WEBVTT 1 00:00:17.789 --> 00:00:18.270 james murez: Okay. 2 00:00:52.410 --> 00:00:53.040 james murez: Sarah. 3 00:00:54.420 --> 00:00:56.760 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Can you hear me now there we go. 4 00:00:58.890 --> 00:01:00.990 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Isabel are you there I think you're muted. 5 00:01:02.940 --> 00:01:03.900 Isabelle Duvivier: hi i'm here. 6 00:01:05.730 --> 00:01:07.920 Isabelle Duvivier: i'm trying to promote heather. 7 00:01:11.340 --> 00:01:11.700 james murez: hi. 8 00:01:14.460 --> 00:01:17.340 Isabelle Duvivier: hang on before you leave, I just want to make sure I can figure out. 9 00:01:17.520 --> 00:01:18.420 i'm not a host. 10 00:01:19.950 --> 00:01:20.310 Isabelle Duvivier: Eric. 11 00:01:21.120 --> 00:01:25.500 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: heather another those even I don't even see her find to come in. 12 00:01:26.610 --> 00:01:29.220 Isabelle Duvivier: Okay there she goes here's Michael. 13 00:01:30.240 --> 00:01:31.980 Isabelle Duvivier: promote to panelist. 14 00:01:33.810 --> 00:01:35.100 Isabelle Duvivier: panelist. 15 00:01:38.850 --> 00:01:42.450 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: All right, okay heather's then michaels and. 16 00:01:46.470 --> 00:01:47.370 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I. 17 00:01:49.680 --> 00:01:52.860 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: guess see you I don't see heather, though. 18 00:01:59.910 --> 00:02:00.630 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Oh there, she is. 19 00:02:02.820 --> 00:02:03.540 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay. 20 00:02:04.440 --> 00:02:07.470 Heather Roberts: I didn't know if you guys wanted me as a panelist or an attendee. 21 00:02:09.000 --> 00:02:11.010 Isabelle Duvivier: And we need you, as a panel as. 22 00:02:11.460 --> 00:02:12.720 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: A panelist. 23 00:02:13.410 --> 00:02:16.710 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: If you want to share your screen, if you have anything to share. 24 00:02:20.790 --> 00:02:22.020 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So. 25 00:02:24.750 --> 00:02:26.850 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: heather it's Nice that you made it. 26 00:02:30.570 --> 00:02:34.560 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Just wait to see i'm sure there's gonna be a few other folks coming. 27 00:02:36.000 --> 00:02:36.210 out. 28 00:03:14.970 --> 00:03:22.140 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Well, I have a question for you, before everyone joins Have you looked at these regional safe, clean water Program. 29 00:03:23.340 --> 00:03:24.660 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: programs before. 30 00:03:27.180 --> 00:03:29.040 Isabelle Duvivier: I mean the measure w. 31 00:03:30.120 --> 00:03:31.320 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Its measured over yeah. 32 00:03:33.240 --> 00:03:36.840 Isabelle Duvivier: um it's kind of a Shin I mean. 33 00:03:39.630 --> 00:03:45.270 Isabelle Duvivier: I was involved with it in its inception, well before there was a measure w I worked with. 34 00:03:46.410 --> 00:03:51.870 Isabelle Duvivier: The county developing project criteria, but I don't know the specifics of. 35 00:03:53.610 --> 00:03:58.260 Isabelle Duvivier: Of the application process if that's I think what you're asking me about. 36 00:03:58.470 --> 00:04:12.420 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: No i'm just asking if you have experience with it did you ever work on a project that actually made an application, but it's great that you were involved in the inception of it, because then you probably have a good idea of at least on a on a sort of. 37 00:04:14.580 --> 00:04:17.640 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: A broad level what the. 38 00:04:19.500 --> 00:04:22.710 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: criteria mean right like. 39 00:04:22.890 --> 00:04:24.540 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Exactly what to. 40 00:04:25.140 --> 00:04:38.010 Isabelle Duvivier: target, I mean typically it was supposed to be the call for projects typically floated projects to the top if they did, three things they improved water quality, water supply and habitat. 41 00:04:38.580 --> 00:04:57.390 Isabelle Duvivier: So that was supposed to be in the beginning, that those were the three most important criteria that habitat parts from my perception have kind of fallen by the wayside, and now that they use buzz term called nature based solutions which I think is really. 42 00:04:59.760 --> 00:05:12.300 Isabelle Duvivier: it's not actually I mean their nature, based solutions, but it's not like native nature it's more like manufactured nature, which is really cool but it's not the same thing as habitat restoration or habitat creation. 43 00:05:12.750 --> 00:05:23.790 Isabelle Duvivier: Right, but I haven't been in that world in years literally years I mean for crystalline elementary school, we got a grant from Santa Monica Bay foundation. 44 00:05:25.470 --> 00:05:32.880 Isabelle Duvivier: I worked for heal the bay doing the watershed maps that the kids map the kids green map. 45 00:05:35.340 --> 00:05:39.210 Isabelle Duvivier: We applied for and wd grant for a couple of projects. 46 00:05:41.670 --> 00:05:44.340 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Oh, you mean do you mean the nw D community. 47 00:05:45.000 --> 00:05:46.260 Isabelle Duvivier: Partnership yeah. 48 00:05:46.710 --> 00:06:03.090 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Right right okay well we'll talk more about that, I just wanted to quickly so to see what your experience was there because i'm just now scratching the surface and I wanted to you know find out from everybody else kind of what their feelings were um. 49 00:06:04.920 --> 00:06:08.460 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: hi everybody it's very there's janine. 50 00:06:11.760 --> 00:06:12.420 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: janine. 51 00:06:14.790 --> 00:06:17.940 Isabelle Duvivier: turning off my camera for a minute when I have my little breakfast. 52 00:06:22.680 --> 00:06:26.250 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I always try try to get that out of the way but it doesn't always happen. 53 00:06:27.300 --> 00:06:33.450 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: um I think we'll wait a few more minutes let's see we are, we are corum. 54 00:06:34.620 --> 00:06:35.340 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: um. 55 00:06:36.930 --> 00:06:46.140 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And I know that Noel is probably not going to make it at the early part, she said she had a dentist appointment so she couldn't come right away and. 56 00:06:47.880 --> 00:06:50.550 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: i'm not sure about mark actually. 57 00:06:53.730 --> 00:06:54.870 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: becomes that'd be great. 58 00:06:59.160 --> 00:07:00.390 Isabelle Duvivier: Why don't I text him. 59 00:07:01.860 --> 00:07:02.760 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: that'd be great. 60 00:07:03.210 --> 00:07:04.440 Isabelle Duvivier: Who else are we missing. 61 00:07:06.240 --> 00:07:10.320 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: that's it we're all here, except for Noel and mark. 62 00:07:11.970 --> 00:07:14.370 Janin Paine: i'll be right back i'm gonna grab some thing to drink. 63 00:07:31.980 --> 00:07:32.970 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Sorry just. 64 00:07:34.020 --> 00:07:36.840 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: trying to get the rap music to get turned down in the background. 65 00:07:46.230 --> 00:07:46.650 Isabelle Duvivier: No. 66 00:07:50.850 --> 00:07:51.480 Isabelle Duvivier: alrighty. 67 00:07:54.690 --> 00:07:55.170 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay. 68 00:07:58.860 --> 00:08:00.360 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay let's see here okay. 69 00:08:01.710 --> 00:08:08.310 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So I think, since we have a quorum, I think we should go ahead and call the meeting to order. 70 00:08:11.160 --> 00:08:12.450 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And i'm just. 71 00:08:13.650 --> 00:08:21.510 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Seeing that myself is about Barry and Michael are here we're just missing mark and Noel and. 72 00:08:22.890 --> 00:08:24.000 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So. 73 00:08:25.800 --> 00:08:36.690 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I would just like to review comment and adopt minutes, the main minutes were posted on our website I didn't send them out to everyone, this time around. 74 00:08:37.830 --> 00:08:43.860 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: But does anybody have any comments if they had an opportunity to look at the main Minutes that were posted. 75 00:08:44.550 --> 00:08:45.120 You. 76 00:08:47.130 --> 00:08:48.210 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Know comments. 77 00:08:50.100 --> 00:08:51.450 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, and. 78 00:08:53.310 --> 00:08:55.980 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: let's go ahead and adopt those. 79 00:08:59.010 --> 00:09:01.170 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Anybody want to take emotion. 80 00:09:02.970 --> 00:09:04.110 Barry Campion: Sure i'll make emotion. 81 00:09:04.530 --> 00:09:06.480 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Thanks okay i'll second that. 82 00:09:08.220 --> 00:09:09.120 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Thanks Barry. 83 00:09:10.650 --> 00:09:13.440 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Now we have a long list of things to do today. 84 00:09:15.660 --> 00:09:17.310 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So I think i'm going to. 85 00:09:19.050 --> 00:09:20.190 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Try to. 86 00:09:22.350 --> 00:09:24.030 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: move as quickly as possible. 87 00:09:25.230 --> 00:09:33.090 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So public comment is there anybody that has public comment for items that are not on the agenda, but are Venice over committee and related. 88 00:09:36.180 --> 00:09:39.150 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Any any good news any questions. 89 00:09:40.170 --> 00:09:42.000 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Any suggestions for future agenda. 90 00:09:43.440 --> 00:09:48.030 Isabelle Duvivier: i'm not really the public, but can I say something here that's not on the agenda. 91 00:09:48.360 --> 00:09:48.840 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: sure. 92 00:09:49.740 --> 00:09:52.140 Isabelle Duvivier: I guess, I would like to say that in general. 93 00:09:53.340 --> 00:10:03.000 Isabelle Duvivier: It feels like our trees are not getting enough water all of our baby trees and it worries me, because I know that we're really in love with planting more trees. 94 00:10:03.540 --> 00:10:10.530 Isabelle Duvivier: I think our group needs to try to step back from all of the many things we're doing and try to figure out a way to get help watering trees. 95 00:10:12.120 --> 00:10:13.260 Isabelle Duvivier: I think three of our. 96 00:10:14.580 --> 00:10:25.500 Isabelle Duvivier: bottle brush trees on indiana are dead or dying and that's really that's super tragic so just I just want to put it out there that we have to. 97 00:10:28.350 --> 00:10:44.310 Isabelle Duvivier: We have to remember that we're also trying to keep you know, one of the reasons for being here is to plant trees and if we're not seeing our trees through the first five years of life, then we're not succeeding, and I think those trees are dying because the lack of water. 98 00:10:45.510 --> 00:10:46.620 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Are they where are they. 99 00:10:47.700 --> 00:10:50.490 Isabelle Duvivier: I will will see him tomorrow because that's where we're going to be tomorrow. 100 00:10:51.150 --> 00:10:53.160 Michael McGuffin: that's gonna make her related comment. 101 00:10:53.760 --> 00:11:01.770 Michael McGuffin: yeah you may or may not like a fence better than a lot of tense in centennial park. 102 00:11:03.390 --> 00:11:07.230 Michael McGuffin: But we're not going to be able to water those oak trees west of the library anymore. 103 00:11:07.230 --> 00:11:08.940 Michael McGuffin: yeah I know, an eight foot fence now. 104 00:11:09.270 --> 00:11:09.900 huh. 105 00:11:11.370 --> 00:11:11.760 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah. 106 00:11:12.180 --> 00:11:14.430 Isabelle Duvivier: We have we have seven trees there. 107 00:11:15.300 --> 00:11:17.790 Michael McGuffin: Unless there's a way that we could get permission, but. 108 00:11:18.300 --> 00:11:25.200 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah, so I think i've tried to put Noel on that job, since she seems to have a good relationship with the librarian. 109 00:11:26.190 --> 00:11:35.940 Isabelle Duvivier: But the library and it's probably not the one that's going to have the key it's going to be somebody from and marks coming on he may be able to help tell us, but. 110 00:11:36.840 --> 00:11:50.040 Isabelle Duvivier: Well, I guess, I can tell you this isn't on the agenda, I went to the rap meeting yesterday rap had centennial park on their agenda, I think I promoted into panelists whereas why isn't he coming um. 111 00:11:50.280 --> 00:11:51.420 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Yes, except. 112 00:11:54.300 --> 00:12:07.740 Isabelle Duvivier: They had centennial park on the agenda so both Noel and I called in, and we beg them to be more open with us about what their plans are for the park they're going to spend $150,000 to re landscape, the park. 113 00:12:09.180 --> 00:12:19.770 Isabelle Duvivier: And so we both asked what are you going to be doing, and specifically I contacted one of the the Commissioners Commissioner Alvarez and I. 114 00:12:20.160 --> 00:12:33.660 Isabelle Duvivier: reiterated to her what happened at penn more golf course where the criteria for removing the fence was oh you're going to take a sidewalk and and otherwise we're not going to remove the fence I kind of. 115 00:12:34.380 --> 00:12:46.500 Isabelle Duvivier: retold her about that story and said I hope you're not planning on putting a Ada accessible sidewalk along the perimeter centennial Park, to make it Ada accessible, because it isn't now. 116 00:12:46.950 --> 00:12:58.080 Isabelle Duvivier: And that would require the removal of all those five sycamore trees and then I also contacted Leon and he said that they're definitely removing to have the sycamores that are leaning into the street. 117 00:12:58.140 --> 00:13:00.060 Isabelle Duvivier: So that's already really terrible. 118 00:13:00.720 --> 00:13:04.680 Isabelle Duvivier: And they're going to remove the dead sycamores so I don't know which ones, those are. 119 00:13:06.000 --> 00:13:13.080 Isabelle Duvivier: But we're not going to have access to that and so i'm trying to figure out so we made a plea to the the rap Commissioners. 120 00:13:13.890 --> 00:13:34.080 Isabelle Duvivier: we're trying to be in contact with the guy who's supposedly in charge of that, but the library is actually not wrapped property, so I don't know who's going to have the key to those gates, like the rap game, maybe a wrap person so anyway, I don't know who's gonna have the key. 121 00:13:34.230 --> 00:13:43.230 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Oh, I started on this project to just because I was really worried about those trees and I didn't I did suggest that we. 122 00:13:44.490 --> 00:13:52.680 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: get in there before they finished the fence, but the fence, I think, has already been finished, or I don't know I haven't been there recently, but I drove by there and. 123 00:13:53.760 --> 00:14:05.910 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: made acquaintance with all the policeman there and I think those guys are going to be possibly responsible for that, so I don't know, and I said to them, how can we get inside there and what are those trees. 124 00:14:06.360 --> 00:14:20.250 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And they said, you know just keep in touch with us, we may be able to let you in so it might be very much just a Robin Hood situation where we have to make a good relationship with the local squad folks and. 125 00:14:21.780 --> 00:14:22.530 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Let us in. 126 00:14:23.640 --> 00:14:40.530 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So i'll keep on driving by there and talking to the folks that I talked to before and then Noel can work on the library, and then the rap is gonna be rap is responsible for centennial park right but they're not responsible for the front lawn Is that correct. 127 00:14:41.250 --> 00:14:42.030 Isabelle Duvivier: We don't know. 128 00:14:43.410 --> 00:14:43.740 Mark Ryavec: Right. 129 00:14:45.450 --> 00:14:45.960 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay. 130 00:14:47.010 --> 00:14:54.030 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Can we reach our can we stick our hosts through the fence and kind of. 131 00:14:55.500 --> 00:14:59.160 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: feed it along until it gets to the base of each of those trees and. 132 00:15:01.290 --> 00:15:02.040 Isabelle Duvivier: Possibly. 133 00:15:03.330 --> 00:15:06.930 Mark Ryavec: Okay, you get access to water from the library. 134 00:15:07.320 --> 00:15:08.100 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: We never have. 135 00:15:08.520 --> 00:15:10.200 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah we have we can. 136 00:15:11.130 --> 00:15:12.330 Isabelle Duvivier: Now that is fenced off if. 137 00:15:12.330 --> 00:15:25.620 Isabelle Duvivier: We could just establish a nice relationship with the library find out what rap has in mind, because if rap is relandscaping centennial park or not relandscaping the library, the library. 138 00:15:25.680 --> 00:15:26.940 Isabelle Duvivier: desperately needs our. 139 00:15:26.940 --> 00:15:41.850 Isabelle Duvivier: support they need mulching they need those trees to be trimmed properly anyway i'm sorry Barry janine and mark all have their hands up and I just wanted to tell the call user number two that i've allowed you park talking. 140 00:15:43.380 --> 00:15:51.930 Isabelle Duvivier: ability, so if you want to talk you're welcome to talk or, if you want to call in zoom and then we can see your face too, but you've been promoted to panelists whoever you are. 141 00:15:54.090 --> 00:16:09.750 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, so why don't we start with Barry I heard we're now in public comment but I guess, this should have been on our agenda i'm sorry folks probably I was, I was on my mind, but I didn't put on the agenda because I thought oh God we're going to have to deal with this go ahead Barry. 142 00:16:10.200 --> 00:16:13.860 Barry Campion: um well just kind of a request that. 143 00:16:15.750 --> 00:16:24.270 Barry Campion: I mean is rap going to produce a master plan like a landscape plan for the park that's a question. 144 00:16:25.080 --> 00:16:35.370 Barry Campion: Could we look at it and make make comment on it who's going to create that plan, who do they have an actual landscape architect, I mean do they have someone. 145 00:16:36.180 --> 00:16:52.080 Barry Campion: who's versed in native plants and sensitive to what's going on, you know if it's someone from streets la who doesn't really speak plan you know, then it will be a disaster so anyway, I just wanted to make that comment. 146 00:16:52.110 --> 00:16:56.340 Mark Ryavec: There is a guy in charge of all of these parks that don't have on site. 147 00:16:57.390 --> 00:16:58.740 Mark Ryavec: People like Sonia who. 148 00:16:59.070 --> 00:17:00.360 Mark Ryavec: is in charge of Venice beach. 149 00:17:02.010 --> 00:17:07.800 Mark Ryavec: Somewhere I have his name and contact information, but I would think well defined it. 150 00:17:09.330 --> 00:17:16.860 Mark Ryavec: But he should be able to tell you what they're planning to do and whether there is any such person I would not count on it. 151 00:17:18.570 --> 00:17:30.720 Mark Ryavec: And I also wanted to mention i'm good friends with captain and brick who's the commander Pacific division, so if you if you aren't getting answers I can build a captain. 152 00:17:32.130 --> 00:17:35.310 Mark Ryavec: And if we need access i'm sure that he will he'll arrange it or. 153 00:17:36.360 --> 00:17:37.890 Mark Ryavec: conceivably the chief park ranger. 154 00:17:38.910 --> 00:17:39.810 Mark Ryavec: It looks around. 155 00:17:40.200 --> 00:17:45.780 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So mark, can you can you see if you can dig around for the guy who is responsible not Sonia. 156 00:17:46.980 --> 00:17:50.970 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: For I mean I have that information that's the guy that I was. 157 00:17:50.970 --> 00:18:03.240 Isabelle Duvivier: telling you about that Leon put me in touch with his name is Craig Craig gains and he's in charge of the landscape department at rap and, apparently, they are producing a plan. 158 00:18:04.110 --> 00:18:17.280 Isabelle Duvivier: But I should also let you know that rap just recently hired an urban ecologist or they're not they're not unfamiliar with biodiversity and the value of. 159 00:18:17.670 --> 00:18:35.760 Isabelle Duvivier: native habitats, which is why I thought it was important to remind them that at the Commission hearing, but I mean I think if you guys wanted to take it a step further, each one of us could send Craig an email and Leon an email or the Commissioners and email and just. 160 00:18:36.600 --> 00:18:43.410 Isabelle Duvivier: Please kindly remind them how important this is to have the last thing I want to say sorry I interrupted you all. 161 00:18:43.860 --> 00:18:56.520 Isabelle Duvivier: I just wanted to respond to barry's question I did also send them the original plans which they probably didn't even have the tree species and tree locations that were planted there, so they have that as a base plan. 162 00:18:56.850 --> 00:18:58.050 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: or be sent that to cry. 163 00:18:58.890 --> 00:19:03.420 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah I send that to Craig to rap to Leon and to Commissioner Alvarez. 164 00:19:04.560 --> 00:19:09.480 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, so that's great as well, thank you so much for being on top of that. 165 00:19:09.510 --> 00:19:18.990 Barry Campion: Someone make those emails available and maybe we could have a separate conversation maybe sort of have a unified approach to that. 166 00:19:19.170 --> 00:19:21.360 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah if you could put that in the chat. 167 00:19:24.060 --> 00:19:24.960 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: room is the chat. 168 00:19:25.440 --> 00:19:27.510 Isabelle Duvivier: We don't have chat so this. 169 00:19:27.780 --> 00:19:29.430 Isabelle Duvivier: webinar vishal zoom. 170 00:19:29.760 --> 00:19:32.010 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Oh Okay, so if you could. 