WEBVTT 1 00:00:24.030 --> 00:00:24.330 james murez: hi. 2 00:00:28.230 --> 00:00:28.980 Daffodil Tyminski: anyone else on. 3 00:00:29.910 --> 00:00:31.320 james murez: andres just now getting there. 4 00:00:35.940 --> 00:00:38.280 james murez: Is Helen fallen on this committee, yes. 5 00:00:38.340 --> 00:00:40.050 Andrea Boccaletti: Just now getting there, I was there already. 6 00:00:40.950 --> 00:00:44.190 james murez: Well it's only now nine o'clock I was here at nine. 7 00:00:46.350 --> 00:00:48.000 Andrea Boccaletti: been here since 854 so. 8 00:00:49.680 --> 00:00:50.280 james murez: You had Helen. 9 00:00:50.370 --> 00:00:52.860 Daffodil Tyminski: On the Committee house Helens on. 10 00:00:53.070 --> 00:00:53.520 Okay. 11 00:00:56.580 --> 00:00:57.870 james murez: How many people are in the committee. 12 00:00:59.550 --> 00:01:04.830 Andrea Boccaletti: What else five and CMOs The only other one right Sema and Ivan. 13 00:01:05.070 --> 00:01:06.300 Daffodil Tyminski: Ivan here, Jim. 14 00:01:06.540 --> 00:01:08.040 james murez: yeah I see him i'm promoting him. 15 00:01:08.430 --> 00:01:08.790 Okay. 16 00:01:10.470 --> 00:01:12.450 Helen Fallon: here before nine to but I couldn't get him. 17 00:01:13.560 --> 00:01:15.120 james murez: No, I only started it at night. 18 00:01:21.930 --> 00:01:23.070 Daffodil Tyminski: how's everyone doing today. 19 00:01:23.700 --> 00:01:23.910 Oh. 20 00:01:25.110 --> 00:01:26.250 james murez: Lots of complaints. 21 00:01:26.490 --> 00:01:26.970 Okay. 22 00:01:29.850 --> 00:01:30.660 Daffodil Tyminski: it's a beautiful day. 23 00:01:31.140 --> 00:01:31.650 Yes. 24 00:01:44.970 --> 00:01:49.830 james murez: yeah I was texting with somebody this morning right, as I was supposed to be starting the meeting so. 25 00:01:51.720 --> 00:01:51.870 Andrea Boccaletti: That. 26 00:01:52.200 --> 00:01:57.660 james murez: extra minute otherwise if Andre hadn't tip texted me, I would have already opened the meeting. 27 00:01:57.960 --> 00:01:59.490 james murez: Okay hahaha. 28 00:02:02.100 --> 00:02:05.280 james murez: So I guess everybody's here that's coming just I don't see any more attendees. 29 00:02:06.270 --> 00:02:09.120 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes, she was the only other one but we we have acquired them anyway so. 30 00:02:09.360 --> 00:02:10.530 james murez: Are you expecting her. 31 00:02:11.250 --> 00:02:20.100 james murez: i'll text her oh I don't think we're supposed to have political statements in the background of our screens, even for people such as Helen fallon. 32 00:02:21.390 --> 00:02:24.000 Helen Fallon: or jam but it's Okay, because I read the Rules. 33 00:02:24.930 --> 00:02:27.120 james murez: you're allowed to make political statements and be. 34 00:02:27.120 --> 00:02:28.290 Helen Fallon: i'm allowed to have anything. 35 00:02:28.290 --> 00:02:30.000 Helen Fallon: I want the background ask reading. 36 00:02:31.140 --> 00:02:31.650 Helen Fallon: about it. 37 00:02:32.100 --> 00:02:34.890 james murez: Okay, because he told us once before we weren't so okay. 38 00:02:35.640 --> 00:02:37.470 Ivan: Jim that's only for board members. 39 00:02:38.610 --> 00:02:40.440 james murez: Oh, not for committee members. 40 00:02:42.570 --> 00:02:43.650 Helen Fallon: apply it board members. 41 00:02:43.650 --> 00:02:44.250 Helen Fallon: anymore I. 42 00:02:44.310 --> 00:02:47.310 james murez: want us on the Committee I would think that the same rules apply. 43 00:02:49.110 --> 00:02:50.340 Daffodil Tyminski: It so let's move on, Jim. 44 00:02:50.850 --> 00:02:51.810 james murez: yeah that's okay. 45 00:02:52.530 --> 00:02:55.680 Andrea Boccaletti: i'm okay so um. 46 00:02:57.060 --> 00:03:00.330 Andrea Boccaletti: It is now 904 is seen as I hear. 47 00:03:00.960 --> 00:03:03.390 Daffodil Tyminski: me i'm texting her to the link, just in case I just texted her. 48 00:03:03.990 --> 00:03:05.430 Andrea Boccaletti: If you recall the meeting order at. 49 00:03:05.430 --> 00:03:06.450 904. 50 00:03:08.580 --> 00:03:11.280 Andrea Boccaletti: Take roll call Jim yours here. 51 00:03:14.010 --> 00:03:14.580 Andrea Boccaletti: miscue. 52 00:03:14.880 --> 00:03:15.300 here. 53 00:03:16.530 --> 00:03:17.520 Andrea Boccaletti: hi Evan Spiegel. 54 00:03:18.750 --> 00:03:19.680 Ivan: yep nerve. 55 00:03:20.340 --> 00:03:21.120 Andrea Boccaletti: having fallen. 56 00:03:22.680 --> 00:03:27.240 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay, and i'm here, so we have a quorum. 57 00:03:31.560 --> 00:03:35.820 Andrea Boccaletti: OK, so the only somebody go the. 58 00:03:37.260 --> 00:03:38.010 Andrea Boccaletti: Agenda 59 00:03:47.640 --> 00:03:48.600 The agenda. 60 00:03:58.140 --> 00:03:59.340 james murez: seamless here i'll bring her in. 61 00:03:59.730 --> 00:04:00.060 Okay. 62 00:04:01.470 --> 00:04:02.070 Andrea Boccaletti: So. 63 00:04:09.120 --> 00:04:09.540 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay. 64 00:04:11.010 --> 00:04:13.920 Andrea Boccaletti: I know five Sema joins. 65 00:04:17.100 --> 00:04:19.980 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay um so. 66 00:04:22.440 --> 00:04:25.170 Andrea Boccaletti: Maybe I should be able to share the screen. 67 00:04:26.460 --> 00:04:28.200 james murez: With the agenda yeah that'd be good idea. 68 00:04:29.880 --> 00:04:33.390 Andrea Boccaletti: I mean it's a very simple agenda but it's okay share screen there we go. 69 00:04:38.880 --> 00:04:40.650 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay, can you all see that yep. 70 00:04:40.710 --> 00:04:41.040 yeah. 71 00:04:45.660 --> 00:04:46.230 Andrea Boccaletti: So. 72 00:04:47.520 --> 00:04:48.030 Andrea Boccaletti: All right. 73 00:04:49.560 --> 00:04:53.250 Andrea Boccaletti: When anybody, like to make a motion to approve this agenda is presented or amended. 74 00:04:55.200 --> 00:04:56.250 james murez: i'll make the motion. 75 00:04:57.000 --> 00:04:58.080 Daffodil Tyminski: seconded daffodil. 76 00:04:58.680 --> 00:05:05.760 james murez: Okay, now it says it says your January and February me reports but there's only one link. 77 00:05:05.970 --> 00:05:07.680 Andrea Boccaletti: We will get to that okay. 78 00:05:10.470 --> 00:05:14.100 Andrea Boccaletti: So any announcements. 79 00:05:14.340 --> 00:05:15.540 james murez: Yes, i'm sorry sorry. 80 00:05:16.440 --> 00:05:21.990 Andrea Boccaletti: We have to vote on that so do we have to vote on the approval of this agenda so take a vote count James miras. 81 00:05:22.260 --> 00:05:24.150 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes, definitely well. 82 00:05:24.480 --> 00:05:25.860 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes, Ivan. 83 00:05:26.370 --> 00:05:27.720 Andrea Boccaletti: yep Helen. 84 00:05:28.140 --> 00:05:29.460 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes, Sema. 85 00:05:31.890 --> 00:05:33.150 Sima Kostov: Yes, okay. 86 00:05:33.330 --> 00:05:34.620 Andrea Boccaletti: And I vote yes so. 87 00:05:35.910 --> 00:05:41.490 Andrea Boccaletti: 12345600 okay um any announcements by anybody. 88 00:05:41.700 --> 00:05:42.810 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes, okay. 89 00:05:43.650 --> 00:05:51.870 james murez: um there was a bug that was discovered in the Web corner website earlier. 90 00:05:53.100 --> 00:06:06.360 james murez: In the week and, and it was discovered that the reason that your agenda request last month did not come through into the agenda request system as it was supposed to. 91 00:06:07.500 --> 00:06:18.510 james murez: And you had to end up emailing, it was because of the bug that was in the Web corner system, the bug has now been repaired and just so you're aware of it. 92 00:06:19.050 --> 00:06:22.260 james murez: Okay, this is just sort of more of an fyi. 93 00:06:22.740 --> 00:06:26.430 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay, great and so we still are using web corner every month right. 94 00:06:26.580 --> 00:06:42.180 james murez: Yes, but there was there was a date they installed some sort of anti spam something, and it was keeping all of the agenda requests that were submitted by committee from coming through and that's why we didn't see yours. 95 00:06:42.420 --> 00:06:42.840 Okay. 96 00:06:44.430 --> 00:06:45.180 Andrea Boccaletti: grades. 97 00:06:46.320 --> 00:06:46.530 Andrea Boccaletti: and 98 00:06:47.250 --> 00:06:52.680 james murez: This month when you submit it it'll end up on the agenda correctly, as you submit it. 99 00:06:53.400 --> 00:06:53.730 Okay. 100 00:06:55.110 --> 00:06:59.700 Andrea Boccaletti: And then the only other announcement, I can make is actually on an item on the agenda. 