WEBVTT 1 00:00:20.370 --> 00:00:21.540 james murez: nobody's here above me. 2 00:00:37.980 --> 00:00:44.790 james murez: yeah I see that I don't know we're getting yeah I guess we're gonna hang up on the phone because we're getting an ECHO yeah bye. 3 00:01:03.540 --> 00:01:04.950 Daffodil Tyminski: Do you want to make me co host. 4 00:01:05.340 --> 00:01:06.150 james murez: yeah I already did. 5 00:01:06.450 --> 00:01:08.550 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, you have me as a panelist. 6 00:01:08.910 --> 00:01:10.260 james murez: No i'm not no. 7 00:01:10.620 --> 00:01:11.160 Okay. 8 00:01:12.270 --> 00:01:15.840 james murez: And i'm sitting the share screen so anybody that needs to can. 9 00:01:16.980 --> 00:01:17.430 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 10 00:01:18.900 --> 00:01:19.800 Daffodil Tyminski: So blurry. 11 00:01:20.760 --> 00:01:21.450 james murez: Am I blurry. 12 00:01:21.840 --> 00:01:23.010 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah everyone's clary. 13 00:01:26.370 --> 00:01:29.100 Daffodil Tyminski: I know exactly no I clean my glasses, too, by the way. 14 00:01:30.390 --> 00:01:30.990 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm. 15 00:01:32.160 --> 00:01:34.080 Daffodil Tyminski: Alright share screen. 16 00:01:35.850 --> 00:01:37.500 Daffodil Tyminski: That would be. 17 00:01:37.830 --> 00:01:39.030 james murez: down at the bottom Center. 18 00:01:40.890 --> 00:01:41.850 Daffodil Tyminski: No. 19 00:01:45.390 --> 00:01:46.080 Daffodil Tyminski: So we. 20 00:01:47.640 --> 00:01:50.970 Daffodil Tyminski: Actually it be right here. 21 00:01:52.890 --> 00:01:54.750 Daffodil Tyminski: So wait when I go to zoom. 22 00:02:05.520 --> 00:02:06.420 Daffodil Tyminski: that's what it looks like. 23 00:02:07.170 --> 00:02:11.130 Daffodil Tyminski: yo Okay, we have a third participant that's here. 24 00:02:13.620 --> 00:02:14.670 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 25 00:02:16.320 --> 00:02:18.780 Daffodil Tyminski: We have one attendee but I can't see who it is. 26 00:02:20.670 --> 00:02:21.750 Daffodil Tyminski: Which is so weird. 27 00:02:23.460 --> 00:02:25.080 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm going to stop the screen share for the moment. 28 00:02:25.290 --> 00:02:30.420 james murez: Okay yeah I always have that problem that's why I tell you, you always have to. 29 00:02:32.160 --> 00:02:33.660 james murez: To keep track of these things. 30 00:02:35.190 --> 00:02:38.310 Daffodil Tyminski: It looks like we have an attendee oh it's lauren siegel okay. 31 00:02:40.650 --> 00:02:41.520 Daffodil Tyminski: came up for a minute. 32 00:03:21.750 --> 00:03:24.660 Daffodil Tyminski: know why zoom is being so slow about that. 33 00:03:25.920 --> 00:03:26.670 Daffodil Tyminski: hi lauren. 34 00:03:28.110 --> 00:03:28.830 Daffodil Tyminski: you're on mute. 35 00:03:31.380 --> 00:03:35.790 lauren siegel: I hear something to do with the 5g transition we've had wi fi issues for the last day or so. 36 00:03:36.030 --> 00:03:43.200 james murez: Okay 5g is horrible I mean, I just want to tell you that i've been having the worst experience with T mobile ever. 37 00:03:44.280 --> 00:03:50.340 Daffodil Tyminski: Korean you declined to be a panelist Oh, there you are okay now nevermind hi Chris hi Karen. 38 00:03:52.500 --> 00:03:53.340 Chris Plourde: hi everybody. 39 00:03:53.820 --> 00:03:54.330 corinne Baginski: I. 40 00:03:54.660 --> 00:03:55.350 Good evening. 41 00:04:00.870 --> 00:04:02.610 Chris Plourde: we're overachievers we're all early. 42 00:04:03.000 --> 00:04:03.510 mm hmm. 43 00:04:06.180 --> 00:04:06.660 Daffodil Tyminski: Great. 44 00:04:14.280 --> 00:04:17.610 Daffodil Tyminski: I think this meeting will be fairly short, by the way, hopefully. 45 00:04:20.640 --> 00:04:26.760 lauren siegel: So we can address the email that was sent out about the process of who steps up to in the interim. 46 00:04:28.380 --> 00:04:28.950 Daffodil Tyminski: Now. 47 00:04:33.030 --> 00:04:33.960 james murez: Wait What do you mean. 48 00:04:35.190 --> 00:04:38.100 james murez: yeah we can we can ignore who's who's. 49 00:04:38.130 --> 00:04:39.270 james murez: who's email, is it. 50 00:04:40.800 --> 00:04:42.570 Daffodil Tyminski: I think it's from Nick and cello. 51 00:04:42.840 --> 00:04:43.950 james murez: yeah we can ignore the. 52 00:04:47.100 --> 00:04:52.050 Daffodil Tyminski: Right, which said, otherwise means we don't have to address it right okay. 53 00:04:57.810 --> 00:04:58.290 Daffodil Tyminski: And there's. 54 00:04:58.470 --> 00:04:59.670 corinne Baginski: A lot of project. 55 00:05:02.070 --> 00:05:07.530 Daffodil Tyminski: There are, but it's not as I mean it's scary but it's going to be a pay Andrew. 56 00:05:09.570 --> 00:05:10.920 Daffodil Tyminski: i've gone through them all. 57 00:05:12.390 --> 00:05:15.300 Daffodil Tyminski: So I can give you a sense of at least what I think is gonna happen. 58 00:05:19.080 --> 00:05:19.620 Daffodil Tyminski: Sorry. 59 00:05:19.890 --> 00:05:21.510 Andrew Mika: sorry about the agenda items. 60 00:05:21.900 --> 00:05:23.280 Andrew Mika: yeah yeah. 61 00:05:23.400 --> 00:05:27.780 lauren siegel: And how up to date is that list does that include the latest email that came out last few days. 62 00:05:27.930 --> 00:05:32.910 james murez: With a new list I know there's one there's one item that's not on there, it came out after. 63 00:05:33.930 --> 00:05:35.640 james murez: It came out, I think, two days ago. 64 00:05:36.090 --> 00:05:39.090 james murez: I think it came out right, as we were posting the agenda. 65 00:05:39.390 --> 00:05:40.560 james murez: So it's everything but the. 66 00:05:40.560 --> 00:05:42.930 james murez: most recent one, and there was only one more case on there. 67 00:05:43.740 --> 00:05:48.480 lauren siegel: And do we now have some kind of formal list that we're using beyond what's in the agenda. 68 00:05:49.050 --> 00:06:04.560 Daffodil Tyminski: Now we're creating it, because this is what is, we could get as of November, but we still have to go back pre November, yes, and I actually have a list, but I haven't confirmed it yet, but we have to go back pre November to what was not. 69 00:06:06.360 --> 00:06:07.770 Daffodil Tyminski: Ever addressed. 70 00:06:08.940 --> 00:06:16.320 Daffodil Tyminski: But i'll when we get on there, I can explain kind of what i've done is sort of a work in progress and i'm sure we're just trying to get organized. 71 00:06:16.350 --> 00:06:18.810 Daffodil Tyminski: So whoever takes over has something to work with. 72 00:06:20.310 --> 00:06:20.730 Okay. 73 00:06:28.080 --> 00:06:30.600 Daffodil Tyminski: let's see okay matt is here. 74 00:06:33.960 --> 00:06:35.550 Daffodil Tyminski: New she's here. 75 00:06:39.480 --> 00:06:40.680 Daffodil Tyminski: was here. 76 00:06:52.770 --> 00:06:56.160 Daffodil Tyminski: And there is a quorum who are we missing Barry and. 77 00:07:00.090 --> 00:07:05.340 james murez: Because there's a telephone right can I suggest that if it's a committee member that they raised their hand. 78 00:07:19.140 --> 00:07:22.320 Daffodil Tyminski: Someone has their hand raised Andrew you have your hand raised. 79 00:07:23.250 --> 00:07:23.700 james murez: yeah but he's. 80 00:07:23.910 --> 00:07:26.400 Daffodil Tyminski: Maybe he got bumped out, oh no. 81 00:07:28.230 --> 00:07:30.300 Andrew Mika: Sorry, I heard of your number raise your hand. 82 00:07:30.480 --> 00:07:33.690 james murez: Maybe, oh no I met, I met the person on the telephone. 83 00:07:34.290 --> 00:07:35.340 Andrew Mika: Oh now i'm here. 84 00:07:35.940 --> 00:07:38.370 james murez: With somebody I mean the only person we're missing. 85 00:07:38.370 --> 00:07:39.390 Daffodil Tyminski: Is Barry. 86 00:07:41.430 --> 00:07:44.010 Daffodil Tyminski: um let me go back and just look at the raw roster. 87 00:07:45.840 --> 00:07:46.350 Daffodil Tyminski: Andrew. 88 00:07:49.740 --> 00:07:53.640 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I mean, I would say it's 703 we should just get started, he can jump in. 89 00:07:53.970 --> 00:07:54.660 Well, Sarah. 90 00:07:58.980 --> 00:08:02.730 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay um let's call this meeting to order, this is. 91 00:08:02.760 --> 00:08:04.050 lauren siegel: Jerry is loving it. 92 00:08:05.310 --> 00:08:05.850 Daffodil Tyminski: Sorry. 93 00:08:10.260 --> 00:08:12.000 Andrew Mika: Who cares what's. 94 00:08:13.110 --> 00:08:15.570 Daffodil Tyminski: On the attendees and if someone else comes out let them in. 95 00:08:18.060 --> 00:08:29.040 Daffodil Tyminski: So we're calling to order, this is a loop tech meeting January 20th 2022 i'm going to share my screen here and I have the agenda up on the screen. 96 00:08:32.760 --> 00:08:34.050 and hold on a SEC. 97 00:08:42.060 --> 00:08:43.320 Daffodil Tyminski: Can everyone see that. 98 00:08:45.180 --> 00:08:47.220 Daffodil Tyminski: yep okay great. 99 00:08:48.990 --> 00:08:55.440 Daffodil Tyminski: So we have here, first of all for those of you on the pack or otherwise participating in the audience. 100 00:08:56.040 --> 00:09:03.570 Daffodil Tyminski: don't know we've been working on trying to create an automated agenda system so that, as people put requests in they'll automatically be drawn. 101 00:09:04.050 --> 00:09:16.050 Daffodil Tyminski: over to the committee agendas and then the board agenda on the ideas will be able to track things going all the way through this is the format that it comes in, which is a bit of a work in progress, but substantively it is all there. 102 00:09:18.030 --> 00:09:21.030 Daffodil Tyminski: And so we're going to use it tonight, for the first time in lieu Pack. 103 00:09:22.560 --> 00:09:26.190 Daffodil Tyminski: And so we've called the meeting to order taking roll call. 104 00:09:27.450 --> 00:09:34.110 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm here we're really don't have anything tonight, I think that we're voting on, but i'm be here as a non voting Member. 105 00:09:35.250 --> 00:09:35.850 curren. 106 00:09:38.220 --> 00:09:39.120 Daffodil Tyminski: To say yay or nay. 107 00:09:40.380 --> 00:09:42.390 Daffodil Tyminski: I can see your hand there um. 108 00:09:42.510 --> 00:09:44.100 corinne Baginski: Yes, sorry I was on mute. 109 00:09:44.160 --> 00:09:45.600 Andrew Mika: Andrew yay. 110 00:09:46.890 --> 00:09:47.430 Daffodil Tyminski: lauren. 111 00:09:48.060 --> 00:09:50.310 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, Matthew. 112 00:09:51.000 --> 00:09:51.630 Your. 113 00:09:53.160 --> 00:09:53.790 Daffodil Tyminski: New ish. 114 00:09:53.970 --> 00:09:54.300 yeah. 115 00:09:56.370 --> 00:09:57.060 Daffodil Tyminski: Chris. 116 00:10:00.630 --> 00:10:01.920 Daffodil Tyminski: The way see on there. 117 00:10:02.070 --> 00:10:02.550 Better. 118 00:10:03.780 --> 00:10:04.800 Daffodil Tyminski: and Macau. 119 00:10:05.580 --> 00:10:05.910 here. 120 00:10:07.080 --> 00:10:07.560 Michael Jensen: OK. 121 00:10:08.400 --> 00:10:12.630 Daffodil Tyminski: So, moving on to item for, as you all know, leaks resigned his chair. 122 00:10:13.950 --> 00:10:23.070 Daffodil Tyminski: Our plan is to we've opened up the loop applications and the loop heck application so we're basically right now we've a vacant board seat. 123 00:10:24.330 --> 00:10:37.050 Daffodil Tyminski: With the board see the board picks who the next board member is so we've put the loop application on the website, I would encourage everyone to take a look at it, if you're interested in applying. 124 00:10:38.250 --> 00:10:53.490 Daffodil Tyminski: fill out the application and submit it their details on how to submit it, I think it goes to Oliver freeze but definitely follow what's on the website and there's also a time date deadline um if you know anyone that would be interested, please encourage them to apply. 125 00:10:54.870 --> 00:11:08.970 Daffodil Tyminski: The goal is to have the board pick the next loop chair at the February board meeting, which I believe is the 15th although gym maybe knows the date is the third Tuesday in February. 126 00:11:09.990 --> 00:11:13.500 Daffodil Tyminski: And so, for a short period of time we won't have a chair. 127 00:11:14.820 --> 00:11:25.620 Daffodil Tyminski: So what we wanted to do was take an opportunity to organize a little bit and here's Barry I can see, he just popped in so i'm going to promote him to a panelist. 128 00:11:28.140 --> 00:11:29.460 Daffodil Tyminski: I will work in presence. 129 00:11:30.780 --> 00:11:34.770 Daffodil Tyminski: We have a tremendous backlog of cases and. 130 00:11:36.480 --> 00:11:40.890 Daffodil Tyminski: You know we've had stakeholders reaching out to see when their matters could be heard. 131 00:11:41.310 --> 00:11:54.600 Daffodil Tyminski: So i've just reached out to various people saying just be patient we're going to have someone permanent coming in and we're just trying to organize a little bit, but what we'd like to do tonight is just assign the matters out. 132 00:11:56.130 --> 00:12:06.720 Daffodil Tyminski: We have matters that haven't been assigned, I think, since October tonight that's pretty much what's on the agenda, there are some items that, and so let me back up. 133 00:12:08.070 --> 00:12:16.680 Daffodil Tyminski: For those of you that don't know this about every two weeks, the city publishes a report that should be capturing all of the land use and planning matters. 134 00:12:16.920 --> 00:12:27.510 Daffodil Tyminski: In a in the city and we can actually run that report just for Venice so we've done that, and we've captured all of the matters that have been submitted for Venice since October. 135 00:12:29.040 --> 00:12:40.500 Daffodil Tyminski: We also get mail from the city and everyone that submitted an application to do a project and the city has a certain mailing requirement that they have to fulfill. 136 00:12:40.920 --> 00:12:47.430 Daffodil Tyminski: and their application comes to us the mail hasn't been picked up since October, so we have a whole file box filled with mail. 137 00:12:48.540 --> 00:13:05.250 Daffodil Tyminski: We tried to I tried this week to match up what is on those reports with what mail, we have and they're almost consistent, but we do have some things on the report, for which we have no mailers and we have mail for things that we haven't seen on a cnc report. 138 00:13:07.020 --> 00:13:15.030 Daffodil Tyminski: According to the city, we also have a backlog before October November of maybe 40 odd cases that were never addressed. 139 00:13:16.290 --> 00:13:24.750 Daffodil Tyminski: Some of them, I think the ship may have sailed they've already been approved, or whatever, some of them they'll have stakeholders that have been reaching out to try to be heard so. 140 00:13:25.830 --> 00:13:33.900 Daffodil Tyminski: it's just a lot of work to figure it out, we did reach out to a leaks and she didn't respond so we're sort of manually trying to go back through and figure it out. 141 00:13:34.440 --> 00:13:49.320 Daffodil Tyminski: So for now let's just work on what we have, we have a list of cases and my goal was just to get them assigned out to people, so at least the stakeholders are getting a response and then For those of you that are newer and new Pack and haven't had training. 142 00:13:50.460 --> 00:14:04.830 Daffodil Tyminski: Just reach out either I can show you how to do it, and I know matt Royce volunteered he can show you how to do it Miquel can show you how to handle it whatever and at least get all this stuff started, so we can get the ball rolling. 143 00:14:06.300 --> 00:14:18.570 Daffodil Tyminski: So that's that's our proposed that's my proposal will at least get things organized and then, when the new chair comes in, they can do it, how they see fit, but at least the you know the basics, are there. 144 00:14:19.530 --> 00:14:26.460 james murez: You have can I can I just throw something out there, real quick I wanna I just want to clarify one point that you made, that is a little bit incorrect. 145 00:14:26.970 --> 00:14:48.690 james murez: The mail has been getting picked up since I received the keys back in July and and I pick up the mail every week on Friday morning and and i've been collecting it, and so there would that's why that's where all the mail is it does get picked up, and it is getting getting sorted so it's. 146 00:14:49.800 --> 00:14:50.940 james murez: It is available. 147 00:14:51.570 --> 00:14:54.180 Daffodil Tyminski: Right, we have the mail i'm just saying it's not getting. 148 00:14:54.660 --> 00:14:56.730 Daffodil Tyminski: Right, the people that need it right. 149 00:14:56.760 --> 00:14:57.120 lauren siegel: Right right. 150 00:14:58.140 --> 00:14:58.440 Daffodil Tyminski: That. 151 00:14:58.890 --> 00:15:14.940 lauren siegel: I have a question daffodil it seemed like a leaks was assigning cases to certain people, based on their competency or experience, so you know commercial stuff or was going to certain people are you going to try and do the same thing, are you just going to spread everything out. 152 00:15:15.570 --> 00:15:25.230 Daffodil Tyminski: So I put a lot of thought into this I spread everything out and my thinking is everybody should have kind of an equal workload. 153 00:15:26.070 --> 00:15:40.380 Daffodil Tyminski: And for some folks that, like you, are and and current are newer to the committee, so I asked matt to jump on and help out with some of the more complicated things. 154 00:15:41.010 --> 00:15:53.670 Daffodil Tyminski: And of course I mean, I will say, having been on Lou peck for a while and particularly when matt was chair like we all were very collegial about it, and if someone needed help and reached out, we would all help out right so. 155 00:15:54.570 --> 00:16:00.120 Daffodil Tyminski: I personally think if you just all have very minor stuff you don't really learn the process. 156 00:16:01.380 --> 00:16:12.300 Daffodil Tyminski: A lot of what we have, I think could be considered pretty minor so um I did give some of the more complicated things to the more experienced people. 