WEBVTT 1 00:02:35.070 --> 00:02:37.560 Paul Davis: Start video, good evening. 2 00:02:45.450 --> 00:02:47.340 Paul Davis: hey I can you hear me Jim. 3 00:02:55.620 --> 00:02:56.340 Paul Davis: let's see if. 4 00:03:01.260 --> 00:03:04.170 Paul Davis: I can, I can see you, but not hear you. 5 00:03:11.700 --> 00:03:15.000 Paul Davis: I see yes hear you know. 6 00:03:16.200 --> 00:03:17.670 Paul Davis: Okay i'm not sure let's see here. 7 00:03:23.340 --> 00:03:25.170 Paul Davis: let's see i'm not muted. 8 00:03:28.200 --> 00:03:29.610 Paul Davis: I don't have headphones on. 9 00:03:30.840 --> 00:03:31.320 Paul Davis: hold on. 10 00:03:33.840 --> 00:03:38.100 Paul Davis: call you on the phone i'm too i'm i'm talking now let's see. 11 00:03:39.180 --> 00:03:40.710 Paul Davis: you hear me but I don't hear you. 12 00:03:42.510 --> 00:03:47.280 Paul Davis: Okay okay good yeah I see you're telling me that yours your microphone is turned off right now. 13 00:03:48.420 --> 00:03:49.170 Paul Davis: Is that what you're telling me. 14 00:03:51.210 --> 00:03:51.450 yeah. 15 00:03:59.220 --> 00:04:00.510 Paul Davis: I can't hear you still. 16 00:04:01.410 --> 00:04:03.510 Paul Davis: it's okay okay so long. 17 00:04:04.770 --> 00:04:05.070 Paul Davis: By. 18 00:04:05.340 --> 00:04:06.390 Paul Davis: I like your glasses. 19 00:05:44.310 --> 00:05:45.330 Paul Davis: Hello Mare newish. 20 00:05:45.990 --> 00:05:47.880 Paul Davis: hi how are you. 21 00:05:48.360 --> 00:05:49.560 Mehrnoosh: Good how are you. 22 00:05:49.770 --> 00:05:51.030 Paul Davis: Very well, nice to see you. 23 00:05:51.360 --> 00:05:52.440 Mehrnoosh: nice to see you too. 24 00:05:52.860 --> 00:05:57.330 Paul Davis: i'm going to i'm going to make sure I have a copy of joe's agenda here let's see where is it. 25 00:05:59.970 --> 00:06:00.360 Paul Davis: Oh. 26 00:06:02.610 --> 00:06:06.060 Paul Davis: it's funny you normally sends the agenda but i'm not seeing it here, but I guess. 27 00:06:07.260 --> 00:06:10.230 Mehrnoosh: He said something today as a reminder. 28 00:06:10.470 --> 00:06:24.300 Paul Davis: yeah i'm going to go back one notch for him, because I think he said the agenda before, so let me go find that here we go let's see yes, here it is and here's the agenda here Okay, not that agendas very complicated we kind of know what it says right. 29 00:06:25.590 --> 00:06:26.130 Mehrnoosh: No. 30 00:06:27.300 --> 00:06:29.640 Paul Davis: It just says to talk. 31 00:06:31.050 --> 00:06:33.480 Paul Davis: just talk a little bit um. 32 00:06:33.750 --> 00:06:36.480 Paul Davis: yeah it's just the same old stuff all right well that's good. 33 00:06:36.510 --> 00:06:36.900 Paul Davis: So. 34 00:06:37.170 --> 00:06:41.790 Paul Davis: Let me see who else if anyone else has joined us oh Nick monica's here i'm gonna allow them to talk. 35 00:06:43.740 --> 00:06:45.660 Paul Davis: hello, Nick oh and Matthew hi. 36 00:06:46.380 --> 00:06:46.980 Nick Monica: How are you. 37 00:06:47.520 --> 00:06:48.600 Paul Davis: i'm well how are you. 38 00:06:48.840 --> 00:06:52.500 Nick Monica: i'm doing super well thanks for having us and excited to be here. 39 00:06:52.770 --> 00:06:56.850 Paul Davis: yeah so Nick I mean sorry i'm Nick, what is your capacity, are you you're. 40 00:06:57.960 --> 00:06:59.190 Paul Davis: Concerned local person. 41 00:06:59.520 --> 00:07:04.350 Nick Monica: Yes, exactly i'm a small business owner here at a CAFE on main and marine. 42 00:07:04.440 --> 00:07:05.940 Nick Monica: it's kind of on the border of venison. 43 00:07:06.030 --> 00:07:07.080 Nick Monica: And Santa Monica. 44 00:07:07.230 --> 00:07:07.800 Paul Davis: Oh that's great. 45 00:07:08.190 --> 00:07:08.550 yeah. 46 00:07:09.600 --> 00:07:21.060 Paul Davis: Well, I don't think we've met you before but i'm glad to have you come i'm Paul and their new shoes here let's see Matthew hines is also perhaps available to us let's see who, that is. 47 00:07:22.290 --> 00:07:23.700 Paul Davis: hold on one moment neck. 48 00:07:24.150 --> 00:07:24.420 Now. 49 00:07:25.620 --> 00:07:35.250 Paul Davis: let's see so we go okay so Matthew hines will will say something or show up when he wants to show so Nick you did you hear about us just on our mailing list or how did you hear about the meeting. 50 00:07:36.300 --> 00:07:48.180 Nick Monica: So i've been involved politically in the past, and then, so I just had like interest on a local level, I studied environmental science when you know when I was in university and then. 51 00:07:49.620 --> 00:07:56.130 Nick Monica: So either shy I volunteered a lot for campaigns or different things, and then one thing led to another friend of mine. 52 00:07:56.820 --> 00:08:12.990 Nick Monica: Is a real estate agent and had just told me that you guys host webinars often and I thought I would just hop on and see you know what you guys are all about and and kind of what's going on, I live in in Venice, obviously I grew up in Los Angeles so. 53 00:08:14.010 --> 00:08:22.530 Nick Monica: yeah I just I feel you know it's time for me to stop you know just venting to my wife and actually do something. 54 00:08:23.040 --> 00:08:34.200 Paul Davis: Well that's cool so as a little bit of background what you've stumbled on here tonight is a is a monthly meeting for a group called the discussion forum committee and we are a subcommittee of the. 55 00:08:34.860 --> 00:08:43.710 Paul Davis: Venice neighborhood Council and we meet once a month and are you know we're 567 people in a little gang who. 56 00:08:44.160 --> 00:08:53.610 Paul Davis: Talk you know it's called the discussion forum committee what that means to us is that we chat about ways that we might get engaged in helping make this a better community for everyone so. 57 00:08:54.240 --> 00:08:57.660 Paul Davis: He is an architect and urban design or I happen to be an architect as well, but. 58 00:08:58.050 --> 00:09:06.180 Paul Davis: We have a gentleman named Joe Murphy who sort of who founded this committee, he has a background in mediation and you know local political action. 59 00:09:06.570 --> 00:09:21.780 Paul Davis: We have among us woman named joelle Dumas who's the she's the Chair of the education committee on the local Chamber of Commerce, but also runs a wonderful preschool like a three language preschool called a Co clarify content, we have a. 60 00:09:22.950 --> 00:09:38.370 Paul Davis: pastor of the Venice Lutheran church, a man named john palka who's with us and other folks let me think so we have Reagan qb who runs a local newsletter for Venice moms and other people, but the bottom line is. 61 00:09:39.180 --> 00:09:46.140 Paul Davis: We kind of undertake initiatives of various kinds and i'm just kind of you know, saying hi and introducing us to us and see this is your. 62 00:09:46.140 --> 00:09:46.740 Nick Monica: question is it. 63 00:09:47.220 --> 00:09:50.040 Paul Davis: But we we actually wrote up a motion. 64 00:09:51.090 --> 00:09:58.380 Paul Davis: That was just read out and approved by the neighborhood Council board at their meeting on Tuesday and that motion. 65 00:09:58.830 --> 00:10:03.240 Paul Davis: had to do with a new campaign of ours, which is to try to figure out how we can help Venice parks. 66 00:10:03.690 --> 00:10:08.970 Paul Davis: Be more successful or have more amenities or be more available to people and maybe somehow even. 67 00:10:09.270 --> 00:10:19.770 Paul Davis: develop new parks or new places where people can get together with their family and kids and neighbors and you know kind of build this Community so that's a initiative we've gotten started recently, and we were. 68 00:10:20.370 --> 00:10:24.990 Paul Davis: glad to have had the board kind of support the idea that we might investigate all this. 69 00:10:25.890 --> 00:10:37.650 Nick Monica: awesome yeah that sounds great well, thank you for the introduction really excited and yeah i'm planning on you know attending as much as possible and thankfully, you have the flexibility in my schedule so. 70 00:10:37.890 --> 00:10:46.530 Paul Davis: super well yeah the neighborhood Council does a lot of stuff broadly and there are a lot of little committees and we're one of the you know the very minor what I would say we're we're. 71 00:10:46.980 --> 00:10:53.940 Paul Davis: off on the side doing little stuff that we think is potentially good and beneficial, but we're we're Definitely not. 72 00:10:54.690 --> 00:11:08.310 Paul Davis: Quite as controversial or or exciting, maybe, as some of the other committees in any case, we we think we have the ability to be helpful, we hope so Matthew hines i'm going to allow him to talk Hello Matthew you had your hand up. 73 00:11:09.390 --> 00:11:10.770 Matthew Hines: hi yes ball, can you hear me. 74 00:11:11.070 --> 00:11:14.220 Paul Davis: Yes, I can, and you can hear Matthew as well right. 75 00:11:15.270 --> 00:11:15.690 Mehrnoosh: Yes. 76 00:11:16.590 --> 00:11:19.470 Matthew Hines: Great yeah, I just wanted to introduce myself as well. 77 00:11:20.400 --> 00:11:20.910 Matthew Hines: I am. 78 00:11:21.840 --> 00:11:35.040 Matthew Hines: Local Venice resident and kind of like Nick wanted to get a little bit more involved in the Community i've attended one or two of the Venice board meetings i'm on the mailing list. 79 00:11:36.060 --> 00:11:56.520 Matthew Hines: But i'd like to just kind of learn a little bit more i'm also in the in the real estate community and and involved in CP 11 i'm building a number of units on West side, including 120 affordable units which i'm really excited about. 