101 00:07:01.350 --> 00:07:06.270 Andrea Boccaletti: was not able to generate the February monthly expenditure report so. 102 00:07:07.590 --> 00:07:21.180 Andrea Boccaletti: Next month we will be catching up on to again like like in the old days or what actual will have to do to including marches monthly expenditure report there was. 103 00:07:23.250 --> 00:07:33.060 Andrea Boccaletti: I have a receipt that doesn't have the vendor name on it and they didn't fly with them, and I was emailing them and they don't get back to you right away so. 104 00:07:35.340 --> 00:07:42.660 Andrea Boccaletti: I asked them urgently to get it done by now, but didn't get done so I can't generate them there. 105 00:07:45.150 --> 00:07:45.390 Andrea Boccaletti: anyway. 106 00:07:47.280 --> 00:07:47.940 Andrea Boccaletti: So. 107 00:07:49.980 --> 00:07:55.380 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay now move on to number five Approval of the minutes of the January 18 meeting. 108 00:07:58.140 --> 00:07:59.490 Andrea Boccaletti: But anybody, like to make a motion. 109 00:08:04.080 --> 00:08:05.610 Daffodil Tyminski: It staff at all, I will make the motion. 110 00:08:05.850 --> 00:08:06.270 Okay. 111 00:08:09.120 --> 00:08:09.480 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay. 112 00:08:14.310 --> 00:08:15.690 Andrea Boccaletti: All right, James here's. 113 00:08:16.860 --> 00:08:18.300 Helen Fallon: Andrea there's a correction. 114 00:08:18.780 --> 00:08:31.080 Helen Fallon: Yes, on on one of the it was the approval of the last December minutes it's it's reading like as if there was a no vote I believe my boat was an abstention cuz I wasn't at the meeting. 115 00:08:33.510 --> 00:08:34.620 Andrea Boccaletti: Oh, how. 116 00:08:34.710 --> 00:08:37.350 Helen Fallon: Is it because, as for one zero, it should be. 117 00:08:37.350 --> 00:08:39.300 Helen Fallon: 401 yeah. 118 00:08:39.450 --> 00:08:40.050 Okay. 119 00:08:42.270 --> 00:08:44.310 Helen Fallon: i'm assuming that's my stance on. 120 00:08:47.790 --> 00:08:51.960 Andrea Boccaletti: yeah I don't know how, how do I fix that or can it be. 121 00:08:53.940 --> 00:09:02.760 james murez: You have to you have to revise the the agenda, and then we would vote on it, I mean you can revise it right now and then it can be voted on. 122 00:09:03.840 --> 00:09:05.640 Andrea Boccaletti: Now this is for the Minutes of the last. 123 00:09:06.090 --> 00:09:23.790 james murez: Night you revise the Minutes, by making the correction you noted in the file when you post it on the website, you will post a revised version, and it will show the correction and then that's what would be voted on today. 124 00:09:26.310 --> 00:09:35.190 james murez: and other that you want to leave what's there now and and with revision tracking turned on or something to that effect, you can just do it by striking the incorrect information. 125 00:09:35.520 --> 00:09:53.250 james murez: write it back out like in red or some other color so it's obvious what you've changed and then up at the top of the Minutes just put in there, revised and today's date, and when you post it it'll just show up as a revised version and then that's what would be voted on today. 126 00:09:54.570 --> 00:09:58.530 Andrea Boccaletti: So we're adding a new item to this this agenda that we're going to vote on that. 127 00:09:59.100 --> 00:10:03.810 james murez: No, you have the item on there already January 18 2022. 128 00:10:06.330 --> 00:10:10.290 james murez: minutes and so you're going to open that file and you. 129 00:10:10.440 --> 00:10:16.050 Andrea Boccaletti: know I don't have an ability to strike through something right in red I don't know I don't know. 130 00:10:16.470 --> 00:10:22.290 james murez: Well, how did you how did you create the original in word or in in Google docs or something. 131 00:10:22.440 --> 00:10:27.570 Andrea Boccaletti: In the Google docs form that I was given by Hugh but no actually sorry it's in pages. 132 00:10:27.990 --> 00:10:31.200 james murez: Okay, so you can still go back into that same document. 133 00:10:32.760 --> 00:10:38.910 james murez: Make the modification and then posted after the meetings over just so long as it gets posted correctly. 134 00:10:42.330 --> 00:10:46.290 james murez: Does that make sense, do you understand what i'm saying I mean I can work with you on this offline if you'd like. 135 00:10:46.350 --> 00:10:48.240 Andrea Boccaletti: Can you see what i'm doing right now, no. 136 00:10:50.700 --> 00:10:52.050 james murez: You have to share your other screen. 137 00:10:52.680 --> 00:10:53.910 Andrea Boccaletti: share my other screen. 138 00:10:54.090 --> 00:10:57.030 james murez: Well, I don't know you're right now you're still sharing the agenda screen. 139 00:11:00.630 --> 00:11:02.010 Andrea Boccaletti: So I did new share. 140 00:11:06.450 --> 00:11:09.300 james murez: You can stop sharing this one, and then share the other one if you want. 141 00:11:21.030 --> 00:11:21.450 Andrea Boccaletti: To just. 142 00:11:22.410 --> 00:11:23.040 james murez: Take your time. 143 00:11:42.930 --> 00:11:43.860 Andrea Boccaletti: what's happening right now. 144 00:11:46.260 --> 00:11:47.010 Andrea Boccaletti: Can you see that. 145 00:11:48.480 --> 00:11:49.260 Helen Fallon: yeah, we can see it. 146 00:11:49.740 --> 00:11:50.160 Okay. 147 00:11:51.450 --> 00:11:51.780 Helen Fallon: Sorry. 148 00:11:57.480 --> 00:12:01.860 Andrea Boccaletti: So what I do I write and read here, which I don't. 149 00:12:03.210 --> 00:12:03.870 james murez: want code. 150 00:12:08.250 --> 00:12:10.410 james murez: highlight the part you want to strike out. 151 00:12:14.070 --> 00:12:25.560 james murez: Okay now over on the right, you have a be an eye, a you and then there's a strikeout so strike that out click on this strike okay now next to it put a space. 152 00:12:27.090 --> 00:12:41.280 james murez: Okay, and now over, where you see text color right now, it shows black scroll move your cursor down a little bit down down right there select some other color red there you go and now put in the new boat or zero what. 153 00:12:41.430 --> 00:12:42.720 Andrea Boccaletti: Still striking on. 154 00:12:45.780 --> 00:12:46.410 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay. 155 00:12:48.150 --> 00:12:51.210 james murez: Are you I click on strike take there you go 401. 156 00:12:54.510 --> 00:12:57.030 james murez: dash zero dash one. 157 00:12:57.780 --> 00:12:58.890 Andrea Boccaletti: will put another space. 158 00:13:00.060 --> 00:13:01.350 Andrea Boccaletti: oops, why is it doing that. 159 00:13:01.650 --> 00:13:15.900 james murez: Because you've got revision tracking turned on don't worry about it that's okay um and now up at the top, where you have the date, where it says January 19 2022 or someplace up at the top, where it says minutes after the word minutes just say revised. 160 00:13:18.840 --> 00:13:20.190 james murez: Again in red there you go. 161 00:13:24.630 --> 00:13:27.420 james murez: revise and today's date is the eighth so be three eight. 162 00:13:32.760 --> 00:13:36.330 james murez: perfect and then, when you save that away you post it as a PDF. 163 00:13:37.530 --> 00:13:39.510 james murez: And and Helen was at the only issue. 164 00:13:42.240 --> 00:13:43.260 Helen Fallon: That was the only thing. 165 00:13:44.940 --> 00:13:45.510 Andrea Boccaletti: To. 166 00:13:45.540 --> 00:13:50.460 james murez: Save and then you want to also do it as a, what do you call it the export to. 167 00:13:52.140 --> 00:13:53.970 james murez: Do one more time export to. 168 00:13:57.480 --> 00:13:58.740 james murez: PDF there you go. 169 00:14:01.230 --> 00:14:03.630 james murez: And I got to give it a PDF name someplace. 170 00:14:07.140 --> 00:14:10.560 Andrea Boccaletti: I think it's just over, no, no, there you go and now. 171 00:14:10.800 --> 00:14:13.740 james murez: wants to put it so it says save as revised there you go. 172 00:14:17.040 --> 00:14:24.450 james murez: And then that will be the file that you post, and now we can go ahead and vote on it, you don't have to post a while we're all watching you know how to get under web CT and you can do it. 173 00:14:24.510 --> 00:14:26.310 Andrea Boccaletti: yeah yeah okay. 174 00:14:26.880 --> 00:14:30.090 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay, you can see that now the agenda again right. 175 00:14:30.540 --> 00:14:31.470 james murez: Yes, okay. 176 00:14:32.940 --> 00:14:36.990 james murez: All right, it's not full screen, if you want to Double Click make it full screen or something. 