WEBVTT 1 00:00:30.480 --> 00:00:30.720 james murez: today. 2 00:01:00.570 --> 00:01:02.340 james murez: Just on the highway on that is. 3 00:01:10.920 --> 00:01:12.360 james murez: amazing I got two. 4 00:01:15.120 --> 00:01:15.390 james murez: three. 5 00:01:36.060 --> 00:01:36.480 james murez: yeah. 6 00:01:54.510 --> 00:01:55.050 james murez: today. 7 00:02:05.280 --> 00:02:05.850 james murez: Can you hear. 8 00:02:15.450 --> 00:02:15.660 james murez: Are you. 9 00:02:19.470 --> 00:02:20.370 james murez: seeing a red. 10 00:02:24.600 --> 00:02:26.040 james murez: flag here hear. 11 00:02:31.110 --> 00:02:31.410 james murez: me. 12 00:02:33.660 --> 00:02:34.500 Alix: I can hear you. 13 00:03:59.700 --> 00:03:59.880 whoa. 14 00:04:02.550 --> 00:04:03.210 whoa whoa. 15 00:04:05.400 --> 00:04:05.670 whoa. 16 00:10:59.700 --> 00:11:00.210 Alix: hi. 17 00:11:04.830 --> 00:11:05.430 lauren siegel: hi there. 18 00:11:06.780 --> 00:11:08.700 Alix: Okay, I see her new. 19 00:11:33.360 --> 00:11:44.670 Alix: There we go well, there are five of us, I see i'll wait another minute or two and see if anyone else POPs in before we start the meeting hope everyone's good. 20 00:12:44.100 --> 00:12:51.180 Alix: hey well it's a couple minutes past seven i'll wait a couple minutes more if anybody else decides to pop in. 21 00:13:05.760 --> 00:13:06.870 Alix: Can you guys all see that. 22 00:13:10.920 --> 00:13:11.310 Andrew Mika: Yes. 23 00:13:11.910 --> 00:13:12.480 Andrew Mika: Thank you. 24 00:13:35.220 --> 00:13:38.610 Alix: Two more minutes and then i'll call the meeting to order, even though we're at a quorum. 25 00:14:22.830 --> 00:14:36.630 Alix: Okay well it's 75 Kim so we're gonna get started to move along this is the call to order a meeting and i'm going to do roll call this is a leaks i'm here Barry. 26 00:14:38.550 --> 00:14:39.150 barrycassilly: here. 27 00:14:40.530 --> 00:14:41.250 Alix: corrine. 28 00:14:42.570 --> 00:14:43.950 Alix: don't think I saw her. 29 00:14:46.980 --> 00:14:47.850 Alix: No Corinne. 30 00:14:51.810 --> 00:14:52.980 Alix: And lauren. 31 00:14:53.670 --> 00:14:54.210 here. 32 00:14:55.230 --> 00:14:57.270 Alix: Great matt Royce. 33 00:15:00.420 --> 00:15:03.240 Alix: don't think I saw matt either know matt. 34 00:15:04.260 --> 00:15:05.130 Alix: Chris colored. 35 00:15:08.190 --> 00:15:10.800 Alix: I don't see Chris no Chris Macau. 36 00:15:11.400 --> 00:15:11.820 Michael Jensen: here. 37 00:15:12.360 --> 00:15:14.850 Alix: Thank you, and more new ish. 38 00:15:15.060 --> 00:15:17.010 yeah great. 39 00:15:19.980 --> 00:15:24.270 Alix: um Does anyone want to make a motion to approve the Minutes. 40 00:15:24.360 --> 00:15:26.250 lauren siegel: What did I wonder about Andrew. 41 00:15:26.880 --> 00:15:28.890 Alix: Sorry, Andrew thanks lauren Andrew. 42 00:15:32.070 --> 00:15:32.400 Andrew Mika: i'm here. 43 00:15:33.000 --> 00:15:33.510 Alix: Thanks. 44 00:15:33.540 --> 00:15:39.420 Alix: By the way, just sorry I was the beginnings of a migraine So hopefully i'm going to get through this without too much. 45 00:15:40.740 --> 00:15:45.600 Alix: For it becomes full blown I apologize if i'm a little off um. 46 00:15:46.380 --> 00:16:03.690 Alix: For those of you who weren't here last week, just to go very briefly through robert's rules, I the Chair cannot make emotion or second motion, so it would really help speed things along if committee members could make motions and second motion, so we can at least get things. 47 00:16:04.770 --> 00:16:08.250 Alix: Going and on the table so for the Minutes. 48 00:16:11.640 --> 00:16:24.480 Michael Jensen: i'll make a motion to approve the Minutes my one comment those just that there's no there's nothing on I mean we have like it felt like a two hour conversation about process and procedure, none of that makes it into the ministry, though. 49 00:16:24.900 --> 00:16:32.310 Alix: None of that makes it into the Minutes mchale and and just so you know I had this conversation with Jim the Minutes should be very. 50 00:16:32.730 --> 00:16:45.930 Alix: Specifically, like motions that are voted on, and if you if you actually editorialize that's why the conversations are put down on the Minutes it opens things up for conversation there's a full transcript of the meeting on there. 51 00:16:46.020 --> 00:16:50.220 Alix: So that wants to see yes. 52 00:16:50.520 --> 00:16:51.750 Michael Jensen: motion to approve them and. 53 00:16:51.810 --> 00:16:54.570 Alix: i'm just i'm just answering it for you, who wants to second it. 54 00:17:01.770 --> 00:17:04.020 Andrew Mika: Can I second that I wasn't present but. 55 00:17:04.050 --> 00:17:08.640 Alix: i'm technically Andrew you shouldn't second it and you should abstain because you weren't there. 56 00:17:08.910 --> 00:17:09.360 lauren siegel: Showing. 57 00:17:09.420 --> 00:17:10.710 lauren siegel: us raise your hand. 58 00:17:12.750 --> 00:17:26.250 Alix: Oh Sorry, I have the screen up i've the the agenda up, so I can't see so if someone could just tell me their secondary emotion that would be great also for the people who are in the audience listening, they can hear so who wants to second Thank you lauren. 59 00:17:28.470 --> 00:17:29.760 Alix: renews do you want a second the. 60 00:17:30.330 --> 00:17:32.490 Alix: Second, thank you for newish. 61 00:17:32.520 --> 00:17:33.060 Mehrnoosh: you're welcome. 62 00:17:34.800 --> 00:17:43.140 Alix: um and we'll take a vote on me, yes um I think Barry are you going to abstain because you weren't here. 63 00:17:43.440 --> 00:17:44.340 barrycassilly: i'm abstaining. 64 00:17:45.180 --> 00:17:51.570 Alix: And i'm assuming that Andrew and lauren will abstain as well to correct. 65 00:17:55.830 --> 00:17:56.310 Mehrnoosh: Correct. 66 00:17:56.520 --> 00:17:58.260 Andrew Mika: Saying great. 67 00:17:58.350 --> 00:18:03.960 Alix: Thank you so mchale i'm assuming you're yes, because you made the motion as is new, so it carries. 68 00:18:05.940 --> 00:18:14.280 Alix: um does anyone have any ex parte communications for anything on the agenda for me i've spoken obviously to to pretty much everybody. 69 00:18:17.100 --> 00:18:21.960 Michael Jensen: I was staff on case I don't know 600 vass. 70 00:18:22.140 --> 00:18:23.160 was a case. 71 00:18:25.800 --> 00:18:31.500 barrycassilly: Number this time yeah this is Barry I talked to TIM, but I don't think that motion is happening tonight as if. 72 00:18:31.860 --> 00:18:34.200 Alix: It is happening TIM would like it to happen tonight. 73 00:18:37.740 --> 00:18:42.900 barrycassilly: Well, I talked to TIM not not recently and I don't remember what we talked about okay. 74 00:18:43.440 --> 00:18:43.950 Alix: that's fine. 75 00:18:48.060 --> 00:18:48.870 Alix: anyone else. 76 00:18:54.570 --> 00:19:07.920 Alix: um OK, so the early notification reports are actually have one comment to make before we go on, so, as you all know, lauren macpherson was supposed to come today, she had to cancel unexpectedly. 77 00:19:08.730 --> 00:19:24.480 Alix: On Tuesday, I think, so I apologize to everyone who was planning to be there, and thank you to everyone who submitted questions, we will we will read you this at another point in time i'm city early notification reports. 78 00:19:25.650 --> 00:19:28.560 Michael Jensen: Did we get questions I have, I have another. 79 00:19:28.980 --> 00:19:31.680 Alix: question is there were questions that went directly to Lara. 80 00:19:32.550 --> 00:19:41.730 Alix: Their questions that went to me, I will compile everything that I have into, I think, maybe you were CC it on some I will compile everything and send it out to the committee. 81 00:19:43.020 --> 00:19:43.950 Alix: And we can go from there. 82 00:19:47.520 --> 00:19:53.970 Alix: And also, I haven't reached out to configure yet, but the plan is to also bring Connecticut in as well to. 83 00:19:56.700 --> 00:20:00.840 Alix: To discuss the the Community plan and not the LCP. 84 00:20:02.460 --> 00:20:11.940 Alix: And city early notification reports does anyone in the public have comments on these If so, raise your hand and I will allow comment. 85 00:20:18.990 --> 00:20:22.890 Alix: No comment on anything from anyone okay. 86 00:20:26.280 --> 00:20:36.270 Alix: So for everyone, from from Lou peck who's on the call I think 1740 pen mar was already heard um. 87 00:20:37.380 --> 00:20:39.390 Alix: So I don't know that we need to hear it again. 