80 00:11:57.570 --> 00:12:10.050 Matthew Hines: So you know I wanted to get a little bit more involved, it sounds like we've got some others in the real estate industry, so I want to learn from you, and what you're seeing in Venice and then i'm also excited. 81 00:12:11.100 --> 00:12:29.700 Matthew Hines: To hear about what's going on in the Community and Community spaces so Paul was great to hear you talk about your interest in the group's interest in investing in parks as well that's something I think that there's there's room for improvement there and i'd love to be a part of that. 82 00:12:30.150 --> 00:12:42.570 Paul Davis: cool well it's it's funny because I think it sounds like each you guys kind of came across us here as as a early way of starting to kind of learn more about this that you know the dnc and see what that group. 83 00:12:42.990 --> 00:12:54.840 Paul Davis: is up to overall, and I think we're you know the dnc is quite an organization it gets involved in some important and controversial topics and among them are aspects of real estate development locally and. 84 00:12:55.650 --> 00:13:04.890 Paul Davis: we're kind of off to the side doing other things like, for example, thinking about the parks and we have a initiative that got on hold a bit due to code, which was destroyed. 85 00:13:05.490 --> 00:13:13.500 Paul Davis: try to get some interns from high schools like Venice high into local businesses and I I don't think we've given up on that, but it's been on hiatus for a while. 86 00:13:14.640 --> 00:13:24.240 Paul Davis: But bottom line is we're glad you're here, I think, since two of our Chair persons we haven't cleared their three of us are traveling are gone and I think. 87 00:13:24.780 --> 00:13:38.520 Paul Davis: Reverend palka may be occupied and they may just be kind of basking the laurels of our motion being passed a few nights ago so we'll see whether they show up or not, if they don't show up, we are absolutely able to just chat with you guys so let's see what develops. 88 00:13:39.630 --> 00:13:42.690 Matthew Hines: I do you, mind you mind filling us in on the motion from the other night. 89 00:13:43.410 --> 00:13:45.570 Paul Davis: yeah i'll be happy to why don't let me see so. 90 00:13:46.680 --> 00:14:01.020 Paul Davis: Okay let's see i'm going to i'm going to lower your hand because we're talking so your hand, can be lowered yeah let me i'm i'm going to I can do a screen share if that's useful, of the way the motion left us how it was looking when we send it over if that well. 91 00:14:01.740 --> 00:14:03.000 Matthew Hines: yeah i'm actually. 92 00:14:03.060 --> 00:14:05.730 Matthew Hines: i'm actually in my car, so I say just listening. 93 00:14:06.360 --> 00:14:09.600 Paul Davis: Well, fine So if you guys Nick are you able to. 94 00:14:09.780 --> 00:14:10.530 Paul Davis: hear or read or. 95 00:14:10.650 --> 00:14:13.230 Paul Davis: Can I read this little motion real fast and you guys can do. 96 00:14:13.380 --> 00:14:16.020 Nick Monica: That either either works for me in front of my computer. 97 00:14:16.320 --> 00:14:20.640 Paul Davis: super okay so i'm going to do a screen share and then i'll read this allowed in that will be used. 98 00:14:21.270 --> 00:14:22.110 So. 99 00:14:23.220 --> 00:14:25.050 Paul Davis: Basically i'm. 100 00:14:26.610 --> 00:14:33.690 Paul Davis: We submitted this and it was approved, what so what it says is the Venice neighborhood Council board. 101 00:14:33.690 --> 00:14:36.240 Paul Davis: Is in support of the discussion forum committees. 102 00:14:36.270 --> 00:14:44.250 Paul Davis: Venice parks initiative which has as its focus efforts to improve develop and promote public parks and other recreation. 103 00:14:44.640 --> 00:14:51.270 Paul Davis: And gathering facilities for children and their families, specific components of this work are to include a. 104 00:14:51.660 --> 00:15:01.770 Paul Davis: surveying and documentation of the features amenities locations and relative density, that is, proximity to residents of existing business parks and recreation sites. 105 00:15:02.280 --> 00:15:03.900 Paul Davis: Basically, just checking out what's out there, you know. 106 00:15:04.470 --> 00:15:17.640 Paul Davis: Be advocate with stakeholders and local authorities for additional or improved amenities, where they are lacking, including such things as bathrooms drinking fountains benches trees and shade structures crosswalks etc. 107 00:15:18.180 --> 00:15:29.310 Paul Davis: See investigate options for the creation of new parks and family recreation opportunities, whether temporary or permanent at locations public or private, of any size. 108 00:15:29.700 --> 00:15:41.640 Paul Davis: And D explore options for partnering with Venice schools nonprofits parenting groups and media to publicize our current improved and any new park. 109 00:15:41.640 --> 00:15:44.790 Paul Davis: or playground resources to local families and visitors. 110 00:15:45.330 --> 00:15:46.170 So. 111 00:15:47.580 --> 00:16:00.090 Paul Davis: They they just they voted 14 to zero, with one X abstention that they thought what we were doing was you know kind of worthwhile and worthy of their support, so at least they they kind of they know that we want to mess around with this and see if we can make some headway. 112 00:16:02.190 --> 00:16:10.620 Nick Monica: Very cool that that's pretty awesome and you guys were able to put this together, and how do you like what's the you know what's the next steps that you guys take from here. 113 00:16:11.160 --> 00:16:21.870 Paul Davis: Well, so it's a good question and what the very most immediate thing is that john palka the the Reverend over at the Venice Lutheran church he's working with the church board. 114 00:16:22.740 --> 00:16:26.880 Paul Davis: To make available as a kind of temporary weekend playground. 115 00:16:27.630 --> 00:16:34.320 Paul Davis: park a part of their playground and their parking lot on like Saturdays and Sunday morning, so the Community can come in for a couple hours and. 116 00:16:34.680 --> 00:16:40.650 Paul Davis: Have coffee and chat and be with each other and let the kids play so that's that's the kind of thing where. 117 00:16:41.130 --> 00:16:50.880 Paul Davis: You know, a private institution is coming up with a way that they can offer their facility to the to the Community, just to get people over Have a nice time together for a little while. 118 00:16:52.230 --> 00:16:52.920 Paul Davis: So. 119 00:16:53.040 --> 00:16:54.750 Paul Davis: that's one thing that we think we can. 120 00:16:54.960 --> 00:16:58.950 Paul Davis: very likely get rolling in the coming weeks and then. 121 00:17:00.270 --> 00:17:04.680 Paul Davis: One of you won't be able to see this, but I put on the screen a map, which is the very beginnings of our effort. 122 00:17:04.680 --> 00:17:11.970 Paul Davis: To start thinking about parks around us and this map shows Venice, as well as parts of culver city and Santa Monica because we wanted to. 123 00:17:12.390 --> 00:17:22.380 Paul Davis: Look at the area, more broadly, not just only Venice and we're going to refine this a bit and make it clear what Venice is and what business is not, but what you see here is a range of parks in the area. 124 00:17:22.890 --> 00:17:33.120 Paul Davis: You know we're there are a few like a dog park on Pacific that minutiae actually has been working on that we need to add into this this diagram but yeah. 125 00:17:33.390 --> 00:17:34.440 Paul Davis: So we're going to finish. 126 00:17:34.830 --> 00:17:44.940 Mehrnoosh: I said that i'm what as you are, you will know i'm really interested in public spaces, where families come together and so on, that used to be a storage area and. 127 00:17:45.960 --> 00:17:57.690 Mehrnoosh: All for elderly people, but even if you have to include the elderly, children, families dogs everybody into the parking I wish I incorporated because they enjoy one another right. 128 00:17:58.320 --> 00:18:00.150 Mehrnoosh: um, so I think our. 129 00:18:00.450 --> 00:18:09.060 Mehrnoosh: goal is to not only children but have their families to be involved as well and enjoy so it's really a public spaces part of our Community. 130 00:18:09.840 --> 00:18:13.200 Mehrnoosh: Absolutely yeah I have plans for that area. 131 00:18:13.800 --> 00:18:22.320 Paul Davis: Well guys, we have one of the people who comes and joins us is a woman named Robin miras who's a prominent local artists. 132 00:18:23.430 --> 00:18:41.580 Paul Davis: And she joins us a lot, and we have chats with her, one of the things she's advocating is that we take advantage of a certain APP that can be operated on all of our smartphones that kind of can take you on a self guided walking tour of a given neighborhood and we're thinking that maybe. 