WEBVTT 1 00:00:22.650 --> 00:00:23.430 Daffodil Tyminski: Good morning, Jim. 2 00:00:24.660 --> 00:00:25.860 james murez: Good morning, how are you. 3 00:00:26.250 --> 00:00:27.330 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm good, how are you. 4 00:00:27.450 --> 00:00:28.260 james murez: Are you back. 5 00:00:30.120 --> 00:00:31.410 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah i've been back for. 6 00:00:32.880 --> 00:00:35.310 Daffodil Tyminski: What 10 days I was only going for like five days. 7 00:00:35.430 --> 00:00:41.460 james murez: Oh, I thought you were gone over the weekend i'm promoting you to host and i'm going to sign off I have other things I have to get into this morning. 8 00:00:41.730 --> 00:00:48.060 james murez: Okay, and then you'll just promote everybody don't forget, if you want to share the screen, you have to turn sharing or do you want me to do it now, I can do it. 9 00:00:48.780 --> 00:00:49.800 Daffodil Tyminski: I think it's on. 10 00:00:50.400 --> 00:00:51.210 james murez: that's not. 11 00:00:57.030 --> 00:00:58.890 james murez: Okay now i'll promote you to host. 12 00:01:02.250 --> 00:01:03.660 james murez: call me if you have any problems. 13 00:01:03.840 --> 00:01:04.740 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, thanks. 14 00:01:04.830 --> 00:01:05.310 james murez: Okay bye. 15 00:01:14.700 --> 00:01:17.130 Daffodil Tyminski: Alright, everyone hang on i'm promoting everyone to be panelists. 16 00:01:31.980 --> 00:01:33.270 Daffodil Tyminski: Alright we've got felicia. 17 00:01:39.690 --> 00:01:40.380 Daffodil Tyminski: Rita. 18 00:02:00.930 --> 00:02:01.560 Daffodil Tyminski: Darrell. 19 00:02:02.580 --> 00:02:03.930 Daffodil Tyminski: chuck i'm trying to get you on. 20 00:02:08.490 --> 00:02:10.860 Daffodil Tyminski: felicia you seem to be on know. 21 00:02:24.450 --> 00:02:30.690 Daffodil Tyminski: chuck you have to when I asked you to be a panelist you'd have to agree, so you can get be moved on, unless you don't want to be on the screen. 22 00:02:32.280 --> 00:02:35.640 Daffodil Tyminski: In which case, raise your hand but otherwise i'm going to keep trying to promote you. 23 00:02:40.650 --> 00:02:41.040 Daffodil Tyminski: Great. 24 00:02:42.450 --> 00:02:45.690 Daffodil Tyminski: let's give it a minute or two see if anyone else joins. 25 00:02:48.840 --> 00:02:49.410 reta moser: definite. 26 00:02:49.950 --> 00:02:52.560 reta moser: Yes, Yolanda is here with me. 27 00:02:52.710 --> 00:02:54.750 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, great great. 28 00:02:58.230 --> 00:02:59.160 reta moser: We have a four. 29 00:03:02.370 --> 00:03:03.960 Daffodil Tyminski: I think so she's there with you. 30 00:03:04.320 --> 00:03:04.710 yeah. 31 00:03:09.270 --> 00:03:10.830 Daffodil Tyminski: Someone else just texted me. 32 00:03:13.620 --> 00:03:15.030 Daffodil Tyminski: Really King on second. 33 00:03:16.890 --> 00:03:24.750 Daffodil Tyminski: In public there's someone on his public engagement I don't know if you are on the committee it's not just an alias but if you're on the committee raise your hand i'll promote you. 34 00:03:37.980 --> 00:03:38.430 Daffodil Tyminski: JEREMY. 35 00:03:44.850 --> 00:03:52.680 Daffodil Tyminski: let's see 12345 yeah yeah we're totally fine I think we're missing i'll take roll, but I think we're missing Sergio and William. 36 00:03:55.590 --> 00:03:59.940 Daffodil Tyminski: i'll put the agenda up on the screen bear with me for one SEC, how is everyone doing. 37 00:04:08.370 --> 00:04:11.340 reta moser: I would just like to say the tribal has no problems. 38 00:04:12.270 --> 00:04:12.690 reta moser: Good. 39 00:04:13.110 --> 00:04:13.950 yeah be here. 40 00:04:17.490 --> 00:04:19.110 Daffodil Tyminski: All right, i'm trying to share this. 41 00:04:26.670 --> 00:04:28.710 Daffodil Tyminski: Can you see what's on my screen, can you see the agenda. 42 00:04:29.040 --> 00:04:32.250 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, okay don't know why it's. 43 00:04:32.250 --> 00:04:32.640 um. 44 00:04:33.810 --> 00:04:40.110 Daffodil Tyminski: there's this pop up box that keeps asking me to do something, the way keep doing I seem to be in a computer fail mode, like every day. 45 00:04:40.290 --> 00:04:40.740 Oh. 46 00:04:42.660 --> 00:04:44.970 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay well let's call the meeting to order it's 905. 47 00:04:46.110 --> 00:04:50.700 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm so glad, everyone is here and actually going to grab a pen. 48 00:04:54.300 --> 00:04:56.040 reta moser: or she's all crazy right now. 49 00:05:00.270 --> 00:05:03.870 reta moser: Like me, like is it seals and CCP. 50 00:05:04.890 --> 00:05:05.550 reta moser: By giving. 51 00:05:09.540 --> 00:05:10.890 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm sorry about that. 52 00:05:13.770 --> 00:05:16.710 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay roll call, I am here. 53 00:05:18.150 --> 00:05:22.440 Daffodil Tyminski: um let me see if I can do this, this way, by the way, someone had. 54 00:05:23.970 --> 00:05:30.660 Daffodil Tyminski: Someone had mentioned to me that this did not appear on the website, which is perplexing to me I just can't figure it out. 55 00:05:34.710 --> 00:05:40.380 Daffodil Tyminski: It was on there, but i'm I have like a just general issue with our computer stuff in general, I feel like none of it works. 56 00:05:42.090 --> 00:05:45.660 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay i'm here, William is not here. 57 00:05:47.640 --> 00:05:48.420 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm. 58 00:05:49.140 --> 00:05:50.280 Daffodil Tyminski: JEREMY I see you there. 59 00:05:55.170 --> 00:05:56.160 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm Yolanda. 60 00:05:56.460 --> 00:05:56.940 yeah. 61 00:05:58.980 --> 00:05:59.550 reta moser: yeah she. 62 00:05:59.970 --> 00:06:02.130 reta moser: she's here with me okay I. 63 00:06:03.870 --> 00:06:07.710 Daffodil Tyminski: wish I could see on there yep here okay great to see you. 64 00:06:09.690 --> 00:06:10.260 Daffodil Tyminski: William. 65 00:06:12.060 --> 00:06:13.410 Daffodil Tyminski: Now we caught him already chuck. 66 00:06:18.120 --> 00:06:20.970 Daffodil Tyminski: chuck just raised just wave Darrell. 67 00:06:25.500 --> 00:06:26.670 Daffodil Tyminski: Early can see you there. 68 00:06:28.410 --> 00:06:37.890 Daffodil Tyminski: and read it, I know is here um let me check the little zoom engagement here see if anyone else, but it looks like Sergio and cassie are not here. 69 00:06:39.300 --> 00:06:40.440 Daffodil Tyminski: and hold on a SEC. 70 00:06:42.240 --> 00:06:47.550 Daffodil Tyminski: So I when I when I share my screen it it removes my ability to see who's in the audience. 71 00:06:52.890 --> 00:06:53.580 Daffodil Tyminski: With me here. 72 00:06:55.500 --> 00:06:59.520 Daffodil Tyminski: Robin public engagement nicki heart Hello and bill bill is that cassie. 73 00:07:01.350 --> 00:07:02.520 Daffodil Tyminski: Is raise your hand okay. 74 00:07:11.520 --> 00:07:13.560 Daffodil Tyminski: Alright, so cassie I just i'm. 75 00:07:16.530 --> 00:07:18.150 bill: Promoting No, this is this is. 76 00:07:18.210 --> 00:07:19.410 This is William bill. 77 00:07:20.820 --> 00:07:25.140 bill: You weren't wasn't able to like talk or whatever before because I wasn't a panelist so. 78 00:07:25.260 --> 00:07:26.730 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh perfect. 79 00:07:26.880 --> 00:07:28.350 Daffodil Tyminski: good to see you William thanks. 80 00:07:30.660 --> 00:07:31.140 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 81 00:07:35.670 --> 00:07:40.470 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, just hang on one SEC, we have more people joining, and I just need to switch screens, to be able to see them. 82 00:07:44.160 --> 00:07:47.280 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay i'll keep my eye out in case anyone else comes on. 83 00:07:48.510 --> 00:07:51.930 Daffodil Tyminski: The next thing is i'm declaring parties and conflicts of interest. 84 00:07:54.990 --> 00:08:01.710 Daffodil Tyminski: And I realized in this agenda somehow the public comment on items, not on the agenda is not on here. 85 00:08:02.340 --> 00:08:13.830 Daffodil Tyminski: I think we'll just do that, after expertise and conflicts of interest in case we only have a few members of the public, and I imagine from Boise on the screen they're probably here for specific issues but um if there's anything off topic, let me know. 86 00:08:15.030 --> 00:08:24.240 Daffodil Tyminski: But for me i've actually had conversations with multiple people about everything on the agenda, obviously does anyone else have any conflicts or anything to. 87 00:08:26.280 --> 00:08:29.850 Daffodil Tyminski: declare, and if you do raise your hand or actually. 88 00:08:31.380 --> 00:08:33.000 Daffodil Tyminski: Were small enough group go ahead john. 89 00:08:36.690 --> 00:08:52.710 Charles Rosin: wanted to bring up later in the business talk about fema and sea level rise and I realized that I wonder if suing The city is a conflict of interest, so I want a free nation so we're suing the city of Los Angeles over the various media. 90 00:08:54.060 --> 00:08:57.210 Charles Rosin: coalition for safe coastal development. 91 00:08:58.830 --> 00:09:03.030 Daffodil Tyminski: I you cut out a little bit there and I didn't quite hear it, but is. 92 00:09:03.330 --> 00:09:09.450 Daffodil Tyminski: The question whether your involvement in the whatever is going on with the medium project is a conflict with fema. 93 00:09:10.620 --> 00:09:10.920 With. 94 00:09:12.000 --> 00:09:20.490 Charles Rosin: The expertise of conflicts of interest, do I have a conflict of interest, but to B and C by suing the city of Los Angeles, because that's why question. 95 00:09:22.110 --> 00:09:26.400 Daffodil Tyminski: I don't think so that is a very interesting question are you a named party in the lawsuit. 96 00:09:28.620 --> 00:09:29.970 Daffodil Tyminski: So I just can't hear you what. 97 00:09:31.950 --> 00:09:35.520 Daffodil Tyminski: Now, and I can when you get close but are you a name party in the lawsuit. 98 00:09:36.180 --> 00:09:40.560 Charles Rosin: i'm one of the three sign ease know the bank party is the coalition for safe. 99 00:09:41.700 --> 00:09:42.690 Charles Rosin: host or developer. 100 00:09:43.170 --> 00:09:45.210 Daffodil Tyminski: And you're signing, on behalf of the coalition. 101 00:09:45.510 --> 00:09:46.950 Charles Rosin: I have yes. 102 00:09:47.640 --> 00:09:48.420 reta moser: um. 103 00:09:49.110 --> 00:09:49.620 You know. 104 00:09:51.600 --> 00:09:58.230 Daffodil Tyminski: I would think personally putting my lawyer hat on that that would only be a conflict when we were dealing with a matter that. 105 00:09:59.580 --> 00:10:05.190 Daffodil Tyminski: dealt with one of those topics, but I would actually say offline why don't you and I contact the city attorney. 106 00:10:06.720 --> 00:10:10.920 Daffodil Tyminski: So, for example, if we had a centennial park issue, and that was related to that are. 107 00:10:11.640 --> 00:10:11.820 In. 108 00:10:13.500 --> 00:10:21.000 Charles Rosin: charge of the city attorney can we ask if backdating documents is a violation of the law since we've been doing it twice. 109 00:10:24.120 --> 00:10:26.250 Daffodil Tyminski: I I dabble into that but um. 110 00:10:27.420 --> 00:10:28.500 Daffodil Tyminski: You know we'll we'll try. 111 00:10:28.710 --> 00:10:29.010 Charles Rosin: Okay. 112 00:10:29.670 --> 00:10:34.950 Charles Rosin: I just wonder, you know that's something i've been thinking about, but when I saw Oh, is this a conflict. 113 00:10:35.190 --> 00:10:46.230 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah yeah I can see, I can see how it would be depending on the facts I just don't know I mean I I would think it would be just on those issues right, not on everything, having to do with the dnc. 114 00:10:47.280 --> 00:10:59.190 Daffodil Tyminski: But I don't you know, often the city attorney's interpretation of rules and laws, in my opinion, does not jive with the laws, I learned it, so I you know kind of work in their construct. 115 00:10:59.460 --> 00:11:01.290 Charles Rosin: that's what i'm hearing more and more, by the way. 116 00:11:02.010 --> 00:11:03.990 Daffodil Tyminski: um does anyone else have. 117 00:11:05.010 --> 00:11:05.970 Daffodil Tyminski: anything to declare. 118 00:11:07.470 --> 00:11:14.220 Daffodil Tyminski: No Okay, are there any members of the public that would like to speak on an item that is not on the agenda and, if so, raise your hand. 119 00:11:14.460 --> 00:11:14.970 Yes. 120 00:11:16.080 --> 00:11:21.900 Daffodil Tyminski: you read a are not a Member, the wallet oh here um I mean someone. 121 00:11:22.200 --> 00:11:22.650 reta moser: For more. 122 00:11:23.820 --> 00:11:33.870 Daffodil Tyminski: More people on I kind of think I know where these folks what they're interested in so i'm probably not putting your hands why don't we go to old business. 123 00:11:34.170 --> 00:11:34.980 reta moser: about your head. 124 00:11:36.000 --> 00:11:36.390 Daffodil Tyminski: What. 125 00:11:36.690 --> 00:11:43.680 reta moser: about your hand, oh no because i'm part of the they'll give us chance to do it on public comment for Members. 126 00:11:44.100 --> 00:11:49.320 Daffodil Tyminski: Right, so why don't we go to number six updates on what's been going on, and I will start. 