88 00:20:42.780 --> 00:20:52.380 Alix: And i'll follow up with Tony to see why it's been put back on the early notification reports, and I also think it's been appealed that's a separate issue i'm. 89 00:20:53.730 --> 00:21:05.310 Alix: 768 Verdun I know I got an email from Isabel about the trees there so i'm assuming that we should hear that, because there are a lot of trees on Vernon so does anybody want to. 90 00:21:07.530 --> 00:21:08.760 Alix: Does anyone want to take this on. 91 00:21:09.720 --> 00:21:11.550 lauren siegel: I have a question about process. 92 00:21:11.850 --> 00:21:19.170 lauren siegel: mm hmm so is this, I understand that you're posting these so that the public can comment on them, but I didn't. 93 00:21:19.560 --> 00:21:26.310 lauren siegel: realize this is also how we're handing out cases, it seems to me that cases are coming from lots of different directions. 94 00:21:26.640 --> 00:21:37.530 lauren siegel: So i'd like to understand and clarified, perhaps you can on how we're supposed to assign these cases, if they're coming from different places, because we get these case reports we get this. 95 00:21:38.700 --> 00:21:42.270 lauren siegel: And we're supposed to volunteer so maybe you can clarify that for me. 96 00:21:42.480 --> 00:21:46.410 Alix: So lauren, I guess, my question to you is what do you mean the cases are coming from different places. 97 00:21:48.240 --> 00:21:58.620 lauren siegel: So there's this list that we get there's also a list that we get weekly from the city and they're not always exactly the same there's some that come. 98 00:21:58.950 --> 00:22:11.670 lauren siegel: Then we get emails from people who are asking us to hear their case so i'm just unclear how cases get assigned, and if there is some organizing principle around it. 99 00:22:12.000 --> 00:22:22.410 Alix: Okay, yes, there is an organizing principle around it so initially so, as you know, the city early net city early notification reports come out twice a month right. 100 00:22:22.980 --> 00:22:34.170 Alix: Yes, yes Okay, so in the past in MAC voices Lou Pack in my loop back before this we never listed and publish the city early notification reports. 101 00:22:34.650 --> 00:22:40.440 Alix: And what I was told by matt is that it's it either loops discretion as to what they want to hear. 102 00:22:40.830 --> 00:22:47.490 Alix: Or if someone comes forth and says they want to put this through our Community Member comes forth and says they want to put something through we put it through. 103 00:22:48.000 --> 00:23:00.780 Alix: Anything that's commercial or see up automatically gets gets put on and typically I will give the CPS to mikael because he's a lot of experience, dealing with them, and because we is an attorney as well too. 104 00:23:01.290 --> 00:23:11.430 Alix: But that might change as as I think Chris or create is shadowing I can't remember i'd have to go back to my notes from last week, the shadowing mchale on a see up case. 105 00:23:12.690 --> 00:23:13.260 Alix: So. 106 00:23:13.530 --> 00:23:14.310 lauren siegel: That would be me. 107 00:23:14.790 --> 00:23:17.760 Alix: That would be you sorry word my bad i'm. 108 00:23:19.470 --> 00:23:24.450 Alix: Sorry, but I apologize, as I said, i'm like in the midst of about to get a migraine so i'm. 109 00:23:25.500 --> 00:23:27.270 Alix: Not as lucid as I usually am. 110 00:23:29.220 --> 00:23:38.700 Alix: back to the city early notification reports so we made the decision Gemini talked about this and we felt that the wise decision would be to have a protocol of putting. 111 00:23:38.730 --> 00:23:49.560 Alix: up the address came in on city really notification reports and opening this up to the public, to comment on this, so that in the event that there was that we decided not to hear something. 112 00:23:49.950 --> 00:24:02.310 Alix: No one in the public could say this wasn't notified or noticed public right so that's why there's an attachment with the early notification reports at the at the bottom of the addresses that were listed and that's why they're on there. 113 00:24:02.700 --> 00:24:07.740 lauren siegel: But I thought it was your responsibility to hear all cases, why would we not hear a case. 114 00:24:09.150 --> 00:24:21.180 Alix: And if we if we feel in the in the past, as I said, to it's up to the Chair to decide something, but if there's a case where there are no exemptions there's No one for the Community asking. 115 00:24:21.510 --> 00:24:31.980 Alix: there's no mellow there's no there's no anything, and we feel it's perhaps a a de minimis project we may elect not to hear it right, so we mercial. 116 00:24:32.400 --> 00:24:39.420 lauren siegel: We heard the Ad you case, that was a de minimis project, and we still heard it, are you saying now in the future, moving forward that. 117 00:24:40.620 --> 00:24:40.800 lauren siegel: there. 118 00:24:41.310 --> 00:24:45.750 lauren siegel: Is that we will just say Okay, we all agree, we don't need to hear this and. 119 00:24:45.870 --> 00:24:53.850 Alix: We don't need to correct, but the Ad you case we had an asked to put that on the agenda that's why we put it on the agenda. 120 00:24:55.230 --> 00:25:01.080 barrycassilly: i'm i'm like to login on this one, because this this isn't what the standing Rules say. 121 00:25:02.430 --> 00:25:10.560 barrycassilly: If there's a de minimis case it's it doesn't matter if Community Community Member wants to hear it or not, it's not allowed to go on the loop at calendar. 122 00:25:12.060 --> 00:25:21.180 barrycassilly: I can read that section from the standing rolls on it says projects that comply with the development standards of Venice specific plan. 123 00:25:21.990 --> 00:25:38.340 barrycassilly: or which Lou PICs determines to be de minimis still be placed on the board consent calendar without requiring a loop hearing or preparation of allopathic report and then blah blah blah, but you know if something has. 124 00:25:39.570 --> 00:25:52.980 barrycassilly: A vso signature it can't go on before Lou peck and we don't do a staff reporter to go straight to the board doesn't matter it doesn't matter if they're trees, or if a Community Member wants to hear it, they can comment at the board. 125 00:25:53.280 --> 00:25:56.670 Alix: Very I that's not been precedent in the past, before. 126 00:25:57.030 --> 00:25:59.820 barrycassilly: And so I could have been it has been President these. 127 00:25:59.850 --> 00:26:01.110 Alix: This is a standing rule. 128 00:26:01.380 --> 00:26:09.270 Alix: It hasn't very excuse me, it hasn't been precedent it wasn't precedent under mat voices under mat voices Luca and. 129 00:26:09.510 --> 00:26:13.290 barrycassilly: We can see, these are the rules, this is, this is the rule. 130 00:26:13.470 --> 00:26:15.810 barrycassilly: Very jesting we not follow the rules. 131 00:26:16.380 --> 00:26:24.810 Alix: Barry i'm not suggesting we not follow the rules i'm simply suggesting that if Community members wants something heard it's up to us to hear it. 132 00:26:24.930 --> 00:26:29.460 barrycassilly: it's not it's not it's it says black and white in the Standing rules. 133 00:26:29.700 --> 00:26:34.380 barrycassilly: That we'd have no purview to hear that case it goes directly to the board. 134 00:26:34.830 --> 00:26:35.610 barrycassilly: doesn't matter. 135 00:26:35.640 --> 00:26:45.750 barrycassilly: If a Community Member doesn't want to you know observe the law, which has you know the courts ruled on or the standing rules of the dnc, we have to do that. 136 00:26:46.500 --> 00:26:50.580 Alix: Okay Barry anything else nope great. 137 00:26:55.830 --> 00:26:56.820 Alix: Where was I learned. 138 00:26:56.970 --> 00:26:59.040 barrycassilly: Sorry, I wanted, I wanted to comment on ease for. 139 00:26:59.130 --> 00:27:11.940 barrycassilly: In this respect, is East Berman, does it have a vso or does it not because of it has a via so it's de minimis we don't hear it, I don't know if it has vs or not somebody should look into that. 140 00:27:13.200 --> 00:27:13.590 Michael Jensen: Right now. 141 00:27:14.550 --> 00:27:15.630 Alix: i'm looking right now. 142 00:27:22.680 --> 00:27:23.610 Michael Jensen: What is the address. 143 00:27:26.070 --> 00:27:27.030 barrycassilly: You Vernon. 144 00:27:28.860 --> 00:27:31.650 Alix: 76076 year I got it. 145 00:27:33.720 --> 00:27:34.830 Alix: Michael i'm looking. 146 00:27:40.440 --> 00:27:41.040 Michael Jensen: Female. 