Joe. 115 00:12:12.360 --> 00:12:16.020 Joseph Murphy: yeah go ahead, try, they said hey i'm just going to see there's no. 116 00:12:16.080 --> 00:12:17.430 Paul Davis: To attendees let me see. 117 00:12:25.920 --> 00:12:35.610 Paul Davis: Well, Joe I was just trying to there's two oh i'm trying to get attendees to be able to join us and we have joelle as an attendee and we're trying to promote it a panelist. 118 00:12:36.420 --> 00:12:46.860 Paul Davis: Okay, and that's it for now okay so i'm going to screen share the agenda and it doesn't say much that we're not very familiar with for sure. 119 00:12:48.720 --> 00:12:56.820 Paul Davis: hold on so i'm sharing this and i'm going to click oh yeah so the agenda is down below excuse me hold on one on. 120 00:12:58.560 --> 00:12:59.130 Oh heavens. 121 00:13:04.260 --> 00:13:05.310 OK one moment here. 122 00:13:12.000 --> 00:13:12.600 To. 123 00:13:16.290 --> 00:13:22.860 Paul Davis: Okay, our agenda it's coming up and i'm going to share it, and then we can really launch here share screen. 124 00:13:23.940 --> 00:13:33.690 Paul Davis: Joe do you so The bottom line is agenda is you know this by heart, you could you could just ask everyone if they have any additional like introductions announcements and public comments right. 125 00:13:33.960 --> 00:13:37.500 Joseph Murphy: Right, so does is there anybody that has. 126 00:13:39.840 --> 00:13:45.000 Joseph Murphy: additional comments or that they wish to make that are items, not on the agenda. 127 00:13:46.590 --> 00:13:49.860 Joseph Murphy: And hearing known, I think that will assume that they don't. 128 00:13:50.970 --> 00:13:51.420 Joseph Murphy: and 129 00:13:53.130 --> 00:14:00.960 Joseph Murphy: There are no motion so we're into discussion and since we are required, this evening, only to. 130 00:14:05.190 --> 00:14:06.810 Joseph Murphy: adjourn before six o'clock. 131 00:14:08.940 --> 00:14:16.110 Joseph Murphy: We do want to make make it clear to everybody that we're hoping to hold another meeting and Paul and I were talking about that, before you came online. 132 00:14:17.340 --> 00:14:22.800 Joseph Murphy: A non official meeting early I later this month or early next month there's joelle joelle. 133 00:14:24.810 --> 00:14:26.550 Joseph Murphy: Oh, you gotta unmute yourself. 134 00:14:31.470 --> 00:14:33.510 Joseph Murphy: And much unmute yourself joelle. 135 00:14:34.350 --> 00:14:35.910 Joelle: Yes, good afternoon. 136 00:14:36.840 --> 00:14:38.760 Paul Davis: hi holly with us. 137 00:14:40.590 --> 00:14:41.160 Paul Davis: I do. 138 00:14:41.610 --> 00:14:45.720 Joelle: And I just saw your wife and two to two young ladies. 139 00:14:46.650 --> 00:14:47.370 Paul Davis: Oh marvelous. 140 00:14:47.400 --> 00:14:47.880 very nice. 141 00:14:49.230 --> 00:14:50.820 Paul Davis: So i'm sure they were very happy to see you. 142 00:14:51.180 --> 00:14:53.670 Joelle: yeah and I was really happy to see them wonder if. 143 00:14:54.330 --> 00:14:58.650 Joseph Murphy: I should share a photo of my of me vision with my newest granddaughter. 144 00:14:59.100 --> 00:15:05.220 Joseph Murphy: Okay, but I don't have it available quickly and i'm not that good so i'll do that later I do that. 145 00:15:05.820 --> 00:15:06.960 Paul Davis: To text it to us all. 146 00:15:07.320 --> 00:15:07.680 Right. 147 00:15:09.030 --> 00:15:12.570 Joseph Murphy: But she is definitely one of the cutest little kids i've ever run across. 148 00:15:14.250 --> 00:15:14.910 Joseph Murphy: It okay. 149 00:15:15.150 --> 00:15:16.800 Paul Davis: cute in many cases, which is such a one. 150 00:15:16.800 --> 00:15:21.450 Joseph Murphy: Right so that's my comments for things not relevant to the agenda this evening. 151 00:15:23.910 --> 00:15:37.770 Joseph Murphy: The so we're thinking of a mid month meeting and paul's going to be traveling to Montreal, and so he's not going to be available for the typical second Thursday of the month. 