171 00:19:33.030 --> 00:19:36.480 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Can you email us separately with those contacts and then. 172 00:19:36.540 --> 00:19:42.060 Isabelle Duvivier: I believe I already copied you guys on those emails i'll look for it and resend it to you okay. 173 00:19:42.540 --> 00:19:54.720 Isabelle Duvivier: I may not have included everybody, I may have just included a smaller group, because I mean, I think we should be a little strategic about how we bombard them and I don't want to give you confidential information and then have you use it. 174 00:19:55.140 --> 00:20:05.730 Isabelle Duvivier: In a way that makes me look bad so it'd be better if you took the information and made your own email and then sent it out didn't just forward my email, which was privately sent to the Commissioner. 175 00:20:07.230 --> 00:20:07.590 Isabelle Duvivier: Right. 176 00:20:07.800 --> 00:20:15.660 Barry Campion: I wouldn't want to do that i'm just wondering is if if our our group, maybe it could be an email from our group, with all of us. 177 00:20:16.680 --> 00:20:18.030 Barry Campion: I don't know you know just. 178 00:20:18.570 --> 00:20:27.270 Isabelle Duvivier: Well, we can talk about that because we, we could we could even assign on the agenda now, we could put it on the agenda for next. 179 00:20:27.390 --> 00:20:29.220 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Sure time yeah. 180 00:20:29.850 --> 00:20:31.680 Barry Campion: I think it's worth some more thought yeah. 181 00:20:33.390 --> 00:20:35.460 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: centennial park and the library. 182 00:20:38.790 --> 00:20:49.260 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: The centennial Park, is where we would send all of what we were just speaking of, but we still have to find out who is in fact responsible for the front lawn of the library. 183 00:20:51.150 --> 00:20:53.250 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay i'm janine. 184 00:20:53.730 --> 00:20:59.880 Janin Paine: The moment just real quick i'm wondering if Jimmy rose has phone numbers or contacts or information. 185 00:21:01.650 --> 00:21:07.590 Janin Paine: about any of how to reach people or any of these pieces, because he was the person that got those trees planted that long time ago. 186 00:21:08.100 --> 00:21:10.710 Mark Ryavec: yeah but he has nothing to do with them at 28 years. 187 00:21:11.070 --> 00:21:12.240 Janin Paine: yeah okay. 188 00:21:12.330 --> 00:21:12.570 Mark Ryavec: You know. 189 00:21:12.990 --> 00:21:13.830 Janin Paine: Any better, yes, sir. 190 00:21:14.970 --> 00:21:16.440 Isabelle Duvivier: i'm in contact with him. 191 00:21:17.220 --> 00:21:18.030 Isabelle Duvivier: And he doesn't. 192 00:21:18.270 --> 00:21:18.750 Isabelle Duvivier: We. 193 00:21:18.840 --> 00:21:23.040 Isabelle Duvivier: never reach the his capacity for knowledge. 194 00:21:23.310 --> 00:21:25.860 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Isabel has better knowledge than he does. 195 00:21:26.610 --> 00:21:34.470 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: He just said she's got an email for Craig and Leon and the Commissioner, so thank you Isabel for taking the bull by the horns and. 196 00:21:35.700 --> 00:21:43.260 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Maybe i'll coordinate with Isabel offline and we can figure out exactly what we think it would be best for us to do as individuals. 197 00:21:43.680 --> 00:21:54.960 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: The other thing that I want to mention, I mean, I think, will lead gen dies putting together emotion and putting it up to the dmc next month, so that sounds like the right move mark. 198 00:21:57.330 --> 00:21:58.440 Mark Ryavec: depends on what you want to do. 199 00:22:00.330 --> 00:22:07.710 Mark Ryavec: If you find that you can get access to the right people and they're willing to share what they're planning to do and to take. 200 00:22:08.190 --> 00:22:28.410 Mark Ryavec: input there's no reason to go through the dnc we're willing to accept it you're speaking on behalf of the Community as an official PNC committee and willing to be direct and it is only if they're not listening and there's something we want them to do that, we would, I think resort to. 201 00:22:29.970 --> 00:22:30.870 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: emotion emotion. 202 00:22:32.160 --> 00:22:34.770 Mark Ryavec: don't make work for yourself if you're if they're willing to. 203 00:22:36.030 --> 00:22:37.260 Mark Ryavec: Allow you into the process. 204 00:22:37.470 --> 00:22:45.330 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Right okay great um okay so well, I guess Isabel you'll keep us posted obviously because. 205 00:22:45.390 --> 00:22:45.840 No. 206 00:22:46.890 --> 00:22:48.630 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I mean it depends on what you hear back. 207 00:22:48.690 --> 00:22:50.700 Isabelle Duvivier: Right from them yeah. 208 00:22:51.390 --> 00:23:02.910 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, so reports i'm going to forgo report because we have so much to talk about but i'm Isabelle do you want to give us a brief report about what's going on the seat back. 209 00:23:04.470 --> 00:23:12.600 Isabelle Duvivier: um okay so see fat we're going to talk a little bit about see fact later on in the day, the only thing I wanted to report is. 210 00:23:13.140 --> 00:23:24.060 Isabelle Duvivier: That at the next see fact General Meeting on July 14 we're going to have a presentation by TIM beat Lee from the University of Virginia who's going to talk about biophilia cities. 211 00:23:24.450 --> 00:23:35.790 Isabelle Duvivier: and see FAC is working with la sanitation biodiversity group in the hope that la might decide to become one of the biofilm cities which doesn't have. 212 00:23:36.930 --> 00:23:51.540 Isabelle Duvivier: It doesn't have strong criteria for admission you just have to want to be a biofilm city to join and they've got he does a great presentation he did a presentation for audubon San Fernando Valley, I sent some of you guys copies of that presentation. 213 00:23:53.550 --> 00:24:07.050 Isabelle Duvivier: And he's going to be presenting to see FAC and we've asked him to to tailor his talk as much as he can he doesn't obviously have to do it entirely around trees so that'll be July 14. 214 00:24:08.280 --> 00:24:08.880 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay. 215 00:24:09.180 --> 00:24:09.870 um. 216 00:24:12.330 --> 00:24:13.530 Isabelle Duvivier: we're working. 217 00:24:14.760 --> 00:24:28.980 Isabelle Duvivier: CD eight see fact representative Robin guillem is doing an amazing job it's a little bit of a long story, but she saw some beautiful mature sycamores being removed for a metro project. 218 00:24:29.850 --> 00:24:38.160 Isabelle Duvivier: In CDA and we didn't save the trees, but as a result of it we got her Council member to write emotion. 219 00:24:38.580 --> 00:24:57.330 Isabelle Duvivier: requiring the city come back and report, how they plan on protecting mature trees, so we, a group of us that see factor, working with her to tell Rachel Mel rich what we want to have in the report and Rachel has 30 days to respond to it so it's a really. 220 00:24:58.380 --> 00:25:09.390 Isabelle Duvivier: amazing time for see fact, because of the equity issue, and this neighborhood is not Pacific palisades or Brentwood this neighborhood is a black neighborhood. 221 00:25:09.780 --> 00:25:21.960 Isabelle Duvivier: it's got black representation and those trees were beloved by everybody in the Community and so there's a lot of support for this motion and we're really looking forward to it. 222 00:25:23.490 --> 00:25:26.820 Isabelle Duvivier: It hasn't really been really the draft. 223 00:25:28.290 --> 00:25:38.760 Isabelle Duvivier: Request for what should be reported by Rachel hasn't been released, yet so we're working on that today and will be releasing what we expect to find in the report next week. 224 00:25:42.240 --> 00:25:47.130 Isabelle Duvivier: If we had a chat I would put in the the Council motion but. 225 00:25:48.990 --> 00:25:49.590 Isabelle Duvivier: I can't. 226 00:25:51.990 --> 00:25:54.750 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: she's responding within 30 days. 227 00:25:56.010 --> 00:26:01.770 Isabelle Duvivier: Well she's actually not she's gonna have to take a little bit more than 30 days, because she went on vacation. 228 00:26:07.590 --> 00:26:14.430 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, and and you're working on it in the sense that you're what is the work that feedback is doing on it right now. 229 00:26:16.710 --> 00:26:17.550 Isabelle Duvivier: we're. 230 00:26:19.260 --> 00:26:37.770 Isabelle Duvivier: we're kind of demystifying and and cloaking where poetry's good could be reviewed at the beginning of the permitting process instead of the end and why enforcement's not happening, where enforcement would be. 231 00:26:39.480 --> 00:26:53.610 Isabelle Duvivier: we're kind of just taking the whole thing and looking at everything and strategizing what's better solutions might be like do we put urban forestry into planning, do we put urban foresters in planning. 232 00:26:55.230 --> 00:27:02.940 Isabelle Duvivier: How do, how does the permitting process work when you fill out an application form wide, why does it not say on the application form. 233 00:27:03.330 --> 00:27:14.280 Isabelle Duvivier: That you have to get a permit to remove a protected tree and you only find that out at the very end of the process, so it's that kind of stuff it's like policy and practice. 234 00:27:15.450 --> 00:27:27.270 Isabelle Duvivier: But we constantly hear over and over that they can change this, or can change that because there's no this and know that, to make them do it, so that that's what we're trying to do is figure out what what all the hang ups are. 235 00:27:28.620 --> 00:27:30.270 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, great. 236 00:27:31.350 --> 00:27:35.250 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Fantastic okay so um anything else. 237 00:27:37.710 --> 00:27:40.410 Isabelle Duvivier: No, not on that, but i'll report for bbg. 238 00:27:41.700 --> 00:27:43.200 Isabelle Duvivier: A quick report that. 239 00:27:45.600 --> 00:27:54.480 Isabelle Duvivier: The Venice chamber of commerce has asked to do a group event with us and originally we had decided to we had thought about doing a July 9. 240 00:27:55.380 --> 00:28:04.410 Isabelle Duvivier: With them, we need a project that has a certain amount of capacity right, we need to have, and since it's the summertime and we can't really plan anything. 241 00:28:05.280 --> 00:28:16.470 Isabelle Duvivier: And we thought we would do a big mulch day and a big cleanup day so i'm open to suggestions, but no all and I thought, maybe we should do the farmers market do another big mulching day. 242 00:28:17.610 --> 00:28:25.200 Isabelle Duvivier: At the farmers market and we're trying to figure out where we could dump the mulch again, like last time. 243 00:28:26.190 --> 00:28:39.510 Isabelle Duvivier: Do we gorilla dump it on the La do T lot and then just take the hits if they get mad at us for doing it, but since we've been trying to reach somebody at La do T, it would, it would certainly be one way of signaling we're ready to talk. 244 00:28:40.980 --> 00:28:53.880 Isabelle Duvivier: So the question is where would we go and would you rather do July 9 or July 23 it would also be from eight to 10 and it would be a you know, maybe twice as many people as we normally have so it's not really. 245 00:28:54.450 --> 00:29:04.080 Isabelle Duvivier: A big deal, it would just be nice marketing for us because the Venice Chamber would also be included in it, so if you had any thoughts about that other than the market. 246 00:29:06.810 --> 00:29:08.070 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Other than farmers market. 247 00:29:08.850 --> 00:29:11.280 Isabelle Duvivier: mocassins had his hand up, I think, for a while. 248 00:29:11.490 --> 00:29:12.930 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, go ahead, Michael. 249 00:29:14.640 --> 00:29:15.900 Michael McGuffin: Thank you very much. 250 00:29:17.520 --> 00:29:24.690 Michael McGuffin: yeah I had my hand up on the last topic so if we could roll it back to the public comment. 251 00:29:25.710 --> 00:29:26.340 Michael McGuffin: Is that okay. 252 00:29:26.670 --> 00:29:35.970 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: that's fine that's totally fine i'm sorry i'm unfortunately i'm having to take notes and run the meeting at the same time, so i'm typing and that's why I didn't see your hand up i'm sorry Michael. 253 00:29:37.080 --> 00:29:45.990 Michael McGuffin: i'm going to go ahead and excuse you as if that were necessary, I appreciate, you know volunteers always. 254 00:29:47.190 --> 00:29:48.210 Michael McGuffin: But back to the idea. 255 00:29:49.470 --> 00:30:03.060 Michael McGuffin: I was, as I understood you were proposing to agenda for the next meeting, the topic of engaging dnc for some role that we might play and trying to make the. 256 00:30:04.290 --> 00:30:05.100 Michael McGuffin: Re. 257 00:30:06.390 --> 00:30:16.800 Michael McGuffin: planting of centennial Park, be consistent with our values and aims and then, mark you made a brilliant comment don't ask for work if you don't need work. 258 00:30:17.370 --> 00:30:28.530 Michael McGuffin: My fear, though, is we're going to find out in the next four weeks, what if they're not responsive in the next four weeks what of what they tell us in the next four weeks is they're going to plant a bunch of South Australia. 259 00:30:29.640 --> 00:30:43.380 Michael McGuffin: Australian grasses I don't want to wait for weeks i'd rather at Jen dies it and then delete it from the agenda if we don't need to do work but i'm just a little concerned that that's too much time to pass. 260 00:30:44.550 --> 00:30:46.500 Michael McGuffin: So I would prefer to agenda eyes it. 261 00:30:47.670 --> 00:30:57.990 Michael McGuffin: And then, even if there's not a problem there's something now look it's been almost 20 years since my painful experiences, a member of the dnc so maybe it's all good now but. 262 00:30:59.550 --> 00:31:19.170 Michael McGuffin: I think it'd be a good thing for the dnc to take a position that the Venice arbor committee should be actively engaged in communication of the beautification of centennial park in a manner consistent with our values, even if we don't have anything to do, I think there would be. 263 00:31:20.310 --> 00:31:32.250 Michael McGuffin: it's good tonally you know it's good messaging so i'm back to using way too many words, as is my nature to propose that we do agenda is the topic at the next meeting. 264 00:31:33.120 --> 00:31:39.180 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay i'll just go ahead and put it on there um and i'm presuming that because time is short. 265 00:31:39.960 --> 00:31:51.630 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Isabel it sounds like you're going to be working those back channels and you'll keep us posted if things change so that whatever agenda item I put on there is going to be up to date with what's happening. 266 00:31:53.070 --> 00:31:53.430 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah. 267 00:31:53.910 --> 00:31:54.810 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, great. 268 00:31:56.040 --> 00:31:59.760 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Thanks Michael okay so um. 269 00:32:01.200 --> 00:32:17.490 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: we're just trying to locate a day for the Venice Chamber group events and do we want Does anyone want to comment on, you know which day is better, is there any between July 8 and July 23. 270 00:32:20.550 --> 00:32:21.540 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: i'm fine with either. 271 00:32:22.590 --> 00:32:23.130 Mark Ryavec: open. 272 00:32:23.670 --> 00:32:24.480 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, good. 273 00:32:25.980 --> 00:32:29.400 Janin Paine: This is a Friday, did you mean a Friday or Saturday. 274 00:32:30.780 --> 00:32:33.150 Isabelle Duvivier: July 9 is Saturday Friday. 275 00:32:33.240 --> 00:32:33.570 night. 276 00:32:34.830 --> 00:32:35.160 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: July. 277 00:32:36.210 --> 00:32:36.870 Janin Paine: July 8. 278 00:32:37.080 --> 00:32:37.320 Ninth. 279 00:32:39.720 --> 00:32:40.260 Isabelle Duvivier: The ninth. 280 00:32:42.000 --> 00:32:42.540 Isabelle Duvivier: Saturday. 281 00:32:43.320 --> 00:32:46.590 Barry Campion: I won't be here, but doesn't mean that event can. 282 00:32:46.680 --> 00:32:48.150 Isabelle Duvivier: On Saturday you won't be here. 283 00:32:48.180 --> 00:32:49.620 Barry Campion: yeah i'm gone the. 284 00:32:49.920 --> 00:32:50.400 Isabelle Duvivier: nine. 285 00:32:50.610 --> 00:32:51.720 Barry Campion: Through the 11th yeah. 286 00:32:51.810 --> 00:33:02.460 Isabelle Duvivier: Oh that's right Okay, well then let's see it to the 23rd and then what day Do you remember very what day or Sarah Do you remember what I said the tree walk was going to be. 287 00:33:03.390 --> 00:33:04.290 Barry Campion: tree walk. 288 00:33:04.740 --> 00:33:07.740 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah we're gonna do a tree walk and birds neighborhood. 289 00:33:08.160 --> 00:33:08.940 Barry Campion: Oh right. 290 00:33:09.180 --> 00:33:09.450 Oh. 291 00:33:11.010 --> 00:33:12.810 Barry Campion: gosh I don't i'd have to look up the. 292 00:33:13.440 --> 00:33:15.030 Barry Campion: Attacks email. 293 00:33:15.600 --> 00:33:17.010 Isabelle Duvivier: was at a text or an email. 294 00:33:18.330 --> 00:33:19.770 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I thought it was both but. 295 00:33:21.120 --> 00:33:29.160 Isabelle Duvivier: Okay, well, we i'd like to just announce it here for people who well, though you guys will get all the Info as it comes out. 296 00:33:29.220 --> 00:33:30.420 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah I think everyone. 297 00:33:30.600 --> 00:33:39.480 Isabelle Duvivier: We are doing a tree walk we're going to do a tree walk this coming month and it will be in the quarterly neighborhood. 298 00:33:40.500 --> 00:33:48.660 Isabelle Duvivier: Specifically, I want to walk down boycotts co which has a lot of really beautiful mature trees there. 299 00:33:49.260 --> 00:34:00.060 Isabelle Duvivier: And there's also many trees in that neighborhood that are still weirdly states, so I thought, maybe, from now on, when we do our tree walks we could just have like a sweep. 300 00:34:00.480 --> 00:34:12.930 Isabelle Duvivier: By a group that just remove straps removes Poles as emergency work because we're always seeing something and we're like oh where's my knife where's my right so. 301 00:34:13.200 --> 00:34:15.990 Barry Campion: I can bring a little pack with some tools in it and just. 302 00:34:16.650 --> 00:34:17.190 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah. 303 00:34:17.280 --> 00:34:20.760 Barry Campion: Look what we can on the on as a as a walk by. 304 00:34:21.060 --> 00:34:27.030 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah that's perfect so and then I thought we would start on boccaccio because that's got such beautiful trees and then. 305 00:34:27.330 --> 00:34:39.390 Isabelle Duvivier: Maybe we end up on quarterly and you know there's so much to talk about there it's kind of a can of worms, but if we didn't get there wouldn't be the end of the world, I don't want that to monopolize our. 306 00:34:39.930 --> 00:34:51.030 Isabelle Duvivier: Our day because, as you probably know, there's just been a lot of talk about the sidewalk there and it's it's it's gone everywhere, and nowhere it's absolutely frustrating. 307 00:34:53.010 --> 00:34:53.400 Isabelle Duvivier: So. 308 00:34:53.910 --> 00:35:00.390 Isabelle Duvivier: We walk look for that, if I can find the date, while we're here together i'll let you know, but right now i'm having a hard time. 309 00:35:02.190 --> 00:35:04.200 Isabelle Duvivier: With all the different emails finding it. 310 00:35:04.530 --> 00:35:11.370 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, and we just need we're going to need to send that announcement out as broad away as possible, so. 311 00:35:11.400 --> 00:35:12.180 Isabelle Duvivier: For yeah. 312 00:35:12.600 --> 00:35:16.470 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: When we get I mean we can do this offline, but we should get a flyer out. 313 00:35:18.270 --> 00:35:19.620 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, so. 314 00:35:19.890 --> 00:35:20.190 Michael McGuffin: And I. 315 00:35:20.730 --> 00:35:21.930 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Oh go ahead, sorry. 316 00:35:22.110 --> 00:35:29.640 Michael McGuffin: I just found the email, and what is about you proposed a tree walk near birds house on July 16. 317 00:35:30.240 --> 00:35:30.870 Isabelle Duvivier: Okay. 318 00:35:31.200 --> 00:35:33.480 Isabelle Duvivier: All right, thank you for that. 319 00:35:35.010 --> 00:35:48.780 Isabelle Duvivier: So I can do the fire last time I did a flyer you guys didn't catch my typo it was really embarrassing I sent it out like 10 times and nobody saw that it said tree care, instead of tree why. 320 00:35:50.100 --> 00:35:58.470 Isabelle Duvivier: Anyway, so i'll get that sent out right away, so we can send it to the Vinci, the vc and have no. 321 00:35:59.280 --> 00:35:59.700 Right. 322 00:36:00.780 --> 00:36:03.810 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: No nose always they're pretty good attend. 323 00:36:03.840 --> 00:36:04.890 These of these things. 324 00:36:06.750 --> 00:36:19.560 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: OK so moving on to old business or new business it's really old business but it's it's so early on and its life if I think of it as a business so Lincoln fast forward which we've talked about a couple of times. 325 00:36:20.820 --> 00:36:30.690 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Is Evan was unable to come today because he's away on vacation, but this is the project, whereby caltrans and La do T. 326 00:36:30.780 --> 00:36:32.070 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: are going to put in. 327 00:36:33.150 --> 00:36:37.170 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Bus only lanes on Lincoln and it's going to take up parking. 328 00:36:37.740 --> 00:36:52.320 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And what was proposed by the parking and transportation Committee was that they would do a bunch of planting along Lincoln and possibly cut mediums into the road so both of you guys most of you guys are all aware of this. 329 00:36:52.800 --> 00:37:04.440 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: heather you may not have seen this stuff, but it could really, really substantially improve Lincoln now one of the things that I ran across and. 330 00:37:06.150 --> 00:37:25.800 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Isabel is very aware of this, but this would be a big project for us to get involved in is that there are funds very substantial funds available for doing this type of work if we were to incorporate some water shed mitigation. 