WEBVTT 1 00:00:41.700 --> 00:00:42.210 frank murphy: hi Jen. 2 00:00:42.660 --> 00:00:47.490 james murez: hi how are you do you want me to make you or do you want me to make vicki the host of the meeting. 3 00:00:49.230 --> 00:00:51.360 frank murphy: made vicki the host to the meeting. 4 00:00:52.980 --> 00:00:53.610 james murez: got it. 5 00:00:55.350 --> 00:01:02.700 james murez: I mean, I can make I can make vicki The co host and i'll just stay in as host in case something comes up and I need to fix it how's that sound. 6 00:01:03.600 --> 00:01:06.660 Vicki Halliday: Whatever you want whatever is easiest gym and doesn't matter. 7 00:01:07.110 --> 00:01:09.030 frank murphy: Okay, or. 8 00:01:09.450 --> 00:01:12.210 Vicki Halliday: You started the recording that's important. 9 00:01:12.630 --> 00:01:20.130 james murez: yeah the recordings going you're now co host vicki i'm still host and screen share is available i'm going to sign off and go finish cooking my dinner. 10 00:01:20.490 --> 00:01:21.270 Vicki Halliday: There you go. 11 00:01:21.300 --> 00:01:25.560 james murez: enjoy and i'll be here, if you need me just text me or call me or whatever. 12 00:01:25.830 --> 00:01:28.140 james murez: we'll be able to promote anybody else that comes in. 13 00:01:28.710 --> 00:01:31.770 Vicki Halliday: Okay, no I don't think we need to tonight it's great. 14 00:01:34.260 --> 00:01:34.650 james murez: Okay. 15 00:01:34.680 --> 00:01:35.220 james murez: Thank you. 16 00:01:43.530 --> 00:01:45.030 frank murphy: God lined up here. 17 00:01:55.200 --> 00:01:59.880 frank murphy: he's the first first time so might be a little cumbersome. 18 00:02:01.440 --> 00:02:01.950 Vicki Halliday: His first. 19 00:02:03.780 --> 00:02:04.080 frank murphy: job. 20 00:02:13.290 --> 00:02:14.940 frank murphy: has been confirmed yet. 21 00:02:18.390 --> 00:02:18.990 Vicki Halliday: confirmed. 22 00:02:22.140 --> 00:02:23.490 Vicki Halliday: Oh okay I don't know her. 23 00:02:24.510 --> 00:02:27.150 frank murphy: she's probably va. 24 00:02:27.870 --> 00:02:28.830 Vicki Halliday: The va lady. 25 00:02:31.290 --> 00:02:33.060 Vicki Halliday: Well, hopefully jetties talk to her. 26 00:02:34.410 --> 00:02:39.930 frank murphy: He had, and he was trying to get in touch with her today, he said it wasn't a problem. 27 00:02:42.030 --> 00:02:42.960 frank murphy: um. 28 00:02:47.910 --> 00:02:50.010 frank murphy: But I don't know. 29 00:02:54.360 --> 00:02:55.110 frank murphy: How that goes. 30 00:02:56.130 --> 00:02:56.790 Vicki Halliday: yeah. 31 00:02:58.350 --> 00:02:59.010 frank murphy: we'll see. 32 00:03:00.840 --> 00:03:02.190 Vicki Halliday: let's see. 33 00:03:23.040 --> 00:03:33.780 Vicki Halliday: yeah Brian said he would be in around he hopes, no later than 730 hopefully by seven but they had share award or something like that. 34 00:03:34.350 --> 00:03:35.670 frank murphy: yeah yeah yeah. 35 00:03:36.000 --> 00:03:36.240 yeah. 36 00:03:37.470 --> 00:03:40.140 frank murphy: cool left said she's off work a little late. 37 00:03:40.140 --> 00:03:43.920 frank murphy: So she'll come in, when she can I said that's fine. 38 00:03:44.250 --> 00:03:45.780 Vicki Halliday: yeah portals. 39 00:03:46.620 --> 00:03:47.430 Vicki Halliday: Bad for him. 40 00:03:49.050 --> 00:03:49.560 frank murphy: was when. 41 00:03:49.830 --> 00:03:51.180 Vicki Halliday: I feel bad for Stan. 42 00:03:52.440 --> 00:03:52.920 frank murphy: yeah. 43 00:03:54.570 --> 00:03:57.750 frank murphy: You know i've never had him say was six so. 44 00:03:58.110 --> 00:03:59.640 Vicki Halliday: Okay, what it hit me. 45 00:04:00.210 --> 00:04:06.120 Vicki Halliday: The day after new year's Day and it was like three really rough days. 46 00:04:07.020 --> 00:04:08.610 frank murphy: yeah you told me yeah. 47 00:04:09.300 --> 00:04:23.040 Vicki Halliday: Negative by Friday, but it was like I don't know a combo of flu and something else, it was just like you thought you were gonna die, but he thought I know what it is i'm not going to the emergency room. 48 00:04:24.030 --> 00:04:24.330 yeah. 49 00:04:25.680 --> 00:04:27.630 Vicki Halliday: I can breathe, you know so. 50 00:04:28.410 --> 00:04:32.460 frank murphy: yeah that's that's, the main thing yeah yeah. 51 00:04:36.990 --> 00:04:40.050 frank murphy: I guess I would keep an eye out for. 52 00:04:41.130 --> 00:04:42.630 frank murphy: Ethical Bot or. 53 00:04:44.880 --> 00:04:46.530 Vicki Halliday: Let me promote God. 54 00:04:47.970 --> 00:04:49.560 frank murphy: Oh good God is in good good yeah. 55 00:04:50.880 --> 00:04:53.730 frank murphy: Just pass them emails back and forth. 56 00:04:57.240 --> 00:04:58.320 Vicki Halliday: yeah there, he is. 57 00:04:59.610 --> 00:05:01.440 frank murphy: And one press. 58 00:05:02.610 --> 00:05:04.470 frank murphy: Is Jody some. 59 00:05:04.620 --> 00:05:07.200 frank murphy: Is jodi's invitee on. 60 00:05:07.410 --> 00:05:08.760 frank murphy: A table. 61 00:05:10.500 --> 00:05:17.220 Vicki Halliday: And we don't know kind of what Eric comes under different names, but will you guys will help me spot Eric if he's showing up. 62 00:05:18.630 --> 00:05:19.140 frank murphy: Eric. 63 00:05:20.100 --> 00:05:22.200 Vicki Halliday: was the one from last time, who lives it. 64 00:05:23.880 --> 00:05:24.150 Vicki Halliday: In the. 65 00:05:24.870 --> 00:05:29.940 frank murphy: degree invite him I didn't know, we had invited him back I didn't I didn't I didn't. 66 00:05:30.480 --> 00:05:31.620 frank murphy: focus on that. 67 00:05:31.920 --> 00:05:36.690 Vicki Halliday: Okay, maybe he won't be here okay there's a there's Elizabeth let me get her in. 68 00:05:39.960 --> 00:05:48.810 frank murphy: Then pat pat has two people that might come in cat is one I think you know her. 69 00:05:49.980 --> 00:05:51.660 frank murphy: And rick. 70 00:05:56.220 --> 00:05:59.610 frank murphy: So if you see anything popping up there okay. 71 00:06:02.910 --> 00:06:05.280 frank murphy: Oh, she. 72 00:06:09.420 --> 00:06:10.470 frank murphy: So we got. 73 00:06:13.500 --> 00:06:16.650 frank murphy: One attendee alley being hi alli. 74 00:06:31.080 --> 00:06:32.550 Vicki Halliday: i'm saying hi to Elizabeth. 75 00:06:37.680 --> 00:06:38.400 frank murphy: hey Jody. 76 00:06:41.400 --> 00:06:42.480 Elizabeth Wright: hi everybody. 77 00:06:43.230 --> 00:06:44.040 i'm gonna. 78 00:06:45.360 --> 00:06:48.180 Elizabeth Wright: Work just a few minutes while I grab something to eat. 79 00:06:48.630 --> 00:06:49.290 Vicki Halliday: There you go. 80 00:06:50.340 --> 00:06:54.630 Elizabeth Wright: And oh on the agenda, I think we need to add approving agenda. 81 00:06:58.650 --> 00:06:59.730 frank murphy: Approving agenda. 82 00:07:00.630 --> 00:07:01.200 Elizabeth Wright: Right after. 83 00:07:07.890 --> 00:07:08.460 frank murphy: yeah. 84 00:07:09.900 --> 00:07:10.650 frank murphy: that's weird. 85 00:07:12.390 --> 00:07:12.810 frank murphy: Okay. 86 00:07:15.300 --> 00:07:18.780 frank murphy: Maybe Jim Jim knock that out earlier. 87 00:07:20.970 --> 00:07:22.470 frank murphy: was on last week's. 88 00:07:39.660 --> 00:07:44.250 frank murphy: knocked out last week, too, so i'll catch that right after roll call. 89 00:07:53.580 --> 00:07:57.540 Elizabeth Wright: And I assume the Minutes are what I wrote Is that correct. 90 00:07:59.280 --> 00:07:59.760 frank murphy: Yes. 91 00:08:00.390 --> 00:08:04.410 frank murphy: Okay, the Minutes that I posted are what you wrote yes. 92 00:08:04.470 --> 00:08:04.830 Okay. 93 00:09:02.970 --> 00:09:07.260 frank murphy: So I think we don't have any problem getting a quorum. 94 00:09:08.790 --> 00:09:10.710 Vicki Halliday: yeah let's do five minutes. 95 00:09:12.390 --> 00:09:21.420 frank murphy: yeah and everybody that's committed is 1234 of us here right now. 96 00:09:23.010 --> 00:09:23.430 frank murphy: No. 97 00:09:24.780 --> 00:09:25.710 frank murphy: four of us. 98 00:09:27.630 --> 00:09:30.600 frank murphy: So we only need one more and we've got a quorum. 99 00:09:30.900 --> 00:09:31.440 Great. 100 00:09:33.270 --> 00:09:34.650 frank murphy: clerical be here. 101 00:09:36.420 --> 00:09:37.650 Elizabeth Wright: miras cannot. 102 00:09:38.820 --> 00:09:40.140 Elizabeth Wright: Count toward the quorum. 103 00:09:40.770 --> 00:09:41.340 Not. 104 00:09:42.390 --> 00:09:43.260 Vicki Halliday: Eating okay. 105 00:09:43.440 --> 00:09:43.770 frank murphy: yeah. 106 00:09:43.890 --> 00:09:44.310 Vicki Halliday: he's got. 107 00:09:44.370 --> 00:09:46.920 frank murphy: A really need five to make a quorum. 108 00:09:51.480 --> 00:09:53.250 frank murphy: Does Jim counting the count. 109 00:09:53.700 --> 00:09:55.230 Vicki Halliday: nope yeah. 110 00:10:09.750 --> 00:10:12.990 Vicki Halliday: there's pat that's quorum right there, but still early. 111 00:10:14.010 --> 00:10:14.400 frank murphy: yeah. 112 00:10:32.010 --> 00:10:32.820 frank murphy: how's it going. 113 00:10:36.540 --> 00:10:38.850 Pat Raphael: Yes, I have to get my MIC in. 114 00:10:42.960 --> 00:10:45.510 frank murphy: it's kind of ghosting around on there it's. 115 00:10:49.410 --> 00:10:51.930 Pat Raphael: All right, alright tonight, can I hear y'all can I. 116 00:10:54.240 --> 00:10:54.900 frank murphy: hey jodi. 117 00:10:55.440 --> 00:10:55.920 jodi. 118 00:11:00.090 --> 00:11:01.140 frank murphy: yeah there you go. 119 00:11:03.870 --> 00:11:05.700 frank murphy: All right, what kind of dog is that. 120 00:11:08.460 --> 00:11:09.060 Vicki Halliday: Can. 121 00:11:09.960 --> 00:11:11.070 frank murphy: Oh, I can't see him. 122 00:11:15.930 --> 00:11:18.210 Jody Mortimer: 10 months old cat she's a good catch. 123 00:11:22.740 --> 00:11:29.310 Jody Mortimer: 22 of them and I didn't think I was gonna make it through that first month they literally used my face as a launching pad. 124 00:11:31.860 --> 00:11:33.630 Jody Mortimer: Very inquisitive. 125 00:11:33.810 --> 00:11:34.590 Vicki Halliday: I hear you. 126 00:11:37.770 --> 00:11:39.150 Vicki Halliday: Better you get on the boardwalk. 127 00:11:42.240 --> 00:11:45.450 Pat Raphael: I am, I am in my house. 128 00:11:53.760 --> 00:11:54.960 Vicki Halliday: it's very dark. 129 00:11:55.350 --> 00:11:56.280 frank murphy: yeah you need to. 130 00:11:59.010 --> 00:11:59.280 frank murphy: Go. 131 00:12:00.840 --> 00:12:01.830 Pat Raphael: over here. 132 00:12:05.670 --> 00:12:06.510 Pat Raphael: yep yep yep. 133 00:12:08.040 --> 00:12:12.090 Pat Raphael: I don't have a lot of bars, in fact, I only have one bar out of four. 134 00:12:13.110 --> 00:12:18.870 Pat Raphael: So I just wanted to make sure that the sound in the video was was going to be okay. 135 00:12:19.170 --> 00:12:19.830 Vicki Halliday: you're good. 136 00:12:20.790 --> 00:12:21.090 yeah. 137 00:12:22.890 --> 00:12:24.840 frank murphy: Any luck with cat and rick. 138 00:12:26.550 --> 00:12:29.700 Pat Raphael: I sent it to them, they never respond this way I didn't. 139 00:12:32.310 --> 00:12:33.810 Pat Raphael: I didn't say anything to you, but. 140 00:12:35.130 --> 00:12:36.870 Pat Raphael: This will give me a chance to give a call down. 141 00:13:02.550 --> 00:13:04.140 frank murphy: we're waiting to see if. 142 00:13:05.760 --> 00:13:06.990 frank murphy: ethel Butler. 143 00:13:08.070 --> 00:13:12.990 frank murphy: Checks in just to get you guys up to speed and. 144 00:13:15.720 --> 00:13:16.500 frank murphy: i'm. 145 00:13:18.690 --> 00:13:24.390 frank murphy: Jody what what happened is is one person is available. 146 00:13:27.510 --> 00:13:36.480 Jody Mortimer: Unfortunately I haven't heard anything from either one of the I had to currently house look homeless or on house individuals that were supposed to. 147 00:13:37.470 --> 00:13:45.960 Jody Mortimer: Be actually committed to being here and haven't been able to get Ahold of you, the one the one of them's mother contact me but. 148 00:13:47.010 --> 00:13:55.980 Jody Mortimer: No i'm just very surprised about apple Butler something must have something must have come up with that, but maybe better luck next one. 149 00:13:57.060 --> 00:13:57.240 frank murphy: yeah. 150 00:13:58.320 --> 00:13:58.560 Vicki Halliday: yeah. 151 00:13:58.890 --> 00:14:00.660 frank murphy: For sure okay so next month. 152 00:14:03.930 --> 00:14:06.450 frank murphy: And we may be able to get somebody from. 153 00:14:09.540 --> 00:14:10.890 frank murphy: The congresswoman's. 154 00:14:12.180 --> 00:14:15.540 frank murphy: office awesome maybe next month. 155 00:14:16.890 --> 00:14:17.490 frank murphy: we'll see. 156 00:14:18.210 --> 00:14:25.560 Jody Mortimer: And, as I mentioned in the in that text to share, which is out in culver city that the executive. 157 00:14:26.820 --> 00:14:37.740 Jody Mortimer: used to live here in Venice and worked with a couple of the nonprofits out here, and she said she'd be more than happy that's what they do, they come out and speak about what they do is share, which is where I got my. 158 00:14:38.940 --> 00:14:40.320 Jody Mortimer: certificate for. 159 00:14:40.620 --> 00:14:41.430 frank murphy: peer support oh. 160 00:14:41.790 --> 00:14:44.430 Vicki Halliday: cool that's great um. 161 00:14:46.200 --> 00:14:52.350 Vicki Halliday: By the way, next month, we do have tristen coming you know, in a position. 162 00:14:53.040 --> 00:14:56.760 Vicki Halliday: Perfect sure she's gonna come and bring a couple of other people from. 163 00:14:56.760 --> 00:15:00.480 Vicki Halliday: bond ends up this so they should make a pretty nice presentation. 164 00:15:01.560 --> 00:15:08.430 frank murphy: yeah well that's good that's good yeah so we've got that month filled okay good. 165 00:15:09.600 --> 00:15:12.030 frank murphy: All right, well let's let's. 166 00:15:13.530 --> 00:15:17.160 frank murphy: let's begin this let's begin this meeting. 167 00:15:18.630 --> 00:15:21.870 frank murphy: And I say yeah give me give another minute or so. 168 00:15:22.560 --> 00:15:25.230 Vicki Halliday: yeah it's seven up to so whatever you want to do. 169 00:15:26.790 --> 00:15:33.000 frank murphy: Is give it another minute or so just see if I know, Brian said he was going to be showing up possibly. 170 00:15:33.480 --> 00:15:35.310 frank murphy: But later I feel a little late. 171 00:15:35.460 --> 00:15:36.420 Vicki Halliday: yeah watch worry. 172 00:15:37.320 --> 00:15:42.270 frank murphy: Man and correlate checked in and she's going to be late. 173 00:15:43.950 --> 00:15:44.640 frank murphy: Clark. 174 00:15:46.020 --> 00:15:47.040 frank murphy: Clark not here. 175 00:15:48.150 --> 00:15:49.590 clark brown: I am here, but I kick it oh. 176 00:15:49.590 --> 00:15:55.380 clark brown: Good I can't get my video working always a meeting and try to come back with my video. 177 00:15:57.540 --> 00:15:58.140 frank murphy: Okay. 178 00:16:05.910 --> 00:16:07.890 frank murphy: All right, well that's that's a. 179 00:16:09.270 --> 00:16:25.560 Vicki Halliday: I do see any of the Cindy in the audience and we want to welcome her, she is taking place in bonds office so yeah she'll be part of the group next month when they present but welcome Andy. 180 00:16:27.330 --> 00:16:29.070 Vicki Halliday: Carroll and she's got her hand. 181 00:16:30.870 --> 00:16:32.280 Vicki Halliday: she's got her hand up, let me. 182 00:16:35.130 --> 00:16:36.870 Vicki Halliday: Let her talk for a second. 183 00:16:38.610 --> 00:16:42.480 Vicki Halliday: Any we're just getting ready to get started, did you have fun. 184 00:16:43.080 --> 00:16:57.120 -Annie Jump- Vicente: yeah no, I just wanted to say thank you so much for having me here and i'm really glad that you know I can introduce myself to everyone, and you know I really want to make a big difference so really excited to join with you guys. 185 00:16:57.510 --> 00:16:58.770 Vicki Halliday: Great welcoming. 186 00:17:04.740 --> 00:17:05.550 frank murphy: All right. 187 00:17:08.760 --> 00:17:09.900 frank murphy: Even another minute. 188 00:17:11.430 --> 00:17:13.950 frank murphy: Steve Clarke gets his camera running. 189 00:17:15.510 --> 00:17:17.310 frank murphy: We don't want to lose his image. 190 00:17:38.700 --> 00:17:40.590 Elizabeth Wright: Everybody looks so intense. 191 00:17:43.980 --> 00:17:45.600 frank murphy: At the camera yeah. 192 00:17:47.880 --> 00:17:51.840 Elizabeth Wright: Like at the elevator everybody is looking at what floor are we are now. 193 00:17:52.590 --> 00:17:55.620 frank murphy: yeah there you go well. 194 00:17:56.670 --> 00:18:04.380 Pat Raphael: Tell us of the zoom era, they did a study and said that when people are on zoom they mostly just look at themselves. 195 00:18:06.390 --> 00:18:08.220 Pat Raphael: Yes, give you a chance to like. 196 00:18:15.690 --> 00:18:18.510 frank murphy: Oh well, all right well let's call the order. 197 00:18:20.400 --> 00:18:21.810 frank murphy: So let's do the. 198 00:18:23.670 --> 00:18:25.320 frank murphy: roll call i'm here. 199 00:18:28.200 --> 00:18:29.970 frank murphy: Brian and Colette aren't pat. 200 00:18:30.960 --> 00:18:32.820 frank murphy: Here lose. 201 00:18:34.470 --> 00:18:35.220 frank murphy: vicki. 202 00:18:35.520 --> 00:18:35.970 here. 203 00:18:38.880 --> 00:18:39.570 frank murphy: God. 204 00:18:42.270 --> 00:18:45.060 frank murphy: And Clark oh be with us in a minute. 205 00:18:45.390 --> 00:18:45.630 yep. 206 00:18:46.650 --> 00:18:47.280 frank murphy: and 207 00:18:48.930 --> 00:18:51.000 frank murphy: on and on, we go all right. 208 00:18:53.790 --> 00:18:54.360 frank murphy: We. 209 00:18:55.530 --> 00:19:01.080 frank murphy: wanted to approve the agenda as presented or amended. 210 00:19:01.920 --> 00:19:14.970 frank murphy: make this point we don't know if we're going to have ethel Butler or not, but she's got another 20 minutes or so to come in and. 211 00:19:16.560 --> 00:19:24.630 frank murphy: And so that's the only change that I see so adopt the Minutes anybody. 212 00:19:26.100 --> 00:19:27.450 frank murphy: Can we have to second that. 213 00:19:27.660 --> 00:19:29.640 Vicki Halliday: No second it frank vicki. 214 00:19:30.540 --> 00:19:32.910 frank murphy: Okay anybody object. 215 00:19:36.120 --> 00:19:39.480 frank murphy: Alright, so the Minutes are. 216 00:19:40.560 --> 00:19:44.970 frank murphy: done reviewing comment i'm sorry that was the agenda. 217 00:19:45.090 --> 00:19:45.600 Elizabeth Wright: That was now. 218 00:19:47.070 --> 00:19:51.660 frank murphy: we're going to review and comment on the minister posted. 219 00:19:53.250 --> 00:19:56.610 frank murphy: On for the last meeting, which was November 30. 220 00:19:58.470 --> 00:20:01.200 frank murphy: And those were posted any. 221 00:20:03.930 --> 00:20:08.400 frank murphy: So we need to go to a vote on that anybody want a second fat. 222 00:20:09.300 --> 00:20:09.810 Second. 223 00:20:11.070 --> 00:20:13.560 frank murphy: Okay, any objections to the Minutes. 224 00:20:17.220 --> 00:20:17.730 frank murphy: alright. 225 00:20:18.990 --> 00:20:20.490 frank murphy: chair report is. 226 00:20:21.840 --> 00:20:24.870 frank murphy: it's just to let everybody know. 227 00:20:26.760 --> 00:20:39.660 frank murphy: The homeless Roundtable will be we'll see who we get we haven't gotten anybody checked in, yet we have three possibles. 228 00:20:41.040 --> 00:20:48.570 frank murphy: Nobody has has checked in yet so we're going to hold that. 229 00:20:50.310 --> 00:20:58.380 frank murphy: Open if, if I may, and we'll plug it in later as we move down the as we move down the agenda if that's okay. 230 00:21:04.440 --> 00:21:18.240 frank murphy: um so we have a new committee Member Jody mortimer and Jody is I think he's got he wants to share screen with you vicki. 231 00:21:18.840 --> 00:21:19.350 Okay. 232 00:21:21.240 --> 00:21:23.100 Vicki Halliday: I believe. 233 00:21:25.020 --> 00:21:30.030 Vicki Halliday: I believe you can do it down in the Center do you have did you have a share screen God. 234 00:21:31.860 --> 00:21:33.720 Vicki Halliday: At the bottom of the screen. 235 00:21:34.530 --> 00:21:52.590 Jody Mortimer: Well, I was going to do a kind of a PowerPoint or some pictures, but since i'm using my phone I really just be me speaking, unfortunately, I can only send you pictures to your email I switched my my laptop to windows 11 and it's just. 236 00:21:54.900 --> 00:21:55.380 Jody Mortimer: You know how. 237 00:21:55.410 --> 00:21:57.330 Vicki Halliday: New operates okay. 238 00:21:57.660 --> 00:21:58.260 Jody Mortimer: So so. 239 00:21:59.850 --> 00:22:04.020 frank murphy: So Jody some new new committee Member and God has spent a. 240 00:22:05.040 --> 00:22:13.890 frank murphy: fair amount of time on the on the street and he's been working with the va in some of their outreach programs and. 241 00:22:15.000 --> 00:22:18.120 frank murphy: lives in Venice and we're really. 242 00:22:20.670 --> 00:22:22.800 frank murphy: happy to have him on here and. 243 00:22:24.120 --> 00:22:25.830 frank murphy: Jody take it away. 244 00:22:28.350 --> 00:22:29.340 Jody Mortimer: Can everybody hear me. 245 00:22:29.790 --> 00:22:32.940 frank murphy: Mike on is it working, yes, my it's going good. 246 00:22:33.450 --> 00:22:47.430 Jody Mortimer: Before, so I want to thank you all thank everybody for giving me the opportunity to be on the committee, and it should then share my experience um I do have some lawyer jokes but i'll wait on us for later, for being here afterwards. 247 00:22:49.500 --> 00:22:58.710 Jody Mortimer: And we go i'm I am my name is Jody i'm 53 or 54 i'm not quite sure I stopped counting last year during coded. 248 00:22:59.850 --> 00:23:04.140 Jody Mortimer: born in the Northwest but my formal education was in South Florida. 