177 00:14:37.590 --> 00:14:38.190 Andrea Boccaletti: Oh quick. 178 00:14:38.370 --> 00:14:42.030 james murez: yeah well I don't know click click to enlarge the screen size so it's a full screen. 179 00:14:48.390 --> 00:14:49.230 Andrea Boccaletti: can drag it out. 180 00:14:50.820 --> 00:14:57.330 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay that's there you go okay um so i'm. 181 00:14:57.480 --> 00:15:00.240 james murez: daffodil made the motion, I think, who second did it. 182 00:15:00.810 --> 00:15:03.390 Daffodil Tyminski: And I will make it with the amendment says i'm currently made. 183 00:15:04.680 --> 00:15:05.670 james murez: Who seconded that. 184 00:15:05.700 --> 00:15:06.060 seemed. 185 00:15:08.310 --> 00:15:08.640 Okay. 186 00:15:10.680 --> 00:15:11.040 Andrea Boccaletti: two. 187 00:15:15.960 --> 00:15:16.680 Andrea Boccaletti: minutes. 188 00:15:17.910 --> 00:15:18.300 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay. 189 00:15:22.650 --> 00:15:23.250 Andrea Boccaletti: James. 190 00:15:23.700 --> 00:15:24.150 Yes. 191 00:15:27.210 --> 00:15:27.720 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes. 192 00:15:30.540 --> 00:15:31.050 Andrea Boccaletti: Hello. 193 00:15:32.400 --> 00:15:33.960 Andrea Boccaletti: Ivan yes. 194 00:15:36.210 --> 00:15:36.720 Sima Kostov: Yes. 195 00:15:37.350 --> 00:15:44.910 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay, and I bought yes so 600 Thank you I won't mess that up again i'm. 196 00:15:45.960 --> 00:15:49.050 Sima Kostov: Just different template that you were using for the Minutes. 197 00:15:49.620 --> 00:15:51.360 Andrea Boccaletti: it's just a pages. 198 00:15:52.200 --> 00:15:54.000 Sima Kostov: Oh OK OK. 199 00:15:56.670 --> 00:15:58.860 Andrea Boccaletti: Alright, and all business. 200 00:16:01.590 --> 00:16:09.240 Andrea Boccaletti: Sema we're trying to get the best property paid I don't understand why it's just sitting there as outstanding balance. 201 00:16:09.690 --> 00:16:21.210 Andrea Boccaletti: It just it took too long, but the fact is that I I contacted Alex he didn't get back to me right away, maybe if you've gotten back to me right away, you would they would have gotten the payment already but it's still in review so. 202 00:16:21.540 --> 00:16:21.840 Andrea Boccaletti: well. 203 00:16:22.560 --> 00:16:36.210 Sima Kostov: If I can um I also spoke to shauna and she said now it's in the city city budget hands and for whatever reason, their approval process is taking forever because they're so backed up. 204 00:16:36.630 --> 00:16:51.570 Sima Kostov: Also, so it's a matter of cutting a check, so I told her that i'm just going to keep bugging her every week and she's like that's fine just keep checking back with me, so I owe her a phone call today is Tuesday I have a phone call tomorrow so i'll keep checking back as well. 205 00:16:52.050 --> 00:16:55.500 Andrea Boccaletti: And I know you just reminded me of one thing also why we don't have a February. 206 00:16:57.150 --> 00:17:04.920 Andrea Boccaletti: So the other thing is that the city is now requiring me to send a board action certificate for each individual. 207 00:17:06.930 --> 00:17:15.990 Andrea Boccaletti: Advertising expense, through your Venice and through the was it the the hose the other publication, it was the organized. 208 00:17:17.190 --> 00:17:33.450 Andrea Boccaletti: Organized I don't know why the hell they're making me do this extra work to send a board action certificate when the the amounts are not over $1,000 per charge and that's you have to send a production certificate if it's over $1,000 per charges or $250 charges so. 209 00:17:34.320 --> 00:17:37.020 Sima Kostov: yeah I, what is the board at what is that. 210 00:17:37.350 --> 00:17:39.090 Andrea Boccaletti: It just means that the board. 211 00:17:39.240 --> 00:17:44.160 Andrea Boccaletti: That, I have to have a vote by the entire board approving. 212 00:17:45.030 --> 00:17:46.530 Sima Kostov: Individual charges. 213 00:17:46.530 --> 00:17:53.820 Andrea Boccaletti: And sure, but we already had the board action certificate that approved the budget for the for the resiliency for the. 214 00:17:53.970 --> 00:17:54.750 Sima Kostov: Town Hall. 215 00:17:54.870 --> 00:17:57.210 Andrea Boccaletti: emergency preparedness town hall. 216 00:17:58.440 --> 00:17:58.620 Helen Fallon: and 217 00:18:00.450 --> 00:18:09.420 Sima Kostov: So they're asking you for each individual receipt of up to the budget that we approved to now go in front of the board. 218 00:18:09.780 --> 00:18:15.030 Sima Kostov: Yes, so is that only for the advertising or was that for the lawn signs. 219 00:18:15.630 --> 00:18:16.470 Andrea Boccaletti: For the advertising. 220 00:18:17.250 --> 00:18:18.840 Sima Kostov: So just for the advertising. 221 00:18:18.900 --> 00:18:21.750 Andrea Boccaletti: I think, maybe even the printing of the science. 222 00:18:22.380 --> 00:18:23.400 Sima Kostov: Of the lawn signs. 223 00:18:23.490 --> 00:18:26.280 Sima Kostov: Okay, well, you have all the receipts correct. 224 00:18:26.730 --> 00:18:28.140 Sima Kostov: Yes, okay. 225 00:18:28.200 --> 00:18:29.580 Andrea Boccaletti: Well i'll talk to you afterwards. 226 00:18:29.850 --> 00:18:30.120 Okay. 227 00:18:33.150 --> 00:18:34.410 Andrea Boccaletti: yeah Jim Jim. 228 00:18:35.100 --> 00:18:38.880 james murez: i'm so i'm curious you say they told you that you. 229 00:18:38.880 --> 00:18:41.850 james murez: have to do this, who is they, and how did they tell you is. 230 00:18:41.850 --> 00:18:43.560 Andrea Boccaletti: Essentially, an ongoing an email. 231 00:18:43.890 --> 00:18:46.620 Andrea Boccaletti: When I asked why we weren't getting the maroon. 232 00:18:46.800 --> 00:18:52.440 james murez: generate is there, or do you know, is there, maybe you would know and maybe this is a question for him. 233 00:18:54.030 --> 00:19:00.150 james murez: Is there a set of instructions that state that under $1,000 you don't have to or over $1,000 you do. 234 00:19:00.330 --> 00:19:05.070 Andrea Boccaletti: that's what that's just what was passed on to me about you thousand dollars. 235 00:19:05.310 --> 00:19:13.050 james murez: Is that in writing, somewhere, I guess, is what i'm asking is there actually a procedure on the city has. 236 00:19:13.950 --> 00:19:17.190 Andrea Boccaletti: You know i'll find out i'll schedule a call the sama. 237 00:19:18.600 --> 00:19:19.050 james murez: yeah. 238 00:19:19.980 --> 00:19:23.040 james murez: I think what we want to do is, we want to look at that procedure and. 239 00:19:23.100 --> 00:19:31.980 james murez: And if we're not following the procedures that we need to follow it, and if we are following the procedure and some new clerk or something has decided that there needs to be. 240 00:19:33.750 --> 00:19:39.780 james murez: More scrutiny, then we ought to take that up with the department and find out, you know why are they not following procedure. 241 00:19:40.590 --> 00:19:54.600 james murez: seems ridiculous if she wants to if somebody and I said cheap, because I was thinking and seen by but if somebody wants to spend $100 on something does that mean you're going to have to bring that hundred dollar expense report word for for. 242 00:19:55.770 --> 00:19:58.320 james murez: Approval of the receipt. 243 00:19:59.190 --> 00:19:59.520 yeah. 244 00:20:00.600 --> 00:20:03.240 james murez: not at the expense it's up the receipt. 245 00:20:04.350 --> 00:20:06.000 yeah that's crazy. 246 00:20:07.290 --> 00:20:07.800 Andrea Boccaletti: Helen. 247 00:20:08.670 --> 00:20:13.500 Helen Fallon: um yeah just Jim it's not a new person Sean has been there, a long time. 248 00:20:14.940 --> 00:20:21.720 Helen Fallon: There is a difference between budget and expenditure and that's the confusion here just because something's been budgeted. 249 00:20:22.200 --> 00:20:33.660 Helen Fallon: doesn't mean it still has doesn't have to be approved by the Board is a budget is just saying you're you know you're thinking about spending X amount of dollars, but when you actually spend it the Board is supposed to approve it. 250 00:20:34.080 --> 00:20:43.200 Helen Fallon: You know whether some of these are reimbursements because those have to go before the board, and I don't think there's any distinction between 1000 and unless it's like. 251 00:20:43.920 --> 00:20:50.910 Helen Fallon: Just because you say you're gonna spend X amount of dollars on something when you spend that money the Board is supposed to approve it. 252 00:20:51.600 --> 00:21:02.040 Andrea Boccaletti: Well, I guess, maybe then the board action certificate for the we had the approval for the entire budget for the emergency preparedness so maybe that will work for each individual charge just. 253 00:21:02.070 --> 00:21:06.630 Helen Fallon: It still doesn't because you still have to approve the individual charges, I think. 