331 00:37:27.180 --> 00:37:28.680 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: aspects into this. 332 00:37:30.120 --> 00:37:38.910 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: there's hundreds of thousands of dollars in fact available for a project that would unify and storm water. 333 00:37:41.070 --> 00:37:53.970 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: renovates Lincoln starting from whole foods, all the way down to Venice boulevard and you guys saw the presentation that Evan made us continuing to try to weigh in with the city. 334 00:37:54.900 --> 00:38:04.500 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: At CD 11 they've been a little bit non responsive and he says, if they're not responsive anymore, then we're going to start to step up and go to led a team. 335 00:38:05.610 --> 00:38:20.370 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So the reason why I discovered about this Isabel kind of knew about it, because she was involved with measure w, which is the funding mechanism way back when when it was drafted and put forward. 336 00:38:21.510 --> 00:38:32.220 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I had a discussion with the heal the bay coordinator of watershed programs on the West side I her name is Michaela randolph and she told me about this money. 337 00:38:32.700 --> 00:38:49.380 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And she her knowledge was actually pretty sketchy but i've started to really dig into the research and i'm wondering if any of you guys have comment on it, but it's a pretty pretty big substantial application that would have to be put together. 338 00:38:50.550 --> 00:38:55.980 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: To the funding body and there's a number of technical. 339 00:38:58.020 --> 00:39:03.360 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: hurdles that you have to get over so we probably would have to look into hiring. 340 00:39:04.080 --> 00:39:18.390 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Somebody who's done this before an architecture firm or a landscape architecture, firm and that would include the engineering work that would address the water flow and how we would be utilizing these plantings to. 341 00:39:19.500 --> 00:39:21.180 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Collection collects you know watershed. 342 00:39:22.410 --> 00:39:26.010 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So I see Barry you have a hand up and i'm sorry sorry. 343 00:39:26.940 --> 00:39:30.000 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: which was not first did he was Chris go ahead to do. 344 00:39:30.960 --> 00:39:42.810 Janin Paine: um well i'd be very interested in in working on helping putting that put that whatever I don't know i'm good at grants i've done grants i've got drones got I got state grants from before for the Charter school so. 345 00:39:44.160 --> 00:39:45.240 Janin Paine: Whatever that. 346 00:39:46.560 --> 00:39:55.980 Janin Paine: I don't have any specific expertise I just vague stuff like Barry, of course, would have but i'm sure it's not that hard to find people with a watershed experience and engineers and all that. 347 00:39:57.120 --> 00:39:59.250 Janin Paine: i'm willing to help coordinate or whatever right. 348 00:39:59.880 --> 00:40:03.300 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, before you speak very there's one thing that I did. 349 00:40:04.500 --> 00:40:16.830 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: That occurred to me, as I was doing some of my reading this morning, and that was that there was an encouragement to bundle projects within a particular area and that made me think of. 350 00:40:17.460 --> 00:40:33.030 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: What you guys had made an attempt, and you may revisit it to put in not impermeable surfaces along Mr golf course road, so please go ahead. 351 00:40:33.390 --> 00:40:36.930 Barry Campion: Well, in terms of helping with this Esther feldman. 352 00:40:38.250 --> 00:40:42.990 Barry Campion: She had a whole stormwater capture project for the entire city of La. 353 00:40:43.800 --> 00:40:45.300 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: One of her she's a nurse. 354 00:40:45.780 --> 00:40:53.070 Barry Campion: Work with engineers, she has worked with landscape architects she knows this area, this was her baby so. 355 00:40:55.530 --> 00:41:04.020 Barry Campion: At the very least, she could consult and give direction and she's written grants and proposals and she's she's did all of that, with her. 356 00:41:05.580 --> 00:41:09.990 Barry Campion: Company, so I would definitely have a conversation with her about it. 357 00:41:10.290 --> 00:41:21.840 Barry Campion: Okay, and it'd be a i'll just say that there is a meeting June 23 at the pen mar REC Center. 358 00:41:23.040 --> 00:41:28.230 Barry Campion: presenting the third iteration of the city's plan for the Rose pen mar path. 359 00:41:29.250 --> 00:41:31.290 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And sorry say that say that date and time again. 360 00:41:31.920 --> 00:41:44.220 Barry Campion: Thursday June 23 at 730 so the city will not be presenting it Edna will be presenting the plan and. 361 00:41:45.270 --> 00:41:51.390 Barry Campion: it's the third iteration and I don't want to take up a bunch of time right now and let's see what anyway it's. 362 00:41:52.230 --> 00:41:55.260 Mark Ryavec: it's the same plan to put the sidewalk in yep. 363 00:41:56.610 --> 00:42:04.590 Barry Campion: And Esther actually spoke to the Ada coordinator and unless someone like a counselor mentors steps forward. 364 00:42:05.100 --> 00:42:12.240 Barry Campion: There they're not going to budge they're there they say it's the restriction is the fact that it runs along a street. 365 00:42:12.960 --> 00:42:22.470 Barry Campion: and any kind of area like that that runs along the street has to be a sidewalk and Esther made the comment oh so you're going to go through the entire city. 366 00:42:23.400 --> 00:42:38.220 Barry Campion: and find these areas, you know and put sidewalks so, as I said, if there was a councilman on our side here I think something could happen, but right now it's not looking good for the Rose pen more path so. 367 00:42:39.540 --> 00:42:46.440 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So that i'm unfortunately won't be able to attend that meeting is i'll be a noun are they going to do a web. 368 00:42:47.880 --> 00:42:49.020 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: capability for that. 369 00:42:49.350 --> 00:42:51.690 Barry Campion: Well, I don't think so I don't think there's the. 370 00:42:53.790 --> 00:43:04.020 Barry Campion: Technology or the funds or the centers and set up for that i'm not sure what how and maybe the print out some that can be handed out and blow one up. 371 00:43:04.470 --> 00:43:06.930 Barry Campion: Right it'll be open for comments and. 372 00:43:09.690 --> 00:43:13.710 Barry Campion: I don't like the plan they've thrown in this medium for the. 373 00:43:14.970 --> 00:43:21.960 Barry Campion: To help the bike lane, but it doesn't you can't plan any trees in it, so it serves no real function I don't know it's just a it's. 374 00:43:24.450 --> 00:43:25.470 Barry Campion: Anyway, so. 375 00:43:25.500 --> 00:43:28.980 Barry Campion: Okay anybody wants to come make some comments about it please come. 376 00:43:29.310 --> 00:43:38.160 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Can, and so there is absolutely no planters or anything that's going to give us an opportunity to capture some storm water or. 377 00:43:38.280 --> 00:43:53.580 Barry Campion: All those medians if the mediums that they want to do that would run along the outside of the bike lane those surely might but there's a lot of infrastructure there and they're all worried about the infrastructure, so they probably don't want water going in there. 378 00:43:54.900 --> 00:44:10.620 Barry Campion: We tried to talk about putting medians down the middle of froze where it's not clear whether there's infrastructure there, but to me that would be a much better place and, hopefully, you could plant trees and it would be much more impactful so. 379 00:44:12.090 --> 00:44:12.420 Barry Campion: Right. 380 00:44:12.510 --> 00:44:12.840 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay. 381 00:44:13.140 --> 00:44:14.220 Barry Campion: I don't know. 382 00:44:14.610 --> 00:44:17.490 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Right, then I bet and that might have to just happen at a later date. 383 00:44:17.970 --> 00:44:28.290 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Right now, so okay um so I maybe what i'll do is i'll put my head together review janine I have to read through all the. 384 00:44:29.490 --> 00:44:32.340 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Documents to figure out exactly. 385 00:44:33.600 --> 00:44:49.410 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: what's going on there, but i'll also be working closely with Evan i've been in conversation with him during the last couple weeks, and so, once he gets back from vacation maybe the three of us can put our heads together and you know, try to. 386 00:44:51.450 --> 00:44:54.690 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Put a few hundred thousand dollars to beautify Lincoln. 387 00:44:55.350 --> 00:44:56.700 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: That would be nice you. 388 00:44:56.790 --> 00:45:02.760 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: need something yeah sure does um okay any other comments with regard to the link and fast forward. 389 00:45:06.030 --> 00:45:07.470 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, so. 390 00:45:08.880 --> 00:45:10.170 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: The next. 391 00:45:11.520 --> 00:45:26.100 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: The next item on here really ought to be in new new business it's it's simply Isabel and I have been on the phone and we were talking about the making fast forward but, and we also did apply as you guys may remember, for. 392 00:45:27.270 --> 00:45:30.690 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: One of the Community improvement grants for the dnc for. 393 00:45:31.860 --> 00:45:50.730 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: The la skill Center um but it, it seemed to us as we were chatting about it, the that really, we need a project that is the appropriate project for these kinds of brands and this may actually. 394 00:45:52.440 --> 00:45:59.790 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: The same may actually be maybe it's the front lawn of the library, maybe, maybe it is the La skill Center um. 395 00:46:00.960 --> 00:46:05.940 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So these grants are not that rich, though, the Community improvement grant. 396 00:46:06.900 --> 00:46:08.220 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: That comes to the dnc. 397 00:46:08.430 --> 00:46:14.940 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I don't believe there's more than $4,000 for this next fiscal year so we're going to apply for the La skill Center. 398 00:46:16.110 --> 00:46:18.450 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Then you know, we should do it pretty quickly. 399 00:46:20.040 --> 00:46:22.980 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And the M wd Community Partner grants. 400 00:46:24.600 --> 00:46:31.080 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Isabel has been a recipient of those before on the current elaine school so. 401 00:46:32.580 --> 00:46:35.040 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: We have some institutional knowledge there. 402 00:46:36.060 --> 00:46:43.560 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Are there any suggestions from you guys have projects that you would really like to receive some money for us that we have money for plans we have money for. 403 00:46:44.250 --> 00:46:55.800 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Labor if needed a there was a bunch of different suggestions that folks made at the beginning of this year and I just wanted to float that out there and see if anyone was interested in us going after something. 404 00:46:56.130 --> 00:47:01.410 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: You know if there was a project that someone had in mind that would be a good recipient for these types of grants. 405 00:47:05.730 --> 00:47:09.720 Janin Paine: We see that list that you generated before or can you email it out at some point. 406 00:47:10.830 --> 00:47:11.550 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I. 407 00:47:12.600 --> 00:47:14.160 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Yes, I could I don't have it right. 408 00:47:14.220 --> 00:47:15.300 Janin Paine: I know not. 409 00:47:15.360 --> 00:47:22.290 Janin Paine: Whenever my you know you guys at one point, there was some talk about something on the boardwalk and that's I thought. 410 00:47:22.470 --> 00:47:23.760 Janin Paine: No that's what POPs. 411 00:47:23.880 --> 00:47:24.450 Isabelle Duvivier: In my mind. 412 00:47:25.980 --> 00:47:33.360 Isabelle Duvivier: So the the are you talking about specifically just that Community partner in grand or grants in general, Sarah. 413 00:47:33.540 --> 00:47:40.860 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Those two grants the Community improvement grant and the and the metro water district Community Partner grants. 414 00:47:40.920 --> 00:47:58.650 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah so the partner grants are are really specifically around around education so that would be the kind of thing that we could use to pay for door hangers or flyers or an event. 415 00:48:00.690 --> 00:48:03.210 Isabelle Duvivier: Because they really want you to educate about. 416 00:48:04.560 --> 00:48:09.600 Isabelle Duvivier: Water reduction it's the metropolitan water district so they're interested in reducing. 417 00:48:10.980 --> 00:48:11.970 Isabelle Duvivier: Your water. 418 00:48:13.710 --> 00:48:27.720 Isabelle Duvivier: Those are the kinds and there are lots of things we could do with that we could we could play pay for those door hangers even though those don't really cost a lot, you can only use I think only half of it can be used for Labor, but we can use some of the money for Labor. 419 00:48:29.670 --> 00:48:33.540 Isabelle Duvivier: And only 20% can be used for admin, which is already a lot. 420 00:48:34.980 --> 00:48:35.310 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah. 421 00:48:37.560 --> 00:48:39.480 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I mean, in our case I don't think it would be. 422 00:48:41.370 --> 00:48:51.360 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So, so the education piece when you garner this grant for Kurt elaine what did that money get earmarked for. 423 00:48:52.920 --> 00:48:58.170 Isabelle Duvivier: I think I sent you did I send you the signs that we made we made watershed signs. 424 00:48:58.710 --> 00:49:05.610 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: That that's what they were they were just that so none of that ground was used for planting or for trees. 425 00:49:07.080 --> 00:49:12.180 Isabelle Duvivier: Well, no yeah I didn't I wasn't quite finished I wasn't sure if I had sent you those I. 426 00:49:12.570 --> 00:49:27.750 Isabelle Duvivier: We made two signs, we made flyers I mean we you know we remove 50,000 square feet of asphalt and planted 50 trees and hundreds of shrubs that was only one ground we got in a whole bunch of grants so. 427 00:49:28.320 --> 00:49:40.470 Isabelle Duvivier: You know what you get the money for isn't what you spend the money on you tell them that it's for the education part of your program but you use it any way you want right so obviously. 428 00:49:41.970 --> 00:49:52.170 Isabelle Duvivier: We we removed all that US volunteered a whole bunch of stuff there we told them that we were you know, giving away free trees, with little educational. 429 00:49:52.710 --> 00:50:04.920 Isabelle Duvivier: And we did all that too, but it wasn't exactly what we spent the money on it was all in a big pot, we did what we could, with it, so if we wanted to do, part of a larger project like the Venice skill Center. 430 00:50:06.090 --> 00:50:18.720 Isabelle Duvivier: We would just have to figure out one piece of it that was roughly $2,000 that was educational, even though we might also plant trees and and do other things you said i'm saying. 431 00:50:18.810 --> 00:50:20.970 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah got it okay. 432 00:50:23.250 --> 00:50:28.380 Barry Campion: So is there is there a way to kind of. 433 00:50:29.490 --> 00:50:41.910 Barry Campion: meld the education and and sort of the physical planting part where it could be more like a workshop situation where like at the skill Center. 434 00:50:42.210 --> 00:50:44.610 Barry Campion: We actually have some trees to plant and. 435 00:50:44.640 --> 00:50:45.360 Isabelle Duvivier: But we. 436 00:50:45.810 --> 00:50:59.100 Barry Campion: promote it as a as an educational talk about the kinds of trees, why they're selected what they need so it's a more interactive thing, rather than just here's a flyer or here's a you know I don't know. 437 00:50:59.250 --> 00:51:01.860 Barry Campion: yeah well really absorb those very well. 438 00:51:02.220 --> 00:51:02.700 yeah. 439 00:51:05.670 --> 00:51:25.710 Isabelle Duvivier: And I guess i'd like to go back to the very first comment I made today, which is you know, our goal is to keep trees alive and our trees are suffering, you know, maybe we could use that money towards an event, where we invite people to water their trees, or just or. 440 00:51:26.970 --> 00:51:29.190 Isabelle Duvivier: I don't know it just feels like we really need to. 441 00:51:31.350 --> 00:51:35.280 Isabelle Duvivier: come up with some ideas about how to get our trees lettered yeah. 442 00:51:35.790 --> 00:51:46.350 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So, what with the MTV Community Partner grant are they are they typically trying to get people to save water that the primary educational. 443 00:51:47.370 --> 00:52:04.350 Isabelle Duvivier: Absolutely spin it into being about you know how shade trees, reduce the amount of water that you need to to keep your garden alive, and you know we could spin it all around. 444 00:52:06.780 --> 00:52:15.720 Isabelle Duvivier: So, but yeah they're into water water supply water quality, so we could also spin it into being about water supply. 445 00:52:16.290 --> 00:52:30.270 Isabelle Duvivier: Right we're reducing by having mature healthy trees we're reducing the amount of rain that falls on the ground that goes into the storm drain system and brings polluted water to the ocean, so that can be part of the whole cycle of life. 446 00:52:32.100 --> 00:52:42.840 Isabelle Duvivier: But it's just $2,000 so they're not really in a given lot lots and lots of them away so my experience has been it's not very hard to get and they're not. 447 00:52:43.890 --> 00:52:48.360 Isabelle Duvivier: they're not person Nick is persnickety if that's. 448 00:52:49.860 --> 00:52:50.190 Isabelle Duvivier: All or. 449 00:52:51.450 --> 00:53:06.480 Isabelle Duvivier: The right word they they freely give away, especially if you have somebody else endorsing i'm like the dnc or the Council office or the Venice skill Center or and if we have other grants that would be helpful to we could make them part of another grant community. 450 00:53:08.250 --> 00:53:12.810 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, so, so the so right now, it sounds like i'm. 451 00:53:14.040 --> 00:53:20.610 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Particularly you Isabel and i'm the same way i'm very concerned that our waters are not our trees are not getting watered i'm. 452 00:53:21.690 --> 00:53:22.620 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Go ahead and heather. 453 00:53:23.370 --> 00:53:32.520 Heather Roberts: And something that I started doing and I actually was just talking to my son about trying to scale it up into a project is I have now in my bathroom. 454 00:53:33.180 --> 00:53:44.280 Heather Roberts: To those big like plastic P, you know holders from home depot, but when I first turned on my shower when it's like normally the water that would go down the drain before it gets hot. 455 00:53:44.640 --> 00:53:50.940 Heather Roberts: And so i've been collecting that water and I rotate my buckets and I use that to water my trees, at my house. 456 00:53:51.450 --> 00:53:56.700 Heather Roberts: I don't know if we could create some kind of a fun project you're one of these things you're talking about. 457 00:53:57.090 --> 00:54:08.820 Heather Roberts: His his his comment was when I said oh i've gotta like get this out there to the public, you see what's gonna look something better than a white home depot paint can I don't know I don't know if it's. 458 00:54:08.820 --> 00:54:09.780 Heather Roberts: Something that. 459 00:54:09.870 --> 00:54:15.990 Heather Roberts: We could do like some kind of an art project with that and then people take them home or try to spread the word for. 460 00:54:16.320 --> 00:54:27.120 Heather Roberts: You know when you're running that water, even in your sink it drives me crazy I drive everybody at my house crazy like how much water is running down the same before they feel like it's hard enough to wash the dishes. 461 00:54:27.750 --> 00:54:38.670 Heather Roberts: So you know I don't know I don't know if there's a way to start you know doing something like that, but just like saying like getting the water to the tree is you know part of our issue. 462 00:54:39.120 --> 00:54:41.040 Isabelle Duvivier: mm hmm yeah. 463 00:54:42.420 --> 00:54:43.020 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Michael. 464 00:54:43.500 --> 00:54:46.860 Michael McGuffin: yeah I do the same thing, but I use a red bucket. 465 00:54:48.930 --> 00:55:08.370 Michael McGuffin: I love this idea had there and, and this is just a couple thousand dollars right so and so i'm going to just develop it so we get $2,000 and we hire a bunch we use it to pay a bunch of kids to design a bucket that says catch your shower water and put it in your garden. 466 00:55:08.370 --> 00:55:08.790 Michael McGuffin: And we. 467 00:55:08.850 --> 00:55:20.070 Michael McGuffin: give away those buckets thousand dollars worth of those buckets have the kids walk up and down the street and say here's what you should be doing My guess is a whole lot of people will do it if we make it easy to do it. 468 00:55:20.250 --> 00:55:25.470 Michael McGuffin: Right, make it something that engages a bunch of kids to be thinking about it right. 469 00:55:26.670 --> 00:55:28.500 Isabelle Duvivier: We call it the water brigade. 