133 00:18:42.600 --> 00:18:52.980 Paul Davis: among you know things we do to help promote parks or other amenities in Venice would be to kind of start getting Venice interested in a points of interest on a on an APP like that. 134 00:18:54.120 --> 00:18:55.380 Paul Davis: That could be interesting. 135 00:18:57.510 --> 00:18:59.520 Paul Davis: So we've had some of the beginnings of talks with her about. 136 00:18:59.520 --> 00:19:03.900 Paul Davis: That she's got a number of public art installations in Venice that she'd like to. 137 00:19:04.020 --> 00:19:06.990 Paul Davis: You know, make sure people can find and we think that's a cool idea also. 138 00:19:10.860 --> 00:19:18.630 Matthew Hines: let's say I love that idea, especially considering some of the excellent walking areas like the canals and the walking streets in Venice. 139 00:19:20.100 --> 00:19:22.740 Paul Davis: yeah it looks like Robin actually is joining us Robin can you hear me. 140 00:19:33.840 --> 00:19:41.850 Paul Davis: Robin i'm having a little trouble hearing you so far, but i'm glad you're here and I was just telling our attendees Nick and Matthew who are Community guys. 141 00:19:42.810 --> 00:19:50.400 Paul Davis: about the things that we've been talking about with you and your idea about that APP as a walking tour of not only parks, but other local points of interest. 142 00:19:51.180 --> 00:19:53.280 robin murez: yeah so, can you hear me any better now. 143 00:19:53.340 --> 00:19:54.180 robin murez: Certainly, better. 144 00:19:54.540 --> 00:19:56.430 Paul Davis: Very well, can you guys hear me Robin. 145 00:19:57.420 --> 00:20:00.390 robin murez: yeah so oh can everybody hear me. 146 00:20:00.570 --> 00:20:09.510 robin murez: Yes, yes, I just wanted to also mention to the the idea for the the walking to our APP came up through another the MC. 147 00:20:09.870 --> 00:20:20.040 robin murez: ad hoc committee that I formed earlier this year that's called preserving public places, and so what we're going to put on it is historic sites in Dennis. 148 00:20:20.580 --> 00:20:29.040 robin murez: So it would be historic sites, it would be public art which yeah mine would be included in and yeah parks would be perfect, for it, and I think it. 149 00:20:29.370 --> 00:20:38.460 robin murez: lends it and then there's another group that wants to put trees and there, there could also be contemporary homes because there's some really cool ones and Paul Maybe you can help with. 150 00:20:39.090 --> 00:20:54.840 robin murez: That list and tour of you know architecture done some very noteworthy contemporary housing yeah so could have all different tours like that I think the format for it, if you look at pocket site COM. 151 00:20:55.890 --> 00:21:03.510 robin murez: You can see that it may be a great tool for you all to use in even just creating your. 152 00:21:05.640 --> 00:21:17.100 robin murez: You know, lift of the arch and then it's you know just let you I need them with just that you know, a point on the map and then you can put in information. 153 00:21:17.670 --> 00:21:30.630 robin murez: In text, and you can put in pictures and you can put in voice, as well as video so it's it's a nice organizational tool, I think that would be lend itself well for that. 154 00:21:32.400 --> 00:21:42.330 Paul Davis: Robin I I got just maybe, so the guys can see this or everyone can see it, I have the pocket sized website up here, why don't I try to share that screen for just a SEC, so people can get a look at that. 155 00:21:44.430 --> 00:21:53.940 Paul Davis: hold on just one SEC here so so guys robin's idea was that this pocket sites is a site or APP that's pretty well set up to. 156 00:21:54.210 --> 00:22:00.060 Paul Davis: enable Community members to quite easily structure, you know add kind of upload their own information about their neighborhood and. 157 00:22:00.420 --> 00:22:10.320 Paul Davis: structure self guided tours that people could take advantage of when they come to enjoy Venice, so I think you're seeing here a little bit about this site and it's I think it's a largely a mobile APP but. 158 00:22:11.310 --> 00:22:25.620 Paul Davis: yeah yeah robbins experiences that it's very user friendly, and you know individuals who are part of a given walking tour account can upload stuff in a shared format and make some comments and help people get to know a place. 159 00:22:26.970 --> 00:22:38.700 robin murez: yeah exactly and also my daughter our thought on it is we want to have it be free to the public and not commercial so it would just have things that are of. 160 00:22:39.330 --> 00:22:48.750 robin murez: interest if somebody I heard them say yeah the canals be great to have it on it and and actually I met with reckon Park, the people who handle ocean front. 161 00:22:49.620 --> 00:23:01.620 robin murez: walk and you know the beach, and they love the idea, you know they would love to have people be able to learn more about not only where muscle beaches and the history of that but also. 162 00:23:02.730 --> 00:23:09.120 robin murez: Where Charlie Chaplin lived or Jim morrison and show you all of these things can go on it. 163 00:23:10.200 --> 00:23:21.480 robin murez: I will mention gay, so we should admit a dish to the neighborhood Council asking for funding and it got caught up in some crazy politics and did not get funded. 164 00:23:22.350 --> 00:23:31.830 robin murez: We could resubmit again, maybe, if we do it jointly with your committee, you know something like that dish also the arbor Committee, maybe we all joined together. 165 00:23:32.550 --> 00:23:51.150 robin murez: They would fund it this time, alternatively, the best way to create it is what's called a white label site, which means instead of going to pocket site and then having them Shay in fact all if you click on. 166 00:23:53.580 --> 00:23:54.150 robin murez: tours. 167 00:23:56.550 --> 00:24:04.650 robin murez: Think that'll let you see here, and you can scroll down, you can see, even oh and or you could put in Los Angeles enough it yeah. 168 00:24:09.120 --> 00:24:14.940 robin murez: And you'll see that lots of other organizations and Community oh in fact there's that's when I stopped. 169 00:24:15.180 --> 00:24:16.710 Paul Davis: Strangely enough there's you rather. 170 00:24:17.700 --> 00:24:31.860 robin murez: know that was up, so I just started trying it, you know to test it out and see how I could do so yeah I did put some of my public art on there and it's you know super easy drag and drop and then each one of the. 171 00:24:32.970 --> 00:24:49.380 robin murez: Sites you click on So if you scroll back up to the top, you can see, like you could click on any one of those and yeah and then to scroll a little higher and you'll see like that page I put up info about the ballpark if you scroll a little higher than where you are. 172 00:24:50.670 --> 00:24:51.090 Paul Davis: Okay. 173 00:24:51.690 --> 00:24:57.690 robin murez: yeah there so that has like I said just just the basic info okay so then. 174 00:24:58.050 --> 00:24:59.070 robin murez: i'm sure with your class. 175 00:24:59.490 --> 00:25:04.200 Paul Davis: I clicked on this one, and you can read more so, it looks like see here's here's a expanded page here. 176 00:25:04.710 --> 00:25:05.970 robin murez: Exactly yeah. 177 00:25:07.380 --> 00:25:16.320 robin murez: So that's an expanded page, but you know I only put pictures and in text I hadn't yet, but I could easily put up. 178 00:25:18.450 --> 00:25:31.050 robin murez: You know, video and and sound, and so what I started to say, though, is so doing it this way, I think, if you were on your shelf and you'd have to first go to pocket site. 179 00:25:31.710 --> 00:25:43.710 robin murez: And then you find what's the tour near you that's a very inexpensive way to set these up it's only like it's $500 a year that's it and. 180 00:25:44.310 --> 00:25:54.060 robin murez: it's a subscription so we renew every year, but the problem with, that is, you have to go to pocket right there is a better way is what's called white label. 181 00:25:54.720 --> 00:26:12.960 robin murez: And that costs an initial cost of $7,000 but then it's just $500 a year and the benefit is well I don't what i'd like to know is, if we can sort of get several all Venice names, so no matter how anybody. 182 00:26:14.160 --> 00:26:19.620 robin murez: looked on their phone, they would find us, you know could be called vanish tours finish walking towards you know, whatever. 183 00:26:21.180 --> 00:26:28.050 robin murez: i'm not sure about that yet, but at least we could have so somebody looked at vanished tours we would come up that way. 184 00:26:29.340 --> 00:26:38.280 robin murez: So the question is whether the neighborhood Council will pay the upfront costs or, alternatively, I thought, maybe we get. 185 00:26:39.240 --> 00:26:51.840 robin murez: 14 people to each pitch in 500 bucks and boom we've you know we've paid for it, we get it going and then it's just $500 a year and I think that the neighborhood Council will easily then pick it up, but. 186 00:26:53.880 --> 00:26:54.180 You know. 187 00:26:55.260 --> 00:27:11.280 robin murez: So that's kind of as much info, as I have on it another well one other thing I mentioned is, we can start it for the initial $500 and then everything we create can be upgraded at any point to that $7,000 platform. 