249 00:23:05.280 --> 00:23:09.060 Jody Mortimer: I gotta say that that my hero in my life is my mother. 250 00:23:10.380 --> 00:23:16.350 Jody Mortimer: she's now at four years old and without with my brother and Oregon they're very fortunate to live together. 251 00:23:18.060 --> 00:23:27.330 Jody Mortimer: As a youngster I did have a suicide attempt, so there was some some signs of mental distress at that time. 252 00:23:28.530 --> 00:23:47.430 Jody Mortimer: I took all the pills from my medicine my mother's medicine cabinet and I do remember you think I do remember waking up in the hospital with my mother crying next to the bed next to my chair the Chair next to my day I honestly think it was a cry for attention and boy did I get it. 253 00:23:48.630 --> 00:23:48.960 Jody Mortimer: got it. 254 00:23:50.820 --> 00:23:57.450 Jody Mortimer: In the in the living in South Florida in the mid 80s cell phone was in the midst of a cocaine epidemic. 255 00:23:58.470 --> 00:24:08.250 Jody Mortimer: My older brother had already been caught up in the legal system, so my mother took me to a navy recruiter one of the best decisions that was ever made for me. 256 00:24:09.870 --> 00:24:20.220 Jody Mortimer: I excelled in the military and I got choice orders to Japan and was stationed on the USS midway, which is actually museum down in San Diego. 257 00:24:22.230 --> 00:24:24.930 Jody Mortimer: If you ever get a chance, please visit it it's one of the best things. 258 00:24:29.610 --> 00:24:31.710 Jody Mortimer: I served in the Gulf War and. 259 00:24:33.360 --> 00:24:39.390 Jody Mortimer: did see action saw we had shipmates die should burn for three days. 260 00:24:42.090 --> 00:24:53.550 Jody Mortimer: Then, after the way I tend to top gun in miramar as a newness of controller after the navy, like other events, I had a hard time adjusting to civil civilian life. 261 00:24:55.440 --> 00:24:57.300 Jody Mortimer: Eventually, I did become homeless. 262 00:24:58.650 --> 00:25:12.510 Jody Mortimer: But before that I had worked many different jobs, after the navy I answered it and when when did I do remember, is it I answered an ad for a promise helper and in the local paper now I thought it was an apprenticeship with that. 263 00:25:14.280 --> 00:25:21.300 Jody Mortimer: With a master plumber, and I would just be learning the train I quickly found out that it was basically digging very deep long ditches. 264 00:25:22.260 --> 00:25:29.940 Jody Mortimer: Well, that didn't last very long as soon found the hospitality industry and was fairly quickly a catering director and manager at a hotel. 265 00:25:30.750 --> 00:25:47.340 Jody Mortimer: While working that position, I also took nonlinear editing classes at the local community college my final project was considered too aggressive for the class and was deleted from the school drives but i'd already learned the skill by then. 266 00:25:49.080 --> 00:25:53.280 Jody Mortimer: I also began flying instructing the instructor. 267 00:25:55.140 --> 00:25:57.900 Jody Mortimer: I also began flying instruction. 268 00:25:59.760 --> 00:26:06.120 Jody Mortimer: I just started flying solo when 911 happened and, as we know, everybody was grounded in time. 269 00:26:07.050 --> 00:26:19.560 Jody Mortimer: The Internet and just started and a position opened up at a new Internet startup as a video editor and cameraman I worked remotely for that company for almost eight years until it was only 2013. 270 00:26:20.430 --> 00:26:26.910 Jody Mortimer: I, it was a great job I didn't have to commute very far to to to work I just had to base is. 271 00:26:27.960 --> 00:26:43.500 Jody Mortimer: Just to my computer, as we all doing now during coding, but it didn't I don't think it really helped for my mental illness, because it progressed as over those years and wasn't really noticeable because I was so alone and working remotely. 272 00:26:45.420 --> 00:26:51.720 Jody Mortimer: There is something to be said, I would think about going into the office and seeing people once in a while, at least once or twice a week. 273 00:26:52.890 --> 00:27:08.190 Jody Mortimer: After that I sort of lost my compass, and then I went I went homeless, I went to a rehab and because I still wanted to fly, I never sought help with the now diagnosed ptsd. 274 00:27:10.050 --> 00:27:12.060 Jody Mortimer: Eventually, I did go ask for help. 275 00:27:15.960 --> 00:27:31.830 Jody Mortimer: And I asked her that va and it was truly the best thing for me and obviously for many other vets that are suffered still homeless, but living in my rp I went back to college in college and finished my degree in film at portland State University. 276 00:27:33.240 --> 00:27:49.440 Jody Mortimer: With my degree and the notion that there was no way I was going to spend another winter in the garden in the Northwest guess, where I moved I moved to southern California, to the safe parking that was at the va for the homeless vets that are in their cars and rv. 277 00:27:51.360 --> 00:28:00.750 Jody Mortimer: With the, with the help of the va dash program I was extremely fortunate to find a property owner, the owner here in Venice and through his good grace. 278 00:28:01.950 --> 00:28:13.140 Jody Mortimer: They accepted gave me the opportunity, except for the vasculature and I had my own apartment now, this is what a like a picture of a key to getting in my hand would have been shown in front of you. 279 00:28:17.610 --> 00:28:22.200 Jody Mortimer: I had my own apartment with running hot water, electricity and a toilet. 280 00:28:24.000 --> 00:28:24.810 Jody Mortimer: front door the lot. 281 00:28:26.340 --> 00:28:31.980 Jody Mortimer: The best thing about my new place is the very supportive neighbors neighbors that I have. 282 00:28:33.660 --> 00:28:44.820 Jody Mortimer: There are many different cultures in the building and they all strive and thrive, to make our little six apartment building a really supportive community. 283 00:28:46.080 --> 00:28:55.980 Jody Mortimer: I would also be neglected neglectful if I didn't mention the one on one support in case management from the va and the bash workers. 284 00:28:57.510 --> 00:28:58.800 Jody Mortimer: They really go out of their way. 285 00:29:00.720 --> 00:29:14.790 Jody Mortimer: Then cove it, but we all know about that, and you don't nobody wants to hear any Kobe South stories we've all experienced the same thing, but since then I have achieved my advanced peer support specialist certificate from share. 286 00:29:16.230 --> 00:29:28.080 Jody Mortimer: And my intentions are to work with the hiring process of working with the va homeless outreach as I read a homeless outreach worker but i'm also an. 287 00:29:28.680 --> 00:29:37.380 Jody Mortimer: would be very interested in either volunteer or working for the for the circle, which is a first responder team that they're doing now, you know we're through I believe outcome. 288 00:29:39.450 --> 00:29:55.230 Jody Mortimer: I did respond to them, I think I would be an asset to this community and committee because of my lived experience my ability to find and relate to the issues of the current on house and homeless of Venice. 289 00:29:56.880 --> 00:30:08.790 Jody Mortimer: And the newly House also I do think outside the box on many issues, and what appreciate and do thank you for listening to me, and maybe, possibly even my ideas in the future. 290 00:30:09.810 --> 00:30:10.470 Jody Mortimer: Thank you. 291 00:30:13.320 --> 00:30:14.790 Vicki Halliday: Thank you, thank you God. 292 00:30:15.870 --> 00:30:16.950 frank murphy: Thank you God that's. 293 00:30:21.780 --> 00:30:22.890 frank murphy: So life story. 294 00:30:27.660 --> 00:30:35.250 frank murphy: there's public comment, right now, one minute each on well one minute each on non agenda items. 295 00:30:36.450 --> 00:30:41.670 frank murphy: Does anybody wish to comment on non agenda items. 296 00:30:42.270 --> 00:30:44.220 Vicki Halliday: Up hands up, let me on. 297 00:30:45.870 --> 00:30:49.590 Vicki Halliday: Le been first up the alley. 298 00:30:50.520 --> 00:30:54.510 Alley Bean: hi there, thank you for that story Jody and welcome. 299 00:30:55.620 --> 00:31:02.910 Alley Bean: very moving Clark, I actually wanted to ask you a question here on the homeless committee because it's where your motion sort of started. 300 00:31:03.390 --> 00:31:15.630 Alley Bean: I saw a lot of letters we all did just you know from westchester and I did vote for your motion and I read the whole thing, but I didn't really look carefully at the lots that you were suggesting. 301 00:31:16.140 --> 00:31:32.910 Alley Bean: And I understand they're concerned about the school, you know lot, so our is that all being dealt with or can I, as a board member suggest a reconsideration with you, of making the lots clear, so that West Chester is not oppose. 302 00:31:34.050 --> 00:31:47.010 Alley Bean: I don't know exactly how to do that, but I think if you make a reconsideration of the moment of the motion and take away the lots near the school and the ones that West her to westchester or maybe vicki knows better than I do, how to do I don't know how to do it. 303 00:31:47.310 --> 00:31:47.910 Vicki Halliday: But I just want. 304 00:31:48.090 --> 00:31:53.010 Vicki Halliday: look like think about it, he can't he can't talk back and forth with you right now actually. 305 00:31:53.130 --> 00:31:53.580 Alley Bean: To get that. 306 00:31:55.020 --> 00:31:55.950 Vicki Halliday: commented, the. 307 00:31:56.250 --> 00:31:56.910 Alley Bean: Okay, thanks. 308 00:31:57.240 --> 00:31:58.170 Vicki Halliday: George Thank you. 309 00:32:00.000 --> 00:32:02.340 Vicki Halliday: Next up Helen ballon they'll go on. 310 00:32:04.470 --> 00:32:12.090 Helen Fallon: Right um I actually was going to bring up the same issue, I understand that there are folks in westchester pretty upset about the fact that. 311 00:32:13.110 --> 00:32:16.860 Helen Fallon: Our neighborhood Council is on record as suggesting that that lot of cross. 312 00:32:18.090 --> 00:32:26.430 Helen Fallon: visitation school, the US for homeless when they went out of their way when they worked really hard to get the city to back down on it, I don't want to see. 313 00:32:27.090 --> 00:32:36.690 Helen Fallon: The Balkanization of CD 11 and us being pitted against each other, so I think you folks brought that emotion forward, I think you need to do something about it. 314 00:32:37.470 --> 00:32:49.830 Helen Fallon: ASAP to fix the situation it's it's not cool for us to be fighting amongst ourselves and CD 11 and I don't think any out. 315 00:32:50.340 --> 00:32:57.690 Helen Fallon: It should have been removed because apparently January, it was very clear that the city was supposedly backing off on that one. 316 00:32:58.170 --> 00:33:06.690 Helen Fallon: So if we're helping anybody we're helping to fund his Office does it say publicly they weren't going to go forward with anything on there, but. 317 00:33:07.140 --> 00:33:17.010 Helen Fallon: doesn't help if we're taking official nc position, so I hope i'm urging you to straighten it out, you guys brought it forward, I think you should straighten it out, thank you. 318 00:33:17.460 --> 00:33:18.150 Vicki Halliday: Thank you Helen. 319 00:33:19.380 --> 00:33:21.030 Vicki Halliday: next step john frank. 320 00:33:25.380 --> 00:33:45.360 John Frank Venice Branch: Hello hi my name's john frank, I just wanted to say just to introduce myself i'm the new senior librarian at the Venice branch just started this week, and it seems that a lot of our interest kind of intersect, so I will probably be sitting in on most of your meetings. 321 00:33:45.930 --> 00:33:46.800 Vicki Halliday: Right welcome. 322 00:33:48.120 --> 00:33:48.870 frank murphy: Nice to meet you. 323 00:33:50.670 --> 00:33:55.320 Vicki Halliday: Well last person is dawn there you go done. 324 00:33:56.790 --> 00:33:58.680 Dawn: hi Thank you and. 325 00:33:58.710 --> 00:34:00.300 Dawn: So I wanted to bring up. 326 00:34:00.840 --> 00:34:12.450 Dawn: Yesterday we got path to come out to Washington Square, which is half Venice and a half, Marina and because there's been a growing and kampmann I guess when. 327 00:34:13.050 --> 00:34:22.500 Dawn: alchemy in the circle did their assessment they're not servicing Washington boulevard so we got them to come out and help a veteran. 328 00:34:22.890 --> 00:34:31.170 Dawn: They received housing, but had no transportation for someone in a wheelchair to Hollywood where the housing was. 329 00:34:31.650 --> 00:34:41.850 Dawn: And there's about eight people there right now that want help and can't get it, the gentleman and question I tried for three hours to try to find a wheelchair accessible ride that I was going to pay for. 330 00:34:42.540 --> 00:34:50.310 Dawn: couldn't find one you spent the night on the street today at ambulance took him to the hospital, because the man was in really bad shape. 331 00:34:51.090 --> 00:35:06.000 Dawn: And now he's at Marina del rey hospital he lost the room, because he couldn't get there, so the organization's able to provide the room, but not help, and this is true for another man that lives in front of the whaler, so I think that. 332 00:35:07.260 --> 00:35:13.890 Dawn: From what I hear from many of my neighbors and my over 15 years helping with the homeless in Venice. 333 00:35:15.300 --> 00:35:21.060 Dawn: There are people who do want to be off the street, but the hoops they have to jump through in order to be off the street. 334 00:35:21.510 --> 00:35:29.790 Dawn: are insurmountable I spent three hours trying to find this man, a ride and I don't have a limited minutes on my phone I don't have limited things so. 335 00:35:30.210 --> 00:35:44.250 Dawn: I just hope as a Community, we can just not make them the other and actually find ways to if people want the help to not make them jump through so many helps to get it and keep it so that's all I wanted to share. 336 00:35:44.910 --> 00:35:56.040 Dawn: Thankfully Ralph is in the hospital getting the care he needs and i'm hoping when he gets out, we can also get this homeless veteran with one leg inside housing, because he can't take care of himself, thank you. 337 00:35:57.270 --> 00:35:58.050 Vicki Halliday: Thank you john. 338 00:35:59.880 --> 00:36:03.750 Vicki Halliday: That was the end of our public comments frank so. 339 00:36:03.900 --> 00:36:06.690 frank murphy: All right, um we have. 340 00:36:09.720 --> 00:36:10.380 frank murphy: We have. 341 00:36:12.360 --> 00:36:13.320 To make sure we got. 342 00:36:15.420 --> 00:36:17.670 frank murphy: i've seen cat on there right now. 343 00:36:18.090 --> 00:36:19.530 Vicki Halliday: yeah her Catherine. 344 00:36:20.280 --> 00:36:21.480 frank murphy: Oh i'm sorry okay there. 345 00:36:21.540 --> 00:36:24.960 Vicki Halliday: Is one to let Clark answer the two comments. 346 00:36:26.220 --> 00:36:31.140 frank murphy: um we're going to have discussion at the end. 347 00:36:31.260 --> 00:36:32.490 Vicki Halliday: Oh OK OK. 348 00:36:33.810 --> 00:36:38.820 frank murphy: To that would be committee committee discussion at the end, after the. 349 00:36:40.320 --> 00:36:48.240 frank murphy: And I think we've got some stuff to work, and that was that was where I thought we would be. 350 00:36:49.290 --> 00:36:51.660 frank murphy: We would discuss that within the committee. 351 00:36:51.990 --> 00:36:52.350 sure. 352 00:36:53.580 --> 00:36:55.920 frank murphy: Okay, so we have. 353 00:36:58.530 --> 00:36:58.950 frank murphy: cat. 354 00:37:00.120 --> 00:37:12.750 frank murphy: I know Stan Muhammad is is out, he he's not capable of being here this evening because he's feeling pretty bad and. 355 00:37:14.340 --> 00:37:15.600 frank murphy: So, but we have. 356 00:37:17.040 --> 00:37:18.570 frank murphy: A guess. 357 00:37:20.220 --> 00:37:22.620 frank murphy: Go ahead and unmute yourself Catherine. 358 00:37:26.250 --> 00:37:26.490 frank murphy: yeah. 359 00:37:26.940 --> 00:37:28.050 frank murphy: i'm sorry yeah. 360 00:37:29.130 --> 00:37:29.370 frank murphy: yeah. 361 00:37:29.880 --> 00:37:42.360 Pat Raphael: Sorry, yes, so I i've been saying for a while that this committee needs to involve as many people's points of views in the conversation as possible. 362 00:37:42.810 --> 00:37:49.260 Pat Raphael: And these are neighbors of mine who have had to because she's married she's got her husband with their. 363 00:37:49.980 --> 00:38:02.970 Pat Raphael: they've got a pet so they've got some unique situations that offer particular hurdles that they have to deal with, and I think their experience might inform some of the decisions that we have to. 364 00:38:04.080 --> 00:38:14.100 Pat Raphael: come together on and they're also veterans so I just wanted to set it up and let everybody get a sense of who our neighbor cat is. 365 00:38:17.610 --> 00:38:23.880 frank murphy: Excellent so Catherine, and your husband his name is rick. 366 00:38:24.360 --> 00:38:24.720 yeah. 367 00:38:25.740 --> 00:38:26.280 frank murphy: Okay. 368 00:38:27.630 --> 00:38:29.220 frank murphy: Can you just sort of give us a. 369 00:38:30.420 --> 00:38:30.990 frank murphy: You know, a. 370 00:38:32.190 --> 00:38:44.130 frank murphy: summary of your story and what your concerns are you know, like and needs and wants etc as a homeless, as almost person out here in Venice. 371 00:38:46.350 --> 00:38:48.570 Catherine Schultis: Not a problem well let's see. 372 00:38:50.670 --> 00:38:53.130 Catherine Schultis: um brief story. 373 00:38:54.720 --> 00:39:04.740 Catherine Schultis: i'll try and be as brief as possible um let's see I joined the army at 18 because my mom told me she goes there's not enough money for you to go to college kid. 374 00:39:05.340 --> 00:39:18.570 Catherine Schultis: So either join the army or at 18 you're homeless, so I joined the army, I ended up in multiple abusive relationships that caused me to end up on the streets. 375 00:39:20.370 --> 00:39:21.570 Catherine Schultis: I moved to Venice and. 376 00:39:24.750 --> 00:39:28.110 Catherine Schultis: And i've been a vendor on the boardwalk since then. 377 00:39:30.270 --> 00:39:33.180 Catherine Schultis: We got contacted by path. 378 00:39:34.350 --> 00:39:36.000 Catherine Schultis: September 16. 379 00:39:37.110 --> 00:39:44.640 Catherine Schultis: Last year we are actively work going through the process of actually getting into housing through hud bash. 380 00:39:46.170 --> 00:39:47.700 Catherine Schultis: that's been a pain in the ass. 381 00:39:49.350 --> 00:39:54.570 Catherine Schultis: it's just been one more piece of paper one more piece of paper one more piece of paper for the last like four months. 382 00:39:56.190 --> 00:40:04.350 Catherine Schultis: They did they literally have to go through everything if you if you own a business even selling art, they have to know how much do you make how taxes. 383 00:40:06.390 --> 00:40:16.800 Catherine Schultis: They delve into every aspect of your life so like a couple of them were saying insurmountable hurdle, the hurdles are a pain in the ass I can verify that. 384 00:40:18.660 --> 00:40:33.600 Catherine Schultis: It I mean and then with the va a lot of my issue was being humanitarian like I was half the time the va didn't I didn't qualify for services at all because of. 385 00:40:34.620 --> 00:40:39.240 Catherine Schultis: I didn't serve long enough, and because I got out because I was pregnant. 386 00:40:40.320 --> 00:40:45.390 Catherine Schultis: yeah they didn't want to help me they still don't want to help me that's an uphill battle we'll deal with that when it comes. 387 00:40:48.510 --> 00:40:50.670 Catherine Schultis: But that's basically backstory. 388 00:40:53.880 --> 00:40:57.150 Catherine Schultis: lot of it a lot of the shelters don't take service ducks. 389 00:40:58.680 --> 00:41:10.620 Catherine Schultis: at all or low couples or allow couples um and who wants to go into a shelter and not sleep next to their partner, just to go get help, not a lot of people. 390 00:41:11.010 --> 00:41:31.020 Catherine Schultis: Especially if you've been cohabitate eating and sleeping together, you know, and the other person finds your presence as a source of comfort, so that they can get a good night's sleep, you know so that that is one big big big reason that there are so many couples left stuck on a street. 391 00:41:32.700 --> 00:41:38.040 Catherine Schultis: Because there is nowhere, especially if you're not married, you have to be married you. 392 00:41:42.870 --> 00:41:43.200 frank murphy: Yes. 393 00:41:44.520 --> 00:41:45.450 frank murphy: we're losing you. 394 00:41:49.800 --> 00:41:51.960 Catherine Schultis: can't just be X it very, very difficult. 395 00:41:52.020 --> 00:41:56.430 Catherine Schultis: Yet, to help when you do want it, because of all of these hurdles. 396 00:42:03.990 --> 00:42:04.530 Catherine Schultis: So. 397 00:42:06.480 --> 00:42:08.760 Vicki Halliday: We keep losing you Catherine oh. 398 00:42:09.210 --> 00:42:10.260 Vicki Halliday: Sorry that's. 399 00:42:10.350 --> 00:42:13.590 Catherine Schultis: Here yep i'm still here can you hear me okay. 400 00:42:13.770 --> 00:42:15.150 Vicki Halliday: You know, we can yeah Thank you. 401 00:42:17.070 --> 00:42:19.590 Catherine Schultis: So what parts, did you miss. 402 00:42:21.450 --> 00:42:23.550 frank murphy: Just a word very, very little. 403 00:42:24.300 --> 00:42:24.750 Okay. 404 00:42:26.760 --> 00:42:30.900 Catherine Schultis: i'm just making sure you heard most of what I said at least, because I think. 