147 00:27:42.390 --> 00:27:43.320 Michael Jensen: tagged with those. 148 00:27:45.990 --> 00:27:46.830 Alix: there's your answer. 149 00:27:49.020 --> 00:27:52.110 Michael Jensen: addition of new at or above existing garage. 150 00:27:54.120 --> 00:27:54.810 Michael Jensen: Why. 151 00:27:54.990 --> 00:27:57.180 barrycassilly: that's clearly going to have a vs. 152 00:27:58.650 --> 00:28:02.130 Michael Jensen: It was just file, maybe that's why it has. 153 00:28:02.460 --> 00:28:09.930 barrycassilly: yeah and again it doesn't matter if it has trees there's there's no provision in the rules to hear a case because there's a tree on the lot. 154 00:28:47.910 --> 00:28:55.140 barrycassilly: I think, someone should be assigned to like take to talk to the applicant to get their documentation we can't go on a verbal to get their document. 155 00:28:56.670 --> 00:28:57.540 barrycassilly: So we're not in. 156 00:28:58.710 --> 00:29:02.400 Alix: The CDP it's discretionary and should be heard by loop. 157 00:29:02.580 --> 00:29:07.890 barrycassilly: is absolutely not discretionary at the city level and everybody knows that. 158 00:29:08.220 --> 00:29:09.990 barrycassilly: discretionary get the deal. 159 00:29:10.560 --> 00:29:18.330 Alix: here's the deal it's an addition of a new ad you above an attached garage so My guess is that there's not going to be an issue with the trees regardless. 160 00:29:19.560 --> 00:29:26.130 Alix: If we don't want to hear this, we make the determination, since no one in the public has piped up that we don't need to hear this. 161 00:29:28.650 --> 00:29:32.190 barrycassilly: If it doesn't have the year, so we should hear it. 162 00:29:34.380 --> 00:29:35.760 Alix: It doesn't have a vso Barry. 163 00:29:36.570 --> 00:29:47.190 barrycassilly: Okay, then Somebody needs somebody to be assigned to it contact the output can see you know um it's if it was filed recently they wouldn't have a via so yet. 164 00:29:47.850 --> 00:29:57.510 Alix: airy it was filed recently that's why it's on that's why it's on the early notification reports for this week it was just filed a week ago. 165 00:29:57.810 --> 00:30:06.240 barrycassilly: Okay, so so someone should be assigned to like contact the applicant to like follow this and report back. 166 00:30:06.900 --> 00:30:08.340 barrycassilly: To meet the minimum or not. 167 00:30:08.760 --> 00:30:11.460 Alix: That is, that is why we're in the midst of. 168 00:30:13.560 --> 00:30:22.920 Alix: Putting these on our agenda, I will follow up on 716 East burden, if there is no via, so we will decide if we want to hear it, and if there is a vso. 169 00:30:24.930 --> 00:30:25.560 Alix: and 170 00:30:26.010 --> 00:30:27.060 barrycassilly: Then the board. 171 00:30:27.300 --> 00:30:29.850 Alix: We don't need to hear it, we will we can send it straight to the board. 172 00:30:30.210 --> 00:30:32.160 barrycassilly: Right, it goes on the consent calendar, the board. 173 00:30:40.470 --> 00:30:41.760 Alix: Okay anything i'm not. 174 00:30:41.790 --> 00:30:45.630 barrycassilly: Trying to i'm not trying to be crazily difficult here i'm just these are the rules. 175 00:30:47.520 --> 00:30:55.200 Alix: Okay, very we never we never had this going on in the past, so, as I said, you were trying to clean up a lot of new PAC. 176 00:30:55.590 --> 00:30:59.220 barrycassilly: Man, I totally understand, I totally understand that. 177 00:30:59.220 --> 00:31:04.200 barrycassilly: That vision on this case wasn't rendered until a year and a half ago, I totally get all that. 178 00:31:04.590 --> 00:31:08.070 Alix: Well we're going to discuss that decision at a later point in time so. 179 00:31:09.240 --> 00:31:10.650 Alix: Anyway, i'm. 180 00:31:12.330 --> 00:31:14.910 Alix: Moving right along and. 181 00:31:15.960 --> 00:31:25.170 Alix: strong's drive is a storage space into an EDU um Does anyone want to follow up on that and see if it's going to get a bsl. 182 00:31:26.430 --> 00:31:28.110 lauren siegel: i'm i'm happy to do that. 183 00:31:28.500 --> 00:31:28.830 Right. 184 00:31:31.980 --> 00:31:33.180 Alix: Thank you, is that lauren. 185 00:31:35.700 --> 00:31:36.240 lauren siegel: Yes. 186 00:31:37.200 --> 00:31:39.750 Michael Jensen: Do you mind scrolling down, just so I can see the addresses. 187 00:31:40.770 --> 00:31:41.640 Alix: i'm sorry. 188 00:31:46.230 --> 00:31:46.440 Michael Jensen: that's. 189 00:31:47.370 --> 00:31:47.790 that's it. 190 00:31:52.200 --> 00:31:52.650 Alix: Okay. 191 00:31:53.910 --> 00:32:04.470 Alix: Moving on general public comment on non agenda items anyone has public comment, please chime in now, I see one hand I see two hands, I see three hands. 192 00:32:07.500 --> 00:32:08.670 Alix: 53 hands. 193 00:32:10.680 --> 00:32:12.870 Alix: For hands anyone else. 194 00:32:16.890 --> 00:32:19.650 Alix: Great I see four hands i'm. 195 00:32:21.180 --> 00:32:25.860 Alix: going to open public comments and i'm going to start with Sean o'brien Sean. 196 00:32:28.800 --> 00:32:42.000 sean obrien: hey leaks, I have yeah, I just wanted to thank you guys, for all your hard work i'm just wanted to remind everybody a Tuesday November 2 at 2pm. 197 00:32:42.600 --> 00:32:49.920 sean obrien: Is the final city plum meeting for the monster on the medium, so the restatements and Community Center. 198 00:32:50.760 --> 00:33:07.290 sean obrien: i'm guessing it's going to be a 50 foot of parking structure on the east campus and it's going to be robotic so that's something that's never been discussed before into the public, it is now low income, housing, so if you make under $90,000 a year. 199 00:33:08.430 --> 00:33:09.900 sean obrien: You qualify to live there. 200 00:33:11.190 --> 00:33:27.990 sean obrien: Only point four spaces for up to 400 people living there, so probably be about 60 parking spaces for 400 people so November 2 2pm plum meeting visit fight back venice.org for more information, thank you guys. 201 00:33:28.410 --> 00:33:29.250 Alix: Thank you Sean. 202 00:33:34.560 --> 00:33:35.160 Alix: cj. 203 00:33:37.980 --> 00:33:38.160 CJ Cole: and 204 00:33:39.180 --> 00:33:49.440 CJ Cole: I did just want to say something having to do with your number six the early notification the world the new Rules Committee. 205 00:33:50.310 --> 00:34:00.180 CJ Cole: Rules and selection committee is now working on our standing rules, and we are number one editing them reorganizing them. 206 00:34:00.600 --> 00:34:22.680 CJ Cole: And it's an excellent time if you as a body want to modify any of these standing rules it's a really good time to think about it, they are a disaster there any possible to read, so this is our project for this year is to get them organized and readable so just let us know. 207 00:34:23.340 --> 00:34:24.330 Alix: Thank you cj. 208 00:34:31.470 --> 00:34:31.980 Alix: Erica more. 209 00:34:35.010 --> 00:34:38.400 Erica Moore: I want to thank everybody for their service and i'm sorry you're having. 210 00:34:39.600 --> 00:34:45.300 Erica Moore: great fun at all um, I just wanted to say that I appreciate. 211 00:34:47.220 --> 00:34:53.520 Erica Moore: Your time to follow my strength, but I do appreciate the that you guys are posting those projects because. 212 00:34:53.910 --> 00:35:02.310 Erica Moore: Even if people are raising their hands to speak, other than that's fine and you know that there's nobody out there that needs to say anything but I think it gives the opportunity. 213 00:35:02.700 --> 00:35:10.410 Erica Moore: For people in the public in our Community, to say something that's what this meeting is about at the Ad club meeting it was talking about how. 214 00:35:11.010 --> 00:35:20.400 Erica Moore: In the actual dnc meeting there's only 30 seconds to make a comment that is not the place for discussion that happens, but this is the place for discussion that happens. 215 00:35:20.790 --> 00:35:30.780 Erica Moore: So when something gets sent to the to the board meeting it's supposed to get out and explore, so I think that the idea that if you just go straight there. 216 00:35:31.260 --> 00:35:38.670 Erica Moore: I don't think that that's reasonable, and I think that I find it frustrating that Mr customer does not attend every meeting and he. 217 00:35:38.970 --> 00:35:50.040 Erica Moore: comes in and talking about things that were discussed at the last meeting wasn't there, so I think it really helped each meeting he's been elected, please show up every time, thank you. 218 00:35:50.730 --> 00:35:51.450 Alix: Thank you. 219 00:35:53.700 --> 00:35:54.540 Alix: and 220 00:35:57.630 --> 00:36:00.810 Alix: One more comment Robin. 