254 00:21:06.720 --> 00:21:07.800 Andrea Boccaletti: an item is. 255 00:21:08.610 --> 00:21:09.810 Helen Fallon: I would also suggest you. 256 00:21:09.810 --> 00:21:16.500 Helen Fallon: reach out to like I think I haven't done it reach out to some of the other treasures and find out how they do it. 257 00:21:17.190 --> 00:21:18.030 Helen Fallon: Other mcs. 258 00:21:18.060 --> 00:21:29.070 Helen Fallon: I know more just it doesn't have this problem and they approve the individual items as they come up it's only the recurring ones, you know, like the expenditures you've got that are monthly for the. 259 00:21:30.690 --> 00:21:31.410 Andrea Boccaletti: village. 260 00:21:32.070 --> 00:21:38.490 Helen Fallon: Storage that kind of thing webs web corner that you don't have to keep improving because you've approved those in the beginning. 261 00:21:41.040 --> 00:21:41.370 Andrea Boccaletti: Right. 262 00:21:42.510 --> 00:21:43.110 Andrea Boccaletti: So. 263 00:21:44.700 --> 00:21:47.940 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay, and you don't see any other hands so. 264 00:21:49.860 --> 00:21:51.990 Andrea Boccaletti: let's move to. 265 00:21:53.850 --> 00:21:54.780 Andrea Boccaletti: Item seven a. 266 00:21:55.800 --> 00:21:56.250 Andrea Boccaletti: and 267 00:21:58.110 --> 00:22:02.220 Andrea Boccaletti: Approval of the would anybody, like to make a motion to. 268 00:22:04.170 --> 00:22:06.900 Andrea Boccaletti: approve the January month expenditure report. 269 00:22:09.600 --> 00:22:12.660 Daffodil Tyminski: Andrea could you put it up i'll make the motion this is definitely. 270 00:22:12.780 --> 00:22:15.630 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm sorry I make the motion to approve the current mark. 271 00:22:17.010 --> 00:22:17.850 Daffodil Tyminski: Could you put them up. 272 00:22:18.300 --> 00:22:20.580 james murez: yeah and I will Second, we need a second. 273 00:22:22.740 --> 00:22:24.180 james murez: that's Jim okay. 274 00:22:24.210 --> 00:22:24.750 Andrea Boccaletti: Thank you. 275 00:22:25.260 --> 00:22:25.650 Thanks. 276 00:22:27.780 --> 00:22:33.450 Daffodil Tyminski: You might want to stop sharing pull it up and then share that screen just for the sake of your own. 277 00:22:33.870 --> 00:22:34.710 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay, thank you. 278 00:23:03.720 --> 00:23:04.680 Andrea Boccaletti: Can y'all see that. 279 00:23:13.260 --> 00:23:14.160 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay, so. 280 00:23:15.750 --> 00:23:18.420 Andrea Boccaletti: Do we have somebody to make a motion. 281 00:23:19.710 --> 00:23:21.780 Daffodil Tyminski: Again it's daffodil I will make the motion to. 282 00:23:21.780 --> 00:23:22.650 Andrea Boccaletti: approve, thank you. 283 00:23:23.220 --> 00:23:24.360 Daffodil Tyminski: And I think Jim second it. 284 00:23:24.630 --> 00:23:25.710 Andrea Boccaletti: yep okay thanks. 285 00:23:26.190 --> 00:23:28.680 james murez: You fall down a little bit just so we get it all in the recording. 286 00:23:30.660 --> 00:23:31.500 Andrea Boccaletti: scroll down. 287 00:23:31.800 --> 00:23:32.400 james murez: This place. 288 00:23:32.520 --> 00:23:32.970 Andrea Boccaletti: like this. 289 00:23:33.210 --> 00:23:33.930 james murez: Yes, we can see. 290 00:23:34.770 --> 00:23:36.780 Daffodil Tyminski: it this way it'll be part of the meeting record Andrea. 291 00:23:37.350 --> 00:23:37.710 Okay. 292 00:23:41.130 --> 00:23:46.050 Helen Fallon: And can I ask what was the what was the holdup last month, you said you didn't have some of the. 293 00:23:46.050 --> 00:23:47.880 Andrea Boccaletti: reciting I didn't get the receipts in time. 294 00:23:49.350 --> 00:23:50.340 Helen Fallon: And these were. 295 00:23:50.970 --> 00:23:53.130 Helen Fallon: No listen up for extra things. 296 00:23:53.970 --> 00:24:12.180 Sima Kostov: No, this is what happened, if I may so Facebook charges us in these really weird increments I don't know why, and I don't know how and it doesn't line up to how it's charged the way the city sees our charges, so there was a $3 charge. 297 00:24:12.180 --> 00:24:24.690 Sima Kostov: back from December that literally, I could not find because they were billing us for February, but yet, this was a charge from December that just appeared January 12. 298 00:24:25.050 --> 00:24:38.700 Sima Kostov: On the city site, so I had to find it and I had to go and the way that they bail us, I had to anyway there, there was no there's no way to sink our billing so. 299 00:24:39.660 --> 00:24:57.090 Sima Kostov: The only way I find out about it is if I know that the city is looking for charge So this was a February charge that appeared on the city's site, but was from a December promo that we ran so it was difficult to find in time. 300 00:25:02.430 --> 00:25:03.570 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay, so. 301 00:25:05.490 --> 00:25:08.370 Andrea Boccaletti: i'll go through this right now, so we had a beginning balance of. 302 00:25:10.110 --> 00:25:19.320 Andrea Boccaletti: January 1 we had a beginning balance of $34,546 and 39 cents, we spent a total of $391 and 20 cents. 303 00:25:20.490 --> 00:25:31.590 Andrea Boccaletti: which gives us and we have still the outstanding 1500 dollars for the December sign lighting for Venice Popper odyssey for the branded photo booth. 304 00:25:33.870 --> 00:25:39.780 Andrea Boccaletti: So are not available balances 32,006 55 and 19 cents. 305 00:25:40.500 --> 00:25:42.810 Andrea Boccaletti: as of January 31st. 306 00:25:44.670 --> 00:25:45.210 Andrea Boccaletti: and 307 00:25:47.340 --> 00:25:56.160 Andrea Boccaletti: The amount spent were $371 and 20 cents on office expenses and $20 on outreach. 308 00:25:58.710 --> 00:26:02.880 Andrea Boccaletti: So we have the expenses, here we have constant contact. 309 00:26:03.930 --> 00:26:11.430 Andrea Boccaletti: or $65 we have the $20 Facebook ad and then we have our storage space. 310 00:26:13.260 --> 00:26:20.850 Andrea Boccaletti: At 300 and $306 and 20 cents. 311 00:26:22.650 --> 00:26:24.000 Andrea Boccaletti: So February we have. 312 00:26:25.140 --> 00:26:25.560 Andrea Boccaletti: More. 313 00:26:26.490 --> 00:26:27.600 james murez: corner not showing. 314 00:26:29.550 --> 00:26:30.960 Andrea Boccaletti: web corner yeah. 315 00:26:31.770 --> 00:26:33.840 james murez: there's no invoice looks like from my partner there. 316 00:26:34.140 --> 00:26:36.900 Andrea Boccaletti: yeah I got one random one now which. 317 00:26:38.160 --> 00:26:42.780 james murez: yeah I did I don't think they're very good I don't think they're real consistent on their monthly. 318 00:26:44.640 --> 00:26:52.290 Andrea Boccaletti: But I so web corner apple one is the only one that we've ceased with right, we do not okay i'm. 319 00:26:52.560 --> 00:26:55.080 james murez: Talking about maybe using them for some other work but. 320 00:26:55.110 --> 00:26:58.260 Andrea Boccaletti: yeah okay okay so um. 321 00:26:59.880 --> 00:27:02.970 Andrea Boccaletti: Any open up for discussion on the. 322 00:27:05.100 --> 00:27:07.860 Andrea Boccaletti: board comment on the January mirror. 323 00:27:11.010 --> 00:27:12.660 Andrea Boccaletti: Seeing okay Helen. 324 00:27:13.860 --> 00:27:27.990 Helen Fallon: Oh, this is sort of skipping forward to February, but if you actually have all the receipts, I mean that they don't have the physical receive the one they're disputing we could approve the February Mer and you know, because you know what's the expenditures are right. 325 00:27:29.880 --> 00:27:31.110 Andrea Boccaletti: yeah I mean I could share. 326 00:27:31.200 --> 00:27:37.260 Helen Fallon: it's not like it's not like there's anything mysterious you've already spent so I mean if you want to get caught up it's just. 327 00:27:39.600 --> 00:27:41.160 Andrea Boccaletti: We have to make a motion for them. 328 00:27:42.120 --> 00:27:44.520 james murez: Is it on the is it on the agenda. 329 00:27:44.700 --> 00:27:46.560 Helen Fallon: Is report January, February. 330 00:27:47.160 --> 00:27:47.940 Andrea Boccaletti: February we just. 331 00:27:49.020 --> 00:27:50.640 Helen Fallon: take care of this one, and then we could look at. 332 00:27:51.570 --> 00:27:53.220 Helen Fallon: Why because you've got the information. 