157 00:16:13.320 --> 00:16:15.390 Daffodil Tyminski: But I Everyone has something complicated. 158 00:16:16.650 --> 00:16:28.950 Daffodil Tyminski: than they said, this is also just my suggestion i'm not the Queen here like if you don't like what you got or you're not interested in it, or if you have a conflict because you live to close or have a financial interest you know that would be a conflict to pose. 159 00:16:29.280 --> 00:16:34.170 Daffodil Tyminski: Just let me know and we'll put it back in the pile on this is literally just an attempt to try to get the ball rolling. 160 00:16:34.680 --> 00:16:40.290 lauren siegel: And then, I guess, I have another question, there was discussion do the last couple months about projects that really. 161 00:16:40.710 --> 00:16:49.020 lauren siegel: didn't need to be heard, because they were de minimis and they were just like don't even bother yes, yes, yes we'll pass it on are we doing that are we still hearing every case. 162 00:16:49.710 --> 00:16:56.970 Daffodil Tyminski: So I think, and I think the city things we need to at least address every case here every case. 163 00:16:57.090 --> 00:17:08.160 Andrew Mika: You know, in a lot in loop and training water one it specifically says, I believe you should not be hearing de minimis projects if there's a specific slide on this. 164 00:17:08.550 --> 00:17:08.970 Oh. 165 00:17:10.290 --> 00:17:21.420 Daffodil Tyminski: So let me just speak to it, Andrew I agree we shouldn't be hearing de minimis projects, but what what is considered de minimis in our particular area is is i'm. 166 00:17:21.870 --> 00:17:36.720 Daffodil Tyminski: going to be different neighborhood to neighborhood and we'll get to this, and I think matt is gonna I asked matt if you could speak a little bit about this, but we should at least be acknowledging the cases, even if they're de minimis or not we don't have to hear them. 167 00:17:36.870 --> 00:17:51.750 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, but you know, while ago and Robin who I can see, is in the audience with her agendas did a really great job of this is she accounted for the cases, regardless of whether they were de minimis or not so, at least we could look back historically later in the Minutes and see. 168 00:17:52.230 --> 00:17:54.000 Daffodil Tyminski: This was sorry. 169 00:17:54.300 --> 00:17:55.830 Andrew Mika: that's fair that makes sense. 170 00:17:55.890 --> 00:18:06.840 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I mean you know, sometimes something's de minimis and then they change the project and it no longer is or you know something else changes and it's just nice to know that at least we knew about it. 171 00:18:07.020 --> 00:18:09.090 Daffodil Tyminski: Right yeah right now we just have a black hole. 172 00:18:09.360 --> 00:18:19.920 Andrew Mika: I just want to be clear i'm happy to like acknowledge them but I don't, we should not be presenting like de minimis cases shouldn't be voted on and or presented it should say okay here's a problem. 173 00:18:21.090 --> 00:18:24.060 Andrew Mika: This is yeah why on the next one. 174 00:18:24.390 --> 00:18:30.660 Daffodil Tyminski: Right, so there are some cases that we have that, in my personal opinion, I would view as de minimis. 175 00:18:31.050 --> 00:18:39.750 Daffodil Tyminski: But, based on the information I have at the moment I can't say that they would actually qualifies de minimis under current case law and what the city would believe. 176 00:18:40.110 --> 00:18:49.590 Daffodil Tyminski: So some of you may get a case that actually turns out to be de minimis we just don't know that yet because we don't have the information and matt maybe if you're. 177 00:18:50.880 --> 00:18:53.550 Daffodil Tyminski: If you can unmute yourself, maybe you could take a minute or two to. 178 00:18:55.080 --> 00:19:02.100 Daffodil Tyminski: Explain you know what de minimis means in our particular area because again it's going to be different neighborhood to neighborhood. 179 00:19:03.750 --> 00:19:06.720 Matthew Royce: To be a little bit of a matter of opinion, but. 180 00:19:08.400 --> 00:19:13.470 Matthew Royce: daffodils right in Venice a little bit different because we have so many discretionary approvals. 181 00:19:15.570 --> 00:19:18.000 Matthew Royce: But generally if there's an application. 182 00:19:19.140 --> 00:19:26.940 Matthew Royce: And they're not asking for anything beyond what's allowed like so if there's just a CDP, for example in the case number. 183 00:19:28.200 --> 00:19:32.190 Matthew Royce: That generally means they're not asking for anything beyond what's in specific plan. 184 00:19:34.620 --> 00:19:47.460 Matthew Royce: But what we should do is like as staff people when the cases are handed out, we should just take a quick look at the case see if they're following all the rules and disparate specific plan. 185 00:19:49.620 --> 00:19:54.150 Matthew Royce: If they appear to be then, then the staff recommendation should be that's a de minimis case. 186 00:19:55.950 --> 00:20:01.500 Matthew Royce: And there's a little bit weird things were like like a lot of we're talking about this today. 187 00:20:03.420 --> 00:20:12.900 Matthew Royce: In a lot of most of scd a vso or even a sign off and that that means you're checking all the boxes you're meeting the height limit parking whatever. 188 00:20:14.460 --> 00:20:19.080 Matthew Royce: So a lot of cases get it will will eventually get a vso but then like there's. 189 00:20:19.620 --> 00:20:22.560 Daffodil Tyminski: Any city, the city planner signs off on the vso. 190 00:20:22.980 --> 00:20:27.870 Matthew Royce: yeah it's very administrative ministerial and administrative they sign off on it. 191 00:20:30.060 --> 00:20:34.740 Matthew Royce: there's other cases that are like, for example, and walk streets where walks. 192 00:20:35.940 --> 00:20:42.030 Matthew Royce: You you're not allowing it to be so, you have to get him spp which, which is a specific plan permit. 193 00:20:43.170 --> 00:20:49.470 Matthew Royce: And in a walkthrough you need an spp just to change your window out for the same window. 194 00:20:50.730 --> 00:20:59.730 Matthew Royce: But if you touch the exterior it's an spp and there's language, I have to look it up, but there's language in the specific plan that says, you have to. 195 00:21:00.510 --> 00:21:12.690 Matthew Royce: You know, be consistent with your walk streeter I can't remember exact language, right now, but it's sort of a just a little bit of a discretionary decision on the city planning side. 196 00:21:14.220 --> 00:21:22.680 Matthew Royce: However, we look at, if we look at a particular watch your case and we see they're just changing some windows and adding with the square feet. 197 00:21:23.730 --> 00:21:26.130 Matthew Royce: were probably would call that de minimis also. 198 00:21:28.950 --> 00:21:36.300 Matthew Royce: So there's there's a little bit of discretion on our side also as lubick that certain things are minimis or not. 199 00:21:37.440 --> 00:21:43.380 Matthew Royce: And perhaps perhaps during meetings we would lump them together in a little sort of a consent challenge or kind of fashion. 200 00:21:44.700 --> 00:21:48.900 Matthew Royce: say, these are all de minimis at once, something like that that would that's up for discussion. 201 00:21:49.290 --> 00:21:51.900 Daffodil Tyminski: And I think we'll have some examples of this, as we go through the. 202 00:21:51.900 --> 00:21:59.400 Daffodil Tyminski: Cases there's some of them that identified that and i'll just give you a quick example, looking at the case numbers here. 203 00:22:02.310 --> 00:22:08.100 Daffodil Tyminski: like this one, for example, 931 no way to place can everyone see this i'm. 204 00:22:08.130 --> 00:22:09.690 Daffodil Tyminski: sharing my screen yes. 205 00:22:10.050 --> 00:22:22.350 Daffodil Tyminski: right here, we see that the numbers and spp right, so this basically you can tell right off the BAT that it's not automatically as a matter of law consider de minimis. 206 00:22:22.950 --> 00:22:28.230 Daffodil Tyminski: Right there's some discretion in the approval process, which means that we just can't automatically pass it. 207 00:22:28.740 --> 00:22:42.900 Daffodil Tyminski: But if you get this case and you look at it and you see that it's you know, the first step would be to contact the planner and see what they think and talk to the applicant, I have the files i'll have i'll get them over to everybody on all the cases. 208 00:22:45.540 --> 00:22:50.340 Daffodil Tyminski: You know, we need to look at this one, a little more closely, but this doesn't seem to be a huge build. 209 00:22:51.150 --> 00:23:01.410 Daffodil Tyminski: And, depending on what they're doing you might say, looking in my opinion, even though this is discretionary it seems fairly minor, we should treat this as de minimis and that would be your recommendation. 210 00:23:02.190 --> 00:23:17.730 Daffodil Tyminski: Right so we'll go through these, one by one, sometimes you'll see a case number that actually has a vso in it and that way you'll know that truly is de minimis but none of the cases that we have right now have that on there. 211 00:23:19.200 --> 00:23:26.880 Daffodil Tyminski: Sometimes, though, that is because we got the cnc report and, by the way, Jim and I pulled all of these directly from the cnc report. 212 00:23:27.510 --> 00:23:41.520 Daffodil Tyminski: So sometimes the case hits the cnc report before the planner made the vso decision so some of these may actually be de minimis we just don't know it yet, and so, if you got the case you'd call the planner and say, has there been a vso. 213 00:23:42.210 --> 00:23:53.850 Matthew Royce: Also, so I don't know what the city is doing now, but in in years ago the city used to issue a bsl first That was the first step, and then they would do a CDP later, and then they change that and. 214 00:23:54.150 --> 00:23:58.800 Matthew Royce: You do it will be so at the end, so the vso has moved. 215 00:24:00.420 --> 00:24:02.820 Matthew Royce: You know, in time, so i'm not sure how apropos. 216 00:24:03.960 --> 00:24:10.530 Daffodil Tyminski: Right right so um okay so let's move on, though that's basically kind of where we're at. 217 00:24:11.640 --> 00:24:14.670 barrycassilly: Before we before we move on, can I ask about one thing. 218 00:24:15.480 --> 00:24:16.290 Daffodil Tyminski: Sure go ahead. 219 00:24:16.740 --> 00:24:21.450 barrycassilly: Okay it's just about the agenda um my understanding is that. 220 00:24:22.860 --> 00:24:34.770 barrycassilly: Jim was saying he picks up the mail arm and that we he gave to you the mail from some point in October or November. 221 00:24:35.460 --> 00:24:47.610 james murez: No that's that's not quite correct I sheet, I only gave daffodil them the mail, since the early part of January I had given a stack of I think. 222 00:24:48.120 --> 00:24:52.530 james murez: Now 2020 separate cases to to a leak. 223 00:24:53.550 --> 00:25:01.380 james murez: Before the end of the year and I listed all of those on a sheet of paper and and sent out a copy of those. 224 00:25:02.040 --> 00:25:05.010 barrycassilly: July understanding was you given those two links in September. 225 00:25:05.190 --> 00:25:06.330 james murez: yeah that's possible. 226 00:25:06.660 --> 00:25:21.690 james murez: Okay, so then it's whichever whatever cases came, I think there was only one case in in November or two cases in November and one case in in December was very light and then all of a sudden January hit, and there were like 10 or 12 more cases. 227 00:25:21.780 --> 00:25:30.210 barrycassilly: Okay, but we have we have two periods here there's there's the stuff that you gave to a leaks around September and then. 228 00:25:30.480 --> 00:25:32.820 james murez: at those with those we have not gotten back. 229 00:25:33.270 --> 00:25:34.470 Daffodil Tyminski: I think it was October. 230 00:25:35.100 --> 00:25:39.390 barrycassilly: Okay, so October so uh have you asked for them back. 231 00:25:40.590 --> 00:25:41.520 james murez: I have not. 232 00:25:42.810 --> 00:25:43.470 barrycassilly: um. 233 00:25:44.580 --> 00:25:45.660 barrycassilly: Should we ask. 234 00:25:46.560 --> 00:25:57.930 Daffodil Tyminski: let's let's let's let's not get into this now, I think, Jim the cases I have, and I know because i've gone through all of the postmarks these are from November, December and January. 235 00:25:58.110 --> 00:25:59.850 james murez: yeah that sounds right right. 236 00:25:59.970 --> 00:26:00.660 So. 237 00:26:01.710 --> 00:26:09.090 Daffodil Tyminski: The we have two periods of time here from when we started to October there abouts and then October there abouts to now. 238 00:26:12.960 --> 00:26:22.050 Daffodil Tyminski: let's just deal with what we have on here now it's what's on the agenda and we haven't figured out what happened with those other cases we're just going to have to look up each of those and see where they're at. 239 00:26:24.720 --> 00:26:27.870 Daffodil Tyminski: and frankly it's enough to deal with we're just trying to organize so. 240 00:26:27.900 --> 00:26:31.200 barrycassilly: This is i'm not trying i'm not trying to put more stuff on our plan i'm just. 241 00:26:31.440 --> 00:26:39.030 james murez: Trying to forget Barry i'll make the commitment to to send a leak email and asked her if she can return the cases to us. 242 00:26:39.570 --> 00:26:39.960 barrycassilly: Thank you. 243 00:26:41.520 --> 00:26:45.570 Daffodil Tyminski: um okay so let's move on item five. 244 00:26:47.580 --> 00:27:00.120 Daffodil Tyminski: Approval the prior minutes, there was a meeting on December 16 we do not have the Minutes, I did reach out and ask for the Minutes and we don't have them, so I suggest we move on past item five for now and. 245 00:27:01.200 --> 00:27:04.740 Daffodil Tyminski: At some point, you know when there's a permanent chair, we can just. 246 00:27:06.570 --> 00:27:11.970 Daffodil Tyminski: approve, you know all the outstanding minutes we might have to just go back from the zoom and recreate item five. 247 00:27:13.110 --> 00:27:15.090 Daffodil Tyminski: let's move on to Item six. 248 00:27:17.400 --> 00:27:30.930 Daffodil Tyminski: Declaration of expertise communications or conflicts of interest is anyone have anything for item sex now remember we're not taking any votes tonight, this is just organization, but I suppose, if you do have any complex now would be the time to said. 249 00:27:32.580 --> 00:27:33.630 Daffodil Tyminski: And if you do like. 250 00:27:33.690 --> 00:27:45.870 Michael Jensen: 30 cases we have like 30 cases agenda is for discussion, I have, I was staff on on I think at least three of them and so i've had expiry date communication with the applicants. 251 00:27:47.190 --> 00:27:50.490 Michael Jensen: i'm also not entirely sure if I had if I live within. 252 00:27:52.560 --> 00:27:56.880 Michael Jensen: You know the 500 feet of any of these because I haven't pulled up every address. 253 00:27:57.330 --> 00:28:05.460 Michael Jensen: Okay, but since we're not voting on the substance of it, I think that it's probably Okay, but I can i'll talk about the cases i've been assigned staff and we got through it. 254 00:28:05.970 --> 00:28:18.930 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh great okay um yeah and and I think if if you have something that you realize when we're going through, it could be a conflict just note it there, and you know we can make a note of it, so we know for future reference. 255 00:28:20.400 --> 00:28:25.110 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so let's move on to Item seven announcements and public comment on items, not on the agenda. 256 00:28:27.090 --> 00:28:30.300 Daffodil Tyminski: Do we have any public comment on items, not on the agenda. 257 00:28:32.190 --> 00:28:37.890 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, we have four people participating Robin I see you there anyone else have a comment. 258 00:28:39.600 --> 00:28:42.630 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay we'll take robin's comment and then close public comment. 259 00:28:44.460 --> 00:28:45.300 Daffodil Tyminski: Go ahead Robin. 260 00:28:45.630 --> 00:28:52.920 Robin Rudisill: hi Robin Roussel just two quick things I wanted to share for most cases the application information is scanned. 261 00:28:53.430 --> 00:29:05.640 Robin Rudisill: In a scanned in by the planner and you can find it on the city planning website so if you can't find the hardcopy files, you can probably find it online, or else the planner if it's been scanned. 262 00:29:06.990 --> 00:29:13.530 Robin Rudisill: Also, I just wanted to mention that i'm glad you're addressing these de minimis cases the nice thing about listing them. 263 00:29:13.920 --> 00:29:28.650 Robin Rudisill: On the agenda is so waving a recommendation with respect to a given case is transparent, rather than the Chair just the Chair deciding and not agenda in something, and it also gives the public notice of all projects that's it that's it. 264 00:29:29.190 --> 00:29:38.670 Daffodil Tyminski: Thanks Robin I actually completely agree with that and I think i'm when I said this before and i'll say it again when you did your agendas, it was really great you can see everything going on. 265 00:29:40.380 --> 00:29:41.910 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, great so let's move on. 266 00:29:41.940 --> 00:29:45.330 james murez: Should I can I just throw something else out there, I think one other thing I want to make a. 267 00:29:45.360 --> 00:29:49.620 james murez: comment because we have this new format for being able to store the data. 268 00:29:50.310 --> 00:29:55.710 james murez: As as we go through these agendas and each case is listed because it's being pulled in from the cnc report. 