188 00:27:11.850 --> 00:27:26.490 Paul Davis: And Robin it I get it right thinking that if you did the white the white label thing, then it would not be branded with pocket size, we can refer directly to it with, as you said, the Q this thick skin features, or are going to have its own little website, in that case. 189 00:27:27.120 --> 00:27:33.600 Paul Davis: Yes, you are I see okay so Robin just because we, as we started this meeting. 190 00:27:33.960 --> 00:27:46.560 Paul Davis: We learned that Nick Monica and Matthew hines are here they're they're both local residents who are they kind of found us as a means of beginning to get involved or learn more about the V and see broadly so I kind of told him what our little group does, and they are. 191 00:27:48.690 --> 00:27:54.450 Paul Davis: Nick has a business in town and Matthew is doing some real estate development and unit building and. 192 00:27:55.020 --> 00:28:06.390 Paul Davis: So they have a rough sense of what we're up to here and I was just actually tell him about the you and, as a person who joins us and talks about good things so it's good that you arrived at exactly the right time. 193 00:28:07.860 --> 00:28:14.670 robin murez: Okay yeah, but we also you know so that's kind of the full info on this, but if you want to get to other topics don't let me monopolize. 194 00:28:15.120 --> 00:28:28.020 Paul Davis: Well, I mean I think we're well, I know, Joe is flying tonight, and I think john palka super busy and joelle is not with us and reagan's not either, so I was saying that it looks like we're having just kind of a casual chat and I think that's fine. 195 00:28:29.070 --> 00:28:33.480 Paul Davis: You know, I think it was good to get that motion passed and. 196 00:28:34.500 --> 00:28:42.810 Paul Davis: Now it's kind of our duty to think about next steps, and I, you know I think we talked about elaborating on the map, we started to make and. 197 00:28:43.860 --> 00:28:59.310 Paul Davis: I think we can and should do that but rob clearly I think the the APP is sort of like an alternative or or or an augmented version of a map right it's meant to be kind of a live action map that could be helpful yeah. 198 00:29:00.600 --> 00:29:15.270 Paul Davis: yeah um yeah so I mean, I think we probably as a group, are going to talk more about how to advance our our map campaign because I think the map has meant has been meant to be a way of starting to survey parks and you know tie in. 199 00:29:15.750 --> 00:29:23.850 Paul Davis: graphics and information that allow us to kind of keep track of what we've been learning about businesses parks, that we can think about how to make them better. 200 00:29:24.210 --> 00:29:30.210 Paul Davis: But I also think one of the things we talked about is the value of going to the city and trying to figure out what sort of data bank, they have. 201 00:29:30.660 --> 00:29:41.580 Paul Davis: About Venice parks or whether we can kind of get their survey info as a means of not duplicating efforts with them because undoubtedly you know we don't know what the form of it is but they've done a lot of us in the past themselves obviously right. 202 00:29:42.300 --> 00:29:46.980 robin murez: yeah so on la parks, I think their website is la parte dot. 203 00:29:48.480 --> 00:29:50.400 robin murez: we're gonna know if you Google la parte. 204 00:29:51.090 --> 00:30:00.810 robin murez: um they've actually finally added Venice of America centennial Park, which again I don't think it's on your map, which I find very strange. 205 00:30:01.050 --> 00:30:07.770 Paul Davis: That we didn't put it there, because we were folks can parks and playgrounds, but we know that we need to expand it and feature more kinds of places. 206 00:30:08.460 --> 00:30:13.470 robin murez: right because it's also the future side of the finish line carousel so yeah. 207 00:30:14.430 --> 00:30:30.600 robin murez: yeah So if you go on on la parte you'll see they've got the parks and they've got the playground and they've got information about them so that would be a good starting point and actually justice I created that initial free. 208 00:30:32.430 --> 00:30:38.850 robin murez: list that you were just looking at what I created on pocket right you could do that too. 209 00:30:40.110 --> 00:30:44.730 robin murez: Again I think it's kind of an easy way to start creating a map yeah. 210 00:30:46.230 --> 00:30:50.220 robin murez: And you could put your stuff up on that and then. 211 00:30:51.540 --> 00:30:53.910 robin murez: You know and pull from yeah is that the La parte. 212 00:30:54.420 --> 00:31:07.410 Paul Davis: yeah i'm looking at facilities so you can go here and look at parks let's see if there's anything for playgrounds specifically let's just start with parks, so we click on parks yeah, so this is a probably a searchable. 213 00:31:08.490 --> 00:31:12.630 Paul Davis: park map that lets us do all kinds of things it looks like. 214 00:31:12.930 --> 00:31:15.840 robin murez: yeah I think you think there's a way to search just Bennett. 215 00:31:16.110 --> 00:31:17.160 robin murez: And it will just let. 216 00:31:17.850 --> 00:31:24.150 robin murez: You go back up to the Baptist have a number up there that looks like it was at Venice like maybe number three. 217 00:31:27.300 --> 00:31:27.840 Paul Davis: Is that. 218 00:31:28.260 --> 00:31:29.580 robin murez: Something a hot link or. 219 00:31:31.410 --> 00:31:32.190 Paul Davis: well. 220 00:31:32.670 --> 00:31:33.600 robin murez: I del rey. 221 00:31:34.680 --> 00:31:43.980 Paul Davis: It looks like these are okay they've got the adults, a park So these are their little these look like via either Parker playground icons we can find out what the icon means but here's a canal. 222 00:31:44.640 --> 00:31:59.550 Paul Davis: We know that here is this America centennial park nice that's yours, we have triangle park yeah so we're seeing it's funny there are not many, but there are a few here here's Glen Allen park oh bill rosendahl yeah that's not. 223 00:32:00.690 --> 00:32:06.600 robin murez: right but that's, the reality is that I mean if you go higher on that you can get to oakland park. 224 00:32:06.900 --> 00:32:10.770 Paul Davis: Well here's oakland they're not they don't have a bullet little bubble on it, which is kind of strange. 225 00:32:11.580 --> 00:32:18.660 robin murez: Maybe it comes up on recreation centers because it's called over on the left side I see it says, recreation centers and yeah. 226 00:32:24.060 --> 00:32:26.430 robin murez: They call it oakwood recreation Center I think. 227 00:32:31.770 --> 00:32:32.190 Paul Davis: hmm. 228 00:32:34.590 --> 00:32:35.160 Paul Davis: well. 229 00:32:36.810 --> 00:32:39.240 Paul Davis: they're being a little tricky on that, I mean that they're the. 230 00:32:40.170 --> 00:32:41.520 robin murez: One right below where you are. 231 00:32:41.910 --> 00:32:48.390 Paul Davis: Well there's pin my record yeah it's probably right here okay so that's been more here's oakland so yeah yeah yeahs little this icon shows a record recreation said. 232 00:32:48.810 --> 00:32:55.080 robin murez: If you click on once you click if you click on it again, does it give you more information we go back up to like. 233 00:32:56.160 --> 00:32:58.260 Paul Davis: i'm going to go straight to. 234 00:33:00.060 --> 00:33:00.810 oakwood. 235 00:33:05.880 --> 00:33:15.480 Paul Davis: Okay, if we click on oakwood then we see this right and it tells us a fair amount about what's there so that's good right and. 236 00:33:15.810 --> 00:33:19.410 robin murez: Really, all of this, that they have is also all. 237 00:33:21.240 --> 00:33:23.850 robin murez: categories that you could put into that pockets, I. 238 00:33:26.100 --> 00:33:27.990 robin murez: might have better pictures and. 239 00:33:29.340 --> 00:33:31.830 robin murez: Go out with your cell phone and you could get something more. 240 00:33:32.340 --> 00:33:43.800 Paul Davis: Well yeah I mean, I think your point, which is important is that, I mean this is great to see, and yet this is a gigantic site for the whole city and the city is is huge and there are many, many districts and neighborhoods and i'm guessing that. 241 00:33:44.280 --> 00:33:51.630 Paul Davis: It might not be the most natural thing for someone to kind of stumble on this and use it as a means of kind of enjoying business parks and now they might but i'm. 242 00:33:51.990 --> 00:34:03.630 Paul Davis: The problem is how you get people to find us and get into it right, and I think I think your point is if there's a specific Venice feature that just easier to get to and easier to less cumbersome that I think that could be powerful. 243 00:34:04.500 --> 00:34:12.600 robin murez: yeah and just great prevented you know people either live here or visit here, they could then see these various categories if they. 244 00:34:13.350 --> 00:34:21.210 robin murez: If they want they'll see what's right around them, or if they want to click and see where the parks are they can click on that and it'll just you know highlight all the park. 245 00:34:22.380 --> 00:34:22.920 robin murez: yeah. 246 00:34:25.020 --> 00:34:25.980 Mehrnoosh: yeah I think it's. 247 00:34:27.360 --> 00:34:33.870 robin murez: I think it'd be great for this show, as I said, now it's kind of a question of how we initially fund it but. 248 00:34:35.310 --> 00:34:48.120 robin murez: But you could go ahead and start loading stuff on it, if you like, the idea and and we own everything all the content that we own that we load they own the code right. 