127 00:11:50.700 --> 00:11:58.740 Daffodil Tyminski: With um pickle ball just because there's been I see Nikki heart is in the audience and Nikki I will reach out to you. 128 00:11:59.580 --> 00:12:10.440 Daffodil Tyminski: i've gotten a little further with the owners of the pen bar who are, I think, are really now supportive of pickled wall at the pen mar and they will work with us to work with the city to get it done. 129 00:12:11.670 --> 00:12:24.090 Daffodil Tyminski: Which is great actually I think it's a great all round situation, so it can be in Venice, it can be really you know not directly in the neighborhood it doesn't impact tennis or any other. 130 00:12:25.350 --> 00:12:30.000 Daffodil Tyminski: Sport going on, because it's space that's going to be carved out of unused space at the golf course. 131 00:12:30.390 --> 00:12:32.850 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh that's prolly unused, but not usable really. 132 00:12:33.960 --> 00:12:43.110 Daffodil Tyminski: Like maybe like could be picnic space or something and actually I think elevates pen or a little bit in general that whole complex to be more of a sporting complex, which is pretty Nice. 133 00:12:43.800 --> 00:12:44.130 Yes. 134 00:12:45.630 --> 00:12:46.110 Go ahead. 135 00:12:48.120 --> 00:12:49.050 reta moser: I just agreed. 136 00:12:49.290 --> 00:12:57.570 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh OK, so that to the end, I did two things one i'm Nikki I will reach out to you offline with the owners of the pen Marshall we can really get that going. 137 00:12:58.680 --> 00:13:09.810 Daffodil Tyminski: Because we already approved it, the idea and concept but also tonight, I thought we could ask for some neighborhood funding and we do have there's a pool of unused neighborhood funding. 138 00:13:11.490 --> 00:13:21.300 Daffodil Tyminski: That our fiscal year ends in I think June 1 or may 31, and so we have some fun, a lot of funding and I just thought it'd be nice if we could get some to use. 139 00:13:21.750 --> 00:13:35.880 Daffodil Tyminski: Some for pickle ball and then obviously it's going to take more than that, and we can work with the owners of the pen Martin with typical Bar Association to fund the rest, but at least it gives us a start and a place to get going, sooner rather than later. 140 00:13:37.440 --> 00:13:42.360 Daffodil Tyminski: Anyone want to talk on sidewalks fema or trash pickup or frankly anything else we've discussed previously. 141 00:13:44.580 --> 00:13:47.400 Daffodil Tyminski: chuck i'll take you in the order your parent on my screen chuck go ahead. 142 00:13:50.280 --> 00:13:51.360 Daffodil Tyminski: speak up a little bit. 143 00:13:51.570 --> 00:13:52.350 reta moser: can hear him. 144 00:13:52.920 --> 00:13:57.060 Charles Rosin: Oh that's terrible you know I do a podcast and I never have this problem. 145 00:13:58.290 --> 00:13:59.460 Charles Rosin: I don't understand this. 146 00:14:03.660 --> 00:14:05.760 Charles Rosin: Okay, here I am i'm doing radio. 147 00:14:09.240 --> 00:14:30.900 Charles Rosin: The city, I sent this to daffodil and I believe I sent it to every member of the committee to that the city under the has put together now the first all the emergency evacuations, having to do with sea level rise tickets are 100 page document it's pretty interesting pretty fanciful. 148 00:14:33.210 --> 00:14:33.690 Charles Rosin: and 149 00:14:34.710 --> 00:14:47.640 Charles Rosin: At the same time, I also saw a interesting documentary on tct about where you mulholland building the damn that wrote that killed hundreds of people valley and. 150 00:14:48.150 --> 00:15:04.890 Charles Rosin: This is the same level of kind of technical Reno what I doing don't look here that makes one think of the other but, more importantly, I think the thing that that maybe the dnc needs to weigh in on this again, I really do to happen, this is why. 151 00:15:06.870 --> 00:15:17.940 Charles Rosin: They did let's say it's going to take a while to get something built here and you've got and let's say we, Mr Barnum prevails and I lose lawsuit fails and start going forward. 152 00:15:19.110 --> 00:15:23.070 Charles Rosin: The real problem of this relative to sea level rise or. 153 00:15:25.380 --> 00:15:29.550 Charles Rosin: Any kind of tsunami flood inundation is if it's in. 154 00:15:30.750 --> 00:15:37.350 Charles Rosin: Construction because you then you would have put me feeling being at this point. 155 00:15:38.400 --> 00:15:48.300 Charles Rosin: Just project is really putting the people, the residents who moved in there and the Community around it as it's being constructed some real jeopardy, as we move forward. 156 00:15:49.230 --> 00:15:57.810 Charles Rosin: Those of us all time residents of La and I know there are a lot of them on this committee can remember 25 years ago the think the fact that we would be having Santa Ana winds. 157 00:15:57.840 --> 00:16:00.300 Charles Rosin: December seen laughable and. 158 00:16:00.570 --> 00:16:02.010 Charles Rosin: climate is changing. 159 00:16:02.370 --> 00:16:05.610 Charles Rosin: and none of the City Council member we're voting on this. 160 00:16:06.030 --> 00:16:09.060 Charles Rosin: Excuse me city council members who were voting on this project. 161 00:16:09.600 --> 00:16:27.420 Charles Rosin: Can can be with any kind of assurance of what our future holds and I think the dnc needs to take another look at the entire issue, because I think that the environmental elements are accelerating as they can't even get a document together for them to vote on. 162 00:16:29.670 --> 00:16:30.180 Charles Rosin: So. 163 00:16:30.240 --> 00:16:38.430 Daffodil Tyminski: Let me just respond to one thing I think it's a great idea, and it may be that we start a little fema Task Force out of this committee. 164 00:16:40.140 --> 00:16:52.920 Daffodil Tyminski: which I think I can do that, but if not i'm sure Jim would do it to start the dnc where we come up with something for the board and action or possible action or whatever to take back to the city. 165 00:16:54.420 --> 00:17:06.930 Charles Rosin: I think that would be great idea to have that I want to know that in terms of this vision notice the dnc does already have somebody has been appointed to be the representative on it their name appears. 166 00:17:07.440 --> 00:17:23.250 Daffodil Tyminski: Right and the reason actually why I say task forces, we do have a resiliency committee that has been really terrific over the years and very responsive on these issues and I know they know you know its neck, it was like hawks it's um. 167 00:17:27.750 --> 00:17:30.420 Daffodil Tyminski: Not they'll avoid but i'm Keith Harrison. 168 00:17:31.770 --> 00:17:36.270 Daffodil Tyminski: they're a terrific group I used to be on their committee actually back in like 2009 and 10. 169 00:17:37.410 --> 00:17:47.340 Daffodil Tyminski: Up I see Sergio is here hold on one second guys, so why don't we why don't we talk about that offline and maybe some combination of the two I don't want to like jump too much into their space. 170 00:17:49.320 --> 00:17:59.190 Daffodil Tyminski: But I think it's a good idea needs to be addressed, so we could maybe do something, where we have a couple people that works together the beauty of a task forces it's not brown acted. 171 00:17:59.790 --> 00:18:06.330 Daffodil Tyminski: So you guys can freely meet and share information and actually developed stuff that you would either take back to the committee here, or that we can take directly to the war. 172 00:18:08.340 --> 00:18:08.730 Charles Rosin: Very good. 173 00:18:08.760 --> 00:18:09.180 i'm good. 174 00:18:11.250 --> 00:18:16.260 Daffodil Tyminski: Sorry sorry i'm trying to promote you to it's just a holy sure go ahead, go ahead. 175 00:18:16.470 --> 00:18:17.820 reta moser: he'll yeah Yolanda. 176 00:18:19.110 --> 00:18:32.910 reta moser: Yes, regarding the sea level rise I don't know what he saw the they had a segment on K cow last week in which there was a community in South central where they were hit with also. 177 00:18:33.720 --> 00:18:46.650 reta moser: some kind of water level, rice and most of those people over there, which is a very low income community in were hit with high with. 178 00:18:47.850 --> 00:18:55.110 reta moser: insurance policies, because if they have a loan against their property or are on loans, they were hit with also. 179 00:18:56.310 --> 00:19:12.570 reta moser: fees that they were never expected and they've been living there over 50 years so i've been in contact with them, I have a senator I have a person who's running for Senator he's made contact with them and they were they've been charged like. 180 00:19:13.830 --> 00:19:19.140 reta moser: 800 $700 on their insurance policies for this fema. 181 00:19:20.040 --> 00:19:34.200 reta moser: Water level rice, and here I am i've been charged $3,000 so i'm in communication with them the they even have a neighborhood Council over there, so i'm going we've been out preaching to them. 182 00:19:34.470 --> 00:19:43.860 reta moser: And what they decided is that they're not going to pay it, they have over close to 70 homes that are not going to pay this fee because they were never really. 183 00:19:44.310 --> 00:19:57.660 reta moser: properly informed about it, so I am in contact with him and I have two people already out reaching to them, so I think we have something going, and I think we can do something here to in Venice, thank you. 184 00:19:58.020 --> 00:20:01.200 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, thanks Yolanda i'm felicia go ahead. 185 00:20:01.530 --> 00:20:20.760 felicia saltzbart: Yes, hi good morning everyone i'm not sure if it's appropriate to bring up now, but I do want to add to the sidewalks in terms of updates needed, as well as I sent you an email, there are two things relevant specifically to my area that I wanted to see if we can use funding for. 186 00:20:21.450 --> 00:20:33.390 Daffodil Tyminski: Sure um let's start with the sidewalks want to give that update now because we talked about at the end and let's at the end of the agenda talk through what else we might want to do funding wise. 187 00:20:35.640 --> 00:20:36.180 Daffodil Tyminski: Is that okay. 188 00:20:38.040 --> 00:20:38.460 felicia saltzbart: Yes. 189 00:20:38.490 --> 00:20:39.120 that's fine. 190 00:20:40.380 --> 00:20:44.670 Daffodil Tyminski: Because I we have, I wanted to tell everyone this came in over the weekend, we have another request for funding to. 191 00:20:45.810 --> 00:20:49.230 Daffodil Tyminski: That anyway go ahead with the sidewalks and then i'll tell you the rest later. 192 00:20:50.880 --> 00:20:56.310 felicia saltzbart: Nothing crazy just that we have a few sidewalks here on. 193 00:20:57.330 --> 00:21:05.760 felicia saltzbart: In my area that we'd like to submit for some sort of updates because people are having issues with walking in these areas that's it. 194 00:21:06.150 --> 00:21:19.170 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, why don't we do why don't we eat them I know everyone has sent me some stuff and I have it, but we just need to put together everything in one like dropbox with a list of addresses and get it to the Council office. 195 00:21:21.420 --> 00:21:35.400 Daffodil Tyminski: I was in touch with someone at the Council office but that Council office people move in and out so quickly that um it's really impossible to do anything because you're talking to someone they never respond you realize they're gone JEREMY go ahead, I know you had your hand up before. 196 00:21:38.760 --> 00:21:39.270 Jeremy Loeb: Good right now. 197 00:21:39.510 --> 00:21:39.840 Daffodil Tyminski: you're good. 198 00:21:39.900 --> 00:21:44.310 Jeremy Loeb: Okay, I do have, I do have a list of all of the sidewalks in our neighborhood that I to provide to you. 199 00:21:44.760 --> 00:21:48.960 Jeremy Loeb: awesome yeah with named St being the main culprit yes. 200 00:21:49.020 --> 00:21:57.420 Daffodil Tyminski: awesome and then, if everyone else, I know truck you would take some photos and send some stuff but if everyone else has something it has some places that really need to be addressed. 201 00:21:59.250 --> 00:22:10.020 Daffodil Tyminski: just send them to me and we'll put it all together in dropbox I I need to figure out how to get this stuff to get on our website and stick, because I feel like I keep updating our committee page and then I go back and it's. 202 00:22:10.440 --> 00:22:13.470 Daffodil Tyminski: either not there there's like one piece of it there it's very strange to me. 203 00:22:15.990 --> 00:22:20.580 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh OK let's go on number seven. 204 00:22:22.770 --> 00:22:24.270 Daffodil Tyminski: Somebody needs to mute you, by the way. 205 00:22:25.650 --> 00:22:26.010 Daffodil Tyminski: I think. 206 00:22:28.710 --> 00:22:29.850 Daffodil Tyminski: Can anyone hear that ECHO. 207 00:22:32.520 --> 00:22:35.640 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh it's me okay okay so for number seven. 208 00:22:36.660 --> 00:22:48.690 Daffodil Tyminski: We had all previously, you know I tried to get in this idea with the bylaws change that we re jigger the neighborhoods and we have the committee neighborhood representatives more fit. 209 00:22:49.140 --> 00:22:53.280 Daffodil Tyminski: The natural neighborhoods that we've all like come to appreciate in Venice. 210 00:22:54.060 --> 00:22:58.110 Daffodil Tyminski: We never were able to have the bylaw meeting because we didn't have a farm and that was that. 211 00:22:58.500 --> 00:23:06.960 Daffodil Tyminski: But I think it'd be nice to just start functioning as though it was that way we would still have our representatives that we have we can add people. 