221 00:36:07.530 --> 00:36:26.670 RobinRudisill: hi it's Robin router so I just wanted to make it clear clarify that if a CDP is required for a project that is a discretionary decision by city planning by the city it's not something separate that the coastal Commission does. 222 00:36:27.720 --> 00:36:34.710 RobinRudisill: So unless that unless the CDP is not required, then it's it's not a by right project. 223 00:36:36.780 --> 00:36:45.090 RobinRudisill: ice cube I said the wrong it's a by right project if a CDP is not required, but if a CDP is required for these cases, then. 224 00:36:45.540 --> 00:36:58.050 RobinRudisill: it's not by right it's discretionary and the city does a discretionary determination, a city CDP so I want to make sure that's clear to everybody, because there's definitely some confusion about that Thank you. 225 00:36:58.650 --> 00:36:59.400 Alix: Thanks Robin. 226 00:37:00.960 --> 00:37:23.820 Alix: And with that we are closing public comments on non agenda items and next would have been learn macpherson who's getting rescheduled um and now we're going to move to a Macau, do you want to start and i'm going to let the applicant into become a panelist. 227 00:37:24.210 --> 00:37:29.460 Michael Jensen: So i'll move to what do I move to introduce this for discussion or something. 228 00:37:29.520 --> 00:37:40.110 Alix: You want to do you want to make your emotion that someone can second for discussion the applicant can present and then, and then you can present and to lauren and. 229 00:37:42.090 --> 00:37:51.630 Alix: To lauren and Barry who were who were not here last week, so you understand the process again it's going to it's going to follow robert's rules. 230 00:37:52.080 --> 00:38:04.110 Alix: or whoever staff is going to open with the presentation of the project, the emotion, the emotion will get seconded seconded excuse me, the applicant will present. 231 00:38:04.440 --> 00:38:12.060 Alix: Then it will go back to any public comment, and then it will come back to the committee for discussion potentially a changed motion. 232 00:38:12.510 --> 00:38:22.800 Alix: Maybe deciding not to pass the motion and the reason that this is being done this way it's how it's done at the board but it's hopefully to expedite things and it's to follow, along with robert's rules so. 233 00:38:24.480 --> 00:38:24.930 Alix: There you go. 234 00:38:26.070 --> 00:38:41.130 Michael Jensen: So the only i'll make the motion introduced this, the only caveat or change, I want to just make as the applicants representative is not Sean DS young blood, but Steve rawlings I believe and then also my name is still spelled with two s's throughout. 235 00:38:42.510 --> 00:38:43.680 Alix: That mccallum sorry. 236 00:38:49.530 --> 00:38:50.580 Alix: And what is your mission. 237 00:38:52.080 --> 00:38:55.680 Michael Jensen: So do I make a motion to approve this or is for joy can make. 238 00:38:55.890 --> 00:38:56.490 Alix: Changes to. 239 00:38:57.390 --> 00:38:59.100 Michael Jensen: To introduce this discussion. 240 00:38:59.580 --> 00:39:06.870 Alix: I mean, I would prefer it if we made the motion of what we'd like to see, because then the public knows where we're going towards this and. 241 00:39:09.420 --> 00:39:12.270 Alix: But if you'd like to make it to open for discussion on sign up. 242 00:39:12.900 --> 00:39:21.840 Michael Jensen: Sure, so so my recommended motion is to present this or i'm sorry to approve this as presented with the conditions granted under the prior. 243 00:39:22.350 --> 00:39:36.930 Michael Jensen: c CB and just that there's an explanation of the service floor area because there was some discrepancy between the plans and what I saw on the I think it was the application itself. 244 00:39:38.940 --> 00:39:46.260 Michael Jensen: But it didn't seem like it was a that doesn't seem so Congress, it seems straightforward to do that so that's my motion. 245 00:39:46.800 --> 00:39:52.920 Alix: To approve the project is presented with the conditions granted under the prior CP and what was the rest of it sorry. 246 00:39:53.940 --> 00:40:01.140 Michael Jensen: Well, just end the pending explanation of the parking compliance, which I think is compliant but i'm not sure. 247 00:40:04.320 --> 00:40:05.700 Alix: Does anyone want to start with that. 248 00:40:09.540 --> 00:40:10.320 lauren siegel: i'll second it. 249 00:40:10.740 --> 00:40:11.370 Alix: Thank you lori. 250 00:40:14.490 --> 00:40:25.890 Alix: guys were just to be clear again I can't make motions or second mom and the motion just because you second something doesn't mean you agree with the motion it's so that we can open conversation on this. 251 00:40:27.120 --> 00:40:32.310 Alix: and Steve I can stop my share, if you want to present anything think you're on now. 252 00:40:39.960 --> 00:40:41.220 Michael Jensen: he's muted he's trying to. 253 00:40:41.220 --> 00:40:43.020 Andrew Mika: talk to me please. 254 00:40:43.650 --> 00:40:44.940 Alix: I mean i'm not. 255 00:40:45.030 --> 00:40:46.590 Andrew Mika: me okay okay. 256 00:40:47.700 --> 00:40:50.430 Steve Rawlings: Forgive me, that was my mistake hey good evening everybody. 257 00:40:51.540 --> 00:40:59.370 Steve Rawlings: My name is Steve rawlings and i'm here this evening, representing the owners of borrow restaurant, they have moved into. 258 00:41:00.270 --> 00:41:08.460 Steve Rawlings: The space that was previously occupied by le zinc that operated there for a number of years at least five years that i'm aware of. 259 00:41:09.060 --> 00:41:19.620 Steve Rawlings: They shut down fairly recently, I believe that the property owners very happy to have a new restaurant the property owner is is one of the partners in in the restaurant. 260 00:41:20.550 --> 00:41:26.850 Steve Rawlings: I think joining me this evening might be some other other folks but in case they're not I do want to introduce. 261 00:41:27.180 --> 00:41:40.380 Steve Rawlings: Or at least let you know who the operators are of the restaurant, I think that you guys are all going to be really excited about the menu and just the overall service and ambience in this restaurant bill chain. 262 00:41:40.590 --> 00:41:46.800 Alix: Is there Steve is there in the in the audience, let me know, and I can bring them in if you'd like me to sorry to interrupt. 263 00:41:46.950 --> 00:42:01.290 Steve Rawlings: yeah I don't I don't know if I can see them but it's either build chain tammy party Dr john moose and Allah hundred marches in the would be the the folks that would be part of our team if they're on. 264 00:42:01.830 --> 00:42:04.800 Alix: know what can you say the names, again I don't see Tommy. 265 00:42:05.070 --> 00:42:12.000 Steve Rawlings: bill shape or William chase ch Ai te nope okay our. 266 00:42:13.230 --> 00:42:19.110 Steve Rawlings: march azimi nope okay and node and and Dr john moves. 267 00:42:19.440 --> 00:42:22.020 Steve Rawlings: nope Okay, well then i'm on my own so. 268 00:42:22.080 --> 00:42:24.810 Alix: Unless unless john Bob it is john miss. 269 00:42:25.470 --> 00:42:27.150 Steve Rawlings: I don't think so great. 270 00:42:28.170 --> 00:42:29.760 Steve Rawlings: Okay terrific well hey Thank you. 271 00:42:30.840 --> 00:42:39.120 Steve Rawlings: For that bill chain is one of the principles in this restaurant, but he is also the principles, some of you may be familiar with our teen bakeries. 272 00:42:39.870 --> 00:42:47.910 Steve Rawlings: there's several of them in the West side of Los Angeles and they're exceptionally popular and the food is just fabulous. 273 00:42:48.780 --> 00:43:11.070 Steve Rawlings: And i'll 100 is our executive chef and general manager tammy party is actually the owner of the property she is a realtor extraordinaire you may recognize her name I think it's party holden is the agency that she represents and then Dr john moose is partners with tammy. 274 00:43:12.180 --> 00:43:15.450 Steve Rawlings: In the real estate company, as well as on this particular project. 275 00:43:17.010 --> 00:43:26.250 Steve Rawlings: They they did take over the space, as I said, they actually opened already and I hope that everybody gets an opportunity to go by, there. 