249 00:34:49.650 --> 00:34:55.410 robin murez: So yeah so it's like we have nothing to lose by by doing it it's a good start. 250 00:34:56.820 --> 00:35:00.570 robin murez: And I think it's probably ultimately a great final product. 251 00:35:03.870 --> 00:35:05.220 Paul Davis: here's the Venice flying. 252 00:35:06.510 --> 00:35:07.650 Paul Davis: carousel studio. 253 00:35:08.250 --> 00:35:09.450 robin murez: today's show well. 254 00:35:10.380 --> 00:35:10.860 that's. 255 00:35:11.970 --> 00:35:14.730 robin murez: Well, with her granddaughter and then. 256 00:35:15.060 --> 00:35:17.130 Paul Davis: was an incredible snail so. 257 00:35:18.780 --> 00:35:26.760 Paul Davis: All right, well, well, I think there's no doubt that this avenue that is taking advantage of an APP like this could be powerful and good. 258 00:35:27.420 --> 00:35:40.110 Paul Davis: And I think we could obviously use city resources in the form of even that side you you just showed us to begin to catalog what's in our local parks, as well as making some visits, which I think john palka had started to do. 259 00:35:42.000 --> 00:35:44.670 Paul Davis: So those are those are good things. 260 00:35:45.900 --> 00:35:49.680 Matthew Hines: yeah yeah well you mind if I ask a quick question. 261 00:35:50.130 --> 00:35:51.000 Paul Davis: yeah who's this sorry. 262 00:35:51.540 --> 00:35:52.890 Matthew Hines: Sorry, this is Matthew again. 263 00:35:53.100 --> 00:35:56.100 Paul Davis: Oh hi Matthew sorry yeah took me to tell them, yes, by all means dad. 264 00:35:56.460 --> 00:36:12.390 Matthew Hines: Sorry sorry um looks like a great initiative to map out the parks and I guess, I have a somewhat related question my wife and I were talking to some neighbors of ours earlier and they mentioned. 265 00:36:13.410 --> 00:36:17.250 Matthew Hines: that there was an initiative also sort of in the parks. 266 00:36:18.360 --> 00:36:31.980 Matthew Hines: department to potentially look at building out some additional or some new pickle ball courts in in Venice potentially in in Panama. 267 00:36:32.550 --> 00:36:33.990 Matthew Hines: Is that part of the same. 268 00:36:34.620 --> 00:36:41.580 Matthew Hines: sort of initiative and motion that you guys have been working on or was that discussed at the Tuesday fancy meeting. 269 00:36:42.300 --> 00:36:52.020 Paul Davis: Well it's funny that's a good point we have, I think that might be East Venice, which is a maybe maybe Robin those, but I believe that could be the East Venice neighborhood Council, as opposed to. 270 00:36:52.380 --> 00:36:59.340 Paul Davis: The Venice Labor Council, but I could be wrong, on the other hand, we have to mind we haven't been involved in that, but it's Nice. 271 00:37:01.590 --> 00:37:01.740 Paul Davis: To. 272 00:37:01.920 --> 00:37:10.500 robin murez: interrupt okay so we'll wait just to make sure you know each, then this is not a separate neighbor to counsel they're just a neighborhood of Venice neighborhood Council. 273 00:37:10.710 --> 00:37:10.830 Oh. 274 00:37:11.910 --> 00:37:21.600 robin murez: yeah no that suggestion came from what's called the neighborhood committee of the Venice neighborhood Council and it's. 275 00:37:22.530 --> 00:37:31.050 robin murez: it's an idea that they have i'll tell you right now, some of the Court at the beach, are some of the handball courts are would it be. 276 00:37:31.740 --> 00:37:36.060 robin murez: Would it be called the huddle boss court, are you as pickle ball. 277 00:37:36.540 --> 00:37:50.580 robin murez: I just saw something about Friday mornings and other times so those right now, you should know are available, so it was the neighborhood Committee who had the suggestion that wouldn't it be nice to build some people ball court at Mr. 278 00:37:51.930 --> 00:37:52.530 robin murez: and 279 00:37:53.550 --> 00:38:04.650 robin murez: They don't have not done any research on it or had not but they would like to they hadn't really that is it in the Community or hadn't gone to wreck and park. 280 00:38:05.100 --> 00:38:23.220 robin murez: To find out whether that's, something that would allow they had a location in mind a long road, which might be perfect, but they really it was just an idea that they brought up they applied for funding, but it didn't make any sense because they had no idea what they were applying for. 281 00:38:24.510 --> 00:38:30.420 robin murez: So it didn't go anywhere, yet, but it's an idea, a lot of people currently like pick a ball and. 282 00:38:31.470 --> 00:38:37.590 robin murez: So it could go farther but it's just a preliminary idea that needs to be developed. 283 00:38:38.190 --> 00:38:39.000 Matthew Hines: got it got it. 284 00:38:39.060 --> 00:38:40.770 Matthew Hines: Okay, that that background. 285 00:38:41.310 --> 00:38:42.300 robin murez: would be through the. 286 00:38:42.420 --> 00:38:43.380 robin murez: neighborhood committee. 287 00:38:43.620 --> 00:38:52.740 Paul Davis: But it seems like that's that's exactly the kind of thing that we would want to kind of you know, be able to be helpful, with as we found out about events you know. 288 00:38:53.940 --> 00:39:00.540 Paul Davis: Sorry initiatives like that or or considered things that we could do to help make new amenities happen and existing parks so. 289 00:39:00.930 --> 00:39:01.290 Matthew Hines: yeah. 290 00:39:01.530 --> 00:39:03.300 Paul Davis: Look, I think we like hearing about it's good. 291 00:39:03.750 --> 00:39:11.040 Matthew Hines: yeah do you happen to know if there was a contact on that initiative that we could get in contact with. 292 00:39:11.700 --> 00:39:12.210 robin murez: yeah. 293 00:39:12.480 --> 00:39:16.140 Paul Davis: go into the dnc site look at that committee right Robin oh perfect. 294 00:39:16.980 --> 00:39:22.530 robin murez: yeah um it's daffodil to minsky she's the Chair of that committee. 295 00:39:23.790 --> 00:39:38.940 robin murez: And she has meetings, but she doesn't post them so they're actually illegal you might try to ask her to post them because you should be able to find it from going to the dentist neighborhood Council website, but I don't know why she's not posting her meeting. 296 00:39:40.290 --> 00:39:42.780 Mehrnoosh: it's called exactly what committees it. 297 00:39:45.720 --> 00:39:47.370 Mehrnoosh: Does on a neighborhood Council. 298 00:39:48.450 --> 00:39:49.710 Yes, okay. 299 00:39:50.790 --> 00:40:06.930 robin murez: And yeah so she's the person, though, who brought it up and but she yeah and I know she wants to keep looking into it, but again, she for some reason doesn't post her meetings unless she has recently I haven't looked to see if. 300 00:40:07.410 --> 00:40:10.770 robin murez: Their current agenda motion they're supposed to be posted. 301 00:40:11.370 --> 00:40:18.960 Matthew Hines: yeah okay well great i'll reach out to her appreciate appreciate the background, yes that's what that discussion groups for us right. 302 00:40:19.620 --> 00:40:32.730 Paul Davis: that's exactly true, and if you want to come back to us and say hey guys, you should go talk to daffodil you're you're doing fun things that she should hear about and vice versa we'd love to hear more about it. 303 00:40:35.250 --> 00:40:36.570 Paul Davis: sounds like we could do some coordinating. 304 00:40:37.260 --> 00:40:38.490 robin murez: A you of pickled ballplayer. 305 00:40:40.440 --> 00:40:43.050 Matthew Hines: I am i'm one of those avid football players. 306 00:40:44.070 --> 00:40:44.340 Paul Davis: Were. 307 00:40:45.360 --> 00:40:46.500 Paul Davis: Otherwise, these days. 308 00:40:47.370 --> 00:40:58.650 Matthew Hines: So um my wife is also and she I believe she just joined the meeting, but we we typically drive over to Santa Monica memorial park. 309 00:40:59.670 --> 00:41:18.840 Matthew Hines: The the courts on the beach the paddle tennis courts they're only for a few hours each week in the mornings during the week, and so I work sort of normal hours so can't join those so we drive over to Santa Monica we go to West Hollywood. 310 00:41:20.310 --> 00:41:29.430 Matthew Hines: I know there are courts in El Segundo as well, but there's a there's a big Community sort of a lot of people come from across the West side. 311 00:41:29.880 --> 00:41:43.320 Matthew Hines: To go to Santa Monica and a lot of those people who play in Santa Monica live in Venice, and so I know there will be a lot of lot of other players and probably support for for building out courts in Venice. 312 00:41:44.520 --> 00:41:50.280 robin murez: yeah I mean that's that's what I hear that people are really enjoying it apparently it's like nationwide some really big sport. 