212 00:23:07.620 --> 00:23:21.750 Daffodil Tyminski: That we see fit, so we can make sure that everyone's represented so to that end, I wanted to just have a discussion about whether we just functionally operate the way we would all like to operate, because, as I found out in the last meeting there was way more. 213 00:23:22.920 --> 00:23:29.490 Daffodil Tyminski: of a desire to have this happened that I had realized, and to do we ask rules and selections to. 214 00:23:30.690 --> 00:23:32.970 Daffodil Tyminski: You know change it at the next possible opportunity. 215 00:23:34.830 --> 00:23:39.630 Daffodil Tyminski: The reality is the second part, maybe a little more difficult rules and selections become a somewhat. 216 00:23:40.980 --> 00:23:44.010 Daffodil Tyminski: lightning rod committee for reasons I don't fully understand. 217 00:23:45.450 --> 00:23:49.800 Daffodil Tyminski: But anyway, I just wanted to open that up for discussion and get people's thoughts on that, and if so. 218 00:23:50.310 --> 00:23:59.490 Daffodil Tyminski: um we can start the process of finding folks if you guys have people that you think would be great to be on the committee great or if not, you know we just move on and let it go to the next board. 219 00:24:00.810 --> 00:24:02.370 Daffodil Tyminski: anyone have any thoughts on this. 220 00:24:03.630 --> 00:24:04.770 Daffodil Tyminski: And so, raise your hand. 221 00:24:09.570 --> 00:24:14.550 Daffodil Tyminski: No one okay oh hold on oh go ahead chuck. 222 00:24:15.360 --> 00:24:23.490 Charles Rosin: I think you laid out something really terrific I think those neighborhoods where the right ones, and anybody can join now I don't know what. 223 00:24:25.470 --> 00:24:32.760 Charles Rosin: These other committees that need to or like you why everybody would see this as a lightning rod anything but the board discussion. 224 00:24:34.230 --> 00:24:40.620 Charles Rosin: and your eyes outside of you know, the structure of the dnc meeting. 225 00:24:42.540 --> 00:24:47.070 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, great thanks also to we have a member of the public that has a comment. 226 00:24:48.090 --> 00:24:51.120 Daffodil Tyminski: So i'm going to take that now Robert Robin go ahead. 227 00:24:53.370 --> 00:25:03.660 Robin: hi good morning everybody, so you know, I think that that's makes all the sense in the world yeah the more representation and more people involved, the better it is so yeah go with it. 228 00:25:04.590 --> 00:25:22.920 Robin: Also, while i'm talking to you yeah there's nothing for your Committee on the dnc website, and I only found out about your meeting by luck by a neighbor telling me that it was happening so I don't know what that means, but yep so all of it more representation weirdness yep. 229 00:25:23.130 --> 00:25:31.260 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, great Thank you um anyone out chapter, we can't hear you, but I can see your mouth is moving in your hand is raised. 230 00:25:31.800 --> 00:25:32.850 Charles Rosin: yeah well one more. 231 00:25:34.080 --> 00:25:46.260 Charles Rosin: question is, and maybe this would help the Community get into you know, a more of a just can't take the groove and and and again when are we going to be off soon we're going to get to be live again. 232 00:25:46.410 --> 00:25:48.210 Charles Rosin: I think you'd be more effective, that way. 233 00:25:48.570 --> 00:25:56.940 Daffodil Tyminski: I agree, and I just don't know um I we've asked the city many, many times I don't know, in the last couple weeks what's been said. 234 00:25:57.540 --> 00:26:09.120 Daffodil Tyminski: But the city does has zero sense of urgency about coming up soon, so I don't know some state agencies, and I believe city agencies are doing now, a hybrid version. 235 00:26:10.110 --> 00:26:16.710 Daffodil Tyminski: which I think would at least make sense and you actually had somebody that did not want to be in person and had to zoom fine, but let the rest of us me. 236 00:26:18.030 --> 00:26:19.140 Daffodil Tyminski: I just don't have an answer for you. 237 00:26:22.470 --> 00:26:23.850 Daffodil Tyminski: So um. 238 00:26:24.960 --> 00:26:34.710 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so I guess then we'll take the motion, then, if no one has any comment or objections to it, and then we can ask rules and selections to consider it and. 239 00:26:37.020 --> 00:26:50.730 Daffodil Tyminski: You know, take it from there if it happens if it doesn't happen, I suggest we informally proceed as though it did, and I would ask everyone to think about potential representatives in each of the neighborhoods that you think might be interested in joining, and you know, helping out. 240 00:26:52.530 --> 00:26:54.180 Daffodil Tyminski: Alright, so let us take. 241 00:26:55.350 --> 00:26:58.470 Daffodil Tyminski: The motion here, let me go back, I have to do this manually. 242 00:26:59.490 --> 00:27:08.580 Daffodil Tyminski: we've changed all these systems on the on the agenda and website and I don't know, I find that none of it really works Okay, so I will go yes. 243 00:27:10.530 --> 00:27:20.580 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm sorry I need to make the motion I apologize i'm i'm going to make this mode actually I can't make the motion will someone make the motion for i'm. 244 00:27:21.600 --> 00:27:23.610 Daffodil Tyminski: Number sorry. 245 00:27:24.810 --> 00:27:25.560 Daffodil Tyminski: number seven. 246 00:27:28.170 --> 00:27:30.510 Daffodil Tyminski: Can some okay chocolate make the motion do I have a second. 247 00:27:31.830 --> 00:27:33.090 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, Jeremy will second. 248 00:27:38.160 --> 00:27:38.910 Daffodil Tyminski: and 249 00:27:40.470 --> 00:27:44.310 Daffodil Tyminski: Take we already did public comment if there's any other public comment raise your hand now. 250 00:27:47.520 --> 00:27:48.600 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, seeing none. 251 00:27:50.490 --> 00:27:51.420 Daffodil Tyminski: track, how do you vote. 252 00:27:54.810 --> 00:27:55.980 Daffodil Tyminski: You just have we can't hear. 253 00:27:56.850 --> 00:27:59.280 Daffodil Tyminski: hi hi Okay, although yes. 254 00:28:00.360 --> 00:28:00.930 Daffodil Tyminski: JEREMY. 255 00:28:01.050 --> 00:28:01.440 I. 256 00:28:03.390 --> 00:28:04.560 Daffodil Tyminski: Like the eyes Rita. 257 00:28:08.940 --> 00:28:10.800 Daffodil Tyminski: Rita you're on you're on you. 258 00:28:18.120 --> 00:28:21.240 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, why don't we go we'll come back to read and Yolanda felicia. 259 00:28:21.510 --> 00:28:22.140 Yes. 260 00:28:25.770 --> 00:28:26.460 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm. 261 00:28:28.860 --> 00:28:29.520 Daffodil Tyminski: A bill would. 262 00:28:30.330 --> 00:28:30.990 abstain. 263 00:28:33.870 --> 00:28:34.440 Daffodil Tyminski: Darrell. 264 00:28:37.740 --> 00:28:38.340 Daffodil Tyminski: Sergio. 265 00:28:43.140 --> 00:28:43.800 Daffodil Tyminski: Sergio. 266 00:28:48.750 --> 00:28:51.120 Daffodil Tyminski: And let's go back Rita and Yolanda. 267 00:28:51.630 --> 00:28:54.900 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, yes Yolanda yes right okay great. 268 00:28:56.850 --> 00:29:07.980 Daffodil Tyminski: Sorry, OK, so the motion carries 1234567801. 269 00:29:10.860 --> 00:29:13.170 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay terrific hold on i'm just going to add some. 270 00:29:14.760 --> 00:29:17.100 Daffodil Tyminski: This is frozen Hello. 271 00:29:20.640 --> 00:29:21.390 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 272 00:29:22.830 --> 00:29:32.250 Daffodil Tyminski: Community improvement projects Okay, so, as I mentioned earlier, this is we're getting to the end of the funding year we have some money there to do some things. 273 00:29:33.690 --> 00:29:39.210 Daffodil Tyminski: I put together a couple of motions after doing some research on the various issues. 274 00:29:41.070 --> 00:29:46.290 Daffodil Tyminski: I know we had talked about improving signage and wanting to put up some signs in various places we didn't. 275 00:29:46.800 --> 00:30:03.630 Daffodil Tyminski: You know I know we talked about the beach and a couple of other things, but we didn't have exactly which signs we wanted, but I did do some research on how much science cost and we probably can get them for about 100 something assigned with. 276 00:30:06.420 --> 00:30:22.980 Daffodil Tyminski: With both equipment to bolted on so assuming we can get the city to help us install them, which would seem to me that they would that gives us a budget for let's say 10 signs, maybe more if we did $2,000 and we you know, had some cushion in there. 277 00:30:24.090 --> 00:30:29.010 Daffodil Tyminski: um so Yolanda I don't know if you had specific signs in mind. 278 00:30:30.630 --> 00:30:34.740 Daffodil Tyminski: This you originally brought this up, and I think it's a terrific idea or, if you want to speak on this at all. 279 00:30:38.040 --> 00:30:38.880 Daffodil Tyminski: But otherwise. 280 00:30:38.910 --> 00:30:40.710 Daffodil Tyminski: I will just go ahead and see someone can. 281 00:30:41.550 --> 00:30:43.500 reta moser: Okay i'm we unmuted here. 282 00:30:43.710 --> 00:30:44.970 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay hold on one SEC. 283 00:30:45.150 --> 00:30:52.470 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay let's let's do this the right way, this time, so screwed it up last time let's make the motion have a second to the motion and then we'll have the discussion so do you want to make the motion. 284 00:30:53.490 --> 00:30:54.000 reta moser: Yes. 285 00:30:54.630 --> 00:31:06.990 Daffodil Tyminski: And do the emotion is the neighborhood committee moves to submit an application for Community improvement project grant and the amount of $2,000 for the purchase installation of Community serving street signs do we have a second yes. 286 00:31:08.040 --> 00:31:08.790 Daffodil Tyminski: And that's Rita. 287 00:31:09.090 --> 00:31:10.290 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, okay. 288 00:31:12.390 --> 00:31:16.650 Daffodil Tyminski: So go ahead Yolanda why don't you talk and then we'll see if there's any public comment as well. 289 00:31:17.160 --> 00:31:18.240 reta moser: Yes, i'm. 290 00:31:19.320 --> 00:31:32.610 reta moser: Like yesterday during the week weekend because I live on Abbot kinney and Venice, I see all these tourists coming by and they have no idea how far away the beaches, from that point. 291 00:31:33.120 --> 00:31:47.370 reta moser: To the to the beach or any restaurants and then you know people ask us when we're out there, for any reason why we're How far is the beach where the restaurants, so we need to put up some signs. 292 00:31:47.730 --> 00:31:55.380 reta moser: For the tourists that walk all the way from Lincoln boulevard I don't know how they get here on public transportation or they're just walking around. 293 00:31:56.280 --> 00:32:09.420 reta moser: And it's time that we indicate where our what facilities and we have here in our Community and how far away, is the beach and i've been asking for this for a long time. 294 00:32:10.620 --> 00:32:28.080 reta moser: i've asked the office, but I think it's time the Community really emphasizes on this because it's tax dollars for us, they come shop into our stores and they go to the beach, and so I think it's time we just have simple signs, maybe we can have a a. 295 00:32:29.100 --> 00:32:30.000 reta moser: A form of. 296 00:32:31.020 --> 00:32:44.490 reta moser: Community school project in which they can come up with a signage for our Community indicating how far away, are these facilities for the tourists coming into our our Community. 297 00:32:45.540 --> 00:32:49.890 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, do you have an idea of how many signs you'd want. 298 00:32:50.460 --> 00:33:05.010 reta moser: Well i'm the you know they're not cheap I $2,000 is nothing um where how far the $2,000 can go on this size 40 4020 or 20 science yeah. 299 00:33:05.370 --> 00:33:12.570 Daffodil Tyminski: You looking at them, I mean I when I looked around online the sign place that seems to be approved by the city it looked like it was about. 300 00:33:13.620 --> 00:33:23.160 Daffodil Tyminski: 60 $70 a sign and then there was the hardware to bolted onto something and I assume we would use existing polls we're not going to try to install you know new like posts and things like that. 301 00:33:23.280 --> 00:33:24.120 reta moser: yeah no no it's. 302 00:33:26.670 --> 00:33:27.210 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 303 00:33:27.360 --> 00:33:28.020 reta moser: it's quite. 304 00:33:28.560 --> 00:33:30.960 Daffodil Tyminski: I thought about 100 between 100 hundred and. 305 00:33:30.960 --> 00:33:40.170 Daffodil Tyminski: 50 assign seem right and then, if there's some other costs we don't know about that would give us 10 to 20 signs. 306 00:33:40.320 --> 00:33:46.500 reta moser: mm hmm will the city be in charge of making them for us, or can we pick somebody locally to make them for us. 307 00:33:46.620 --> 00:34:03.990 Daffodil Tyminski: So I could not get that answer out of the city i'm not exactly sure and i'm not even sure which department is the right department for it because it's there's not like a department of street signage, but there are places online where you can order signs that seemed compliant with cities. 