470 00:55:28.740 --> 00:55:29.520 Michael McGuffin: yeah there you go. 471 00:55:32.370 --> 00:55:37.740 Janin Paine: We can potentially get another thousand pretty easily from the pollinator pollination project for that kind of thing to. 472 00:55:38.730 --> 00:55:41.010 Isabelle Duvivier: Okay, for kids would you use. 473 00:55:42.540 --> 00:55:49.500 Michael McGuffin: not talk to the activists kit that activist eight and 11 year olds across the street and keep knocking on my door and telling me what to do. 474 00:55:51.480 --> 00:56:06.600 Mark Ryavec: I think that the potential here is to find the right person, probably at the local junior high school to actually make this an item that you come in and teach a class. 475 00:56:07.140 --> 00:56:19.650 Mark Ryavec: Every every student would get taught and then they would be handed the buckets or maybe they can be as you were suggested enrolled as a competition like at Mark Twain. 476 00:56:20.070 --> 00:56:21.150 Mark Ryavec: to design. 477 00:56:21.480 --> 00:56:26.370 Mark Ryavec: What goes on the bucket and then print the buckets and then you give them out to all the. 478 00:56:26.370 --> 00:56:33.570 Mark Ryavec: kids they're the ones that are likely to nudge their parents and their siblings to use them. 479 00:56:36.330 --> 00:56:46.020 Mark Ryavec: I could walk down the street and talk to my friends staff, who was a teacher for many years and Mark Twain and just asked him who who who should we pitched this idea to. 480 00:56:46.080 --> 00:56:46.980 Isabelle Duvivier: Have I think it's got. 481 00:56:47.550 --> 00:56:48.480 Isabelle Duvivier: As well I would. 482 00:56:48.540 --> 00:56:50.070 Mark Ryavec: I would say I think it's got legs. 483 00:56:50.370 --> 00:56:50.820 Isabelle Duvivier: mm hmm. 484 00:56:51.120 --> 00:56:51.870 Mark Ryavec: The touching. 485 00:56:52.440 --> 00:57:00.660 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah, this is a good time to do it, too, because if we had this well bags, we could introduce it to schools and September. 486 00:57:01.140 --> 00:57:07.410 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah and we have like broadway here so some of those kids live right around here and. 487 00:57:07.440 --> 00:57:08.940 Isabelle Duvivier: we've got Westminster, rather than. 488 00:57:08.940 --> 00:57:10.140 Mark Ryavec: Sixth grade kids are. 489 00:57:10.620 --> 00:57:16.080 Janin Paine: yeah she has a really pretty cool principle I bet him the new guy that's been there, a couple years. 490 00:57:17.280 --> 00:57:25.320 Isabelle Duvivier: Can we do metal buckets instead of plastic buckets and they're just a little smaller so they're a little more manageable yeah good idea. 491 00:57:27.000 --> 00:57:27.660 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay. 492 00:57:27.870 --> 00:57:34.170 Isabelle Duvivier: I think that's a really great ideas you guys want to start like a little sub committee or something and. 493 00:57:37.080 --> 00:57:48.570 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: What heather heather kind of came up with the original idea and i'm wondering, would you like to kind of take take it under your a bunch of things to do. 494 00:57:50.910 --> 00:57:51.450 Heather Roberts: I mean, I think. 495 00:57:51.480 --> 00:58:00.060 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I actually think that education, so the first step, I guess is applying for grants and coming up with how you're going to do it right. 496 00:58:01.290 --> 00:58:01.800 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And then the. 497 00:58:01.830 --> 00:58:10.560 Isabelle Duvivier: grass, can you want to know who her partners are so the first step is actually finding up like it doesn't have to be specific, sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you, Sarah but. 498 00:58:11.220 --> 00:58:19.890 Isabelle Duvivier: I think if she just had if she just said Westminster score partnering with them, she doesn't have to say exactly what teacher anything or broadway or. 499 00:58:23.100 --> 00:58:33.000 Isabelle Duvivier: joelle do MMA do you know joelle do MMA she's the preschool teacher they call clarify 10 she's very good friends with a lot of the. 500 00:58:34.350 --> 00:58:44.310 Isabelle Duvivier: principles at this local schools, because she runs an award program she gives awards to the best teachers at every school in Venice every year. 501 00:58:44.430 --> 00:58:50.970 Isabelle Duvivier: alone, so I could introduce you to her, and we could find out which schools, she thought would be the most open to it. 502 00:58:51.450 --> 00:58:51.720 Okay. 503 00:58:52.830 --> 00:58:58.320 Janin Paine: yeah yeah that's how I might have an Environmental Committee in China, she does their jackets of excellence thing through the. 504 00:58:58.650 --> 00:58:58.980 chamber. 505 00:59:00.210 --> 00:59:05.340 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah they're a little far away, though we really want our local kids right. 506 00:59:06.690 --> 00:59:16.500 Isabelle Duvivier: Well, I mean, I guess, Michael was talking about a couple of kids I was thinking, if you had kids on every block kids olivia here and each kid had their own bucket you know. 507 00:59:19.590 --> 00:59:26.070 Heather Roberts: Now Julie, want to go more in the direction of like contest for creating he. 508 00:59:27.540 --> 00:59:31.260 Heather Roberts: Go to go on the bucket or which direction, do we want to go. 509 00:59:33.360 --> 00:59:44.490 Michael McGuffin: me, I mean there are a couple of pieces one is designed the logo, I already like you know the Venice water brigade, so we want, but maybe the kids are smarter than that they've got a better way to do it. 510 00:59:45.570 --> 01:00:04.860 Michael McGuffin: And that what we would actually spend money for is buying a lot of buckets with the logo printed on it so that's kind of phase to get the material, but the phase three is okay kids which of you are willing to take one or two or five of these home and get people on your block to us. 511 01:00:06.420 --> 01:00:15.660 Michael McGuffin: So that's how I see it, is kind of a design production and then an implementation phase, and I love the idea of. 512 01:00:17.760 --> 01:00:21.180 Michael McGuffin: Giving the kids support to then be our leaders. 513 01:00:21.330 --> 01:00:21.720 Heather Roberts: mm hmm. 514 01:00:24.120 --> 01:00:33.570 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I do think we're gonna need a fairly solid teacher as a partner, though, to have a launch off spot that it comes from a classroom. 515 01:00:34.860 --> 01:00:48.210 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Just because I think you know, once you have that, where you have an actual teacher that is going to put this in the curriculum you've got a much firmer entry into a community. 516 01:00:48.600 --> 01:00:49.020 Michael McGuffin: mm hmm. 517 01:00:49.590 --> 01:00:55.260 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So that that's definitely that's a step that mean I don't have young kids anymore. 518 01:00:55.260 --> 01:01:00.210 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And my daughter goes to school and family so she's, not even in Venice. 519 01:01:01.500 --> 01:01:04.380 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So it's that's a little bit of a question like. 520 01:01:06.900 --> 01:01:17.910 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I am seeing tomorrow night, hopefully, some folks who've got kids at smash but that might mean that they know some younger folks and Isabel are do you have any contacts still at. 521 01:01:19.200 --> 01:01:23.040 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Either St marks or at purdue lane. 522 01:01:26.010 --> 01:01:30.390 Isabelle Duvivier: i'm not really I mean all the principles have changed. 523 01:01:32.250 --> 01:01:34.860 Isabelle Duvivier: The Tito right, but like I said joelle will. 524 01:01:35.520 --> 01:01:44.310 Isabelle Duvivier: Right so well well and but those schools are also far away from us, we are trees, if we want it to be really selfish and make this about. 525 01:01:44.730 --> 01:01:59.490 Isabelle Duvivier: us not having to worry about our trees dying, we need kids to live, where the trees are planted they're planted on Venice way right there planted on sunset in the hood where else are they suffering. 526 01:02:00.390 --> 01:02:01.530 Janin Paine: Well, so what's been the. 527 01:02:02.040 --> 01:02:02.850 way the elementary. 528 01:02:03.960 --> 01:02:05.790 Janin Paine: Westminster broadway elementary schools. 529 01:02:05.910 --> 01:02:07.920 Janin Paine: might be enough to try for two schools. 530 01:02:08.250 --> 01:02:10.890 Isabelle Duvivier: boy get the villainous skill Center. 531 01:02:13.320 --> 01:02:17.340 Janin Paine: skill Center i'm a block away from them i'll go camp on their doorstep. 532 01:02:17.400 --> 01:02:26.220 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I mean, it was very suggestive we had a few trees and we can do like an event with the Venice still Center to have students come out plant, the threes. 533 01:02:27.000 --> 01:02:28.440 Janin Paine: or paint buckets. 534 01:02:28.710 --> 01:02:29.310 Isabelle Duvivier: we're just. 535 01:02:30.180 --> 01:02:34.230 Isabelle Duvivier: gonna be more interested if they painted their own bucket, even if it has a logo that's fine but. 536 01:02:34.410 --> 01:02:35.610 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah yeah. 537 01:02:35.760 --> 01:02:36.270 painted. 538 01:02:37.650 --> 01:02:39.420 Isabelle Duvivier: contest aspect of it. 539 01:02:39.990 --> 01:02:44.040 Isabelle Duvivier: You know, like how Westminster elementary they had the kids That was really. 540 01:02:44.040 --> 01:03:00.510 Isabelle Duvivier: cute they had the kids if you donate to their school, so I think it's like $5,000 you get to choose from all of the kids drawings and the kids drawings are so cute and then they put them up on the fence at the school So if you drive around the school you'll. 541 01:03:00.570 --> 01:03:01.740 Janin Paine: Have a dragon there. 542 01:03:02.550 --> 01:03:05.610 Janin Paine: yeah 500 or 1000 yeah. 543 01:03:05.700 --> 01:03:07.140 Isabelle Duvivier: I have a waterfall. 544 01:03:08.310 --> 01:03:08.610 Janin Paine: yeah. 545 01:03:08.970 --> 01:03:20.010 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah so we could have the kids design their own stickers and then we could put the sticker you know enough to be one sticker it could be multiple stickers he put water brigade or. 546 01:03:21.690 --> 01:03:24.630 Isabelle Duvivier: I love that idea heather and everybody. 547 01:03:26.190 --> 01:03:30.090 Heather Roberts: I tell me to reach out to those of you for help to plug into this. 548 01:03:31.800 --> 01:03:36.600 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay cool right that was some great brainstorming i'm. 549 01:03:36.690 --> 01:03:39.150 Isabelle Duvivier: heather what's your email sorry to interrupt. 550 01:03:39.270 --> 01:03:45.330 Heather Roberts: Think Roberts at DSL extreme.com. 551 01:03:49.170 --> 01:03:50.730 Isabelle Duvivier: And you said heather Robert. 552 01:03:51.150 --> 01:03:52.110 Heather Roberts: H Roberts. 553 01:03:52.380 --> 01:03:52.500 Oh. 554 01:03:53.520 --> 01:03:55.680 Heather Roberts: yeah and then Roberts with an s. 555 01:03:57.000 --> 01:04:05.220 Heather Roberts: At DSL D, as in David s as in Sam ellison Larry extreme E X tr E m E COM. 556 01:04:07.920 --> 01:04:20.670 Heather Roberts: I like the sticker idea because, especially if you're talking about a metal bucket that way they could get that on to the metal bucket and you didn't have we did have a whole bunch of different sectors that could then be printed and they could then design them that way. 557 01:04:28.830 --> 01:04:34.770 Isabelle Duvivier: laughing cuz I just emailed her, and I just heard her inbox saying, do you did you get mail for me. 558 01:04:35.100 --> 01:04:36.480 Isabelle Duvivier: Design yeah. 559 01:04:37.020 --> 01:04:37.710 Heather Roberts: I may have. 560 01:04:41.640 --> 01:04:43.110 Janin Paine: invented the skill Center. 561 01:04:43.290 --> 01:04:44.580 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah exactly. 562 01:04:44.730 --> 01:04:45.000 OK. 563 01:04:46.530 --> 01:04:53.070 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: OK so moving on unless anybody else has another you still have your your hand up heather. 564 01:04:53.640 --> 01:04:54.660 Heather Roberts: Let me take it down so. 565 01:04:54.870 --> 01:04:56.820 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Take that down, but thank you, you. 566 01:04:57.210 --> 01:04:58.110 Heather Roberts: Have you know their. 567 01:04:58.230 --> 01:04:59.190 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: contributed a lot. 568 01:04:59.790 --> 01:05:00.330 Heather Roberts: Thank you. 569 01:05:00.720 --> 01:05:07.110 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: um so the door hangers Noel is not here yet as far as I know, so um no well. 570 01:05:08.400 --> 01:05:12.180 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: she's working on the door hangers with m. 571 01:05:13.410 --> 01:05:27.330 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I a and that's probably not going to happen until this next month, so we'll get a report from her the next time okay so new business um la do T. 572 01:05:29.070 --> 01:05:46.830 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: There is a proposal to put together a motion requesting that led you to meet with us to discuss the maintenance of Irving Irving timber carport, which is the area right next to arrow on electric avenue and the farmers market and. 573 01:05:47.910 --> 01:05:58.830 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Do we need to put together a motion to do this, or can we just request that they meet with us, or do we have to have the dnc approve us meeting with them. 574 01:05:59.280 --> 01:06:01.470 Mark Ryavec: To do the report make the request. 575 01:06:02.310 --> 01:06:03.270 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Just make a request. 576 01:06:03.330 --> 01:06:08.670 Mark Ryavec: If they don't, then we need a little nudge, then you do that. 577 01:06:08.760 --> 01:06:26.130 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: But then you go to the dnc um Okay, so one of the things I did actually find out from mckellar and off who's to heal the bay watershed coordinator was that she had quite a number of contacts at La la do T, but my impression is Isabel that you made to. 578 01:06:27.150 --> 01:06:31.080 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Because this was a suggestion that you had made and i'm wondering. 579 01:06:32.940 --> 01:06:34.320 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Who is it that you. 580 01:06:34.350 --> 01:06:37.680 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Will we should go to or is that something we need to research enter. 581 01:06:38.880 --> 01:06:46.410 Isabelle Duvivier: Well, that that is the problem is we've reached out to a lot of people and it's a big onerous. 582 01:06:48.180 --> 01:06:54.990 Isabelle Duvivier: organization so it's hard to know who the right people are and the people who we have reached out to the gym new. 583 01:06:55.470 --> 01:07:01.350 Isabelle Duvivier: From you know when Jim has to get permits to have filming done on the La to tea. 584 01:07:02.220 --> 01:07:08.910 Isabelle Duvivier: Farmers market parking lot he goes to this one guy well when we go to that one guy and say we want to dump our mulch there. 585 01:07:09.330 --> 01:07:28.020 Isabelle Duvivier: In the parking lot for a week, he says, well, you need to get a permit and you need to pay for insurance and it's like wait what like we're just doing good work for the Community and so we've tried that route, I tried contacting the head of do T. 586 01:07:29.700 --> 01:07:38.250 Isabelle Duvivier: Currently, it looks like I may be making some inroads with urban forestry, they may be able to find the right person, but it really is just like. 587 01:07:39.840 --> 01:07:42.840 Isabelle Duvivier: trying to find the right person amongst why. 588 01:07:42.960 --> 01:07:47.520 Mark Ryavec: Why i'm not mistaken, I risked my life cutting limbs off a tree on the corner. 589 01:07:48.450 --> 01:07:50.520 Mark Ryavec: so that you could you could dump the. 590 01:07:52.080 --> 01:07:53.970 Mark Ryavec: The malls right there on that corner. 591 01:07:55.710 --> 01:07:57.300 Mark Ryavec: So why are we doing that. 592 01:07:58.380 --> 01:07:59.040 Isabelle Duvivier: Because. 593 01:08:00.240 --> 01:08:02.130 Mark Ryavec: The parking lot but just right there on the dirt. 594 01:08:03.090 --> 01:08:09.660 Isabelle Duvivier: We tried that and I don't know if all dump trucks are the same, but the one truck that we. 595 01:08:11.820 --> 01:08:30.180 Isabelle Duvivier: That came that day that was supposed to dump it there, they can't go up the curb and they can't lift up their bucket with a curve there they needed to be a flat surface why we ended up having to dump it on the street over by the triangle that time. 596 01:08:31.410 --> 01:08:33.330 Mark Ryavec: which was a lot of work schlepping. 597 01:08:33.570 --> 01:08:41.010 Isabelle Duvivier: A lot of work right, so I mean in a perfect world, we would dump it at the library, but they have also been very. 598 01:08:41.040 --> 01:08:51.990 Mark Ryavec: unhealthy for me it's got to be i'm going to check online, to see if I can get some heavy duty ramps that would just allow them to back up over the curb. 599 01:08:52.890 --> 01:08:59.970 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Well, this this conversation is not so much about where it or the mulch, although that is a question really are interested in. 600 01:09:00.630 --> 01:09:10.800 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: This conversation is more about speaking with who it is that's responsible for Irving Irving tabor park or electric and the farmers market not. 601 01:09:10.830 --> 01:09:14.850 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Just for mulching but because they are over trimming. 602 01:09:15.180 --> 01:09:17.130 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: In many of the areas that they're responsible. 603 01:09:17.130 --> 01:09:18.450 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: For they are. 604 01:09:18.870 --> 01:09:19.860 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: You there oh yeah. 605 01:09:20.640 --> 01:09:22.170 Mark Ryavec: There it's there subcontractor. 606 01:09:22.740 --> 01:09:39.090 Isabelle Duvivier: Right very good it's Ortega landscaping but uh when we meet with Ortega, they say you got to talk to my boss my boss tells me he wants me to turn these trees into hedges, and so I said great give me your boss's name and he won't. 607 01:09:40.140 --> 01:09:43.140 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Wait So this is the guy you mean you tried it with them when they were on site. 608 01:09:43.530 --> 01:09:58.440 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah so did you Sarah he told me he he he mentioned your name, he says, oh yeah you know, Sir waters right like yeah he's like yeah I talked to her to get in front of rabbits phone number, but he won't return my calls they won't give me any info. 609 01:09:58.770 --> 01:10:00.810 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Now, so we really need to, we need to. 610 01:10:00.960 --> 01:10:08.580 Mark Ryavec: And you have not, and we have nobody in nobody in in bonds office who will make those calls for you. 611 01:10:08.940 --> 01:10:09.450 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: know. 612 01:10:09.540 --> 01:10:14.400 Isabelle Duvivier: I guess I could try that route to so what I did try it today as I tried vish Nash. 613 01:10:14.400 --> 01:10:30.000 Isabelle Duvivier: who used to be abundance office who's now working for the mayor's office, so this morning I emailed vision ash and that was Jimmy roses recommendation I thought that was a pretty good idea, since he knows me from when he was a field deputy and mar vista. 614 01:10:31.500 --> 01:10:47.430 Isabelle Duvivier: And now, he goes to he's supposed to go to all of the the neighborhood Council meetings, as the mayor's REP to the neighborhood Council so maybe he can help me like I said i've planted a few seeds, but so far i've really hit hit nothing right. 615 01:10:47.490 --> 01:10:57.390 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: it's it's definitely I think led the led to percentage in person contact with is simply a guy that does permitting for filming that's it that's all that's. 616 01:10:57.810 --> 01:11:15.720 Isabelle Duvivier: You know what would probably be good, as if we had one Latino in our group so Louise would go on a Wednesday when or tega landscaping is over there and speak to the guys really nice and say hey what's what's your bosses phone number and what's his name. 617 01:11:16.290 --> 01:11:19.020 Isabelle Duvivier: Because when I go they pretend to not speak in a. 618 01:11:19.020 --> 01:11:27.180 Isabelle Duvivier: single word of English, and when I get to the boss, the boss is really nice, but he won't give me the Info. 619 01:11:27.840 --> 01:11:34.020 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So Ortega within and the end rather than that's what it is, or take up landscapers. 620 01:11:34.650 --> 01:11:35.910 Isabelle Duvivier: I can look it up. 621 01:11:36.600 --> 01:11:38.820 Mark Ryavec: used to be mirror coast, I think, or something like that. 622 01:11:39.090 --> 01:11:41.520 Isabelle Duvivier: No, this different format yeah. 623 01:11:41.760 --> 01:11:48.540 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: i'm sure that they really you know their contract all the time it's it's it's really the contracting city. 624 01:11:49.350 --> 01:11:58.500 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: department that we need to meet with them and say listen when you put these contracts in place, you must make it clear that these are trees not hedges. 625 01:11:58.860 --> 01:12:14.040 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: it's really the boss, is not the guy who runs the contracting firm it's the contract and if the contract reads, you must trim every plant, as if it's a tree, or you know every possible tree. 626 01:12:14.850 --> 01:12:27.990 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And you must not minimize its height, you must maximize its height if that says it in the contract, then they will change, but until it says that it's not going to they have to be their money has to be on the line. 627 01:12:29.820 --> 01:12:38.670 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: that's the problem if their money isn't on the line if it doesn't say my contract hey we will penalize you for limiting the height of these plans. 628 01:12:39.750 --> 01:12:41.010 Isabelle Duvivier: it's a store. 629 01:12:41.700 --> 01:12:44.700 Mark Ryavec: This would be worth doing a dnc motion for. 630 01:12:45.510 --> 01:12:49.620 Mark Ryavec: You think so yeah that's pretty simple, straightforward. 631 01:12:51.300 --> 01:13:02.610 Mark Ryavec: and actually can, maybe even get some West side, current and yo Venice kind of coverage in the same basically the city's contractors are destroying all of our trees. 