313 00:41:51.690 --> 00:42:01.380 robin murez: And yeah it's she just kind of threw together a proposal that really didn't need any notion of being a fundable proposal but. 314 00:42:01.590 --> 00:42:17.100 robin murez: As far as being a contract that one could mean the first step is to go to record parks and talk to them, she also had her proposal, supported by a petition and like 98% of the people on a petition we're not from vanish. 315 00:42:17.370 --> 00:42:17.730 Matthew Hines: So. 316 00:42:18.030 --> 00:42:26.010 robin murez: You know our people from Venice, it would be great to have their signatures if we're you know, trying to get it done in Dennis. 317 00:42:27.630 --> 00:42:34.110 robin murez: So if you do know other people from Venice, you know might be good to start that but you know, really, one can talk to reckon park. 318 00:42:35.250 --> 00:42:45.570 robin murez: immediately and just say hey are you open to it what's a possibility, I know i've tried to do things in part and they've got you know specific guidelines as to. 319 00:42:46.950 --> 00:42:52.830 robin murez: If balls can be used or racket in given places, you know they. 320 00:42:54.660 --> 00:42:56.400 robin murez: years back, I wanted to do a. 321 00:42:57.510 --> 00:43:11.730 robin murez: Annual miniature golf course in centennial park using foam ball and they would not have it, even with putting up huge high fencing like rancho park has around driving like. 322 00:43:12.990 --> 00:43:25.320 robin murez: Because they said Oh well, there could be golf clubs that could be thrown so you know they get their notions of concerned about safety, so you have to go to them first you know if you didn't have it yeah. 323 00:43:25.560 --> 00:43:26.550 robin murez: And they may have. 324 00:43:29.310 --> 00:43:29.640 robin murez: me. 325 00:43:30.630 --> 00:43:36.480 Matthew Hines: Sorry, would that be la reckon parks or the Venice neighborhood Council. 326 00:43:36.690 --> 00:43:38.040 Matthew Hines: Like reading books committee. 327 00:43:39.030 --> 00:43:43.530 robin murez: know that it's the Department of Los Angeles department of recreation and part. 328 00:43:43.530 --> 00:43:44.760 Matthew Hines: shot it mm hmm. 329 00:43:46.140 --> 00:43:58.110 robin murez: You know, and I said Oh, this should be a daffodil a couple months ago and i've worked with reckon parks on number of projects and I don't know why she didn't try to do that maybe she has by now. 330 00:43:59.520 --> 00:44:00.720 robin murez: sounds like Matthew could. 331 00:44:00.720 --> 00:44:02.490 Paul Davis: become the Code, the Co chair of. 332 00:44:02.490 --> 00:44:08.070 Paul Davis: The Committee and the neighborhood committee he could kind of to be a subcommittee Chairman right right. 333 00:44:10.320 --> 00:44:12.870 Paul Davis: that she would welcome your health Matthew. 334 00:44:13.470 --> 00:44:16.470 Matthew Hines: Well, I will, I will be sure to reach out to her, I appreciate the guidance. 335 00:44:16.920 --> 00:44:22.140 Paul Davis: Oh yeah i'm sure it's a hoot there was a big article that pick up on the La times a couple of weeks ago right or a couple months ago. 336 00:44:22.980 --> 00:44:24.990 Matthew Hines: it's fun, we got to get you guys out there and play. 337 00:44:25.800 --> 00:44:27.030 robin murez: let's try to finish seven. 338 00:44:28.200 --> 00:44:34.800 Matthew Hines: Any spin us so kind of near near Venice boulevard east of Lincoln. 339 00:44:35.970 --> 00:44:42.840 robin murez: Okay yeah, so there is another heart related initiative, this the East Venice. 340 00:44:44.280 --> 00:44:49.350 robin murez: Committee has on their agenda and they've got a meeting coming up on Friday. 341 00:44:50.910 --> 00:44:54.540 robin murez: They have been trying to you know along rose avenue. 342 00:44:56.400 --> 00:44:56.910 robin murez: Mr. 343 00:44:57.990 --> 00:45:09.570 robin murez: Parker golf course whatever that is a long rows avenue where it had been such a horrendous and kampmann they were finally able to get the city to remove the in campus and. 344 00:45:10.260 --> 00:45:23.640 robin murez: They would like to now have it landscaped with like a DG decompose Granite pathway and native planting so that people could jog on it, and it would be you know natural and beautiful. 345 00:45:24.540 --> 00:45:34.410 robin murez: You would think that would be like the obvious thing they would do, but apparently that they're meeting with a lot of resistance from whomever they're dealing with that record park. 346 00:45:35.460 --> 00:45:48.450 robin murez: Saying no, it has to be a concrete sidewalk so that's a big effort that that group is making, and I know that the arbor committee which is again a neighborhood Council committee is. 347 00:45:49.170 --> 00:45:56.970 robin murez: Working with them are supporting them and trying to have it be a natural pathway there, so you know it's a beautiful amenity. 348 00:45:58.530 --> 00:46:07.290 robin murez: So yeah that's just another thing having to do with Mr park and you Spanish and neighborhood Council. 349 00:46:08.760 --> 00:46:09.090 Nick Monica: Great. 350 00:46:09.270 --> 00:46:17.820 Nick Monica: hey guys thanks I gotta sign off here, but it was really great to you know be introduced, and I appreciate the great information everybody good to meet you. 351 00:46:18.630 --> 00:46:26.820 Matthew Hines: And unfortunately i'm i'm also going to have to sign off as well, but this was great I appreciate everything and look forward to getting more involved. 352 00:46:27.360 --> 00:46:30.450 Paul Davis: Well guys thanks so much for joining us, we appreciate your coming out nice to meet you both. 353 00:46:31.380 --> 00:46:31.830 Matthew Hines: Thank you. 354 00:46:32.160 --> 00:46:32.550 Paul Davis: Take care. 355 00:46:32.610 --> 00:46:35.700 robin murez: Are you both people ballplayers Nick are you also think about my. 356 00:46:37.080 --> 00:46:39.600 Paul Davis: MIC may have left us oh he's gone. 357 00:46:39.750 --> 00:46:40.110 Okay. 358 00:46:42.390 --> 00:46:46.110 robin murez: i'm just cases that was their main interesting coming on this show what. 359 00:46:46.590 --> 00:46:50.280 Paul Davis: I don't think they do I know is I didn't know each other or or. 360 00:46:51.570 --> 00:46:56.700 Matthew Hines: I don't know Nick but, if my wife is on here then she's also plays. 361 00:46:57.660 --> 00:46:58.470 robin murez: Right cool. 362 00:46:59.640 --> 00:47:01.470 Matthew Hines: Well, I appreciate it have a good evening. 363 00:47:01.560 --> 00:47:05.160 Paul Davis: he'd love to see you guys again in the future, and then get together real life, one of these days. 364 00:47:06.000 --> 00:47:06.480 Matthew Hines: Thank you. 365 00:47:06.780 --> 00:47:08.400 bye bye okay. 366 00:47:10.860 --> 00:47:11.700 Paul Davis: So um. 367 00:47:12.540 --> 00:47:13.800 robin murez: Politics, you and I, on here. 368 00:47:14.430 --> 00:47:17.160 Paul Davis: I know I know we have new share as well. 369 00:47:18.540 --> 00:47:18.810 Right. 370 00:47:20.220 --> 00:47:21.300 Paul Davis: Sure yeah. 371 00:47:21.390 --> 00:47:22.110 Mehrnoosh: i'm listening. 372 00:47:23.700 --> 00:47:34.260 Paul Davis: So well guys I don't know I feel like maybe less we have further things to discuss, we might be able to kind of a journal hair early tonight, but I think we've had a good chat very nice you want to say anything more. 373 00:47:35.160 --> 00:47:42.150 Mehrnoosh: um well i'm thinking about another very good politician, but I feel like in order to get things done. 374 00:47:43.170 --> 00:47:53.880 Mehrnoosh: In addition to all the great stuff that province broad is you know the city stuffs what's available at parks and recs and all the technical stuff. 375 00:47:54.450 --> 00:47:59.310 Mehrnoosh: as well, we should you know if you have been picking one or two places that we. 376 00:48:00.030 --> 00:48:18.780 Mehrnoosh: kind of he even studied a neighbor who the further and come up with concepts and yeah so it's a technicality, and as as well as the Community services and so on, put together if we want to make proposal, I mean i'm just wondering if that's a possibility to do it. 377 00:48:19.920 --> 00:48:22.410 Paul Davis: What you mean a proposal to to. 378 00:48:22.500 --> 00:48:26.010 Paul Davis: enhance wreck or to the dnc or. 379 00:48:26.670 --> 00:48:27.720 Mehrnoosh: play enhance the. 380 00:48:27.720 --> 00:48:41.850 Mehrnoosh: Park area to what the requirements are what enabled with my want to do it, what parks and recs is align us, and if you have to make it and the schematics of it or something and then get approval for it. 381 00:48:43.980 --> 00:48:54.180 Paul Davis: I think we had this rough idea and we have to figure out whether we can you know Marshal the resources, but I think we were going to kind of learn more about the parks, we have and figure out what they know that there's going to be this like survey concept well. 382 00:48:54.180 --> 00:49:06.450 Paul Davis: yeah figure out what's there forgot, what is missing, and make it I would think we would make a little list by park of what what the park might best benefits from having added or you know something three. 383 00:49:07.500 --> 00:49:07.860 Whatever. 