308 00:34:04.620 --> 00:34:05.280 reta moser: Oh okay. 309 00:34:05.340 --> 00:34:06.330 Daffodil Tyminski: that's what I was. 310 00:34:06.540 --> 00:34:07.290 Daffodil Tyminski: going for. 311 00:34:07.350 --> 00:34:15.360 reta moser: You have local printers that have done signs for us and we can contact them and we can get a bid if we get three bids that we can go ahead. 312 00:34:15.630 --> 00:34:17.760 reta moser: And yeah he's the one that will do. 313 00:34:17.790 --> 00:34:21.060 reta moser: Give us the lowest price on it okay. 314 00:34:21.120 --> 00:34:22.380 Daffodil Tyminski: um yeah the. 315 00:34:23.790 --> 00:34:31.920 Daffodil Tyminski: The i'm assuming you know, particularly since they're going to be Taurus focused they're not going to be like the blue la. 316 00:34:33.180 --> 00:34:36.930 Daffodil Tyminski: la city signage street signage right there will have to pick a theme. 317 00:34:38.040 --> 00:34:38.580 reta moser: Yes. 318 00:34:38.640 --> 00:34:49.920 Daffodil Tyminski: Probably and um and stick with it, but let me very quickly take some public comment, if there is any and, if not truck I see and bill your hands up anyone in the public have anything to say Robin go ahead. 319 00:34:50.940 --> 00:35:01.230 Robin: hi so yeah I think all of the year comments Yolanda and daffodil are really important to know you know signs can either be. 320 00:35:02.220 --> 00:35:15.090 Robin: discreet and desirable or they could be more clutter in our you know physical space so yeah just commend you for working out all of those details. 321 00:35:15.600 --> 00:35:26.850 Robin: We would really want to know the the materials they're made out of the dimensions, where they're going to go what they're going to look like and and maybe you know if there can be a more. 322 00:35:28.170 --> 00:35:37.380 Robin: Artistic component to them, I mean nothing silly looking but just something that understands that we have you know, a visual space that shouldn't get cluttered. 323 00:35:38.670 --> 00:35:46.830 Robin: You know, maybe, making them look like they are completely city signs is even a good way to go, but anyway, those are my two cents, I do public art so i'm. 324 00:35:46.860 --> 00:35:48.600 Robin: very aware of public spaces. 325 00:35:49.710 --> 00:35:51.900 Daffodil Tyminski: Thank you chuck go ahead. 326 00:35:55.920 --> 00:35:56.880 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah we can't hear you. 327 00:35:57.600 --> 00:35:58.950 Daffodil Tyminski: But up there you go. 328 00:35:59.430 --> 00:36:15.690 Charles Rosin: There we go good oh yeah well when we talked about the science before excellent Robin to know that we talked about maybe artists being involved and, obviously, was thinking someone like yourself, but at the same time, I just want to say that okay you're looking for science for directions. 329 00:36:16.140 --> 00:36:17.190 Charles Rosin: You know I see. 330 00:36:17.490 --> 00:36:36.210 Charles Rosin: Also people standing in front of yolanda's house looking at their phones and saying it says to do this or move there, and you know, using you know, and so I wonder $2,000 is piddly but if it and because i've been thinking about the Olympics, a lot. 331 00:36:36.270 --> 00:36:39.570 Charles Rosin: You know thinking a little grander scale some things, I think that the. 332 00:36:40.740 --> 00:36:50.760 Charles Rosin: We should figure out maybe it's a test words to talk about it daffodil but to go pro to Google were much bigger donation to help us help tourists. 333 00:36:51.120 --> 00:37:06.600 Charles Rosin: figure out how to get to where they got to go to bed as hell for things are maybe maybe they were, I mean they are in our Community, and this is nothing to them, and I would think I would originally thought about ways, but, of course, Google bought ways. 334 00:37:06.780 --> 00:37:07.140 Charles Rosin: So. 335 00:37:08.130 --> 00:37:11.070 Daffodil Tyminski: But anyway, something else on the agenda chunk that we've talked about. 336 00:37:11.070 --> 00:37:24.390 Daffodil Tyminski: Before which will get through down there about putting something together more virtual I think Yolanda was thinking more yeah people are use Google to get here now, sometimes just in front of you and your face it's nice to see something. 337 00:37:25.740 --> 00:37:26.550 Daffodil Tyminski: bill go ahead. 338 00:37:27.690 --> 00:37:31.230 bill: No just kind of I guess ECHO chuck's point, maybe about. 339 00:37:32.340 --> 00:37:35.970 bill: You know more most or more people being digital than. 340 00:37:37.500 --> 00:37:42.930 bill: physical or whatever, but just a you know there used to be a sign like say on. 341 00:37:44.070 --> 00:37:44.760 bill: Lincoln. 342 00:37:45.960 --> 00:37:55.500 bill: just north of Venice by the carwash right and it said, you know Venice beach and appointed, you know towards the beach, and that you know, like that it does the type of signage we're. 343 00:37:56.640 --> 00:37:58.650 bill: Talking about or thinking about. 344 00:37:58.980 --> 00:38:02.520 bill: yeah you know, has like so and so miles or whatever. 345 00:38:02.670 --> 00:38:03.330 bill: On to. 346 00:38:03.840 --> 00:38:05.430 bill: Exactly or feet. 347 00:38:06.300 --> 00:38:06.930 Exactly. 348 00:38:08.760 --> 00:38:09.450 Daffodil Tyminski: Exactly. 349 00:38:09.780 --> 00:38:21.450 Charles Rosin: Google to get physical money to do hard science, not just digital signs I didn't mean that I meant the fear of money source and we we start to start going into the private sector for things. 350 00:38:22.680 --> 00:38:22.980 Daffodil Tyminski: and 351 00:38:23.340 --> 00:38:38.400 Daffodil Tyminski: we've got the Abbot kinney Association and the Chamber, I think that would help out a little bit here and there, we you know, once we got it together um anyone else have any comments or you multiple hands raised. 352 00:38:40.650 --> 00:38:42.030 Daffodil Tyminski: Go ahead john, we need to unmute yourself. 353 00:38:42.810 --> 00:38:43.740 Jeremy Loeb: Oh okay. 354 00:38:44.760 --> 00:38:49.110 Jeremy Loeb: i'm just wondering, you know I thought we'd maybe we could talk a little bit about what the signs. 355 00:38:49.530 --> 00:38:54.210 Jeremy Loeb: are actually going to look like and what they're going to have on them my my vision for them was. 356 00:38:54.600 --> 00:39:00.510 Jeremy Loeb: We pick the seven or eight things because I get asked all the time, where certain things aren't it's always the same, five or six or seven things. 357 00:39:00.870 --> 00:39:13.830 Jeremy Loeb: So these signs going to be like maps, with a you are here and all of the things that are we want people to know about start on the map with with how How would how to get to them, or is it going to just be. 358 00:39:14.940 --> 00:39:19.440 Jeremy Loeb: Is each sign going to be for a certain thing that's in the proximity or is every sign going to be everything. 359 00:39:19.950 --> 00:39:30.390 Jeremy Loeb: Because my vision was we have these maps, with a URL here and then all of the eight things that we want people to know about or on every sign and and and it shows you where you are in relation to each other. 360 00:39:32.280 --> 00:39:32.820 Jeremy Loeb: So. 361 00:39:32.880 --> 00:39:41.970 Daffodil Tyminski: When we've talked about this before I think we were talking more about the signs that William was was referencing just because they're small and easy. 362 00:39:42.210 --> 00:39:49.890 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, you are here ones we didn't actually talk about it, but in my mind, I think that those may be very difficult to install and expensive to install. 363 00:39:49.980 --> 00:39:50.310 Jeremy Loeb: Okay. 364 00:39:50.400 --> 00:39:59.310 Daffodil Tyminski: They don't know you know that would mean we'd have to actually put up um some some means of installing them. 365 00:39:59.370 --> 00:39:59.910 Daffodil Tyminski: Right like. 366 00:39:59.970 --> 00:40:05.070 Daffodil Tyminski: New polls are me that involves like concrete and all kinds of stuff I don't know how we would do that. 367 00:40:05.370 --> 00:40:12.540 Jeremy Loeb: So if some because I get asked and we're you know I get asked on Main Street all the time, where the canals, you know where's where's where's the Venice. 368 00:40:13.740 --> 00:40:14.070 Jeremy Loeb: beach. 369 00:40:14.370 --> 00:40:28.080 Jeremy Loeb: If you're on Main Street and rows are you going to have a sign showing people where the canals are or no because you're not near the canal, so the signs only going to be for things that are close to where the sinus or you can because I got people in rows asking me where the canals. 370 00:40:28.950 --> 00:40:36.240 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah um I don't think we made that decision, yet I think we would have to figure out how many we want and where they should go. 371 00:40:36.360 --> 00:40:40.530 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah and again, we should have some subset of us just do that without. 372 00:40:40.740 --> 00:40:41.940 Jeremy Loeb: The brown gabby fun. 373 00:40:42.030 --> 00:40:45.240 Daffodil Tyminski: E commerce on why don't you work with Yolanda and Rita. 374 00:40:45.480 --> 00:40:54.600 Jeremy Loeb: Okay, I would love to because we first can discover what are the things that we want to talk about like what happened, you walking area, the canals the beach when we're circle. 375 00:40:54.900 --> 00:41:00.480 Jeremy Loeb: yeah, you have the eight things we can do figure out where we want to put the signs to them, I think it'd be fun. 376 00:41:00.780 --> 00:41:07.080 Daffodil Tyminski: I mean, I get asked all the time at the corner of books in maine where the beaches laugh because i'm like you're so close. 377 00:41:08.040 --> 00:41:08.670 Jeremy Loeb: So true. 378 00:41:08.880 --> 00:41:19.080 Daffodil Tyminski: um so um Okay, and I will flush out in the motion we send along the dollar breakdown for the signs, at least, that I found online that I think the city would approve. 379 00:41:19.830 --> 00:41:33.960 Daffodil Tyminski: And then it seems like within those signs in it, I had been thinking of something exactly like what bill had mentioned um you know just beach that way, and you know when word or event assign that way something like that. 380 00:41:35.580 --> 00:41:44.550 Daffodil Tyminski: And again, you know, this is a star the hope would be that we figure this out and we figure out how to do it, we get it going, and then you know, obviously we can develop the program over time and seek additional funding. 381 00:41:46.800 --> 00:41:48.600 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so why don't we take a vote. 382 00:41:50.010 --> 00:41:53.040 Daffodil Tyminski: um I will vote yes. 383 00:41:55.020 --> 00:41:56.010 Daffodil Tyminski: track, how do you vote. 384 00:42:00.150 --> 00:42:01.380 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah we can't hear you. 385 00:42:06.480 --> 00:42:08.400 Charles Rosin: I I think audio. 386 00:42:09.570 --> 00:42:13.650 Charles Rosin: Is there any what other things were just $2,000 could be used for. 387 00:42:15.600 --> 00:42:20.310 Daffodil Tyminski: Well, different committees are putting forward different projects. 388 00:42:21.330 --> 00:42:25.890 Daffodil Tyminski: We we have two more on here on the agenda, if you take a look um. 389 00:42:27.060 --> 00:42:37.350 Daffodil Tyminski: One is for penn more for the pickle ball and the other one was for an APP that Jeremy and I have been discussing that I think another committee also submitted something for. 390 00:42:38.610 --> 00:42:45.660 Daffodil Tyminski: I don't know what the other committees are doing i've had a lot of emails and discussions about some things but I don't know what's actually been passed. 391 00:42:47.010 --> 00:42:51.090 Daffodil Tyminski: And at last count we had 20 something thousand dollars available. 392 00:42:53.550 --> 00:43:07.500 Daffodil Tyminski: So I purposely kept the amount low, so we could get this going and not take too much of the public money that because there's a lot of interest in different projects like I think the arbor people want to do something I know robins committee want to do something. 393 00:43:07.590 --> 00:43:09.240 Charles Rosin: How much are you thinking about for. 394 00:43:10.920 --> 00:43:15.960 Daffodil Tyminski: $10,000 although let's we can discuss it on the next it's on the next item. 395 00:43:18.810 --> 00:43:20.880 Charles Rosin: Maybe I would prefer to hear all the. 396 00:43:21.960 --> 00:43:29.460 Charles Rosin: To tell you the truth, I don't want to go out of order here, but to hear all the options of where the money can go before I vote to allocate. 397 00:43:30.780 --> 00:43:33.840 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay that's not a bad idea um. 398 00:43:35.130 --> 00:43:37.950 Daffodil Tyminski: Can we felicia I see your hand is up or. 399 00:43:38.460 --> 00:43:39.540 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, I. 400 00:43:39.750 --> 00:43:49.590 felicia saltzbart: I agree with chuck i'd like to understand a little more about what the other funding projects are before and like like I mentioned earlier, something like. 401 00:43:49.740 --> 00:43:59.640 felicia saltzbart: The turn signal I don't know if that can get you know project funding for I don't even know if it comes from this, but that is a huge issue that we're having living on where we live. 402 00:44:00.000 --> 00:44:01.740 reta moser: But you know that's a big project. 