333 00:27:53.490 --> 00:27:54.990 james murez: I don't think there was a link there. 334 00:27:55.470 --> 00:27:56.190 Andrea Boccaletti: No there's not. 335 00:27:57.360 --> 00:28:02.400 Andrea Boccaletti: So take a vote to approve the January month expenditure report was presented. 336 00:28:03.990 --> 00:28:04.650 Andrea Boccaletti: James Harris. 337 00:28:05.190 --> 00:28:08.010 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes, daffodil yes, how on. 338 00:28:08.370 --> 00:28:09.450 Andrea Boccaletti: house Ivan. 339 00:28:10.770 --> 00:28:11.190 Andrea Boccaletti: schema. 340 00:28:11.880 --> 00:28:16.080 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes, and I want us to so 600. 341 00:28:17.580 --> 00:28:18.900 Andrea Boccaletti: in favor arm. 342 00:28:20.010 --> 00:28:20.760 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay. 343 00:28:23.880 --> 00:28:29.700 Andrea Boccaletti: So can we do that with the February, murder, that we we don't even have a link to it. 344 00:28:30.240 --> 00:28:34.470 james murez: Well, did you put it in there as supporting documents at least. 345 00:28:34.680 --> 00:28:36.810 Andrea Boccaletti: No, because I don't have I can't generate. 346 00:28:37.080 --> 00:28:37.950 Andrea Boccaletti: I can't generate. 347 00:28:38.370 --> 00:28:39.840 Andrea Boccaletti: Enough generate this document. 348 00:28:40.110 --> 00:28:43.920 james murez: We cannot approve something that hasn't been publicly posted. 349 00:28:44.340 --> 00:28:44.790 Okay. 350 00:28:46.260 --> 00:28:46.620 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay. 351 00:28:47.190 --> 00:28:50.940 james murez: I mean, I understand that you want to go ahead and put it forward but. 352 00:28:52.110 --> 00:28:55.680 Andrea Boccaletti: You will just be doing to next month, I mean it's just you know. 353 00:28:56.010 --> 00:28:59.520 james murez: we'll do one next month we'll get we'll do when you have. 354 00:29:00.240 --> 00:29:09.600 Helen Fallon: And I make a suggestion, though, is is android you can create your own information because you know what the expenses are so you could post. 355 00:29:10.230 --> 00:29:18.810 Helen Fallon: You know excel or you know just some you know the information, these are the expenditures that are going to be on the merger and then we approve it, and you get caught up. 356 00:29:19.200 --> 00:29:27.270 Helen Fallon: As a business paperwork that's just in between, and you can generate it before the before the board meeting and you're you're caught up. 357 00:29:28.050 --> 00:29:31.560 Andrea Boccaletti: I mean if you guys want I can just discuss with you right now. 358 00:29:32.940 --> 00:29:35.760 Andrea Boccaletti: Generally, what February is if anybody wants to know but it's. 359 00:29:37.110 --> 00:29:37.500 Andrea Boccaletti: Not. 360 00:29:37.560 --> 00:29:39.660 Helen Fallon: i'm just suggesting for the next time around. 361 00:29:39.900 --> 00:29:44.580 Helen Fallon: If there's still this gap let's just do it that way, because other mcs do it that way. 362 00:29:45.720 --> 00:29:50.970 Helen Fallon: versus just a piece of paper that you know you've got what's this man, you should know that. 363 00:29:51.060 --> 00:29:51.510 Helen Fallon: you're right. 364 00:29:52.080 --> 00:29:57.780 Andrea Boccaletti: And I know it already I can show you all right now, through the city portal if you'd like to see but. 365 00:29:58.800 --> 00:30:01.650 Andrea Boccaletti: I just don't have this document generated. 366 00:30:02.610 --> 00:30:05.070 Helen Fallon: Oh, so you already have the verse there them okay. 367 00:30:05.460 --> 00:30:07.680 Andrea Boccaletti: No, I don't have the this. 368 00:30:08.010 --> 00:30:10.920 Helen Fallon: Right you don't have to print it out that's, the only thing you can't do. 369 00:30:10.980 --> 00:30:18.150 Helen Fallon: yeah yeah Okay, so we could be approving things if you just showed us what it was just because you don't have a printout. 370 00:30:18.240 --> 00:30:18.840 To upload. 371 00:30:20.100 --> 00:30:23.070 Andrea Boccaletti: To Jim Jim jim's point we don't have the link that. 372 00:30:23.640 --> 00:30:24.270 Helen Fallon: Right yeah. 373 00:30:26.040 --> 00:30:26.580 Andrea Boccaletti: So. 374 00:30:26.820 --> 00:30:35.160 james murez: curious, why are we in such a hurry word it's not like we're on a crunch, at the end of the year and we've got to get a last document out why do we care. 375 00:30:37.980 --> 00:30:48.630 james murez: I just don't understand I don't understand what the panic is about I mean it did you know he ran it this way for 15 years that he was always a month behind and all of a sudden. 376 00:30:48.870 --> 00:30:56.340 james murez: Helen for you, this has become like the biggest catastrophe in the world that we have to address and it's putting a lot of extra pressure. 377 00:30:56.640 --> 00:31:08.700 james murez: On Andre to get these things done exactly as on your schedule and and, in all honesty, it doesn't make any difference at the end of the day, it's not as though we're we're up against the deadline to get the stuff out on time. 378 00:31:10.200 --> 00:31:17.820 Helen Fallon: Point jam is from a financial point of view, this is your bank statement, do you reconcile your bank account two months later. 379 00:31:19.530 --> 00:31:21.960 Helen Fallon: You should be looking at this thing on a monthly basis. 380 00:31:21.990 --> 00:31:30.810 Helen Fallon: on time, the way you I don't know why he was doing a two months behind me no sense, nobody else does it that way that's why they generated on the fifth of the month. 381 00:31:31.020 --> 00:31:33.750 Andrea Boccaletti: It was because of the timing of the meetings and and. 382 00:31:33.960 --> 00:31:35.310 Helen Fallon: yeah yeah. 383 00:31:35.670 --> 00:31:37.140 Andrea Boccaletti: So if they. 384 00:31:37.530 --> 00:31:43.860 Helen Fallon: can't print the morale they're just generating their own thing for approving it, and then they can print them out and upload out. 385 00:31:44.100 --> 00:31:45.570 Helen Fallon: I don't know why you would want to be two. 386 00:31:45.570 --> 00:31:50.340 Helen Fallon: months behind, especially since your meetings, the third week of a month or two and a half months be nice. 387 00:31:52.620 --> 00:31:52.920 yeah. 388 00:31:55.170 --> 00:31:57.450 Helen Fallon: Good it's just not good practice that's all. 389 00:32:00.420 --> 00:32:06.240 Andrea Boccaletti: I was okay well if you if you guys want me to just generally, I can just tell you. 390 00:32:07.170 --> 00:32:09.780 james murez: This move on to the next agenda item I have other things I need to. 391 00:32:09.780 --> 00:32:10.080 Daffodil Tyminski: do this. 392 00:32:10.140 --> 00:32:14.760 james murez: morning is 930 already Okay, not on the agenda, we can't address it anyway. 393 00:32:15.750 --> 00:32:24.300 Andrea Boccaletti: We have roughly $900 or thousand dollars in expenses for for February, but just tell you off the BAT okay so. 394 00:32:26.130 --> 00:32:27.540 Andrea Boccaletti: All right, well. 395 00:32:29.190 --> 00:32:33.120 Andrea Boccaletti: So I will conclude the meeting, then. 396 00:32:34.200 --> 00:32:36.480 Andrea Boccaletti: Let me get back and see you on screen. 397 00:32:36.660 --> 00:32:38.460 Sima Kostov: Because I have a question yeah. 398 00:32:39.510 --> 00:32:53.850 Sima Kostov: So, given this distinction between expenditures and approval of budget and, by the way this has never been the case, and I know that they're changing things for 2022. 399 00:32:54.300 --> 00:33:11.130 Sima Kostov: So I have another charge for advertising from West side current, which was approved under the General Budget for advertising for the resiliency town hall, so does that mean now because it's a $400 charge that has to go in front of the board to get approved. 400 00:33:11.550 --> 00:33:12.930 Andrea Boccaletti: It was it above the the. 401 00:33:13.050 --> 00:33:21.210 Sima Kostov: The budget now it's all within the approved budget amount so that's what i'm having trouble understanding okay. 402 00:33:21.300 --> 00:33:37.500 Andrea Boccaletti: Now i'm going to talk with a i'm going to schedule a call, but I should be able to just present the one board action certificate for the entire budget that was approved and show that that our receipts do not exceed that budget amount there's a charge that. 403 00:33:38.070 --> 00:33:40.230 Andrea Boccaletti: there's a charge that puts us over that then. 404 00:33:40.590 --> 00:33:43.830 Andrea Boccaletti: You probably have to bring it to the board and get that approved. 