384 00:49:08.970 --> 00:49:14.220 Paul Davis: Then we can start prioritizing about what could happen what might not happen what's easy what's hard, who would help, etc. 385 00:49:14.490 --> 00:49:14.910 Mehrnoosh: Right yeah. 386 00:49:15.660 --> 00:49:18.870 Paul Davis: I mean, I think that's I think that was like the thrust of it sort of like. 387 00:49:19.050 --> 00:49:19.650 Mehrnoosh: Okay, but yeah. 388 00:49:19.740 --> 00:49:28.530 Paul Davis: I know, Joe is rightfully focused on the beauty of the fact that it seems like john palka might be able to get a new little park and effect going at his church and so that would be. 389 00:49:28.950 --> 00:49:39.510 Paul Davis: I think, Joe said to me today before we flew away that maybe we would announce to the board or just give the board an update on john's thing once it gets going to let them know that we're actually doing something, you know that. 390 00:49:39.510 --> 00:49:42.000 Paul Davis: Something something concrete is happening, but. 391 00:49:42.210 --> 00:49:57.690 Mehrnoosh: yeah he was interested in that triangle, part two, which one I love and make sense is a small cute little place it's a nice community to that either some possibilities there's more to it, modify it and make it possible for parents to meter as well. 392 00:49:58.200 --> 00:50:12.660 Paul Davis: Well, I think that's true it, you know I think robins focus on the APP is is porn as a means of just reminding us that this survey we've talked about making is going to be facilitated by some kind of map or documentation process. 393 00:50:12.900 --> 00:50:13.530 Mehrnoosh: Right right. 394 00:50:13.830 --> 00:50:23.340 Paul Davis: You know, taking this map and narrowing it down to the parks, that really are in Venice, so we can just kind of focus a little more might be a great thing, and I think shading an area that is our real target area. 395 00:50:23.790 --> 00:50:28.050 Paul Davis: yeah we're just zooming in here and getting busy with Dennis parks, is the right thing to do. 396 00:50:28.650 --> 00:50:29.130 Mehrnoosh: To get. 397 00:50:29.190 --> 00:50:37.080 Paul Davis: centennial park and we get the dog park in any park whether it's a playground park or not shouldn't be shown, and then we can start making our list you know. 398 00:50:37.530 --> 00:50:43.260 Mehrnoosh: All right, yeah I got it i'm gonna look into that site to since since knowledgeable. 399 00:50:43.590 --> 00:50:51.390 Paul Davis: I think i've definitely downloaded it and it would be good to start checking it more into how it works, but it looks like it's cool and useful. 400 00:50:53.790 --> 00:50:55.230 Mehrnoosh: Not i'm going to call you. 401 00:50:55.890 --> 00:50:56.730 Right that's fair. 402 00:50:58.890 --> 00:51:11.310 robin murez: It was mentioning Paul you might want to start creating your own just by they give you, you know, like a free 30 day trial I think they put mine up I think it's been longer than 30 days. 403 00:51:12.720 --> 00:51:22.530 robin murez: But yeah I just did it for free and I just sat there one evening, for you know, an hour to drag and drop your stuff in there and. 404 00:51:23.040 --> 00:51:32.400 robin murez: boom intro yeah drop like pulling off of that la parte site, you could immediately start building it and then improve it over time. 405 00:51:32.790 --> 00:51:38.910 robin murez: But yeah you'd have the beginning shabbat and then we can combine them, and one thing i'm wondering is. 406 00:51:39.420 --> 00:51:47.760 robin murez: You know if if we just got seven people that would each pitch in 1000 bucks we boom have the start of it as a white label and like. 407 00:51:48.300 --> 00:52:07.740 robin murez: i'm game to do it, and I would think there could be six others, so you know, or maybe you know, as a committee, maybe everybody would pitch in 100 bucks or something, and we could do it if I find that the bureaucracy of getting funding through the neighborhood Council is just very annoying. 408 00:52:08.010 --> 00:52:14.130 robin murez: yeah I kind of feel like let's just do it, I have a not for profit that it can run through. 409 00:52:15.810 --> 00:52:16.170 robin murez: So. 410 00:52:16.530 --> 00:52:17.250 robin murez: Anyway, that would be. 411 00:52:18.570 --> 00:52:28.890 Paul Davis: yeah I know I agree it's funny I when I just opened it my phone asked me if I wanted to use a location or device when I opened the APP and I said yeah so I opened it just now. 412 00:52:29.310 --> 00:52:34.380 Paul Davis: And three or four sites can maybe like six or seven sites come up right away and yours is one of them, so. 413 00:52:34.830 --> 00:52:49.890 Paul Davis: Whether whether there's own whether there's very few la sites now or whether it's somehow honed in on Venice, even though i'm not in Venice right now is making you your little site available to me like right off the BAT here in rancho park so that's kind of wild right. 414 00:52:51.150 --> 00:52:55.050 robin murez: yeah well, I know that there's one that's in the works, I think, in beverly hills. 415 00:52:55.470 --> 00:52:58.140 robin murez: And there are several downtown I went and took. 416 00:52:58.800 --> 00:53:10.710 robin murez: With tried out a couple of them downtown because I wanted to see you know from each side, how does this work is it easy to build this easy to use, and you know that's what I felt like it was good and. 417 00:53:13.350 --> 00:53:23.430 robin murez: So yeah that's what I think it's worth using it seems like they started it in 2014 it was like some graduate from cornell university. 418 00:53:23.850 --> 00:53:24.630 robin murez: And they. 419 00:53:25.680 --> 00:53:36.450 robin murez: all around the world, there are some in Hong Kong their cities have them, you know you can do them, you can have your site, the in the ocean, you can just GPS. 420 00:53:37.080 --> 00:53:48.960 robin murez: So that I think is also a good thing it doesn't have to be there are botanical gardens that have that use them, so that you can roam around the botanical gardens and learn, you know what plants your shame. 421 00:53:49.470 --> 00:53:50.190 robin murez: I think it really. 422 00:53:51.300 --> 00:54:00.210 Paul Davis: yeah i'm here it's if i'm not mistaken, it looks like an all of La and maybe getting even down into point South there may be. 423 00:54:01.260 --> 00:54:05.220 Paul Davis: 20 or 30 of these that are set up because here's scripts art is coming up on this. 424 00:54:05.670 --> 00:54:06.330 robin murez: And that so yeah. 425 00:54:06.720 --> 00:54:07.980 Paul Davis: 41 miles away. 426 00:54:10.710 --> 00:54:13.920 Mehrnoosh: And the conversation I got two websites which one, are you at. 427 00:54:14.460 --> 00:54:19.650 Paul Davis: Mines call this one is called pocket sites si gh T s pocket sites calm and it's an APP. 428 00:54:20.070 --> 00:54:21.750 Mehrnoosh: What is it P h. 429 00:54:21.840 --> 00:54:23.070 Paul Davis: aka to sites. 430 00:54:23.190 --> 00:54:23.820 Mehrnoosh: All coffee. 431 00:54:24.300 --> 00:54:26.070 Paul Davis: aka si gh T s. 432 00:54:28.650 --> 00:54:40.560 Paul Davis: And Robin you're right, I mean they they guide the creation or facilitator necessitate the creation of a shared format so everything looks the same which is great, I mean reason yeah. 433 00:54:41.100 --> 00:54:44.070 robin murez: and actually if you want to go back to the screen you're sharing. 434 00:54:45.390 --> 00:54:50.820 robin murez: To the pocket sites APP that you had mine on there I don't know if it's in there is it maybe not. 435 00:54:51.090 --> 00:54:51.780 Paul Davis: i'll get it back yeah. 436 00:54:54.930 --> 00:54:55.320 Paul Davis: yeah. 437 00:54:56.340 --> 00:55:03.840 robin murez: Okay, see that, on the legend right there where you work, you can play the video she would happen, I mean, and I just uploaded look at that you could. 438 00:55:04.560 --> 00:55:09.720 Paul Davis: well be that is flying carousel studio i'm Robin Johnson. 439 00:55:10.740 --> 00:55:17.580 Paul Davis: i'm building this word park by the public library that's on Venice boulevard. 440 00:55:19.170 --> 00:55:19.860 Paul Davis: it's. 441 00:55:21.210 --> 00:55:34.770 Paul Davis: Dennis themed all of the animals bring out stories of the history of Venice right here i'm just doing a little standing on the Ray bradbury rocket ship so Ray bradbury was the father of science fiction. 442 00:55:40.620 --> 00:56:05.190 Paul Davis: carved a portrait of re looking at the front portal here, and then the rocket ship, just like all the carousel animals is adopted or sponsored by families in Venice and as they do, they collaborate with me on designs so that's how the second portrait here is of. 443 00:56:06.600 --> 00:56:09.600 Paul Davis: My neighbor who sponsored it. 444 00:56:10.680 --> 00:56:13.200 Paul Davis: And so, he got talk to the link. 445 00:56:15.210 --> 00:56:21.750 Paul Davis: It says, you know all of the elements of the carousel and bring out stores appears to be at. 446 00:56:23.310 --> 00:56:41.160 Paul Davis: The top hurdle, you can see her so there's a story of that the native Americans who were here in Venice have a big creation in California and it's based on sea turtles, so we had to have a sea turtle and honor our tongue, but. 447 00:56:42.930 --> 00:56:47.340 Paul Davis: i'm going to pause it, but obviously this is wonderful and it they make it really easy don't they wrong. 