405 00:42:32.970 --> 00:42:42.870 Pat Raphael: Talking about your your your difficulties as a couple and not be married how that kind of that's kind of where it's cutting off. 406 00:42:43.350 --> 00:42:56.940 Catherine Schultis: Okay, basically yeah anybody who is not married has a very difficult time getting into a shelter, because most of them have a prerequisite if you're going to stay and live together, you have to be married. 407 00:42:58.530 --> 00:43:05.400 Catherine Schultis: So that makes it very, very difficult for anybody who's cohabitation, but not married to actually get into it. 408 00:43:05.640 --> 00:43:06.630 A couple shell. 409 00:43:07.800 --> 00:43:20.310 Catherine Schultis: I mean they all run a background check, so you know, to check, especially if they have children, you have to check for child molesters etc so forth, you know they they do all of that that standard practice. 410 00:43:23.310 --> 00:43:28.680 Catherine Schultis: But a lot like I was saying, a lot of them don't take couples and then they won't take. 411 00:43:29.730 --> 00:43:36.390 Catherine Schultis: Service animals either that's why I actually appreciated the fact that the bridge housing here actually does that. 412 00:43:38.160 --> 00:43:54.660 Catherine Schultis: As far as that goes i've been on the list, since before that son of a bitch opened and they still haven't told me that I could even go in there, so it's been so full that there is no space at all, every time I asked them call them they're like no. 413 00:43:56.100 --> 00:44:02.250 Catherine Schultis: So if you work with last last I cannot place you at the bridge house at all you have to go to St joseph's. 414 00:44:03.510 --> 00:44:20.790 Catherine Schultis: You know, so it seems sometimes these organizations shuffle you from one to the next to the next to the next and then people get defeated and they're like well why the hell, am I jumping through all these hoops to try and get help and it it just over time, you get defeated. 415 00:44:22.050 --> 00:44:29.640 Catherine Schultis: A lot of the time, and I can feel like you're getting nowhere yeah like he said it a lot of the time it feels like you're getting absolutely nowhere. 416 00:44:30.060 --> 00:44:46.110 Catherine Schultis: You know you start the process and then you get told nope not here, so you go to the next person nope not here, and you call and you call I mean when I was newly homeless, I called so many shelters and couldn't it and I wasn't even in California yet. 417 00:44:47.160 --> 00:44:54.060 Catherine Schultis: You know, and I experienced that every single state i've ever been in as a homeless person they're. 418 00:44:56.340 --> 00:45:01.590 Catherine Schultis: they're waiting list for housing is 1020 years long. 419 00:45:02.910 --> 00:45:06.750 Catherine Schultis: Because section eight has poor people from everywhere. 420 00:45:07.890 --> 00:45:10.140 Catherine Schultis: A lot of the issue with that is. 421 00:45:12.600 --> 00:45:20.730 Catherine Schultis: Nobody wants to live next to an addict in recovery 25 years ago we labeled the addict disabled per the fair housing act of 1996. 422 00:45:21.750 --> 00:45:26.010 Catherine Schultis: And then there's been nothing. 423 00:45:27.090 --> 00:45:33.300 Catherine Schultis: I mean there's so much Community backlash because no one wants to live next to an addict in recovery. 424 00:45:35.460 --> 00:45:36.570 Jody Mortimer: May I ask a question. 425 00:45:37.080 --> 00:45:38.880 Jody Mortimer: Yes, absolutely. 426 00:45:39.240 --> 00:45:45.990 Jody Mortimer: You have you already completed your VI spit at your vulnerability for the committee that's the vulnerability index. 427 00:45:48.420 --> 00:45:49.380 Jody Mortimer: Have you already done that. 428 00:45:50.160 --> 00:45:50.910 Catherine Schultis: I believe so. 429 00:45:51.420 --> 00:45:56.040 Jody Mortimer: Okay that's it, that would be your first step so and have you received a voucher yet not yet. 430 00:45:56.430 --> 00:46:00.960 Catherine Schultis: not yet they told me i'm on the very, very, very last process part of that. 431 00:46:02.430 --> 00:46:03.960 Catherine Schultis: My case managers. 432 00:46:05.730 --> 00:46:16.860 Catherine Schultis: Right now, is Sarah Fisk um but she's Ray said that basically all as soon as we get his little security card in the mail, they can get a smooth den. 433 00:46:17.430 --> 00:46:21.000 Jody Mortimer: yeah sounds good that's probably what they need is a social security card. 434 00:46:22.710 --> 00:46:34.140 Jody Mortimer: Once that's done it's really much is pretty much it's just a matter of a few, you know not very long at all and did they offer you the room, the room key option. 435 00:46:35.520 --> 00:46:42.990 Catherine Schultis: No yeah well, we did project room key briefly, yes, and then both of us ended up having a bad Mental Health Day. 436 00:46:43.530 --> 00:46:44.550 Jody Mortimer: Oh yeah okay. 437 00:46:44.970 --> 00:46:49.770 Catherine Schultis: got into an argument and they kicked us out because we are. 438 00:46:50.610 --> 00:46:51.300 Jody Mortimer: All right, thank you. 439 00:46:52.560 --> 00:46:53.550 frank murphy: Good i'm. 440 00:46:54.840 --> 00:46:55.260 frank murphy: Not. 441 00:46:55.710 --> 00:46:57.510 frank murphy: No problem God i'm. 442 00:46:58.260 --> 00:46:59.430 frank murphy: Catherine, can you come. 443 00:47:01.020 --> 00:47:05.970 frank murphy: delve more into your story, before we start to unload a bunch of questions on you. 444 00:47:08.130 --> 00:47:08.760 frank murphy: Not too. 445 00:47:14.820 --> 00:47:20.640 frank murphy: Bad you were you said you were at the share housing also. 446 00:47:23.400 --> 00:47:24.240 Catherine Schultis: Share housing. 447 00:47:25.500 --> 00:47:26.850 frank murphy: Was it was that. 448 00:47:28.590 --> 00:47:30.540 frank murphy: What was it, I thought it would share house. 449 00:47:31.320 --> 00:47:32.010 With Jody. 450 00:47:33.690 --> 00:47:34.080 frank murphy: Oh. 451 00:47:35.130 --> 00:47:35.790 Catherine Schultis: That wasn't me. 452 00:47:36.690 --> 00:47:37.140 Okay. 453 00:47:39.090 --> 00:47:45.810 Catherine Schultis: Now i've been mine has been I like I said I was homeless. 454 00:47:46.830 --> 00:47:48.360 Catherine Schultis: Starting in 2008. 455 00:47:49.560 --> 00:47:56.850 Catherine Schultis: My biggest setback to employment has been since the 2008 recession, nobody will hire me they've told me with a three page resume. 456 00:47:57.600 --> 00:48:10.800 Catherine Schultis: you're overqualified I started going at that time I was living in Chicago I walked my resume door to door at every single help wanted sign and I got told no you're overqualified know you're overqualified. 457 00:48:10.830 --> 00:48:11.880 Know you're overqualified. 458 00:48:12.930 --> 00:48:19.560 Catherine Schultis: I will scrub your toilet with a slip in toothbrush give me, you know, a job, nothing. 459 00:48:22.020 --> 00:48:22.380 frank murphy: yeah. 460 00:48:26.610 --> 00:48:27.150 Catherine Schultis: yeah no. 461 00:48:28.410 --> 00:48:37.860 Catherine Schultis: My most recent rejection from employment was I lived in the high desert we actually got housing for a little while i'm. 462 00:48:38.550 --> 00:48:49.800 Catherine Schultis: ended up going through not being able to find employment to keep the housing, because the housing program only helps you, for it was us feds they only helped me for one year. 463 00:48:51.720 --> 00:49:00.330 Catherine Schultis: I applied to everything that I could find where they had house me nothing no opportunities for work, I actually got a rejection email from. 464 00:49:02.040 --> 00:49:09.420 Catherine Schultis: 426 21 and three years later, they finally decided to reject me for multiple positions that I had applied for up there. 465 00:49:11.790 --> 00:49:12.420 Catherine Schultis: So. 466 00:49:13.650 --> 00:49:30.810 Catherine Schultis: I mean if i'm struggling to find a job as a veteran with an a good resume that they professionally wrote, for me, when I got out, I can only imagine you know with someone with far less resources than myself, thanks to the va is struggling yet to go through. 467 00:49:33.060 --> 00:49:45.390 Catherine Schultis: Like i'm privileged I understand that even amongst the homeless we're privileged because we have the connections through the va you know and more people are willing to help veterans than they are you know, the average person. 468 00:49:46.470 --> 00:49:48.570 Catherine Schultis: And I mean. 469 00:49:49.980 --> 00:50:02.100 Catherine Schultis: it's like if this is exhausting the hell out of us, you know as a veteran I can only imagine the level of exhaustion that people like Pat, and you know others feel. 470 00:50:12.630 --> 00:50:19.170 frank murphy: Well let's let's open it up Jody you got more questions any money. 471 00:50:23.130 --> 00:50:32.010 Jody Mortimer: Yes, I think one more Catherine, thank you for sharing that story, and I know it's rough out there, and you and your partner are showing a lot of strength by. 472 00:50:33.330 --> 00:50:34.110 Jody Mortimer: By coming up. 473 00:50:35.160 --> 00:50:38.580 Jody Mortimer: For the Community and sharing the story takes a lot of courage. 474 00:50:40.230 --> 00:50:42.750 Jody Mortimer: I do believe let's see your vast case manager. 475 00:50:43.980 --> 00:50:57.450 Jody Mortimer: Once you get into a place your case management with bash it should be a lot easier because what they do, one on one like I said case management, and I think working with the va you're on the right. 476 00:50:58.890 --> 00:51:05.160 Jody Mortimer: it's just I guess that that social security card is is your issue that's all I have. 477 00:51:07.620 --> 00:51:17.070 Catherine Schultis: Today, so he should be getting that in two weeks so they'll probably move me in the next two but that's fingers crossed everything continues to go well. 478 00:51:18.060 --> 00:51:19.710 Jody Mortimer: we'll just stay with case management. 479 00:51:21.300 --> 00:51:27.150 Jody Mortimer: Use them like you use them, like you, and even if you do struggle, because what happens is a lot of people do struggle. 480 00:51:28.830 --> 00:51:35.730 Jody Mortimer: When you know because it's hard once you've been outside to go back and doors and over 50%. 481 00:51:36.840 --> 00:51:46.470 Jody Mortimer: You know, end up back out on the streets homeless on House just stick with that case management make them work everything wants you to stay in your place so. 482 00:51:48.000 --> 00:51:49.320 Jody Mortimer: it's gonna be it's gonna happen. 483 00:51:52.020 --> 00:51:54.240 Catherine Schultis: I just worry about losing the voucher again. 484 00:51:55.530 --> 00:51:55.830 Catherine Schultis: darn it. 485 00:52:02.220 --> 00:52:07.230 Elizabeth Wright: Catherine, yes, if you feel comfortable, would you share. 486 00:52:08.250 --> 00:52:13.230 Elizabeth Wright: Describing where you live like is it a tent is it a shed is it. 487 00:52:14.130 --> 00:52:14.550 Catherine Schultis: I am. 488 00:52:14.670 --> 00:52:17.760 Elizabeth Wright: Vehicle and how did you acquire it. 489 00:52:19.830 --> 00:52:22.170 Catherine Schultis: I live in an SUV I purchased it. 490 00:52:24.540 --> 00:52:26.610 Catherine Schultis: Thankfully, from a friend. 491 00:52:28.770 --> 00:52:32.760 Catherine Schultis: I took we qualified, since we do make a little money. 492 00:52:33.780 --> 00:52:38.670 Catherine Schultis: I applied for unemployment, since the Federal Government had opened that up to everybody. 493 00:52:40.080 --> 00:52:48.360 Catherine Schultis: Even the self employed, so we went ahead and applied for that during the pandemic to try and you know get us on our feet and. 494 00:52:49.350 --> 00:53:09.810 Catherine Schultis: You know, so I bought a vehicle so that I would at least have somewhere to stay and then while I searched for housing, etc, you know I can travel I can go to work, I can you know, trying to get back into that game of I need a job that right ration I know I need those things. 495 00:53:11.460 --> 00:53:16.380 Catherine Schultis: You know I want those things it's just it feels like. 496 00:53:17.640 --> 00:53:24.720 Catherine Schultis: Everything has worked against me for the last 15 years every time I get into housing something happens and I lose it. 497 00:53:26.310 --> 00:53:28.470 Catherine Schultis: it's been it I don't. 498 00:53:29.670 --> 00:53:39.150 Catherine Schultis: Care I mean from like I said domestic assault domestic abuse bad relationships all of that has contributed to me being homeless. 499 00:53:43.980 --> 00:53:48.090 Pat Raphael: Well i'm glad to hear there seems to be some light at the end of this road. 500 00:53:49.200 --> 00:54:13.770 Pat Raphael: Now, as far as people who are still going to have to cope and deal with the current state of homelessness as it is here in Venice now is there anything your experience can help us with or any ideas that we should be thinking as we're trying to figure out how to deal with the best outcomes. 501 00:54:14.610 --> 00:54:21.120 Catherine Schultis: All right, um when he and I lived in phoenix we met there. 502 00:54:23.460 --> 00:54:29.400 Catherine Schultis: My ex boyfriend actually dumped me at the shelter they're the one that abused me for about six and a half years. 503 00:54:31.320 --> 00:54:31.920 Catherine Schultis: So. 504 00:54:33.270 --> 00:54:34.950 Catherine Schultis: I met my current partner they're. 505 00:54:36.300 --> 00:54:43.650 Catherine Schultis: Basically, we lived at a they had a campus in downtown phoenix That was the homeless shelter there. 506 00:54:44.700 --> 00:54:56.820 Catherine Schultis: And then they had a parking lot across the way that housed approximately 500 people on any given night roughly. 507 00:54:58.110 --> 00:55:07.110 Catherine Schultis: And it was just a parking lot you went in with your sleeping bags and everything and they basically locked the fence at night. 508 00:55:07.800 --> 00:55:23.370 Catherine Schultis: and basically corralled all the homeless people from about 6pm to 5am they left to squad cars on either side, they let them do their drugs have sex do whatever the hell, they wanted to like adults as long as there was no fighting. 509 00:55:24.690 --> 00:55:36.060 Catherine Schultis: Okay, if there was any fighting police came in broke up the fight took people to jail, otherwise they left him to their own devices, as long as there wasn't any you know loud obnoxious bullshit going on. 510 00:55:38.160 --> 00:55:50.940 Catherine Schultis: They closed that down shortly after he and I had decided to move they'd actually made given out the notice that they were closing it anyway, and I do believe that that's what led us to. 511 00:55:53.430 --> 00:55:57.690 Catherine Schultis: To move we ended up in Las Vegas briefly before that. 512 00:55:58.710 --> 00:56:01.770 Catherine Schultis: panhandled on the strip made enough money for. 513 00:56:03.060 --> 00:56:06.030 Catherine Schultis: To rent a hotel room every day for a week. 514 00:56:07.680 --> 00:56:15.030 Catherine Schultis: So when people would ask me if i'm homeless, when I was in Vegas I was like Well, yes i'm actually homeless by a technicality. 515 00:56:15.420 --> 00:56:27.600 Catherine Schultis: For the fair housing act of 1996 if your name is not on a mortgage and or at least you're considered homeless extended stay hotels and motels do not count as adequate housing for the fair housing act so yes i'm still homeless. 516 00:56:28.410 --> 00:56:40.200 Catherine Schultis: It I mean it's a lot to tell somebody but you know people actually were willing to support that because they were like okay you're using this money to go get shelter fine. 517 00:56:41.970 --> 00:56:44.580 Catherine Schultis: So we had a pretty good experience with that. 518 00:56:46.410 --> 00:56:47.040 Catherine Schultis: ended up. 519 00:56:48.060 --> 00:56:50.460 Catherine Schultis: going from Vegas to New York briefly. 520 00:56:51.540 --> 00:56:53.670 Catherine Schultis: We were going to stay with family up there. 521 00:56:56.340 --> 00:57:13.710 Catherine Schultis: And that didn't work out too well, we got jobs up there and got home from work, the very first night and his sister decided Fuck you get out of my apartment i'm tired of dealing with you at 1130 at night in the middle of the snow in New York. 522 00:57:15.540 --> 00:57:20.640 Catherine Schultis: So that's when we hopped on a bus and ended up out here back out here in California. 523 00:57:22.440 --> 00:57:27.630 Catherine Schultis: So yeah i've been through a lot of random random bullshit. 524 00:57:29.070 --> 00:57:37.110 Catherine Schultis: I mean it is it's all absolutely random I mean if you believe in God and a higher power it's all god's design, I know that, too, I put up with it. 525 00:57:37.890 --> 00:57:47.220 Catherine Schultis: And know god's got me here, for whatever reason i'm here for maybe it was to talk to y'all and you know help with other homeless people because. 526 00:57:48.030 --> 00:58:02.640 Catherine Schultis: You know you're treated as less than human every single day and that wears on a person absolute flippantly it wears on a person I mean you're treated as less than dress you're told go get a job. 527 00:58:03.900 --> 00:58:15.150 Catherine Schultis: Where I have nowhere to wash my clothes I smell bad, I know I smell bad where, am I supposed to go how am I supposed to get a job, how you know and. 528 00:58:16.440 --> 00:58:20.100 Catherine Schultis: It it absolutely becomes insurmountable after a while. 529 00:58:26.280 --> 00:58:26.820 frank murphy: i'm. 530 00:58:29.250 --> 00:58:31.380 frank murphy: Not quite sure how to frame the question but. 531 00:58:37.050 --> 00:58:50.610 frank murphy: As a woman on the street It just seems to me that the situation would be many, many multiples more difficult than a male. 532 00:58:51.840 --> 00:58:52.680 frank murphy: um. 533 00:58:53.070 --> 00:58:59.550 Catherine Schultis: You have to worry about sexual assault rape things like that, if you're not with a male. 534 00:59:01.410 --> 00:59:03.180 Catherine Schultis: A lot of the time you'll run into that. 535 00:59:04.860 --> 00:59:12.480 Catherine Schultis: i've heard stories from other women especially here in Venice about being raped, the greater Los Angeles area about being raped. 536 00:59:17.190 --> 00:59:24.120 Catherine Schultis: homelessness is basically ran like a prison yard on the street that's The easiest way to describe it. 537 00:59:25.200 --> 00:59:29.490 Catherine Schultis: they're very misogynistic a lot of the men that are homeless. 538 00:59:30.870 --> 00:59:35.100 Catherine Schultis: So if you're in a relationship, the girl gets mouthy they'll try and attack the man. 539 00:59:36.810 --> 00:59:38.610 Catherine Schultis: So you go through a lot of that as well. 540 00:59:40.410 --> 00:59:42.450 Catherine Schultis: there's a lot of street politics. 541 00:59:43.980 --> 00:59:45.480 Catherine Schultis: A lot of the time because. 542 00:59:46.860 --> 00:59:53.880 Catherine Schultis: I don't know, I know, both in phoenix and here a lot of the street organizations were gang related. 543 00:59:55.560 --> 00:59:56.400 Jody Mortimer: Student code. 544 00:59:57.000 --> 01:00:04.710 Catherine Schultis: yeah basically but it's it's part of gangs, I mean a lot of former gang Members are homeless or. 545 01:00:06.000 --> 01:00:07.080 Catherine Schultis: I mean I don't know. 546 01:00:08.370 --> 01:00:10.260 Catherine Schultis: But I know there's a lot of that. 547 01:00:13.470 --> 01:00:14.610 Catherine Schultis: God, you had a question. 548 01:00:15.360 --> 01:00:19.530 Jody Mortimer: No, I think, frank was trying, it was was a was it was asking a question. 549 01:00:20.160 --> 01:00:20.550 Okay. 550 01:00:22.830 --> 01:00:25.110 frank murphy: um yeah I was just. 551 01:00:26.340 --> 01:00:30.210 frank murphy: As a proportion of homelessness. 552 01:00:33.360 --> 01:00:41.070 frank murphy: Women are not as visible is that fair to say, or is it that there's that many fewer women. 553 01:00:42.690 --> 01:00:53.760 Catherine Schultis: um there's more shelters open for women, most of the time, then there are men that is that's the biggest reason why there are fewer homeless on the street all the time, women. 554 01:00:54.270 --> 01:01:01.050 Catherine Schultis: Most of the time, those that you do see on the street it's because they're in a relationship and they refused to leave him behind. 555 01:01:05.940 --> 01:01:18.720 Jody Mortimer: Catherine were you suggesting my phoenix that there would be a parking lot there I think downtown has to have those exact same types of parking lot is from through an organization from San Francisco. 556 01:01:20.460 --> 01:01:23.430 Jody Mortimer: Is that what you were saying that something that you were suggesting. 557 01:01:24.420 --> 01:01:28.260 Catherine Schultis: I was just throwing it out there if there's empty parking I mean. 558 01:01:29.370 --> 01:01:34.740 Catherine Schultis: containment, I mean if it's that big of an issue, give them a safe place to be. 559 01:01:35.370 --> 01:01:37.950 Jody Mortimer: In the end of the song and that's where the social services. 560 01:01:38.910 --> 01:01:40.200 Catherine Schultis: Yes, absolutely. 561 01:01:41.940 --> 01:01:45.420 Catherine Schultis: Give them a place where they get all their services in one yelp. 562 01:01:46.560 --> 01:02:03.390 Catherine Schultis: All their services in one area because shuffling around makes it harder for them to find you to house you to service you etc, I mean pushing you from blockade a block, be it, you lose your stamp, you lose your documents. 