269 00:29:56.010 --> 00:30:11.280 james murez: We can also extract this data back out into other formats so, for instance, if we wanted to have a list of everything we'd heard year to date or something we could very quickly generate that because the data is already existing and we would have all the information in a. 270 00:30:11.340 --> 00:30:18.000 james murez: In a tabulated list, rather than in an agenda list, and if we wanted to extract a particular case into a. 271 00:30:18.450 --> 00:30:28.800 james murez: generating a letter, we can also do that, so I just wanted to throw that out there that that's one of the benefits of having the agenda in this new data format, rather than in the old way of doing it. 272 00:30:29.250 --> 00:30:35.580 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah yeah so let me speak to that for a little bit let's move on to Item eight, and this is the discussion on. 273 00:30:36.090 --> 00:30:48.480 Daffodil Tyminski: Cases you know we put discussion assignments possible action there's really no action that's going to be taken and if you're on because you have a case that is listed here, I did try to reach out to all of the applicants and let them know, but some of them. 274 00:30:49.530 --> 00:30:58.800 Daffodil Tyminski: I just left messages for, but if you're on the line, because you think there's going to be an action taken on one of your cases that's not going to happen again, this is purely just organizational. 275 00:31:00.390 --> 00:31:08.160 Daffodil Tyminski: But so most of you, maybe have not seen this agenda format that is a. 276 00:31:09.720 --> 00:31:17.490 Daffodil Tyminski: really great tool Jim developed it it's some aspects are working progress that you'll see in a minute, but it's going to be really helpful. 277 00:31:19.260 --> 00:31:25.080 Daffodil Tyminski: All of these have listed here motion and actually let's move down to Item nine as a good example. 278 00:31:25.860 --> 00:31:42.090 Daffodil Tyminski: What Jim was talking about was here, all of this information we pulled in and maybe you can see my little finger cursor here we pulled in from the cnc reports automatically and we're working on fixing it, so the phone number automatically comes down. 279 00:31:44.580 --> 00:31:55.920 Daffodil Tyminski: So the description everything like that, as we work on the case and let's just call it a nine and start with item nine I happen to know that this cases Chris floors. 280 00:32:00.120 --> 00:32:13.770 Daffodil Tyminski: We can fill in who the loop pack members who's hearing it and then, as we get information, we can fill in these fields, this will rest on the dnc website. 281 00:32:15.270 --> 00:32:18.720 lauren siegel: will have access to input information or is it just one person that. 282 00:32:18.720 --> 00:32:19.440 lauren siegel: manages it. 283 00:32:20.220 --> 00:32:29.880 Daffodil Tyminski: that's a good question, and this is beyond my technical capability for those of you that know me, I have a typewriter collection but Jim speak to it now. 284 00:32:29.940 --> 00:32:42.900 Daffodil Tyminski: Let me just go through it and Jim you can come in at the end I um but the idea is to make this a lot easier on the back end either on the front end to create the agendas, but on the back end. 285 00:32:43.560 --> 00:32:51.630 Daffodil Tyminski: As cases go through, and we need to submit a letter will have basically all the fields here and we'll be able to automatically generate a letter. 286 00:32:52.110 --> 00:32:59.880 Daffodil Tyminski: or automatically say generate emotion that will have the correct description in it, because it was pulled right from the applications. 287 00:33:00.840 --> 00:33:14.280 Daffodil Tyminski: So, at some point, this case is going to come back because it's going to have a we probably know at this point, all of this stuff and i'll work with each of you to fill it in but at some point we'll have a loop hearing will know the loop peck vote. 288 00:33:15.450 --> 00:33:26.490 Daffodil Tyminski: You know the staff report will be linked, and then there will be a motion that when we're writing it for the hearing, hopefully that's really just a cut and paste the description, with the appropriate motion. 289 00:33:29.070 --> 00:33:33.390 Daffodil Tyminski: And then, of course, everything will be in the Minutes we'll be able to record. 290 00:33:35.220 --> 00:33:36.300 Daffodil Tyminski: You know the votes here. 291 00:33:38.160 --> 00:33:45.600 Daffodil Tyminski: So that's how this is going to go for tonight, what I suggest doing is we just fill in the loop members that are assigned. 292 00:33:46.380 --> 00:33:53.820 Daffodil Tyminski: And you know it would be great if we were all in person and oakwood we would have all the files here and I could explain what they all are but. 293 00:33:54.090 --> 00:34:01.140 Daffodil Tyminski: we're going to just try doing it this way, and if you again if you get a case you just don't like or you can't do or you're not interested just give it back to me we'll we'll figure it out. 294 00:34:03.750 --> 00:34:04.410 Daffodil Tyminski: But um. 295 00:34:04.800 --> 00:34:17.910 Daffodil Tyminski: But that's how this should work so moving through, we have a lot of agu requests and some of them seem very, very simple, some of them seem more complicated. 296 00:34:18.930 --> 00:34:32.370 Daffodil Tyminski: it's actually a kind of interesting sort of more overall discussion about what we feel about at is, but this one had already been assigned a crisp lord and Chris if you want to speak to it all, or you don't want this case, let me know. 297 00:34:32.520 --> 00:34:40.290 Chris Plourde: You know, we had a public hearing just before Christmas, and will be preparing it for presentation by the next couple of meetings. 298 00:34:40.620 --> 00:34:55.350 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, I have the the application and and you know what's nice about getting these paper copies, as you have the plans and a really readable format, a lot of times the scanned in plans are really, really hard to read so Chris i'll drop these off to you. 299 00:34:56.430 --> 00:34:57.030 Chris Plourde: Right thanks. 300 00:34:57.540 --> 00:35:04.440 Daffodil Tyminski: you're welcome okay let's move on to item 10 717 seventh avenue um. 301 00:35:05.550 --> 00:35:09.810 Daffodil Tyminski: I don't believe this has been assigned, and if someone did get it raise your hand. 302 00:35:13.350 --> 00:35:18.390 Daffodil Tyminski: I don't see any hands raised this struck me as de minimis. 303 00:35:21.480 --> 00:35:25.560 Daffodil Tyminski: The total square footage of the project after edition is 1200 square feet. 304 00:35:27.450 --> 00:35:28.200 Daffodil Tyminski: But again. 305 00:35:29.580 --> 00:35:38.820 Daffodil Tyminski: You know, this is an area, I believe, where, if there was a vso here, we would know it had a sign off, and it would be by law de minimis but we don't have that so. 306 00:35:41.250 --> 00:35:44.610 Daffodil Tyminski: If somebody wants to volunteer for this, they can take it and megan. 307 00:35:45.780 --> 00:35:46.290 Daffodil Tyminski: who's that. 308 00:35:46.470 --> 00:35:46.950 lauren siegel: lauren. 309 00:35:47.100 --> 00:36:01.050 Daffodil Tyminski: i'll take it lauren okay and, by the way, I went through this I think everyone has for as far as I know, except Barry has six but that's because two of them are just he needs to double check something so I tried to make an even distribution. 310 00:36:01.410 --> 00:36:04.650 lauren siegel: Week two of us, I know them or we're alone cheering for for. 311 00:36:04.890 --> 00:36:09.690 Daffodil Tyminski: um so I assign them all actually this one, for whatever reason I didn't assign. 312 00:36:10.020 --> 00:36:10.350 lauren siegel: Okay. 313 00:36:10.440 --> 00:36:14.610 Daffodil Tyminski: i'll take it um, but it should be, I bet you they're gonna you're gonna get back to this is totally. 314 00:36:17.220 --> 00:36:17.820 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm. 315 00:36:18.630 --> 00:36:21.870 barrycassilly: going to tell us which ones you assigned to him as we go through a correct. 316 00:36:21.870 --> 00:36:25.680 Daffodil Tyminski: So we're gonna do that right now and i'll show you how we do it um. 317 00:36:25.950 --> 00:36:29.700 james murez: You have to click on the check box next to loop back to expose up above. 318 00:36:30.090 --> 00:36:34.410 james murez: Right just want to yeah to expose all the fields that haven't filled in yes. 319 00:36:34.500 --> 00:36:35.460 Daffodil Tyminski: So lauren. 320 00:36:36.630 --> 00:36:37.650 Daffodil Tyminski: si El. 321 00:36:38.160 --> 00:36:39.270 lauren siegel: You got it yep. 322 00:36:39.300 --> 00:36:40.080 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, great. 323 00:36:41.310 --> 00:36:42.450 Mehrnoosh: Can I have a question. 324 00:36:42.630 --> 00:36:58.380 Mehrnoosh: Sure yeah usually, when you are adding to building less than 500 square feet, it becomes you know we so so i'm really curious about this 1200 square feet so. 325 00:36:59.490 --> 00:37:11.730 Daffodil Tyminski: Summer news I highly suspect that this will have a vso it's just because we pulled the information here from the cnc report vs We may not have been issued yet so when. 326 00:37:11.760 --> 00:37:24.540 Daffodil Tyminski: lauren calls the planner and looks at the project, the planner might say, oh yeah this is going to get a bsl totally fine and we can just know it's going to be de minimis and when we get the sign off. 327 00:37:24.570 --> 00:37:26.340 Michael Jensen: Then we can agenda is it already right. 328 00:37:27.030 --> 00:37:29.640 Daffodil Tyminski: Make sure it's designated as a minimum. 329 00:37:31.530 --> 00:37:32.280 Daffodil Tyminski: What does that make sense. 330 00:37:33.570 --> 00:37:35.430 Mehrnoosh: yeah it's first on Melbourne. 331 00:37:35.910 --> 00:37:38.040 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay alone will get there, wait. 332 00:37:40.170 --> 00:37:42.780 Daffodil Tyminski: Next, one is 1201 Abbot kinney. 333 00:37:44.700 --> 00:37:45.540 Daffodil Tyminski: This is. 334 00:37:47.160 --> 00:37:49.830 Daffodil Tyminski: My God I forget the name of the place put your daughter. 335 00:37:50.280 --> 00:37:53.550 Michael Jensen: There expansion i've already been I was assigned this before. 336 00:37:53.850 --> 00:37:55.020 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh great okay. 337 00:37:55.740 --> 00:37:58.560 Michael Jensen: i'm speaking to the applicants REP tomorrow. 338 00:37:59.010 --> 00:37:59.520 Okay. 339 00:38:01.320 --> 00:38:03.960 Michael Jensen: about the outreach plan, etc. 340 00:38:04.860 --> 00:38:05.340 Okay. 341 00:38:07.740 --> 00:38:08.310 Daffodil Tyminski: Great. 342 00:38:13.350 --> 00:38:14.970 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, Nicole, I have um. 343 00:38:17.100 --> 00:38:23.130 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I have, I have some pretty big sets of plans here they're giant for now so i'll get these to. 344 00:38:26.460 --> 00:38:26.880 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 345 00:38:27.390 --> 00:38:30.450 Daffodil Tyminski: Well i'm 29 East one word. 346 00:38:33.690 --> 00:38:42.240 Daffodil Tyminski: This is a remodel oh actually wait i'm sorry hold on one second some of these that were on cnc report, we do not have. 347 00:38:44.070 --> 00:38:45.420 Daffodil Tyminski: Anything for. 348 00:38:49.080 --> 00:38:51.900 Daffodil Tyminski: 29 East one word I don't have a file for it yet. 349 00:38:53.130 --> 00:38:54.900 Michael Jensen: Another one I was assigned. 350 00:38:55.380 --> 00:38:56.370 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh great okay. 351 00:38:57.750 --> 00:38:58.290 Daffodil Tyminski: Did you get. 352 00:39:00.540 --> 00:39:09.450 Michael Jensen: I didn't it's really refreshing actually to not get assigned every hopefully will be refreshing enough to get assigned every single commercial alcohol project. 353 00:39:11.430 --> 00:39:11.970 Michael Jensen: In the. 354 00:39:13.050 --> 00:39:19.170 Michael Jensen: So I reached out to the applicants REP is city land use. 355 00:39:20.610 --> 00:39:26.190 Michael Jensen: And they basically told me the applicant doesn't have money to. 356 00:39:27.390 --> 00:39:30.570 Michael Jensen: pay us to take him through the vm see. 357 00:39:32.430 --> 00:39:34.410 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh, is this Venice cucina. 358 00:39:35.460 --> 00:39:36.600 Michael Jensen: This has been as cucina. 359 00:39:36.900 --> 00:39:37.350 Okay. 360 00:39:39.510 --> 00:39:41.340 Daffodil Tyminski: This has come up with a guy who. 361 00:39:41.370 --> 00:39:44.880 Michael Jensen: came to loop back years ago yep. 362 00:39:46.140 --> 00:39:59.730 Michael Jensen: yep, and so I think I should just contact him directly and have him come the I think the case number is tagged with an appeal so something has been appealed and connection of it but it's a. 363 00:40:01.650 --> 00:40:05.010 Michael Jensen: I mean it's a restaurant alcohol see up. 364 00:40:06.960 --> 00:40:07.590 Michael Jensen: request. 365 00:40:09.660 --> 00:40:13.590 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, all right well you've got it that's great. 366 00:40:21.780 --> 00:40:22.380 Daffodil Tyminski: that's awesome. 367 00:40:24.120 --> 00:40:29.700 Daffodil Tyminski: um Okay, this is messing up my equal distribution methodology. 368 00:40:31.980 --> 00:40:32.700 Michael Jensen: happy to. 369 00:40:32.820 --> 00:40:34.200 Michael Jensen: to foist this off. 370 00:40:36.420 --> 00:40:37.470 Daffodil Tyminski: Well, I mean that's a. 371 00:40:37.470 --> 00:40:39.240 Daffodil Tyminski: Question or tag team, it was someone. 372 00:40:39.480 --> 00:40:53.190 Daffodil Tyminski: You know what I, this is just I let's take today is kind of a preliminary um and let's see how this ends up at the end, because if people have things that I wasn't aware of it may be an imbalance and maybe someone who's not done one. 373 00:40:54.690 --> 00:40:55.590 Daffodil Tyminski: is interested. 374 00:40:55.830 --> 00:41:01.170 Andrew Mika: But you know i'll take him with us it's probably good, this would be a good learning opportunity for me. 375 00:41:03.240 --> 00:41:04.320 Andrew Mika: If that's okay. 376 00:41:05.460 --> 00:41:06.000 Michael Jensen: Great Andrew. 377 00:41:06.750 --> 00:41:08.370 Daffodil Tyminski: sweet awesome. 378 00:41:09.540 --> 00:41:10.680 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so. 379 00:41:14.280 --> 00:41:21.180 Daffodil Tyminski: um Okay, moving on to lucky 1324 10. 380 00:41:23.430 --> 00:41:24.750 Daffodil Tyminski: Grand. 381 00:41:25.830 --> 00:41:28.470 Daffodil Tyminski: Can canal, we also don't have a file on this one. 382 00:41:30.990 --> 00:41:34.980 Daffodil Tyminski: This is a renovation, in addition to single family residence with attached garage. 383 00:41:36.900 --> 00:41:37.860 um. 384 00:41:39.030 --> 00:41:46.620 Daffodil Tyminski: Does anyone have an interest in, preferably someone that doesn't live in the canals have an interest in taking this case and figuring out what's going on. 385 00:41:48.540 --> 00:41:49.590 james murez: With the you might also. 386 00:41:50.040 --> 00:41:51.480 barrycassilly: wanted to assign it to someone. 387 00:41:52.560 --> 00:42:02.580 Daffodil Tyminski: Right well this one I didn't know because I had some of them, I know that there wasn't someone assigned, but this one I didn't know if anyone had been assigned, so I guess the first question is, does anyone have this case. 388 00:42:05.610 --> 00:42:07.320 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, see no hands hearing nothing. 389 00:42:08.880 --> 00:42:11.310 Daffodil Tyminski: So, Chris Lord why don't you take this one. 390 00:42:11.880 --> 00:42:17.850 james murez: Sure, and definitely you might want to select the Venice sub area because it's the canals, I think. 391 00:42:18.090 --> 00:42:20.430 james murez: That that's always something special interest but. 392 00:42:22.620 --> 00:42:24.990 james murez: There is that that drop down. 393 00:42:25.290 --> 00:42:26.070 yeah yeah. 394 00:42:28.950 --> 00:42:38.310 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay awesome so Chris we can talk offline but we'll have to call the applicant and go online and figure out where the planner is and make contact. 395 00:42:42.360 --> 00:42:50.460 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay let's move on 931 actually Chris I had thought of you for this one East know we took place. 396 00:42:52.980 --> 00:42:53.850 Daffodil Tyminski: As a. 397 00:42:55.620 --> 00:42:59.580 Daffodil Tyminski: North Fenice walk street person I figured this would be something you'd be familiar with. 398 00:43:03.300 --> 00:43:05.970 Daffodil Tyminski: And this is a remodel of a. 399 00:43:07.770 --> 00:43:26.370 Daffodil Tyminski: single family home, this is one of the ones I think that I pulled up as the example earlier, where everyone notes, it says spp in the case number, which you know automatically means that it's not an automatic by right de minimis case spp cases have some element of discretion in them. 400 00:43:27.090 --> 00:43:30.870 Daffodil Tyminski: And so we may think this is de minimis, but we need to at least investigate and figure it out. 401 00:43:34.170 --> 00:43:38.970 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so Chris and then we can hear Jim i'm. 402 00:43:39.240 --> 00:43:41.730 Daffodil Tyminski: toke would know what mode yeah okay. 403 00:43:42.780 --> 00:43:44.310 Daffodil Tyminski: awesome Okay, moving on to. 404 00:43:46.620 --> 00:43:50.310 Daffodil Tyminski: For a six so Chris also have a file on this, I will. 405 00:43:51.690 --> 00:43:53.400 Daffodil Tyminski: put this on there and drop this off to you. 406 00:43:53.910 --> 00:43:54.870 Chris Plourde: For what the other one. 407 00:43:55.770 --> 00:43:56.730 Daffodil Tyminski: With the other one yeah. 408 00:43:58.680 --> 00:44:02.130 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm for a six East rose. 409 00:44:03.570 --> 00:44:04.920 Daffodil Tyminski: And this is a. 410 00:44:06.840 --> 00:44:11.490 Daffodil Tyminski: interesting case, I think I know what it is based on description, but I wasn't sure. 411 00:44:12.000 --> 00:44:19.710 Daffodil Tyminski: This one is, you see, at the end here Emil means that there's a potential mellow issue so potential affordable housing analysis that has to be done. 412 00:44:20.580 --> 00:44:28.050 Daffodil Tyminski: I don't have a file on this, but lauren I thought you might find this interesting and both matt and Miguel said they would jump in and help out if you. 413 00:44:28.050 --> 00:44:28.500 lauren siegel: needed. 