152 00:15:40.110 --> 00:15:44.610 Joseph Murphy: So is the third Thursday, that would be what the 18th does that work. 153 00:15:45.330 --> 00:15:55.890 Paul Davis: i'm trying that's the day I land at the airport at 430 so that doesn't work for me either, unfortunately, I think I have to miss to thursday's to at least as as far as 5:30pm meetings go. 154 00:15:56.910 --> 00:15:58.410 Joseph Murphy: Well, what about next Thursday. 155 00:15:59.550 --> 00:16:00.270 Paul Davis: I could do that. 156 00:16:01.890 --> 00:16:04.020 Joseph Murphy: Next Thursday work for you guys. 157 00:16:04.860 --> 00:16:06.480 John Palka: Yes, yes. 158 00:16:06.960 --> 00:16:07.650 Paul Davis: Oh let's do that. 159 00:16:09.630 --> 00:16:17.850 Paul Davis: And we can have a real meeting with some leisure and get into things a bit, because I think what Joe and I were just talking about is our need to kind of take some action right and we have the. 160 00:16:18.390 --> 00:16:26.820 Paul Davis: The the parks initiative now, and I think there is the need to have like committed activities that we want to join each other and carrying out right. 161 00:16:28.020 --> 00:16:34.440 Joseph Murphy: yeah and actually see I get messages from from outside and I don't know what to do with them, but. 162 00:16:35.580 --> 00:16:43.830 Joseph Murphy: john you mentioned that you remember Mariusz saying that you do something that might be helpful to your. 163 00:16:46.380 --> 00:16:47.310 Joseph Murphy: play around area. 164 00:16:47.820 --> 00:16:55.140 John Palka: If I recall correctly marino's that you in fact that you said you're going to go by, that little that little pocket park. 165 00:16:55.260 --> 00:16:57.270 John Palka: and take a look at it and. 166 00:16:58.650 --> 00:17:00.030 John Palka: possibly come up with some. 167 00:17:01.710 --> 00:17:05.820 John Palka: Simple low hanging fruit of how we can make that far into. 168 00:17:07.260 --> 00:17:09.240 John Palka: A little more a little more friendly to families. 169 00:17:12.360 --> 00:17:16.830 Mehrnoosh: yeah I went there and add some ideas i'm thinking i'm gonna go back, are you thinking oh. 170 00:17:20.970 --> 00:17:22.410 Mehrnoosh: i'm not sure yet, but i'm gonna. 171 00:17:22.920 --> 00:17:32.220 Joseph Murphy: Okay, well, can we leave that can we leave that to you and john to deal with that separately and then you can come back and just tell us. 172 00:17:33.210 --> 00:17:33.660 yeah. 173 00:17:35.550 --> 00:17:38.100 John Palka: Maybe we can we can talk offline and. 174 00:17:38.100 --> 00:17:40.560 John Palka: come up with some time next week to meet at the park. 175 00:17:41.100 --> 00:17:42.750 Mehrnoosh: Okay sounds good, let me know. 176 00:17:43.020 --> 00:17:48.210 John Palka: All right, yeah i'll shoot an email to you and we'll set up a date a day and time next week. 177 00:17:48.540 --> 00:17:50.430 John Palka: earlier in the week to meet over there. 178 00:17:50.760 --> 00:17:55.740 Paul Davis: And look guys could do that, then we could maybe here we can talk about it together on Thursday, when we meet. 179 00:17:56.040 --> 00:17:56.910 Joseph Murphy: yeah that'd be great. 180 00:17:57.240 --> 00:17:57.660 yeah. 181 00:17:59.640 --> 00:18:04.290 Paul Davis: Maybe if you guys do that I could do something i've been talking about which is to begin a beating a map. 182 00:18:07.860 --> 00:18:11.820 Paul Davis: So till we could display some steps ahead on that, when we meet on Thursday how about that. 183 00:18:12.900 --> 00:18:13.320 Joseph Murphy: Craig. 184 00:18:13.680 --> 00:18:13.950 I can. 185 00:18:19.440 --> 00:18:19.860 Paul Davis: Okay. 186 00:18:20.460 --> 00:18:23.460 Joseph Murphy: joelle do you want to mute there's a lot of noise in the background, there. 