403 00:44:02.310 --> 00:44:08.550 felicia saltzbart: yeah so I don't know but I don't know I don't know what else i'd like to hear what else we need funding for. 404 00:44:08.940 --> 00:44:19.530 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay um well, I want you that I think it's actually very good idea, without having to go through a whole vote let's just wait and we'll do the votes on to the mounts at the end. 405 00:44:23.550 --> 00:44:34.320 Daffodil Tyminski: So let's move on to the next one okay so i've been told I didn't check on the way here but i've been told the meeting minutes are not up we actually only have two meetings where we took actual motions with votes so. 406 00:44:34.740 --> 00:44:40.590 Daffodil Tyminski: I know we have a bunch of minutes we haven't done but it's not it's not actually there's not that much information missing so. 407 00:44:42.570 --> 00:44:55.410 Daffodil Tyminski: This might be a good moment to ask a question to everyone here, because we can just do the Minutes at the next meeting, there is an issue that came up over the weekend to have a motion for centennial park. 408 00:44:56.970 --> 00:45:01.230 Daffodil Tyminski: to install cameras at centennial park and. 409 00:45:02.760 --> 00:45:14.910 Daffodil Tyminski: The thinking was it could go to the neighborhood committee but we've already moved this meeting multiple times and we already had our agenda out, so I didn't want to move it again, but if this committee wants to deal with that issue. 410 00:45:16.650 --> 00:45:25.830 Daffodil Tyminski: And the whole issue was trying to get it on the dnc board Agenda for next week's meeting next Tuesday, is our monthly board meeting. 411 00:45:26.370 --> 00:45:33.090 Daffodil Tyminski: And so we would have to have a meeting before Thursday night, which is add calm, which sets the agenda for the Tuesday meeting so. 412 00:45:33.900 --> 00:45:41.760 Daffodil Tyminski: If we want to address this issue, which I personally would like to but I don't want to commit everyone's time we'd have to have another meeting this week, probably Thursday. 413 00:45:43.320 --> 00:45:52.860 Daffodil Tyminski: Although 124 hour basis we could do it say Tuesday or Wednesday, but my Wednesday is just really jammed up so to me thursday's past but. 414 00:45:54.870 --> 00:46:00.000 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm going to lower everyone's or can you lower your hands like i'm going to lower everyone's hands so far. 415 00:46:01.650 --> 00:46:13.950 Daffodil Tyminski: And if you are available at some point Thursday let's say midday to handle this issue show me by a show of hands if you'd be if you'd be able to make a meeting. 416 00:46:15.900 --> 00:46:16.920 Daffodil Tyminski: chalk JEREMY. 417 00:46:18.990 --> 00:46:19.980 Daffodil Tyminski: Reading Yolanda. 418 00:46:20.130 --> 00:46:20.970 reta moser: No, I can't. 419 00:46:21.720 --> 00:46:22.320 reta moser: You can't. 420 00:46:22.590 --> 00:46:23.430 Daffodil Tyminski: know what you read a. 421 00:46:24.360 --> 00:46:24.900 reta moser: read up. 422 00:46:26.430 --> 00:46:27.420 reta moser: No she can't. 423 00:46:27.960 --> 00:46:29.040 Daffodil Tyminski: She can't felicia. 424 00:46:29.160 --> 00:46:37.680 reta moser: Oh no yeah because she has to she has to she has committed every Thursday. 425 00:46:38.700 --> 00:46:43.230 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay darryl What about actually later in the day, like at five o'clock. 426 00:46:52.230 --> 00:46:54.690 reta moser: imitrex I don't know my schedule after that. 427 00:46:55.500 --> 00:46:57.720 Daffodil Tyminski: How about Tuesday or Wednesday. 428 00:47:00.270 --> 00:47:03.150 reta moser: No, no, I can't after that i'll be out of town. 429 00:47:05.130 --> 00:47:06.990 Daffodil Tyminski: No, I mean tomorrow or Wednesday. 430 00:47:08.430 --> 00:47:11.820 Daffodil Tyminski: Now okay Sergio I see your hand is raised, did you have. 431 00:47:15.870 --> 00:47:17.760 Daffodil Tyminski: anything to say I think you're muted at the moment. 432 00:47:22.230 --> 00:47:22.650 Sergio PĂ©rez: No. 433 00:47:23.340 --> 00:47:23.640 Daffodil Tyminski: No. 434 00:47:24.300 --> 00:47:26.220 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, and bill, are you available. 435 00:47:26.550 --> 00:47:28.110 Daffodil Tyminski: It sounds like know if you didn't raise your hand. 436 00:47:28.590 --> 00:47:34.710 bill: No, I want to be out of town and I don't know like what i'm going to be doing or where i'm going to be at any particular time so. 437 00:47:35.070 --> 00:47:41.970 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, all right, no big deal I know it's last minute it just came up this weekend, but i'm i'm trying to find a home for this motion before. 438 00:47:43.080 --> 00:47:44.400 Daffodil Tyminski: before Thursday. 439 00:47:45.600 --> 00:47:56.340 Daffodil Tyminski: So okay let's move on and we will just do the Minutes next month there's you know again like three votes that we actually took on stuff um let's move on to number 12 this is pickle ball. 440 00:47:57.510 --> 00:47:58.290 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 441 00:47:59.460 --> 00:48:00.540 Daffodil Tyminski: And so. 442 00:48:01.830 --> 00:48:19.260 Daffodil Tyminski: This is, you know, a pretty big capital improvement in our REX and parks area, I think we could probably create at least four courts, and then there will have to be some fencing around them so basically typical ball courts, like a small tennis court, so you need the. 443 00:48:22.800 --> 00:48:29.880 Daffodil Tyminski: foundation asphalt all of that, and then we would need some fencing and, probably, we would need to update some of the paths to get there because we'd be. 444 00:48:30.480 --> 00:48:40.620 Daffodil Tyminski: Building out a space in the golf course that is already you know there's nothing there right we'd have to develop it, and then there are some trees in the way. 445 00:48:42.630 --> 00:48:46.380 Daffodil Tyminski: Two of them are just dying and I think are going to be taken down anyway. 446 00:48:47.880 --> 00:48:54.990 Daffodil Tyminski: And then, one of them is kind of growing into another tree, which I so we'd have to spend a little bit of money to take those down. 447 00:48:55.530 --> 00:49:00.570 Daffodil Tyminski: So telling you that up, I came out to about at least a start to do this to be $10,000. 448 00:49:01.080 --> 00:49:05.460 Daffodil Tyminski: understanding that everything in construction takes longer is more expensive and stuff as needed. 449 00:49:05.880 --> 00:49:18.300 Daffodil Tyminski: And so we would probably be on that look for funding outside of the neighborhood but I really thought this is kind of a permanent fix project that would be great for the Community that has been like super popular and so. 450 00:49:21.330 --> 00:49:35.340 Daffodil Tyminski: We can you know this, this would be worth spending some money on so anyway, let me just read them do we have a maker, the motion on this and bill, I see your hands raised i'll do you want to make the motion, let me know if you just want to comment way to we take comments. 451 00:49:36.360 --> 00:49:37.380 Daffodil Tyminski: Do you want to make the motion. 452 00:49:38.340 --> 00:49:45.390 bill: No, I just was wondering like where this is going to be at the park and if they're like maps or you know anything like that, for this or. 453 00:49:46.140 --> 00:50:03.270 bill: How also this is maybe being coordinated with the city's plans for you know what used to be the bike or the running path, and then a long rows and then the stuff with the butterfly garden or whatever it is that they put up to move people out of Frederick pass. 454 00:50:03.990 --> 00:50:05.160 Daffodil Tyminski: So let me answer all that very. 455 00:50:05.160 --> 00:50:11.070 Daffodil Tyminski: quickly there we think talked about a previous meeting, but this is right along rose. 456 00:50:12.450 --> 00:50:16.830 Daffodil Tyminski: There is an old driving area and, like. 457 00:50:18.270 --> 00:50:22.260 Daffodil Tyminski: So if you if you're facing the entrance to the pen more on rose just to the left. 458 00:50:24.240 --> 00:50:33.180 Daffodil Tyminski: there's a an old driving range area that is going to be refurbished by parks and recs and the fencing I think is going to be fixed. 459 00:50:34.200 --> 00:50:44.250 Daffodil Tyminski: And so, this is actually within the golf course it does not impact the jogging path that does not affect the butterfly garden it doesn't impact any other project which is kind of one of the reasons why it's a great spot. 460 00:50:45.330 --> 00:50:49.230 Daffodil Tyminski: right next to where the driving area is there is a long. 461 00:50:50.670 --> 00:51:02.880 Daffodil Tyminski: Narrow slip of land that it's just not being used it's not in the fairway it's not in the Greens it's not even close enough to the fairway that if someone really sliced they would end up with a ball in there. 462 00:51:03.630 --> 00:51:10.320 Daffodil Tyminski: And I think they use it for some odd storage now and kind of junk is over there, but they don't really need to. 463 00:51:11.760 --> 00:51:21.600 Daffodil Tyminski: So it would go along that space, I think it's about 60 feet, although I see nikki's on should probably remembers the numbers burn and I do we know went out there and measured it. 464 00:51:22.470 --> 00:51:33.540 Daffodil Tyminski: But we could do pick up our courts are pretty small so we could do two sets of two courts next to each other and so essentially if you were looking at the. 465 00:51:35.550 --> 00:51:44.460 Daffodil Tyminski: Driving area we'd be extending that driving area by about 5060 feet along along rows there. 466 00:51:45.510 --> 00:52:00.330 Daffodil Tyminski: And so it would be fenced already on two sides another great thing about that particular location is that it would be a minimal amount of improvement, and then we would need to put fencing along you know what is the beginning of the fairway and then at the end. 467 00:52:01.440 --> 00:52:09.840 Daffodil Tyminski: um so but no it wouldn't affect any other thing going on at rose or tennis or anything like that it really is just dead space that's not being used. 468 00:52:11.250 --> 00:52:12.360 Jeremy Loeb: I will motion. 469 00:52:13.170 --> 00:52:15.540 Jeremy Loeb: Sorry, I will I will submit the motion. 470 00:52:15.780 --> 00:52:16.890 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, Jeremy great. 471 00:52:16.920 --> 00:52:19.830 Jeremy Loeb: Thanks for more stuff to do. 472 00:52:20.280 --> 00:52:22.620 Daffodil Tyminski: A second okay all right thanks chuck. 473 00:52:26.190 --> 00:52:28.020 Daffodil Tyminski: And do we have any. 474 00:52:28.050 --> 00:52:33.780 Daffodil Tyminski: Public comment I assume this you through to talk about it, and if you want to say something raise your hand. 475 00:52:38.130 --> 00:52:44.190 Daffodil Tyminski: And let's see here, I see Robin God Robin did you want to make a comment on this. 476 00:52:45.000 --> 00:52:55.200 Robin: yeah so i've done Community improvement projects in the past they the application used to be much more cumbersome than it is right now but i'm wondering. 477 00:52:55.950 --> 00:53:05.760 Robin: Whether I think that you have have you talked to record parks already I I when i've done them I did actually with record parts and had to have. 478 00:53:06.240 --> 00:53:14.850 Robin: already worked out details with reckon parks and so I think this is a cool project, and I just. 479 00:53:15.720 --> 00:53:20.910 Robin: And maybe advising you to try to quickly I don't know if you can get in touch with them that quickly, but if you can. 480 00:53:21.780 --> 00:53:34.680 Robin: I think that that's the kind of stuff they need to know exactly and as somebody asked like you know, a map of it, and all those details has to be flushed out and the costs, I mean reckon parks is also tricky regarding that. 481 00:53:35.910 --> 00:53:39.780 Robin: They require some of the work to be done by their own staff. 482 00:53:40.920 --> 00:53:47.550 Robin: So anyway, just a heads up but looks like a good project and go for it. 483 00:53:49.110 --> 00:53:56.040 Daffodil Tyminski: Thank you um does anyone on the committee have is there any other public comment before we close public comment. 484 00:53:59.730 --> 00:54:02.910 Daffodil Tyminski: um does anyone else on the committee. 485 00:54:04.710 --> 00:54:05.790 Daffodil Tyminski: Have any comments. 486 00:54:05.850 --> 00:54:06.750 reta moser: Yes, I do. 487 00:54:06.990 --> 00:54:08.490 Daffodil Tyminski: Yolanda Yolanda. 488 00:54:08.940 --> 00:54:26.010 reta moser: yeah um it's about time we ask wrexham park to come out to us right now, you try to get anything done at the city and everything's closed or there's restrictions and to entering and they work for us, we don't work for them, we want this park. 489 00:54:27.030 --> 00:54:40.380 reta moser: despicable arm court to be established, and because it's becoming the one I was watching this program on KC T how Pickles becoming one of the largest. 490 00:54:41.460 --> 00:54:56.580 reta moser: Sports around the country, and so I think, let them come out to us all, we need to do is just contact them and tell them that this is what the Community wants, and we would like their cooperation helping proceed with the. 491 00:54:57.810 --> 00:54:59.610 reta moser: Establishment of it, thank you. 492 00:55:00.150 --> 00:55:01.110 Daffodil Tyminski: Thanks ilana. 493 00:55:02.460 --> 00:55:04.080 Daffodil Tyminski: I will say just a couple things. 