414 00:44:28.890 --> 00:44:33.000 Daffodil Tyminski: Some guidance through navigating how to do a mellow review. 415 00:44:33.330 --> 00:44:33.990 lauren siegel: It sounds good. 416 00:44:34.230 --> 00:44:35.760 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay awesome Thank you. 417 00:44:38.100 --> 00:44:38.700 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 418 00:44:40.410 --> 00:44:45.840 Daffodil Tyminski: And then we know that this is technically oakwood right yep. 419 00:44:48.390 --> 00:44:50.520 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay i'm. 420 00:44:51.930 --> 00:44:54.840 Daffodil Tyminski: Moving on South Abbot kinney. 421 00:44:56.340 --> 00:45:02.070 Daffodil Tyminski: um this was another, this is a similar one actually to number. 422 00:45:03.450 --> 00:45:05.100 Daffodil Tyminski: 15 in some ways. 423 00:45:08.310 --> 00:45:18.180 Daffodil Tyminski: And again, I think I know what they're trying to do, but we'll have to look into it Karen I thought this might be interesting for you, but I don't know if you're within 500 feet. 424 00:45:19.080 --> 00:45:20.820 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I don't know where everyone lives so. 425 00:45:22.020 --> 00:45:25.080 corinne Baginski: um I googled up maybe Moffat. 426 00:45:26.190 --> 00:45:26.640 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 427 00:45:38.340 --> 00:45:39.750 james murez: Is that considered North Venice. 428 00:45:42.180 --> 00:45:45.270 Daffodil Tyminski: 13 one no I think it's technically oh word. 429 00:45:47.520 --> 00:45:48.240 james murez: cabot Kenny. 430 00:45:49.710 --> 00:45:52.890 Daffodil Tyminski: Well, because it's on that side of advocating I thought. 431 00:45:52.920 --> 00:45:54.870 james murez: All of Abbot kinney was still North Venice. 432 00:45:55.740 --> 00:46:00.690 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh, it could be, I don't know i'll stop my head so yeah so now. 433 00:46:01.140 --> 00:46:02.880 james murez: i'm pretty sure it's more it's kind of okay. 434 00:46:05.460 --> 00:46:07.170 corinne Baginski: i'm pretty close. 435 00:46:08.220 --> 00:46:08.820 corinne Baginski: But my. 436 00:46:09.690 --> 00:46:14.490 corinne Baginski: yeah my my mouth doesn't quite work yeah because it's the wi fi so. 437 00:46:14.940 --> 00:46:16.410 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay that's fine i'm. 438 00:46:16.590 --> 00:46:17.790 Daffodil Tyminski: Andrew do you want to take this one. 439 00:46:17.820 --> 00:46:18.360 corinne Baginski: To me. 440 00:46:20.190 --> 00:46:20.970 Mehrnoosh: I can do it. 441 00:46:21.630 --> 00:46:22.800 Daffodil Tyminski: Or do you want to do it. 442 00:46:23.070 --> 00:46:23.430 Mehrnoosh: yeah. 443 00:46:23.670 --> 00:46:26.310 Mehrnoosh: You want me to talk to you. 444 00:46:27.990 --> 00:46:28.890 Daffodil Tyminski: Now let's do it. 445 00:46:33.420 --> 00:46:35.010 Daffodil Tyminski: you're gonna have to spell your last name, though. 446 00:46:37.860 --> 00:46:39.480 Mehrnoosh: This was my first name, no. 447 00:46:39.930 --> 00:46:40.260 mo. 448 00:46:42.750 --> 00:46:43.500 Mehrnoosh: Double l. 449 00:46:44.880 --> 00:46:45.750 Mehrnoosh: A Li. 450 00:46:46.800 --> 00:46:48.450 Mehrnoosh: Okay sorry for the trouble. 451 00:46:48.780 --> 00:46:52.860 Daffodil Tyminski: Now, whereas luck with that Hilton husky you never have to apologize to all your name. 452 00:46:54.900 --> 00:46:57.690 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay we're going to see if you have any questions reach out OK. 453 00:46:57.780 --> 00:46:58.740 Mehrnoosh: I will for sure. 454 00:46:59.160 --> 00:47:05.970 Daffodil Tyminski: um number 17 now there's two of these cases that were on the cnc report that I don't even think we probably have to here. 455 00:47:08.040 --> 00:47:24.000 Daffodil Tyminski: I believe these are cases that the city is doing through public works and if anybody wants to look into it, as a matter of curiosity, we probably should nail down exactly what's going on, I didn't assign these out because they're they're so sort of. 456 00:47:25.200 --> 00:47:25.980 Daffodil Tyminski: unusual. 457 00:47:26.280 --> 00:47:32.520 james murez: yeah you know what I would say that that would be a very interesting case for somebody that wants to learn about what Sir. 458 00:47:32.970 --> 00:47:36.120 james murez: What is required in the city of Los Angeles, for a parking lot. 459 00:47:36.540 --> 00:47:44.670 james murez: Because we have many parking lots that do not comply with the parking standards for a parking lot, and it would be just like the city. 460 00:47:44.940 --> 00:47:56.730 james murez: To not landscape it and not put in proper lighting and not put in the headlight wall and not properly stripe it, it would be very, very like the city to do something like that. 461 00:47:58.380 --> 00:47:59.400 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so. 462 00:48:00.120 --> 00:48:01.650 Michael Jensen: So, Jim are you volunteering for this. 463 00:48:02.040 --> 00:48:05.250 james murez: You know what I would actually say if you wanted to you could. 464 00:48:05.310 --> 00:48:06.360 james murez: chip both of the. 465 00:48:06.660 --> 00:48:07.860 Michael Jensen: two cases off the camera. 466 00:48:09.990 --> 00:48:14.220 james murez: yeah you know because it's a city on parking lot it's going to become a public parking lot. 467 00:48:14.790 --> 00:48:22.410 Daffodil Tyminski: I that's a bad precedent honestly like let's let's let the new lupus chair decide that. 468 00:48:22.710 --> 00:48:23.130 james murez: Okay. 469 00:48:23.190 --> 00:48:27.600 Daffodil Tyminski: And I would say if somebody hasn't it does anyone have an interest in this particular area. 470 00:48:30.120 --> 00:48:30.630 Daffodil Tyminski: Anyone. 471 00:48:31.680 --> 00:48:39.480 Daffodil Tyminski: um well you know what Let me just make a note here, let me see how urgent this is, and if there's a hearing coming up, and if not, we can see. 472 00:48:39.900 --> 00:48:49.590 Daffodil Tyminski: I would rather have whoever takes over decide this with parking and transportation this actually just got filed in December, so I doubt this is super urgent. 473 00:48:50.880 --> 00:49:01.410 james murez: it's funny somebody just mentioned to me that they were all up in arms, because they didn't think that they were going to landscape, the parking lot next to the pumping pumping stations at the end of a residential street. 474 00:49:01.710 --> 00:49:12.360 james murez: hmm and and that's that the parking lot was originally proposed to the dnc three years ago about how nice they were going to make it and now supposedly it's coming around and. 475 00:49:12.840 --> 00:49:19.830 james murez: they're not making it Nice that would be a real shame, or if they put in overhead lights that shined into people's windows, that would be horrible. 476 00:49:20.130 --> 00:49:21.210 james murez: yeah so. 477 00:49:21.270 --> 00:49:26.100 Daffodil Tyminski: um we have a second matter on this, because I think this this project is covering to lots. 478 00:49:26.400 --> 00:49:31.080 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so i'll make the same note for both and we'll just hold this one in advance for the moment. 479 00:49:33.150 --> 00:49:36.990 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay 511 re Alto. 480 00:49:40.260 --> 00:49:40.860 Daffodil Tyminski: This is. 481 00:49:45.090 --> 00:49:53.370 Daffodil Tyminski: It looks like I know this building actually use this on the left here, so I think they're trying to convert space to, as they say, ground floor a do. 482 00:49:54.900 --> 00:49:58.620 Daffodil Tyminski: I was trying to give everyone an ad UK so Barry why don't you take this one. 483 00:50:00.540 --> 00:50:02.250 barrycassilly: fine by me okay. 484 00:50:02.640 --> 00:50:06.360 Daffodil Tyminski: I have a file folder on this one that I will drop off to you. 485 00:50:06.720 --> 00:50:06.990 Okay. 486 00:50:09.750 --> 00:50:11.790 james murez: Well you're gonna be driving all over town tomorrow. 487 00:50:12.240 --> 00:50:14.190 Daffodil Tyminski: I walk the dog everywhere fine. 488 00:50:16.200 --> 00:50:16.950 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm. 489 00:50:18.720 --> 00:50:23.250 Daffodil Tyminski: All right, let's keep going here 647 Westminster. 490 00:50:27.480 --> 00:50:32.730 Daffodil Tyminski: This one also I don't have documents for um, but this is a. 491 00:50:34.200 --> 00:50:49.680 Daffodil Tyminski: it's an EDU as you see here um it doesn't look huge so it doesn't seem like this is a big project, but who knows you know, maybe relative and also, we can see by the designator here that it may have an affordable housing issue. 492 00:50:51.570 --> 00:50:58.590 Chris Plourde: I think I was told that all at us get an ml appalachian because there were additional units. 493 00:51:02.130 --> 00:51:04.020 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh that's interesting I had not heard that. 494 00:51:05.310 --> 00:51:07.470 Daffodil Tyminski: That sort of seems to me. 495 00:51:09.270 --> 00:51:13.980 barrycassilly: yeah that makes no sense at all, but I, I believe that it could very well be true knowing housing. 496 00:51:16.650 --> 00:51:18.780 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah totally um. 497 00:51:18.840 --> 00:51:22.560 james murez: they're creating a new unit, how can it all of a sudden, be considered mellow. 498 00:51:24.210 --> 00:51:25.710 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah that's it is we. 499 00:51:26.610 --> 00:51:33.390 Michael Jensen: begin, I mean this is where you get that minor mellow determination that's approved like ministerial. 500 00:51:34.470 --> 00:51:34.770 Daffodil Tyminski: Right. 501 00:51:35.160 --> 00:51:35.940 Michael Jensen: They still tag. 502 00:51:37.080 --> 00:51:46.020 Daffodil Tyminski: Well, I don't have documents, so I can't really look at it, we can pull them up online and all that but lauren why don't you take this one Okay, did you have a mellow one, yet I. 503 00:51:46.080 --> 00:51:48.720 lauren siegel: Will you just gave me for six rows which hasn't mellow. 504 00:51:50.010 --> 00:51:50.520 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 505 00:51:52.050 --> 00:51:55.080 Daffodil Tyminski: Maybe why don't create, then you take this one, this is this is. 506 00:51:56.730 --> 00:51:58.680 Daffodil Tyminski: Trying to give everyone something so. 507 00:52:04.260 --> 00:52:04.620 Matthew Royce: yeah. 508 00:52:04.860 --> 00:52:05.850 Daffodil Tyminski: Do you mind taking this one. 509 00:52:06.150 --> 00:52:07.080 corinne Baginski: yeah i'll take it. 510 00:52:07.680 --> 00:52:08.310 Matthew Royce: Ukraine I know. 511 00:52:08.520 --> 00:52:10.500 Matthew Royce: I know the Africa, so I can help you. 512 00:52:11.190 --> 00:52:12.030 corinne Baginski: awesome Thank you. 513 00:52:14.880 --> 00:52:15.270 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 514 00:52:16.260 --> 00:52:18.150 Matthew Royce: there's no mellow issue, by the way at all. 515 00:52:19.440 --> 00:52:20.340 barrycassilly: smiling so much. 516 00:52:20.940 --> 00:52:24.210 Matthew Royce: it's just stupid it's like they're just adding an EDU. 517 00:52:25.140 --> 00:52:26.850 barrycassilly: Everything housing does is stupid. 518 00:52:27.960 --> 00:52:31.320 Matthew Royce: Well don't put me down because I know that oh. 519 00:52:31.410 --> 00:52:31.740 OK. 520 00:52:35.880 --> 00:52:38.970 Daffodil Tyminski: OK, I will need to get documents on that I don't have anything for your current on that. 521 00:52:39.330 --> 00:52:40.440 Matthew Royce: i'll put them. 522 00:52:41.040 --> 00:52:46.200 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay yeah okay so 10 38th avenue. 523 00:52:47.970 --> 00:52:49.350 Daffodil Tyminski: This is a. 524 00:52:51.990 --> 00:52:57.510 Daffodil Tyminski: You know just into the residents, you know I frankly didn't even review how extensive the revisions are. 525 00:52:58.800 --> 00:53:04.140 Daffodil Tyminski: um but Barry, this is a I think it's a walk straight. 526 00:53:05.490 --> 00:53:07.170 Daffodil Tyminski: I sort of sign this one to you. 527 00:53:08.220 --> 00:53:08.790 barrycassilly: that's fine. 528 00:53:09.120 --> 00:53:11.430 Daffodil Tyminski: I do you live close to that. 529 00:53:11.880 --> 00:53:13.470 Daffodil Tyminski: No okay. 530 00:53:16.170 --> 00:53:18.270 Daffodil Tyminski: All right, um. 531 00:53:20.160 --> 00:53:25.860 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah we'll have to look, I do have the files on the phone I just didn't dig into that one to see exactly what was going on. 532 00:53:27.270 --> 00:53:30.120 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay 765 East no word. 533 00:53:37.740 --> 00:53:38.070 On. 534 00:53:41.310 --> 00:53:41.640 Chris Plourde: This. 535 00:53:44.610 --> 00:53:45.150 Daffodil Tyminski: Sorry. 536 00:53:46.680 --> 00:53:50.220 Chris Plourde: it's another EDU with a mellow determination. 537 00:53:51.450 --> 00:53:55.470 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah um since you spoke Chris do you want to do it. 538 00:54:00.390 --> 00:54:02.310 Daffodil Tyminski: Has anyone not gotten an ad you one yet. 539 00:54:07.320 --> 00:54:09.030 Daffodil Tyminski: Andrew okay Andrew why don't you take this one. 540 00:54:10.200 --> 00:54:10.770 super. 541 00:54:13.170 --> 00:54:14.940 Daffodil Tyminski: This seems like pretty minor. 542 00:54:16.350 --> 00:54:20.340 Daffodil Tyminski: I don't think this is going to end up being any significant lifting here. 543 00:54:20.910 --> 00:54:21.240 Okay. 544 00:54:22.290 --> 00:54:23.670 Daffodil Tyminski: And I do. 545 00:54:24.810 --> 00:54:26.190 Daffodil Tyminski: know I don't know a file on that one. 546 00:54:28.440 --> 00:54:30.060 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I don't have a file on that, but. 547 00:54:34.560 --> 00:54:34.980 Daffodil Tyminski: One Sir. 548 00:54:41.970 --> 00:54:49.110 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay let's move on to 22 127 East galleon yet another ad you. 549 00:54:49.290 --> 00:54:50.100 lauren siegel: i'll take that one. 550 00:54:51.480 --> 00:54:52.260 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, is that current. 551 00:54:52.770 --> 00:54:53.130 corinne Baginski: lauren. 552 00:54:53.580 --> 00:54:55.020 Daffodil Tyminski: lauren back in for those lauren. 553 00:54:55.020 --> 00:54:55.380 Sorry. 554 00:54:56.820 --> 00:55:02.160 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, because i've got the screen chair up and i'm trying to monitor the public stuff I don't I can't see everyone speaking. 555 00:55:04.290 --> 00:55:04.920 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, great. 556 00:55:06.090 --> 00:55:10.920 Daffodil Tyminski: um yeah lauren on this I don't believe I have documents. 557 00:55:13.500 --> 00:55:14.760 Daffodil Tyminski: Let me double check here. 558 00:55:20.880 --> 00:55:22.500 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay yeah I don't think I do. 559 00:55:23.730 --> 00:55:24.480 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 560 00:55:27.060 --> 00:55:27.750 Daffodil Tyminski: That was lauren. 561 00:55:30.990 --> 00:55:32.070 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, great. 562 00:55:33.990 --> 00:55:35.550 Daffodil Tyminski: 706 indiana. 563 00:55:36.600 --> 00:55:37.920 Daffodil Tyminski: Another radio. 564 00:55:44.130 --> 00:55:45.780 Michael Jensen: Like i've gotten an ad you yep. 565 00:55:46.860 --> 00:55:47.550 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 566 00:56:02.100 --> 00:56:05.790 Daffodil Tyminski: Alright move on at 24 133 East hurricane. 567 00:56:07.980 --> 00:56:09.510 Daffodil Tyminski: That sorry, let me just back up. 568 00:56:09.930 --> 00:56:14.580 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah i'm so sorry lauren I do have 127 galleon. 569 00:56:14.970 --> 00:56:18.750 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay apologize I don't know why I keep looking at us it. 570 00:56:20.790 --> 00:56:22.380 Daffodil Tyminski: i'll get these to right. 571 00:56:25.980 --> 00:56:30.240 Daffodil Tyminski: And then 706 indiana Miquel I do have a file on that too. 572 00:56:34.200 --> 00:56:36.480 Wonderful awesome thanks. 573 00:56:41.010 --> 00:56:48.930 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, this 133 East hurricane is the companion, to the one we just talked about that was the public. 574 00:56:51.240 --> 00:56:57.600 Daffodil Tyminski: parking lot, so I think this one we're just going to do the same thing, let me go back up and put the same description. 575 00:56:59.310 --> 00:57:08.460 Daffodil Tyminski: Will figure out what the deal is with this, and probably wait for the new chair to decide how they want to handle it if they want to do it join with parking and transportation, etc. 576 00:57:18.270 --> 00:57:18.900 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 577 00:57:20.130 --> 00:57:22.170 Daffodil Tyminski: 922 West Dixon. 578 00:57:24.810 --> 00:57:26.490 Daffodil Tyminski: This is another a do. 579 00:57:27.960 --> 00:57:33.750 Daffodil Tyminski: I think this is going to be very straightforward and probably not need something but we're news, do you want to take this one yeah. 580 00:57:34.860 --> 00:57:39.420 Daffodil Tyminski: I don't have a file on it, but I think this will be pretty easy to pull up. 581 00:57:40.980 --> 00:57:44.310 Daffodil Tyminski: I think I did research, this one actually and it's a very simple project. 