187 00:18:25.530 --> 00:18:27.390 Joelle: were just a bit Nice. 188 00:18:29.730 --> 00:18:30.150 Joelle: To. 189 00:18:33.630 --> 00:18:34.170 Joelle: meet you soon. 190 00:18:37.290 --> 00:18:37.680 Joseph Murphy: Okay. 191 00:18:40.320 --> 00:18:40.590 Joelle: yeah. 192 00:18:43.290 --> 00:18:45.660 Joseph Murphy: You can't quite kid's dad hey Ray. 193 00:18:46.920 --> 00:18:51.300 Joseph Murphy: yeah okay so next Thursday would that'd be great. 194 00:18:55.980 --> 00:18:56.610 Joseph Murphy: What was that. 195 00:18:57.810 --> 00:18:58.200 anyway. 196 00:18:59.910 --> 00:19:00.330 Joseph Murphy: So. 197 00:19:01.920 --> 00:19:04.620 Joseph Murphy: I don't know if you have any other and I don't know what else to say. 198 00:19:04.830 --> 00:19:06.720 Joseph Murphy: As far as i'm concerned we've we've. 199 00:19:07.500 --> 00:19:11.520 Joseph Murphy: established the time and so be 530 Thursday next week. 200 00:19:14.550 --> 00:19:20.100 Joseph Murphy: and Joe and john are going to get together and Paul said he do something to to the mouse. 201 00:19:20.370 --> 00:19:21.420 Joelle: Know Joanne. 202 00:19:21.570 --> 00:19:22.440 John Palka: venusian me. 203 00:19:23.670 --> 00:19:24.060 yeah. 204 00:19:25.380 --> 00:19:27.390 Joseph Murphy: What about i'm sorry I didn't understand you. 205 00:19:28.650 --> 00:19:34.320 Paul Davis: I joelle just said it's not her and her new short meeting it's john and Mariusz that are meeting not joelle. 206 00:19:34.470 --> 00:19:36.180 Joseph Murphy: Oh that's right right sorry yeah. 207 00:19:38.040 --> 00:19:44.370 Paul Davis: guys I can think of one thing to do, just to bounce something off of you i've had two meetings where Robin miras has mentioned a. 208 00:19:44.760 --> 00:19:52.320 Paul Davis: An APP that she likes and is excited about and she i'm going to tell you about it just for a moment, if you don't mind it's basically a. 209 00:19:52.770 --> 00:20:00.720 Paul Davis: readily available APP and I think my new shirt about this, but you can you can log into it and set up a walking tour of your neighborhood. 210 00:20:01.110 --> 00:20:09.450 Paul Davis: That, then you can you know it will host a walking tour of your neighborhood on itself, you know for people's phones and stuff so you can basically. 211 00:20:09.780 --> 00:20:19.740 Paul Davis: share a tour of places that you appreciate with the world if they get on to the APP and then you know walk around and Robin has set this up for her. 212 00:20:20.100 --> 00:20:31.140 Paul Davis: own art and she thought that it might be fun for us to do it for the parks in Venice and I certainly think it's worth considering so partly just because she's been so excited and i've said that I would. 213 00:20:31.590 --> 00:20:37.380 Paul Davis: investigate it a bit and share with you guys, would you guys be willing to look at their website for one minute together right now yeah. 214 00:20:37.800 --> 00:20:40.200 Paul Davis: Okay yeah all right i'm going to call it up here. 215 00:20:41.520 --> 00:20:43.590 Paul Davis: it's it's a website and I showed this to. 216 00:20:43.860 --> 00:20:43.890 Joseph Murphy: A. 217 00:20:44.100 --> 00:20:44.760 Paul Davis: little while ago. 218 00:20:45.510 --> 00:20:49.320 Joseph Murphy: If I may, yes, did she offered to set it up for us. 219 00:20:50.400 --> 00:21:02.010 Paul Davis: not exactly I mean she offered, I think, to be helpful and to yeah not not really exactly set it up, I think the concept behind it, is that it's very easy to set it up, and then we could do it ourselves if we were focused. 