405 00:33:44.760 --> 00:33:45.180 OK. 406 00:33:46.890 --> 00:33:48.960 Andrea Boccaletti: But so you have another receipt coming. 407 00:33:49.020 --> 00:34:00.660 Sima Kostov: No well you I can't remember right now and i'm not on wi fi but just remind just remind me or email me if I owe you the West side current receipt i'm pretty sure I sent it to you when we got it. 408 00:34:01.680 --> 00:34:02.430 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes. 409 00:34:02.520 --> 00:34:04.470 Andrea Boccaletti: I think so yeah for 250. 410 00:34:05.340 --> 00:34:08.820 Sima Kostov: yay West, I will know that was org Argonaut but um. 411 00:34:09.030 --> 00:34:09.570 Sima Kostov: There were two. 412 00:34:09.870 --> 00:34:15.120 Sima Kostov: or 250 are gonna was too, because we ran two campaigns with them. 413 00:34:16.200 --> 00:34:23.760 Sima Kostov: And then West side current we ran for 10 days with them so i'll just double check. 414 00:34:26.190 --> 00:34:27.840 Sima Kostov: Okay i'll double check. 415 00:34:28.080 --> 00:34:28.500 Okay. 416 00:34:29.670 --> 00:34:30.030 Andrea Boccaletti: All right. 417 00:34:30.510 --> 00:34:32.820 Helen Fallon: it's being charged to the credit card Andrea. 418 00:34:34.140 --> 00:34:35.640 Helen Fallon: Nancy credit card person. 419 00:34:36.210 --> 00:34:39.330 Helen Fallon: Yes, Okay, so they should show up here. 420 00:34:39.930 --> 00:34:42.870 Andrea Boccaletti: yeah so that has not shown up in our. 421 00:34:43.980 --> 00:34:44.850 Andrea Boccaletti: account at all, yet. 422 00:34:45.630 --> 00:34:47.100 Sima Kostov: by the wayside current charge. 423 00:34:48.660 --> 00:34:59.190 Sima Kostov: Okay Okay, well then they they haven't build us yet um I don't know what their what their how they do their billing statements but i'll i'll reach back out to them, just to double check. 424 00:34:59.550 --> 00:34:59.880 Okay. 425 00:35:00.900 --> 00:35:01.440 Andrea Boccaletti: address. 426 00:35:02.490 --> 00:35:05.040 Andrea Boccaletti: So conclude that oh Jim Jim um. 427 00:35:05.670 --> 00:35:07.950 james murez: I think when you talk to the city. 428 00:35:08.610 --> 00:35:10.110 Andrea Boccaletti: yeah if the. 429 00:35:11.670 --> 00:35:14.070 james murez: approved budget expenditure report. 430 00:35:15.480 --> 00:35:18.600 james murez: is not sufficient to be able to just. 431 00:35:20.010 --> 00:35:27.990 james murez: move through the system in the way that you think it should because nothing's exceeded the budget, then I guess the question would be is, do we need to get. 432 00:35:28.800 --> 00:35:36.090 james murez: The do we need to use a different form when we bring it before the board, rather than even putting it on as a budget why don't we just put it on as an expense. 433 00:35:36.930 --> 00:35:48.750 james murez: And just to get the expensive route ahead of time, rather than putting it on as a budget request and maybe ask them that question would that be possible, so we don't have to go through everything twice. 434 00:35:49.470 --> 00:35:50.670 james murez: yeah that's what I mean. 435 00:35:50.910 --> 00:35:56.430 Andrea Boccaletti: Well then, someone would have to know exactly what they're going to be spending the money on broken down exactly how they're. 436 00:35:57.360 --> 00:35:59.370 james murez: But we pretty much asked for that anyway. 437 00:36:00.750 --> 00:36:00.960 Andrea Boccaletti: yeah. 438 00:36:02.040 --> 00:36:12.840 Sima Kostov: But if I may so it's my understanding that that's the reason why it was done that way it was done that way to allow for some sort of flexibility, because, like, for example. 439 00:36:13.200 --> 00:36:29.220 Sima Kostov: You know I mean the the cost went up right for lawn signs, whereas last year was $250 it was $280 this year, so it allows for some flexibility that's why that's why this whole expenditure. 440 00:36:30.750 --> 00:36:45.330 Sima Kostov: is so strange because unless they've instituted it for 2022 because that has never been how we've done individual items and Ivan you've also been on this committee, do you do you remember it differently. 441 00:36:46.710 --> 00:36:47.100 Ivan: No. 442 00:36:48.360 --> 00:36:55.680 Ivan: No, I had like what the elections, I had to come back to the board, I had an overall budget approved. 443 00:36:56.880 --> 00:36:59.730 Ivan: And then I had to come back to the board for every line item. 444 00:37:01.110 --> 00:37:10.440 Sima Kostov: By line item is different right because a line item is specific like you know to this wearing. 445 00:37:12.270 --> 00:37:25.140 Sima Kostov: Right, but this was a budget for a specific thing and it only went to advertising so that's why i'm just floored and to jim's point, why do we have to do it twice. 446 00:37:26.520 --> 00:37:30.930 james murez: yeah so I guess my only point is not to get into a big discussion about it now, but. 447 00:37:31.380 --> 00:37:39.540 james murez: When you when you speak to the city if they say that getting it on the budget is not sufficient any longer because they've changed their policies are because. 448 00:37:39.990 --> 00:37:52.980 james murez: They just never noticed that that's how we were doing it, and it was always okay find out if there's a way that we can do it in a one step process by perhaps putting in the exit you know Sema would then have to get the $280. 449 00:37:54.000 --> 00:38:05.970 james murez: advance information and she'd have to get the information as an expense item before being able to actually get it approved and just do it one shot that way, I mean I realized, it puts more pressure on. 450 00:38:06.720 --> 00:38:15.660 james murez: You know the people that are trying to spend the money they don't have the budget of being able to spend $500 and only spend 280 and then having a surplus, but. 451 00:38:16.020 --> 00:38:23.190 james murez: If that's what it takes to get it done in one step let's find out if there's a way that we can do that that's all i'm saying you just asked the question yeah. 452 00:38:23.880 --> 00:38:32.520 Helen Fallon: easy way to do it, Jim, as you just say, I can see this case it was going to be too ad you make a motion for 300 and she spends less there's no problem if you. 453 00:38:33.390 --> 00:38:35.400 Helen Fallon: have to make another motion yeah. 454 00:38:35.850 --> 00:38:40.980 Helen Fallon: But that's all you do is just break down the 1200 would have been broken down to wider to you know. 455 00:38:42.450 --> 00:38:48.420 Andrea Boccaletti: I think it was broken down $1,000 advertising and $200 and snacks if it was in person and it wasn't in person, so. 456 00:38:49.710 --> 00:38:50.670 Andrea Boccaletti: You know yeah. 457 00:38:52.590 --> 00:38:52.920 Andrea Boccaletti: All right. 458 00:38:55.320 --> 00:38:56.760 Andrea Boccaletti: You guys could see my screen right. 459 00:38:57.630 --> 00:39:04.950 Andrea Boccaletti: Yes, yeah okay so anyway alright well, thank you, on android yeah. 460 00:39:05.610 --> 00:39:06.750 Ivan: All right, before you leave. 461 00:39:08.460 --> 00:39:11.040 Ivan: You haven't been through this cycle before. 462 00:39:12.270 --> 00:39:13.950 Ivan: we're already in mark. 463 00:39:15.420 --> 00:39:17.700 Ivan: We have two more months to spend our money. 464 00:39:18.240 --> 00:39:21.300 Andrea Boccaletti: Right, so we need a Community improvement project and. 465 00:39:21.450 --> 00:39:22.440 Ivan: Well, or. 466 00:39:23.460 --> 00:39:35.640 Ivan: What will you do is he would send a thing out to the board to the committee chairs, so you expect to be spending any money if you have project, you want to do now's the time to. 467 00:39:36.270 --> 00:39:43.770 Ivan: start getting it in getting the budget request them because they freeze on money somewhere around the beginning of June. 468 00:39:44.430 --> 00:39:47.010 Ivan: And kind of doesn't go to the end of the fiscal year. 469 00:39:49.410 --> 00:39:58.740 james murez: And Andre I know that I was in an arbor committee meeting and also one of their Saturday events, and they would like to. 470 00:39:59.250 --> 00:40:16.380 james murez: apply for that, so I think if we can get that paperwork together for what the application has to be that might make it easier, I think we could announce that, at the board meeting when you went when I call on the committee heads to to make a brief statement you might just make an announcement. 471 00:40:16.500 --> 00:40:17.220 Andrea Boccaletti: Who is this fun. 472 00:40:18.330 --> 00:40:19.350 james murez: For the arbor committee. 