632 01:13:04.740 --> 01:13:05.760 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: At a time that. 633 01:13:06.000 --> 01:13:10.200 Mark Ryavec: we've had some ocean it and who do we send it to and then what happens with. 634 01:13:10.200 --> 01:13:11.250 Isabelle Duvivier: It like it's. 635 01:13:11.310 --> 01:13:19.650 Mark Ryavec: This close to the what's in the motion who goes to it goes to the mayor's office, it goes Council office and it goes to the head do it. 636 01:13:20.250 --> 01:13:22.680 Isabelle Duvivier: But they're not gonna do anything with it it's just. 637 01:13:23.250 --> 01:13:25.050 Mark Ryavec: You know, along with them. 638 01:13:25.200 --> 01:13:25.410 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: it's. 639 01:13:25.680 --> 01:13:26.640 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: A dialogue yeah. 640 01:13:27.180 --> 01:13:28.380 Isabelle Duvivier: Does it them. 641 01:13:28.500 --> 01:13:33.060 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So so what's the name of the landscape Bergen Isabel I just want to make a record of that. 642 01:13:34.800 --> 01:13:36.090 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Oh, St. 643 01:13:37.140 --> 01:13:38.340 Isabelle Duvivier: No it's an A. 644 01:13:39.120 --> 01:13:40.560 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay hey. 645 01:13:40.680 --> 01:13:44.400 Isabelle Duvivier: hey and I T O rg a landscaping. 646 01:13:46.050 --> 01:13:47.820 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: A story okay. 647 01:13:49.050 --> 01:13:55.680 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Great and then do we want to draft this motion right now. 648 01:13:59.670 --> 01:14:00.330 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: To. 649 01:14:04.350 --> 01:14:08.310 Mark Ryavec: Use either one of us just doesn't draft and share with everybody else. 650 01:14:08.550 --> 01:14:08.880 Okay. 651 01:14:10.050 --> 01:14:11.700 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And can we are we allowed. 652 01:14:13.050 --> 01:14:17.760 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: To under the brown after be allowed to do written consent or do we have to do it in a. 653 01:14:18.210 --> 01:14:22.860 Mark Ryavec: Meeting, so we can we can't do written consent, we have to read back publicly presented next one. 654 01:14:23.310 --> 01:14:23.790 Mark Ryavec: is somebody. 655 01:14:23.880 --> 01:14:24.870 Isabelle Duvivier: who drink it right. 656 01:14:26.730 --> 01:14:32.430 Isabelle Duvivier: You could write it right now, while we're finishing our meeting if somebody wants to take a stab at it. 657 01:14:32.850 --> 01:14:36.270 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, I cannot take a stab at it, because i'll be taking notes of the meeting. 658 01:14:37.530 --> 01:14:39.840 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Mark do you do you think you could. 659 01:14:41.160 --> 01:14:46.290 Mark Ryavec: have to figure out how I get back to my regular get out of full exit full screen. 660 01:14:48.480 --> 01:14:50.010 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Just hit escape yeah. 661 01:14:51.180 --> 01:14:51.930 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: If you want to get out of. 662 01:14:55.230 --> 01:14:55.530 work. 663 01:14:57.060 --> 01:14:57.360 Barry Campion: Right. 664 01:14:57.840 --> 01:15:05.520 Isabelle Duvivier: I can mark if you want, I can email you my some of the verbiage, I have, and you could add to it. 665 01:15:07.080 --> 01:15:07.770 Mark Ryavec: We could do that. 666 01:15:08.100 --> 01:15:15.900 Isabelle Duvivier: I have it has come to our attention and 15 years ago the city planted a green le known as tabor of court named after advocate. 667 01:15:15.900 --> 01:15:19.980 Mark Ryavec: he's been completely please don't read it to me just send it to me. 668 01:15:20.130 --> 01:15:21.180 Isabelle Duvivier: Okay, all right. 669 01:15:21.210 --> 01:15:24.120 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Since i'm mark and work on that, while we're discussing other things. 670 01:15:25.290 --> 01:15:35.010 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So I would like to move on i'm moving pretty quickly and we've had a lot of great ideas so i'm very i'm very encouraged by all of you guys okay. 671 01:15:36.060 --> 01:15:44.280 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So this second new business and Noel suggested this and i'm kind of sorry she's not here because I know that she may have an opinion, one way or the other. 672 01:15:44.610 --> 01:16:02.100 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: She was questioning whether we should change our mission to include the support of planting native trees, because that is something I think that we've been educated about the from we've gotten a lot more education about it during the time that we've been as a group. 673 01:16:03.690 --> 01:16:04.440 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: and 674 01:16:05.700 --> 01:16:09.090 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So i'd like to open the floor for discussion. 675 01:16:10.710 --> 01:16:23.820 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Anybody of the public or of the committee, do you have an opinion about whether or not we should amend our best arbor committee mission to include the support of native tree planting. 676 01:16:25.860 --> 01:16:26.220 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So. 677 01:16:26.490 --> 01:16:31.470 Barry Campion: that this would be not at the exclusion of other trees, but just. 678 01:16:32.760 --> 01:16:34.080 Barry Campion: sort of stating. 679 01:16:35.520 --> 01:16:39.960 Barry Campion: That that this is a an emphasis or coursework. 680 01:16:40.710 --> 01:16:41.430 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah in. 681 01:16:41.520 --> 01:16:43.380 Barry Campion: under the umbrella of trees. 682 01:16:43.410 --> 01:16:50.460 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Yes, yes, because yeah because the honest truth is, is that we are going to have to continue supporting. 683 01:16:51.600 --> 01:16:53.910 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: The trees that we planted that are non natives. 684 01:16:53.970 --> 01:17:01.860 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Right after them, and the city is probably going to insist on continuing to plant non natives until this policy gets changed. 685 01:17:02.130 --> 01:17:07.830 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Right So yes, we will still be planting and supporting non native trees yeah. 686 01:17:09.990 --> 01:17:14.730 Barry Campion: Well it's fine with me I think it's it's always great to get that. 687 01:17:15.750 --> 01:17:15.960 Barry Campion: In. 688 01:17:16.170 --> 01:17:18.300 Barry Campion: There yeah yeah. 689 01:17:18.420 --> 01:17:34.830 Isabelle Duvivier: If we say I love that, by the way, could we say trees and shrubs since i'm the city of Los Angeles, has a protected tree ordinance that also protects toy Leon and elderberry which are sometimes considered shrubs. 690 01:17:37.410 --> 01:17:39.420 Isabelle Duvivier: As a stretch too far. 691 01:17:44.220 --> 01:17:46.410 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So i'm actually going to pull. 692 01:17:46.800 --> 01:17:51.090 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: we're going to go to the website and i'm going to pull our mission right now i'm. 693 01:17:52.560 --> 01:18:01.050 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Just so that we can, and I think it's really just a very brief part of a sentence that needs. 694 01:18:01.050 --> 01:18:01.260 Barry Campion: To be. 695 01:18:01.320 --> 01:18:03.630 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Added right it's not that much. 696 01:18:09.780 --> 01:18:14.100 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Yes, hold on one second if anybody else has anything they want to add, please go ahead. 697 01:18:19.800 --> 01:18:24.780 Michael McGuffin: yeah I would love to get the shrubs I probably wouldn't say shrubs I would probably say. 698 01:18:26.940 --> 01:18:30.660 Michael McGuffin: site appropriate understory plants as resources alone. 699 01:18:33.600 --> 01:18:36.330 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Well it's important to say it in the longest way possible. 700 01:18:36.480 --> 01:18:37.020 Michael McGuffin: Thank you. 701 01:18:39.960 --> 01:18:43.230 Barry Campion: You could just say understory native understory planting. 702 01:18:43.290 --> 01:18:45.060 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Right okay so. 703 01:18:45.180 --> 01:18:45.990 Barry Campion: covers a lot. 704 01:18:46.290 --> 01:18:55.500 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: i'm going i'm going to do folks let me come back here is i'm going to share my screen, so all of you can see the President mission as it is. 705 01:18:58.470 --> 01:18:59.190 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: On a second. 706 01:19:05.760 --> 01:19:08.700 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: You can see over here can you guys all see that. 707 01:19:10.770 --> 01:19:13.830 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So I mean obviously i'm inserting a whole bunch of stuff. 708 01:19:13.830 --> 01:19:14.340 Isabelle Duvivier: into. 709 01:19:15.180 --> 01:19:19.380 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: The agenda, but this right here in the 12 point. 710 01:19:20.760 --> 01:19:21.720 Good point. 711 01:19:24.990 --> 01:19:26.670 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Is our mission. 712 01:19:27.150 --> 01:19:31.140 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: hmm and we could say the Venice arbor Committee supports and encourages the. 713 01:19:31.140 --> 01:19:33.990 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Planting and maintenance of trees. 714 01:19:34.740 --> 01:19:36.420 Isabelle Duvivier: Especially natives. 715 01:19:37.290 --> 01:19:37.830 and 716 01:19:39.780 --> 01:19:41.460 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I think we want to say just and. 717 01:19:42.270 --> 01:19:43.770 Isabelle Duvivier: Okay, and native trees. 718 01:19:44.130 --> 01:19:45.870 Isabelle Duvivier: and native. 719 01:19:46.710 --> 01:19:51.390 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Oh, please and appropriate What did you say my goal. 720 01:19:51.480 --> 01:19:52.800 Michael McGuffin: understory plants. 721 01:19:53.310 --> 01:19:55.200 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: understory lamps. 722 01:19:56.130 --> 01:19:59.220 Barry Campion: What What about instead of me saying, including. 723 01:19:59.610 --> 01:20:01.320 Barry Campion: Including including. 724 01:20:02.610 --> 01:20:09.000 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Including native trees and appropriate undistorted flats, do we want to say to support. 725 01:20:10.950 --> 01:20:12.750 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Well, we do say this Hello. 726 01:20:12.870 --> 01:20:14.910 Barry Campion: I think that's fine, I think, I think. 727 01:20:20.820 --> 01:20:21.780 Barry Campion: I think that's great. 728 01:20:23.040 --> 01:20:26.970 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Great excellent okay so i'm. 729 01:20:28.350 --> 01:20:29.430 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: going to just. 730 01:20:30.840 --> 01:20:32.400 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: show this. 731 01:20:34.830 --> 01:20:36.540 Michael McGuffin: I think it needs to be. 732 01:20:38.940 --> 01:20:39.330 Michael McGuffin: it's. 733 01:20:40.500 --> 01:20:46.110 Michael McGuffin: it's planting and maintenance of trees and understory plants, including natives. 734 01:20:47.610 --> 01:20:53.370 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay hold on so encourages the funny I maintenance of trees and. 735 01:20:53.760 --> 01:20:54.750 Michael McGuffin: And underscore. 736 01:20:54.780 --> 01:20:58.170 Michael McGuffin: story lamps including. 737 01:20:58.230 --> 01:21:02.520 Michael McGuffin: booting southern California natives is what I would say right okay. 738 01:21:11.580 --> 01:21:15.300 Michael McGuffin: or native species, just to make make us use one more word. 739 01:21:16.560 --> 01:21:19.320 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: There we go okay so. 740 01:21:25.680 --> 01:21:26.850 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: There we go okay. 741 01:21:27.000 --> 01:21:29.850 Barry Campion: let's clean think we have too many ads there. 742 01:21:31.170 --> 01:21:37.170 Barry Campion: dentists, are but his supports in the planting of madness of trees comma, no. 743 01:21:37.800 --> 01:21:38.160 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: No now. 744 01:21:38.220 --> 01:21:44.430 Barry Campion: Nothing and maintenance of trees and I guess that's okay and understood plants. 745 01:21:44.610 --> 01:21:47.670 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: there's a number of AMS but it's you know. 746 01:21:51.750 --> 01:21:53.520 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: it's still proper English. 747 01:21:55.320 --> 01:21:57.780 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: it's just not elegant. 748 01:22:01.500 --> 01:22:06.180 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: But as such Okay, so let me ask for about committee members. 749 01:22:07.530 --> 01:22:09.810 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Do we support. 750 01:22:12.360 --> 01:22:16.740 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: This amendment and I will post it immediately afterward. 751 01:22:18.510 --> 01:22:27.240 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And, actually, mark you may before we go ahead and vote do we have to get this approved by the dnc we don't doing. 752 01:22:29.070 --> 01:22:29.640 Isabelle Duvivier: know. 753 01:22:30.090 --> 01:22:33.000 Mark Ryavec: you're taking a mission statement and there was a mission. 754 01:22:33.000 --> 01:22:44.700 Mark Ryavec: station statement adopted when the committee was set up so technically, I think it does need to be approved by the dnc. 755 01:22:45.870 --> 01:22:46.770 Isabelle Duvivier: Not the motion. 756 01:22:47.400 --> 01:22:48.540 Mark Ryavec: of some emotion. 757 01:22:51.090 --> 01:22:54.780 Mark Ryavec: The Venice neighborhood Council arbor committee. 758 01:22:56.670 --> 01:22:57.930 proposes. 759 01:22:59.070 --> 01:23:13.350 Mark Ryavec: The following amendment to its mission statement colon and then you just put it down and then you approve it, you can, if the subject was only is the subject on the agenda today. 760 01:23:13.770 --> 01:23:33.420 Mark Ryavec: Yes, then you can then we can give to open up for public comment because you now have an actual proposal there and and see if anybody wants to comment on the change, and then you have all the Members comment if they want, then you can adopt it, and then you can. 761 01:23:34.560 --> 01:23:35.970 Mark Ryavec: Agenda eyes it for. 762 01:23:37.530 --> 01:23:42.030 Mark Ryavec: The next to be nc meeting and i'm sure it'll be adopted, you know, hopefully, without comment. 763 01:23:42.330 --> 01:23:46.500 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah I mean i'm sure it'll just go on to the consent calendar okay so. 764 01:23:46.950 --> 01:23:47.610 Isabelle Duvivier: Sarah can I. 765 01:23:47.640 --> 01:23:58.890 Isabelle Duvivier: Can I take a pause for one second can you do Would you mind, maybe emailing it or texting it to Noel just to make sure she's cool with the language before we go and vote for it, maybe we can. 766 01:23:58.890 --> 01:23:59.880 Isabelle Duvivier: come back to it. 767 01:24:00.210 --> 01:24:11.940 Barry Campion: i'd also i'm still bothered by the by the sentence it's a really long sentence and I i'm thinking that maybe there should be a period after maintenance of trees. 768 01:24:12.450 --> 01:24:19.740 Barry Campion: And then say you know, including understood something, because that that sentence goes on and on and on, so. 769 01:24:19.800 --> 01:24:21.510 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Let me Let me read it out loud. 770 01:24:21.630 --> 01:24:33.420 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: and see how you guys feel the Venice arbor Committee supports and encourages the planting and maintenance of trees and understory plants, including southern California native species. 771 01:24:33.750 --> 01:24:51.990 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Throughout the Venice neighborhood and surrounding communities to advocacy education and policy work So yes, there, the reason why it's got so many answers, because we, we have an and between our two verbs and then we have two AMS in our object. 772 01:24:55.320 --> 01:25:01.020 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: We can simply take out supports and encourages we could just say supports. 773 01:25:05.040 --> 01:25:10.950 Barry Campion: that's fine I just I just need to think that that sentence needs to be needs were so. 774 01:25:14.760 --> 01:25:14.880 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I. 775 01:25:16.440 --> 01:25:22.080 Michael McGuffin: mean I I I agree i'm not you know we're not going to get a collective a in our creative writing class. 776 01:25:22.110 --> 01:25:23.040 Barry Campion: No, but I. 777 01:25:23.310 --> 01:25:23.640 Michael McGuffin: guess. 778 01:25:23.700 --> 01:25:24.690 Barry Campion: it's our mission. 779 01:25:24.930 --> 01:25:26.460 Michael McGuffin: statement we communicate. 780 01:25:26.460 --> 01:25:26.730 yeah. 781 01:25:28.230 --> 01:25:31.380 Michael McGuffin: Even though it's not elegant pros okay. 782 01:25:32.940 --> 01:25:36.120 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So, shall we do we want to leave this and encourages. 783 01:25:38.520 --> 01:25:42.900 Heather Roberts: encourages is nice, because then you're trying to get Community engagement yeah. 784 01:25:45.360 --> 01:25:48.480 Isabelle Duvivier: And I asked mark what his email is. 785 01:25:49.980 --> 01:25:50.730 Isabelle Duvivier: what's my email. 786 01:25:51.180 --> 01:25:53.460 Mark Ryavec: yeah did you get on OK. 787 01:25:53.880 --> 01:25:54.570 Isabelle Duvivier: OK OK. 788 01:25:55.350 --> 01:25:55.860 Isabelle Duvivier: OK. 789 01:25:55.950 --> 01:25:59.580 Isabelle Duvivier: They never thought okay got it and you got to be email. 790 01:26:00.450 --> 01:26:03.180 Isabelle Duvivier: Yes, Okay, because I have four emails for you. 791 01:26:04.920 --> 01:26:11.670 Michael McGuffin: And Isabel i'm supportive of tabling this until Noel joins us but I don't. 792 01:26:11.910 --> 01:26:17.940 Michael McGuffin: know that we want to wait for the next meeting window l's and attendance can she get on the call. 793 01:26:18.600 --> 01:26:25.800 Isabelle Duvivier: Well, no, I think she could just if someone texted to her and just says, are you okay with this, and she says yes, then we she doesn't need to vote. 794 01:26:25.800 --> 01:26:27.090 Isabelle Duvivier: on it, we just need to know she's. 795 01:26:27.090 --> 01:26:27.780 Isabelle Duvivier: cool with that. 796 01:26:28.170 --> 01:26:28.530 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Right. 797 01:26:28.890 --> 01:26:36.390 Isabelle Duvivier: And I can't copy and paste it only Sarah can so she could copy and paste it to know well, now I know she's in a meeting but. 798 01:26:37.830 --> 01:26:48.900 Isabelle Duvivier: She might be able to just look at her phone for a minute, and especially because you've highlighted it, which is good, you sort of shown the new part which is great so she can see what you added. 799 01:26:50.220 --> 01:26:53.100 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Not even sure I can do that, to be honest. 800 01:26:53.940 --> 01:26:54.600 Isabelle Duvivier: that's it. 801 01:26:55.350 --> 01:26:56.700 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Well, I can't this. 802 01:26:58.080 --> 01:27:02.850 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: This particular computer is not connected to the apple cloud. 803 01:27:03.240 --> 01:27:06.390 Isabelle Duvivier: I will do you want me to email it to me and i'll text a tour. 804 01:27:06.690 --> 01:27:09.240 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah i'll email it to you, you can hear it. 805 01:27:13.620 --> 01:27:19.380 Isabelle Duvivier: I mean, she may not respond and then we could vote on it anyway, and just hope she's okay with it yeah. 806 01:27:30.630 --> 01:27:31.260 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Coming your way. 807 01:27:37.980 --> 01:27:48.090 Heather Roberts: Venice arbor Committee supports and encourages the planting and maintenance of trees, including understory plants native to southern California. 808 01:27:48.870 --> 01:27:52.080 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Now, because we want native trees, also to be included in that. 809 01:27:53.160 --> 01:27:59.340 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So the trees, but it's the natives are modifying the trees and understory plans. 810 01:27:59.880 --> 01:28:02.100 Heather Roberts: When i'm sad, then the maintenance of. 811 01:28:02.160 --> 01:28:06.660 Heather Roberts: native trees and plants just trying to get rid of one end. 812 01:28:07.320 --> 01:28:13.020 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Right, but the problem with that is that we're also maintaining trees that are not natives. 813 01:28:13.080 --> 01:28:15.510 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Right so old trees are our. 814 01:28:16.470 --> 01:28:34.170 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: review, but we have recently learned so much about natives and how important they are and how defeated their population is that we're just we want to put them in there alongside all the other trees that we plant and maintain, so it really does have to be its own. 815 01:28:36.270 --> 01:28:37.470 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: You know, parents article. 816 01:28:37.860 --> 01:28:48.120 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: um so it's it's not a great sentence, I agree very but you know i'm a lawyer so i'm really used to bad sentences okay. 817 01:28:49.170 --> 01:28:53.280 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So me that's like Okay, I get what it means right so. 818 01:28:56.910 --> 01:28:57.870 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah it's. 819 01:28:59.250 --> 01:29:00.840 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: it's not Emily Dickinson. 820 01:29:01.980 --> 01:29:04.530 Michael McGuffin: And then, and then and then and then and then and then. 821 01:29:09.180 --> 01:29:11.070 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: it's just how you use the things off. 822 01:29:12.690 --> 01:29:16.020 Michael McGuffin: I am pentameter it's all she ever wrote. 823 01:29:18.960 --> 01:29:21.720 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, well, maybe I should have put on somebody else but oh. 824 01:29:23.040 --> 01:29:27.750 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: OK OK so we're going to wait on this until we hear back from Noel Isabel youth. 825 01:29:27.990 --> 01:29:30.060 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Have you successfully sent that off to her okay. 826 01:29:30.060 --> 01:29:33.510 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Great okay i'm going to stop the share. 827 01:29:35.310 --> 01:29:47.610 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: let's see you all again and we're going to move on to the next, the next item is field trip idea with the Bureau street services sorry about the noise in the background. 