582 00:57:44.580 --> 00:57:46.170 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay um. 583 00:57:47.700 --> 00:57:50.400 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay 2315 South oakwood. 584 00:57:51.420 --> 00:57:52.320 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 585 00:57:53.430 --> 00:57:54.930 Daffodil Tyminski: This is an interesting one. 586 00:57:56.310 --> 00:57:57.150 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 587 00:57:59.370 --> 00:58:05.880 Daffodil Tyminski: I think there's a lot going on here and it might be slightly complicated. 588 00:58:09.420 --> 00:58:20.430 Daffodil Tyminski: Wait hold on one SEC 2015 the next two I believe are related, so we have 2315 and 2317 it's I think it's really the same project. 589 00:58:21.450 --> 00:58:24.810 Daffodil Tyminski: They just even though they've got two separate case numbers because it's on two separate. 590 00:58:24.810 --> 00:58:25.380 parcels. 591 00:58:26.610 --> 00:58:28.110 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm Andrew do you want to take this one. 592 00:58:31.110 --> 00:58:32.220 Andrew Mika: um. 593 00:58:32.280 --> 00:58:35.430 Daffodil Tyminski: It has or Does anyone want to volunteer for it, let me ask that person I don't want to. 594 00:58:36.000 --> 00:58:36.840 corinne Baginski: I can take it. 595 00:58:38.700 --> 00:58:39.390 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay crin. 596 00:58:39.780 --> 00:58:43.140 Andrew Mika: yeah i'm pretty much just worried I don't have enough experience to. 597 00:58:44.370 --> 00:58:45.960 Daffodil Tyminski: Appropriate yeah. 598 00:58:46.830 --> 00:58:47.280 All right. 599 00:58:48.840 --> 00:58:51.180 Daffodil Tyminski: Do you want to work on it together, and if you have. 600 00:58:54.150 --> 00:59:07.800 Daffodil Tyminski: Or, well, we can talk about that offline Korean I have it, I think i've got um I don't have a file on this one, but I did look this one up to there's a lot of stuff on this online and hopefully we can find a paper somewhere, because the plans are really hard to read. 601 00:59:08.250 --> 00:59:13.020 barrycassilly: It looks like a fascinating case somebody like actually trying to add units. 602 00:59:13.950 --> 00:59:17.460 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I thought it was an interesting sort of philosophical case. 603 00:59:17.520 --> 00:59:17.880 yeah. 604 00:59:18.930 --> 00:59:23.850 Daffodil Tyminski: But I didn't do too deep into dive into go in the whole thing, so I don't know what the pitfalls are but. 605 00:59:24.870 --> 00:59:29.130 Daffodil Tyminski: they're obviously asking for a lot of different things here that this one's going to require some work. 606 00:59:30.990 --> 00:59:38.550 Daffodil Tyminski: But, again, I think it'll be interesting if this is a lot current for you to do just you and you want to get someone else on just. 607 00:59:39.030 --> 00:59:41.100 Daffodil Tyminski: anyone wants to do it, you know. 608 00:59:42.240 --> 00:59:43.020 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm. 609 00:59:43.800 --> 00:59:45.930 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay 526 brooks. 610 00:59:51.060 --> 00:59:51.900 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 611 00:59:51.930 --> 00:59:52.710 hold on one SEC. 612 00:59:56.130 --> 01:00:05.880 Daffodil Tyminski: Again, this is the kind of thing that you would think should be de minimis it's in an area where we should be able to get a vso it's a fairly. 613 01:00:07.830 --> 01:00:15.060 Daffodil Tyminski: Reasonable addition, so I have a feeling, this is going to end up being de minimis as a matter of law. 614 01:00:16.590 --> 01:00:18.690 Daffodil Tyminski: Does anyone know what. 615 01:00:19.440 --> 01:00:19.980 Michael Jensen: Call ticket. 616 01:00:20.550 --> 01:00:21.210 Daffodil Tyminski: Was that mchale. 617 01:00:21.900 --> 01:00:23.280 Michael Jensen: yep okay. 618 01:00:26.610 --> 01:00:30.300 Daffodil Tyminski: I don't have a file on this one, but I think this one's going to be easy to figure out. 619 01:00:31.530 --> 01:00:36.360 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm moving on the 29 330 Eastern deanna. 620 01:00:38.220 --> 01:00:38.910 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 621 01:00:40.260 --> 01:00:42.900 Daffodil Tyminski: It looks like there's a little something going on there with housing. 622 01:00:47.610 --> 01:00:51.450 Daffodil Tyminski: But this also doesn't look like a complicated project Does anyone want this one. 623 01:00:51.720 --> 01:00:52.410 lauren siegel: i'll do it. 624 01:00:54.480 --> 01:00:54.900 Daffodil Tyminski: For. 625 01:00:55.500 --> 01:00:59.040 Daffodil Tyminski: This lauren lauren sorry gosh I apologize. 626 01:01:01.890 --> 01:01:09.090 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay lauren I don't have a file on this one so well, I can work with you to pull it back and then hopefully we can get the paper copy somewhere. 627 01:01:10.950 --> 01:01:11.910 um. 628 01:01:19.740 --> 01:01:20.220 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 629 01:01:21.390 --> 01:01:23.490 Daffodil Tyminski: 230 767 you. 630 01:01:26.670 --> 01:01:29.220 Daffodil Tyminski: This is a new single family home build. 631 01:01:33.360 --> 01:01:40.770 Daffodil Tyminski: We did here one I we did have one on the agenda from this area of sixth avenue not too long ago right. 632 01:01:41.610 --> 01:01:44.910 lauren siegel: Was that the one where they were asking for setback. 633 01:01:45.360 --> 01:01:49.860 Daffodil Tyminski: I think so yeah, who was the staff person on that one. 634 01:01:53.850 --> 01:01:55.080 barrycassilly: I think of vitamin shoppe. 635 01:01:56.250 --> 01:02:03.630 lauren siegel: No, no, it was it was since he's gone and I was on it, I remember it was a husband and wife and they were asking for. 636 01:02:05.250 --> 01:02:07.410 corinne Baginski: A setback, the variance. 637 01:02:07.530 --> 01:02:08.640 lauren siegel: yeah exactly yeah. 638 01:02:08.730 --> 01:02:09.210 lauren siegel: yeah. 639 01:02:09.300 --> 01:02:12.600 lauren siegel: It go back and try and work with the neighbors. 640 01:02:13.080 --> 01:02:17.250 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, this isn't that same case though right they didn't refile This is something now. 641 01:02:18.990 --> 01:02:21.210 Daffodil Tyminski: I think I have to wait. 642 01:02:22.470 --> 01:02:22.680 Andrew Mika: I. 643 01:02:25.290 --> 01:02:27.450 Daffodil Tyminski: know the other one was 356 70. 644 01:02:27.570 --> 01:02:28.500 lauren siegel: Okay okay. 645 01:02:28.620 --> 01:02:33.600 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah, this is the next block over um does anyone have an interest in this one. 646 01:02:35.610 --> 01:02:36.390 corinne Baginski: I can take it. 647 01:02:39.060 --> 01:02:39.420 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 648 01:02:39.450 --> 01:02:41.100 Daffodil Tyminski: Korea that really wants her in right. 649 01:02:53.670 --> 01:02:57.900 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay um I actually have a file on this one. 650 01:02:59.550 --> 01:03:00.630 Daffodil Tyminski: That I can get to. 651 01:03:07.620 --> 01:03:08.370 Daffodil Tyminski: Almost done. 652 01:03:09.870 --> 01:03:12.660 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm 20 29th avenue. 653 01:03:13.830 --> 01:03:15.660 Daffodil Tyminski: Again, another ad you. 654 01:03:16.860 --> 01:03:18.300 Daffodil Tyminski: must be something in the air. 655 01:03:20.820 --> 01:03:25.290 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm 2020 Barry do you want to do this, one to you, since you're doing the one on 30th. 656 01:03:25.890 --> 01:03:26.520 barrycassilly: Oh sure. 657 01:03:27.120 --> 01:03:29.850 Daffodil Tyminski: You can try to schedule your outreach meetings at the same time. 658 01:03:36.810 --> 01:03:39.300 Daffodil Tyminski: I don't have a file on this i'm. 659 01:03:41.730 --> 01:03:43.830 Daffodil Tyminski: don't think I do know I don't. 660 01:03:47.310 --> 01:03:49.680 Daffodil Tyminski: Know file, we can try to pull it back. 661 01:03:50.880 --> 01:03:53.220 Daffodil Tyminski: 849 Dixon. 662 01:03:55.080 --> 01:03:56.730 Daffodil Tyminski: This is now a detached a do. 663 01:03:59.700 --> 01:04:04.500 Daffodil Tyminski: renews do you want to do this, one good I don't have a file, but I can help you get it. 664 01:04:05.520 --> 01:04:11.820 Mehrnoosh: The first things as well as I mentioned, you have to ask you a number 16 do you have a file or no. 665 01:04:14.220 --> 01:04:15.270 Daffodil Tyminski: Wait coming in what. 666 01:04:15.870 --> 01:04:23.010 Mehrnoosh: The first project assigned to me is number 16 I wondering if there was if you have a file for that or no. 667 01:04:24.360 --> 01:04:25.650 Daffodil Tyminski: there's a. 668 01:04:25.860 --> 01:04:28.530 Daffodil Tyminski: For number six, let me hold on. 669 01:04:28.860 --> 01:04:31.770 Mehrnoosh: i'm sorry if it's the right thing to do right now, otherwise forget it. 670 01:04:32.490 --> 01:04:34.110 Daffodil Tyminski: that's all right we're here hold on. 671 01:04:36.330 --> 01:04:42.030 Daffodil Tyminski: I just see to see what number 16 was sorry guys bear with us for one SEC. 672 01:04:42.270 --> 01:04:42.720 Mehrnoosh: Thank you. 673 01:04:44.580 --> 01:04:47.400 Daffodil Tyminski: So I think I do have. 674 01:04:50.370 --> 01:04:53.370 Daffodil Tyminski: i'd actually merged i'm not sure that I have a file for this one. 675 01:04:53.460 --> 01:04:55.770 Mehrnoosh: Okay i'll contact you later okay. 676 01:04:56.070 --> 01:04:56.640 um. 677 01:04:57.960 --> 01:04:58.500 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah. 678 01:05:00.390 --> 01:05:06.600 Daffodil Tyminski: I do not know you weren't number 16 you are number 15 for six rows. 679 01:05:07.020 --> 01:05:08.100 lauren siegel: Now that's lauren. 680 01:05:09.210 --> 01:05:10.680 lauren siegel: For six roses lauren. 681 01:05:11.100 --> 01:05:13.080 Daffodil Tyminski: I was one okay got it. 682 01:05:13.320 --> 01:05:15.270 Mehrnoosh: You know one Abbot kinney yeah. 683 01:05:15.570 --> 01:05:16.200 Daffodil Tyminski: Right okay. 684 01:05:16.830 --> 01:05:17.370 Thank you. 685 01:05:18.810 --> 01:05:24.180 Daffodil Tyminski: I see that sorry no problem is i'm going to cut and paste your name to coincidentally. 686 01:05:25.980 --> 01:05:33.660 Daffodil Tyminski: 3032 there we go. 687 01:05:35.760 --> 01:05:47.550 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay i'm 33 1801 South pen mark Panama, this is a really interesting. 688 01:05:48.780 --> 01:05:54.180 Daffodil Tyminski: Maybe very difficult one and I asked matt if he would do it. 689 01:05:55.650 --> 01:06:00.930 Daffodil Tyminski: It could be very interesting though, if anyone else is interested to jump on it, I would reach out to matt and asked him. 690 01:06:01.590 --> 01:06:05.340 Matthew Royce: Do you think your team or i'll take i'll be the leader, whatever. 691 01:06:05.730 --> 01:06:07.260 Michael Jensen: And we hear this for me. 692 01:06:10.740 --> 01:06:12.450 Matthew Royce: For another, Mr ones recently. 693 01:06:12.870 --> 01:06:13.680 barrycassilly: So I did. 694 01:06:14.010 --> 01:06:21.540 Daffodil Tyminski: That and I have a list of like previous cases that have been at least listed I don't know if they were ever brought to a conclusion. 695 01:06:22.200 --> 01:06:22.530 Michael Jensen: and 696 01:06:22.710 --> 01:06:29.340 Daffodil Tyminski: I know that 1740 or 1720 Mr was heard I didn't see at no one on the list anywhere. 697 01:06:29.400 --> 01:06:35.370 Michael Jensen: Okay, maybe i'm just confusing without but remember the one where it had the guy who was like a holdout tenant. 698 01:06:36.630 --> 01:06:43.050 Michael Jensen: Who is suing I think the owner who's developing something similar like this. 699 01:06:43.650 --> 01:06:46.620 Daffodil Tyminski: I honestly don't remember we've never done. 700 01:06:46.710 --> 01:06:56.400 barrycassilly: remotely resembles this was somebody actually attempting to get a multitude of new units and add the housing stock or a lot like this. 701 01:06:57.180 --> 01:07:01.890 Chris Plourde: they're not they're not adding right there just dividing the seven existing they're. 702 01:07:02.040 --> 01:07:03.210 barrycassilly: they're making them homes. 703 01:07:05.070 --> 01:07:05.520 Chris Plourde: Right. 704 01:07:08.100 --> 01:07:09.510 lauren siegel: But they're not a units are they. 705 01:07:10.620 --> 01:07:13.350 Chris Plourde: doesn't seem to be it seems to be as owning. 706 01:07:13.800 --> 01:07:28.560 james murez: So let me just throw something out real quick this came up on another case last year, where there were multiple units on a lot that was getting sub divided and the. 707 01:07:30.060 --> 01:07:43.770 james murez: Some people in the Community claimed that by doing this kind of a subdivision on what would probably be considered affordable units, it takes the project out of the mellow. 708 01:07:45.900 --> 01:07:59.730 james murez: realm because all of a sudden it's one unit on one lot rather than multiple units on a larger lot and all of a sudden, as soon as it's a single family dwelling it's no longer has to comply with the mellow. 709 01:07:59.940 --> 01:08:03.240 Matthew Royce: Oh, this is not in the mellow zone I don't think great for us to. 710 01:08:04.110 --> 01:08:05.670 james murez: The question is whether what is the. 711 01:08:05.700 --> 01:08:10.050 james murez: What is the rent rate right now, a piece of individual units. 712 01:08:10.830 --> 01:08:13.890 Daffodil Tyminski: Well let's leave that for whoever works with matt on it. 713 01:08:14.250 --> 01:08:15.480 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I just don't get. 714 01:08:16.650 --> 01:08:17.400 Daffodil Tyminski: The cases. 715 01:08:17.580 --> 01:08:18.000 james murez: yeah. 716 01:08:18.480 --> 01:08:22.380 Daffodil Tyminski: But that they've been paloma though for anyone wanting to reference back right. 717 01:08:22.470 --> 01:08:25.560 james murez: right that was that was the case, but it was challenged. 718 01:08:27.510 --> 01:08:29.250 Daffodil Tyminski: So does anyone, I will. 719 01:08:29.790 --> 01:08:31.440 Chris Plourde: love to I would love to help. 720 01:08:31.920 --> 01:08:32.670 Chris Plourde: matt on that. 721 01:08:33.870 --> 01:08:34.380 Daffodil Tyminski: awesome. 722 01:08:40.140 --> 01:08:47.160 Daffodil Tyminski: it's a very interesting again philosophical discussion, I do not have a file on that either. 723 01:08:49.200 --> 01:08:53.940 Daffodil Tyminski: And I imagine that file is going to be fairly voluminous so we'll see what we can do on that. 724 01:08:54.390 --> 01:08:54.870 Matthew Royce: will find it. 725 01:08:55.200 --> 01:09:00.660 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay let's move on to 34 535 East Venice boulevard. 726 01:09:01.980 --> 01:09:05.790 Daffodil Tyminski: This, I believe, is and hold on one, second, let me just crystal. 727 01:09:06.030 --> 01:09:07.350 Matthew Royce: Is there one case. 728 01:09:07.530 --> 01:09:10.950 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah, this is the air one address they're looking for. 729 01:09:12.990 --> 01:09:13.800 Daffodil Tyminski: Alcohol. 730 01:09:14.850 --> 01:09:19.650 Daffodil Tyminski: Does anyone have this this should be you know, this is a market that's selling beer and wine. 731 01:09:20.730 --> 01:09:21.300 Daffodil Tyminski: um. 732 01:09:21.480 --> 01:09:22.320 Daffodil Tyminski: So oh. 733 01:09:22.410 --> 01:09:28.890 Michael Jensen: i've had this case for months and they've been sort of in a holding pattern for outreach okay. 734 01:09:30.690 --> 01:09:32.700 Daffodil Tyminski: Do you want to stick with it or hands it off. 735 01:09:34.890 --> 01:09:39.300 Michael Jensen: I mean, I would love to have this one off, but let me see how many cases up to here. 736 01:09:40.470 --> 01:09:40.920 Michael Jensen: On. 737 01:09:41.130 --> 01:09:44.580 Daffodil Tyminski: Does anyone have an interest that's newer to the committee have an interest in. 738 01:09:44.580 --> 01:09:55.050 Daffodil Tyminski: taking on an alcohol case because this should be fairly straightforward, I mean I think we've heard everyone request before over the past several years and I think the main issue they have a parking. 739 01:09:56.790 --> 01:09:57.180 james murez: They have. 740 01:09:57.210 --> 01:09:59.190 james murez: They have compliance issues presently. 741 01:10:00.120 --> 01:10:01.020 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah so. 742 01:10:02.100 --> 01:10:04.590 Daffodil Tyminski: Does anyone have an interest in this. 743 01:10:04.680 --> 01:10:06.570 barrycassilly: I have an interest in buying wine there. 744 01:10:10.830 --> 01:10:13.980 Daffodil Tyminski: Anyone have an interest dipping their toe into the world. 745 01:10:13.980 --> 01:10:14.850 Daffodil Tyminski: Of CB. 746 01:10:17.970 --> 01:10:22.230 Daffodil Tyminski: And when we can why don't you keep it for the moment and let's see what this. 747 01:10:22.230 --> 01:10:23.370 Daffodil Tyminski: Actually, fine. 748 01:10:24.660 --> 01:10:25.200 Michael Jensen: that's fine. 749 01:10:25.650 --> 01:10:27.570 Daffodil Tyminski: So do you have a case file on this. 750 01:10:29.310 --> 01:10:34.440 Michael Jensen: No i've never received any case any physical files from the former share. 751 01:10:34.950 --> 01:10:41.190 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay um so I wonder why their application on the cmc report says 22nd of December. 752 01:10:42.630 --> 01:10:55.200 Michael Jensen: Because they just potentially because they were changed so now they applied, and then they went, they change something so I don't know whether they filed a new that's why they they have been in a holding pattern. 