448 00:56:48.180 --> 00:56:50.730 robin murez: Right that's I didn't mean for you to have to watch the whole thing now. 449 00:56:51.030 --> 00:56:51.180 Oh. 450 00:56:52.320 --> 00:56:58.710 robin murez: yeah yeah yeah just you know so and I just like quick uploaded it I had that I was able to put it in there. 451 00:56:59.820 --> 00:57:07.470 robin murez: there's one of the tours of downtown la starts at the Disney Center and it and it has a dialogue with. 452 00:57:09.000 --> 00:57:18.570 robin murez: frank gehry talking about how he designed the building so yeah so you know it's I mean there's so much different stuff that we can put in there, that would be great. 453 00:57:19.020 --> 00:57:21.300 Paul Davis: I see well here's what it says architectural walking tour. 454 00:57:21.300 --> 00:57:21.930 Paul Davis: 1012 I. 455 00:57:22.230 --> 00:57:30.360 Paul Davis: mean it looks like a sum total of La is is 12 of these things which is crazy right, I mean there's it's obviously not being taken as far as it can go at all. 456 00:57:31.260 --> 00:57:37.290 robin murez: Right it's just people like us, who stumbled upon this and go oh let's build one yeah. 457 00:57:37.410 --> 00:57:42.150 robin murez: yeah it's not something where they're not reaching out to. 458 00:57:43.170 --> 00:57:46.890 robin murez: People to bake make them they're not making them the company doesn't make them, they just. 459 00:57:47.190 --> 00:57:47.850 robin murez: provide this. 460 00:57:48.480 --> 00:57:49.770 robin murez: That you can subscribe to. 461 00:57:49.980 --> 00:57:54.360 Paul Davis: Well, they don't know how to find us, but through you, luckily we're learning how to find them, which is great. 462 00:57:55.500 --> 00:57:57.540 robin murez: Well, and I found it just by googling. 463 00:57:58.230 --> 00:58:06.090 robin murez: Which yeah and I just think it works really well it's really nice, I guess, there was some talk of having somebody. 464 00:58:06.930 --> 00:58:19.470 robin murez: start from scratch and build our own but it's like hey this thing works like I think it's worth just paying 7000 up front with four or $500 a year is like completely reasonable. 465 00:58:19.770 --> 00:58:26.700 robin murez: for something that works is you know ready to go and we don't have to worry about you know that there could be glitches. 466 00:58:27.420 --> 00:58:37.170 Paul Davis: yeah I mean I think there's a lot to be said, for I it's funny I once gave a I compiled a walking tour an architectural walk into our Venice for some English classes at. 467 00:58:38.130 --> 00:58:45.390 Paul Davis: crossroads school in Santa Monica and I gave it to these you know smart high school kids one day and I had these boards that were illustrations of. 468 00:58:45.840 --> 00:58:56.070 Paul Davis: You know that some of the components of Venice that I was tour of people too, and I mean I have, I know where those boards are be pretty easy for me to make that into a walking tour and post it here immediately, apart from anything else, you know. 469 00:58:57.000 --> 00:59:01.080 robin murez: Exactly that'd be awesome Oh, please do that that would be so great. 470 00:59:01.470 --> 00:59:01.980 robin murez: With that. 471 00:59:02.520 --> 00:59:03.390 Paul Davis: yeah sorry go ahead. 472 00:59:04.020 --> 00:59:07.230 robin murez: Was that historic or contemporary or some or both their website was. 473 00:59:07.560 --> 00:59:19.890 Paul Davis: It was it was kind of architectural cultural and historic and contemporary and it wasn't by all means you know all inclusive, it was just a stuff that i'm interested in, but some of the things are that are you know kind of prominent business features. 474 00:59:20.580 --> 00:59:27.780 robin murez: Oh, I would love to see that that would be so great, I mean that's exactly what I think you know, and the more I talk to people about this. 475 00:59:28.350 --> 00:59:44.880 robin murez: The more I get people going yeah i've got this or that to put on it, you know I just think we could make this such a cool thing, maybe it's a way you know, whatever 21st century way of like archiving some of this information, so that it doesn't just sit on boards in our garage in. 476 00:59:46.080 --> 00:59:48.570 Paul Davis: That idea I mean the thing that scares me there's. 477 00:59:48.600 --> 00:59:54.780 Paul Davis: there's not much of it happening, yet, but I guess that's not a reason to hold back it's a reason to jump in and just hope that we kind of started those eight guys right. 478 00:59:55.530 --> 00:59:59.700 robin murez: i'm not sure when you say there isn't much of it happening, I think it is happening. 479 00:59:59.910 --> 01:00:08.550 Paul Davis: Well i'm just saying that the city of La there could be 1900 up here, but instead there's 12 so I mean it's it's it's it's in its nascent see right, I mean it's it's just catching on looks like. 480 01:00:09.480 --> 01:00:18.240 robin murez: Well Okay, there still are more I think if you scroll down, I mean there are other companies that do this kind of thing yeah go to page two and you'll still get more. 481 01:00:18.450 --> 01:00:25.680 Paul Davis: Well it's blank check that i'm not i'm not saying it's a problem I just it's just interesting that it's at its in its infancy here in La it looks like so. 482 01:00:26.760 --> 01:00:27.510 robin murez: yeah I mean. 483 01:00:28.140 --> 01:00:28.800 robin murez: When I look. 484 01:00:29.010 --> 01:00:40.110 robin murez: There was also a beverly hills one I don't know if there are some others um but yeah I mean, even if they haven't yet figured it out let's be in the forefront and and do it. 485 01:00:40.410 --> 01:00:45.120 Paul Davis: yeah if we like it we jump in and encourage other people to join us so it's it's fun. 486 01:00:46.410 --> 01:00:48.540 robin murez: The question has arisen as to. 487 01:00:50.340 --> 01:00:52.440 robin murez: Who controls what content goes up. 488 01:00:55.200 --> 01:00:58.800 robin murez: You know I guess if we end up having that problem we'll deal with it, but. 489 01:00:59.250 --> 01:00:59.940 robin murez: yeah i'm. 490 01:01:00.000 --> 01:01:00.690 Paul Davis: busy right now. 491 01:01:01.980 --> 01:01:14.070 robin murez: No, you know I think we just want to put stuff up and maybe we can have somebody as time goes on, who's like a good writer, or something who would maybe edit to make sure, things are written well. 492 01:01:15.780 --> 01:01:26.100 robin murez: You know, but yeah, I think, right now, if we start with inviting people with some interesting knowledge and ideas it'll be it'll be awesome. 493 01:01:27.360 --> 01:01:27.570 robin murez: yeah. 494 01:01:27.690 --> 01:01:28.500 Paul Davis: I think it's cool. 495 01:01:30.000 --> 01:01:30.330 I think. 496 01:01:31.470 --> 01:01:31.710 Paul Davis: it's. 497 01:01:31.770 --> 01:01:33.840 Paul Davis: it's totally worth getting into further for sure. 498 01:01:34.890 --> 01:01:44.760 robin murez: I would love to see you put your boards up if you can you know do that create a you know, a mini tour, just like I did it attached or. 499 01:01:45.810 --> 01:01:55.800 robin murez: Then I think we can combine them, and you know and and then keep adding to it and we've got the beginning and we'll just get a few people to pitch in and we'll make it happen. 500 01:01:56.580 --> 01:02:09.030 Paul Davis: Well i'm going to be going to my storage space where the Boards that I made in the past are now and if I grab those it'll it'll either prompt me to further consider maybe dive in or decide that it's not the right thing, but let me get the boards and. 501 01:02:09.750 --> 01:02:13.560 Paul Davis: That would be a good first step for me in terms of getting into it, but. 502 01:02:13.620 --> 01:02:19.620 Paul Davis: Well, that would be entirely separate from the parks thing but, but I think it's cool so let's let's learn more and do more. 503 01:02:20.670 --> 01:02:30.330 robin murez: Oh yeah yeah and then you know the park thing, maybe there's somebody on the committee who wants to you know just go to La park and start uploading the information from there. 504 01:02:30.990 --> 01:02:39.090 robin murez: And that would be like you know, again, we can just start it with basic information, we can keep improving it, as we you know have more time. 505 01:02:40.710 --> 01:02:41.670 Paul Davis: That sounds good. 506 01:02:42.900 --> 01:02:49.110 Paul Davis: Well guys, I propose that we call or meeting to a close and feel good at having furthered our discussions. 507 01:02:50.280 --> 01:02:51.060 robin murez: Absolutely. 508 01:02:51.420 --> 01:02:53.070 robin murez: And yeah when. 509 01:02:53.850 --> 01:02:55.830 Paul Davis: they're doing Have a nice night and. 510 01:02:57.630 --> 01:03:09.600 Paul Davis: Thank you guys both, and I think we'll continue to talk, maybe have a little intro meeting like we have in the past but let's let me let's let's consult about that and share share a schedule thoughts and then, but just keep things moving. 511 01:03:10.530 --> 01:03:11.640 robin murez: sounds good okay. 512 01:03:11.760 --> 01:03:12.240 good night. 513 01:03:13.860 --> 01:03:14.400 Paul Davis: Talk to you soon.