828 01:29:49.770 --> 01:29:54.420 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: is about you brought this up and how they actually asked us to go on a field trip with them. 829 01:29:56.070 --> 01:29:58.950 Isabelle Duvivier: know, so let me explain i'm. 830 01:30:00.090 --> 01:30:00.750 Isabelle Duvivier: hand down. 831 01:30:02.850 --> 01:30:18.600 Isabelle Duvivier: Greg spots is the head of sorry I was just emailing heather so my head is somewhere else and Greg spots is the chief sustainability officer officer for street services. 832 01:30:19.290 --> 01:30:35.400 Isabelle Duvivier: He when street services or BSS was before the Budget Committee and they needed to advocate for their budget requests many Council Members asked him questions around urban forestry. 833 01:30:36.030 --> 01:30:44.880 Isabelle Duvivier: So Greg spots was the spokesperson, there was nobody there from urban forestry to represent the urban for us so Greg spots and. 834 01:30:46.320 --> 01:30:56.820 Isabelle Duvivier: The chief of BSS Keith mosey were there, and when blumenfeld asked them if it was true that the city has a hard time sourcing. 835 01:30:58.590 --> 01:31:12.570 Isabelle Duvivier: native trees Greg spots said no, not that i've heard of what I heard the problem was is that the nursery changed their name, so that they weren't able to get the. 836 01:31:13.350 --> 01:31:25.050 Isabelle Duvivier: trees, from whatever so I called Greg spots up and i've known him for a while and he respects me enough to respond to my requests and I try not to be mean to him. 837 01:31:25.620 --> 01:31:37.980 Isabelle Duvivier: And I said privately That was really stupid because, yes, the city has a really terrible time sourcing trees, and the reason is is because the city has one nursery that they're. 838 01:31:38.460 --> 01:31:44.430 Isabelle Duvivier: able to contract with they can go to any other nursery except this one nursery nursery doesn't have those trees. 839 01:31:45.420 --> 01:31:52.260 Isabelle Duvivier: And so, then we got to talking and then he started the the the same byline you hear all the time will native trees really aren't. 840 01:31:53.130 --> 01:32:00.660 Isabelle Duvivier: Good for the city and they don't do very well here and I said look Greg let's do a tour. 841 01:32:01.200 --> 01:32:23.160 Isabelle Duvivier: And I will show you where some of the native trees are and where they look really great and I was thinking specifically of tabor core and in Santa Monica where they have the island oaks and there's a couple beautiful iron woods in mar vista that we saw when we did that mar vista. 842 01:32:24.660 --> 01:32:25.770 Isabelle Duvivier: garden tour. 843 01:32:28.470 --> 01:32:29.430 Isabelle Duvivier: you read. 844 01:32:29.580 --> 01:32:31.080 Michael McGuffin: there's oakland ocasio. 845 01:32:31.830 --> 01:32:34.170 Isabelle Duvivier: there's the oaks on book costs to thank. 846 01:32:34.260 --> 01:32:37.230 Barry Campion: You would just right around the corner on awkward. 847 01:32:38.010 --> 01:32:38.850 Michael McGuffin: yeah right. 848 01:32:38.970 --> 01:32:54.240 Isabelle Duvivier: So I got an email from him yesterday, saying that he's going to come with Keith mosey, who is the leader of street services and, of course, he invited Stephen do pray which is great. 849 01:32:54.840 --> 01:33:16.440 Isabelle Duvivier: And I just wanted your help, putting together an agenda for how we do it we've got the two most powerful guys in street services that are prepared to look at our local coastal trees and we want to give them the best view of it, we should take them to the farmers market. 850 01:33:17.460 --> 01:33:29.190 Isabelle Duvivier: Look at those beautiful trees, I mean they're interested in street trees, but we, you know we don't have a lot this isn't pasadena and I could say you know this isn't pasadena this isn't. 851 01:33:29.790 --> 01:33:38.970 Isabelle Duvivier: silver lake for that those tours go so see fact wraps this is West la you know, this is the best we've got and look at how great they are. 852 01:33:39.720 --> 01:33:48.630 Isabelle Duvivier: So I need help organizing that I mean in the perfect world, we would get one of those English buses those double decker buses with the top. 853 01:33:49.290 --> 01:34:05.040 Isabelle Duvivier: taken off, so we could all drive together because it's a long way to walk i'd love to show them the native plantings on electric I mean this is really our opportunity to say boo hoo look at the shit you guys are doing and look at all the great stuff we have here. 854 01:34:08.070 --> 01:34:22.380 Isabelle Duvivier: So that's why this is on the agenda because I wanted everybody to coalesce around this idea and then come up with some like a tour route and a method for how we make do it. 855 01:34:22.740 --> 01:34:29.910 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Is it, is it not a good idea to show them all of our sycamores because the sycamores aren't universally healthy looking. 856 01:34:30.990 --> 01:34:32.820 Isabelle Duvivier: I think the second where's the great right now. 857 01:34:33.090 --> 01:34:43.110 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I think they look great all right now, too, but there are some there's definitely like all along Venice, most of them look right, but some of them are you know a little bit less great. 858 01:34:44.550 --> 01:34:51.270 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: But then we have we have young trees that we've planted should we show them the young trees that we planted because. 859 01:34:51.930 --> 01:34:54.120 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I mean honestly some of our folks look amazing. 860 01:34:54.420 --> 01:34:54.930 Isabelle Duvivier: know. 861 01:34:55.170 --> 01:34:55.860 Isabelle Duvivier: The baby oh. 862 01:34:56.340 --> 01:34:58.350 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah some of them, I mean I don't know. 863 01:34:59.340 --> 01:35:00.330 Janin Paine: The core coax. 864 01:35:01.110 --> 01:35:06.480 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: um the core folks on sunset I think are looking pretty good right now yeah you've been there. 865 01:35:06.840 --> 01:35:09.240 Isabelle Duvivier: are not a native tree, though, but you know what. 866 01:35:09.600 --> 01:35:11.100 Isabelle Duvivier: chances are not going to know. 867 01:35:12.000 --> 01:35:12.570 Okay. 868 01:35:15.210 --> 01:35:24.240 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah so we can show them island dogs, both here in Venice and the ones in Santa Monica that are great and the oaks on oakwood What did you say Michael. 869 01:35:25.800 --> 01:35:26.490 Barry Campion: mccaul cost you. 870 01:35:28.740 --> 01:35:29.790 Isabelle Duvivier: See oh yeah. 871 01:35:31.500 --> 01:35:36.750 Isabelle Duvivier: And then there's um there's Irving core the farmers market. 872 01:35:37.410 --> 01:35:40.560 Michael McGuffin: What about the did you play natives there and quarterly. 873 01:35:42.510 --> 01:35:43.050 Michael McGuffin: For set one. 874 01:35:43.470 --> 01:35:45.510 Isabelle Duvivier: on quarterly we planted. 875 01:35:46.770 --> 01:35:56.220 Isabelle Duvivier: trees desert willows um but that's inside the school the Catholic school we planted desert wills and two toba. 876 01:35:56.790 --> 01:35:57.390 What about that. 877 01:36:00.600 --> 01:36:08.280 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah that toy on but you know if somebody told me the toy guns not looking healthy, if you would go to you told me that. 878 01:36:08.760 --> 01:36:13.140 Michael McGuffin: No, no that's the toy on an ocean and that's got dead or dying. 879 01:36:13.500 --> 01:36:15.390 Michael McGuffin: I was in their yard still looks good it's a. 880 01:36:15.390 --> 01:36:16.050 Michael McGuffin: Big tree. 881 01:36:16.680 --> 01:36:20.760 Michael McGuffin: Where the one in that yard on coeur d'alene. 882 01:36:22.590 --> 01:36:23.730 Isabelle Duvivier: Oh, my old house. 883 01:36:23.730 --> 01:36:25.380 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah okay. 884 01:36:26.280 --> 01:36:28.830 Janin Paine: You don't want the baby tori on in front of my house, it looks really good. 885 01:36:30.750 --> 01:36:31.680 Isabelle Duvivier: One guy. 886 01:36:31.800 --> 01:36:33.510 Janin Paine: yeah yes. 887 01:36:35.190 --> 01:36:35.760 Janin Paine: It looks good. 888 01:36:36.000 --> 01:36:46.710 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah I mean I really think we can focus our attention around Irving port Venice boulevard because Irving court has you know the cherries. 889 01:36:47.040 --> 01:37:01.140 Isabelle Duvivier: The island of iron wood and then it has two beautiful blooming desert willows right now around the corner that are really big and look great and then there's that interesting it's just the wrong time of year to be there, but Oh well. 890 01:37:01.350 --> 01:37:09.360 Michael McGuffin: Then, then you know, to the point of the understory I guess they're about to end but those patella ha poppies have been in bloom for a few weeks it's. 891 01:37:09.390 --> 01:37:10.680 gorgeous understory. 892 01:37:11.880 --> 01:37:16.350 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Well, and also, I mean I know they street services doesn't have anything to do with this, but. 893 01:37:17.370 --> 01:37:22.590 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: When we're if we take into urban port, we can say listen look at how this one tree has broken. 894 01:37:23.580 --> 01:37:26.550 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: The contractors, unfortunately, have been hacking these other trees. 895 01:37:26.550 --> 01:37:27.810 Isabelle Duvivier: down and it. 896 01:37:27.870 --> 01:37:28.560 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: is an issue. 897 01:37:28.590 --> 01:37:30.630 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: we'd also like to discuss with you, with. 898 01:37:31.110 --> 01:37:35.880 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Your contractors know you keep them from turning trees and. 899 01:37:35.970 --> 01:37:40.710 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: shrubs I mean it's a it's a conversation that every single city. 900 01:37:41.100 --> 01:37:42.870 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: department that we interact with. 901 01:37:43.050 --> 01:37:44.700 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Probably struggles with honestly. 902 01:37:46.680 --> 01:37:49.860 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: i'd like to see those contracts and rewrite them for them. 903 01:37:51.090 --> 01:37:52.080 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: That would be my idea. 904 01:37:55.500 --> 01:37:56.070 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: and 905 01:37:56.160 --> 01:37:57.750 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: You know, obviously, they need to be. 906 01:37:59.310 --> 01:38:02.160 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: You know, put into place in the future. 907 01:38:03.270 --> 01:38:13.260 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: But yeah so so we could do bennis we could do a report, but I think we also don't want to go somewhere where the trees are really mature mean the farmers market. 908 01:38:13.290 --> 01:38:15.570 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: has matured brain. 909 01:38:16.560 --> 01:38:19.350 Barry Campion: Well, the ones on the on because she over are. 910 01:38:20.070 --> 01:38:21.510 Isabelle Duvivier: quite sure yeah. 911 01:38:22.830 --> 01:38:24.330 Isabelle Duvivier: Let me read you his note. 912 01:38:24.990 --> 01:38:26.940 Isabelle Duvivier: Because I wanted to make sure i'm doing this right. 913 01:38:27.960 --> 01:38:37.110 Isabelle Duvivier: Hope you had a great weekend okay let's say thanks for your note I just returned to work, our director Keith is happy to meet us in the field to observe healthy mature native street trees. 914 01:38:37.470 --> 01:38:53.280 Isabelle Duvivier: So he is expecting mature trees so we'll go there is assistance Vanessa will schedule, including Devon Moran and Stephen do pray they will review and answer your questions below we do T the assistant general manager we're parking is Jay Kim anyway and. 915 01:38:53.430 --> 01:39:03.150 Barry Campion: It would be i'm curious what their comments would be about the oak trees on oakwood that are planted in an incredibly narrow. 916 01:39:03.270 --> 01:39:09.810 Barry Campion: hmm laughter I would say they're probably seven to eight years old they've done growing well. 917 01:39:10.110 --> 01:39:18.300 Barry Campion: hmm know lifting of sidewalk there's none of that going on, I have yet to see a sidewalk that's been lifted by an oak tree. 918 01:39:18.660 --> 01:39:19.320 Barry Campion: hmm. 919 01:39:19.470 --> 01:39:19.830 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I just. 920 01:39:20.190 --> 01:39:20.910 Barry Campion: deep root. 921 01:39:21.180 --> 01:39:27.960 Isabelle Duvivier: You know, and then, how do we do that literally do we drive and then they get out of their car and they look or. 922 01:39:28.410 --> 01:39:30.330 Barry Campion: Well, you know I don't we can. 923 01:39:30.690 --> 01:39:40.920 Barry Campion: Talk about it more but maybe we have a centralized area around you know what you described and maybe we take one trip, I mean. 924 01:39:41.010 --> 01:39:44.940 Barry Campion: oakwood yeah Venice yeah not far to go, so we could just. 925 01:39:45.030 --> 01:39:45.390 Barry Campion: You know. 926 01:39:45.840 --> 01:39:49.410 Barry Campion: I agree we don't want to be getting in and out of cars for hours at a time so. 927 01:39:49.500 --> 01:39:53.460 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Does anybody have a really big car that we can fit a number of people into. 928 01:39:53.760 --> 01:39:54.930 Isabelle Duvivier: Like a boy because. 929 01:39:56.130 --> 01:39:56.430 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah. 930 01:39:57.510 --> 01:40:01.890 Heather Roberts: I just sent a text to a friend that has a towing company yes. 931 01:40:04.290 --> 01:40:04.890 Janin Paine: You know there's. 932 01:40:05.640 --> 01:40:06.330 Heather Roberts: xen. 933 01:40:06.420 --> 01:40:10.470 Janin Paine: We can do that really Maybe those people that have a hoop bus. 934 01:40:11.850 --> 01:40:15.390 Janin Paine: Your basket poop of the basketball on the back, maybe we could try. 935 01:40:17.700 --> 01:40:18.390 Janin Paine: To take a tour. 936 01:40:18.660 --> 01:40:19.080 bus. 937 01:40:20.520 --> 01:40:22.770 Barry Campion: You know, you can rent those bicycles right. 938 01:40:24.750 --> 01:40:25.590 Barry Campion: places and. 939 01:40:25.680 --> 01:40:30.360 Janin Paine: I want a pedal everybody pedals yeah the drink water they drink and. 940 01:40:31.440 --> 01:40:31.920 Barry Campion: That would be. 941 01:40:32.550 --> 01:40:34.680 Barry Campion: That would be good for streets la right. 942 01:40:34.740 --> 01:40:35.490 Heather Roberts: Now that would be good. 943 01:40:36.180 --> 01:40:41.190 Isabelle Duvivier: That would be good for us to because they're really not paying a lot of attention to us. 944 01:40:41.610 --> 01:40:47.400 Isabelle Duvivier: I mean I wouldn't probably since i've got these oh here's another good idea you guys are here, looking at trees. 945 01:40:48.030 --> 01:41:02.820 Isabelle Duvivier: We should have them look at some of our streets to like brooks like look at brooks it's got a parkway like that, and then we could also take them to that place in Santa Monica where they planted trees in the parking lane. 946 01:41:03.540 --> 01:41:03.990 Barry Campion: mm hmm. 947 01:41:04.860 --> 01:41:05.700 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I was that. 948 01:41:05.820 --> 01:41:08.910 Isabelle Duvivier: that's on marine and ozone you've been up. 949 01:41:08.970 --> 01:41:10.620 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Oh yeah I guess that's. 950 01:41:12.150 --> 01:41:15.900 Barry Campion: What they did over there it's just awful and. 951 01:41:15.960 --> 01:41:16.800 Barry Campion: And it works. 952 01:41:16.860 --> 01:41:21.840 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah if we had a captive audience, we could take them wherever we want. 953 01:41:22.470 --> 01:41:25.290 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: it's got that whole area over there has a lot of. 954 01:41:26.790 --> 01:41:29.190 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Nice storm water capture. 955 01:41:29.430 --> 01:41:30.780 Barry Campion: yeah right. 956 01:41:31.380 --> 01:41:33.600 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: which actually does of course benefit the. 957 01:41:33.600 --> 01:41:33.990 tree. 958 01:41:36.120 --> 01:41:37.050 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay well. 959 01:41:37.740 --> 01:41:48.360 Isabelle Duvivier: So who would like to work with me on a schedule and itinerary I think we should probably make a map which is easy to do, using Google Michael great Thank you. 960 01:41:48.900 --> 01:41:51.990 Barry Campion: i'm happy to to to dip in and dip out. 961 01:41:53.100 --> 01:41:53.910 Barry Campion: comment because I. 962 01:41:54.180 --> 01:42:06.840 Isabelle Duvivier: OK so i'll email you guys the locations that we just made, and then we can take, and then you guys can take the next step, I guess i'll have to email Vanessa and get her to solidify a date. 963 01:42:07.260 --> 01:42:18.090 Isabelle Duvivier: But i'm going to assume they these guys are going to want to do during a work week, not on a weekend and i'm going to assume that since they're coming from downtown they might want to do it kind of. 964 01:42:19.560 --> 01:42:23.280 Isabelle Duvivier: Animal until the day I don't know so we'll have to all be flexible. 965 01:42:24.510 --> 01:42:24.840 yeah. 966 01:42:26.010 --> 01:42:30.060 Isabelle Duvivier: Okay, thank you, I do get a chat chat from Noel. 967 01:42:30.450 --> 01:42:31.590 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Back good. 968 01:42:31.680 --> 01:42:33.750 Isabelle Duvivier: ready to okay. 969 01:42:34.590 --> 01:42:36.480 Isabelle Duvivier: You said and i'm reading it too so. 970 01:42:36.480 --> 01:42:52.590 Isabelle Duvivier: I can you instead of including southern California natives feces I would fav liked to say, especially southern California native species, but your wording is okay. 971 01:42:53.730 --> 01:42:58.650 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So she's saying, make it especially instead of including so. 972 01:42:59.340 --> 01:43:01.830 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: We kind of we kind of debated that. 973 01:43:02.880 --> 01:43:05.010 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: A little bit, but i'm. 974 01:43:12.210 --> 01:43:12.870 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Sorry. 975 01:43:14.970 --> 01:43:15.630 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: um. 976 01:43:18.480 --> 01:43:21.570 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So what do you guys all think especially we're including. 977 01:43:25.590 --> 01:43:29.070 Isabelle Duvivier: Well, I would defer to Noel since this was her idea. 978 01:43:30.660 --> 01:43:32.220 Isabelle Duvivier: Why did you turn it down. 979 01:43:34.020 --> 01:43:34.740 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: turn what down. 980 01:43:35.280 --> 01:43:40.290 Isabelle Duvivier: Why did you guys decide against a special day and said, including. 981 01:43:40.770 --> 01:43:49.380 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Just be we didn't actually consider especially what we did consider especially before I think that we just wanted to make sure we were still supporting. 982 01:43:50.070 --> 01:44:00.960 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: All of the trees that we planted which means plenty of non natives right so um but you know, I think, maybe we can take let's let's just take about. 983 01:44:02.010 --> 01:44:07.320 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: we're going to include everyone here, so if you want to say, including raise your hand. 984 01:44:09.240 --> 01:44:15.960 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah, we can conclude the three people for including Okay, and if you want to say, especially raise your hand. 985 01:44:22.620 --> 01:44:23.670 Isabelle Duvivier: breaker market. 986 01:44:26.640 --> 01:44:28.440 Mark Ryavec: Following this conversation he's. 987 01:44:29.280 --> 01:44:32.040 Isabelle Duvivier: Just do it, I say mark and say a special. 988 01:44:32.040 --> 01:44:33.270 Mark Ryavec: i'm not gonna do that. 989 01:44:34.680 --> 01:44:36.570 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I already know how about he would. 990 01:44:36.960 --> 01:44:38.100 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: He would vote, including. 991 01:44:39.180 --> 01:44:40.650 Mark Ryavec: Including and what. 992 01:44:41.160 --> 01:44:44.880 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Including southern California native species and other words we. 993 01:44:44.910 --> 01:44:45.450 Try. 994 01:44:46.500 --> 01:44:47.370 Barry Campion: I vote yes. 995 01:44:47.580 --> 01:44:49.530 Isabelle Duvivier: No, no, no. 996 01:44:50.700 --> 01:44:51.720 Isabelle Duvivier: Especially. 997 01:44:53.520 --> 01:44:54.900 Mark Ryavec: When i've got it I. 998 01:44:55.380 --> 01:44:56.490 Michael McGuffin: i'm going to vote. 999 01:44:57.750 --> 01:44:58.320 Mark Ryavec: In a raw. 1000 01:44:58.920 --> 01:44:59.670 Especially. 1001 01:45:02.490 --> 01:45:04.380 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: what's not okay let's let's not. 1002 01:45:05.460 --> 01:45:24.480 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: let's not belabor the thing okay so good, we we actually now let's take a formal vote to we did the amendments and now we need to take a formal vote to prove the the wording, as is so this is for committee members only. 1003 01:45:26.850 --> 01:45:27.690 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Isabel. 1004 01:45:28.260 --> 01:45:30.570 Isabelle Duvivier: Yes, I approve, I mean I yeah. 1005 01:45:30.900 --> 01:45:33.120 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I approve Michael. 1006 01:45:33.270 --> 01:45:33.930 Michael McGuffin: I approve. 1007 01:45:34.560 --> 01:45:35.280 At my. 1008 01:45:37.440 --> 01:45:38.040 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: mark. 1009 01:45:39.570 --> 01:45:41.820 Mark Ryavec: Which one which 1am I will be voting, sir. 1010 01:45:42.570 --> 01:45:44.550 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: You are voting on a hold on, let me. 1011 01:45:44.670 --> 01:45:47.460 Michael McGuffin: share the screen change the mission. 1012 01:45:48.300 --> 01:45:48.450 Your. 1013 01:45:50.700 --> 01:45:51.450 Mark Ryavec: mission statement. 1014 01:45:51.810 --> 01:46:01.590 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, great i'm fantastic so we've got Michael bark and then i'm Barry. 1015 01:46:02.130 --> 01:46:05.490 Barry Campion: Yes, I I vote to make the change. 1016 01:46:05.640 --> 01:46:07.740 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, great I got y'all good. 1017 01:46:07.860 --> 01:46:11.730 Michael McGuffin: And you want to require us all to take an English writing class. 