563 01:02:04.440 --> 01:02:17.280 Catherine Schultis: Having trash sweeps like that somebody could have just went and got all their documents to go get housing and then oh shit I wasn't there I you know for the trash truck and there goes all my shit and now I got to start over from square one. 564 01:02:18.780 --> 01:02:22.710 frank murphy: yeah yeah Clark, you had done some questions. 565 01:02:22.950 --> 01:02:34.080 clark brown: i've got a couple questions for Catherine, and also question for God character, is it the case that you're the reason you and your partner are living out of your SUV and say you can't find a bed beneath the roof. 566 01:02:35.910 --> 01:02:44.460 Catherine Schultis: um right now we're waiting on housing and both of us did apply to the bridge shelter and they didn't have space. 567 01:02:44.520 --> 01:02:52.740 clark brown: So the answer right now is that the reason you and your partner are living out of your SUV is that you can't find a bed beneath the roof Is that correct. 568 01:02:53.250 --> 01:02:56.490 Catherine Schultis: Yes, that will take both of us without separating that's yeah. 569 01:02:57.690 --> 01:03:07.290 clark brown: Do you park your SUV in a safe parking la facility or do you just park it anywhere on the street, where you can find a space that's available. 570 01:03:08.130 --> 01:03:14.250 Catherine Schultis: Presently we're just parking it wherever we can find a spot move it every 72 hours like you're supposed to or. 571 01:03:15.360 --> 01:03:22.230 Catherine Schultis: Sometimes I think they're being lenient right now with covidien it's it's about every two weeks, because the street sweeping i'm. 572 01:03:22.710 --> 01:03:25.740 clark brown: Am I am I correct that you don't have access to. 573 01:03:26.790 --> 01:03:32.580 clark brown: Water toilet facilities or cooking facilities or electricity or anything like that. 574 01:03:33.420 --> 01:03:45.750 Catherine Schultis: um I do, because I can i'm just a couple blocks from the beach, so I can go up there and then i'm close enough, where I presently am to go get shower services from. 575 01:03:46.890 --> 01:03:49.680 Catherine Schultis: Urban alchemy over there on third street if I want to. 576 01:03:51.030 --> 01:03:55.920 clark brown: Okay, what about is security, a problem for you are living out of a SUV. 577 01:03:57.120 --> 01:03:57.720 Catherine Schultis: um. 578 01:03:58.740 --> 01:04:05.070 Catherine Schultis: yeah because there's a lot of teachers in those downtown and i'm with all of you on that the attics are a pain in the ass. 579 01:04:06.360 --> 01:04:14.160 Catherine Schultis: Would you like crying they try and come rob me at night to so we have weapons do I threaten the tweeters absa flipping lately. 580 01:04:15.030 --> 01:04:18.780 clark brown: We ask a question to God and then come back to Catherine in just a moment. 581 01:04:22.050 --> 01:04:35.550 clark brown: I get the impression at the va that the people who were out on a sample sandy boulevard and have moved have been moved into the va on to lots of. 582 01:04:36.030 --> 01:04:49.830 clark brown: The tests are moved into the va on lots and at those lots there is some semblance of security, some semblance of social services showers water. 583 01:04:51.330 --> 01:04:51.870 clark brown: fair. 584 01:04:53.370 --> 01:04:55.350 clark brown: Facilities like that is that accurate. 585 01:04:56.130 --> 01:04:57.540 Jody Mortimer: That is accurate actually going. 586 01:04:57.540 --> 01:05:11.070 clark brown: In your opinion, does that make it do they move their to the people who had tense out on Sam said he moved their tents into these more secure areas within the Redwood reservation. 587 01:05:12.360 --> 01:05:12.810 Jody Mortimer: Can you hear me. 588 01:05:14.010 --> 01:05:14.550 clark brown: Yes, sir. 589 01:05:15.570 --> 01:05:17.580 Jody Mortimer: yeah, that is true, they did do that. 590 01:05:17.880 --> 01:05:19.800 clark brown: Your opinion does that improve their lives. 591 01:05:20.400 --> 01:05:24.060 frank murphy: Park, I can hey i'm waiting for an answer. 592 01:05:24.630 --> 01:05:25.200 frank murphy: Oh sorry. 593 01:05:25.470 --> 01:05:26.610 frank murphy: to interrupt but. 594 01:05:27.000 --> 01:05:27.360 yeah. 595 01:05:29.850 --> 01:05:38.520 Jody Mortimer: My um you know Okay, yes, they actually did move a man, and it has men say increase that sense of community. 596 01:05:38.940 --> 01:05:46.710 Jody Mortimer: they've they've actually split it into two areas over there, one is for the individuals that are really not seeking immediate housing. 597 01:05:47.250 --> 01:05:54.930 Jody Mortimer: You know, they just need a safe place, and you know they're not following their doctor's orders or something you know they're not really compliant. 598 01:05:55.590 --> 01:06:01.260 Jody Mortimer: But they did make a space for them, those were the normal ones along the street it all started with a. 599 01:06:02.130 --> 01:06:15.390 Jody Mortimer: A nonprofit and gave them all new tense, they were all uniform and they looked very nice, but then they moved him inside after coven and then they split it up between them. 600 01:06:16.050 --> 01:06:25.350 Jody Mortimer: And then the ones that are seeking help that are compliant with their medication with the doctors, that are the you know, the biggest thing. 601 01:06:26.070 --> 01:06:39.030 Jody Mortimer: Catherine right, that is the biggest thing that suggested for those veterans is, you have to make your appointments and you've got to be able to be in touch, because if they have no way to get in touch with you that's when you fall through the cracks. 602 01:06:40.110 --> 01:06:48.660 clark brown: Catherine, if you were able to move your SUV in order environment like God just described that improve your life. 603 01:06:50.790 --> 01:06:52.620 Catherine Schultis: might make things a little nicer yeah. 604 01:06:53.130 --> 01:07:01.140 Jody Mortimer: Have you tried to be a safe parking, although they do ask you to leave in the morning, it is, it is really good over there, I mean it really helps me a lot. 605 01:07:02.190 --> 01:07:08.490 Catherine Schultis: We haven't presently the SUV doesn't move, other than flintstones power we're working on. 606 01:07:09.450 --> 01:07:09.780 Okay. 607 01:07:13.980 --> 01:07:14.340 Jody Mortimer: Well, maybe. 608 01:07:17.100 --> 01:07:17.220 Jody Mortimer: It. 609 01:07:17.280 --> 01:07:18.150 Jody Mortimer: Is what you need. 610 01:07:23.310 --> 01:07:32.400 Catherine Schultis: Like I said I bought a dead damn it by accident I didn't mean to it was running when I picked it up and then all of a sudden, it just bought and I was like well I gotta fix it. 611 01:07:33.780 --> 01:07:34.110 Jody Mortimer: Okay. 612 01:07:43.020 --> 01:07:43.440 All right. 613 01:07:50.700 --> 01:07:52.080 frank murphy: Catherine rick. 614 01:07:55.320 --> 01:08:16.590 frank murphy: This was this was very, very instructive and thanks pat so much, would you be willing to there's there's 14 attendees that no doubt have questions also is that something you might want to tackle. 615 01:08:18.120 --> 01:08:19.650 frank murphy: Something okay. 616 01:08:21.390 --> 01:08:23.070 frank murphy: vicki it looks like there's. 617 01:08:25.800 --> 01:08:26.100 Vicki Halliday: Nothing up. 618 01:08:28.080 --> 01:08:28.800 frank murphy: hands up. 619 01:08:29.310 --> 01:08:30.690 Vicki Halliday: Okay i'm. 620 01:08:30.750 --> 01:08:34.320 Vicki Halliday: worship Allah been go alley. 621 01:08:35.460 --> 01:08:47.160 Alley Bean: I Catherine Thank you so much for talking to us, this is really awesome to hear you and hear your plight and i'm sorry for what you're going through. 622 01:08:48.120 --> 01:08:54.720 Alley Bean: I have a question I it's funny I was just talking to somebody yesterday about phoenix he's from phoenix and I heard about that parking lot. 623 01:08:55.320 --> 01:09:10.290 Alley Bean: What is it like for you as a woman in recovery just because I know they're thinking about starting say parking like that RON Gal prints been talking about it here in Venice what's it like being in a parking lot where there is no. 624 01:09:11.400 --> 01:09:19.950 Alley Bean: You know where everybody else is allowed to openly deal drugs and take drugs is it hard for you, would you rather be in a situation. 625 01:09:20.730 --> 01:09:27.420 Alley Bean: Like it sounds like they're doing it, the bay area where they're separating people or is was it is it easy for you just because you're. 626 01:09:27.810 --> 01:09:38.040 Alley Bean: kind of used to the streets, at this point, and feel strong and I just I, I have a friend that won't go into a shelter, where people are doing drugs, because she feels she's gonna start using again. 627 01:09:39.630 --> 01:09:47.700 Catherine Schultis: i'll let him take this because i'm actually not an addict in recovery my partner is so I can't answer what it is. 628 01:09:48.120 --> 01:09:49.650 Alley Bean: i'm sorry I thought you said you were honey. 629 01:09:49.890 --> 01:09:52.740 Catherine Schultis: No, no that's okay i'll let him take that. 630 01:09:53.760 --> 01:09:59.400 Catherine Schultis: Because he's got six and a half years of sobriety for methamphetamine so i'll let him answer that. 631 01:09:59.520 --> 01:10:00.840 Alley Bean: Thank you so much, Catherine. 632 01:10:01.620 --> 01:10:02.340 impressive. 633 01:10:03.900 --> 01:10:11.880 Catherine Schultis: All right, um was an addict there's one thing you have to know when they're ready to stop don't stop and if they're going to stop. 634 01:10:12.120 --> 01:10:23.610 Catherine Schultis: And they don't want to be around that environment they're not going to be around that environment so absolutely don't force them to go into that environment if they don't feel that comfortable to do that. 635 01:10:25.530 --> 01:10:33.360 Alley Bean: So do you feel that there should be separate environments for people who are still in addiction and then people who are trying to recover. 636 01:10:34.170 --> 01:10:53.550 Catherine Schultis: um I would say yes, that those people are actually trying to recover just because I I had to redo basically do recovery, on my own, I had to quit on my own just because a wasn't helping like know the a meetings a. 637 01:10:54.510 --> 01:11:02.070 Catherine Schultis: Any of those meetings, the 12 steps meetings weren't helping for me and I wanted to stop because every time I went to an A a meeting I would. 638 01:11:02.820 --> 01:11:16.110 Catherine Schultis: come out and see someone right there in the alley doing dope or whatever, so that wasn't working for me, I had to truly be done to stop on my own and so when it's. 639 01:11:17.160 --> 01:11:27.780 Catherine Schultis: separated like that it would make it a lot easier on the attic especially like me I can't go down to third and rose just because of all the bullshit down there and. 640 01:11:29.400 --> 01:11:31.500 Catherine Schultis: I just don't want to be around it, you know what I mean. 641 01:11:31.770 --> 01:11:32.280 Alley Bean: I do. 642 01:11:33.390 --> 01:11:41.640 Catherine Schultis: I mean, I can fully understand if they're in recovery and they're trying to stay clean and in recovery, yes, separate them. 643 01:11:43.980 --> 01:11:45.780 Alley Bean: Thank you so much really appreciate it. 644 01:11:46.920 --> 01:11:52.830 Vicki Halliday: um let's see here next up we've got any from Mike Barnes office. 645 01:11:55.470 --> 01:11:55.920 -Annie Jump- Vicente: hey. 646 01:11:57.000 --> 01:12:03.030 -Annie Jump- Vicente: I just thank you for so much for sharing your story Catherine and rick it means a lot to me. 647 01:12:04.200 --> 01:12:08.220 -Annie Jump- Vicente: And the way that you described the fair housing act, well, it seems that. 648 01:12:09.510 --> 01:12:13.440 -Annie Jump- Vicente: i'm also homeless so living in and out of airbnb. 649 01:12:15.120 --> 01:12:17.160 -Annie Jump- Vicente: As someone who is. 650 01:12:18.780 --> 01:12:24.900 -Annie Jump- Vicente: not exactly on the same on house page and I you're talking about. 651 01:12:27.870 --> 01:12:37.650 -Annie Jump- Vicente: The camp in phoenix and then also having like a places for people to I guess like a like a specific place to congregate. 652 01:12:39.900 --> 01:12:44.970 -Annie Jump- Vicente: I have a couple of questions about that how large, would you say that the site would have to be. 653 01:12:46.230 --> 01:12:49.980 -Annie Jump- Vicente: And would there be any worry about it, turning into a skid row. 654 01:12:51.000 --> 01:13:05.430 -Annie Jump- Vicente: Because I know that bad Sir that area of La turn into what it is because of the congregating homeless services that ended up there, and then they all just kind of shoved them and lock them away into skid row. 655 01:13:06.930 --> 01:13:14.670 -Annie Jump- Vicente: So that that's what my fear is depending on the size of it, the services provided and how quick, can the services get provided. 656 01:13:16.500 --> 01:13:26.910 Catherine Schultis: i've seen a lot all right, I have more experience with the phoenix situation i'm phoenix literally is about. 657 01:13:31.980 --> 01:13:35.130 Catherine Schultis: Have nothing but homeless and services. 658 01:13:36.660 --> 01:13:39.990 Catherine Schultis: You got because they got your showers all right there you got. 659 01:13:41.580 --> 01:13:46.710 Catherine Schultis: meals all right there, and all the other services needed to like. 660 01:13:48.360 --> 01:13:53.730 Catherine Schultis: Help trying to find a job they got job car stuff employment stuff. 661 01:13:55.320 --> 01:14:16.680 Catherine Schultis: And they also help with like ID and everything like that, as well, so I mean I can understand your skid row situation, but if you enforce like here is literally nine to six for an intense if you guys actually enforce that role. 662 01:14:17.850 --> 01:14:20.190 Catherine Schultis: There shouldn't be any problem. 663 01:14:23.550 --> 01:14:27.030 Catherine Schultis: But having safe storage is another part of that because. 664 01:14:27.060 --> 01:14:27.390 They are. 665 01:14:29.370 --> 01:14:41.490 Jody Mortimer: What they do it to be what they do at the va is is they, they have a marked out certain amount of space it's like one driving space, you know, a car space, a little bit bigger than a car space. 666 01:14:41.880 --> 01:14:46.710 Jody Mortimer: And you don't have to leave in the day, or anything like that, but they got to keep everything in one space. 667 01:14:47.190 --> 01:14:55.350 Jody Mortimer: And it can be kept clean, as long as you know, the big four and a half to form a community, they have this form a little Community there and keeps it clean that's what they've done over there. 668 01:14:57.300 --> 01:15:01.380 Catherine Schultis: i'm hoping that senate those nine and 10 with allowing. 669 01:15:02.940 --> 01:15:22.440 Catherine Schultis: You know the section eight vouchers to be taken everywhere and then them to be able to build extra housing i'm hoping that will start to alleviate a lot of the homeless issue as well, those were, in my opinion, to very excellent bill well three actually because one was passed in 2019. 670 01:15:23.850 --> 01:15:42.120 Catherine Schultis: So those I think are three humongous helps I am hoping as time progresses to you know solving homelessness overall i'm hoping more cities follow you know saying we got to stop landlords from because when I was applying I actually. 671 01:15:43.650 --> 01:15:50.370 Catherine Schultis: For briefly when I lived in nebraska before my ex decided we were moving I had qualified for section eight. 672 01:15:52.590 --> 01:16:00.060 Catherine Schultis: And I was calling around trying to find somewhere to use my voucher every single landlord no we don't take section eight. 673 01:16:04.680 --> 01:16:06.420 Jody Mortimer: It is now illegal for them to say. 674 01:16:07.020 --> 01:16:08.190 Catherine Schultis: Yes, and i'm. 675 01:16:08.490 --> 01:16:17.550 Catherine Schultis: super happy that California passed that because, like I said I lived in nebraska at that point, and before my abusive ex decided we were leaving. 676 01:16:18.720 --> 01:16:19.020 Catherine Schultis: But. 677 01:16:20.040 --> 01:16:24.570 Catherine Schultis: I called so many landlords going hey do you take section eight no we don't. 678 01:16:25.200 --> 01:16:27.030 Jody Mortimer: If you don't have to. 679 01:16:27.060 --> 01:16:32.280 Jody Mortimer: say the approve of you, but they cannot literally sent me kicking on section eight vouchers. 680 01:16:32.910 --> 01:16:34.440 Jody Mortimer: Great Thank you. 681 01:16:35.370 --> 01:16:37.950 Catherine Schultis: i'm hoping that will help alleviate a lot of that. 682 01:16:39.090 --> 01:16:42.000 Catherine Schultis: Because there was a lot of definite oh you're poor. 683 01:16:42.480 --> 01:16:48.000 Catherine Schultis: screw you and that's what people see when they see a section eight voucher you're poor. 684 01:16:48.210 --> 01:16:58.440 Catherine Schultis: Go Fuck yourself you're not going to have a good credit history you're going to destroy my property you're going to do this you're going to do that there's all of these preconceived notions about you, because you are poor. 685 01:17:00.030 --> 01:17:10.020 Catherine Schultis: I think a lot of people don't realize how much of that actually goes on, because you're poor formerly homeless addict in recovery all of those things. 686 01:17:13.380 --> 01:17:18.210 Vicki Halliday: we've got another person with their hand up on Nick you're up. 687 01:17:20.010 --> 01:17:20.430 Nick Antonicello: yeah. 688 01:17:22.080 --> 01:17:30.210 Nick Antonicello: An interesting conversation, but one thing that I hope the homeless committee takes from this conversation with this woman. 689 01:17:31.530 --> 01:17:39.570 Nick Antonicello: is how dangerous the streets are she referred to being homeless as being like in jail on the streets. 690 01:17:40.650 --> 01:17:40.950 Nick Antonicello: and 691 01:17:41.490 --> 01:17:41.760 Catherine Schultis: yeah. 692 01:17:42.270 --> 01:17:55.890 Nick Antonicello: And so, if that's the case, why do we have a situation now where we're we're dealing with the homeless, we want to have social workers come down and negotiate solutions. 693 01:17:56.460 --> 01:18:14.010 Nick Antonicello: When the fact of the matter is, is that the streets are just as dangerous as jail and if you don't have a warrant horseman component to what's happening on the streets had a guy like rolling away we're out there, trying to reach, and you have a counselor like my tron and who. 694 01:18:15.300 --> 01:18:26.070 Nick Antonicello: Who hates law enforcement and doesn't and wants to change the whole dynamics and how you clean up homelessness and, in my opinion, he has no he has no plan. 695 01:18:26.430 --> 01:18:32.940 Nick Antonicello: He wants to keep the status quo, he doesn't want more information involved he doesn't want to fix anything. 696 01:18:33.660 --> 01:18:52.920 Nick Antonicello: And that's the fact and here you have a witness pretty much confirming that you have a person who's chronically on the street, she has said she was in nebraska Chicago New York phoenix all these different places and in all these different scenarios she runs into the same exact problem. 697 01:18:53.970 --> 01:18:55.860 Nick Antonicello: So I don't know why this committee. 698 01:18:56.940 --> 01:19:00.540 Nick Antonicello: Will not and and really should put together emotion. 699 01:19:01.980 --> 01:19:08.400 Nick Antonicello: And being that the sheriff's department and lapd play an active role in these encampments. 700 01:19:10.410 --> 01:19:13.110 Nick Antonicello: And then, it has to has to be. 701 01:19:15.780 --> 01:19:22.530 Nick Antonicello: Problems of grade and drugs and gang affiliation needs to be prosecuted. 702 01:19:22.890 --> 01:19:34.140 Nick Antonicello: it's as simple as that the rules apply to anyone, I don't care if you're a millionaire living in bel air or if you're on the streets and on the boardwalk in Venice beach a criminal is a criminal. 703 01:19:34.830 --> 01:19:44.250 Nick Antonicello: and needs to be treated as such, and this whole notion of you know, look everyone wants to be empathetic to someone's needs I get that. 704 01:19:44.850 --> 01:19:57.150 Nick Antonicello: But at the same time you're not going to fix the problem if you ignore the real realities of the street, and that they are dangerous and we need a law enforcement component to fix the problem. 705 01:19:58.320 --> 01:19:59.040 frank murphy: You got it. 706 01:20:00.600 --> 01:20:02.430 frank murphy: got a question for Catherine. 707 01:20:03.090 --> 01:20:10.170 Nick Antonicello: I just wanted to make a comment, I think, hopefully, honest and brutal about her situation and I don't want to. 708 01:20:10.740 --> 01:20:25.980 Nick Antonicello: I don't want to go there, but what I wanted to do is fix the problem and you cannot ignore just how dangerous it is on the streets, and no one seems to want to deal with that and this notion of eliminating the police and not working with. 709 01:20:27.150 --> 01:20:32.940 Nick Antonicello: pastor stop the borders on criminal action itself will have a counselor who doesn't care. 710 01:20:33.570 --> 01:20:34.020 Catherine Schultis: But here's. 711 01:20:36.240 --> 01:20:36.840 Catherine Schultis: here's the catch. 