753 01:10:56.160 --> 01:10:59.040 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, all right so we'll see. 754 01:11:00.450 --> 01:11:02.730 Daffodil Tyminski: we'll see what's going on i'm. 755 01:11:04.920 --> 01:11:05.700 Daffodil Tyminski: All right. 756 01:11:06.060 --> 01:11:07.590 Michael Jensen: yeah cuz I have the old. 757 01:11:10.110 --> 01:11:12.810 Michael Jensen: Case number in my staff report. 758 01:11:14.070 --> 01:11:20.760 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay that's right, you may be stuck with this one, if anyone wants to jump on and help me call and kind of. 759 01:11:21.030 --> 01:11:21.600 corinne Baginski: knock him. 760 01:11:22.980 --> 01:11:23.460 Daffodil Tyminski: Sorry. 761 01:11:25.140 --> 01:11:25.890 corinne Baginski: i'll help him. 762 01:11:26.070 --> 01:11:26.940 Daffodil Tyminski: Can you want to do it. 763 01:11:27.390 --> 01:11:28.740 corinne Baginski: Sure Oh well. 764 01:11:29.040 --> 01:11:29.370 Okay. 765 01:11:31.770 --> 01:11:36.120 james murez: yeah and on that case i'd be happy to share my knowledge and the history of that project. 766 01:11:37.980 --> 01:11:45.480 james murez: john john john reed would also be a good resource, because both he and I were on loop back when it was converted from a. 767 01:11:47.010 --> 01:11:58.590 james murez: ceramic shop was originally a ceramic factory, it became sandy's camera and then later sammies camera didn't go through the proper permitting process, and then it became marijuana. 768 01:11:59.730 --> 01:12:01.020 james murez: So that the history. 769 01:12:01.320 --> 01:12:03.720 Michael Jensen: Quite quietly one to 30 surf shop. 770 01:12:04.200 --> 01:12:06.120 Michael Jensen: Yes, Sir trapped between them. 771 01:12:06.600 --> 01:12:09.570 Daffodil Tyminski: It was a quicksilver um okay so. 772 01:12:11.490 --> 01:12:12.330 Daffodil Tyminski: Wilson. 773 01:12:13.860 --> 01:12:14.880 Daffodil Tyminski: And this is. 774 01:12:16.350 --> 01:12:20.730 Daffodil Tyminski: This is interesting because it's one of the at us that maybe is a little out of the box and. 775 01:12:22.770 --> 01:12:26.460 Daffodil Tyminski: You know, poses at least a unique issue as far as at us go. 776 01:12:28.230 --> 01:12:34.110 Daffodil Tyminski: Create I was thinking of you for this one, but if you're going to take the previous one does anyone else, want to step up on 2412 Wilson. 777 01:12:40.380 --> 01:12:40.890 Daffodil Tyminski: Anyone. 778 01:12:41.340 --> 01:12:43.230 barrycassilly: How many cases do I have so far. 779 01:12:44.970 --> 01:12:48.120 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm have, I believe, for. 780 01:12:49.860 --> 01:12:50.490 Well, oh. 781 01:12:51.870 --> 01:12:54.420 Daffodil Tyminski: But you know what Barry you spoke for, so why don't you take this one. 782 01:12:58.380 --> 01:13:00.660 Daffodil Tyminski: I don't have a file either to add insult to injury. 783 01:13:00.990 --> 01:13:02.760 Andrew Mika: No good deed goes unpunished. 784 01:13:03.090 --> 01:13:05.340 barrycassilly: Exactly i'm muting myself now. 785 01:13:06.360 --> 01:13:06.840 Chris Plourde: muted. 786 01:13:07.440 --> 01:13:08.130 i'm. 787 01:13:12.900 --> 01:13:32.010 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay 36 1522 South Abbot kinney, and this is also an interesting project, this is that little Japanese pastry shop that's on Abbot kinney next to the party real estate office, if anyone knows what that is. 788 01:13:33.510 --> 01:13:38.820 Daffodil Tyminski: um they converted to a restaurant and now they're looking for a. 789 01:13:40.350 --> 01:13:43.170 Daffodil Tyminski: liquor license it's a tiny, tiny little restaurant. 790 01:13:45.570 --> 01:13:46.980 Daffodil Tyminski: Andrew do you want to take this. 791 01:13:49.380 --> 01:13:49.800 Andrew Mika: yeah. 792 01:13:50.040 --> 01:13:51.420 Daffodil Tyminski: foray into the world of. 793 01:13:52.440 --> 01:13:53.070 Daffodil Tyminski: Alcohol. 794 01:13:54.540 --> 01:13:57.630 Andrew Mika: yeah i've never done alcohol before okay. 795 01:14:00.060 --> 01:14:04.170 Daffodil Tyminski: This will be an interesting case, but again it's a pretty small little place. 796 01:14:05.670 --> 01:14:08.160 Daffodil Tyminski: um I don't have a. 797 01:14:09.480 --> 01:14:11.370 Daffodil Tyminski: profile on this actually nevermind. 798 01:14:12.570 --> 01:14:13.680 Daffodil Tyminski: i'll get that over to you. 799 01:14:21.990 --> 01:14:23.850 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay we're almost done guys. 800 01:14:25.980 --> 01:14:30.720 Daffodil Tyminski: 653 East sunset yet another ad to. 801 01:14:34.590 --> 01:14:42.060 Daffodil Tyminski: convert back portion of India do dishes there's one parking space yeah This seems like this would be very straightforward. 802 01:14:46.950 --> 01:14:47.580 lauren siegel: i'll do it. 803 01:14:48.330 --> 01:14:48.840 Okay. 804 01:14:53.550 --> 01:14:57.030 Daffodil Tyminski: You have lost track now of how many everybody has but that's great lauren. 805 01:14:58.860 --> 01:15:00.150 Daffodil Tyminski: Thank you sure. 806 01:15:03.870 --> 01:15:07.740 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay 38 for 18 grand boulevard. 807 01:15:09.480 --> 01:15:11.700 Daffodil Tyminski: This seems so incredibly. 808 01:15:13.980 --> 01:15:16.890 Daffodil Tyminski: Straightforward I feel like we must be missing something. 809 01:15:18.600 --> 01:15:25.710 Daffodil Tyminski: Like I don't know, maybe they're demolishing five houses to build a 1400 square foot house or something, but it seems to me, this should be the very definition of de minimis. 810 01:15:26.430 --> 01:15:27.810 lauren siegel: It has a mellow determination. 811 01:15:27.810 --> 01:15:29.520 Chris Plourde: On it hasn't Mel oh yeah. 812 01:15:29.550 --> 01:15:31.140 Chris Plourde: is an interesting thing right. 813 01:15:31.290 --> 01:15:31.710 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah. 814 01:15:31.740 --> 01:15:32.790 Chris Plourde: It is interesting. 815 01:15:32.940 --> 01:15:33.900 Daffodil Tyminski: I just don't know. 816 01:15:35.760 --> 01:15:36.270 Daffodil Tyminski: Anyone. 817 01:15:36.630 --> 01:15:39.810 barrycassilly: mellow doesn't impact administer their separate tracks. 818 01:15:41.460 --> 01:15:45.210 Daffodil Tyminski: right but it impacts, I think, whether we would hear it right. 819 01:15:47.040 --> 01:15:50.340 Daffodil Tyminski: Whether we would have a Community interest in least that's my view but. 820 01:15:52.110 --> 01:15:57.660 Daffodil Tyminski: We just at the moment need someone to figure out what's going on with this one I don't have, I believe. 821 01:16:00.510 --> 01:16:00.660 Daffodil Tyminski: It. 822 01:16:04.500 --> 01:16:06.270 Daffodil Tyminski: Does anyone have an interest in this one. 823 01:16:15.600 --> 01:16:16.170 Daffodil Tyminski: Anyone. 824 01:16:21.990 --> 01:16:23.070 corinne Baginski: I can look into it. 825 01:16:23.910 --> 01:16:24.300 Okay. 826 01:16:26.910 --> 01:16:28.650 Daffodil Tyminski: got it thanks Ken. 827 01:16:28.830 --> 01:16:31.170 Andrew Mika: daft just grasping at straws here at this point. 828 01:16:31.260 --> 01:16:31.770 Daffodil Tyminski: I know. 829 01:16:32.130 --> 01:16:32.940 Andrew Mika: I lost track. 830 01:16:33.030 --> 01:16:33.720 you're. 831 01:16:34.950 --> 01:16:35.190 lauren siegel: Like. 832 01:16:36.330 --> 01:16:36.930 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm. 833 01:16:39.060 --> 01:16:47.790 Daffodil Tyminski: Again, though, if you look into these and one of them turns out you've got three in a row they're all like massive problems, then we can just shuffled around, and you know figure it out. 834 01:16:50.130 --> 01:16:50.790 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay that's. 835 01:16:51.000 --> 01:16:52.830 corinne Baginski: Really file on that one i'm sorry. 836 01:16:53.310 --> 01:16:55.470 Daffodil Tyminski: I do not have a file on that one okay. 837 01:16:58.830 --> 01:16:59.940 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah sorry about that. 838 01:17:02.010 --> 01:17:07.530 Daffodil Tyminski: um so there's also a whole list of cases, so we we put up the agenda to assign all these out. 839 01:17:09.390 --> 01:17:22.890 Daffodil Tyminski: Will will include this next set of cases on our next list because the goal is to get a comprehensive list of everything that's in Venice whether we're hearing it or not, again, for the reasons we discussed earlier. 840 01:17:27.540 --> 01:17:33.690 Daffodil Tyminski: My it's, but let me just read out some address numbers and you guys tell me if the case is still pending or not. 841 01:17:35.280 --> 01:17:39.450 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm 320 sunset that's justa has already been done. 842 01:17:40.470 --> 01:17:44.040 Michael Jensen: Already went through us, I was stopped on it, and I think you want to before. 843 01:17:44.340 --> 01:17:48.510 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay yeah I seem to remember that i'm 846 no word. 844 01:17:49.740 --> 01:17:51.930 corinne Baginski: For in you had that yeah I think yeah once. 845 01:17:52.710 --> 01:17:53.640 Daffodil Tyminski: that's done okay. 846 01:17:55.470 --> 01:17:59.070 Daffodil Tyminski: 644 to 650 sunset assigned him or new shoes that done. 847 01:18:00.480 --> 01:18:02.550 Mehrnoosh: i'm six foot four to. 848 01:18:03.030 --> 01:18:04.320 Daffodil Tyminski: 650 sunset. 849 01:18:05.280 --> 01:18:08.700 Mehrnoosh: yeah they came there and they got reviews by. 850 01:18:09.960 --> 01:18:12.960 Daffodil Tyminski: This is denied this is the one where they're asking where all the variances right. 851 01:18:13.200 --> 01:18:15.300 Mehrnoosh: yeah for the gates, and so, yes. 852 01:18:15.750 --> 01:18:20.100 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay i'm 2433 Brian crisp Lord is that one done. 853 01:18:21.270 --> 01:18:22.800 Chris Plourde: And that was de minimis and approve. 854 01:18:23.460 --> 01:18:23.910 Okay. 855 01:18:29.220 --> 01:18:32.940 Daffodil Tyminski: 40 23rd avenue more new shoe had that one is that done. 856 01:18:33.240 --> 01:18:34.890 Mehrnoosh: He is. 857 01:18:36.420 --> 01:18:45.810 Mehrnoosh: tied to know is not because they were asking for an adjustment and a front yard setback, but i've contacted the office and. 858 01:18:46.350 --> 01:18:47.730 lauren siegel: That was the break for one. 859 01:18:48.090 --> 01:18:50.400 Mehrnoosh: uh huh I contacted the. 860 01:18:51.660 --> 01:18:52.920 Mehrnoosh: city with that. 861 01:18:54.120 --> 01:19:04.980 Mehrnoosh: planner and I haven't heard from planner and what happens is the guy that was handling it is not working anymore, so I asked the lady to have somebody else contact me see what's going on. 862 01:19:06.330 --> 01:19:06.810 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 863 01:19:06.990 --> 01:19:08.970 Mehrnoosh: So they haven't gotten the approval, yet. 864 01:19:09.780 --> 01:19:10.230 Okay. 865 01:19:12.330 --> 01:19:20.310 Daffodil Tyminski: we'll talk offline on that will just see exactly where that is and what we need to do 2330 cloy run if you had that one to. 866 01:19:23.070 --> 01:19:25.800 Mehrnoosh: The left the fellas all easy coin. 867 01:19:26.160 --> 01:19:27.000 Daffodil Tyminski: that's done right. 868 01:19:27.180 --> 01:19:32.730 Daffodil Tyminski: Now finish some of these I know for sure they're done some of them I wasn't sure you seven or seven crust more. 869 01:19:34.530 --> 01:19:36.990 Daffodil Tyminski: I think that was done when he I think he would that one to. 870 01:19:38.850 --> 01:19:40.410 Mehrnoosh: have to look it up so sorry. 871 01:19:40.740 --> 01:19:41.250 Daffodil Tyminski: that's okay. 872 01:19:43.230 --> 01:19:45.810 Daffodil Tyminski: These are a little older, so I don't have any of the paper files and. 873 01:19:47.520 --> 01:19:57.570 Daffodil Tyminski: I didn't real I spent the last couple days going back through old agendas and stuff trying to figure out what was what so I just didn't have time to look up all the files on these hmm. 874 01:20:01.500 --> 01:20:02.670 Mehrnoosh: answer you that later. 875 01:20:03.030 --> 01:20:03.420 yeah. 876 01:20:04.530 --> 01:20:04.950 Mehrnoosh: yeah. 877 01:20:05.670 --> 01:20:06.480 i'm. 878 01:20:07.980 --> 01:20:12.990 Daffodil Tyminski: 356 avenue I think that's the one that we. 879 01:20:13.680 --> 01:20:15.600 lauren siegel: are supposed to come back to us. 880 01:20:15.690 --> 01:20:17.520 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah it's coming back, we never. 881 01:20:19.410 --> 01:20:24.660 Daffodil Tyminski: We need to check that it really is coming back because sometimes you will say they'll bring it back, and then they actually don't. 882 01:20:25.440 --> 01:20:27.420 lauren siegel: So So what if they don't, though. 883 01:20:28.140 --> 01:20:31.050 Daffodil Tyminski: Well let's let's look into were you the staff person on it before. 884 01:20:31.260 --> 01:20:33.750 lauren siegel: No, I just remember the conversations around it. 885 01:20:35.550 --> 01:20:39.240 Daffodil Tyminski: So I think we can ask them to come back or tell the city. 886 01:20:40.710 --> 01:20:46.620 Daffodil Tyminski: That they should have come back and they didn't and the city will hold them up going further until we can weigh in on it okay. 887 01:20:47.070 --> 01:20:53.130 james murez: yeah I think I in the past staff at all what's happened is if they don't come back and they don't agree to come back you just want to write. 888 01:20:53.490 --> 01:21:09.480 james murez: A denial of the project for the reason being that you haven't been able to get them to come back and then and then that lets the board, send a letter to the city that the applicant was refusing to participate in the city can deal with it, however, they want. 889 01:21:10.590 --> 01:21:12.690 james murez: But you don't want you don't want to leave it open is. 890 01:21:13.260 --> 01:21:15.060 Daffodil Tyminski: Very why don't you take a look at this one. 891 01:21:16.110 --> 01:21:16.740 barrycassilly: Okay. 892 01:21:17.100 --> 01:21:21.210 Daffodil Tyminski: This is 356 avenue i'll email around the list of everything that we. 893 01:21:21.270 --> 01:21:22.710 Daffodil Tyminski: Yes, please let me know. 894 01:21:23.070 --> 01:21:28.890 james murez: hey daffodil before I forget, can you scroll all the way up to the top and press the SAVE button, so you all your notes or saved. 895 01:21:30.600 --> 01:21:31.110 Daffodil Tyminski: sure. 896 01:21:34.440 --> 01:21:35.340 james murez: The red one yep. 897 01:21:37.380 --> 01:21:39.570 james murez: Then that'll store copy on your local machine. 898 01:21:40.170 --> 01:21:40.560 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 899 01:21:40.950 --> 01:21:44.100 james murez: At least it should have it didn't do it hold on do it again. 900 01:21:44.400 --> 01:21:45.450 Daffodil Tyminski: I did it's right here. 901 01:21:45.810 --> 01:21:47.160 james murez: Okay, I didn't see it. 902 01:21:48.090 --> 01:21:49.950 Daffodil Tyminski: um it went to downloads. 903 01:21:50.100 --> 01:21:51.390 james murez: Okay, good um. 904 01:21:52.560 --> 01:21:54.750 Daffodil Tyminski: 1217 ocean front walk. 905 01:21:57.690 --> 01:22:03.660 Daffodil Tyminski: I didn't look this one up but it looks like it was assigned to shop, so it clearly hasn't been anything in a while. 906 01:22:04.740 --> 01:22:05.970 Michael Jensen: where's 1217. 907 01:22:07.590 --> 01:22:15.630 Daffodil Tyminski: um it's going to be south of brooks north of when word. 908 01:22:18.240 --> 01:22:19.260 Daffodil Tyminski: Andrew do you want to take a look. 909 01:22:19.260 --> 01:22:19.920 Michael Jensen: at a stretch. 910 01:22:21.240 --> 01:22:22.560 Daffodil Tyminski: I know I just didn't want it. 911 01:22:24.780 --> 01:22:25.380 Andrew Mika: sure. 912 01:22:26.610 --> 01:22:26.940 Okay. 913 01:22:30.510 --> 01:22:31.740 Daffodil Tyminski: strong's. 914 01:22:33.120 --> 01:22:34.830 Daffodil Tyminski: This, I do have a file on. 915 01:22:39.060 --> 01:22:43.140 Daffodil Tyminski: This was weirdly a while ago addressed. 916 01:22:46.770 --> 01:22:48.000 Daffodil Tyminski: And it was in our mail. 917 01:22:50.250 --> 01:23:02.490 Daffodil Tyminski: Maybe Jim the dividing time in the mail was September and October, because this is a mailed in September, but this looks like this should be de minimis its existing space they want to carve out for an EDU. 918 01:23:03.540 --> 01:23:10.470 Daffodil Tyminski: But this case, this was filed in September did anyone get assigned this case any bells no. 919 01:23:11.550 --> 01:23:12.930 Daffodil Tyminski: 22 so far strong's. 920 01:23:14.970 --> 01:23:17.670 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm matt why don't you take a look at this and see what's going on. 921 01:23:21.930 --> 01:23:23.880 Michael Jensen: In your list you have some going to one Lincoln. 922 01:23:24.930 --> 01:23:27.330 Daffodil Tyminski: You know what I have, yes, I do. 923 01:23:27.930 --> 01:23:28.710 Michael Jensen: Actually okay. 924 01:23:29.010 --> 01:23:29.730 Daffodil Tyminski: Good i'm not there yet. 925 01:23:30.930 --> 01:23:31.830 Daffodil Tyminski: matt is that okay. 926 01:23:32.010 --> 01:23:35.160 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah Okay, I have a file here i'll get it to you okay. 927 01:23:36.840 --> 01:23:42.570 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, speaking of which let's go to 815 Angeles place. 928 01:23:44.010 --> 01:23:48.720 Daffodil Tyminski: This one looks like it came back to us from an appeal. 929 01:23:49.950 --> 01:23:51.150 Daffodil Tyminski: It was denied. 930 01:23:54.000 --> 01:23:54.660 Daffodil Tyminski: In. 931 01:23:56.070 --> 01:23:59.460 Daffodil Tyminski: November and actually just got mailed out in December. 932 01:24:00.960 --> 01:24:05.790 Daffodil Tyminski: I just be nice if someone could look it up and see if there's anything else, we need to deal with it. 933 01:24:06.060 --> 01:24:07.470 barrycassilly: i'd be glad to follow up on no. 934 01:24:08.970 --> 01:24:09.270 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 935 01:24:10.740 --> 01:24:13.260 Daffodil Tyminski: Very yes okay. 936 01:24:15.990 --> 01:24:16.530 Okay. 937 01:24:18.300 --> 01:24:20.670 Daffodil Tyminski: And then seven one Lincoln. 