220 00:21:02.700 --> 00:21:04.200 Paul Davis: yeah let me. 221 00:21:04.680 --> 00:21:06.480 Paul Davis: Okay yeah so guys. 222 00:21:06.570 --> 00:21:24.630 Paul Davis: should be seeing this front page now, this is the APP on a desktop computer, but what it does is they call themselves a create you know, create self guided walking tours for mobile devices and they have various cost models, but I think that. 223 00:21:25.950 --> 00:21:31.800 Paul Davis: Without gigantic cost, you can kind of sign in and let them host you and then what happens is. 224 00:21:33.300 --> 00:21:46.710 Paul Davis: tours, so I think there's one here well let's just look up for story area historical society so here's in foster Korea Ohio people have made this walking tour and. 225 00:21:47.220 --> 00:21:54.420 Paul Davis: it's a you know self guided tour on your GPS enabled mobile device that this This shows a map and and basically shows how. 226 00:21:54.870 --> 00:22:03.660 Paul Davis: You know these places the senior Center the train depot the historical society museum the parking lot flip and jimmy's a burgers joint history corner, but anyway. 227 00:22:04.590 --> 00:22:22.080 Paul Davis: I think what people can do is they use this APP to go on a tour of a place, and I think for users it's free and you know we could probably learn a little bit more about how it works, but what I have seen and you guys could get this on your own phones pocket sites as the name. 228 00:22:22.800 --> 00:22:26.220 Paul Davis: is able to use it to walk around the neighborhood and see things. 229 00:22:27.630 --> 00:22:28.050 With. 230 00:22:29.130 --> 00:22:32.670 Paul Davis: text information and maps that let you know about where you are. 231 00:22:34.260 --> 00:22:35.070 Paul Davis: So. 232 00:22:37.890 --> 00:22:48.900 Paul Davis: I think it's you know it could be interesting and I told Robin I could share with you guys let's look for Los Angeles for one moment because she can see her side on here real quick, I think. 233 00:22:49.560 --> 00:22:53.970 Paul Davis: The interesting thing is it's hot you have Venice public art by artists Robin murals So if you click on this. 234 00:22:55.500 --> 00:23:05.220 Paul Davis: You know she's got this uploaded for herself with a little blurb about the city, overall, and then it looks like you know eight or nine sites that one could walk around and see. 235 00:23:07.380 --> 00:23:19.500 Paul Davis: So I think my what I was what I didn't really know is how pervasive this is or how easy it is for people to find it, but one thing that she described is that if if at the various parks, we had a little. 236 00:23:20.550 --> 00:23:28.500 Paul Davis: scandal Q, what a qr code, then people could see the qr codes scan it with our phones and they immediately get taken to a site like this, or to the site. 237 00:23:31.710 --> 00:23:39.150 Paul Davis: Anyway, I guess, my suggestion is that if you guys find this interesting you go to the to the APP go online and. 238 00:23:40.200 --> 00:23:42.150 Paul Davis: Look at the APP and see a little more about how we're. 239 00:23:44.580 --> 00:23:45.930 John Palka: i'm gonna check it out and definitely. 240 00:23:49.980 --> 00:23:55.020 John Palka: i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna download the APP and give it a shot looks good. 241 00:23:55.440 --> 00:23:57.150 Paul Davis: Well yeah it's really easy to download. 242 00:23:57.180 --> 00:24:07.950 Paul Davis: And it does look like they've made, something that is very straightforward to upload stuff with because it has enough formatting standardized formatting that you put in a picture and type something and it kind of. 243 00:24:08.340 --> 00:24:23.250 Paul Davis: You know, looks sharp now, I think, if I recall what she said was there's a way to pay them a larger amount of money and kind of owned the site yourself or there's a way to pay them a smaller amount of money and. 244 00:24:24.300 --> 00:24:32.790 Paul Davis: have them host it under their name or something so there's there's definitely a cost COMP cost ramifications it's not free to the. 245 00:24:33.510 --> 00:24:43.950 Paul Davis: People who use it to create a tour, but she found it worthwhile for her to do it for herself, and I think she proposes that it's not it might not be cost prohibitive so. 246 00:24:45.090 --> 00:24:54.720 Paul Davis: notice, who are built for who are you Community organizations it's it is set up to be something that people like us, my benefit from or feel good about. 