276 00:43:27.330 --> 00:43:38.310 Steve Rawlings: The menu, and that was about the only thing I was going to actually share with everybody, but let me kind of just can continue with a couple of comments that I wanted to make before I just shared with you the menu. 277 00:43:39.810 --> 00:43:45.780 Steve Rawlings: it's essentially the same footprint they didn't do any any significant remodel they did change out. 278 00:43:46.590 --> 00:43:58.500 Steve Rawlings: All of the you know furniture and the fixtures and did add a couple of things, but but no actual you know physical remodeling some new kitchen equipment cooking equipment so on and so forth. 279 00:43:59.850 --> 00:44:17.190 Steve Rawlings: The, it is a much more upscale restaurant and I will assure everybody that the primary business of this is to be a restaurant they took over the the current license that is there, which only allows them to serve beer and wine. 280 00:44:18.210 --> 00:44:26.220 Steve Rawlings: The desire is to be able to sell beer, wine and distilled spirits at this restaurant, which is somewhat customary to a pretty upscale restaurant. 281 00:44:27.840 --> 00:44:33.810 Steve Rawlings: I will, I will touch on the wine their wine selection is absolutely fabulous. 282 00:44:34.710 --> 00:44:46.680 Steve Rawlings: And it's very, very large and so that's a big part of their business and one of the requests that we have made, because there is a standard condition from the city of Los Angeles about no off sale. 283 00:44:47.340 --> 00:44:56.460 Steve Rawlings: selling of alcohol and we've actually made this specific request that that we not be prohibited from doing that in there in the background, on that. 284 00:44:56.940 --> 00:45:17.670 Steve Rawlings: Is when when people, the type 47 license does allow you to have alcohol leave the premises, the primary reason for that is if somebody has made a purchase of a fine bottle of wine i'm talking 5070 $500 bottle of wine and they haven't finished it. 285 00:45:19.020 --> 00:45:23.100 Steve Rawlings: Then they are allowed to record it and walk out of the building with it. 286 00:45:23.550 --> 00:45:31.890 Steve Rawlings: And ABC adopted that a lot of years ago, because they didn't want people to feel like they needed to finish the bottle of wine, because they were you know. 287 00:45:32.340 --> 00:45:43.230 Steve Rawlings: concerned about over consumption and by you know telling people they can't take it home with them certainly would encourage people to continue to drink so it's a it's a public policy. 288 00:45:44.310 --> 00:45:58.380 Steve Rawlings: That is there to hopefully prevent adverse effects, but the other part of it is too is because they they're importing a lot of wines from Europe, Italy, primarily and France. 289 00:45:59.400 --> 00:46:10.050 Steve Rawlings: You know they they would like there are customers that become accustomed to having those bottles wines and they would like the opportunity to sell that So those are the you know to specific requests that are in the. 290 00:46:11.130 --> 00:46:24.780 Steve Rawlings: application is one to be able to upgrade the license for distilled spirits and to be able to sell you know our bottles of wine off off the premises, we did hold a neighborhood meeting we sent out. 291 00:46:26.160 --> 00:46:36.720 Steve Rawlings: postcards to everybody within 500 feet of of the of the restaurant and last Monday night not not this one, but the one previous to this. 292 00:46:37.500 --> 00:46:45.450 Steve Rawlings: And two gentlemen did come by and we had a really nice conversation well one is Alex I believe his last name was peterson and he's a photographer. 293 00:46:45.690 --> 00:46:55.110 Steve Rawlings: happened to know tammy party for a lot of years and then the other one was Carl and I apologize I didn't write his last name down, but he lives directly across the street. 294 00:46:55.830 --> 00:47:06.210 Steve Rawlings: We chatted for about an hour, they were very excited very impressed with the restaurant their concern obviously was was noise evidently lizzie Inc was was not very. 295 00:47:06.690 --> 00:47:17.820 Steve Rawlings: was not a very good neighbor as we came to find out, and you know we provided assurances, along with a lot of cell phone numbers to say hey if we ever have any issues there you know, certainly give us a call. 296 00:47:18.180 --> 00:47:26.130 Steve Rawlings: And those gentlemen seem to be pretty excited about the restaurant, so you know with that I, I just want to kind of share the the menu. 297 00:47:29.130 --> 00:47:29.850 Mehrnoosh: I think. 298 00:47:31.170 --> 00:47:34.650 Steve Rawlings: Like see me too, if you could allow me to share. 299 00:47:36.030 --> 00:47:36.960 Share just yet. 300 00:47:40.500 --> 00:47:42.090 Steve Rawlings: Well, in. 301 00:47:44.130 --> 00:47:49.620 Steve Rawlings: Without being able to share it i'll share with you just verbally some of the the menu of the items on the menu. 302 00:47:50.280 --> 00:47:58.620 Steve Rawlings: That they do have small small plates, which is, which is flatbreads white sea bass charred beef heart tar tar. 303 00:47:59.340 --> 00:48:14.010 Steve Rawlings: would have and prawns grilled wild mushrooms their larger entrees would include would have an halibut fire roasted pork shoulder fire roasted ribeye and then, of course, they have desserts. 304 00:48:14.520 --> 00:48:32.820 Steve Rawlings: They don't have an extensive menu, and they do change their menu from time to time seasonally but it's it's very much intended to be a fine dining restaurant so with that you know other than that we are you know kind of looking to do the same opera in terms of. 305 00:48:34.260 --> 00:48:45.990 Steve Rawlings: What was previously approved for lizzie we're looking to continue the same the same operations with the same patio area and again we've upgraded all of our furniture. 306 00:48:47.220 --> 00:48:53.340 Steve Rawlings: To make the place much more inviting for people looking for a fine dining atmosphere. 307 00:48:54.750 --> 00:49:04.290 Steve Rawlings: So with that you know i'm very excited to represent this this particular project that the food is excellent, I really hope that everybody gets an opportunity to go by, there. 308 00:49:04.740 --> 00:49:21.030 Steve Rawlings: and enjoy the food and introduce yourself to l l hundred he is a really personable individual, and I think that this is going to be a tremendous asset to the Community, and you know with that, thank you very much, and more than happy to answer any questions. 309 00:49:25.140 --> 00:49:26.940 Alix: Great Michael you're muted. 310 00:49:27.510 --> 00:49:35.670 Michael Jensen: yeah so i'm tasty you've got one question, there are the hours of the kitchen going to be identical to the service hours for alcohol. 311 00:49:37.320 --> 00:49:44.850 Steve Rawlings: The kitchen, we have to have by law have to have some food available they don't necessarily have to have. 312 00:49:45.300 --> 00:49:56.040 Steve Rawlings: All of their dishes available, but we do have to have some because you know, sometimes like with revise and some of those big meat dishes you usually have to close the kitchen for those types of dishes. 313 00:49:56.400 --> 00:50:05.760 Steve Rawlings: But you know your your flat breads and some of the other other prawns and things along those lines, those are those are dishes that are available more for the. 314 00:50:06.000 --> 00:50:09.900 Michael Jensen: delay just there's not going to be any time where this is solely a bar. 315 00:50:10.140 --> 00:50:16.860 Steve Rawlings: No, no, the intention is absolutely not to be a bar and also to I want to point out to everybody, you know the the hours. 316 00:50:17.220 --> 00:50:33.150 Steve Rawlings: Doing stand, but you know oftentimes restaurant tours if there is no, there are no customers there, we certainly aren't going to be open, late, it makes no sense to keep your restaurant open when there's when there's no customers, there are very few customers so. 317 00:50:34.470 --> 00:50:42.810 Steve Rawlings: we're anticipating that most of the business will be closed up by 11 or 12 you know, on Friday and Saturday evenings. 318 00:50:44.040 --> 00:50:50.760 Alix: Steve before I open it up to public comment, are you taking the alfresco the way zinc did as well too. 319 00:50:51.870 --> 00:50:53.730 Steve Rawlings: i'm sorry i'm sorry you cut out for a second. 