938 01:24:22.200 --> 01:24:23.580 Daffodil Tyminski: This is a. 939 01:24:25.800 --> 01:24:28.080 Daffodil Tyminski: Application for a liquor license. 940 01:24:30.600 --> 01:24:36.390 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm i'm not familiar with the restaurant but it's called local Lol scale. 941 01:24:37.350 --> 01:24:40.530 Michael Jensen: it's a new restaurant in that shopping Center with. 942 01:24:42.570 --> 01:24:48.270 Michael Jensen: Oh it's across the street from this from worse coach and i'm a little shopping mall. 943 01:24:48.720 --> 01:24:49.560 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh okay. 944 01:24:51.150 --> 01:24:53.340 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm Chris do you want. 945 01:24:54.240 --> 01:24:56.580 Daffodil Tyminski: One or someone other than the kill. 946 01:24:58.080 --> 01:24:58.470 Michael Jensen: A split. 947 01:24:59.760 --> 01:25:01.740 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah well Andrew had one. 948 01:25:01.740 --> 01:25:02.700 Daffodil Tyminski: Chris Martin. 949 01:25:03.480 --> 01:25:04.860 Chris Plourde: what's the what's the address. 950 01:25:05.580 --> 01:25:06.750 Daffodil Tyminski: it's seven No one. 951 01:25:07.020 --> 01:25:07.680 Michael Jensen: No one liked him. 952 01:25:08.100 --> 01:25:10.050 Daffodil Tyminski: So I think it's Lincoln and Vernon. 953 01:25:13.980 --> 01:25:27.420 Michael Jensen: want i've already spoken to the applicants REP and we've been talking about hosting the outreach like a beginning of February so Chris i'll i'll doll you into them. 954 01:25:28.380 --> 01:25:29.130 Chris Plourde: Okay, thanks. 955 01:25:29.490 --> 01:25:37.890 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I would say, do that and then Chris take it, and if you need you have questions, I mean obviously reach out to anyone, but reach out to make healthy know something about a. 956 01:25:38.430 --> 01:25:38.760 sure. 957 01:25:41.370 --> 01:25:52.440 james murez: When you when you hear an alcohol permit back in the days when I was on the land use committee some years back, we had a long shopping list of conditions that we would go over. 958 01:25:53.130 --> 01:25:57.840 james murez: I don't know if a leak ever shared that with you, but if not it's something you might want to look at. 959 01:25:58.710 --> 01:26:08.250 james murez: Because we had several cases it all basically started around davy Jones locker which was over on Pacific and it was such a horrible. 960 01:26:08.790 --> 01:26:22.890 james murez: case that had gone on for years and we actually started building a list of conditions that neighborhoods would want to have placed on people that were doing off site off site sale, so it sounds to me like this may be off site sales, or is this a restaurant. 961 01:26:23.670 --> 01:26:25.890 Daffodil Tyminski: it's why don't we save it. 962 01:26:26.160 --> 01:26:27.780 Daffodil Tyminski: we're just trying to assign cases at. 963 01:26:27.780 --> 01:26:28.200 Daffodil Tyminski: The moment. 964 01:26:28.320 --> 01:26:29.070 james murez: yeah yeah okay. 965 01:26:30.060 --> 01:26:34.260 Daffodil Tyminski: And by the way, learn I lied earlier for six rows I do have a file. 966 01:26:35.790 --> 01:26:36.240 lauren siegel: Okay. 967 01:26:36.390 --> 01:26:39.450 Daffodil Tyminski: sorry about that the envelope totally fell apart. 968 01:26:41.340 --> 01:26:42.540 Daffodil Tyminski: So I had to take it out of the envelope. 969 01:26:43.080 --> 01:26:44.610 Michael Jensen: Today, I want to arrive in the rain. 970 01:26:45.570 --> 01:26:53.130 Daffodil Tyminski: I don't know the envelope was just so i'm like literally falling off that when I tried to take the file out it it fell apart. 971 01:26:55.860 --> 01:26:56.580 Daffodil Tyminski: I forgot about that one. 972 01:26:58.260 --> 01:27:00.360 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so I have a couple more. 973 01:27:02.100 --> 01:27:03.120 Daffodil Tyminski: That. 974 01:27:04.920 --> 01:27:05.790 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm. 975 01:27:06.900 --> 01:27:14.190 Daffodil Tyminski: I don't know I couldn't find them on an agenda, I couldn't find anything about them, but we do have the files. 976 01:27:15.270 --> 01:27:17.610 Daffodil Tyminski: One is 604 to 620 Lincoln. 977 01:27:23.850 --> 01:27:24.570 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm. 978 01:27:26.070 --> 01:27:27.780 Daffodil Tyminski: Just about the Community design. 979 01:27:28.410 --> 01:27:28.770 Big. 980 01:27:31.590 --> 01:27:34.050 Michael Jensen: that's a big structure address yeah. 981 01:27:35.460 --> 01:27:36.570 Daffodil Tyminski: And then. 982 01:27:38.160 --> 01:27:39.630 james murez: which side of the street is that on. 983 01:27:40.800 --> 01:27:42.000 corinne Baginski: that's the least. 984 01:27:43.980 --> 01:27:45.270 james murez: that'd be the East side wouldn't it. 985 01:27:45.540 --> 01:27:47.010 corinne Baginski: yeah I said, he said, I think. 986 01:27:47.040 --> 01:27:50.640 corinne Baginski: what's the addressing it looks like it's smart and final is it. 987 01:27:50.760 --> 01:27:55.050 Michael Jensen: Oh, that trader joes or not trader joes we heard that. 988 01:27:55.230 --> 01:27:56.250 barrycassilly: We already heard that. 989 01:27:56.520 --> 01:27:58.260 Daffodil Tyminski: We did here this one okay yep. 990 01:27:58.590 --> 01:28:00.900 Michael Jensen: that's the guy that came in and said, we want to put a trader joe's. 991 01:28:02.340 --> 01:28:04.680 james murez: know the trader joe's was three years ago. 992 01:28:05.010 --> 01:28:05.670 barrycassilly: You know this. 993 01:28:05.700 --> 01:28:09.270 barrycassilly: He was in trader joe's he was going to do something far more boring. 994 01:28:10.620 --> 01:28:16.890 Michael Jensen: No, it was him saying trader joe's and Barry you said in response, we need to treat it just like we did a whole. 995 01:28:18.600 --> 01:28:23.280 james murez: Wait a second matt and I went and met with the guy for trader joe's three years ago. 996 01:28:23.760 --> 01:28:24.960 Daffodil Tyminski: it's alright it's done. 997 01:28:25.020 --> 01:28:25.620 james murez: it's fine. 998 01:28:25.950 --> 01:28:26.550 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, done. 999 01:28:26.580 --> 01:28:27.210 barrycassilly: it's been done. 1000 01:28:30.840 --> 01:28:44.310 Daffodil Tyminski: And then them that's it i've got a couple of old things here that I think, have already been handled and stuff that's already done that I just have the hard copies for so probably moved at this point. 1001 01:28:47.130 --> 01:28:53.640 Daffodil Tyminski: So the next step i'll give all this out and we can get a plan going forward, the next step with this is to go back. 1002 01:28:54.210 --> 01:28:59.820 Daffodil Tyminski: And you know we only did the cnc reports back to I think October, but. 1003 01:29:00.330 --> 01:29:06.990 Daffodil Tyminski: We actually where I looked at the cnc reports going back before that there's a lot of cases before that that were never either agenda eyes or. 1004 01:29:07.080 --> 01:29:13.920 Daffodil Tyminski: From what I could tell from talking to you guys, not an old so we'll just figure out where they are so at least we've got a list of cases within say the last year. 1005 01:29:15.210 --> 01:29:15.420 barrycassilly: well. 1006 01:29:15.450 --> 01:29:26.730 james murez: Capital does anybody on the committee not have a full workload, because what we could do is, we could generate a list of the earlier cnc projects and they could look up in the city system. 1007 01:29:27.390 --> 01:29:33.600 james murez: What the current status of them is because some of them may be so old they may have already all been approved. 1008 01:29:33.960 --> 01:29:38.070 barrycassilly: I think we all have a full workload, I think we just went from doing nothing. 1009 01:29:39.450 --> 01:29:40.140 barrycassilly: overwhelmed. 1010 01:29:42.750 --> 01:29:44.280 Chris Plourde: I have five so. 1011 01:29:44.640 --> 01:29:47.550 james murez: Remember that they're not all due next week or even. 1012 01:29:47.730 --> 01:29:57.330 james murez: Even this month or next month, I mean some of these things just hit the calendar in January, the planning departments not going to get through to them for several months. 1013 01:29:57.390 --> 01:30:04.860 barrycassilly: I know, but we're also dealing with Has anybody on the committee did anybody ever get a folder from a leaks. 1014 01:30:05.850 --> 01:30:07.170 lauren siegel: No, no. 1015 01:30:09.060 --> 01:30:09.510 Daffodil Tyminski: Well, look at. 1016 01:30:11.010 --> 01:30:18.960 barrycassilly: This well wait a minute wait a minute, because if we if nobody did then we're also missing at least 24 other cases. 1017 01:30:19.470 --> 01:30:34.170 barrycassilly: And we just I don't know, I think we just assign as many cases as everybody can handle and we're talking about not having a meeting until maybe four weeks from now i'm i'm just worried about not catching up. 1018 01:30:35.160 --> 01:30:39.900 Daffodil Tyminski: Right well, so I will go through as a so a couple things one. 1019 01:30:41.790 --> 01:30:49.440 Daffodil Tyminski: will go through the cnc reports and figure out what is still out there and open that has never been assigned. 1020 01:30:50.910 --> 01:31:02.550 Daffodil Tyminski: I knew from just eyeballing the cnc report and just having some memory of you know, being on Lou pecker being on the board, there were some things that just looks completely alien to me right so there's obviously cases out there. 1021 01:31:02.940 --> 01:31:15.810 Daffodil Tyminski: We just have to figure out what stage they're in, and I can do that I just need to look everything up and if stuff is you know we could do something about it, or it hasn't already been built or finalized or whatever. 1022 01:31:17.700 --> 01:31:18.240 Daffodil Tyminski: we'll do it. 1023 01:31:19.470 --> 01:31:27.420 Daffodil Tyminski: So maybe we'll do another meeting like this in a week or two, where we can sort of catch up on what the statuses and then. 1024 01:31:27.990 --> 01:31:29.370 Michael Jensen: Hopefully across some all. 1025 01:31:29.880 --> 01:31:40.560 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I mean you guys so everyone, I think the most important thing to do is to call the applicant and let them know that we are aware that they exist and they have a case and we're on it so at least. 1026 01:31:40.590 --> 01:31:55.860 Daffodil Tyminski: That concerns care of and then I would also call the planner and have the same conversation and figure out what stage the cases that and there's a bunch of these that I think we're going to find are probably de minimis and so that will change everybody's workload. 1027 01:31:57.270 --> 01:31:57.840 james murez: Let me know. 1028 01:31:58.260 --> 01:32:03.120 james murez: If I can do that, let me also suggest, can you start with the oldest States first. 1029 01:32:04.290 --> 01:32:16.710 james murez: And and work your way forward and and if we find that the workload is is pressing, that there are things that are coming up right away i'm going to have a call out to the. 1030 01:32:17.190 --> 01:32:26.310 james murez: city and find out if daffodil can actually have cases that that you guys can actually conduct a meeting where you make. 1031 01:32:27.120 --> 01:32:31.500 james murez: Decisions on project, because at this point, the only reason we're not doing is because somebody complained. 1032 01:32:31.890 --> 01:32:37.230 james murez: That we don't have an official loop at chair, but it's not clear, the parliamentarian thought that it would be okay. 1033 01:32:37.590 --> 01:32:41.010 james murez: And so we just want to double check with the city and we may be able to. 1034 01:32:41.370 --> 01:32:52.410 james murez: Get back, we would really like to def dylan I talked about this we'd really like to get back on to a regular schedule for loop back where we could say every first and third. 1035 01:32:53.010 --> 01:33:01.590 james murez: Thursday of the month, or something like that the loop that committee will be meeting and everybody in the Community, we just know that that this is going to be a regular meeting time. 1036 01:33:01.950 --> 01:33:10.830 james murez: And and there shouldn't have to be any special reason that we have to wait a month or six weeks before we have any projects coming out of blue pack if the city says it's okay. 1037 01:33:11.220 --> 01:33:14.190 Daffodil Tyminski: We like to chair the meeting i'm happy to let you chair. 1038 01:33:14.280 --> 01:33:15.030 james murez: Not right now. 1039 01:33:15.330 --> 01:33:18.090 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, then let me share it will get to that. 1040 01:33:21.780 --> 01:33:31.440 Daffodil Tyminski: Obviously, when you're talking on these cases, if there's something urgent, we can figure out a way to hear it right, the plan isn't to do that, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it. 1041 01:33:33.180 --> 01:33:39.150 Daffodil Tyminski: The let's move on to the next piece so because this is part of the workload discussion and all of this. 1042 01:33:40.590 --> 01:33:59.190 Daffodil Tyminski: The land use plan update, so I know, everybody knows that the city is in the middle and we just put my computer back in the city is in the middle of updating the land use plan I don't believe there been a number of loop back meetings. 1043 01:34:01.710 --> 01:34:02.970 Daffodil Tyminski: focused on the land use plan. 1044 01:34:03.390 --> 01:34:03.810 At least. 1045 01:34:06.330 --> 01:34:07.590 Daffodil Tyminski: It is something that ELISE. 1046 01:34:07.590 --> 01:34:25.680 Daffodil Tyminski: committed to do when we spoke with her in July and we had set forth a schedule and as Jim just pointed out, we had hoped that we would have regular meetings that were consistent times you know, the first and last they had been the first and last I think Thursday of the month. 1047 01:34:27.090 --> 01:34:33.660 Daffodil Tyminski: The significance of that i've always felt, and I know, frankly, everyone i've known of all the blue pack except the leaks has felt. 1048 01:34:34.110 --> 01:34:50.190 Daffodil Tyminski: That having that consistency, made it able for the stakeholders to plan on when meetings would be, and so you know people knew okay first and third Wednesday or Thursday is Venice and first sorry first and last thursday's Venice. 1049 01:34:51.210 --> 01:34:58.020 Daffodil Tyminski: There could possibly be a meeting I just think it creates on an ongoing basis, some consistency and like a lot less confusion. 1050 01:34:58.440 --> 01:35:06.150 Daffodil Tyminski: And we had also discussed a schedule to try dealing with the land use plan neighborhood by neighborhood and the idea would be. 1051 01:35:06.930 --> 01:35:21.120 Daffodil Tyminski: That, if a neighborhood was going to be addressed and land use plan, we could have seen a really blast that out there and really get some outreach in that neighborhood so we get kind of a robust input into what people in their various neighborhoods want to have in their. 1052 01:35:22.290 --> 01:35:33.480 Daffodil Tyminski: areas we haven't had that at all, and so, in addition to this backlog of cases it's going to be my recommendation and, hopefully, whoever takes over as Chair agrees with this. 1053 01:35:33.810 --> 01:35:45.960 Daffodil Tyminski: That we at least set up a schedule to start having the neighborhood's come in and give us their thoughts and so what I would propose we do is at least set up a series of meetings. 1054 01:35:46.770 --> 01:35:57.780 Daffodil Tyminski: By the time any of this were to take place there'd be a new chair, obviously, if they don't want to do it, they don't have to do it, but at least get some notice out so. 1055 01:35:58.500 --> 01:36:15.450 Daffodil Tyminski: The neighborhood's know that this is coming, and at least know that they should be looking at you know their current specific plan and thinking about what changes they want, I think the city has made some drafts and the woman lauren who she did come to loop back right Florida fearsome. 1056 01:36:15.690 --> 01:36:20.310 Daffodil Tyminski: No Oh, she didn't know Oh, I thought she did okay. 1057 01:36:20.340 --> 01:36:21.210 Michael Jensen: She was supposed. 1058 01:36:21.690 --> 01:36:29.070 Daffodil Tyminski: canceled Oh, she canceled OK, so the city does have draft plans that they're working on I don't know exactly what they are. 1059 01:36:29.490 --> 01:36:42.090 Daffodil Tyminski: But it's something that we should get out there, so people in the neighborhoods know what's coming and have a chance to have like real input and not be in the situation where the city just voice something on everybody, and you know. 1060 01:36:43.440 --> 01:36:51.660 barrycassilly: Have have no awareness, this is even going on there's been virtually no Community outreach related to this update. 1061 01:36:51.990 --> 01:36:55.740 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah that's been that's been my experience. 1062 01:36:58.080 --> 01:37:08.400 Daffodil Tyminski: Just with people emailing me like you know I just heard about this thing going on, what is it what's happening so at a minimum people should just know that this is happening so. 1063 01:37:09.930 --> 01:37:20.280 Daffodil Tyminski: There are some neighborhoods that I think the outreach is going to be easier than others because either they have organized community groups or they're smaller maybe more tight knit neighborhoods that are cohesive. 1064 01:37:21.000 --> 01:37:30.900 Daffodil Tyminski: And, for example, like the first two that I put on that might be easier to tackle at the end of February would be Marina peninsula Oxford triangle. 