494 00:55:05.310 --> 00:55:16.350 Daffodil Tyminski: Because it's not quite clear what can be maintained, where we are and in pen mar and what we would need to build it's not quite clear exactly. 495 00:55:16.380 --> 00:55:22.380 Daffodil Tyminski: What what needs to be spent on right like we know this is going to cost way more than $10,000. 496 00:55:23.430 --> 00:55:31.500 Daffodil Tyminski: But we don't know that if we're if if the golf course is already replacing some of the fencing or we can use the existing fencing. 497 00:55:32.400 --> 00:55:38.730 Daffodil Tyminski: You know if you walk the space there's a bunch of different variables like that, that it makes it really hard in this case, to come up with like a specific budget. 498 00:55:39.210 --> 00:55:42.420 Daffodil Tyminski: Because the golf course already is doing some renovations there. 499 00:55:43.320 --> 00:55:51.690 Daffodil Tyminski: Also, when it comes to reckon parks, because we were on the premises of the golf course proper it's actually a whole different department of the city that you deal with. 500 00:55:52.170 --> 00:56:05.220 Daffodil Tyminski: which, of course, adds the inevitable like added layer of complexity and confusion with everything being related where we can't it's not like we go to the guy that runs wrexham parks in Venice it's run from the city directly and. 501 00:56:06.390 --> 00:56:14.880 Daffodil Tyminski: I had been working with the pen mar staff and the owners who were for reasons not related to this at all, just very unavailable. 502 00:56:15.210 --> 00:56:25.560 Daffodil Tyminski: Until recently, and so they finally engaged and I think they will be our best conduit to work with records and parks, because they they do it all the time and they already have projects in the works. 503 00:56:27.060 --> 00:56:35.370 Daffodil Tyminski: So Nikki I see your hand is up, and let me just switch gears remember the public cuz I know she probably came here just for this motion Nikki go ahead and speak, if you want to say something. 504 00:56:40.740 --> 00:56:41.220 Daffodil Tyminski: Nikki. 505 00:56:45.240 --> 00:56:50.730 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay well build I did you have something else to say I see your hand is raised or is that from before. 506 00:56:52.770 --> 00:56:56.100 bill: No, I guess, it was from before, but what i'm just wondering about is like. 507 00:56:57.720 --> 00:57:16.290 bill: I mean if i'm a golfer and I know you know it's mostly a golf course and do, how do golfers feel about having people play pickup ball, especially if it's a really loud thing it's going to be happening right next to them at that point of discussion a consideration. 508 00:57:18.300 --> 00:57:20.130 Daffodil Tyminski: Well, certainly i'll leave it to the golf. 509 00:57:21.390 --> 00:57:25.680 Daffodil Tyminski: The reckon park people that deal with golf but actually with pickle ball they make. 510 00:57:27.090 --> 00:57:32.640 Daffodil Tyminski: They make a plastic fence covering that is really good at mitigating noise. 511 00:57:34.260 --> 00:57:40.410 Daffodil Tyminski: So most communities when they install pickle ball courts in their fencing they install around. 512 00:57:42.390 --> 00:57:53.760 Daffodil Tyminski: The fencing this sound mitigation stuff so I actually don't think it should have a huge impact on sound, I mean this is a golf courses under a airport, so they already have tons of noise there. 513 00:57:53.910 --> 00:58:06.060 Jeremy Loeb: there's also really loud bar and and restaurant there now and there's live music and there's people and it's boisterous and it happens, while people are teeing off literally 20 feet away so I don't think they mind. 514 00:58:07.410 --> 00:58:15.660 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah everyone i've talked to about it, even in the golf community are kind of excited about it because they feel like pen Mars just been in this dead zone forever. 515 00:58:16.230 --> 00:58:27.060 Daffodil Tyminski: And they're sort of excited that pickle ball is going to bring some energy there it'll be you know kind of a good spot, but I suppose there's always could be some golfer that you know doesn't like noise. 516 00:58:29.370 --> 00:58:30.330 Jeremy Loeb: was not very noisy. 517 00:58:32.610 --> 00:58:33.450 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm. 518 00:58:35.070 --> 00:58:50.310 Daffodil Tyminski: OK, I see no other hands raise Community comment anything, I guess, we have the motion made why don't we stick to what we said before her truck suggestion and come back to this to assign the value if we want one. 519 00:58:52.830 --> 00:58:54.930 Daffodil Tyminski: Everyone okay with that okay seeing everyone nodding great. 520 00:58:55.950 --> 00:59:05.520 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so the next one on a similar vein i'm a Jeremy and I had been talking about creating a visiting servicing APP. 521 00:59:06.900 --> 00:59:10.770 Daffodil Tyminski: And JEREMY has some experience in this this. 522 00:59:12.330 --> 00:59:13.140 Daffodil Tyminski: type of work. 523 00:59:13.680 --> 00:59:25.680 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah, and so we had this idea to get it started, there is another committee they're preserving Dennis committee that submitted something for the exact same project basically. 524 00:59:26.400 --> 00:59:33.420 Daffodil Tyminski: Robin we can talk about this offline I was sort of hoping you didn't do that when we talked I was, I was saying, we were working on this already for the neighborhood committee but. 525 00:59:33.930 --> 00:59:43.440 Daffodil Tyminski: I saw that you did submit the request, so I guess the first question is whether we really want to do this if there's another committee that's going to do it too. 526 00:59:45.720 --> 00:59:54.570 Daffodil Tyminski: And to what I put down was there are you know, Jeremy can probably talk to this more than I can but there are a lot of publicly available. 527 00:59:55.680 --> 00:59:57.630 Daffodil Tyminski: White label kind of Apps and plugins. 528 01:00:00.000 --> 01:00:00.810 Daffodil Tyminski: So. 529 01:00:02.490 --> 01:00:07.860 Daffodil Tyminski: let's let's do this and make the motion, and then we can take public comment and then decide whether or not we want to do it. 530 01:00:09.240 --> 01:00:10.740 Daffodil Tyminski: Does anyone want to make the motion. 531 01:00:11.640 --> 01:00:12.390 Jeremy Loeb: or make the motion. 532 01:00:13.140 --> 01:00:14.760 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, do we have a second. 533 01:00:15.810 --> 01:00:16.740 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, Jeremy and truck. 534 01:00:17.940 --> 01:00:19.500 Daffodil Tyminski: And again, the idea here is. 535 01:00:21.390 --> 01:00:27.660 Daffodil Tyminski: And this, this has come out of many discussions but, and I think we even talked about this, we got off on this months ago with the signs. 536 01:00:29.580 --> 01:00:38.070 Daffodil Tyminski: We have so many things in Venice that people just wander around and don't know about that's great and that we could actually create something where people could curate their own Venice experience. 537 01:00:38.790 --> 01:00:46.110 Daffodil Tyminski: So people could just walk around the neighborhoods and see all the frank gehry buildings or they could walk around the neighborhoods and see you know black history sites or. 538 01:00:46.560 --> 01:00:53.580 Daffodil Tyminski: You know, art installations or whatever you know all the places where famous musicians lived and kind of create a little bit richer experience for. 539 01:00:55.050 --> 01:01:01.440 Daffodil Tyminski: tourists coming about us, and I think the hope was is that we would eventually have this work in tandem with the whole sign project. 540 01:01:01.950 --> 01:01:15.900 Daffodil Tyminski: Right, so this would these things would dovetail together naturally and that's If you recall from our previous discussions how that kind of grew out of it but Okay, so we have the motion on the floor and let's take some public comment Robin go ahead. 541 01:01:17.100 --> 01:01:22.110 Robin: I so yeah um when before we had our first meeting. 542 01:01:23.310 --> 01:01:30.390 Robin: We you know put together the of the preserving public places committee that was one of the projects that we put up as a. 543 01:01:31.140 --> 01:01:45.600 Robin: Preliminary project idea and so yeah we talked about it daffodil and then because we hadn't heard back and actually i've tried to reach you several times to ask where that was we did go ahead and do some research and we found that. 544 01:01:46.560 --> 01:01:55.050 Robin: A company that we've now tested out and and find that they work really well it's called pocket sites and. 545 01:01:56.490 --> 01:02:03.480 Robin: it's so you know I just think one way or the other we'd love to like also collaborate on this because. 546 01:02:04.050 --> 01:02:14.130 Robin: I think we all have the same idea of this would be a great thing for Venice, so you know however it's put together, I think it's worthy to do and. 547 01:02:14.850 --> 01:02:27.090 Robin: I kind of you know I don't know you JEREMY or your experience, if you can do it awesome you know I just know that so often things have glitches and you know who knows until you deal with them. 548 01:02:27.510 --> 01:02:37.950 Robin: And that's where perhaps going with a tried and true this pocket sites is used in cities and arboretum's and you know places all around the world. 549 01:02:38.820 --> 01:02:57.690 Robin: And we tested it we went downtown and did a couple of the tours and and also i've done a preliminary it's really easy drag and drop so anyway just if if not this if it's something that you know, maybe you could look at a JEREMY if you can create something that does that. 550 01:02:57.840 --> 01:02:58.710 Robin: yeah that'd be awesome. 551 01:02:58.950 --> 01:03:01.680 Jeremy Loeb: oxide sounds great platform so i'm going to take a look at it. 552 01:03:02.400 --> 01:03:10.410 Robin: yeah please do, and again I did a trial run with it myself, creating a little mini tour with my own. 553 01:03:11.220 --> 01:03:23.310 Robin: Venice public art and yeah it's just so simple to drag and drop, and you can put in sound and video and images and text and it's like they got it all figured out. 554 01:03:23.820 --> 01:03:40.590 Robin: You can go on their page on their webpage and you can pull up some of their things like so there's an architectural tour downtown and it starts with frank gehry his voice describing how he created you know getty Center so anyway, I you know if you can do it that's awesome. 555 01:03:40.620 --> 01:03:40.830 Jeremy Loeb: yeah. 556 01:03:40.920 --> 01:03:57.090 Robin: I again I know in my dealings with these dnc funds and the city, they oftentimes want to know you know, whatever that if something can be done within stated period of time. 557 01:03:57.780 --> 01:04:09.900 Robin: And so, anyway, but I would love to look at this as a collaboration, though, and have you guys completely participate in whatever the you know method is to get it done that's all. 558 01:04:11.700 --> 01:04:14.970 Daffodil Tyminski: Great I didn't have any talk to Jim on Friday about this. 559 01:04:16.500 --> 01:04:18.120 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I mean already talked to you about it. 560 01:04:18.810 --> 01:04:32.130 Robin: yeah well just like you know, two minutes, in passing, and he raised some questions so he said well who would own the content, and so I actually requested the contract from. 561 01:04:34.080 --> 01:04:46.020 Robin: pocket sites and it says pretty clearly I mean that's The other thing they've completely flushed out a contract that they do with cities around the world and other things in it, so it says, you know we own our content. 562 01:04:47.070 --> 01:04:50.220 Robin: It is a subscription so it's something that. 563 01:04:51.870 --> 01:05:09.750 Robin: You know, every year we'd be paying $500, for you know, but I pay every year for my godaddy websites and I know that's on a secure server and all of that and, and so this also has those things already worked out, and so it can be evaluated by. 564 01:05:10.920 --> 01:05:20.760 Robin: Everyone and and JEREMY i'd totally welcome your eyes on this, to see if, if you think that it's the way to go, or not it. 565 01:05:21.840 --> 01:05:27.780 Robin: It just seems that you know they've got a totally super high rating they've been really easy to do as. 566 01:05:28.260 --> 01:05:35.280 Jeremy Loeb: A matter, it looks like it will be very easy to put this together and pocket sites, you know it would be, it would. 567 01:05:35.370 --> 01:05:36.210 Charles Rosin: Be my my. 568 01:05:38.040 --> 01:05:48.300 Charles Rosin: My question that question, but my hope would be that it could really expand and you can use this as the stem that you really can expand out into other ways that. 569 01:05:49.620 --> 01:05:55.380 Charles Rosin: We would want to be talking to our tourists community and residents about events. 570 01:05:56.430 --> 01:06:04.080 Charles Rosin: And i'm particularly thinking about it being really could be a very bit of a mainstay as i'm thinking about la 28 a lot have been. 571 01:06:05.190 --> 01:06:23.790 Charles Rosin: Sure, and few others I haven't written anything down, but in seminary thinking about it that there's a lot that we can do here in Venice relative to those special days coming up, and then, and that this would be the stone wall that would come out rather than something very separate. 