712 01:20:36.930 --> 01:20:45.000 Catherine Schultis: 22 most of the homeless people don't like the COPs and they won't talk to the police they'll make an ass out of themselves and get themselves locked up. 713 01:20:46.440 --> 01:20:47.670 Catherine Schultis: Because they don't like the. 714 01:20:47.670 --> 01:20:48.000 COPs. 715 01:20:54.390 --> 01:20:54.630 Nick Antonicello: Nick. 716 01:20:54.720 --> 01:20:56.430 frank murphy: Nick Nick what. 717 01:20:57.450 --> 01:20:59.760 frank murphy: Can we hear what Catherine has to say about that. 718 01:21:00.270 --> 01:21:00.570 sure. 719 01:21:01.980 --> 01:21:13.680 Catherine Schultis: Like I said go ahead okay like I was saying, most of that the catch 22 with having police involvement and i've seen it so many times i'm always respectful to the police. 720 01:21:15.000 --> 01:21:22.350 Catherine Schultis: I always have been my sister was a reserve police officer, so I know if you get an attitude with them they'll have one right back I know this. 721 01:21:23.640 --> 01:21:28.500 Catherine Schultis: But a lot of them, because they have been chronically institutionalized. 722 01:21:29.730 --> 01:21:46.950 Catherine Schultis: For petty crimes etc so forth, and end up homeless right they don't like the police, they won't deal with them, and they will get hostile to anyone associated with that COP it it's stupid, but that's how it goes it it's part of their. 723 01:21:46.950 --> 01:21:47.310 incident. 724 01:21:48.330 --> 01:21:48.960 Jody Mortimer: responders. 725 01:21:50.670 --> 01:21:55.320 Catherine Schultis: I mean I don't disagree that there should be, they should definitely at least be trained. 726 01:21:56.400 --> 01:21:58.620 Catherine Schultis: You know self protection, etc. 727 01:21:59.910 --> 01:22:17.880 Catherine Schultis: I mean shit they can carry tasers they can carry a gun, if need be okay what time you know even a baton you know the outreach worker can absolutely protect themselves, but having a uniformed police officer, much of the time causes more conflict than resolution right. 728 01:22:21.180 --> 01:22:28.650 Vicki Halliday: We have one last hand up be the last public comment or question or done. 729 01:22:32.340 --> 01:22:44.670 Dawn: Thank you, Catherine rick so you touched on a few things that i've been contemplating on a solution for our homeless problem, and so you talked about the element of addiction, you talked about. 730 01:22:45.210 --> 01:23:00.120 Dawn: element of safety, you talked about you guys having a mental health day a bad Mental Health Day and being kicked out so if we were to triage the homeless population, and I think that. 731 01:23:01.530 --> 01:23:13.230 Dawn: Out there that aren't police officers that are starting to do that so triage of like okay here are people who have jobs that live in their car or a shelter they've just been in touch. 732 01:23:13.770 --> 01:23:24.420 Dawn: With credit they don't have credit they have section eight so having trouble getting first and last so having some sort of financial counseling for those people and then moving on to the mentally ill. 733 01:23:25.080 --> 01:23:38.070 Dawn: Either if they're willing to get services to provide those services or a program where they could come and get medication if they're willing, that we can find for saying congrats you know. 734 01:23:38.790 --> 01:23:51.390 Dawn: have them come in one place, and then for the attics as rick said addicts are going to be ready when addicts are ready, so I think enforcing the law of not being able to loader will be helpful, with that. 735 01:23:52.680 --> 01:23:54.300 Dawn: And then I know one in four. 736 01:23:55.590 --> 01:24:03.990 Dawn: preview aged out of foster kids are now homeless so programs that would help them have stability before they age out of the system. 737 01:24:05.310 --> 01:24:16.230 Dawn: No just kind of do a Red Cross situation and assess people and bring organizations in to help those people, so if someone says, like the gentleman I helped yesterday. 738 01:24:16.620 --> 01:24:24.300 Dawn: He wants help in a bed that there's one available and their services available to help people stay on the path. 739 01:24:25.050 --> 01:24:33.450 Dawn: Few organizations, I volunteer with that set up a financial plan for these kids that were incarcerated in juvie and. 740 01:24:33.840 --> 01:24:50.850 Dawn: Previous foster kids aged out to be in the film industry, do you think that would be something that would be received if they were set up in a parking lot by the library, where all the new tents are or somewhere in Venice, where we could actually help people in their individual situations. 741 01:24:51.930 --> 01:24:54.810 Catherine Schultis: I think that would be an excellent idea, I mean. 742 01:24:56.370 --> 01:25:13.890 Catherine Schultis: Definitely going through yeah absolutely you know what is your situation basically you've got a caseworker that you sit down with what's your story what's they do a risk assessment on you, yes, absolutely something like that would definitely help people shuffled to their correct services. 743 01:25:15.240 --> 01:25:20.580 Catherine Schultis: that's like he was saying that's the shitty part about dealing with addicts they're gonna quit when they're ready to quit. 744 01:25:22.050 --> 01:25:33.660 Catherine Schultis: I mean my older brother okay isn't homeless, but he's 52 years old serving a 10 year sentence for third dui and a month. 745 01:25:35.880 --> 01:25:53.490 Catherine Schultis: mom and dad put him in the best rehabs and forced him to quit alcohol forced him to do all of these things, and here he is that 50 something years old, I think he's like 58 now and he's still drinking, so all of their intervention didn't do Dick. 746 01:25:54.180 --> 01:25:55.080 Catherine Schultis: Now, are younger. 747 01:26:05.520 --> 01:26:07.290 Catherine Schultis: And my younger brother. 748 01:26:08.640 --> 01:26:20.010 Catherine Schultis: yeah you get further addicted it depends on the person So yes, definitely having a triage situation like that to assess people's needs, yes, that would definitely help. 749 01:26:23.790 --> 01:26:25.710 Dawn: Fine, I brother lost his battle with. 750 01:26:25.710 --> 01:26:26.310 Vicki Halliday: That addiction. 751 01:26:26.550 --> 01:26:30.990 Dawn: Oh i'm glad years are still around and hopefully there's still hope for recovery for them. 752 01:26:38.310 --> 01:26:38.610 clark brown: For. 753 01:26:39.870 --> 01:26:49.200 clark brown: This quarter, for God God i'd like to take a look at that a Brentwood operation is there some way, I could walk in there and talk to somebody who. 754 01:26:50.040 --> 01:26:52.110 frank murphy: Can can we put that at the end. 755 01:26:52.530 --> 01:26:54.810 frank murphy: Sure, I stay with Catherine. 756 01:26:55.020 --> 01:26:57.330 clark brown: Oh sorry I thought I called up, on the other. 757 01:26:57.360 --> 01:26:58.260 Jody Mortimer: Part i'm sorry. 758 01:26:58.560 --> 01:26:59.040 You can. 759 01:27:07.380 --> 01:27:11.790 Catherine Schultis: I think the final thing i'd really love to see, especially for the mentally ill. 760 01:27:13.050 --> 01:27:22.230 Catherine Schultis: Because i've been thinking about that for a while, is Reagan did this country a great disservice, but I see why he shut down the mental health institutions. 761 01:27:23.160 --> 01:27:38.610 Catherine Schultis: Because I do know historically women in particular were thrown into insane asylums for simply being hysterical and that could be good have been for anything her being under periods, she was emotional whatever it was, and there was a lot of people. 762 01:27:38.850 --> 01:27:42.480 Catherine Schultis: In mental health institutions really had no business being in there. 763 01:27:44.910 --> 01:27:48.870 Catherine Schultis: And I think that was part of what led him to shut them down overall. 764 01:27:51.420 --> 01:27:58.380 Catherine Schultis: But i've also wondered why don't we have communities for the mentally ill, similar to. 765 01:27:59.760 --> 01:28:02.160 Catherine Schultis: Old folks retirement places. 766 01:28:03.420 --> 01:28:08.370 Catherine Schultis: You know somewhere where they are taken care of by doctors and nurses. 767 01:28:10.050 --> 01:28:22.020 Catherine Schultis: Where they have an SSI check coming in that helps pay their rent if they refuse their medication, they can do that if they end up on drugs, for whatever reason, they end up on drugs. 768 01:28:23.220 --> 01:28:33.060 Catherine Schultis: a place that they're not going to lose because they become addicted or they refuse to medication i've always wondered why we don't have something like that. 769 01:28:36.330 --> 01:28:46.680 Catherine Schultis: Because i've i've wondered what to do with the mentally ill myself for a very, very long time, as the severely mentally ill, I mean i've got ptsd from a lifetime of abuse. 770 01:28:47.760 --> 01:28:48.390 Catherine Schultis: So. 771 01:28:49.740 --> 01:29:04.380 Catherine Schultis: I mean, I was, I was adopted and then abused So for me do I get the Foster kids yes absolutely I feel for the Foster kids you know that aged out of the system, I sometimes I wish I could trade places with those kids. 772 01:29:06.180 --> 01:29:07.650 Catherine Schultis: But that's neither here nor there. 773 01:29:09.030 --> 01:29:23.610 Catherine Schultis: yeah so definitely definitely definitely want to help, especially with the mentally ill, but it's like What do you do that's not going to deprive a person of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that's where it becomes. 774 01:29:23.610 --> 01:29:39.120 Catherine Schultis: tricky because everybody's entitled to that as an American I mean, even if we don't agree to what with what makes them happy, even if we don't agree with that, how can we. 775 01:29:39.900 --> 01:29:52.890 Catherine Schultis: Take their right away from them and that's what a lot of the argument on what do you do with the homeless that's what it devolves into is Who are we to deprive them now of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and how do you. 776 01:29:54.150 --> 01:30:02.580 Catherine Schultis: not deprive them of that, while supporting them to rejoin society as a functional Member. 777 01:30:04.200 --> 01:30:05.310 frank murphy: Well, taken. 778 01:30:06.330 --> 01:30:14.460 frank murphy: Catherine you've given us a hell of a lot and rick you've given us a hell of a lot to work on. 779 01:30:16.530 --> 01:30:20.370 frank murphy: I really appreciate your joining us tonight and. 780 01:30:23.100 --> 01:30:36.600 frank murphy: You know, and at a later date, I hope that you'd be able to come back again and reiterate some of this and and we'll keep keep keep this on the forefront. 781 01:30:39.990 --> 01:30:43.530 frank murphy: really appreciate your joining us this evening. 782 01:30:43.860 --> 01:30:44.970 Vicki Halliday: and give us an update. 783 01:30:45.450 --> 01:30:45.720 You. 784 01:30:46.740 --> 01:30:47.400 Pat Raphael: guys. 785 01:30:48.150 --> 01:30:53.790 Catherine Schultis: I will i'll keep you posted i'll let everybody know the minute we move in dancing. 786 01:30:57.240 --> 01:30:59.340 Jody Mortimer: So i'll come by some time and say hello. 787 01:30:59.730 --> 01:31:08.340 clark brown: Can I ask a closing question of jodi jodi i'd like to take a look at that REP would operation is there some way I can go in there. 788 01:31:09.930 --> 01:31:12.750 clark brown: and talk to somebody who's kind of running it. 789 01:31:13.560 --> 01:31:18.300 Jody Mortimer: yeah you sure can just give you my number call me, and I can even arrange it. 790 01:31:18.330 --> 01:31:19.410 clark brown: Working her phone number. 791 01:31:23.640 --> 01:31:25.050 frank murphy: We can take that offline I. 792 01:31:25.260 --> 01:31:27.870 frank murphy: can be I can get you guys in touch with each other. 793 01:31:33.480 --> 01:31:35.910 Elizabeth Wright: Excuse me, as a quick recap, Catherine. 794 01:31:38.220 --> 01:31:42.000 Elizabeth Wright: What I got from you is you need a way to get Clean Clothes. 795 01:31:45.030 --> 01:31:54.450 Elizabeth Wright: It would be a whole lot easier on homeless people if there was some at least a general area where they could get all the services they need. 796 01:31:56.010 --> 01:31:56.580 Elizabeth Wright: and 797 01:31:57.930 --> 01:32:03.360 Elizabeth Wright: There is the ever present what is the answer of what to do with distribution mentally ill. 798 01:32:05.220 --> 01:32:06.210 Elizabeth Wright: Did I get that right. 799 01:32:06.780 --> 01:32:07.590 Catherine Schultis: Yes, ma'am. 800 01:32:08.130 --> 01:32:09.690 Jody Mortimer: I think she also need to mechanic. 801 01:32:16.020 --> 01:32:16.620 Catherine Schultis: Well we're. 802 01:32:18.180 --> 01:32:20.460 Catherine Schultis: Battery battery now we got. 803 01:32:21.030 --> 01:32:21.480 Catherine Schultis: to fix. 804 01:32:22.530 --> 01:32:22.860 Catherine Schultis: You. 805 01:32:24.570 --> 01:32:24.780 Elizabeth Wright: Oh. 806 01:32:25.050 --> 01:32:25.800 I forgot. 807 01:32:27.600 --> 01:32:28.800 Elizabeth Wright: Not to put. 808 01:32:29.850 --> 01:32:31.710 Elizabeth Wright: recovering addict in with. 809 01:32:33.450 --> 01:32:35.190 Elizabeth Wright: activate active addicts. 810 01:32:36.120 --> 01:32:38.280 Elizabeth Wright: Not to be in the presence. 811 01:32:38.550 --> 01:32:38.910 Okay. 812 01:32:40.860 --> 01:32:41.280 frank murphy: perfect. 813 01:32:42.540 --> 01:32:44.220 frank murphy: Thank you so much, Catherine. 814 01:32:45.210 --> 01:32:46.380 Vicki Halliday: Thank you so much for. 815 01:32:47.820 --> 01:32:48.900 Catherine Schultis: happy to help. 816 01:32:50.190 --> 01:33:00.660 frank murphy: Thank you okay we're close we we don't have a presentation from apple Butler that I don't see her on the. 817 01:33:01.350 --> 01:33:02.160 Vicki Halliday: I don't either. 818 01:33:02.760 --> 01:33:03.390 live. 819 01:33:04.740 --> 01:33:05.040 Pat Raphael: Can we. 820 01:33:06.360 --> 01:33:14.430 Pat Raphael: Considering the point that the school open comments made about the West Chester por que la. 821 01:33:15.390 --> 01:33:17.010 frank murphy: cuz I feel much based on. 822 01:33:17.820 --> 01:33:22.170 frank murphy: we'll touch base on that at the end when we have the committee comments. 823 01:33:24.870 --> 01:33:25.290 frank murphy: that's it. 824 01:33:27.000 --> 01:33:28.170 frank murphy: If you don't mind. 825 01:33:31.920 --> 01:33:38.430 frank murphy: So we have a so that that that item is off the, off the agenda for tonight. 826 01:33:39.450 --> 01:33:43.290 frank murphy: and hopefully we'll be able to get so but we're in. 827 01:33:44.910 --> 01:33:46.020 frank murphy: One of the future. 828 01:33:47.340 --> 01:33:51.420 frank murphy: Future meetings, we have a. 829 01:33:53.430 --> 01:33:55.140 frank murphy: Motion for discussion. 830 01:33:57.270 --> 01:34:01.860 frank murphy: that's vicki has put up and I want to. 831 01:34:03.630 --> 01:34:09.150 frank murphy: move that over to you vicki do you want to read the text of the motion and. 832 01:34:10.230 --> 01:34:11.010 frank murphy: comment on. 833 01:34:11.670 --> 01:34:17.130 Vicki Halliday: yeah and it has been identified that street detonations often do more harm than good. 834 01:34:17.550 --> 01:34:26.130 Vicki Halliday: By disrupting the process of connecting the announced with professional homeless support services to begin the process of getting off the street. 835 01:34:26.520 --> 01:34:35.580 Vicki Halliday: In 2017 the Venice neighborhood Council passed a resolution that encouraged individuals religious groups and Community organizations. 836 01:34:35.910 --> 01:34:56.970 Vicki Halliday: to coordinate with professional service providers, instead of providing street damnation efforts on their own, the motion encouraged to groups to trade street donation efforts for coordinating with licensed providers and or support sanctioned organizations, through the dnc like St joseph's. 837 01:34:57.210 --> 01:34:58.590 Jody Mortimer: Center bread and roses. 838 01:34:59.550 --> 01:35:05.850 Vicki Halliday: It has been identified, that the motion needs updating their for the homeless committee submits the following, whereas. 839 01:35:06.420 --> 01:35:17.940 Vicki Halliday: homeless professional homeless service organization city officials and law enforcement agree that street detonations of food, clothing and other items often do more harm than good by. 840 01:35:18.390 --> 01:35:31.260 Vicki Halliday: disrupting the process of helping people connect with professional homeless support services i'm creating dangerous and unclean environment for both the House and i'm house that's be a trash. 841 01:35:32.160 --> 01:35:39.090 Vicki Halliday: costing the city 10s of thousands of dollars a year in street cleanup and trash collection costs bring the resulting waste. 842 01:35:39.420 --> 01:35:51.090 Vicki Halliday: Be it resolved that the dnc request aid from all city agencies listed to cite these providers for infractions and to direct them to schedule cooperate coordinate. 843 01:35:51.390 --> 01:35:56.700 Vicki Halliday: homeless support activities with the professional and city sanction homeless service providers. 844 01:35:57.360 --> 01:36:10.620 Vicki Halliday: On that would go to Lhasa St Joseph sanitation parking rack lapd CD 11 county supervisor Department of Health um I do want to add that I know that a number. 845 01:36:11.370 --> 01:36:35.340 Vicki Halliday: of organizations and we have one here Lisa redmond tonight i'm with her organization, I know that Lisa works with Lhasa on and with St Joseph so she understands that connection, what we're hoping to avoid are some scenarios down the beach where people just kind of randomly feed on. 846 01:36:36.960 --> 01:36:39.060 Vicki Halliday: Their their good hearted people. 847 01:36:40.320 --> 01:36:42.240 Vicki Halliday: But they are not helping. 848 01:36:43.560 --> 01:36:55.320 Vicki Halliday: These people reach the outreach workers they really need to be talking with um that's an issue of Brian old, who hasn't gotten here yet he's at another meeting. 849 01:36:55.920 --> 01:37:03.360 Vicki Halliday: reminded me that this was also a big issue downtown on skid row, and one of their suggestions and I don't believe it ever came to pass. 850 01:37:03.960 --> 01:37:23.970 Vicki Halliday: Was that each organization tend to wrap their food in a certain color rapper so everybody knew where that trash came from downtown it became a huge issue um some organizations that come out are great, there is the group that comes to the boardwalk. 851 01:37:25.620 --> 01:37:32.760 Vicki Halliday: With a lot of produce and I don't know how on earth, they think that people in the boardwalk are going to be able to. 852 01:37:33.780 --> 01:37:48.510 Vicki Halliday: Raw potatoes, because they leave them there and then they run on the beach and seagulls and the rats come in um it that's a problem for everyone, so that was the genesis of this motion on. 853 01:37:49.710 --> 01:37:51.420 Vicki Halliday: And that's it Thank you. 854 01:37:57.750 --> 01:38:01.920 frank murphy: Alright, so you're making the motion i'll second that. 855 01:38:03.120 --> 01:38:08.190 frank murphy: yeah and we'll go to public comment. 856 01:38:10.260 --> 01:38:15.900 Vicki Halliday: First up a Mike wrap get a hold on here Mike. 857 01:38:17.040 --> 01:38:17.460 frank murphy: Mike. 858 01:38:17.910 --> 01:38:18.450 Mike. 859 01:38:20.580 --> 01:38:31.560 Michael Rapkin: Good evening nice to see you frank vicki and Liz and the other two gentlemen I haven't met before I served on the committee, a year ago, on. 860 01:38:32.490 --> 01:38:42.870 Michael Rapkin: vicki i'm so happy you're on this committee, because you see so much both sides of the picture for the House and the House and you have the empathy that's needed. 861 01:38:43.530 --> 01:39:09.300 Michael Rapkin: To take care of the human tragedy we we have with this homeless situation i'm on the phone tonight, because I want to speak to your emotion, I agree totally that the groups that are providing foods food coordinate their efforts with licensed providers such as sentient Center. 862 01:39:11.640 --> 01:39:15.270 Michael Rapkin: And that will help the unhealthy people get to. 863 01:39:16.590 --> 01:39:17.580 Michael Rapkin: services. 864 01:39:18.660 --> 01:39:32.580 Michael Rapkin: But I also think of several weeks ago I rode my bicycle on a Sunday and there must have been about 4040 people in line to be handed out food at an organization. 865 01:39:33.480 --> 01:39:45.630 Michael Rapkin: That has handed out food for 810 11 years by a South Bay church organization, at the end of rose avenue on the beach in the parking lot. 866 01:39:46.860 --> 01:39:48.210 Michael Rapkin: And so. 867 01:39:49.230 --> 01:39:52.920 Michael Rapkin: I liked the motion but I seek to amended. 868 01:39:54.720 --> 01:39:56.820 Michael Rapkin: And the reason I want to amend it. 869 01:39:58.080 --> 01:40:11.070 Michael Rapkin: Is that people at St Joseph i'm very confident with saying that they want these people to to want to encourage these. 870 01:40:12.300 --> 01:40:21.420 Michael Rapkin: providers to collaborate with St Joseph and others but St Joseph would not want these people to be punished. 871 01:40:22.950 --> 01:40:45.660 Michael Rapkin: In their heart and their conscience by handing out the food, and so what I seek to revise your hometown is to prevent these providers from receiving sanctions, and so it could be sippy said that it be it resolved. 