473 00:40:19.620 --> 00:40:20.460 Andrea Boccaletti: Member committee okay. 474 00:40:20.940 --> 00:40:25.560 james murez: But I mean you don't need to address it directly to them just make the general announcement that. 475 00:40:26.280 --> 00:40:34.620 james murez: You know any if anybody wants to do a Community improvement project, they need to to submit the forms to you and they're available today on. 476 00:40:34.950 --> 00:40:43.860 james murez: The website, which means, of course, you'd have to post them there, but that would be a great announcement, for you to be able to make that everybody would be interested in the treasure can. 477 00:40:43.950 --> 00:40:46.080 Andrea Boccaletti: I make that at the board meeting as well yeah yeah. 478 00:40:46.290 --> 00:40:51.720 Helen Fallon: Your summary analysis to the public in general, not just the chairs of committees. 479 00:40:52.560 --> 00:40:55.290 james murez: Excuse me know we will be announcing it to the general public. 480 00:40:55.950 --> 00:41:05.820 Helen Fallon: Okay, so, because any group I mean if it's something that you know they want a sidewalk fixed or a crosswalk or something that money can go to the city so. 481 00:41:06.960 --> 00:41:07.950 Helen Fallon: We ought to put up a. 482 00:41:08.310 --> 00:41:12.270 Helen Fallon: Pride everybody of what what are you sick and tired of not getting 60 in your neighborhood. 483 00:41:12.810 --> 00:41:25.140 Sima Kostov: Right and then one of the things that we can also do is once you announce died, we can launch you know more of a campaign to like publicize it, you know, so that we can get more Community involvement with something like that, but. 484 00:41:25.830 --> 00:41:47.280 Sima Kostov: Just just as a note of caution, if I may, we should come up with a way that we allocate this money where whether it's by vote like let's say we got 10 projects, and we have $20,000 how are we going to choose, so I think that's something that we should perhaps discuss maybe offline or. 485 00:41:47.280 --> 00:41:50.160 Andrea Boccaletti: Another once you get the requests in and once I announced that. 486 00:41:50.430 --> 00:42:00.030 Andrea Boccaletti: We get requests and one thing off the top of my head, I was passing by oakland park and I see, they have a sign up there, and it looks really, really old and decrepit I don't know that would be something that's too. 487 00:42:01.680 --> 00:42:03.360 Helen Fallon: that's a Community improved my grandma. 488 00:42:03.450 --> 00:42:04.320 Andrea Boccaletti: yeah absolutely. 489 00:42:04.560 --> 00:42:07.500 Sima Kostov: So right, but how do we choose the Community improvement grants. 490 00:42:07.530 --> 00:42:08.400 Sima Kostov: that's my question. 491 00:42:08.430 --> 00:42:10.620 Helen Fallon: What does that say motherboard oh my. 492 00:42:10.620 --> 00:42:11.400 Andrea Boccaletti: Goodness yeah. 493 00:42:12.150 --> 00:42:12.990 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah we used to. 494 00:42:13.770 --> 00:42:20.700 Daffodil Tyminski: submit them all and then people would rank them and then we just started take the top, you know ranked. 495 00:42:23.610 --> 00:42:24.570 Sima Kostov: To be a part of. 496 00:42:24.900 --> 00:42:27.120 james murez: Ivan there's two categories of money there. 497 00:42:29.220 --> 00:42:30.030 james murez: One of them. 498 00:42:31.170 --> 00:42:32.460 james murez: Andre can you bring that back up. 499 00:42:32.520 --> 00:42:33.900 Andrea Boccaletti: The neighborhood. 500 00:42:34.410 --> 00:42:35.460 Andrea Boccaletti: purpose grants. 501 00:42:36.090 --> 00:42:37.800 Andrea Boccaletti: Community improvement project so. 502 00:42:37.830 --> 00:42:39.750 Andrea Boccaletti: MPA cheese and the CIPS. 503 00:42:39.870 --> 00:42:41.010 james murez: And so I. 504 00:42:41.280 --> 00:42:42.540 Andrea Boccaletti: want to see our allocation. 505 00:42:42.930 --> 00:42:44.100 james murez: Under definition. 506 00:42:44.250 --> 00:42:45.270 Andrea Boccaletti: hold on one SEC difference. 507 00:42:45.270 --> 00:42:46.290 james murez: Between the two of them. 508 00:42:48.840 --> 00:42:49.260 james murez: i've been. 509 00:42:49.740 --> 00:42:51.660 Ivan: At the question, what do you want to know. 510 00:42:52.710 --> 00:42:53.340 Andrea Boccaletti: So. 511 00:42:53.850 --> 00:42:56.400 james murez: No, you need to bring up the report. 512 00:42:57.720 --> 00:42:59.400 james murez: They were described on the report. 513 00:43:01.500 --> 00:43:02.220 Andrea Boccaletti: Oh i'm. 514 00:43:04.290 --> 00:43:06.600 Andrea Boccaletti: Sorry What was it now to merge. 515 00:43:06.690 --> 00:43:09.420 Helen Fallon: Well back the budget allocation and ran for the. 516 00:43:09.780 --> 00:43:10.560 james murez: Go back to them. 517 00:43:11.040 --> 00:43:12.990 Andrea Boccaletti: On the mirror okay okay yeah. 518 00:43:23.910 --> 00:43:24.540 james murez: Something has. 519 00:43:25.320 --> 00:43:32.250 Andrea Boccaletti: My hold on one SEC she's sharing the whole screen, which is not good okay um I don't know. 520 00:43:34.530 --> 00:43:36.330 Andrea Boccaletti: Stop sharing, can you just pull it up. 521 00:43:43.350 --> 00:43:44.520 Andrea Boccaletti: There it is. 522 00:43:51.030 --> 00:43:59.340 james murez: So there are two categories showing on the screen Ivan one second needy improvement project, the other one says neighborhood purpose grant. 523 00:43:59.820 --> 00:44:00.300 Ivan: This right. 524 00:44:00.360 --> 00:44:13.500 james murez: Well, some between the two of them looks like it's somewhere around $13,500, I guess, my question is, what is the difference between those two categories. 525 00:44:13.590 --> 00:44:14.640 Andrea Boccaletti: I can answer that for you. 526 00:44:15.150 --> 00:44:31.200 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay, though, so if the lapd boosters had requested, you know requested the thousand dollars that we approved for them for the toy drive, which then never heard anything from them that would have come up with new neighborhood neighborhood purpose ground, and that would normally go to schools. 527 00:44:33.150 --> 00:44:35.460 Ivan: And we're going to say 501 C three. 528 00:44:36.390 --> 00:44:48.510 james murez: not answering Mike my question technically is, do we have a technical definition for what the differences between are these two items define some place in our standing rules are in the cities. 529 00:44:49.260 --> 00:44:52.410 Ivan: yeah the city done there they're probably on the done website. 530 00:44:52.710 --> 00:45:04.020 james murez: Okay, so we have to get the information that describes each of these what it takes to have one versus the other available, and then the question that needs to be asked is does anybody. 531 00:45:04.230 --> 00:45:05.550 james murez: want to apply for this. 532 00:45:05.550 --> 00:45:17.790 james murez: $13,500 underneath one of these two categories and that's the announcement and that's the document that needs to be available, along with whatever the application process is for each one of them. 533 00:45:18.810 --> 00:45:20.250 james murez: You understand what i'm saying it needs. 534 00:45:20.310 --> 00:45:24.150 Andrea Boccaletti: It needs to be default i'll talk to you i'll talk to here because i've never. 535 00:45:25.470 --> 00:45:27.360 Daffodil Tyminski: I weigh in because I know the answer to this. 536 00:45:27.450 --> 00:45:34.410 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay um so um the neighborhood purpose grants have to go either to a public school or a 501 C three. 537 00:45:34.710 --> 00:45:38.580 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, I don't know whether the public park could be worked in there. 538 00:45:38.790 --> 00:45:40.560 Helen Fallon: And that's the Community improvement graph. 539 00:45:40.710 --> 00:45:44.310 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah so everything else is pretty much Community improvement grant. 540 00:45:45.720 --> 00:45:53.310 Daffodil Tyminski: So, like if it's just beautification of a park way or you know, like Jim you mentioned planning the trees, or whatever. 541 00:45:54.870 --> 00:46:08.790 james murez: So, so, then the guess the next question is if we ended up with $10,000 of Community improvement projects can we transfer the money from the neighborhood purpose France into Community. 542 00:46:08.790 --> 00:46:11.550 Helen Fallon: projects that the answer to that is yes, you can. 543 00:46:11.880 --> 00:46:14.310 james murez: But we would have to do a separate board action to move the. 544 00:46:14.310 --> 00:46:16.980 Helen Fallon: yeah no big deal and you just transfer the money. 