320 00:50:53.850 --> 00:51:00.360 Alix: hey are you taking advantage of the alfresco the way zinc did, are you gonna have the outdoor dining there are two. 321 00:51:00.480 --> 00:51:01.050 Steve Rawlings: Yes, we are. 322 00:51:02.190 --> 00:51:08.460 Steve Rawlings: that's become you know, obviously, through the pandemic there's been a lot of negatives, but one thing that I think that is somewhat of a. 323 00:51:09.180 --> 00:51:22.200 Steve Rawlings: positive is that people have started to enjoy the outdoors again and outdoor dining is is very, very popular and I think, not just because of public safety reasons, but I think that people. 324 00:51:22.680 --> 00:51:34.050 Steve Rawlings: Come back to realize that we live in the greatest weather have a on the planet, and you know the the ambiance of sending outdoors is something that's become very popular. 325 00:51:34.680 --> 00:51:35.700 Alix: i'm going to open this up to. 326 00:51:35.700 --> 00:51:37.230 Michael Jensen: Public sorry. 327 00:51:37.590 --> 00:51:49.590 Michael Jensen: One more thing, before you do that, yes, you can you just walk through the parking calculation, because there is a discrepancy on the plans show a patio 296. 328 00:51:50.730 --> 00:51:59.130 Michael Jensen: And the planning application is 590 and you have 544 of service area for the purpose of parking calculations second you just. 329 00:51:59.610 --> 00:52:00.630 Michael Jensen: want that. 330 00:52:00.810 --> 00:52:02.010 Alix: and Lord I see you. 331 00:52:03.780 --> 00:52:24.780 Steve Rawlings: And I, and I have to apologize for that and I, and I will do my best to speak to that because, as a matter of fact, the planner that we're working with the city pointed that out, and so I was on several phone calls today with our architect readjusting some of our plans the the patio. 332 00:52:26.010 --> 00:52:28.320 Steve Rawlings: Is i'm sorry, let me just. 333 00:52:29.340 --> 00:52:37.620 Steve Rawlings: See 25 by 14, and that is to 50 and another. 334 00:52:39.270 --> 00:52:39.690 Steve Rawlings: hundred. 335 00:52:40.200 --> 00:52:42.840 Steve Rawlings: it's it's it's 350. 336 00:52:44.460 --> 00:53:09.750 Steve Rawlings: square feet and previously it was it was like 296 there, so it has increased by a couple of square feet, but in talking with the planner that doesn't trigger any additional parking because it was a it's a relatively insignificant amount of size there. 337 00:53:10.650 --> 00:53:20.370 Michael Jensen: I think that's going to add one space, because if it's one per 50 service for area and you were at 296 350 I think you're going to add one space. 338 00:53:23.820 --> 00:53:28.260 Michael Jensen: But you can probably I mean you could make it under. 339 00:53:30.810 --> 00:53:39.780 Steve Rawlings: We actually have the ability, it's my understanding to actually park right in front of the patio with parallel parking stall. 340 00:53:42.000 --> 00:53:52.560 Steve Rawlings: So we would have an additional spot if if the planner comes back and says hey we needed additional spotlight we've we've somewhat accounted for that we do have the ability to add one so. 341 00:53:53.640 --> 00:53:56.910 Michael Jensen: Although your bike stalls right there right now but um. 342 00:53:57.330 --> 00:54:07.890 Steve Rawlings: The other option, by the way, is to increase bike stalls because the city of Los Angeles does give you credit for bike stalls so that that was the other piece, that the architect explained to me today. 343 00:54:11.640 --> 00:54:12.300 Alix: Warren. 344 00:54:13.380 --> 00:54:24.810 lauren siegel: I believe I need to recuse myself from this I didn't realize that tammy party was the owner of the property and I am selling my house the buyer's agent is one of her employees. 345 00:54:29.610 --> 00:54:37.530 Alix: Okay, I will text you when we are done with us Okay, if you just want to block your camera out that would be helpful. 346 00:54:40.920 --> 00:54:44.970 Alix: and make, how do you have more questions on parking or can I open this up to public. 347 00:54:45.780 --> 00:54:48.090 Michael Jensen: I mean open it up to the comment, we can address them barking. 348 00:54:48.720 --> 00:54:52.980 Alix: barking later i'm going to open this up to public comment does anyone have comments on this. 349 00:54:54.690 --> 00:54:56.220 Alix: I see one hand. 350 00:54:59.010 --> 00:55:00.060 Alix: Two hands. 351 00:55:05.730 --> 00:55:07.050 Alix: Two hands great. 352 00:55:09.540 --> 00:55:10.530 Alix: Alright cj. 353 00:55:14.250 --> 00:55:28.200 CJ Cole: um we kind of I guess could not see the menu, but I do have a question as to is it open for breakfast lunch and dinner, or only dinner, and what is the price range. 354 00:55:28.710 --> 00:55:40.410 CJ Cole: That we're talking about it sounds like you're going to become an exclusive restaurant which i'm not sure we need anymore That was what was wonderful about zinc is, we could afford to go to it but. 355 00:55:42.270 --> 00:55:48.930 CJ Cole: But what is the price range going to be if we're talking hundred dollar bottles of wine it's not going to be $15 dinners. 356 00:55:50.250 --> 00:55:52.410 Steve Rawlings: The the the entree. 357 00:55:53.460 --> 00:55:54.570 Alix: Steve sorry. 358 00:55:54.630 --> 00:55:55.560 Alix: We just pulled up. 359 00:55:56.010 --> 00:55:58.560 Alix: Note that until I close public comment, thank you. 360 00:55:59.580 --> 00:56:00.480 Alix: cj is that all. 361 00:56:03.540 --> 00:56:05.160 CJ Cole: cj yes. 362 00:56:05.520 --> 00:56:06.510 Alix: Great Thank you. 363 00:56:10.290 --> 00:56:10.890 Alix: Erica. 364 00:56:15.810 --> 00:56:24.930 Erica Moore: hi I am offer more restaurants i've a favor I eat industry and i'd love to go to a good place to eat. 365 00:56:26.190 --> 00:56:30.690 Erica Moore: out my questions are how his elbow feeling next door. 366 00:56:32.310 --> 00:56:39.450 Erica Moore: i'm assuming this doesn't conflict with them at all so building that to the correct neighbor I believe and also. 367 00:56:40.320 --> 00:56:53.310 Erica Moore: This is extremely expensive and they're not getting that grade have refused actually I looked it up and it's saying that somebody went there three days ago and have a ribeye steak for $80 edible and they left. 368 00:56:55.080 --> 00:57:05.610 Erica Moore: Obviously, listen i've had people write things that weren't true on yelp myself, so I know that happens, but i've read several reviews on here that we're not positive and. 369 00:57:06.060 --> 00:57:17.280 Erica Moore: It it talks about the space was nice, but they were disappointed and it was very, very pricey and that was not that great so i'm hoping i'm disappointed that it's expensive. 370 00:57:18.420 --> 00:57:25.320 Erica Moore: We don't need things to continue driving them brightens up here that's the problem you know, like Ray just came back from Florida. 371 00:57:25.800 --> 00:57:35.370 Erica Moore: Was living in Venice and he's like oh my God, I went to get coffee, it was like twice the price what i'm used to say just because i'm in Venice shouldn't be like that here. 372 00:57:35.790 --> 00:57:46.110 Erica Moore: We need affordability need we need one of the places that you're going to have like stalls I don't think the majority of people using bikes are going to be able to afford an $8 state, but like sick. 373 00:57:47.280 --> 00:57:49.890 Erica Moore: So I took me a few more price yeah. 374 00:57:50.100 --> 00:57:52.110 Alix: Thank you, thank you Erica. 375 00:57:57.300 --> 00:58:00.660 Alix: And with that we're closing public comment. 376 00:58:03.720 --> 00:58:04.230 Alix: um. 377 00:58:05.820 --> 00:58:14.250 Alix: Committee, aside from mchale in the parking that we need to address does anyone else in committee have questions on this very minute Andrew. 378 00:58:19.320 --> 00:58:19.650 Alix: No. 379 00:58:20.190 --> 00:58:22.140 Mehrnoosh: No, I know I know. 380 00:58:22.500 --> 00:58:24.960 Alix: Steve if you want to address any of the. 381 00:58:26.790 --> 00:58:29.940 Alix: Questions feel free to, and then we can get back into parking. 