872 01:40:46.710 --> 01:40:51.660 Michael Rapkin: That the dnc request aid from all city agencies. 873 01:40:52.770 --> 01:41:20.310 Michael Rapkin: To direct providers to schedule cooperate and coordinate homeless support activities with the professional and city sanction homeless service providers, in other words, I like your emotion, it makes sense, but I would eliminate the words listed too soon to cite these providers for infractions. 874 01:41:22.230 --> 01:41:22.620 Vicki Halliday: Okay. 875 01:41:23.970 --> 01:41:25.860 Michael Rapkin: With infractions if you have. 876 01:41:28.530 --> 01:41:37.770 Michael Rapkin: Whether it's the lapd or some responsible social service provider comes up to a person and says. 877 01:41:39.390 --> 01:41:53.550 Michael Rapkin: you're not coordinating with the sjc or whoever else the provider is, would you please do so because we all have a common ground and that's to get these analysis people that need the food. 878 01:41:54.990 --> 01:42:02.460 Michael Rapkin: into housing and we can do that best so that that's that's my issue with that, and thank you for your emotion. 879 01:42:02.910 --> 01:42:03.570 Vicki Halliday: Thank you, my. 880 01:42:05.520 --> 01:42:08.730 Vicki Halliday: Next APP is Nikki and jelly. 881 01:42:12.360 --> 01:42:22.800 Nick Antonicello: yeah I think regarding the motion giving out food that has to be prepared on the beaches of that is for variety of reasons, as you pointed out. 882 01:42:23.790 --> 01:42:38.970 Nick Antonicello: But I do think it's a good idea when they're serving a breakfast or a lunch or dinner that's already prepared person can eat it and and disposed of properly, I think that that makes sense. 883 01:42:40.380 --> 01:42:47.340 Nick Antonicello: If the beach is a place where people are congregating for food and one thing I want to commit to address. 884 01:42:48.210 --> 01:43:03.450 Nick Antonicello: is just the billions of dollars in tax dollars that are being wasted and squandered literally every day and it's never addressed it just isn't I mean this is kind of this motion, while it's a good idea it's like picking up the pennies. 885 01:43:03.960 --> 01:43:04.260 Nick Antonicello: On the. 886 01:43:04.320 --> 01:43:11.040 Nick Antonicello: dollars are flying over your head and that's what you really need to think about in a bigger picture. 887 01:43:11.580 --> 01:43:21.690 Nick Antonicello: of why homelessness is what it is because these so called professional service providers are failures what they're doing does not work. 888 01:43:22.410 --> 01:43:37.830 Nick Antonicello: And nobody seems to want to address that if you say that somehow you're against the homeless that's the disgusting part of this issue, the money is there nothing changes, all it does is subsidize a system that doesn't work. 889 01:43:39.060 --> 01:43:39.450 Nick Antonicello: Right. 890 01:43:39.780 --> 01:43:43.500 Vicki Halliday: Okay, thanks, Nick i'm next step. 891 01:43:45.090 --> 01:43:45.930 Vicki Halliday: On here. 892 01:43:46.530 --> 01:43:47.460 frank murphy: Are you saying biggie. 893 01:43:49.380 --> 01:43:54.300 frank murphy: let's cut off the the public comment after holly. 894 01:43:54.300 --> 01:43:55.080 frank murphy: tells yes. 895 01:43:55.320 --> 01:43:58.140 Vicki Halliday: After holly Tilson um. 896 01:43:59.310 --> 01:44:00.630 Vicki Halliday: let's see here. 897 01:44:03.090 --> 01:44:05.850 Vicki Halliday: Alex next up, please, thank you. 898 01:44:08.520 --> 01:44:25.140 Alex: hi I definitely support the motion I think anything that leads to more coordination with you know the existing methods there to get people into long term, you know support is all for the best so I definitely support this machine. 899 01:44:25.860 --> 01:44:26.880 Vicki Halliday: Thank you Alex. 900 01:44:28.530 --> 01:44:30.120 Vicki Halliday: Next up Lisa redmond. 901 01:44:35.700 --> 01:44:36.210 Vicki Halliday: Here we go. 902 01:44:37.740 --> 01:44:43.230 Lisa Redmond: hi good evening up, I actually have some problems with this motion. 903 01:44:44.340 --> 01:44:47.970 Lisa Redmond: Much like what Mike rabkin was saying about citing people. 904 01:44:49.860 --> 01:44:51.810 Lisa Redmond: That is problematic for me. 905 01:44:53.280 --> 01:44:58.140 Lisa Redmond: Because people are out there, doing things out of the goodness of their own heart or for whatever reasons. 906 01:44:58.560 --> 01:45:07.620 Lisa Redmond: I think it was about three or four years ago that the 11th circuit Court of Appeals said that it is an expressive motion. 907 01:45:08.280 --> 01:45:15.390 Lisa Redmond: Of the first amendment for people to distribute food so it's not illegal by any means for people to do that. 908 01:45:15.960 --> 01:45:25.800 Lisa Redmond: I think the only way you could cite people as if we got the health department out there to guarantee that was prepared in a commercial kitchen and they have proper food permits and all of that which I do. 909 01:45:27.210 --> 01:45:30.840 Lisa Redmond: Because I didn't want any problems like that, but. 910 01:45:32.370 --> 01:45:39.840 Lisa Redmond: You know, also there's also a problem that service providers, like St Joseph Center as much as you would want people to coordinate. 911 01:45:40.320 --> 01:45:45.450 Lisa Redmond: They aren't they don't have an open phone line of somebody that you can call and talk to. 912 01:45:45.750 --> 01:45:57.630 Lisa Redmond: and say well gosh if you guys aren't serving on Sundays how about I do Sundays oh you already served on Sundays Okay, then what days, do you not server How would people know to coordinate with people like that um. 913 01:45:58.950 --> 01:46:09.030 Lisa Redmond: And yeah people are hungry, you know I know all of us are probably hungry more than once a day and not on holidays and weekends and for the two weeks that. 914 01:46:09.660 --> 01:46:23.400 Lisa Redmond: The St Joseph Center bread and roses is closed over the holidays, so you know there's a lot of considerations like that and food is a right it shouldn't be a quid pro quo situation to get services. 915 01:46:25.110 --> 01:46:25.860 Vicki Halliday: Thank you Lisa. 916 01:46:26.490 --> 01:46:26.940 Lisa Redmond: Thank you. 917 01:46:27.630 --> 01:46:30.780 Vicki Halliday: Next up Ellen Ellen. 918 01:46:34.560 --> 01:46:41.520 Helen Fallon: um yeah i'm still trying to get over the idea that someone thinks it's great to handle raw potatoes I just don't understand on. 919 01:46:41.520 --> 01:46:42.360 Jody Mortimer: This like. 920 01:46:42.390 --> 01:46:44.070 Helen Fallon: where's the critical thinking here. 921 01:46:45.630 --> 01:47:00.540 Helen Fallon: I think there ought to be sanctions, but maybe before you do that, since we're really probably talking about at least I understand it there's one major violator here on ocean front walk who brings in a lot of people and generates a lot of trash. 922 01:47:01.620 --> 01:47:12.810 Helen Fallon: Why are their guidelines that can't just go down there and hand out whatever you want, and you better be picking up your trash I mean, why are we as a Community, having people come in and. 923 01:47:13.380 --> 01:47:26.880 Helen Fallon: Just just in the name of being good hearted leave a whole mountain of trash for the Community to clean up this doesn't make sense and instead of a more such a global kind of. 924 01:47:27.660 --> 01:47:37.260 Helen Fallon: Motion, why are we addressing the specific offenders and saying there's some Community guidelines, please follow them if you don't we're going to be. 925 01:47:37.860 --> 01:47:50.070 Helen Fallon: complaining endlessly to every city service, we can think of, to stop you from coming down here because, being a do gooder it doesn't mean you get to generate problems for everybody else it's nonsense. 926 01:47:50.550 --> 01:47:58.710 Helen Fallon: So I would tighten up the motion with a set of guidelines of what we expect people to do, I personally don't think people should be handing out food on ocean for a walk. 927 01:47:59.040 --> 01:48:10.530 Helen Fallon: Especially if they're bringing in lots of people are leaving lots of trash now they ruined it for everybody and we don't need seagulls and rats and all these other things are generated when there's trash all over the place. 928 01:48:11.070 --> 01:48:18.510 Helen Fallon: or beach needs to stay clean and we don't know that crap flowing into the ocean so tighten it up have some guidelines, thank you. 929 01:48:18.960 --> 01:48:19.680 Vicki Halliday: Thank you Helen. 930 01:48:20.820 --> 01:48:22.740 Vicki Halliday: Ah, le been. 931 01:48:24.870 --> 01:48:26.820 Alley Bean: I am I. 932 01:48:27.960 --> 01:48:39.570 Alley Bean: i'm not i'm not sure what other word vicki you could use other than citing because I mean I understand what what Michael saying about the word citing as if it's. 933 01:48:40.200 --> 01:48:50.250 Alley Bean: something bad that they were you know because I know that the man handing out that food is a pastor and incredibly well meaning and everything it's just the consequences. 934 01:48:50.730 --> 01:48:56.760 Alley Bean: And I the thing Michael that I do know because I know the people that that live right there. 935 01:48:57.720 --> 01:49:07.830 Alley Bean: St joseph's has been trying to get him not to do that, though they are trying and unsuccessfully, so the problem is I don't know what one could do. 936 01:49:08.640 --> 01:49:21.300 Alley Bean: I don't know what citing means or doesn't mean or whatever, but the problem is, is that he's not adhering to St Joseph so I don't know how you, you know how you work that unless it's. 937 01:49:22.830 --> 01:49:31.680 Alley Bean: You know I don't I don't know how you'd orchestrate it, but I know the guy is incredibly well meeting it's just, it is the consequences that we're talking about. 938 01:49:32.010 --> 01:49:47.460 Alley Bean: Because it's actually not 40 people it's more it's over 100 people and, like an enormous amount of garbage in that alleyway where where my friend habits, to live and so it's like that's it's not only the garbage it's the the safety issue of. 939 01:49:49.020 --> 01:49:54.120 Alley Bean: what's going on in that alleyway and it's just it's kind of a big. 940 01:49:55.290 --> 01:50:04.020 Alley Bean: it's in an area where there's so much going on, anyway, because it's where the cadillac is and it's right by bridge housing and it's just sort of this big thoroughfare right now and it's just. 941 01:50:04.470 --> 01:50:19.050 Alley Bean: You know, they just spent so much money with that the whole encampment to home program and now it's bringing everybody back so it's it's that's why St joseph's is really asking them since they're running the cadillac to please not do that. 942 01:50:20.400 --> 01:50:27.480 Alley Bean: I don't I know there's a fantastic food giveaway in oakland and it's really well orchestrated I don't know if it's permitted I would imagine it is. 943 01:50:27.960 --> 01:50:33.390 Alley Bean: So if it's permitted then they're following guidelines, which is, I guess what Helens talking about my long way of saying. 944 01:50:33.810 --> 01:50:44.010 Alley Bean: I think it's fantastic that that people are doing things, for you know feeding people, but I, but I there's a way to do it that that's helping everybody. 945 01:50:44.640 --> 01:50:52.110 Alley Bean: You know that's doing it right so maybe we could find out what the guidelines and oakwood are because that was a fantastic and continues to be a fantastic Program. 946 01:50:54.270 --> 01:50:54.960 Vicki Halliday: Thank you molly. 947 01:50:55.920 --> 01:50:56.880 Alley Bean: For the motion to. 948 01:50:57.360 --> 01:50:57.780 Vicki Halliday: Thank you. 949 01:50:58.500 --> 01:51:03.750 Vicki Halliday: um let's see here out on any descente. 950 01:51:07.410 --> 01:51:22.260 -Annie Jump- Vicente: yeah Thank you um I i'm just going to say i'm not either for or against the solutions is for you guys, not for my office to weigh in on specifically, but I do want to ask a couple questions keep people thinking. 951 01:51:23.700 --> 01:51:27.300 -Annie Jump- Vicente: I do understand people's concerns with the language of citation. 952 01:51:28.680 --> 01:51:32.310 -Annie Jump- Vicente: You know I can see how that could be problematic in ways. 953 01:51:33.450 --> 01:51:35.550 -Annie Jump- Vicente: The word sanction does come to mind. 954 01:51:37.110 --> 01:51:38.460 -Annie Jump- Vicente: In those instances. 955 01:51:39.870 --> 01:51:43.380 -Annie Jump- Vicente: The other fear, I would like to highlight again is. 956 01:51:44.760 --> 01:51:59.460 -Annie Jump- Vicente: People having you know doing this from the kindness of their heart, and is it, it would it go directly to like hey if I just go to the shop across the street buy them food and then come back and give other people food is that. 957 01:52:00.180 --> 01:52:03.600 -Annie Jump- Vicente: Is that that would that fall under this motion and what i'd be cited. 958 01:52:05.820 --> 01:52:15.660 -Annie Jump- Vicente: You know it's it's it's very nuanced things like that, as well, I do understand for massive like food giveaways like if you're cooking food I know i've done that from time to time. 959 01:52:17.040 --> 01:52:23.970 -Annie Jump- Vicente: But typically I would make sure I bring a trash bag and have everybody throw their trash in the bag, so that I can haul it away as well. 960 01:52:26.190 --> 01:52:32.940 -Annie Jump- Vicente: You know, maybe you know, maybe even thinking about adopting some of that you know, again, these are just other things that people have already highlighted. 961 01:52:35.010 --> 01:52:36.030 -Annie Jump- Vicente: So yeah so. 962 01:52:37.290 --> 01:52:48.360 -Annie Jump- Vicente: Specific you know specific offenders, especially being in Venice, I mean you know you'll have you'll have random people constantly walk by not knowing what the emotion, or the Why is. 963 01:52:48.960 --> 01:52:54.960 -Annie Jump- Vicente: In relation to that, especially with all the tourists, so you might get a lot of citations are a lot of sanctions. 964 01:52:56.460 --> 01:53:00.180 -Annie Jump- Vicente: You know how enforceable is that, where is it going to be. 965 01:53:03.480 --> 01:53:06.480 Vicki Halliday: Thank you, our last speaker holly Tilson please. 966 01:53:10.200 --> 01:53:11.760 Holly Tilson: support your motion. 967 01:53:15.270 --> 01:53:21.540 Holly Tilson: Many people want to help the homeless we're paying for service providers to do. 968 01:53:23.610 --> 01:53:47.820 Holly Tilson: All these services, and this inhibits their ability to do the services Santa Monica used to have signs up don't give panhandlers money we have social services, to help them out, it just it just pushes the can it allows people to live. 969 01:53:48.660 --> 01:53:59.490 Holly Tilson: Like nobody wants them to live, we want them to be healthy their services available, and they need to coordinate with everybody. 970 01:54:00.750 --> 01:54:12.690 Holly Tilson: In unintended consequences, like the trash the rats the rotting food are unacceptable, I again, I support your motion. 971 01:54:14.580 --> 01:54:15.060 Vicki Halliday: Thank you. 972 01:54:16.770 --> 01:54:18.750 Vicki Halliday: Okay that's the end of it. 973 01:54:19.980 --> 01:54:20.040 Vicki Halliday: i'm. 974 01:54:21.450 --> 01:54:22.140 Vicki Halliday: frank. 975 01:54:22.740 --> 01:54:23.940 frank murphy: So we go to. 976 01:54:24.360 --> 01:54:25.770 Committee discussion. 977 01:54:29.340 --> 01:54:30.840 frank murphy: Anybody want to weigh in. 978 01:54:32.850 --> 01:54:33.300 frank murphy: part. 979 01:54:34.950 --> 01:54:42.570 clark brown: One for leaving in the site and infraction language reason is, I think that's necessary to give this resolution force. 980 01:54:43.260 --> 01:54:55.920 clark brown: i've read the chief moore's policy memorandum to his troops about issuing citations to the homeless that's very clear from that memo that citations are absolute last resort. 981 01:54:56.280 --> 01:55:03.150 clark brown: Nothing else's work, and I think the same thing would would happen here that responsible authorities would approach people. 982 01:55:03.540 --> 01:55:09.300 clark brown: Who are distributing food in violation of this resolution and talk to them and say look you got to get into compliance. 983 01:55:09.810 --> 01:55:16.140 clark brown: And if you don't eventually get into compliance is a possibility that we could issued you a sank a citation for an infraction. 984 01:55:16.560 --> 01:55:30.750 clark brown: I think that's what would happen as a practical matter, so I would leave this resolution alone, as far as the suggestion about guidelines and the guidelines are good point, but I think that's something that could be taken up later let's get this thing on the box. 985 01:55:52.710 --> 01:55:56.520 Elizabeth Wright: I don't think that the neighborhood Council. 986 01:55:57.900 --> 01:56:06.960 Elizabeth Wright: has the authority to contact the people that this is directed to I think everything has to go to the city councilman. 987 01:56:09.510 --> 01:56:11.400 Elizabeth Wright: And you can recommend that that. 988 01:56:12.780 --> 01:56:13.020 Elizabeth Wright: That. 989 01:56:14.820 --> 01:56:16.950 Vicki Halliday: sanitation and the health department. 990 01:56:17.790 --> 01:56:19.140 Vicki Halliday: Okay yeah. 991 01:56:20.700 --> 01:56:21.840 Elizabeth Wright: I said I didn't know. 992 01:56:22.500 --> 01:56:28.260 Vicki Halliday: We know i've been promotions didn't come to every single one of these other lists so. 993 01:56:28.320 --> 01:56:29.340 Vicki Halliday: Okay yeah. 994 01:56:30.510 --> 01:56:30.840 Elizabeth Wright: Okay. 995 01:56:33.510 --> 01:56:36.840 Elizabeth Wright: And it was pointed out by one of the. 996 01:56:38.370 --> 01:56:41.130 Elizabeth Wright: People commenting that. 997 01:56:42.360 --> 01:56:47.760 Elizabeth Wright: The service organizations don't necessarily have a designated person. 998 01:56:49.560 --> 01:56:51.300 Elizabeth Wright: To set up the coordination. 999 01:56:54.030 --> 01:56:55.470 Elizabeth Wright: And you know one. 1000 01:56:57.810 --> 01:57:09.600 Elizabeth Wright: yeah I know, but I would put that as as part of the thing, especially for for been to encourage them to establish coordination for for these. 1001 01:57:10.770 --> 01:57:13.020 Elizabeth Wright: Donations okay. 1002 01:57:30.180 --> 01:57:31.350 Elizabeth Wright: Is that making sense. 1003 01:57:32.370 --> 01:57:37.920 Vicki Halliday: yeah I think they've got to decide which organization. 1004 01:57:38.940 --> 01:57:47.610 Vicki Halliday: is going to be the person I mean I would assume that for here in Venice that it's Lhasa or at St joseph's one or the other. 1005 01:57:49.320 --> 01:57:49.770 Elizabeth Wright: Okay. 1006 01:57:50.160 --> 01:58:12.120 Vicki Halliday: You know that that I mean Lhasa seems to be around you know, maybe in more corners of Venice than St joseph's but I don't know um it's something I think for the city to figure out, I mean it's a good good way to tighten up some of the stuff that nobody seems to know about you know. 1007 01:58:13.200 --> 01:58:13.560 Elizabeth Wright: yeah. 1008 01:58:13.710 --> 01:58:21.210 Elizabeth Wright: cuz you can't really site people and say you should be coordinating with these organizations and they don't have anybody. 1009 01:58:23.730 --> 01:58:24.630 Elizabeth Wright: Trying to do that. 1010 01:58:25.170 --> 01:58:25.950 Elizabeth Wright: Right, you know. 1011 01:58:26.340 --> 01:58:26.670 Right. 1012 01:58:28.080 --> 01:58:35.130 Vicki Halliday: So they can, if they can do the circle project and get that together real quick and maybe they could get somebody as a point person for this. 1013 01:58:40.020 --> 01:58:40.410 frank murphy: and 1014 01:58:42.420 --> 01:59:06.450 Pat Raphael: It sounds to me like the thing, where we could be putting more energy towards is focusing on what bad outcomes look like and trying to deal with that, rather than having a top down type of approach where we're sending more work to St Joseph that doesn't seem to be. 1015 01:59:08.190 --> 01:59:15.480 Pat Raphael: Fulfilling the amount of work that they have now right so it's not like i'm seeing St Joseph was producing. 1016 01:59:16.680 --> 01:59:20.280 Pat Raphael: outcomes that would suggest they need more work. 1017 01:59:21.360 --> 01:59:40.020 Pat Raphael: So it sounds like this could be a situation where we are discouraging people that want to help when the help that's out already is it showing themselves to be up to the task right so it's not like. 1018 01:59:41.460 --> 01:59:46.920 Pat Raphael: The concern agencies like bahasa and St Joseph are are. 1019 01:59:48.300 --> 01:59:59.370 Pat Raphael: doing a a complete job in then these other people are supplementing in a way that is not helpful I think sometimes these people are coming. 1020 01:59:59.850 --> 02:00:08.550 Pat Raphael: In like I heard earlier there's a line around the block to receive what they have to offer right so when there's a problem where one in particular May. 1021 02:00:08.880 --> 02:00:16.890 Pat Raphael: be bringing produce or be giving something that is not useful to the population that they're that they're giving it to. 1022 02:00:17.610 --> 02:00:33.300 Pat Raphael: Essentially, unloading their trash because I used to see that happen with stale bread a lot, they would bring bill brandon donuts and things that like you know just cuz i'm hungry doesn't mean I want to eat your trash right, if you would see that's what. 1023 02:00:33.510 --> 02:00:34.380 Pat Raphael: Results right. 