247 00:24:55.050 --> 00:24:58.260 Joseph Murphy: yeah Paul, I think I think it was a great idea and. 248 00:24:59.580 --> 00:25:00.120 Joseph Murphy: personally. 249 00:25:02.280 --> 00:25:08.520 Joseph Murphy: And to kill them to children's parks it's is it would really be nice if we could do that. 250 00:25:08.910 --> 00:25:22.290 Paul Davis: Well, it could be, because if someone finds a park and if we can get a qr code there, somehow, then they could find all the others, and it might just start to you know make make it clear how people can move around through Venice and see see some of these features that we want to promote. 251 00:25:23.280 --> 00:25:27.750 Joseph Murphy: yeah can I address one other possibility here, and that is. 252 00:25:27.930 --> 00:25:33.090 Paul Davis: For you do, can I just say one last thing on this that is that we, when we were with Robin. 253 00:25:33.450 --> 00:25:41.370 Paul Davis: The other day we went to the city's parks and REC site where where the city has a catalog online of all the parks in the city and you could find Venice parks, but. 254 00:25:41.700 --> 00:25:52.260 Paul Davis: The navigating to that and just just kind of working with that site was pretty cumbersome, I thought, and it would probably not be too easy to do on the fly if you're kind of out of the city looking for things to do. 255 00:25:52.800 --> 00:26:03.810 Paul Davis: So it might be that this could be a way that we could you know kind of link up the parks here in people's consciousness and make it easier for them to kind of get to and understand the system here and then i'm sorry go ahead, Joe. 256 00:26:04.500 --> 00:26:04.860 Okay. 257 00:26:06.270 --> 00:26:17.670 Joseph Murphy: In my estimation robins a very creative person and she's done a lot of stuff around Venice already and some of that i'm sure keys into some of the things she's done and. 258 00:26:20.070 --> 00:26:24.600 Joseph Murphy: So, for that reason alone I think it's good to involve her. 259 00:26:26.040 --> 00:26:26.460 Joseph Murphy: and 260 00:26:28.020 --> 00:26:34.110 Joseph Murphy: The another so that's point 1.2 is that i'd like to see. 261 00:26:37.020 --> 00:26:49.320 Joseph Murphy: us actually make a presentation to the board that tells them what we're doing as soon as possible and that might involve you john and you're. 262 00:26:50.130 --> 00:27:00.090 Joseph Murphy: you're you know i'd like you to maybe make a presentation, as soon as realistic regarding the playground area that you're setting up if that's realistic. 263 00:27:01.830 --> 00:27:10.020 Joseph Murphy: Because there's no reason not to keep them and keep them apprised of what we're doing and what we've succeeded to do so far and what we're planning to do. 264 00:27:11.880 --> 00:27:21.810 John Palka: Well, I think, once we made enough once we made a little more progress let's see how our progress goes what we actually get done, and when we have something to report i'd be happy to make that presentation. 265 00:27:22.350 --> 00:27:25.110 Joseph Murphy: Okay, are you having any problems getting that setup over there. 266 00:27:26.910 --> 00:27:38.610 John Palka: yeah well we're just uh we're in the process at that joel's encouragement, we are checking with our insurance company, and we are in conversation with them. 267 00:27:39.060 --> 00:27:58.170 John Palka: And that conversation is active and we're nearing the end of it and they're just giving us suggestions of things that we need to do to provide for safety for everyone who comes to enjoy the playground area and so that everyone is safe guarding including. 