545 00:46:17.160 --> 00:46:18.300 james murez: I understand, but I hope. 546 00:46:18.300 --> 00:46:22.290 Ivan: No, no, you have to you're gonna have to amend the budget to do that. 547 00:46:22.440 --> 00:46:27.420 Helen Fallon: Right it's a motion to transfer the money from one category to the other island it's not complicated. 548 00:46:27.720 --> 00:46:31.230 james murez: But that may that may take an extra month because it has to go through. 549 00:46:32.640 --> 00:46:34.080 Daffodil Tyminski: Well, we have a time issue here. 550 00:46:34.140 --> 00:46:34.740 So. 551 00:46:35.910 --> 00:46:48.150 Ivan: That was my whole point is we're going to run out of time on this, so we better start thinking about what we're going to do the rest of our money this year, we only really have about two more than two months here but. 552 00:46:48.810 --> 00:47:00.450 james murez: Well, if it takes a month to move money from one category to the other, and we don't hear about the grants that we want to hand or the improvement projects that we want to hand out for at least another month. 553 00:47:01.500 --> 00:47:02.580 james murez: we're out of time. 554 00:47:03.180 --> 00:47:18.600 james murez: yep we got to get as much information as possible and and and you know define what the rules are very clearly from step one and let everybody know that if they have questions they need to contact you and you being Andre and and. 555 00:47:19.620 --> 00:47:30.600 james murez: You know, we can work through it, then the next budget meeting, we have, we can already start putting in an application to read readjust those numbers because I don't see us coming up with neighborhood purpose France of $6,000. 556 00:47:31.500 --> 00:47:33.360 Daffodil Tyminski: um, can I ask a quick question. 557 00:47:33.780 --> 00:47:36.930 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, i've been how much of the budget expires. 558 00:47:38.070 --> 00:47:38.220 Daffodil Tyminski: Is. 559 00:47:40.170 --> 00:47:40.650 Ivan: No, I. 560 00:47:40.680 --> 00:47:47.070 Ivan: didn't the past i'm it it's not that the budget expires it's that. 561 00:47:47.820 --> 00:47:49.380 Ivan: That was a boy on my part. 562 00:47:49.470 --> 00:47:50.040 Ivan: Where you. 563 00:47:50.070 --> 00:47:51.810 Daffodil Tyminski: can write a check mm hmm. 564 00:47:52.860 --> 00:47:59.370 Ivan: Right two checks have to be done by a certain date credit card has to be done by a certain day and they're different. 565 00:48:00.630 --> 00:48:00.930 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 566 00:48:01.620 --> 00:48:03.900 Helen Fallon: They also allow you to carry over 10,000. 567 00:48:03.990 --> 00:48:04.560 And they haven't. 568 00:48:08.310 --> 00:48:12.450 Ivan: They haven't we haven't heard anything that they do it again here. 569 00:48:12.660 --> 00:48:20.760 Daffodil Tyminski: Right I just wonder if there's certain things that we could spend now that we could pre spend for next year, like an in particular what i'm thinking is Facebook ads. 570 00:48:20.760 --> 00:48:21.510 Ivan: And outreach. 571 00:48:21.930 --> 00:48:25.980 Ivan: You know, it has to be in the same fiscal year. 572 00:48:28.470 --> 00:48:30.300 Andrea Boccaletti: That was like be buying the door. 573 00:48:30.540 --> 00:48:31.680 Andrea Boccaletti: And an offshore bank account. 574 00:48:33.090 --> 00:48:36.390 Daffodil Tyminski: I mean, I have a lot of ideas about that, but um. 575 00:48:36.480 --> 00:48:54.870 james murez: No i'm you know i've been I think that what you said, may be slightly in error, because when we purchased the projector for Westminster elementary school, it was it was allocated in one year and the actual physical merchandise came through in the following her. 576 00:48:56.430 --> 00:48:57.060 Helen Fallon: conference. 577 00:48:57.330 --> 00:48:57.960 Ivan: again. 578 00:48:58.080 --> 00:48:58.800 Ivan: And the order was. 579 00:48:58.950 --> 00:49:03.600 james murez: placed sounds correct it was treated as an encumbrance yeah no I. 580 00:49:04.260 --> 00:49:08.010 Daffodil Tyminski: agree, I think we've done that, before the Board has done that, before, but I. 581 00:49:08.730 --> 00:49:16.980 james murez: think the other questions when you talk to the city about the other issues that we were talking about earlier it's going to be, will there be. 582 00:49:17.430 --> 00:49:28.260 james murez: A carry over allowed so do we do we know if we don't if we don't spend it we lose it versus if we don't spend the last 10,000 it would carry over. 583 00:49:28.890 --> 00:49:30.870 james murez: Okay that's an important question. 584 00:49:30.900 --> 00:49:31.920 Sima Kostov: And if they don't tell you. 585 00:49:32.850 --> 00:49:33.540 Sima Kostov: How much do. 586 00:49:35.460 --> 00:49:36.840 james murez: You see mommy fish if they don't. 587 00:49:37.440 --> 00:49:38.730 Sima Kostov: hear you can you speak up. 588 00:49:39.000 --> 00:49:45.960 james murez: If they don't have an answer today to that question about carry over When will they have the answer to that question. 589 00:49:46.380 --> 00:49:46.710 james murez: Because. 590 00:49:47.070 --> 00:49:50.520 james murez: Important quite you know you got to put the pressure on them to give you an answer to that. 591 00:49:50.910 --> 00:49:51.270 Andrea Boccaletti: It can. 592 00:49:51.570 --> 00:49:54.630 james murez: give you an answer get an answer of when you will be able to get an answer it. 593 00:49:55.560 --> 00:49:58.800 Andrea Boccaletti: And I don't know but I seem to think I seem to remember that. 594 00:50:00.600 --> 00:50:02.490 Andrea Boccaletti: They were even discussing about. 595 00:50:03.900 --> 00:50:05.460 Andrea Boccaletti: Reducing the budgets for. 596 00:50:06.630 --> 00:50:08.310 Andrea Boccaletti: The council's I mean first neighbor. 597 00:50:09.060 --> 00:50:11.130 Ivan: that's every year, though, that we don't. 598 00:50:11.880 --> 00:50:16.470 Ivan: We won't know until they actually approve the budget that would wake up what. 599 00:50:16.500 --> 00:50:17.850 Andrea Boccaletti: Time on that one yeah okay. 600 00:50:18.780 --> 00:50:24.720 Sima Kostov: Great wait sorry so just how much money do we have left to spend total. 601 00:50:25.380 --> 00:50:27.180 Andrea Boccaletti: I showed you the screen before it was. 602 00:50:28.140 --> 00:50:32.520 Andrea Boccaletti: 21,000 that was 31,000 and change. 603 00:50:35.100 --> 00:50:44.130 Andrea Boccaletti: But for these Community improvement project and for the neighborhood neighborhood purpose grants, none of the money has been spent, so we have total of $13,500. 604 00:50:44.970 --> 00:50:50.760 james murez: But don't get too carried away because we have other expenses that he has to page what's it like $1,000. 605 00:50:50.760 --> 00:51:06.840 Sima Kostov: No, no it's it's fine, but you know, I just want to make sure that if we do that i'm just trying to figure out timing for the town halls that we're trying to to get in and I just need to make sure that I, you know i'm just budgeting for for outreach that's all. 606 00:51:08.160 --> 00:51:10.500 Andrea Boccaletti: The money they're not go crazy but you'll have some money. 607 00:51:10.500 --> 00:51:14.040 Ivan: Go see my My advice to you is get busy. 608 00:51:18.630 --> 00:51:21.360 Ivan: Planning on doing but don't don't wait till June. 609 00:51:21.390 --> 00:51:24.450 Sima Kostov: No, no, no, thank you yeah. 610 00:51:24.780 --> 00:51:28.920 Andrea Boccaletti: So we can so we can vote vote on it as a board and get it funded right. 611 00:51:29.430 --> 00:51:30.330 Ivan: Well, the committee has. 612 00:51:30.390 --> 00:51:31.410 Ivan: To approve it first. 613 00:51:31.740 --> 00:51:33.270 Ivan: yeah okay. 614 00:51:34.290 --> 00:51:34.740 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay. 615 00:51:34.860 --> 00:51:37.560 Daffodil Tyminski: We just have to have like an on the fly budget meeting at some. 616 00:51:37.560 --> 00:51:38.670 Daffodil Tyminski: point to push this. 617 00:51:39.780 --> 00:51:40.050 Andrea Boccaletti: yeah. 618 00:51:40.410 --> 00:51:41.010 james murez: that's OK. 619 00:51:41.340 --> 00:51:44.790 Andrea Boccaletti: OK so i'm concluding the meeting at 952 Thank you all. 620 00:51:46.770 --> 00:51:47.070 Andrea Boccaletti: Okay. 621 00:51:47.100 --> 00:51:48.450 Andrea Boccaletti: Everyone have a great day. 622 00:51:49.260 --> 00:51:50.970 Sima Kostov: Okay bye bye.