1024 02:00:34.590 --> 02:00:41.520 Pat Raphael: So I think we can fine tune our language, where we address that wow making. 1025 02:00:42.570 --> 02:00:53.550 Pat Raphael: US air towards freedom and and towards allowing people to to be moved by their heart because most people who have the heart of wanting to help. 1026 02:00:54.030 --> 02:01:09.000 Pat Raphael: They are also responsible with that help, while there might be some that want that helping them at the end of the day, you see their health is just unloading trash we can deal with the problems as they arise, while not having a posture of saying. 1027 02:01:10.980 --> 02:01:15.420 Pat Raphael: here's a barrier to entry as you're trying to help that's that's why I would. 1028 02:01:16.680 --> 02:01:17.880 Pat Raphael: vote against this motion. 1029 02:01:30.660 --> 02:01:34.050 frank murphy: Moving in behind pat on that I, I agree. 1030 02:01:36.180 --> 02:01:42.180 frank murphy: It seems to me that the professional city sanction homeless service providers. 1031 02:01:45.960 --> 02:01:48.960 frank murphy: there's got to be a way for these other. 1032 02:01:51.450 --> 02:02:07.200 frank murphy: home more creative fund by funded by different resources, etc, etc, can pitch in and help with this with the situation if everything has to run through a professional. 1033 02:02:07.710 --> 02:02:10.860 frank murphy: Through the current profession on city sanction. 1034 02:02:11.220 --> 02:02:12.960 frank murphy: homeless service providers. 1035 02:02:15.540 --> 02:02:16.890 frank murphy: But this. 1036 02:02:18.570 --> 02:02:20.280 frank murphy: This motion. 1037 02:02:21.480 --> 02:02:24.090 frank murphy: allows for that to be addressed. 1038 02:02:25.650 --> 02:02:31.320 frank murphy: So i'm I kind of want to get it out to to to. 1039 02:02:32.340 --> 02:02:34.140 frank murphy: Have it address so that. 1040 02:02:35.370 --> 02:02:44.070 frank murphy: folks we can establish some guidelines that would allow others to do it, irrespective of what the. 1041 02:02:45.180 --> 02:02:50.220 frank murphy: city sanctioned or professional or sees sanction homeless service providers, want to. 1042 02:02:51.270 --> 02:03:01.200 frank murphy: You know they have a vested interest in in things from a different point of view than others would have is what i'm trying to say. 1043 02:03:02.580 --> 02:03:04.710 Vicki Halliday: It I can I just say one thing like. 1044 02:03:04.740 --> 02:03:18.000 Vicki Halliday: Yes, what started a lot of this with me was last week I talked to on a grid down on the boardwalk that were handing out sandwiches in water and. 1045 02:03:18.690 --> 02:03:28.590 Vicki Halliday: Is there an older group on the woman who runs it said to me that she's very she said looked at the people who are standing in line they're all older. 1046 02:03:29.760 --> 02:03:30.570 Vicki Halliday: Are there women. 1047 02:03:31.800 --> 02:03:39.510 Vicki Halliday: And she said sense the big cleanup of the beach Lawson and St joe's rarely come back. 1048 02:03:40.440 --> 02:03:46.770 Vicki Halliday: And she said, especially the elderly amongst the people in this line cannot make it to bread and roses. 1049 02:03:47.340 --> 02:04:04.800 Vicki Halliday: They can't go that far, so outreach is completely missing them, she said that she talks to St Joe she had talked to them about it and, later on, I talked to Kristen who said she would put Lhasa in touch for that time period because they will run shuttles. 1050 02:04:05.910 --> 02:04:10.320 Vicki Halliday: From the beach to bread and roses, or the St joseph's and people if people are. 1051 02:04:11.370 --> 02:04:27.930 Vicki Halliday: incapable of walking so that's the kind of thing, even the one donation person was worried that these people were slipping through the cracks in an area that's been largely cleaned up because outreach just doesn't come back. 1052 02:04:29.610 --> 02:04:32.850 Vicki Halliday: So it also puts a little pressure. 1053 02:04:34.230 --> 02:04:35.820 Vicki Halliday: On outreach to keep going. 1054 02:04:40.830 --> 02:04:41.610 Vicki Halliday: yeah Clark. 1055 02:04:41.700 --> 02:04:49.470 clark brown: Clark was right as correct that only the City Council can determine when anyone will issue citations for infractions. 1056 02:04:50.130 --> 02:05:01.860 clark brown: So this is not an ordinance what it is it's an advisory to the city council to the city under Section 910 of the city charter as to what it ought to be doing, and I think it's a good first start. 1057 02:05:04.230 --> 02:05:06.090 clark brown: So I think we should we should adopt it. 1058 02:05:19.740 --> 02:05:20.190 All right. 1059 02:05:22.140 --> 02:05:23.220 frank murphy: let's go to a. 1060 02:05:24.210 --> 02:05:28.920 Pat Raphael: Little while to unmute myself just want to add, please. 1061 02:05:30.540 --> 02:05:30.840 Pat Raphael: Now. 1062 02:05:32.100 --> 02:05:43.830 Pat Raphael: Is there any way we can we can tighten it up just to communicate something to the effect that we, we want to encourage people who want to help. 1063 02:05:44.250 --> 02:06:03.000 Pat Raphael: To help right and then having that be the premise and then saying, as you want to help these are the best practices that we've we've agreed on, and if you're going to help let's try to function within these parameters, I think something to that. 1064 02:06:05.940 --> 02:06:06.810 Vicki Halliday: it's not our job. 1065 02:06:08.130 --> 02:06:10.050 Vicki Halliday: is more advisory. 1066 02:06:10.860 --> 02:06:10.980 It. 1067 02:06:13.230 --> 02:06:23.940 Pat Raphael: sounded it sounded like some of the same like it was a punitive discouragement to try to stop people from accessing help from. 1068 02:06:25.830 --> 02:06:26.340 Pat Raphael: I made it. 1069 02:06:27.180 --> 02:06:27.600 Vicki Halliday: I read. 1070 02:06:29.940 --> 02:06:31.920 Vicki Halliday: It was in no way to discourage. 1071 02:06:33.030 --> 02:06:36.120 Vicki Halliday: These donations, but did it needed to work in tandem. 1072 02:06:37.440 --> 02:06:42.120 Vicki Halliday: Not to just eat it, you know I you read the motion, it seemed like. 1073 02:06:42.750 --> 02:06:56.850 Pat Raphael: It was saying that if they're going to go to one outlet they're not going to go to another outlet so to help them go towards the outlet that is section let's dissuade people or discourage people from. 1074 02:06:58.470 --> 02:07:06.540 Pat Raphael: I don't know if that's that's what I heard, but perhaps I i'm i'm honing in on something that maybe you're not even saying. 1075 02:07:07.380 --> 02:07:19.020 Vicki Halliday: What we're trying to do is to get more outreach back to people and some of this stuff doesn't help that always if they can stay down on the beach and be fed. 1076 02:07:19.890 --> 02:07:31.260 Vicki Halliday: And not ever have to go to St joseph's and if St joseph's is not coming to the beach, then there needs to be something that works to get outreach back to these people. 1077 02:07:32.040 --> 02:07:44.070 Pat Raphael: Okay, so I wasn't crazy after all that was what we were suggesting that stop other private people in a free way to help so that they can go towards the help that is sanction I don't know. 1078 02:07:45.330 --> 02:07:45.660 Vicki Halliday: you're. 1079 02:07:45.690 --> 02:07:49.740 Vicki Halliday: doing the donations to work with St joseph's and with. 1080 02:07:49.740 --> 02:07:50.430 Lhasa. 1081 02:07:51.780 --> 02:08:03.960 Vicki Halliday: So Lhasa and St joseph's know they're down there, maybe the last lessons a wrap or St Joseph sins of REP when they know these people are going to be there, feeding people that's all. 1082 02:08:07.620 --> 02:08:07.860 Pat Raphael: Right. 1083 02:08:08.460 --> 02:08:09.660 Vicki Halliday: i'm gonna be quiet now. 1084 02:08:09.660 --> 02:08:10.500 Vicki Halliday: Because i'm done. 1085 02:08:22.830 --> 02:08:27.870 frank murphy: I see the you know the line that seems to be grabbing everybody up. 1086 02:08:29.760 --> 02:08:39.150 frank murphy: You know I just think that this has to be gotten out there, so that we can correct issues that are currently going on. 1087 02:08:40.890 --> 02:08:53.370 frank murphy: And it's not telling us how to correct that and we need to I think what path saying is, we need to be more proactive in how we correct that. 1088 02:08:54.480 --> 02:08:57.630 frank murphy: I think this motion here. 1089 02:08:59.370 --> 02:09:09.780 frank murphy: I would like to say that we put that through as it is, and then we can present another motion that's a little bit more specific as to technique. 1090 02:09:12.960 --> 02:09:16.110 frank murphy: You know, at a later date at the next meeting, or the meeting. 1091 02:09:17.610 --> 02:09:19.230 Vicki Halliday: Somebody else right. 1092 02:09:21.960 --> 02:09:22.290 Vicki Halliday: This is. 1093 02:09:23.310 --> 02:09:29.490 Vicki Halliday: In 2007 motionless past the city didn't do Dick about it so we're trying again. 1094 02:09:30.240 --> 02:09:32.340 frank murphy: yeah and that was passing. 1095 02:09:32.370 --> 02:09:35.640 7017. 1096 02:09:36.660 --> 02:09:41.400 frank murphy: So we need to you know reiterate it and then maybe follow up with. 1097 02:09:43.350 --> 02:09:47.610 frank murphy: Because there's all kinds of things that come to my mind, that would take. 1098 02:09:48.660 --> 02:09:57.840 frank murphy: You know I mean Pat, and I could probably sit down and ironed something out pretty quick, but it might take you know five hours, you know you know what i'm saying. 1099 02:09:58.290 --> 02:09:58.740 Vicki Halliday: I think let's. 1100 02:09:59.430 --> 02:10:01.230 frank murphy: come up with something pretty quick. 1101 02:10:01.260 --> 02:10:01.620 To. 1102 02:10:03.060 --> 02:10:09.990 frank murphy: Anyhow um, but I think getting the ball rolling is really important, just to just to. 1103 02:10:11.280 --> 02:10:13.440 frank murphy: bridge that bridge that. 1104 02:10:15.480 --> 02:10:16.470 frank murphy: bridge that gap. 1105 02:10:18.240 --> 02:10:22.110 frank murphy: So I would vote, I would say let's go to vote on this is anybody. 1106 02:10:23.340 --> 02:10:24.450 frank murphy: objecting to that. 1107 02:10:29.250 --> 02:10:31.320 frank murphy: All right, let's let's go to vote. 1108 02:10:33.120 --> 02:10:34.110 frank murphy: i'm. 1109 02:10:39.810 --> 02:10:40.260 frank murphy: pat. 1110 02:10:44.520 --> 02:10:45.960 Elizabeth Wright: Oh i'm sorry I. 1111 02:10:47.970 --> 02:10:48.810 Elizabeth Wright: meant to motion. 1112 02:10:50.910 --> 02:10:51.300 frank murphy: Oh. 1113 02:10:53.130 --> 02:10:54.450 frank murphy: vicki main demotion. 1114 02:10:56.070 --> 02:10:57.360 frank murphy: I think I second. 1115 02:10:57.360 --> 02:10:57.720 Vicki Halliday: Did. 1116 02:10:57.810 --> 02:10:59.730 frank murphy: You did, yes, I did yeah. 1117 02:10:59.760 --> 02:11:02.040 Elizabeth Wright: Thank you, sorry I fell down on the job. 1118 02:11:02.700 --> 02:11:02.970 No. 1119 02:11:04.500 --> 02:11:06.360 frank murphy: No problem okay pat sorry. 1120 02:11:08.580 --> 02:11:09.900 Pat Raphael: I vote no in this motion. 1121 02:11:11.190 --> 02:11:13.380 frank murphy: Okay Liz. 1122 02:11:14.160 --> 02:11:14.700 Yes. 1123 02:11:16.920 --> 02:11:17.460 frank murphy: vicki. 1124 02:11:17.790 --> 02:11:18.210 Yes. 1125 02:11:21.210 --> 02:11:21.780 frank murphy: Clark. 1126 02:11:22.020 --> 02:11:22.440 Yes. 1127 02:11:26.910 --> 02:11:27.960 frank murphy: frank, yes. 1128 02:11:32.910 --> 02:11:37.080 frank murphy: And nobody else has ever overwrite them in motion passes. 1129 02:11:38.280 --> 02:11:38.760 Elizabeth Wright: jodi. 1130 02:11:39.510 --> 02:11:40.650 frank murphy: jodi five to one. 1131 02:11:41.430 --> 02:11:42.390 Jody Mortimer: Oh God oh my. 1132 02:11:43.080 --> 02:11:44.160 frank murphy: God sorry man. 1133 02:11:44.580 --> 02:11:48.570 Jody Mortimer: that's Okay, am I lots of staying I just don't know enough about the history of this time. 1134 02:11:49.290 --> 02:11:49.950 Absolutely. 1135 02:11:50.970 --> 02:11:55.020 frank murphy: One abstain one No four yeses. 1136 02:12:06.150 --> 02:12:07.500 frank murphy: Alright we're now we move to. 1137 02:12:10.080 --> 02:12:13.830 frank murphy: Committee comments, not on items, not on the agenda. 1138 02:12:15.570 --> 02:12:16.530 frank murphy: Between the committee. 1139 02:12:20.760 --> 02:12:21.120 Pat Raphael: Can I. 1140 02:12:22.410 --> 02:12:25.020 Pat Raphael: Actually, I see clark's hands up maybe you could go for yeah. 1141 02:12:25.320 --> 02:12:25.710 mark. 1142 02:12:26.730 --> 02:12:32.880 clark brown: frank, I just want to confirm you're going to either tonight or tomorrow, send me the contact information for God. 1143 02:12:34.530 --> 02:12:37.410 frank murphy: yeah yeah yes, we can get him. 1144 02:12:39.180 --> 02:12:50.040 clark brown: Next, I want to confirm tell from my understanding of our conversation last night, that we will add to the agenda for the February 22 meeting. 1145 02:12:50.820 --> 02:13:02.610 clark brown: The draft letter from Jimmy rez coupon and the law, a to require them to produce any documents they have to show the FAA prohibits the city from using. 1146 02:13:03.180 --> 02:13:16.710 clark brown: parcels one and two and lacks for homeless shelter require them to admit such documents don't exist i've sent you and Jim copies of the letter and I just would like to have it on the agenda for the February 22 medium for discussion. 1147 02:13:17.670 --> 02:13:25.590 frank murphy: I haven't made any decision on that at this point, but yeah I mean will will will take it up this month and she went ran. 1148 02:13:26.010 --> 02:13:30.510 clark brown: me see where we're at in terms of putting it on the agenda or passing it. 1149 02:13:32.280 --> 02:13:46.470 frank murphy: Will why we haven't put it on the agenda you know I mean we still need to put it on the agenda, I mean it doesn't need to be agenda is through us in order to get to the to the board, so I mean you know there's other methods to get it to the board. 1150 02:13:46.530 --> 02:13:49.800 clark brown: And something like this, I think the board would definitely require. 1151 02:13:51.690 --> 02:13:52.230 clark brown: To go to. 1152 02:13:53.820 --> 02:13:55.380 clark brown: The homelessness Committee, first, I mean. 1153 02:13:55.770 --> 02:14:02.580 frank murphy: You can put you can put a you can have signatures, to put it on the board it doesn't have to. 1154 02:14:03.480 --> 02:14:07.230 clark brown: It takes a petition with 60 signatures and. 1155 02:14:07.620 --> 02:14:16.260 clark brown: With respect to the memo to bond and we went through this and the board add COM send it back to the homelessness committee for consideration. 1156 02:14:16.890 --> 02:14:25.680 clark brown: So, since this is a is a component of the issue of whether these lacks parcels ought to be used for homelessness housing. 1157 02:14:26.010 --> 02:14:41.370 clark brown: I think it should be considered first at the homelessness Committee I think it's very clear based on our experience with the bottom memo that that's what the board would require, so I again ask that we calendar this that we put this on the agenda. 1158 02:14:41.670 --> 02:14:44.430 frank murphy: For the federal I will i'm not going to make that decision at this. 1159 02:14:44.430 --> 02:14:44.820 point. 1160 02:14:46.140 --> 02:14:47.910 clark brown: Can I ask, when you will make the decision. 1161 02:14:49.860 --> 02:14:51.060 frank murphy: When I do i'll let you know. 1162 02:14:55.440 --> 02:14:57.570 clark brown: Is it an item for further discussion between us. 1163 02:14:58.350 --> 02:14:58.830 frank murphy: Of course. 1164 02:15:01.110 --> 02:15:05.250 frank murphy: Clark we're we're always going to be talking, believe me, it's not going to go away. 1165 02:15:06.480 --> 02:15:12.840 clark brown: I can I respond to some of these comments that Helen fallon and others made about the LACs parcels. 1166 02:15:14.880 --> 02:15:19.080 frank murphy: um yes, you can respond to that you know. 1167 02:15:19.860 --> 02:15:34.470 clark brown: That the thrust of the comments were that the memo to Boston which the board passed last month, was a mistake, because of the issue of the LACs parcels I think that was the thrust of Helens comments and. 1168 02:15:35.460 --> 02:15:44.670 clark brown: The thrust of La beans comments as well, and maybe someone else, so I I was asked to respond to those and it seems to me, this is the appropriate time to do it. 1169 02:15:47.190 --> 02:15:47.400 clark brown: yeah. 1170 02:15:49.050 --> 02:15:50.340 frank murphy: yeah okay. 1171 02:15:51.360 --> 02:16:00.720 clark brown: You know I recognize that people have reservations about the memo define because of its discussion about the the LACs parcels. 1172 02:16:01.380 --> 02:16:12.510 clark brown: But I think it's important to keep in mind that, due to the Boise case there is no way to move the encampments and the arby's unless there is real estate to move them to. 1173 02:16:13.680 --> 02:16:24.150 clark brown: Cynthia sweats comments I think they clear, and I think jodi's comments may have made clear as well that there are simply no beds in CD 11. 1174 02:16:24.630 --> 02:16:32.880 clark brown: there's no place to move the homelessness homeless population to other than these two parcels out of La X. 1175 02:16:33.690 --> 02:16:47.310 clark brown: which already have infrastructure for water, electricity, gas sewer and are big enough to accommodate all of the homeless and kamins an rv in Venice and the rest of CD 11 at the last. 1176 02:16:49.080 --> 02:17:08.520 clark brown: homeless committee meeting Brian off asked one of the panelists who had an art moved out of an rv and he said that he would be happy to without blacks parcels anything commute into Venice now there are some very significant issues regarding these lacks parcels. 1177 02:17:09.660 --> 02:17:22.170 clark brown: We are just at the beginning there's the issue of whether the FAA with bar the use of these parcels for homeless housing that hasn't been resolved this this issue of airplane airplane noise, whether the. 1178 02:17:23.790 --> 02:17:30.660 clark brown: airplane noise which is great enough that would be harmful for the people living on these proposals we don't have the answer to that yet. 1179 02:17:31.140 --> 02:17:45.090 clark brown: And then there's the issue of whether they are a threat to security, to the people in in in westchester that to hasn't been investigated and it's a difficult issue, it turns out that the big parcel process one. 1180 02:17:45.720 --> 02:17:54.120 clark brown: is separated from their subdivisions, to the north, by a 30 foot high brick wall and six foot gates so. 1181 02:17:54.750 --> 02:18:02.970 clark brown: Whether it in fact is, it is a threat to the security in in westchester is something that has to be analyzed we don't have answers to these questions, yet. 1182 02:18:03.570 --> 02:18:17.190 clark brown: But I think we owe it to the homeless in Venice and all the people who live in Venice and in westchester but carefully analyze the facts and the issues regarding the LACs parcels and we haven't done that yet. 1183 02:18:18.570 --> 02:18:29.040 clark brown: But my memo to Boston is a simply a first step, the fact that westchester opposes the LACs parcels for temporary homeless shelter is not determinative. 1184 02:18:29.490 --> 02:18:38.280 clark brown: The LACs parcels do not belong to westchester any more than the beach belongs to Venice, both are public real estate which belong to all of us. 1185 02:18:39.030 --> 02:18:48.600 clark brown: All public projects generate strong opposition, all of them doesn't happen without strong opposition and the last parcels are simply no different. 1186 02:18:49.140 --> 02:18:57.090 clark brown: We simply have to look at all the facts and the parties have to reach a conclusion based on those facts and the parties are not just westchester. 1187 02:18:57.600 --> 02:19:14.070 clark brown: And not just that they're also westchester so let's start looking at the facts and the starting point is whether the FAA ours, the city from using the LACs parcels for homeless, shelter, the botton memo is a simply a first step in that investigation. 1188 02:19:15.360 --> 02:19:15.960 frank murphy: Okay. 1189 02:19:17.340 --> 02:19:17.700 Vicki Halliday: well. 1190 02:19:17.760 --> 02:19:25.290 Vicki Halliday: You know that first step really chapped our neighbors in westchester because they've investigated they've looked at these parcels. 1191 02:19:25.800 --> 02:19:40.290 Vicki Halliday: And it's the one that's holding it up that everybody's upset about is the personal one across from visitation school they live there, they know the area they see what what could be what could happen, and they don't want it. 1192 02:19:41.250 --> 02:19:57.210 Vicki Halliday: It would be just like if they put through emotion that said they thought the Western Westminster senior Center was great as a detox rehab Center and that's a classroom at school and we wouldn't put up with it, we would be yelling and screaming. 1193 02:19:57.690 --> 02:20:13.380 clark brown: you're missing the point that the LACs parcels do not belong to westchester they want to everyone on the city, just like the Westminster senior Center belongs to everyone in the city, just like the Venice beach does don't be afraid of facts. 1194 02:20:13.950 --> 02:20:16.410 Vicki Halliday: And facts i'm afraid. 1195 02:20:16.470 --> 02:20:18.390 Vicki Halliday: Excuse me, we had to live together. 