268 00:28:00.090 --> 00:28:03.150 John Palka: The, including the church right yeah. 269 00:28:04.230 --> 00:28:09.240 Joseph Murphy: Well, one of the things i've been contacted by a similar story ascii who's see. 270 00:28:10.560 --> 00:28:14.940 Joseph Murphy: outreach officer on the board and i've had prior conversations with her. 271 00:28:16.740 --> 00:28:26.280 Joseph Murphy: and apparently they're seeking somebody to sit at the Venice neighborhood Council table at the Friday market. 272 00:28:26.970 --> 00:28:32.460 Joseph Murphy: But I don't see why that can't and I used to sit there and give chalk the kids plus pictures. 273 00:28:33.060 --> 00:28:39.690 Joseph Murphy: And it worked great I mean I met Noel through that joelle excuse me that the well Joel and Paul at that event. 274 00:28:40.380 --> 00:28:50.940 Joseph Murphy: And I don't see any reason why we can't make that a sort of a feature number parks around so that's another idea that I tossed out there and i'm going to be talking to her this coming. 275 00:28:52.140 --> 00:28:53.730 Joseph Murphy: August 1 part of August. 276 00:28:54.210 --> 00:29:01.170 Paul Davis: Joe you're saying that we might have volunteers who go to parks and hang out and draw on sidewalks with kids and provide chalk right that's what you're saying. 277 00:29:01.500 --> 00:29:07.020 Joseph Murphy: that's right it's the park, who has a place where you can put up a table and and provide the chalk and. 278 00:29:08.610 --> 00:29:20.430 Joseph Murphy: You know the question my mind, is whether we want the vm fee to be involved in that we can do it, it wouldn't regardless of the involvement of the dnc but if they're willing to foot the bill for the chalk, why not. 279 00:29:20.880 --> 00:29:28.080 Paul Davis: can be a way that seniors can go hang out in a constructive way with young people and just kind of have a bonding that happens between. 280 00:29:28.140 --> 00:29:28.530 Joseph Murphy: Right. 281 00:29:28.770 --> 00:29:31.620 Paul Davis: folks that may not otherwise be that easy to accomplish. 282 00:29:32.100 --> 00:29:42.690 Joseph Murphy: that's right i'd love to I love doing it when I was doing it and i'm not sure that I really want to go back to the market to do it there, but i'd like to i'd like to help set that up if it's possible. 283 00:29:43.350 --> 00:29:50.460 Paul Davis: I think that's a fun idea kids love, drawing on the sidewalk with chalk and it's pretty cheap and it's a nice little feature that wouldn't be there, unless we got it going brother right. 284 00:29:51.240 --> 00:29:55.800 Joseph Murphy: And that vows people beyond that who wants to contribute pictures of animals. 285 00:29:56.820 --> 00:30:13.620 Joseph Murphy: ranting and laughter kids I used to get tons of those things from the from people that would come to the market and say well here's the here's a calendar from the you know from the zoological society of wherever and they have pictures from. 286 00:30:14.640 --> 00:30:23.490 Joseph Murphy: Of all sorts of animals or critters all over the world, the kids go NUTS with that stuff I love it so at any rate that's an idea, there may be other ideas like that. 287 00:30:24.810 --> 00:30:36.510 Paul Davis: So alright well guys, it seems like if anyone would like to make a few closing comments that, of course, they should it sounds like we'll we'll be wrapping up soon, because jim's going to take over, but we have a plan for a meeting next Thursday at 530 and. 288 00:30:36.990 --> 00:30:47.520 Paul Davis: A few of us are going to do a thing or two between now and then on the on the road to setting up some tasks for those who are willing to undertake them and moving towards a. 289 00:30:48.240 --> 00:30:48.570 Joseph Murphy: lot of. 290 00:30:48.720 --> 00:30:49.770 Paul Davis: Additional results alright. 