382 00:58:30.630 --> 00:58:44.550 Steve Rawlings: terrific you know, first of all thank you for the feedback I I, I think that I know the owners well enough to know that I will be taking that feedback to the back to them in the morning and. 383 00:58:45.510 --> 00:58:53.220 Steve Rawlings: What what was said here this evening about the quality of the food, I think that they will take that extremely seriously build shape is. 384 00:58:53.820 --> 00:59:04.740 Steve Rawlings: always has a reputation of really good food, so I think he'll be quite disappointed to hear that and I will certainly give them the feedback about the about the pricing on the menu. 385 00:59:05.910 --> 00:59:10.590 Steve Rawlings: And they are you know they do any any smart restaurant tour. 386 00:59:11.910 --> 00:59:17.970 Steve Rawlings: has some flexibility in their concept, because if they don't frankly, you know the i've seen a lot of restaurant tours. 387 00:59:18.600 --> 00:59:31.080 Steve Rawlings: Go out, so I think that with this feedback i'll certainly go back to them and let them know the concerns and I assume that they're reading the yelp reviews themselves anyway, there is an intention to. 388 00:59:32.280 --> 00:59:45.690 Steve Rawlings: definitely be able to do a brunch service on Saturdays and Sundays, this was the initial opening and I will be very, very candid with everybody here. 389 00:59:46.680 --> 01:00:06.930 Steve Rawlings: staffing has been an issue at this restaurant, as it is with every restaurant client that I have throughout the state of California unfortunately everybody's challenged with with good workers that includes chefs and dishwashers and servers on down the line, so they have. 390 01:00:07.260 --> 01:00:07.680 Steve Rawlings: When I did. 391 01:00:07.710 --> 01:00:12.240 Steve Rawlings: talk to them, they have had their share of staffing challenges and so. 392 01:00:12.810 --> 01:00:19.260 Steve Rawlings: we're obviously trying to work through that and and bring on a quality staff and hopefully that will also. 393 01:00:21.030 --> 01:00:25.410 Steve Rawlings: provide better better food and better service for our customers. 394 01:00:29.550 --> 01:00:30.180 Alix: Thank you. 395 01:00:36.060 --> 01:00:37.950 Alix: Macau, how do we want to address parking. 396 01:00:38.760 --> 01:00:50.760 Michael Jensen: So I would say this there's plenty of space on this property to put in bike stalls I presume you can get 30% reduction based on being near to. 397 01:00:52.110 --> 01:00:53.010 Michael Jensen: Whatever hi. 398 01:00:54.030 --> 01:01:07.230 Michael Jensen: i'm not going to call them high high speed buses, but whatever that whatever the term of art is so I, and I don't know how many bikes dolls are you don't have the count on there, so I would just say add the bike store account. 399 01:01:09.330 --> 01:01:15.990 Michael Jensen: And just have it by 30% i'm pretty sure that's going to cover, whatever the Delta, is that you need and. 400 01:01:18.120 --> 01:01:33.900 Michael Jensen: So I mean I would call the question and say motion to approve is presented with the conditions outlined in the prior application, except for the two changes that are being requested for a full line and for. 401 01:01:35.640 --> 01:01:36.600 Michael Jensen: off sale. 402 01:01:37.680 --> 01:01:44.700 Michael Jensen: being permitted and just that the plans reflect the addition of bike stalls to cover. 403 01:01:47.850 --> 01:01:48.990 Michael Jensen: What did we decided to. 404 01:01:50.400 --> 01:01:51.510 Michael Jensen: is another. 405 01:01:51.810 --> 01:01:54.390 Alix: 5054 square feet. 406 01:01:54.690 --> 01:02:00.930 Michael Jensen: So it would be bring back clans that show compliant parking four sets of 544 or. 407 01:02:00.930 --> 01:02:20.190 Steve Rawlings: 594 okay and and, as I mentioned mikael I had some several conversations today with the architect so we're trying to work on just a couple of nuances and there was another inconsistency. 408 01:02:21.030 --> 01:02:33.030 Steve Rawlings: On on a square footage so you know my my apologies for that, but we, the planner and and I are working through that and I should have a much more consistent set of plans. 409 01:02:33.570 --> 01:02:34.140 Michael Jensen: To try. 410 01:02:34.200 --> 01:02:34.860 Steve Rawlings: Early next week. 411 01:02:35.190 --> 01:02:41.670 Michael Jensen: yeah try and bring I would bring those to the dnc meeting when your schedule don't hit the November meeting. 412 01:02:41.760 --> 01:02:50.070 Michael Jensen: Number meeting I will add some footnotes into the staff report to go over the changes so that it's clear what everyone is seeing. 413 01:02:50.700 --> 01:02:53.280 Steve Rawlings: terrific Okay, I appreciate that thanks for working with me on. 414 01:02:53.790 --> 01:02:59.040 Alix: The light biking you know my feeling on these neighborhood restaurants, I have charcoal which is. 415 01:03:00.090 --> 01:03:05.280 Alix: Just is restaurant right next to me, and you know the food is is. 416 01:03:05.580 --> 01:03:17.430 Alix: a mix of places I walk there I see people drive there, I think it depends you're going to have a mix of neighborhood people and people coming out, and I think the neighborhood people are going to walk and bike I don't think they're going to be writing buses. 417 01:03:19.080 --> 01:03:20.550 Alix: Do you want to read the motion again so that. 418 01:03:20.550 --> 01:03:21.060 barrycassilly: way I have. 419 01:03:21.240 --> 01:03:22.020 barrycassilly: I have a question. 420 01:03:23.670 --> 01:03:24.840 barrycassilly: Given the last comment. 421 01:03:25.860 --> 01:03:37.800 barrycassilly: Do and i'm not sure how the these new robert's rules apply doing not not do board COMP comments anymore or discussion or is that gone. 422 01:03:38.730 --> 01:03:42.030 Michael Jensen: Oh no, we can I was jumping jumping the gun very. 423 01:03:43.350 --> 01:03:44.550 Michael Jensen: By calling question so. 424 01:03:45.270 --> 01:03:45.450 Michael Jensen: and 425 01:03:46.350 --> 01:03:50.670 Alix: And I opened it up to committee comments early but I guess I didn't mention your name, so my. 426 01:03:50.670 --> 01:03:52.650 barrycassilly: Apologies no, you said I was. 427 01:03:52.710 --> 01:03:58.710 barrycassilly: That was trying to like listen, you said questions we didn't have I didn't have a question one until like discuss. 428 01:04:00.600 --> 01:04:04.320 Alix: Is there anything you'd like to discuss about this project very that you feel we didn't cover. 429 01:04:05.880 --> 01:04:06.300 yeah. 430 01:04:07.560 --> 01:04:09.390 Alix: additive to the meeting. 431 01:04:10.410 --> 01:04:26.520 barrycassilly: Well, everybody has their idea what's added to the meeting, but my idea of that is that you know i'm very sympathetic to a lot of the public comments that centered around before ability um and. 432 01:04:27.810 --> 01:04:36.210 barrycassilly: In general, I mean greenlee enthusiastic to get more restaurants open in Venice, especially after the pandemic. 433 01:04:37.770 --> 01:04:44.460 barrycassilly: and have more restaurants, be able to serve alcohol, especially after the pandemic, but also at the Venice. 434 01:04:45.720 --> 01:04:47.850 barrycassilly: we're a visitor service neighborhood. 435 01:04:49.410 --> 01:05:07.710 barrycassilly: But there is an issue that we were at the beach we're never going to be as affordable as silverlake or East la again um so if somebody is doing something that's more affordable that should be celebrated. 436 01:05:09.630 --> 01:05:25.860 barrycassilly: And this is not a criticism, but I didn't feel like that was acknowledged in the presentation, the former's think was relatively affordable, I thought that was a good thing i'm, not to say that i'm opposed to this project i'm not at ball. 437 01:05:27.330 --> 01:05:39.810 barrycassilly: tammy owns the property she can do whatever she wants to do with it, and I would love to see an open establish they're serving on i'll call and food and brunch. 438 01:05:41.790 --> 01:05:55.230 barrycassilly: But affordability is is going to be challenging going forward in Venice and honestly it's not really any individual owners fault that's just that's just the way things are now so that was my. 439 01:05:58.290 --> 01:05:59.670 Michael Jensen: I actually follow that up because I. 440 01:06:01.050 --> 01:06:02.280 Alix: Have a follow up to that too. 441 01:06:04.230 --> 01:06:07.440 Michael Jensen: I was well two things one I was. 442 01:06:08.280 --> 01:06:16.230 Michael Jensen: I was actually staff on a restaurant on rose called American beauty that went through, I want to say it was right before the pandemic. 