1196 02:20:18.450 --> 02:20:19.080 clark brown: Let me finish. 1197 02:20:20.760 --> 02:20:30.270 clark brown: The fact that we did an investigation of an issue that has many different parts to it does not mean that we're going to reach a specific conclusion. 1198 02:20:34.290 --> 02:20:35.460 clark brown: Here we've got to be adults about. 1199 02:20:35.460 --> 02:20:45.450 frank murphy: What i'm what i'm what I heard Helen and allie also referring to was. 1200 02:20:46.470 --> 02:20:53.580 frank murphy: The concept that we're balkanized ourselves we're we're putting ourselves. 1201 02:20:54.720 --> 02:20:55.650 frank murphy: You know we're going to. 1202 02:20:57.030 --> 02:21:04.980 frank murphy: create a split that doesn't have to be there and I think that by jamming like like. 1203 02:21:07.170 --> 02:21:13.770 frank murphy: Well, my just I understand your I understand your frustration about getting. 1204 02:21:13.890 --> 02:21:30.180 frank murphy: More getting sites that somebody has to step out there and define some sites, you know i'd love it if it was my bottom that did that, but you know we're going to get what we get. 1205 02:21:30.600 --> 02:21:30.990 clark brown: From the. 1206 02:21:31.740 --> 02:21:33.300 frank murphy: break for probably am. 1207 02:21:33.810 --> 02:21:36.390 frank murphy: Wait a minute, you know, let me speak. 1208 02:21:36.930 --> 02:21:49.350 frank murphy: Sorry, so that's a that's an issue that has to be respected and i'm going to have to say hey look, you know Clark, we gotta respect that position. 1209 02:21:50.490 --> 02:22:08.640 frank murphy: You know I mean Helens hits it right on the head, I mean you know we've got to respect that somehow someway we've got 440 something sites available in district 11 they represent some 700 goddamn acres we've got to. 1210 02:22:10.500 --> 02:22:20.040 frank murphy: designate something and we've got to come to a consensus on it, I understand you saying we got to push it right now but i'm not i'm not. 1211 02:22:21.120 --> 02:22:21.660 frank murphy: i'm not. 1212 02:22:23.550 --> 02:22:23.970 frank murphy: You know. 1213 02:22:24.600 --> 02:22:25.410 Pat Raphael: So so what's. 1214 02:22:25.920 --> 02:22:26.130 My. 1215 02:22:28.110 --> 02:22:31.590 Pat Raphael: idea of the motion, though, that the. 1216 02:22:32.820 --> 02:22:33.300 Pat Raphael: The. 1217 02:22:34.620 --> 02:22:51.390 Pat Raphael: ball is set in motion so that we can look at the sites and see which ones are best right so couldn't we just let it go forward and then just put that site as a lower priority because of its. 1218 02:22:52.080 --> 02:23:10.830 Pat Raphael: Other uses such as the school, but I wanted to back up and say that the whole premise of all of this kind of smacks of it's a threat it's something scary oh my God homeless people are coming, and I feel like that's why it's important for us to have these these. 1219 02:23:11.910 --> 02:23:19.260 Pat Raphael: opportunities to have folks like Eric and tad and rick and I hope, somebody would had a chance to come so that. 1220 02:23:19.620 --> 02:23:28.020 Pat Raphael: They can be more humanized It can be seen as people just trying to make it trying to find a place to belong in in everywhere you're trying to. 1221 02:23:28.350 --> 02:23:38.970 Pat Raphael: land on a branch there's little Spikes in people saying get out here, you can't be here because you know you're strictly for your own list so so I I feel like once again. 1222 02:23:40.290 --> 02:23:52.470 Pat Raphael: that's where the that's where the the the ideas are in it's not it's not looking to to see where we can make room, but where we can exclude. 1223 02:23:55.170 --> 02:23:56.130 writers favorite. 1224 02:23:58.500 --> 02:23:58.770 frank murphy: card. 1225 02:24:00.240 --> 02:24:08.220 clark brown: With respect to these locks that that you've investigated, I did do an investigation of them and they're just simply not suitable and I believe. 1226 02:24:08.640 --> 02:24:15.300 frank murphy: I beg to differ with you, I mean you know I know that you have that you have any very. 1227 02:24:19.290 --> 02:24:19.920 frank murphy: That you're. 1228 02:24:22.650 --> 02:24:25.560 frank murphy: That you know exactly what you're talking. 1229 02:24:27.270 --> 02:24:28.620 frank murphy: I beg to differ with you. 1230 02:24:28.830 --> 02:24:46.530 frank murphy: Okay, so I you know i'm going to sit back and say okay fine you know clerk do what you presented as you got to present to what you've got to do, but you know I mean i've looked into these and we can look into them again later. 1231 02:24:47.610 --> 02:24:49.770 frank murphy: But I understand that you say that that. 1232 02:24:49.800 --> 02:24:55.740 frank murphy: None of that none, no other lot will work in all of district 11 what a crock a cramp. 1233 02:24:56.460 --> 02:24:57.180 clark brown: What I said. 1234 02:24:57.540 --> 02:24:58.620 clark brown: What I said was. 1235 02:24:58.680 --> 02:25:06.660 clark brown: What I said was I I didn't review it was my conclusion that that they were not suitable that I could be wrong, I could be wrong. 1236 02:25:07.080 --> 02:25:16.800 clark brown: Just as I am, for doing a full investigation with respect to be said to watch an la X, I am also for doing a full thorough investigation. 1237 02:25:17.370 --> 02:25:34.560 clark brown: Regarding the watch that you identified and your paper, what I am interested in doing is is trying to find real estate, to which we can move these homeless, a campus because we can't get rid of them unless we've got a place to move them to and. 1238 02:25:35.850 --> 02:25:47.850 clark brown: I did send you my my memo and I am more than happy to go over the memo with you in detail and get your thoughts, if there are other watch i'm all for it. 1239 02:25:49.470 --> 02:25:56.850 clark brown: i'm all for it all we're talking about doing is looking at this issue of real estate with an open mind. 1240 02:25:57.630 --> 02:25:59.160 cuz very parcels. 1241 02:26:01.170 --> 02:26:01.350 yeah. 1242 02:26:03.210 --> 02:26:05.790 frank murphy: i'm i'm i'm not on your Nan. 1243 02:26:05.970 --> 02:26:10.110 clark brown: And I like previously second my memo and i'll send it again to you tomorrow morning. 1244 02:26:11.160 --> 02:26:12.090 clark brown: And I could be wrong. 1245 02:26:14.100 --> 02:26:18.210 clark brown: I could be wrong, and if there are other parcels i'm all for it. 1246 02:26:21.570 --> 02:26:24.990 frank murphy: Any other any other items you guys want to bring up. 1247 02:26:31.440 --> 02:26:31.680 Elizabeth Wright: Oh. 1248 02:26:32.220 --> 02:26:32.700 frank murphy: i'm sorry. 1249 02:26:33.690 --> 02:26:35.220 Elizabeth Wright: Just just a quick comment. 1250 02:26:36.540 --> 02:26:43.620 Elizabeth Wright: What we have been doing in the past and for future reference, I think we should keep in mind that. 1251 02:26:45.150 --> 02:26:48.090 Elizabeth Wright: All of the work really should be done in the Committee. 1252 02:26:49.590 --> 02:27:01.650 Elizabeth Wright: And what is presented to the Board should be okay, we have investigated all this and we've analyzed it six ways from Sunday, and this is our recommendation of the best way to go. 1253 02:27:01.890 --> 02:27:02.580 clark brown: Absolutely right. 1254 02:27:03.090 --> 02:27:08.970 Elizabeth Wright: Instead of sending something complex to the board expecting them to figure it out. 1255 02:27:10.110 --> 02:27:11.610 Elizabeth Wright: Okay, so just for future. 1256 02:27:14.100 --> 02:27:15.120 frank murphy: Point well taken. 1257 02:27:16.050 --> 02:27:18.210 clark brown: But as an example, you know. 1258 02:27:19.440 --> 02:27:30.900 clark brown: frank and I have been talking about these lots I think the thing to do is for frank and I to get together, you know outside of the committee go over very thoroughly and then present something to the committee, the homeless and stability, not from the board. 1259 02:27:31.980 --> 02:27:38.880 clark brown: And I was we do our homework, we presented the committee it's debated in the Committee, and then we decide where to go from there. 1260 02:27:39.720 --> 02:27:46.290 Pat Raphael: Would we all have access to the source material for which you are narrowing it down. 1261 02:27:46.410 --> 02:27:47.400 clark brown: yeah frank did. 1262 02:27:47.610 --> 02:27:50.130 frank murphy: You are you are you already having that. 1263 02:27:51.570 --> 02:27:51.960 clark brown: practice. 1264 02:27:53.280 --> 02:27:56.700 clark brown: Right to the paper study that's about what 15 pages 20 pages. 1265 02:27:57.420 --> 02:28:08.820 frank murphy: yeah yeah it's already posted on the homeless it's part of the attachments I can get you a truncated one, so that you can see it a little bit more clear. 1266 02:28:10.680 --> 02:28:14.520 frank murphy: Sometimes you have too much information on on something. 1267 02:28:15.390 --> 02:28:24.570 Pat Raphael: I do remember, we have the the urban alchemy that's the one you're talking about right the urban alchemy layout of all of the different. 1268 02:28:25.770 --> 02:28:26.730 Pat Raphael: properties and. 1269 02:28:27.030 --> 02:28:28.230 frank murphy: yeah yeah that was. 1270 02:28:28.530 --> 02:28:31.890 Pat Raphael: yeah that was that was already and I thought that's what. 1271 02:28:32.220 --> 02:28:51.030 Pat Raphael: that's the one that we all decided that we would send all of them to get consideration, not necessarily prioritizing and saying one is better than the other, and then now there's a a affected group that's close to it that's saying let's carve this one out right. 1272 02:28:51.360 --> 02:28:52.530 frank murphy: Well, what you know. 1273 02:28:52.620 --> 02:28:53.730 frank murphy: What you wind up with. 1274 02:28:53.820 --> 02:29:08.070 frank murphy: That is there's different criterion for for pulling up sites and and there's different ways to use sites, so you know that's what Clark, and I are both talking about. 1275 02:29:08.700 --> 02:29:17.730 frank murphy: And so you know you've got a whole smattering of sides some work one way some work another way that's that's that's. 1276 02:29:18.600 --> 02:29:28.950 frank murphy: that's where that and and and you have to be conscious of the political ramifications, because you know that's what's happening here with. 1277 02:29:29.490 --> 02:29:41.940 frank murphy: westchester I mean you know and rightfully so you know I don't know their situation like they know their situation like they don't know my situation down here for years. 1278 02:29:43.080 --> 02:29:46.770 frank murphy: So we there's all that you know that that. 1279 02:29:49.950 --> 02:30:06.030 frank murphy: That negotiation that has to go on, but it needs to be gotten on and I, and I applaud Clark on now because it's bringing it up it's getting it out there is getting it let's solve the problem, I agree with that 100%. 1280 02:30:06.510 --> 02:30:11.400 clark brown: Right that's correct it is on the site, because I got it from site, the whole thing is on the site. 1281 02:30:12.120 --> 02:30:13.020 clark brown: lincoln's there. 1282 02:30:13.800 --> 02:30:15.510 frank murphy: But that's okay. 1283 02:30:16.860 --> 02:30:23.220 frank murphy: You know i'm not proselytizing for my and you don't need to proselytize for years let's leave that to our next our next. 1284 02:30:24.240 --> 02:30:26.880 clark brown: book about your studies on the site that's where I got it. 1285 02:30:26.970 --> 02:30:28.560 frank murphy: yeah it's on there yeah. 1286 02:30:29.340 --> 02:30:30.090 clark brown: that's how I got it. 1287 02:30:31.440 --> 02:30:32.220 frank murphy: yeah did. 1288 02:30:32.400 --> 02:30:34.350 Elizabeth Wright: Did the county Board of health. 1289 02:30:35.670 --> 02:30:51.840 Elizabeth Wright: issue a Bulletin to probably lapd and others that the homeless, should not be asked to move from one homeless place to another place where they will be homeless, because the carbon. 1290 02:30:56.580 --> 02:30:59.340 Elizabeth Wright: that's what that that's why they they. 1291 02:31:01.080 --> 02:31:02.730 Elizabeth Wright: didn't clear out the. 1292 02:31:04.170 --> 02:31:06.240 Elizabeth Wright: encampment by the bridge housing. 1293 02:31:07.560 --> 02:31:09.030 Elizabeth Wright: The Board of health told them not to. 1294 02:31:13.380 --> 02:31:18.720 Vicki Halliday: Do beginning to there's some shifts being made now it's beginning to loosen up. 1295 02:31:20.400 --> 02:31:24.720 Vicki Halliday: But, but a lot of those code restrictions are still in effect. 1296 02:31:25.770 --> 02:31:26.220 Elizabeth Wright: yeah. 1297 02:31:26.820 --> 02:31:29.190 Vicki Halliday: I mean they did clean out West Chester park. 1298 02:31:31.260 --> 02:31:34.410 Elizabeth Wright: So, but that was because they could offer them a roof. 1299 02:31:35.520 --> 02:31:38.550 Vicki Halliday: yeah most of them took it there's some up here now, just like. 1300 02:31:39.090 --> 02:31:39.510 Elizabeth Wright: They work. 1301 02:31:40.980 --> 02:31:43.200 Elizabeth Wright: They had to be able to offer a route. 1302 02:31:44.640 --> 02:31:46.020 Vicki Halliday: um you know. 1303 02:31:48.240 --> 02:31:55.860 Vicki Halliday: Only because I know that when they cleaned up Venice and electric you know they cleaned out a lot of those encampments there, right here by me now. 1304 02:31:57.060 --> 02:31:59.310 Vicki Halliday: They just moved right up here into a parking lot. 1305 02:32:02.220 --> 02:32:05.820 Vicki Halliday: So you know they didn't they didn't offer them. 1306 02:32:07.680 --> 02:32:08.550 Jody Mortimer: The they I think they. 1307 02:32:08.580 --> 02:32:10.020 Elizabeth Wright: offer them or it was. 1308 02:32:10.110 --> 02:32:17.250 Jody Mortimer: Taken yeah wasn't taken that so dead like 200 taken and then the rest just decided to move on yeah okay. 1309 02:32:20.850 --> 02:32:21.480 Vicki Halliday: Thank God. 1310 02:32:24.120 --> 02:32:24.660 frank murphy: OK. 1311 02:32:26.130 --> 02:32:26.940 frank murphy: um. 1312 02:32:31.950 --> 02:32:35.010 frank murphy: Any other comments I think we're ready to. 1313 02:32:38.640 --> 02:32:39.630 adjourn yeah. 1314 02:32:40.650 --> 02:32:41.100 Elizabeth Wright: And then. 1315 02:32:41.610 --> 02:32:43.020 Elizabeth Wright: vicki on that motion. 1316 02:32:44.070 --> 02:32:44.520 Vicki Halliday: Excellent. 1317 02:32:44.550 --> 02:32:44.940 Elizabeth Wright: Thank you. 1318 02:32:46.080 --> 02:32:52.920 Pat Raphael: Okay, so I I I had something in mind that I wanted to bring to the table for consideration. 1319 02:32:54.720 --> 02:33:05.250 Pat Raphael: We do have the name of our committee, as it is officially listed as the homeless committee right, one of the things that I heard from CAP today. 1320 02:33:05.310 --> 02:33:06.690 frank murphy: would be homelessness. 1321 02:33:06.930 --> 02:33:09.330 Pat Raphael: homelessness guy yes, yes, yes, yes. 1322 02:33:11.610 --> 02:33:12.060 Pat Raphael: It. 1323 02:33:13.980 --> 02:33:23.970 Pat Raphael: was brought up today, and this is something that i've been given consideration to that there is a categorization in everybody's mind. 1324 02:33:25.350 --> 02:33:35.340 Pat Raphael: Concerning what all that means in the bag, is that that comes with is really hard to overcome right, I myself, I tried to. 1325 02:33:36.510 --> 02:33:57.120 Pat Raphael: Be more sensitive with my language, because I think in moving the language towards empathy that then brings our actions with it right, sometimes the language is just window dressing, but that could also be a good start, so I would like to host if we probably remain our committee. 1326 02:33:58.320 --> 02:33:59.040 Pat Raphael: The. 1327 02:34:00.180 --> 02:34:10.620 Pat Raphael: The Committee on house and its neighbors right, because I think framing it that way we'll put front and Center who we are talking about. 1328 02:34:11.100 --> 02:34:28.410 Pat Raphael: we're talking about neighbors neighbors just happened a lot of houses, but we'd like to we'd like to address it from that language of empathy rather than that that old language that's got all the baggage with it and, and I believe. 1329 02:34:30.360 --> 02:34:31.230 Pat Raphael: Sometimes. 1330 02:34:33.120 --> 02:34:44.460 Pat Raphael: brings action with that baggage as well, I don't know if this is something at this point, people would have to consider and then decide to vote on in in. 1331 02:34:45.540 --> 02:34:51.750 Pat Raphael: In in give that giving up something in that work up, but I could even write this up, if this would be. 1332 02:34:52.950 --> 02:34:59.370 Pat Raphael: Something that we could do discuss more in depth as to why this would be something worth doing. 1333 02:35:00.510 --> 02:35:05.130 Jody Mortimer: I know I know share uses the term enhanced. 1334 02:35:07.980 --> 02:35:08.190 Pat Raphael: Right. 1335 02:35:09.960 --> 02:35:10.590 Pat Raphael: Well, I. 1336 02:35:12.660 --> 02:35:18.390 Pat Raphael: I I I put all the discussion on the table, but I mean that's the proposal that I wanted to. 1337 02:35:20.040 --> 02:35:21.090 Pat Raphael: put together, I mean. 1338 02:35:26.910 --> 02:35:33.270 Vicki Halliday: The committee name was just changed when we started this new committee session. 1339 02:35:35.190 --> 02:35:41.430 Vicki Halliday: It was changed to homelessness i'm due to lisa's comments. 1340 02:35:42.210 --> 02:35:43.860 Pat Raphael: I don't think there was any. 1341 02:35:44.040 --> 02:35:58.200 Pat Raphael: Any discussion as to all of us, and then all of us, deciding to go in that direction so maybe if we're going to carry the sticker that the that that it becomes that maybe we could have a little input and how we frame it. 1342 02:35:58.620 --> 02:36:00.990 Vicki Halliday: Well, who said words change, I mean. 1343 02:36:01.020 --> 02:36:04.680 Vicki Halliday: words of the moment change monthly so. 1344 02:36:05.550 --> 02:36:07.650 Vicki Halliday: You know, we could be changing it every month. 1345 02:36:09.090 --> 02:36:15.090 Vicki Halliday: Because next month, that would be there would be another way that people would want it, I mean, I think. 1346 02:36:16.290 --> 02:36:30.030 Vicki Halliday: let's try and help the people who are on the streets, rather than worrying about the word so much, and I know that sometimes words can sting and they're not the exact ones, but if. 1347 02:36:30.990 --> 02:36:31.920 Vicki Halliday: If we're. 1348 02:36:32.100 --> 02:36:38.910 Vicki Halliday: Trying to do something let's let's keep that momentum deleon not worrying about the word so much. 1349 02:36:42.540 --> 02:36:50.340 frank murphy: I think we should do please take a look at the words but I don't think we should you know let's let's let's talk about it, Pat and. 1350 02:36:51.660 --> 02:36:56.070 frank murphy: You know let's let's hit it up again at the next meeting, I mean. 1351 02:36:58.410 --> 02:36:59.280 Vicki Halliday: Put emotion in. 1352 02:37:01.920 --> 02:37:02.250 Pat Raphael: either. 1353 02:37:03.420 --> 02:37:04.650 frank murphy: emotion, because. 1354 02:37:08.160 --> 02:37:08.460 frank murphy: hmm. 1355 02:37:09.510 --> 02:37:09.840 frank murphy: Sorry. 1356 02:37:10.890 --> 02:37:25.380 Pat Raphael: I was saying it doesn't have to be either or it could be both, and you know we could help the folks and be mindful of how we frame it in a language, because I think that starts where our heart is going as well. 1357 02:37:28.410 --> 02:37:28.950 frank murphy: taken. 1358 02:37:31.680 --> 02:37:32.520 frank murphy: Anything else. 1359 02:37:36.780 --> 02:37:44.070 frank murphy: Alright guys let's the German it's it's 925 do we have to vote on a German. 1360 02:37:44.280 --> 02:37:44.550 nope. 1361 02:37:45.630 --> 02:37:46.650 frank murphy: nope alright. 1362 02:37:46.740 --> 02:37:47.940 Elizabeth Wright: just say we're done. 1363 02:37:50.580 --> 02:37:51.390 frank murphy: we're done. 1364 02:37:51.750 --> 02:37:52.230 Very. 1365 02:37:54.270 --> 02:37:54.990 Jody Mortimer: very much. 1366 02:37:55.290 --> 02:37:55.440 Good. 1367 02:37:56.670 --> 02:37:58.800 frank murphy: Nice to get on board God. 1368 02:37:59.340 --> 02:38:00.330 frank murphy: This is gonna be. 1369 02:38:01.560 --> 02:38:01.680 Vicki Halliday: it's. 1370 02:38:01.860 --> 02:38:03.540 frank murphy: gonna be some fun. 1371 02:38:04.200 --> 02:38:12.630 Jody Mortimer: Yes, and frank, if I could not stop playing, we can actually explain like two minutes and how this all kind of putting in motions and all that kind of. 1372 02:38:12.750 --> 02:38:13.080 frank murphy: sure. 1373 02:38:13.410 --> 02:38:14.250 Jody Mortimer: Thank you yeah. 1374 02:38:15.390 --> 02:38:16.200 frank murphy: You got it man. 1375 02:38:17.490 --> 02:38:18.270 frank murphy: Okay guys. 1376 02:38:18.870 --> 02:38:20.310 frank murphy: good night everyone thanks so much. 1377 02:38:21.090 --> 02:38:23.220 frank murphy: Man attended, you know. 1378 02:38:24.630 --> 02:38:27.900 frank murphy: Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it take care guys. 1379 02:38:28.170 --> 02:38:34.230 Pat Raphael: yeah just double checking guys if we're not leaving ahead and check I see dawn's hands been up for a while. 1380 02:38:34.920 --> 02:38:35.370 Vicki Halliday: Well, we. 1381 02:38:35.610 --> 02:38:37.320 frank murphy: We don't we run past. 1382 02:38:37.530 --> 02:38:38.970 frank murphy: Public climate for a while. 1383 02:38:41.370 --> 02:38:41.790 frank murphy: And we're. 1384 02:38:43.050 --> 02:38:43.530 frank murphy: Sorry. 1385 02:38:49.020 --> 02:38:49.410 frank murphy: guys.