291 00:30:50.640 --> 00:30:52.560 John Palka: That sounds good sounds like a plan. 292 00:30:53.820 --> 00:30:54.120 Joseph Murphy: yep. 293 00:30:54.420 --> 00:30:55.500 Paul Davis: How are you doing joelle. 294 00:30:56.190 --> 00:30:59.520 Joelle: I am fine I am listening to you, you know we are working on. 295 00:31:00.540 --> 00:31:08.580 Joelle: Just felt so journey and seeing that it does not see yet, but we have activity with Isabel working on. 296 00:31:09.360 --> 00:31:30.150 Joelle: Creating the garden in the back of the yard, of the fountain companies, we are just I think this is our last analysis of the flow of the of the of the of the soul and we are moving to get the last scissors to mobile, so we will be able to to go after that. 297 00:31:30.540 --> 00:31:31.470 Joseph Murphy: Where is this card. 298 00:31:33.510 --> 00:31:36.510 Joelle: At the at the new can use a different encompass. 299 00:31:38.340 --> 00:31:39.540 Paul Davis: The Churchyard base. 300 00:31:39.780 --> 00:31:40.680 Joelle: I don't shout shout. 301 00:31:40.980 --> 00:31:50.580 Joelle: So when when johnny's going to offend them to the Community, I think he would be the beautiful get them to a pen to the Community where. 302 00:31:50.970 --> 00:32:08.670 Joelle: On one side, we could have the children playing on the big sweet tooth and on the other side of the path that we are creating conversation hoop and meeting of people and also probably you know reading books for children have something creative. 303 00:32:09.510 --> 00:32:12.360 John Palka: that's that sounds wonderful I can't wait no. 304 00:32:12.420 --> 00:32:19.080 John Palka: we're we're excited about a joelle, but let me tell you joelle it's way too quiet on our campus we need the kid I. 305 00:32:19.080 --> 00:32:20.340 Joelle: know I know. 306 00:32:21.750 --> 00:32:22.200 I know. 307 00:32:23.490 --> 00:32:25.170 Joseph Murphy: That you know we have that attitude. 308 00:32:25.470 --> 00:32:26.070 that's great. 309 00:32:27.570 --> 00:32:30.780 Joelle: We are busy we are busy with the summer camp. 310 00:32:31.200 --> 00:32:31.800 Joelle: and 311 00:32:31.860 --> 00:32:42.870 Joelle: We will close it in two weeks, and I am very happy that we kept it on two campuses because because you know we will be missing teacher and other two on the children so. 312 00:32:43.140 --> 00:32:44.160 Joelle: And it's already. 313 00:32:44.220 --> 00:32:46.830 Joelle: delivered amount of focus, but really dry food. 314 00:32:47.130 --> 00:32:51.870 Joseph Murphy: So so Mariusz your ideas are going to have to integrate all this stuff okay. 315 00:32:53.160 --> 00:32:53.610 Mehrnoosh: Good. 316 00:32:55.890 --> 00:32:56.430 Joseph Murphy: Okay. 317 00:32:57.480 --> 00:32:58.140 John Palka: But in the. 318 00:32:58.170 --> 00:32:59.940 Mehrnoosh: Park Area yeah. 319 00:33:01.500 --> 00:33:03.540 Paul Davis: Well it's very nice to see you all, thank you for coming. 320 00:33:03.990 --> 00:33:04.500 Joseph Murphy: yeah. 321 00:33:04.680 --> 00:33:08.460 Paul Davis: Thank you, everybody so we'll be back in a week unofficially. 322 00:33:09.000 --> 00:33:09.600 John Palka: All right. 323 00:33:10.230 --> 00:33:11.340 John Palka: i'll be i'll be in touch man. 324 00:33:12.360 --> 00:33:13.890 Mehrnoosh: Thank you, yes, of course. 325 00:33:13.980 --> 00:33:14.490 John Palka: All right. 326 00:33:14.700 --> 00:33:17.040 Joseph Murphy: Okay, thank you take care. 327 00:33:17.400 --> 00:33:18.030 Paul Davis: Have a good night. 328 00:33:18.210 --> 00:33:19.050 John Palka: goodbye everybody everybody. 329 00:33:20.160 --> 00:33:20.880 Paul Davis: Right thanks.