1018 01:46:12.240 --> 01:46:13.350 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: As well now. 1019 01:46:13.440 --> 01:46:15.300 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: we're gonna agenda is that for next time. 1020 01:46:17.160 --> 01:46:20.730 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Maybe we'll just devote the entire meeting next time, so you know. 1021 01:46:21.690 --> 01:46:22.260 homework. 1022 01:46:25.440 --> 01:46:28.980 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, your homework is take this mission statement home and make it better. 1023 01:46:29.040 --> 01:46:29.850 Barry Campion: Better that's right. 1024 01:46:31.590 --> 01:46:33.660 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, so good emotion is fast. 1025 01:46:36.120 --> 01:46:54.870 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And we already dealt with field trips okay so we're at 115 That means we have 15 minutes left to discuss and we've got we have the possible mar vista gardens work day and then we have a discussion that Noel also proposed I think probably we should put this off until she sphere. 1026 01:46:55.950 --> 01:47:12.360 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: which was that we heard during our native presentation that we got from Charles that the city was kind of going off of single species plantings on each block and wanting to shift toward what they're calling biodiversity. 1027 01:47:13.080 --> 01:47:30.030 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: With diversity in their tree plantings and we wanted to discuss whether that's something we support and what really is the content of the city's policy, so I think that actually needs a little more research, to be honest, before we really have knowledge about that. 1028 01:47:31.290 --> 01:47:41.760 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So why don't we put that off and the possible marvis does mar vista gardens support work day I think Isabel were you working on that. 1029 01:47:41.970 --> 01:47:42.450 yeah. 1030 01:47:44.190 --> 01:47:44.640 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay. 1031 01:47:44.700 --> 01:47:50.790 Isabelle Duvivier: So um I don't know if i've told you before, but I am. 1032 01:47:52.110 --> 01:48:05.070 Isabelle Duvivier: You all know what the tree guarantee fee is that when a developer is required earn or request to remove a tree for a driveway a public tree so tree in the park way. 1033 01:48:05.760 --> 01:48:12.750 Isabelle Duvivier: If you can't replace it on site, he has to put money in a bucket that money is called a tree guarantee fee. 1034 01:48:13.620 --> 01:48:30.450 Isabelle Duvivier: And once a year that money gets spent in each Council district, so in this Council district this year there were 59 trees that were to be planted as as a result of you know at least 59 trees being removed. 1035 01:48:32.640 --> 01:48:54.450 Isabelle Duvivier: Those 59 trees are mostly or they're all being planted in del rey and I went to the del rey neighborhood Council to tell them about those tree plantings because I was very unhappy that none of them were native trees and I asked them to support our request to make them native trees. 1036 01:48:55.710 --> 01:48:58.800 Isabelle Duvivier: The native trees part of it doesn't have anything to do with. 1037 01:48:59.820 --> 01:49:20.880 Isabelle Duvivier: This discussion today my point was is that while I was at that meeting, a woman named daisy who lives at a low income housing project got on the call and was really upset that they're cutting down trees in the marvis to housing project, so I agreed to meet with her. 1038 01:49:21.960 --> 01:49:32.340 Isabelle Duvivier: And shelley and I went out there and met with a bunch of the people who live there and i'd never been there before it's a bionic creek in Inglewood its enormous and. 1039 01:49:33.630 --> 01:49:40.140 Isabelle Duvivier: I had actually been there once before, when I heard del rey was planting a bunch of Stupid trees there and I went to look at the stupid trees. 1040 01:49:40.680 --> 01:49:50.820 Isabelle Duvivier: And in fact those stupid trees were the trees that a month later, no well and I am Peter went over there to help them restate them because del rey had planted them. 1041 01:49:51.300 --> 01:50:05.730 Isabelle Duvivier: With usc usc alumni association had some kind of volunteer work day and with the support of the of the Council office they got 14 free trees from city plants and they planted those 14 gem trees there. 1042 01:50:06.210 --> 01:50:16.470 Isabelle Duvivier: But they didn't know what they were doing so the trees were still attached to their original steaks and they hadn't been properly supported and steaks and they hadn't been mold so Noel Peter and I went over there. 1043 01:50:17.070 --> 01:50:23.850 Isabelle Duvivier: And we staked watered on and made friends with them and they loved us, while we were there. 1044 01:50:25.140 --> 01:50:47.130 Isabelle Duvivier: We I saw that there were hundreds of oak trees that were planted there and I was like How is that possible when you guys got these stupid hand drew anthonis crape myrtle you know, like really dumb trees planted that year, yet they have this wealth of beautiful oaks and I found out that. 1045 01:50:48.480 --> 01:50:56.400 Isabelle Duvivier: northeast trees and planted them 15 years ago, over the course of three years and they had planted. 1046 01:50:57.450 --> 01:51:09.270 Isabelle Duvivier: Know island oaks but they planted wait alder, which is a right period tree that's just perfect next to the bionic creek they planted sycamores they planted engelman oh look. 1047 01:51:11.010 --> 01:51:12.300 Isabelle Duvivier: They planted. 1048 01:51:13.650 --> 01:51:24.720 Isabelle Duvivier: Sorry, it just reminded me I didn't do my presentation on the tour Oh well, I prepared for that, but anyway i'm coasts live Okay, and then one other oh. 1049 01:51:24.750 --> 01:51:26.370 Barry Campion: What Oh, can I forget to. 1050 01:51:26.700 --> 01:51:40.380 Isabelle Duvivier: Valeo yeah um but those trees were planted 15 years ago and then left so they're in various States of disrepair they need mistaking many of them are strangling. 1051 01:51:41.400 --> 01:51:51.870 Isabelle Duvivier: So I went there with Aaron Thomas, who is the director in northeast trees and we looked at them all in northeast trees, is going to get involved and they're going to start planting again. 1052 01:51:54.480 --> 01:52:05.400 Isabelle Duvivier: So we haven't date August six put it in your calendar it's going to be a twofer day that's the day that Venice arbor group with. 1053 01:52:06.000 --> 01:52:27.240 Isabelle Duvivier: vv G is going to go out there and do treat care on the oaks will remove polls will restate trees that are leaning will mulch will water and will meet the residents there who are just lovely and they love the attention, but then the little benefit of the tree, on the day is that Dave. 1054 01:52:28.260 --> 01:52:42.780 Isabelle Duvivier: My family who is the oak tree expert is really interested in seeing their mature Oh, because he is an expert at what is going to do well as the climate changes, how folks are responding to. 1055 01:52:43.890 --> 01:52:56.520 Isabelle Duvivier: The change in weather and changing rainfall so he's going to join us at 10 we're going to start work there at eight he's going to join us at 10 and we're going to walk around with him and he's going to really. 1056 01:52:56.940 --> 01:53:04.140 Isabelle Duvivier: brighten up your day with all of his really valuable information, and I hope Aaron Thomas from northeast trees, will also be there. 1057 01:53:04.560 --> 01:53:15.690 Isabelle Duvivier: So maybe he'll consider, as part of his future planning, maybe he'll consider some of the other folks that Dave monthly is working with like the blue oh look the Mesa folks. 1058 01:53:17.160 --> 01:53:26.160 Isabelle Duvivier: I had other folks in my PowerPoint that I had prepared for today, but I see that that isn't on the agenda and I guess we've I forgot to to notice that. 1059 01:53:27.270 --> 01:53:27.690 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: i'm. 1060 01:53:28.020 --> 01:53:30.090 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: kind of nervous to work day. 1061 01:53:30.870 --> 01:53:44.820 Isabelle Duvivier: So I hope you guys are okay with that day, and I hope you come it's a big event anyway, but if bb would like to help promote it, we don't really need a lot of people there it's not that kind of thing. 1062 01:53:45.390 --> 01:53:52.830 Isabelle Duvivier: We don't need people who don't know what they're doing for sure, because there are 55 buildings there. 1063 01:53:53.760 --> 01:54:07.290 Isabelle Duvivier: And each building each pair of buildings, has space for about 10 trees and each courtyard between two buildings, the of the 10 trees there's. 1064 01:54:07.740 --> 01:54:19.020 Isabelle Duvivier: Probably four or five or six that are still there in various States of repair disrepair, so we need people to be there, who know how to trim. 1065 01:54:19.590 --> 01:54:27.000 Isabelle Duvivier: we're not really supposed to be trimming because northeast trees wants to do that, but if there's hanging branches or if there's like you know, really. 1066 01:54:27.420 --> 01:54:38.760 Isabelle Duvivier: abundant crossover most of the trees are not that big anymore, I still even though they're 15 years old, a lot of them are kind of dwarf they're just they haven't been watered. 1067 01:54:40.170 --> 01:54:41.790 Isabelle Duvivier: So it'll be a really fun day. 1068 01:54:43.290 --> 01:54:45.330 Isabelle Duvivier: Okay, I have a few questions okay. 1069 01:54:45.750 --> 01:54:49.710 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Dave monthly, how do you say his name em you fly. 1070 01:54:49.980 --> 01:54:54.210 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: mm hmm and then the person that you said who's going to be there, that that. 1071 01:54:55.320 --> 01:54:56.100 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Aaron. 1072 01:54:56.430 --> 01:54:58.890 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Thomas and Aaron is from where. 1073 01:54:59.160 --> 01:55:01.050 Isabelle Duvivier: we're from northeast trees. 1074 01:55:01.230 --> 01:55:06.270 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So northeast trees, is a nonprofit or they enact. 1075 01:55:06.330 --> 01:55:11.580 Isabelle Duvivier: Are they the contractor so northeast trees, is just like la CC. 1076 01:55:13.710 --> 01:55:16.140 Isabelle Duvivier: So they go for grants they plan. 1077 01:55:17.160 --> 01:55:17.520 Barry Campion: yeah. 1078 01:55:17.760 --> 01:55:28.470 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah they just don't plant trees, here they plant trees and Aaron Thomas habit happens to have a special relationship with with half law, the housing authority. 1079 01:55:29.490 --> 01:55:35.580 Isabelle Duvivier: So he does the tree plantings that all the housing authorities spots. 1080 01:55:36.900 --> 01:55:52.470 Isabelle Duvivier: Which is why i'm so impressed that he planted all these out, but I also became acutely aware of his of what he could learn from Dave my fleet like Dave monthly will blow his mind if he shows up and, hopefully, he will do monthly will blow his mind. 1081 01:55:54.300 --> 01:55:55.650 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Nice great. 1082 01:55:56.880 --> 01:55:58.320 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: That sounds like an amazing event. 1083 01:56:00.570 --> 01:56:05.580 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So you're going to keep us posted on the actual what's the time of it, eight o'clock. 1084 01:56:05.940 --> 01:56:12.060 Isabelle Duvivier: it'll be a regular workday but you'll just have to get there by eight instead of here by a right. 1085 01:56:12.090 --> 01:56:12.900 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, and. 1086 01:56:13.380 --> 01:56:16.860 Barry Campion: Isabel you'll tell us i've never been there, where. 1087 01:56:17.400 --> 01:56:21.180 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah maybe i'll give you the exact address, but is. 1088 01:56:21.180 --> 01:56:24.180 Isabelle Duvivier: Basically Inglewood, and the bio know creek. 1089 01:56:25.380 --> 01:56:27.330 Janin Paine: Because it would have like different entrances. 1090 01:56:27.840 --> 01:56:28.560 Isabelle Duvivier: Know there's one. 1091 01:56:28.830 --> 01:56:29.610 Janin Paine: main entrance. 1092 01:56:29.700 --> 01:56:31.590 Isabelle Duvivier: Yes, there's one entrance. 1093 01:56:32.250 --> 01:56:34.080 Janin Paine: I think I don't think muffled he hasn't he. 1094 01:56:35.190 --> 01:56:36.270 Janin Paine: knew fly. 1095 01:56:37.560 --> 01:56:41.430 Janin Paine: He is he's the guy that did the apple campus. 1096 01:56:41.490 --> 01:56:42.480 Isabelle Duvivier: that's correct. 1097 01:56:42.540 --> 01:56:43.320 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: wow I. 1098 01:56:43.530 --> 01:56:51.270 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Looked him up when I really wanted to go and see that presentation that they may they did out it I just I thought there were no more tickets. 1099 01:56:52.500 --> 01:56:59.790 Janin Paine: And he has a website or APP topia wow I would love to meet him so you need so are there going to be volunteers from the harvester garden going to be you're going to be helping and we. 1100 01:56:59.850 --> 01:57:01.260 Isabelle Duvivier: can have it, hopefully not. 1101 01:57:01.350 --> 01:57:02.640 Janin Paine: Too many, many. 1102 01:57:02.850 --> 01:57:16.050 Isabelle Duvivier: Maria will be there daisy will be there there's a little bit of infighting between daisy Maria i'm not sure what's going on, but they they all love us, but they need, you know they need support they don't have you know. 1103 01:57:16.620 --> 01:57:32.820 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah they can be but it sounds like it's an excellent education Captain right so yeah so maybe what we want to concentrate on is splitting us up with some of them are vista volunteers, if you want to run the meeting that way. 1104 01:57:32.820 --> 01:57:33.900 Janin Paine: If you have a groups. 1105 01:57:34.140 --> 01:57:35.310 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Right each of them. 1106 01:57:35.670 --> 01:57:36.060 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Come. 1107 01:57:36.090 --> 01:57:37.320 Isabelle Duvivier: With a little group yeah. 1108 01:57:37.560 --> 01:57:50.640 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And you know, maybe, as we get closer you can coach us a little bit more closely about okay we're going to do the trimming the mulching the watering and probably eating at the foot of these trees, I would imagine yes. 1109 01:57:51.210 --> 01:57:51.750 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Are we know. 1110 01:57:52.740 --> 01:58:01.650 Isabelle Duvivier: we're gonna have to talk to Barry and and Michael about whether or not we should be watering oak trees in the middle of summer. 1111 01:58:03.000 --> 01:58:09.840 Isabelle Duvivier: I mean my gut instinct would be that if it's a young tree, yes, and if it's a mature tree that looks happy no but. 1112 01:58:10.500 --> 01:58:16.530 Isabelle Duvivier: And I think you'll also be able to tell it's really obvious, since each tree is kind of taken care of by the resident. 1113 01:58:17.280 --> 01:58:25.080 Isabelle Duvivier: You can kind of tell if this garden is beautiful and it's got the grass cut out and a perfect circle around the tree that trees, you know and it looks great. 1114 01:58:25.410 --> 01:58:35.250 Isabelle Duvivier: That tree is great, but that tree is fallen over and it's struggling you know, maybe that tree could use water and educating the the the the tenant. 1115 01:58:35.520 --> 01:58:43.500 Isabelle Duvivier: what's great about Maria she knows everyone there so she'll just go knock on their door and say oh and here's The other thing, nobody speaks English. 1116 01:58:45.150 --> 01:58:46.590 Isabelle Duvivier: So um. 1117 01:58:48.810 --> 01:58:49.350 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah. 1118 01:58:50.880 --> 01:58:55.980 Janin Paine: You know I want to hand out of some kind of hand out in English and Spanish for people about tree care. 1119 01:58:56.280 --> 01:58:59.100 Isabelle Duvivier: And I think I think that's actually a really great. 1120 01:59:00.180 --> 01:59:09.780 Isabelle Duvivier: thing janine I know Maria is going to she's so excited she's been waiting for us to show up you know where you were there with us Barry know you weren't there with us, so no. 1121 01:59:10.110 --> 01:59:23.880 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah she has been waiting for we promise when we went, the first time that we'd come back and she's just so excited she's going to make flyers, and so I think we should do flyers with her and try to figure out, you know what they look like and. 1122 01:59:24.930 --> 01:59:39.060 Isabelle Duvivier: But the honest truth is is I don't want to make this a big job for us this is just another work day we're going to go out there we're gonna have some fun we're going to learn something i'm overburden right now I can't take on any more like big events. 1123 01:59:40.140 --> 01:59:55.320 Isabelle Duvivier: I want to plan for this tour with BSS and that's like my big event, so if you wanted to make a flyer with Maria and and I don't know how your Spanish is, but that would be great i'll put you in touch with her and you guys can. 1124 01:59:55.320 --> 01:59:56.670 Janin Paine: Work she speaks English right. 1125 01:59:56.730 --> 01:59:59.070 Isabelle Duvivier: Or, I can get her, no, no, she doesn't speak English. 1126 01:59:59.130 --> 02:00:00.930 Janin Paine: We cannot speak English okay. 1127 02:00:01.140 --> 02:00:08.130 Isabelle Duvivier: So we communicate via translate so every email that goes out as the Spanish and the English below it. 1128 02:00:09.930 --> 02:00:19.890 Isabelle Duvivier: And when my friends read it, who speak both English and Spanish so like I your Spanish isn't so great, you know because Google translate doesn't really know what a stick tie is right. 1129 02:00:21.540 --> 02:00:26.760 Isabelle Duvivier: Or, or you know well mulch I think we figured out what mulches it's much. 1130 02:00:28.980 --> 02:00:31.230 Mark Ryavec: Let me interrupt and just say I finished my draft. 1131 02:00:31.380 --> 02:00:40.470 Mark Ryavec: Okay, Sarah and Isabel and asked if they if you want to move it today if it's if that issue is indeed on our. 1132 02:00:42.000 --> 02:00:44.070 Mark Ryavec: let's have a love, then you can. 1133 02:00:45.120 --> 02:00:46.170 Mark Ryavec: Probably share it. 1134 02:00:46.980 --> 02:00:47.370 and 1135 02:00:49.170 --> 02:01:01.410 Mark Ryavec: make any adjustments you wanted it and then you can put it up for a vote, they also need to let the public comment if there's any you know buddy watching and wants to come out but it's on the agenda so it's probably. 1136 02:01:02.400 --> 02:01:03.360 Isabelle Duvivier: Better to have it. 1137 02:01:03.990 --> 02:01:07.170 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I have it i'm just trying to figure out where, to put it in me. 1138 02:01:09.000 --> 02:01:17.520 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Oh, here it is okay so under the ella T hold on one second I will be sharing my screen it's. 1139 02:01:24.090 --> 02:01:26.340 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, can you guys see this. 1140 02:01:26.700 --> 02:01:27.210 No. 1141 02:01:28.290 --> 02:01:28.710 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: No. 1142 02:01:28.890 --> 02:01:29.370 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: hold on. 1143 02:01:29.940 --> 02:01:33.900 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: i'm gonna actually hit share okay now Can you see it. 1144 02:01:34.110 --> 02:01:39.240 Isabelle Duvivier: No, you have to close that one we see the year old motion. 1145 02:01:40.890 --> 02:01:42.060 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Oh okay. 1146 02:01:42.540 --> 02:01:43.560 Isabelle Duvivier: I know is that it. 1147 02:01:44.220 --> 02:01:46.980 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I think it does it start with resolution to request. 1148 02:01:47.070 --> 02:01:48.300 Isabelle Duvivier: Oh yeah yeah yeah okay. 1149 02:01:48.510 --> 02:01:49.080 huh. 1150 02:01:50.580 --> 02:01:55.890 Mark Ryavec: Just not quite the same as the email version I mean the body is but the title isn't. 1151 02:01:56.520 --> 02:01:57.780 Mark Ryavec: I don't know why that would be. 1152 02:01:57.960 --> 02:01:58.740 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay hold on. 1153 02:02:00.780 --> 02:02:03.300 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I know it's the same it's just you had it centered. 1154 02:02:04.200 --> 02:02:04.590 Oh. 1155 02:02:06.330 --> 02:02:15.150 Mark Ryavec: Well, maybe she's laying out okay directors let's get into the top it says of pruning of trees on T T properties Okay, I mean is that read through it see if that. 1156 02:02:15.840 --> 02:02:16.200 Isabelle Duvivier: I wanted. 1157 02:02:17.700 --> 02:02:19.260 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: i'm going to read through real quick. 1158 02:02:19.320 --> 02:02:20.460 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Can everyone read yes. 1159 02:02:21.030 --> 02:02:23.730 Mark Ryavec: Yes, why don't you read it as well. 1160 02:02:24.600 --> 02:02:33.090 Isabelle Duvivier: Okay, whereas 15 years ago city planted the city planted a green le along tabor court named after Abbot kinney his friends and assistant. 1161 02:02:33.960 --> 02:02:44.820 Isabelle Duvivier: in Venice just use of Abbot kinney boulevard between Venice boulevard and poems avenue with a very unique plant palette as a pilot project with native with plants native to the Channel Islands. 1162 02:02:45.180 --> 02:02:55.440 Isabelle Duvivier: which do not exist anywhere else on the planet, and whereas the V nc arbor committee, including several retired landscapers and native tree experts have been trimming. 1163 02:02:55.440 --> 02:02:56.850 Mark Ryavec: watering holes planet. 1164 02:02:58.290 --> 02:02:59.670 Isabelle Duvivier: native plant experts. 1165 02:03:01.710 --> 02:03:09.090 Isabelle Duvivier: Have has been trimming watering mulching and nurturing this unique planting installation for several years. 1166 02:03:09.480 --> 02:03:24.930 Isabelle Duvivier: and find that at least once a year, the city's landscape contractor as store Agha landscaping reduces I think it should be reduce all these trees to hedge level through excessive pruning. 1167 02:03:25.710 --> 02:03:32.070 Isabelle Duvivier: And, whereas this butchering of these native trees during the nesting season when pollinators are feeding on trees. 1168 02:03:33.990 --> 02:03:41.070 Isabelle Duvivier: feeding on three flowers is worker tree flowers is counter to the City Council Directive. 1169 02:03:41.430 --> 02:03:50.880 Isabelle Duvivier: To all city departments to implement the city produced biodiversity report, which requires protecting and then seeing the native trees in our urban forest and. 1170 02:03:51.450 --> 02:04:04.800 Isabelle Duvivier: Whereas the city landscape contractor similarly butcher trees on other do T property, including the Venice farmers market, and I would say, electric avenue that's a really important one, really, really. 