572 01:06:24.720 --> 01:06:33.240 Robin: Exactly and actually this I just mentioned, you know again if if you can build it awesome but one of the features that also seemed really good about this is it. 573 01:06:33.570 --> 01:06:43.830 Robin: can handle unlimited users and and we can keep adding tour sub tours you can do it as a roaming so wherever you find yourself in Venice if you see a sign. 574 01:06:44.850 --> 01:06:53.730 Robin: That you know indicates, this is a historic site or an arts venue or something you can find a qr code on it and go to the. 575 01:06:54.420 --> 01:07:02.310 Robin: The roaming page or or take it, as you know, a sequential tour so yeah it can do all that and also with your way finding things. 576 01:07:02.610 --> 01:07:17.730 Robin: I mean i'd love for there to be indications, where people can find a way to the bathrooms you know pub The public needs that kind of info too so yeah it can do all of that, and it can expand, we can and it's just easy to add to it so. 577 01:07:18.780 --> 01:07:23.520 Robin: But you know we're open to any possibilities whatever makes sense. 578 01:07:24.360 --> 01:07:26.850 Jeremy Loeb: um, is it possible for. 579 01:07:28.290 --> 01:07:35.310 Jeremy Loeb: For me to for me to connect with somebody, on the other committee just to see where they are and see if we could work with them, or is it something we wanted to keep separate. 580 01:07:36.720 --> 01:07:47.190 Daffodil Tyminski: um you know I again, I had hoped that Robin your committee would stand down because we'd have a greater vision for this, but if that's not going to happen, I suppose we we should. 581 01:07:50.220 --> 01:07:54.120 Robin: we're collaborating i'm probably the person to talk to and. 582 01:07:55.860 --> 01:08:09.180 Robin: And yeah again I I reached out to you deaf deal several times texting and emailing and phone calls and didn't hear back so that's why we thought we wanted to get something in before this funding cycle, there are two different. 583 01:08:09.570 --> 01:08:11.490 Daffodil Tyminski: Sorry, I was clear about it when we talk. 584 01:08:11.490 --> 01:08:12.810 Daffodil Tyminski: So I didn't I didn't realize. 585 01:08:13.440 --> 01:08:14.310 Daffodil Tyminski: you're talking about it. 586 01:08:15.060 --> 01:08:26.640 Robin: But no, I know you just mentioned that there might be somebody who might be able to do it and it wasn't clear that it could be done, and again i'm not sure that the city will fund it on that basis. 587 01:08:27.600 --> 01:08:40.170 Robin: versus This is like a known entity that now there are two different options, also on subscribing to this one is you do it and it's just an it's an APP through their. 588 01:08:41.160 --> 01:08:50.640 Robin: APP so people would go to the pocket sites page, I mean we can identify it through our own qr codes, but the other way to do it, which I think is probably. 589 01:08:51.150 --> 01:08:56.280 Daffodil Tyminski: let's not have this discussion now let's will if we decide to buy this will will do it as a task force. 590 01:08:56.940 --> 01:09:09.990 Daffodil Tyminski: I just I genuinely am concerned because we've tried so hard on the neighborhood committee to just do like generically positively well received projects and i'm just worried about it becoming. 591 01:09:10.080 --> 01:09:10.620 Darryl DuFay: a lawyer. 592 01:09:10.710 --> 01:09:16.770 Daffodil Tyminski: With this committee your committee, and it just there being a lot of politics and controversy about it. 593 01:09:18.090 --> 01:09:18.840 Daffodil Tyminski: So. 594 01:09:19.080 --> 01:09:23.430 Robin: everybody's included her of it, so what i'm saying is let's collaborate everybody's in favor. 595 01:09:23.760 --> 01:09:26.010 Daffodil Tyminski: Agreed agreed, so I think. 596 01:09:27.210 --> 01:09:33.480 Daffodil Tyminski: We have you submitted a request, how much did you ask for and funding 5000 5000. 597 01:09:33.540 --> 01:09:41.400 Robin: Okay, well, we did it again that's what I was telling you there's an option there's a $500 option and then later we would grow. 598 01:09:42.030 --> 01:09:53.730 Robin: We can start creating it with just the $500 a year but, really, I think it makes more sense to do it with the what they call the white label where it might be our own APP. 599 01:09:54.300 --> 01:09:54.780 Robin: Right in that. 600 01:09:54.810 --> 01:10:01.260 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I think that's right, I did look at it um So the question is really do we. 601 01:10:03.600 --> 01:10:13.020 Daffodil Tyminski: make our motion to join, or have the motions be joint motions and just one amount of number we don't want to ask for two different pools of money for the same thing basically. 602 01:10:14.340 --> 01:10:23.850 Daffodil Tyminski: So, and then you know also just trying to be respectful of other committees that want money for things and other projects that we want to do so in the spirit of. 603 01:10:27.810 --> 01:10:32.580 Daffodil Tyminski: Trying to do that, we could amend this motion to basically make. 604 01:10:33.630 --> 01:10:40.680 Daffodil Tyminski: The motion Robin made a joint motion between neighborhood committee and PPP and then we figured out going forward. 605 01:10:42.450 --> 01:10:43.950 Daffodil Tyminski: What does everyone think about that. 606 01:10:48.450 --> 01:10:50.310 Daffodil Tyminski: And truck I can see you're speaking I can't hear you. 607 01:10:52.470 --> 01:10:54.330 Daffodil Tyminski: You just got to move closer to the computer, I think. 608 01:10:59.010 --> 01:11:00.000 Daffodil Tyminski: Sorry, say that again. 609 01:11:00.330 --> 01:11:02.280 Charles Rosin: I wasn't speaking I was just saying. 610 01:11:02.430 --> 01:11:03.780 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh sorry. 611 01:11:06.420 --> 01:11:09.060 Daffodil Tyminski: um does anyone have any thought on an amended motion. 612 01:11:10.650 --> 01:11:14.940 Daffodil Tyminski: Or would you rather keep the motion as is and keep it for $4,000. 613 01:11:17.520 --> 01:11:25.140 Robin: i'll just mention them started up a deal that you know i'm not trying to say take your emotional i'm just saying I want you to be aware of what we found. 614 01:11:25.470 --> 01:11:34.080 Robin: and see how you know if JEREMY can build it maybe that's the way to go, I just want you to know what what we have found and. 615 01:11:34.350 --> 01:11:36.870 Daffodil Tyminski: let's see what you were never going to build it separately. 616 01:11:36.900 --> 01:11:38.340 Daffodil Tyminski: We were always going to white label it. 617 01:11:39.480 --> 01:11:49.020 Daffodil Tyminski: So it's fine I mean, I think the pocket thing is fine, but we he wasn't going to build it separately, he just really understands how to develop Apps how to you know use them, create them. 618 01:11:49.410 --> 01:11:53.970 Daffodil Tyminski: So when you even if you white label something there's still a lot of work that has to be done to make it fit yeah. 619 01:11:54.750 --> 01:12:01.140 Robin: let's go with this when they do, they do that for you that's where you pay the that's you know that's what the fee is about they do it for you. 620 01:12:03.060 --> 01:12:05.880 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay does anyone else on the committee have anything to say. 621 01:12:06.180 --> 01:12:10.050 reta moser: I move we move on with it and let's see how it works out okay. 622 01:12:10.890 --> 01:12:12.870 Daffodil Tyminski: What does that mean move on with it yeah. 623 01:12:15.090 --> 01:12:17.910 reta moser: In other words, let's let let's I approve the. 624 01:12:17.940 --> 01:12:19.200 Daffodil Tyminski: emotion oh okay. 625 01:12:19.350 --> 01:12:20.340 reta moser: At the application. 626 01:12:20.610 --> 01:12:27.990 Daffodil Tyminski: Well, so now we've got three requests $2,000 $10,000 and $4,000 does anyone have any. 627 01:12:29.250 --> 01:12:32.880 Daffodil Tyminski: Potential change and the amounts that we've allocated to each of these things. 628 01:12:35.250 --> 01:12:36.570 reta moser: No that's about right. 629 01:12:38.760 --> 01:12:39.480 Daffodil Tyminski: Any thought. 630 01:12:40.740 --> 01:12:41.640 Daffodil Tyminski: shocker. 631 01:12:44.340 --> 01:12:53.400 reta moser: See, we have to spend the money so If not, it will be taken away from us to okay so let's just go and then we'll see how it works out at the end. 632 01:12:53.850 --> 01:12:55.200 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay felicia go ahead. 633 01:12:55.710 --> 01:13:07.410 felicia saltzbart: Sorry, I feel like i'm a broken record about these signs so like maybe we need to increase signage because we would like some signage in my neighborhood to that I hadn't had an opportunity to bring to this. 634 01:13:08.490 --> 01:13:10.290 felicia saltzbart: Discussion prior so. 635 01:13:11.700 --> 01:13:14.280 felicia saltzbart: But I don't know like go into that now or. 636 01:13:14.310 --> 01:13:17.010 Daffodil Tyminski: I don't know let's talk about it now, this is it, this is the time. 637 01:13:17.670 --> 01:13:34.620 felicia saltzbart: Okay, so I live in a pretty family heavy neighborhood and we have a lot of kids on the street, playing on Roma court, specifically, and so there was a request from neighbors to look into children at play signs. 638 01:13:35.730 --> 01:13:36.270 felicia saltzbart: Okay. 639 01:13:36.630 --> 01:13:47.070 felicia saltzbart: And so again like if you could include that I guess in the signage request for funding or tell me what I need to do in order to put that through. 640 01:13:47.940 --> 01:13:59.970 felicia saltzbart: there's also request for speed speed bumps like I don't know again I don't know how it works from from your end in order to see these things make sense, but the signage seems like something pretty easy speed bumps. 641 01:14:00.480 --> 01:14:19.410 felicia saltzbart: A little bit more difficult, but essentially we have people, just like racing through here, usually like you know uber drivers some construction guys, but I think the the children, I play signs will help to decrease that and then speed bumps obviously would be a further determined. 642 01:14:20.280 --> 01:14:32.640 Daffodil Tyminski: So how many so let's see when I talk i'll call you right after this meeting, and I can walk you through speed bumps that whole situation unto itself that I don't think we would want to use Community well, I guess, we could use committee and practice plans for that, but. 643 01:14:35.070 --> 01:14:39.090 Daffodil Tyminski: there's a whole other way you do that with how many signs, do you think you need. 644 01:14:39.870 --> 01:14:47.460 felicia saltzbart: Again, like I haven't researched this what's the suggested amount per you know feet like I don't know any of that so. 645 01:14:48.030 --> 01:14:55.710 felicia saltzbart: i'm not that big of a street it's dead ended, so I could walk it and figure out how many you know make sense. 646 01:14:56.460 --> 01:15:00.600 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah well to play signs we've looked at that before they're pretty easy. 647 01:15:01.980 --> 01:15:02.310 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 648 01:15:02.730 --> 01:15:03.960 felicia saltzbart: Maybe three. 649 01:15:04.440 --> 01:15:06.930 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah they're pretty easy and they're pretty. 650 01:15:09.000 --> 01:15:09.900 Daffodil Tyminski: inexpensive. 651 01:15:10.710 --> 01:15:11.730 reta moser: By the sun's. 652 01:15:11.910 --> 01:15:19.200 Jeremy Loeb: yeah that's something that you can just buy it put up yourself, you know if I whenever i'm in neighborhoods that have it, it always seems like the Homeowners just. 653 01:15:20.220 --> 01:15:21.270 Jeremy Loeb: put them up on a Pole. 654 01:15:23.190 --> 01:15:35.940 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah, although I see what you mean I mean but they're they're about in line with the rest of the other types of signs and I to jeremy's point I we we had this come up before a couple years ago because people do want to sometimes move them around. 655 01:15:37.230 --> 01:15:37.680 Daffodil Tyminski: But. 656 01:15:38.700 --> 01:15:46.980 Daffodil Tyminski: we'll have to take a look at Roma core um, but I think we didn't have a specific number of science, because we didn't have the location set. 657 01:15:48.150 --> 01:15:54.120 Daffodil Tyminski: Where we wanted them, so we can certainly fold that in and maybe we'll just maybe make that 20 $500 instead of 2000. 658 01:15:55.290 --> 01:16:02.310 Daffodil Tyminski: which would give us some space for some of those signs there and then, if people want them elsewhere How does that sound. 659 01:16:03.090 --> 01:16:05.160 felicia saltzbart: sounds good okay. 660 01:16:05.910 --> 01:16:07.950 Daffodil Tyminski: And then also when we talk. 661 01:16:09.120 --> 01:16:13.740 Daffodil Tyminski: i'll walk you through the traffic lights in the turn signals which is a whole situation. 662 01:16:13.830 --> 01:16:17.070 felicia saltzbart: yeah but you know which you know which corner i'm speaking about yes. 663 01:16:17.130 --> 01:16:18.360 felicia saltzbart: yeah I mean. 664 01:16:18.810 --> 01:16:28.800 felicia saltzbart: it's if there hasn't already been there's going to be something serious there with the amount of people on scooters just like you look and then you start turning and then there's like a scooter racing by. 665 01:16:29.580 --> 01:16:47.730 felicia saltzbart: And it's just a problem area and for anyone who's interested i'm talking about you're making a left from Washington on to via dolce right where the islands is that that turn area, there is no turn signal right now and i'm asking that for one to be. 666 01:16:49.110 --> 01:16:52.920 felicia saltzbart: Put in there because it's it's it's just accidents waiting to happen. 