1065 01:37:31.710 --> 01:37:43.800 Daffodil Tyminski: Because they're pretty unified neighborhoods in terms of like how the early build out and they're discreet and size and things like that it might be easier to get those groups together, because I know they also have pretty big. 1066 01:37:45.150 --> 01:37:47.640 Daffodil Tyminski: Like Community homeowner networks. 1067 01:37:48.870 --> 01:37:50.550 Daffodil Tyminski: But we should think about a schedule that. 1068 01:37:50.550 --> 01:37:51.060 works. 1069 01:37:52.920 --> 01:37:53.490 Daffodil Tyminski: I think. 1070 01:37:54.810 --> 01:38:00.720 Daffodil Tyminski: One issue, we do have is that some of the defined neighborhoods like oakwood actually cover. 1071 01:38:01.770 --> 01:38:11.340 Daffodil Tyminski: Really, large areas, some of which are you know, like dissimilar so you know that's, we should make sure we get all those folks in. 1072 01:38:11.880 --> 01:38:20.460 Daffodil Tyminski: And then, and actually I would put North Venice in that category too that's where I am in North Venice encompasses all this leftover area that has nothing to do with each other. 1073 01:38:22.500 --> 01:38:34.860 Daffodil Tyminski: But so What this really means in practical terms of terms of organization moving forward is, we have all of these cases to deal with, but we probably also should anticipate a workload that includes additional meetings of outreach. 1074 01:38:35.670 --> 01:38:44.640 Daffodil Tyminski: Every month, so that we can start making people aware of this and my suggestion would be that we do one or two meetings per month. 1075 01:38:45.870 --> 01:38:47.100 Daffodil Tyminski: With each neighborhood. 1076 01:38:49.530 --> 01:38:53.670 Daffodil Tyminski: And I guess, we could try one like I was going to suggest just trying Marina peninsula. 1077 01:38:54.780 --> 01:39:02.460 Daffodil Tyminski: First, and seeing how it goes and seeing how many people come out how long the meeting takes how controversial, it is things like that. 1078 01:39:03.090 --> 01:39:16.800 barrycassilly: And then we have to have some information from the city about what they're doing thats related to that area if we have a meeting um how, how do we get that information. 1079 01:39:17.700 --> 01:39:23.970 Daffodil Tyminski: Well, I guess, the first step is to call our macpherson and asked her to come back and do her presentation that she didn't do it yet. 1080 01:39:25.200 --> 01:39:25.740 barrycassilly: Oh. 1081 01:39:26.010 --> 01:39:33.690 barrycassilly: But it but couldn't they just couldn't if they have if they have drafts, can they at least make we're going to do the Marina peninsula. 1082 01:39:34.080 --> 01:39:35.250 barrycassilly: can give. 1083 01:39:35.460 --> 01:39:39.030 barrycassilly: out a draft that they have for that play that part of Venice. 1084 01:39:39.210 --> 01:39:42.360 james murez: They had a workshop where they had a draft in West la. 1085 01:39:44.460 --> 01:39:46.140 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah while back they harrell this. 1086 01:39:46.290 --> 01:39:47.820 barrycassilly: Is a long, long time ago. 1087 01:39:48.450 --> 01:39:51.330 james murez: But that's as far as they've gotten their whole deployment, so I. 1088 01:39:51.330 --> 01:39:52.230 barrycassilly: don't believe that. 1089 01:39:52.320 --> 01:39:53.730 james murez: Their department all left. 1090 01:39:53.790 --> 01:40:06.300 barrycassilly: ask them what they've done so, if they have material that that is that is relevant to a specific area um they should make it available to us, so we can make it available to the residents. 1091 01:40:07.470 --> 01:40:17.880 Daffodil Tyminski: Well, why don't we reach out to Laura Okay, and asked her to come and present where they are, and then we can see what's the most urgent thing to do. 1092 01:40:19.560 --> 01:40:24.420 barrycassilly: That now in in anticipation of scheduling these meetings after we've talked to her. 1093 01:40:24.780 --> 01:40:25.140 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah. 1094 01:40:25.170 --> 01:40:30.900 james murez: No she's I know she's open to it because she's coming to parking and transportation Robert tiptoes already work that out with her. 1095 01:40:32.670 --> 01:40:33.960 Daffodil Tyminski: So um. 1096 01:40:34.230 --> 01:40:36.570 barrycassilly: who's gonna be the person assigned to talk to her. 1097 01:40:36.810 --> 01:40:38.160 Daffodil Tyminski: I will reach out to her. 1098 01:40:38.490 --> 01:40:39.810 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay i've talked to. 1099 01:40:40.290 --> 01:40:42.960 Michael Jensen: I think i'm still the liaison so I can do that. 1100 01:40:43.110 --> 01:40:44.640 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh Okay, well then you go ahead and do it. 1101 01:40:45.090 --> 01:40:49.170 Andrew Mika: Sorry yeah I need to sign off um I needed for anything else I. 1102 01:40:49.170 --> 01:40:56.040 Daffodil Tyminski: haven't no I just I wanted to have this part of the discussion so everyone had a realistic assessment of like there was going to be a lot of work coming up. 1103 01:40:56.400 --> 01:40:56.910 yeah. 1104 01:40:59.070 --> 01:41:01.770 Andrew Mika: All right, well, for I love hank deck okay. 1105 01:41:01.950 --> 01:41:03.390 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay, so well you know what why don't we. 1106 01:41:03.450 --> 01:41:18.120 Daffodil Tyminski: Go ahead and sign off and um I guess first step will be Miquel see get her in as soon as possible i'm sure we can have a meeting that's a presentation, without taking any action see where we're at, and then we can figure out. 1107 01:41:19.890 --> 01:41:21.360 Daffodil Tyminski: What makes sense, moving forward. 1108 01:41:22.620 --> 01:41:31.080 Daffodil Tyminski: But I would encourage everyone to to just talk to your neighbors and talk to folks you know in everyone seems to be pretty spread out in Venice. 1109 01:41:33.120 --> 01:41:35.850 Daffodil Tyminski: Is anyone on the committee east of Venice used to Lincoln. 1110 01:41:38.340 --> 01:41:40.860 Daffodil Tyminski: No, no i'm. 1111 01:41:42.870 --> 01:41:43.770 Daffodil Tyminski: i'm. 1112 01:41:44.040 --> 01:41:45.480 We don't have a specific. 1113 01:41:46.530 --> 01:41:47.220 Chris Plourde: See oh. 1114 01:41:48.000 --> 01:41:50.850 Daffodil Tyminski: They obviously haven't they have their own My point is, they have a. 1115 01:41:50.850 --> 01:41:59.040 Daffodil Tyminski: pretty well organized Community group as well, so we should probably just reach out to them and and have them, you know, do something with them. 1116 01:41:59.070 --> 01:42:01.080 james murez: yeah you know you mentioned something that. 1117 01:42:01.170 --> 01:42:07.380 james murez: oakwood for instances of mix match of several different sub areas as as is North Dennis and. 1118 01:42:07.500 --> 01:42:18.660 james murez: He spent this doesn't have anything at all, but maybe what we want to think about as we're going through this is, do we, like the way that the the regions were originally defined back in the late 80s, I mean you remember the the. 1119 01:42:19.020 --> 01:42:26.880 james murez: What we have now is what has what was defined by the Community, back in late 80s and and maybe we really want to think about. 1120 01:42:27.570 --> 01:42:37.230 james murez: An area that would be rows and north of and then an area that would be south of rows and an area that would be millwood and then we don't have to stick with the same areas that we've had in the past. 1121 01:42:37.530 --> 01:42:43.830 james murez: If we have different development standards that we want to consider for these different regions, we can search, we can divide it up, however, we want. 1122 01:42:44.760 --> 01:42:49.800 barrycassilly: Right, I think that's interesting um let's at least let's at least. 1123 01:42:51.300 --> 01:42:53.010 barrycassilly: see what happens with mchale and Laura. 1124 01:42:54.300 --> 01:43:04.200 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah I would just schedule a presentation and get it on there, and we can have Sema promoted and vicki you know get it out. 1125 01:43:05.550 --> 01:43:08.460 Daffodil Tyminski: So people know this is going on and. 1126 01:43:09.840 --> 01:43:15.330 Chris Plourde: I would be happy to talk to the neighbors I just don't know what to say except something's happening and we don't know what it is yet. 1127 01:43:16.710 --> 01:43:17.460 james murez: There you go. 1128 01:43:18.030 --> 01:43:19.140 barrycassilly: that's the truth, though. 1129 01:43:19.920 --> 01:43:29.580 Chris Plourde: And I know but that's but but to come from to come from the land use planning committee something's happening, we don't know what it is yet it's got to be the scariest thing you've ever heard right. 1130 01:43:29.820 --> 01:43:33.360 Chris Plourde: Because it's like Oh, the people who are supposed to keep track of what's happening don't know. 1131 01:43:33.660 --> 01:43:42.750 barrycassilly: It is scary this is, this is an incredibly um this process lacks transparency on a gargantuan level. 1132 01:43:43.200 --> 01:44:02.430 james murez: Well, but on the other hand, Barry this is, if you look at it more in the in the global sense this is the opportunity to develop develop to to to to how does it called with the to group together and come up with development standards that the Community wants to embrace. 1133 01:44:02.640 --> 01:44:11.280 barrycassilly: that's a great theory but i'm going to land you some planning Committee, I actually pay attention, I have zero idea what these people are doing it's like they're avoiding the neighborhood. 1134 01:44:11.700 --> 01:44:18.810 james murez: But it's what we're doing is we're not trying to tell them what they need to be doing, we, I mean we want to tell them what we want them to do. 1135 01:44:19.200 --> 01:44:19.860 barrycassilly: Rather than. 1136 01:44:19.950 --> 01:44:21.660 james murez: Rather than them tell us what we. 1137 01:44:21.660 --> 01:44:22.320 barrycassilly: want like. 1138 01:44:23.490 --> 01:44:26.760 james murez: But we'll find some level of compromises we continue to define it. 1139 01:44:27.270 --> 01:44:29.340 Daffodil Tyminski: Oh right now we are where we are right. 1140 01:44:29.340 --> 01:44:43.230 Daffodil Tyminski: So the issues let's get moving on it mchale reach out to her try to schedule a time you know I would say whatever time works for her you know we just try to make ourselves available. 1141 01:44:44.400 --> 01:44:45.000 barrycassilly: We are. 1142 01:44:45.360 --> 01:44:47.490 Daffodil Tyminski: Running all over the place, meeting with people what. 1143 01:44:50.370 --> 01:44:51.090 Michael Jensen: I just agreed. 1144 01:44:51.540 --> 01:44:52.440 barrycassilly: Okay, very. 1145 01:44:53.550 --> 01:44:54.210 barrycassilly: We all agree. 1146 01:44:54.540 --> 01:44:55.260 um. 1147 01:44:56.760 --> 01:45:06.090 Daffodil Tyminski: Has anyone, you know the other night at the meeting someone on the ocean from walk committee saying was said that ocean front walk was having a meeting about like the land use on ocean front walk. 1148 01:45:06.540 --> 01:45:09.450 james murez: No, that was that was Jim rob the chair of the committee. 1149 01:45:09.930 --> 01:45:10.320 james murez: and 1150 01:45:10.350 --> 01:45:15.990 james murez: He said that he would like to meet with the people in the planning department to figure out what's going to happen on ocean for a walk. 1151 01:45:16.290 --> 01:45:22.050 james murez: I think what's going to end up happening is is there's going to be overlap between different committees. 1152 01:45:22.740 --> 01:45:29.190 james murez: I think that that the private sector development of ocean front walk is still going to fall within the loop X jurisdiction. 1153 01:45:29.580 --> 01:45:45.270 james murez: But when it comes to the public, open space and maybe how the the overall development standard, is it really going to go to six stories like the city has proposed, you know how's that going to work out that's the kind of stuff that there may have to be a joint meeting so. 1154 01:45:45.570 --> 01:45:47.640 james murez: The different groups can actually tie. 1155 01:45:49.860 --> 01:45:57.270 barrycassilly: up your land use planning committee meeting, why would why the ocean front walk committee exist separately consider issues like that. 1156 01:45:58.650 --> 01:46:03.000 Daffodil Tyminski: You well, I mean you know they obviously are their own committee and have their own interest, but. 1157 01:46:03.480 --> 01:46:12.510 Daffodil Tyminski: I think that we don't want to have, like all these ad hoc determinations like we kind of want to make sure that everyone is on the same page, or at least hearing the same input. 1158 01:46:13.080 --> 01:46:20.220 Daffodil Tyminski: So, so I guess, I was going to ask the question has anyone on the committee been liaising with the ocean firewall committee about this. 1159 01:46:22.080 --> 01:46:29.520 Daffodil Tyminski: Not me know there's someone want to reach out to Jim rob and see if we can have his whatever he's doing and. 1160 01:46:29.910 --> 01:46:31.740 Mehrnoosh: What it is I like to do that. 1161 01:46:32.670 --> 01:46:42.210 Mehrnoosh: When you, yes, I come from um it's pie is more public spaces than it is any of our neighborhoods that are it's it's lot more happening there. 1162 01:46:42.510 --> 01:46:46.950 james murez: yeah oceanfront walk is really the public space it's not the private space. 1163 01:46:48.240 --> 01:46:57.990 james murez: So it's it's all the the ends of all of the the walk streets it's the ocean pro walk itself it's the area of the park it's you know that that's what the ocean for a walk committee is about. 1164 01:46:58.500 --> 01:47:00.660 barrycassilly: it's not about development standards on private. 1165 01:47:00.660 --> 01:47:06.450 Mehrnoosh: Property yeah it's lots happening during it should continue on happening in the right way okay. 1166 01:47:06.630 --> 01:47:13.620 james murez: it's like you know, do the pagodas get rebuilt, do we stripe the you know all of these things are still part of the Community plan in the land use plan. 1167 01:47:15.540 --> 01:47:24.060 james murez: In it, by the way, the public open space is something that the previous land use plan completely omitted all except for one page, I believe. 1168 01:47:24.480 --> 01:47:27.000 james murez: So it's like you know what do we want in landscaping. 1169 01:47:27.000 --> 01:47:34.650 james murez: What do we want in lighting, what do we want all of these things need to go into there so there's definitely going to be an overlap between the committee's. 1170 01:47:35.910 --> 01:47:42.450 Daffodil Tyminski: Right Well, my name is why don't you reach out and maybe see if they're open to doing a joint meeting on what are they meeting on Monday. 1171 01:47:44.100 --> 01:47:46.560 james murez: That they don't have a regular meeting day and. 1172 01:47:47.100 --> 01:47:54.330 james murez: They have not been conducting regular meetings Okay, something that I noticed very interestingly could off topic a little bit, but still part of it. 1173 01:47:55.080 --> 01:48:06.360 james murez: i've noticed that the most popular commercial zones have a much higher density of low level street lighting and there was street lighting, they just basically creates a. 1174 01:48:07.560 --> 01:48:23.610 james murez: Nice warm space, rather than these 35 foot tall overhead lamp posts that are 60 or 80 feet apart and that's a development standard I think it's something we want to have in our open space and we probably want to have it tied back to our commercial open spaces. 1175 01:48:25.590 --> 01:48:25.920 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 1176 01:48:26.040 --> 01:48:27.180 james murez: Just for consideration. 1177 01:48:27.960 --> 01:48:35.730 Daffodil Tyminski: All right, well i'm renews could you follow up tomorrow, and let us know what they're doing, because if they're having their meeting on Monday, they would put the agenda up tomorrow oh. 1178 01:48:35.760 --> 01:48:42.060 james murez: yeah they have not they're not having a meeting on Monday that I can tell you, for sure they haven't asked for zoom like I didn't understand what you were asking. 1179 01:48:42.360 --> 01:48:48.390 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay well i'm going to follow up anyway, and with that let's adjourn the meeting I feel like we've. 1180 01:48:49.500 --> 01:48:50.580 Daffodil Tyminski: we've gone far enough. 1181 01:48:51.150 --> 01:48:56.010 james murez: Definitely, we should talk at some point offline later about how to turn this into a minutes. 1182 01:48:56.610 --> 01:48:59.220 Daffodil Tyminski: yep and see that it just saved it again yep. 1183 01:48:59.250 --> 01:49:03.510 Mehrnoosh: perfect and and then we can access this file to write on the site. 1184 01:49:04.410 --> 01:49:06.390 james murez: yeah she can pass it around. 1185 01:49:06.870 --> 01:49:20.220 Daffodil Tyminski: yeah so it's not automatically at the moment being uploaded back to the site, I think, ultimately that's the goal but i'm saving it i've saved it, and then we can post it. 1186 01:49:21.660 --> 01:49:22.170 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 1187 01:49:22.500 --> 01:49:37.470 Daffodil Tyminski: Now it's not going to be on here are the cases that were not listed because I didn't know about them when we made the agenda, but we will put them on you know we're going to create a more ongoing running list that will be posted We just need to figure out the best way to do that. 1188 01:49:39.000 --> 01:49:39.390 Daffodil Tyminski: Okay. 1189 01:49:41.070 --> 01:49:41.910 Daffodil Tyminski: Alright guys. 1190 01:49:42.030 --> 01:49:42.780 lauren siegel: Thank you. 1191 01:49:42.840 --> 01:49:43.410 Daffodil Tyminski: Thank you. 1192 01:49:43.470 --> 01:49:45.000 Chris Plourde: You know. 1193 01:49:45.240 --> 01:49:45.840 Daffodil Tyminski: Take care. 1194 01:49:45.900 --> 01:49:47.430 james murez: bye guys alright everybody.