1171 02:04:05.820 --> 02:04:07.140 Mark Ryavec: Once you. 1172 02:04:07.140 --> 02:04:07.980 Mark Ryavec: read it and. 1173 02:04:08.100 --> 02:04:10.050 Isabelle Duvivier: everybody's allowed to go there. 1174 02:04:11.370 --> 02:04:11.670 Isabelle Duvivier: Right. 1175 02:04:12.750 --> 02:04:15.180 Mark Ryavec: amended to add electric Gavin. 1176 02:04:15.240 --> 02:04:24.180 Isabelle Duvivier: OK, and now, therefore, be it resolved that the Venice neighborhood Council calls upon the Department of Transportation. 1177 02:04:24.660 --> 02:04:34.740 Isabelle Duvivier: To immediately direct its landscape contractors to stop excessive pruning I think okay i'll read it, but then i'll tell you what I think, to stop it says of pruning of trees. 1178 02:04:35.340 --> 02:04:47.430 Isabelle Duvivier: And hedges on do T property and to amend its contracts with landscape contractors to require subcontractors to allow trees to grow to their full height. 1179 02:04:47.970 --> 02:05:05.160 Isabelle Duvivier: And breath, except where pruning is necessary to accommodate street lights and electric lines and upon passage this resolution shall be forwarded to Mayor of our city councilman bonnen and the general manager of the Department of Transportation. 1180 02:05:05.640 --> 02:05:07.590 Barry Campion: dancer great job wow yeah. 1181 02:05:07.830 --> 02:05:10.770 Mark Ryavec: Beautiful I used to be a lot of money to do this. 1182 02:05:12.030 --> 02:05:12.930 Isabelle Duvivier: Well, I wrote the. 1183 02:05:13.440 --> 02:05:18.660 Isabelle Duvivier: First part but I, like the I like how you put it together and made sense of it right away. 1184 02:05:19.200 --> 02:05:21.630 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay Jenny, what do you have a suggestion. 1185 02:05:21.630 --> 02:05:23.190 Janin Paine: For I think so word. 1186 02:05:23.190 --> 02:05:29.160 Janin Paine: butchering my I don't know, I think, where you send me over pruning or excessive pruning like he said something like that. 1187 02:05:31.290 --> 02:05:31.590 Mark Ryavec: Guy. 1188 02:05:31.650 --> 02:05:33.480 Janin Paine: that's fine how this little dramatic for me by. 1189 02:05:33.690 --> 02:05:36.030 Mark Ryavec: No value to well you. 1190 02:05:36.150 --> 02:05:37.530 Mark Ryavec: know with with a group wants to go. 1191 02:05:38.940 --> 02:05:50.550 Barry Campion: I, I wonder if if there would also be I mean we're saying you know don't over prune, but it also brings up the issue of are these people actually properly trained. 1192 02:05:50.970 --> 02:05:57.420 Barry Campion: And I don't know if that's something to insert here, but you know they're I think they're hiring people that don't know what they're doing. 1193 02:05:59.160 --> 02:05:59.640 Barry Campion: So. 1194 02:06:00.120 --> 02:06:01.860 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Well, also. 1195 02:06:03.330 --> 02:06:13.530 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I think that's correct and we may want to include that, but do we want to ask in this resolution for a high level meeting. 1196 02:06:14.580 --> 02:06:27.780 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah I mean that was my original my original emails was that we need to meet with them and agree on on how we collectively are managing these spaces. 1197 02:06:28.620 --> 02:06:33.810 Isabelle Duvivier: But that may not be appropriate, because we're not really supposed to be there, we don't have a permit to do that. 1198 02:06:34.110 --> 02:06:42.570 Isabelle Duvivier: But the other thing I would add to this motion for sure is that they need to also not do any pruning of anything in the springtime. 1199 02:06:43.380 --> 02:06:53.040 Isabelle Duvivier: And, and the summer, because that's when everything is in full flower like they took those milla milla poppies down to the ground right as they were in their most beautiful most. 1200 02:06:53.040 --> 02:06:56.970 Barry Campion: magnificent again it goes back to the fact they don't know what they're doing. 1201 02:06:57.000 --> 02:07:00.240 Barry Campion: they're not trained they don't understand native plants. 1202 02:07:00.990 --> 02:07:08.610 Isabelle Duvivier: They should well that isn't exactly true the the leader, who was there, who does speak English he knew what he was doing. 1203 02:07:09.780 --> 02:07:15.090 Isabelle Duvivier: i've been told by several people that they get paid by the bag of leaf litter. 1204 02:07:16.230 --> 02:07:18.300 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: A weight, the weight of relief litter. 1205 02:07:18.720 --> 02:07:25.710 Isabelle Duvivier: Well, but those ones, whatever it is, I don't know but um so but maybe the guys who work there. 1206 02:07:26.790 --> 02:07:27.240 Isabelle Duvivier: But yeah I. 1207 02:07:27.300 --> 02:07:34.110 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: mean I would I would propose that in the resolution in the now, therefore, be it resolved paragraph. 1208 02:07:35.730 --> 02:07:38.790 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So we keep it the same that it is, but that we. 1209 02:07:41.100 --> 02:07:44.850 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: At the end and to. 1210 02:07:46.260 --> 02:07:54.450 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: set a High Level Meeting for Bennett stakeholders to meet with Department of Transportation. 1211 02:07:55.920 --> 02:07:56.880 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: officials. 1212 02:07:58.920 --> 02:08:00.870 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: With regard to solving. 1213 02:08:02.460 --> 02:08:03.930 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: These problems. 1214 02:08:06.000 --> 02:08:06.390 Isabelle Duvivier: Michael. 1215 02:08:07.350 --> 02:08:07.980 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Michael has. 1216 02:08:08.550 --> 02:08:09.090 Mark Ryavec: Just kidding. 1217 02:08:09.180 --> 02:08:11.520 Mark Ryavec: i'm just gonna add that and, at the end. 1218 02:08:11.850 --> 02:08:14.310 Isabelle Duvivier: Okay yeah can you add that up now Sarah. 1219 02:08:15.630 --> 02:08:16.770 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Do it got it. 1220 02:08:17.100 --> 02:08:21.120 Isabelle Duvivier: And please add the part about not pruning and spring and summer going Michael. 1221 02:08:22.260 --> 02:08:26.970 Michael McGuffin: I think we can in the in the now therefore add training in there. 1222 02:08:27.930 --> 02:08:31.320 Michael McGuffin: yeah immediately direct it's lance you know. 1223 02:08:32.490 --> 02:08:40.350 Michael McGuffin: provide appropriate training and immediately direct something like that, and I am in favor i'm supporting janine. 1224 02:08:41.970 --> 02:08:43.710 Michael McGuffin: I say this, all the time, my favorite. 1225 02:08:46.590 --> 02:08:51.030 Michael McGuffin: button on my keyboard is the delete button and I just don't think you insult people. 1226 02:08:52.590 --> 02:08:53.250 Michael McGuffin: butchering. 1227 02:08:53.400 --> 02:08:56.880 Isabelle Duvivier: And, but yeah Okay, I think you're right. 1228 02:08:58.620 --> 02:09:00.000 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, so we can. 1229 02:09:00.060 --> 02:09:01.230 Michael McGuffin: Over pruning. 1230 02:09:02.100 --> 02:09:02.940 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: or fronting. 1231 02:09:07.800 --> 02:09:10.410 Isabelle Duvivier: Can the can the now therefore be. 1232 02:09:10.830 --> 02:09:14.490 Isabelle Duvivier: resolved be multiple paragraphs, like the whereas. 1233 02:09:14.580 --> 02:09:17.010 Isabelle Duvivier: yeah does that have to be one paragraph. 1234 02:09:17.040 --> 02:09:19.890 Mark Ryavec: You have to be but normally it is. 1235 02:09:19.980 --> 02:09:20.880 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: You say. 1236 02:09:21.330 --> 02:09:27.960 Mark Ryavec: Now, therefore, be resolved, and then you say the next paragraph now therefore for be. 1237 02:09:27.990 --> 02:09:28.980 Michael McGuffin: Further results. 1238 02:09:29.550 --> 02:09:34.740 Isabelle Duvivier: Well, I have a problem with the word excessive pruning because that's very arbitrary. 1239 02:09:35.130 --> 02:09:37.290 Barry Campion: There, what about harmful. 1240 02:09:38.610 --> 02:09:39.120 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah. 1241 02:09:39.750 --> 02:09:40.380 Janin Paine: Well, the. 1242 02:09:40.800 --> 02:09:43.050 Janin Paine: pruning harmful or excessive. 1243 02:09:43.890 --> 02:09:46.350 Mark Ryavec: I would stick with excessive i'm sorry which part. 1244 02:09:46.500 --> 02:09:46.890 Okay. 1245 02:09:48.480 --> 02:09:51.390 Janin Paine: i'm excessive isn't like insulting like. 1246 02:09:51.540 --> 02:09:53.550 Mark Ryavec: Which paragraph of my are we change. 1247 02:09:53.580 --> 02:10:07.680 Isabelle Duvivier: Well, I was talking about that, therefore, be resolved the contract or stop excessive pruning they're going to say it's not excessive pruning they're just following the Rules, I would say, stop pruning stop the hedging trees. 1248 02:10:09.420 --> 02:10:10.470 Isabelle Duvivier: You know you guys I have. 1249 02:10:11.730 --> 02:10:11.880 Mark Ryavec: A. 1250 02:10:11.910 --> 02:10:13.080 Isabelle Duvivier: trackway these. 1251 02:10:15.000 --> 02:10:15.450 Mark Ryavec: hmm. 1252 02:10:16.530 --> 02:10:16.800 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: But. 1253 02:10:16.890 --> 02:10:22.770 Barry Campion: I think I think it's actually the pruning they're doing is damaging, and it is harmful. 1254 02:10:24.600 --> 02:10:29.940 Mark Ryavec: and damage how about excessive and and damaging pruning of trees. 1255 02:10:31.350 --> 02:10:31.800 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Well, I think. 1256 02:10:32.280 --> 02:10:34.500 Isabelle Duvivier: Mark why don't you share your screen. 1257 02:10:35.280 --> 02:10:35.820 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah. 1258 02:10:35.910 --> 02:10:36.240 I think. 1259 02:10:38.580 --> 02:10:41.100 Heather Roberts: I have a two o'clock in a minute to duck out. 1260 02:10:41.520 --> 02:10:42.690 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay guys. 1261 02:10:42.810 --> 02:10:43.500 Heather Roberts: Thank you. 1262 02:10:44.130 --> 02:10:46.170 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Thank you so much for your contribution. 1263 02:10:46.410 --> 02:10:47.790 Heather Roberts: I shall see you soon I. 1264 02:10:48.060 --> 02:10:49.590 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: i'll stop my share. 1265 02:10:51.540 --> 02:10:53.160 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And I think I actually think. 1266 02:10:53.430 --> 02:11:00.690 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: You want to get very specifically to the point of stop pruning trees down to hedgers. 1267 02:11:00.780 --> 02:11:01.350 Michael McGuffin: I agree. 1268 02:11:01.470 --> 02:11:02.160 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: that's the. 1269 02:11:02.400 --> 02:11:02.820 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Real. 1270 02:11:02.850 --> 02:11:05.820 Mark Ryavec: issue that's already operating cruise down to what. 1271 02:11:05.940 --> 02:11:07.440 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Hedge level. 1272 02:11:10.500 --> 02:11:12.840 Barry Campion: yeah because that that has a real, specific. 1273 02:11:14.280 --> 02:11:15.840 Barry Campion: Everybody knows what that means. 1274 02:11:15.990 --> 02:11:19.440 Isabelle Duvivier: I think you can share now mark I enabled. 1275 02:11:19.950 --> 02:11:23.160 Mark Ryavec: I can't promise and also figure out how to. 1276 02:11:23.160 --> 02:11:23.640 Isabelle Duvivier: Ship it. 1277 02:11:23.790 --> 02:11:26.820 Mark Ryavec: Okay that's fine that's fine if with the editing part of this. 1278 02:11:26.970 --> 02:11:28.590 Isabelle Duvivier: Okay that's good. 1279 02:11:30.990 --> 02:11:40.830 Mark Ryavec: Well then becomes kind of redundant, because then he goes to becomes to stop excessive in a horrible pruning of trees down to his level and hedges so I I. 1280 02:11:43.860 --> 02:11:43.980 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Am. 1281 02:11:44.850 --> 02:11:47.400 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah let's take out and hedges. 1282 02:11:47.760 --> 02:11:48.990 Mark Ryavec: And further. 1283 02:11:50.220 --> 02:11:50.790 Mark Ryavec: That. 1284 02:11:53.520 --> 02:11:54.270 Mark Ryavec: Further. 1285 02:12:52.230 --> 02:12:54.120 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: wouldn't it be great if we could have some kind of. 1286 02:12:55.230 --> 02:13:02.010 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Recording on each tree that when you prune the branch or the lead it makes a noise and. 1287 02:13:02.640 --> 02:13:03.210 God. 1288 02:13:05.430 --> 02:13:12.810 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: i'm sorry that was just my crazy imagination going crazy will not be amazing like they were building it with this huge noise go off. 1289 02:13:13.860 --> 02:13:19.530 Michael McGuffin: him implant a qr code on each tree that they have to scan and instruct them how to print this one. 1290 02:13:19.710 --> 02:13:22.890 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah but that would be a kinder gentler approach, yes. 1291 02:13:44.700 --> 02:13:49.950 Michael McGuffin: I hope it's just a false rumor that they're actually paid by the pound I do. 1292 02:13:50.640 --> 02:13:52.560 Barry Campion: that's just extraordinarily. 1293 02:13:53.550 --> 02:13:56.970 Isabelle Duvivier: All heard that from the two miras siblings. 1294 02:13:57.030 --> 02:13:58.320 Isabelle Duvivier: So it could be. 1295 02:13:58.380 --> 02:14:04.290 Barry Campion: doesn't really make sense yeah because that means you're being paid for destruction so. 1296 02:14:04.380 --> 02:14:07.800 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: hmm and then have to take it somewhere I get away and. 1297 02:14:09.030 --> 02:14:09.870 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: actually have that. 1298 02:14:15.600 --> 02:14:17.520 Isabelle Duvivier: Are you emailing it to us homework. 1299 02:14:18.870 --> 02:14:22.140 Mark Ryavec: I am just a minute I need to get onto the page. 1300 02:14:28.860 --> 02:14:30.630 Michael McGuffin: Come on, mark you're younger than me. 1301 02:14:32.070 --> 02:14:33.480 Michael McGuffin: You can be trained. 1302 02:14:40.710 --> 02:14:44.580 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Isabel wasn't actually the La do to you that planted the green algae no. 1303 02:14:45.390 --> 02:15:00.210 Isabelle Duvivier: No, I think it was la San i'm pretty sure it was la San because it's a permeable alley right the surfaces they're all permeable it's made with that permeable concrete and as part of a greater green la Program. 1304 02:15:19.980 --> 02:15:22.890 Isabelle Duvivier: we're waiting for mark to email this I haven't gotten it yet. 1305 02:15:25.410 --> 02:15:32.310 Isabelle Duvivier: I didn't get to do my presentation so i'll be sure to put it on the agenda for next month, but um. 1306 02:15:33.930 --> 02:15:38.280 Isabelle Duvivier: I did want to say that I met a whole bunch of really incredible new. 1307 02:15:40.050 --> 02:15:50.760 Isabelle Duvivier: Australian trees this week that mark that what's his name monthly is Ritter, is promoting Okay, can you guys see that. 1308 02:15:51.030 --> 02:15:51.480 yeah. 1309 02:15:58.140 --> 02:15:59.100 Isabelle Duvivier: Is that all of it. 1310 02:16:04.230 --> 02:16:04.710 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah. 1311 02:16:06.690 --> 02:16:07.410 Mark Ryavec: yeah there it is. 1312 02:16:14.400 --> 02:16:19.080 Michael McGuffin: And again, it still says butcher in the whereas city landscape contractors. 1313 02:16:19.800 --> 02:16:20.550 Mark Ryavec: No, it doesn't. 1314 02:16:21.120 --> 02:16:24.030 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: So yeah excessive pruning. 1315 02:16:24.570 --> 02:16:24.960 Barry Campion: says like. 1316 02:16:25.770 --> 02:16:28.320 Michael McGuffin: The fifth the 123 fourth paragraph. 1317 02:16:29.580 --> 02:16:29.970 Mark Ryavec: Oh. 1318 02:16:30.390 --> 02:16:33.870 Mark Ryavec: Oh yeah okay I didn't remember I had it in two places. 1319 02:16:35.220 --> 02:16:36.570 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: it's a pretty strong word. 1320 02:16:36.780 --> 02:16:37.230 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: That can. 1321 02:16:37.800 --> 02:16:40.560 Isabelle Duvivier: prune destroy over prune. 1322 02:16:41.100 --> 02:16:42.150 Barry Campion: yeah over prune. 1323 02:16:45.390 --> 02:16:51.930 Mark Ryavec: eyes, will you you, you can correct it right there in front of you just did in. 1324 02:16:57.450 --> 02:16:59.250 Isabelle Duvivier: springtime and summertime. 1325 02:17:03.240 --> 02:17:06.510 Isabelle Duvivier: They shouldn't be printing and they shouldn't be pruning in the summer. 1326 02:17:07.110 --> 02:17:16.830 Barry Campion: Well, the only the only trees in my experience that should be pruned in the summer, are actually oak trees, because that is there dormant. 1327 02:17:18.030 --> 02:17:23.310 Barry Campion: On but, again, as we saw ourselves in the springtime we have those Bush tip. 1328 02:17:23.850 --> 02:17:24.180 Now. 1329 02:17:25.350 --> 02:17:36.810 Barry Campion: Please, so you could have nesting birds through August in the trees, so you know that the thing to do is if you're going to prune the tree is have a good look before you start pruning. 1330 02:17:37.980 --> 02:17:40.380 Isabelle Duvivier: It doesn't have anything in here about the meeting with. 1331 02:17:40.380 --> 02:17:42.570 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: US yes, it does it's at the very bottom. 1332 02:17:43.560 --> 02:17:45.660 Isabelle Duvivier: Okay Okay, and further. 1333 02:17:46.020 --> 02:17:47.370 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Upon passage. 1334 02:17:48.720 --> 02:17:49.590 Isabelle Duvivier: Beautiful. 1335 02:17:49.620 --> 02:17:51.270 Isabelle Duvivier: guys that's a. 1336 02:17:51.300 --> 02:17:52.050 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: wow. 1337 02:17:52.620 --> 02:17:54.360 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, are we ready to take about. 1338 02:17:54.690 --> 02:18:00.270 Michael McGuffin: Should we say, instead of Boston because he's only going to be there, so long or Todd and okay is. 1339 02:18:00.270 --> 02:18:01.650 Mark Ryavec: There another five months. 1340 02:18:02.280 --> 02:18:03.270 Michael McGuffin: So that's a. 1341 02:18:04.110 --> 02:18:04.500 Isabelle Duvivier: check it. 1342 02:18:05.670 --> 02:18:13.650 Mark Ryavec: out if you go with the existing again, even though, even though on it, and God said he will be gone in December yeah. 1343 02:18:16.170 --> 02:18:17.400 Isabelle Duvivier: hey hey. 1344 02:18:18.060 --> 02:18:18.870 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, so. 1345 02:18:19.410 --> 02:18:20.760 Mark Ryavec: Any public comment. 1346 02:18:21.390 --> 02:18:23.730 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Yes or any further public comment, I think. 1347 02:18:23.910 --> 02:18:25.770 Isabelle Duvivier: I think the probably gone. 1348 02:18:26.910 --> 02:18:28.080 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Jenny do you have any comment. 1349 02:18:31.080 --> 02:18:34.320 Janin Paine: um no I think it's I think it looks great. 1350 02:18:34.590 --> 02:18:39.120 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah right Okay, the committee has fully disgusted and so. 1351 02:18:40.230 --> 02:18:42.990 Mark Ryavec: We will now have that all in favor. 1352 02:18:43.830 --> 02:18:45.180 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, all in favor. 1353 02:18:45.600 --> 02:18:46.890 Mark Ryavec: Aye Aye. 1354 02:18:48.990 --> 02:18:49.860 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay, good. 1355 02:18:50.100 --> 02:18:52.620 Mark Ryavec: Unanimous all those. 1356 02:18:53.880 --> 02:18:54.810 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: All opposed. 1357 02:18:57.030 --> 02:18:58.050 Any abstentions. 1358 02:19:00.780 --> 02:19:01.800 Mark Ryavec: Okay, then you just. 1359 02:19:03.600 --> 02:19:08.700 Mark Ryavec: Calendar if you're using the vlc agenda request form. 1360 02:19:09.030 --> 02:19:11.430 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Right okay so. 1361 02:19:12.960 --> 02:19:20.430 Isabelle Duvivier: So sorry I just changed that to over pruned in that first paragraph, if you want to just take marks word document that he sent you. 1362 02:19:21.870 --> 02:19:25.170 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Did you send them what you you send the whole word document mark. 1363 02:19:25.680 --> 02:19:26.160 I did. 1364 02:19:27.660 --> 02:19:30.780 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay i'll just change that i'll make that one change mental insert it. 1365 02:19:33.030 --> 02:19:34.140 Mark Ryavec: Okay i'm gonna have to. 1366 02:19:35.550 --> 02:19:36.300 get off the call. 1367 02:19:38.850 --> 02:19:40.320 Isabelle Duvivier: Okay bye everybody. 1368 02:19:40.440 --> 02:19:41.340 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: bye everybody. 1369 02:19:41.370 --> 02:19:42.330 Janin Paine: Thank you. 1370 02:19:42.750 --> 02:19:43.590 Mark Ryavec: Thank you all. 1371 02:19:43.710 --> 02:19:45.450 Michael McGuffin: Good meeting today. 1372 02:19:51.780 --> 02:19:53.550 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Are you still there. 1373 02:19:53.580 --> 02:19:54.690 Mark Ryavec: yeah yeah. 1374 02:19:55.050 --> 02:20:03.780 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: yeah I actually didn't receive the new word version, if you could send the new what you just edited said that to me. 1375 02:20:04.650 --> 02:20:07.410 Mark Ryavec: that's weird okay um. 1376 02:20:07.590 --> 02:20:08.970 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I mean, it could be just. 1377 02:20:10.620 --> 02:20:13.380 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Slow oh there it is I got it Thank you. 1378 02:20:14.430 --> 02:20:16.440 Mark Ryavec: gotta make them that one word change. 1379 02:20:16.950 --> 02:20:17.250 yeah. 1380 02:20:18.750 --> 02:20:22.950 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: it's gonna be it's gonna be instead of butcher over prone. 1381 02:20:23.790 --> 02:20:25.710 Mark Ryavec: Right hyphenated over pro. 1382 02:20:26.100 --> 02:20:27.420 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: got it excellent. 1383 02:20:28.980 --> 02:20:34.440 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Okay Thank you so much for that drafting it's amazing you do it so fast. 1384 02:20:37.080 --> 02:20:42.870 Mark Ryavec: For Q and a half years and legislative analyst office and I did a lot of these and i've done a lot of themselves. 1385 02:20:44.160 --> 02:20:46.890 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I bet it's a skill that people like to take advantage of. 1386 02:20:48.120 --> 02:20:54.330 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: And I actually would like to ask, Colin user number two would you like to identify yourself. 1387 02:21:00.450 --> 02:21:01.140 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I guess not. 1388 02:21:05.910 --> 02:21:09.030 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: I always wonder about these folks okay. 1389 02:21:10.590 --> 02:21:11.340 sarahrwauters@gmail.com: Thank you.