667 01:16:53.460 --> 01:16:59.100 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah you'll we can bring that back to the committee, maybe we'll do that next month, but if there's a whole lot that goes into it, but. 668 01:16:59.100 --> 01:16:59.700 felicia saltzbart: I sure am. 669 01:17:00.180 --> 01:17:01.980 felicia saltzbart: Growing totally i'm. 670 01:17:02.130 --> 01:17:03.900 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm Jeremy and I actually. 671 01:17:03.900 --> 01:17:08.490 Daffodil Tyminski: Thought for years to get the one on brooks and Pacific. 672 01:17:08.880 --> 01:17:09.930 Jeremy Loeb: Thank God we got that. 673 01:17:10.140 --> 01:17:14.550 Daffodil Tyminski: I know it totally changed the whole block, but I mean when I say years like. 674 01:17:15.840 --> 01:17:20.850 Daffodil Tyminski: I like literally I there was about six of us that every time there was an accident, which was at least once a week, if not. 675 01:17:21.000 --> 01:17:21.480 Jeremy Loeb: Next week. 676 01:17:21.510 --> 01:17:25.500 Daffodil Tyminski: We would all run out and take photos and send them to the city and it took us five years to get it done. 677 01:17:25.740 --> 01:17:28.260 Jeremy Loeb: Now they have one on rosie rosie Pacific to. 678 01:17:28.530 --> 01:17:41.160 reta moser: yeah yeah and it took me almost five six years with chewy who was on bond and so group to get that one on Abbot kinney and then it's it takes forever to get the signs up. 679 01:17:41.520 --> 01:17:43.620 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah it's crazy yeah. 680 01:17:44.460 --> 01:17:48.060 Jeremy Loeb: So was in Lincoln is the national media that's a. 681 01:17:49.320 --> 01:17:51.210 Jeremy Loeb: benefit from a left turn signal. 682 01:17:52.050 --> 01:18:01.350 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah ironically, where we didn't need a new one was on the corner of main and brooks and they installed, one that just has made all the traffic worse, which I have to laugh at that. 683 01:18:01.920 --> 01:18:03.480 Jeremy Loeb: that's the worst one honestly. 684 01:18:03.510 --> 01:18:10.470 Daffodil Tyminski: it's the worst one in Venice and they made it worse, and no one asked for it and we actually asked them not to do it like that live there and they did it anyway. 685 01:18:13.590 --> 01:18:16.050 Daffodil Tyminski: So Okay, so do we want to do. 686 01:18:17.550 --> 01:18:25.140 Daffodil Tyminski: let's go back up and take the votes, then so on Item number eight i'm will increase the number to 2500. 687 01:18:26.970 --> 01:18:27.750 Daffodil Tyminski: and 688 01:18:29.940 --> 01:18:32.250 Daffodil Tyminski: Should we take the vote here, I will vote yes. 689 01:18:32.460 --> 01:18:32.790 Yes. 690 01:18:37.050 --> 01:18:37.650 Charles Rosin: Yes. 691 01:18:37.920 --> 01:18:41.130 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, and JEREMY your yes Rita. 692 01:18:41.910 --> 01:18:42.420 Yes. 693 01:18:45.060 --> 01:18:45.750 Daffodil Tyminski: felicia. 694 01:18:45.990 --> 01:18:48.360 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, William. 695 01:18:49.140 --> 01:18:56.370 bill: Oh i'm going to abstain, I just wish we had more information or details about where the such would actually go before we voted. 696 01:18:58.830 --> 01:19:07.470 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, and I will say if anyone has a specific location they'd like let me know I know Yolanda had some things in mind, but William if there's something you'd like nice Venice, let me know. 697 01:19:08.490 --> 01:19:09.150 Daffodil Tyminski: Sergio. 698 01:19:15.150 --> 01:19:17.820 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm Yolanda. 699 01:19:17.970 --> 01:19:18.420 Yes. 700 01:19:21.420 --> 01:19:21.990 Daffodil Tyminski: Darrell. 701 01:19:22.380 --> 01:19:22.890 Yes. 702 01:19:26.310 --> 01:19:33.270 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so motion carries 123451234567 okay. 703 01:19:42.810 --> 01:19:43.290 hold on. 704 01:19:50.100 --> 01:19:53.520 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so, then that brings us to pickle ball. 705 01:19:55.170 --> 01:19:58.440 Daffodil Tyminski: um let's take a vote on this. 706 01:20:00.510 --> 01:20:03.930 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah hang on one SEC, I will vote yes. 707 01:20:06.000 --> 01:20:07.110 Daffodil Tyminski: And this is number 12. 708 01:20:10.170 --> 01:20:10.620 Daffodil Tyminski: chuck. 709 01:20:11.280 --> 01:20:11.790 Yes. 710 01:20:12.810 --> 01:20:13.530 Daffodil Tyminski: JEREMY. 711 01:20:13.710 --> 01:20:14.100 yeah. 712 01:20:15.480 --> 01:20:16.020 Daffodil Tyminski: Rita. 713 01:20:17.130 --> 01:20:18.450 reta moser: Yes, she says yes. 714 01:20:19.230 --> 01:20:21.030 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay felicia. 715 01:20:21.180 --> 01:20:21.810 Yes. 716 01:20:23.820 --> 01:20:24.390 Daffodil Tyminski: William. 717 01:20:30.930 --> 01:20:31.320 Daffodil Tyminski: No. 718 01:20:33.240 --> 01:20:34.710 bill: Sorry, I was trying to unmute. 719 01:20:35.550 --> 01:20:35.880 kidding. 720 01:20:37.620 --> 01:20:38.010 bill: No. 721 01:20:40.650 --> 01:20:41.970 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, Sergio. 722 01:20:46.620 --> 01:20:48.030 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm Yolanda. 723 01:20:48.240 --> 01:20:48.780 Yes. 724 01:20:50.280 --> 01:20:50.850 Daffodil Tyminski: Darrell. 725 01:20:51.270 --> 01:20:51.810 Yes. 726 01:20:53.850 --> 01:20:56.970 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay 12345678. 727 01:20:58.380 --> 01:21:00.840 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so we're 800. 728 01:21:01.860 --> 01:21:02.880 Daffodil Tyminski: Sorry hold on there. 729 01:21:06.060 --> 01:21:09.360 Daffodil Tyminski: um okay number 13. 730 01:21:12.000 --> 01:21:16.590 Daffodil Tyminski: And I imagine if we if we pass this how this will come up to. 731 01:21:18.090 --> 01:21:24.840 Daffodil Tyminski: The committee's budget is that will have to separate request, and then we can combine them either the Budget Committee or outcome. 732 01:21:26.940 --> 01:21:32.550 Daffodil Tyminski: So this is a number 13 and how do we vote. 733 01:21:33.930 --> 01:21:35.190 Daffodil Tyminski: Here i'll vote yes. 734 01:21:36.390 --> 01:21:36.870 Daffodil Tyminski: chuck. 735 01:21:44.580 --> 01:21:45.000 Daffodil Tyminski: truck. 736 01:21:45.780 --> 01:21:47.040 Charles Rosin: Yes, I think it's a great. 737 01:21:48.330 --> 01:21:49.200 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, Jeremy. 738 01:21:52.770 --> 01:21:54.510 Jeremy Loeb: Sorry, yes okay. 739 01:21:55.140 --> 01:21:56.460 Rita yes. 740 01:21:58.050 --> 01:21:58.650 Daffodil Tyminski: felicia. 741 01:21:58.890 --> 01:21:59.370 Yes. 742 01:22:01.110 --> 01:22:01.560 Daffodil Tyminski: bill. 743 01:22:02.160 --> 01:22:02.970 Yes. 744 01:22:04.020 --> 01:22:04.680 Daffodil Tyminski: Sergio. 745 01:22:05.340 --> 01:22:05.820 Yes. 746 01:22:06.870 --> 01:22:07.830 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay Yolanda. 747 01:22:07.980 --> 01:22:08.520 Yes. 748 01:22:09.540 --> 01:22:10.200 Daffodil Tyminski: And darryl. 749 01:22:10.650 --> 01:22:11.190 Yes. 750 01:22:13.380 --> 01:22:19.230 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay 123456 okay um. 751 01:22:22.350 --> 01:22:22.800 oops. 752 01:22:26.790 --> 01:22:41.070 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so the last thing is, we can adjourn now, and I know we've gone over time so thanks for everyone indulging the time but um is there anything else anyone has or wants to say or add to think about stuff for next month. 753 01:22:44.130 --> 01:22:45.360 Daffodil Tyminski: Anything chuck go ahead. 754 01:22:49.110 --> 01:22:51.210 Daffodil Tyminski: We can't hear you you got to come in closer. 755 01:22:55.350 --> 01:22:56.250 Charles Rosin: hear me no. 756 01:22:56.310 --> 01:22:57.180 Daffodil Tyminski: No, there you go. 757 01:22:57.480 --> 01:22:58.620 Charles Rosin: Yes, good sorry. 758 01:22:59.940 --> 01:23:10.740 Charles Rosin: I just wanted to know I mean I was sorry to hear about the idea that we couldn't get right back to the B and C to get a vote in real quick with yesterday, because I know that the. 759 01:23:11.910 --> 01:23:14.730 Charles Rosin: Wer were hopefully publishing's safe. 760 01:23:15.870 --> 01:23:27.810 Charles Rosin: coalition against the median where we're actually reaching out to the city council is the plum hearing is coming to ask bond into which formally to ask him to recuse himself. 761 01:23:28.440 --> 01:23:44.760 Charles Rosin: While matters pertaining to the Venice median and we would have loved the fancy support, but I guess we can't this meeting can't find a time to meet between Thursday or whenever you would need to add be. 762 01:23:46.020 --> 01:23:53.160 Charles Rosin: going along without it, but I would have been requesting it at this committee, been able to figure out how to get together, between now and then. 763 01:23:54.930 --> 01:23:58.230 Daffodil Tyminski: Why would encourage let's see if there's another committee, you can take it to. 764 01:23:59.490 --> 01:24:09.330 Daffodil Tyminski: um we've literally had so many moving parts that it's been like the GMC has been like a mash unit, I feel like in the last month with so many things going on in different directions, but. 765 01:24:11.520 --> 01:24:15.270 Daffodil Tyminski: I don't know exactly what your emotion is, but we can try to find another committee that could hear it. 766 01:24:18.870 --> 01:24:19.710 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh, we can't hear you. 767 01:24:20.880 --> 01:24:21.450 Charles Rosin: Oh. 768 01:24:23.310 --> 01:24:23.880 Charles Rosin: Can you hear me. 769 01:24:24.660 --> 01:24:25.320 Daffodil Tyminski: Now I can. 770 01:24:25.740 --> 01:24:29.340 Charles Rosin: it's the most emotion would be for him to recuse himself on all matters. 771 01:24:31.530 --> 01:24:33.150 Charles Rosin: Which is called the Pacific Dell. 772 01:24:34.260 --> 01:24:35.070 Daffodil Tyminski: When is your. 773 01:24:36.630 --> 01:24:37.830 Daffodil Tyminski: When is the plum hearing. 774 01:24:39.000 --> 01:24:39.210 Charles Rosin: up. 775 01:24:40.230 --> 01:24:41.430 Charles Rosin: October 17. 776 01:24:44.100 --> 01:24:45.090 Daffodil Tyminski: Know may 17. 777 01:24:45.960 --> 01:24:48.180 Charles Rosin: Why am I getting may and October mixed up. 778 01:24:48.450 --> 01:24:49.350 Charles Rosin: Man hey. 779 01:24:49.770 --> 01:24:53.730 Daffodil Tyminski: So why don't you make an agenda request and have it go right on the dnc agenda. 780 01:24:55.650 --> 01:24:58.980 Charles Rosin: Then, maybe we'll do that can I call you offline asco yeah. 781 01:24:59.310 --> 01:25:07.950 Daffodil Tyminski: I don't you know, we really do try to have things go to committee first and not have things put directly on the agenda and we've tried to be very good about that, but. 782 01:25:09.210 --> 01:25:16.590 Daffodil Tyminski: If there really isn't a committee that's going to meet in the issue came up, we also try to make sure that stuff doesn't get left behind, just because of this formality, you know. 783 01:25:19.770 --> 01:25:20.580 Daffodil Tyminski: I can't hear you. 784 01:25:24.090 --> 01:25:24.870 Charles Rosin: Now, can you hear me. 785 01:25:24.930 --> 01:25:26.970 Charles Rosin: Yes, yeah well. 786 01:25:28.230 --> 01:25:30.000 Charles Rosin: We have a lot of moving parts too soon. 787 01:25:30.960 --> 01:25:37.800 Charles Rosin: yeah of this matter with a councilman was rushing to get it done to handicap, no matter who selected after him. 788 01:25:39.330 --> 01:25:44.940 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay um anyone else have anything that they want to bring up just before we close. 789 01:25:46.620 --> 01:25:54.180 Daffodil Tyminski: Anything going on, or needs to be addressed if you think of things that need to be addressed if you've got sidewalks in the neighborhood just take some photos and email them to me. 790 01:25:57.900 --> 01:25:58.290 Daffodil Tyminski: and 791 01:25:59.550 --> 01:26:03.660 Daffodil Tyminski: The female staff i'm going to connect Yolanda and JEREMY on text. 792 01:26:05.520 --> 01:26:06.660 Daffodil Tyminski: And you guys can. 793 01:26:08.850 --> 01:26:10.530 Daffodil Tyminski: You guys can get that going. 794 01:26:12.090 --> 01:26:12.720 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, great. 795 01:26:13.500 --> 01:26:21.780 Daffodil Tyminski: Good to see everyone, and I will see you all next month, and again just email me stuff of that you have to, we have to address it felicia do you have time to have a call right now. 796 01:26:24.930 --> 01:26:25.470 felicia saltzbart: Yes. 797 01:26:25.710 --> 01:26:29.370 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay um let me uh. 798 01:26:30.870 --> 01:26:34.260 Daffodil Tyminski: Could you Would you mind just emailing me your number again sure. 799 01:26:35.490 --> 01:26:36.300 bill: Thanks everybody. 800 01:26:38.490 --> 01:26:39.690 Daffodil Tyminski: All right, bye guys thanks. 801 01:26:39.930 --> 01:26:40.680 Jeremy Loeb: Thanks everyone. 802 01:26:45.690 --> 01:26:46.350 Meeting.