443 01:06:16.830 --> 01:06:31.920 Michael Jensen: And one of the concepts, they added to their they have this thing called the window and they have i'm not even kidding like $5 burgers and during the pandemic that place was killing it. 444 01:06:33.030 --> 01:06:41.040 Michael Jensen: because all the restaurants were closed they had to take away window and everybody in Venice was ordering from them, I think they they opened a second location boardwalk. 445 01:06:43.650 --> 01:06:51.420 Michael Jensen: And they also have you know now they have opened, finally, the you know I would call it a similar kind of steakhouse high end kind of place. 446 01:06:52.500 --> 01:07:01.320 Michael Jensen: So the two aren't mutually exclusive, and I think you know, there is an example right there have a business that recently opened. 447 01:07:02.700 --> 01:07:08.280 Michael Jensen: That probably pays extraordinary high rent but found a way to do both. 448 01:07:09.420 --> 01:07:14.730 Michael Jensen: So something to keep in mind, for your brunch menu or just adding that kind of concept into it. 449 01:07:16.350 --> 01:07:27.390 Michael Jensen: The second thing I would say about affordability is there's a trickle down effect of requiring every restaurant coffee shop bike shop whatever to go. 450 01:07:27.390 --> 01:07:28.140 Through. 451 01:07:29.460 --> 01:07:43.980 Michael Jensen: four and five layers of public hearing that simply adds costs downstream to everyone, including restaurant to restaurant tours who you know, have to pay expensive consultants to take them through. 452 01:07:45.000 --> 01:07:52.170 Michael Jensen: You know, public hearings and and prepare way more than in places like I mean Miami. 453 01:07:53.100 --> 01:08:08.190 Michael Jensen: where you have sort of a building bonanza and I would imagine it doesn't take very much to open a coffee shop or restaurant there, so I think we have to look at the the ripple effects of wanting to have Community input and. 454 01:08:09.660 --> 01:08:26.610 Michael Jensen: Have like a very microscopic look at every single thing that comes through our our town and the effect that has on on small businesses that want to open because it's the web of just getting through the city and the coastal Commission makes everything very expensive. 455 01:08:27.930 --> 01:08:29.700 Alix: And i'm just going to add to that. 456 01:08:31.800 --> 01:08:39.750 Alix: I don't disagree with you mchale and I think that you know, there are definitely things that you can do to be. 457 01:08:41.040 --> 01:08:47.700 Alix: I don't know affordable face into the Community, whether that be a happy hour, so I think I talked about charcoal. 458 01:08:48.150 --> 01:08:58.230 Alix: And charcoal probably and God i'd love to see some vegan food because i'm a vegan but I digress charcoal has a happy hour at their bar and the bar menu. 459 01:08:58.920 --> 01:09:13.980 Alix: And it's phenomenal and you know when I used to go there pre pandemic, it was really great i'd always sit with my neighbors it was very, very like neighbor oriented, there are other restaurants that do neighbor neighbor with like. 460 01:09:15.180 --> 01:09:24.930 Alix: You know, once a month, I mean there are different things that you can do what I would say, with business is that if you embrace the Community and look for ways to bring your community in. 461 01:09:25.470 --> 01:09:45.240 Alix: and make them feel that you're there to serve them and not just be an expensive restaurant chances are you'll do better, and I would argue that, like if no one's eating at dollar ribeye you guys are probably going to pivot and figure something else out and if not, you won't be there. 462 01:09:46.560 --> 01:09:55.080 Alix: So that's that's sort of my my my pov on on affordability I think we'd all like to see affordability, yes, there are expensive. 463 01:09:56.340 --> 01:10:01.230 Alix: they're expensive it costs to go through the city, but I don't think we can dictate. 464 01:10:02.670 --> 01:10:09.630 Alix: You know how how a restaurant charges their prices are or what they put on the menu much as i'd like to see something affordable. 465 01:10:10.740 --> 01:10:10.980 Alix: But. 466 01:10:11.010 --> 01:10:17.280 Alix: yeah you know just noting those things that some of the other businesses are doing, and that may be something to look at Andrew. 467 01:10:17.820 --> 01:10:33.480 Andrew Mika: um yeah I was just gonna say in terms of affordability, I think one it's incredibly expensive to go through this process, so I understand your pricing in that sense, and also the market will dictate how you guys do based on that right it's not really our business to a pint on. 468 01:10:34.740 --> 01:10:45.360 Andrew Mika: And secondly, the importance of the bike rack it differs possible drunk driving or drunk scooter in this instance from, especially for local people who do want to go eat there. 469 01:10:45.960 --> 01:10:55.920 Andrew Mika: One of the beautiful things about living in Venice is that almost everything is walkable and or bike and that's very important, so I think that's an important condition we keep here. 470 01:10:58.920 --> 01:10:59.460 Alix: and 471 01:11:00.900 --> 01:11:02.460 Alix: anyone else newish. 472 01:11:03.510 --> 01:11:10.980 Mehrnoosh: No common engraved information shared, so I totally agree, but the pricing and all that good stuff. 473 01:11:13.980 --> 01:11:18.960 Alix: mchale do you do you want to make promotion again i'm so sorry I have such a headache. 474 01:11:20.010 --> 01:11:20.730 Alix: i'm. 475 01:11:22.050 --> 01:11:25.530 Alix: So that we're clear and we can get a second to vote on this. 476 01:11:28.410 --> 01:11:28.920 Alix: MIC Hello. 477 01:11:31.770 --> 01:11:32.700 Michael Jensen: Sorry, I was muted. 478 01:11:33.870 --> 01:11:40.890 Michael Jensen: I moved to approve the project as presented with the conditions granted under the prior. 479 01:11:42.420 --> 01:11:44.010 Michael Jensen: See you be except. 480 01:11:48.150 --> 01:11:52.860 Michael Jensen: permission for a full line of alcohol and off sale. 481 01:11:54.030 --> 01:11:55.350 Michael Jensen: off site sales. 482 01:11:57.090 --> 01:12:00.660 Michael Jensen: or no, but no it's called off sale and off sale. 483 01:12:03.210 --> 01:12:10.290 Michael Jensen: And that applicant bring corrected plans showing compliance with parking requirements. 484 01:12:14.970 --> 01:12:17.370 Alix: Plans showing parking compliance. 485 01:12:18.810 --> 01:12:19.200 Michael Jensen: Yes. 486 01:12:20.640 --> 01:12:21.780 Alix: i'm going to just be that. 487 01:12:23.640 --> 01:12:28.440 Alix: So that we're clear to prove the projects as presented. 488 01:12:30.300 --> 01:12:32.730 barrycassilly: And I asked my killer question before I vote on that. 489 01:12:34.710 --> 01:12:42.090 barrycassilly: Why, why are you opposed to their like whatever that thing was called where you take a bottle of wine. 490 01:12:42.990 --> 01:12:43.380 Michael Jensen: I know. 491 01:12:43.440 --> 01:12:43.890 Michael Jensen: i'm saying. 492 01:12:44.490 --> 01:12:46.560 Michael Jensen: that's a prior conditions. 493 01:12:46.620 --> 01:12:48.240 Michael Jensen: except for those two things. 494 01:12:48.270 --> 01:12:49.770 Alix: Yes, oh. 495 01:12:49.830 --> 01:12:50.430 barrycassilly: Okay sorry. 496 01:12:53.160 --> 01:12:53.760 Alix: So. 497 01:12:54.810 --> 01:12:59.850 Alix: Please, as presented with the conditions granted under the prior CP. 498 01:13:00.390 --> 01:13:01.710 Michael Jensen: Except really that that's. 499 01:13:03.240 --> 01:13:04.980 Michael Jensen: dash 0206. 500 01:13:06.030 --> 01:13:12.180 Michael Jensen: parentheses CDP CB or dash CDP CB see you spp. 501 01:13:12.660 --> 01:13:26.820 Alix: except the permission for full light of alcohol and off sale and that the applicant bring corrected plans showing parking compliance to the board. 502 01:13:27.870 --> 01:13:28.980 Alix: mchale that's motion. 503 01:13:29.460 --> 01:13:30.120 Michael Jensen: motion. 504 01:13:30.330 --> 01:13:31.320 Alix: Who would like to second. 505 01:13:33.060 --> 01:13:33.600 Andrew Mika: Second. 506 01:13:34.350 --> 01:13:35.160 Alix: Thank you, Andrew. 507 01:13:36.240 --> 01:13:39.660 Alix: And we're going to go for a vote mchale i'm assuming you're yes. 508 01:13:40.110 --> 01:13:40.650 Michael Jensen: yeah. 509 01:13:41.070 --> 01:13:42.330 Alix: i'm assuming you're yay. 510 01:13:43.440 --> 01:13:46.770 Alix: And I am a yay manish yes. 511 01:13:47.820 --> 01:13:49.560 Alix: And Barry. 512 01:13:50.010 --> 01:13:50.250 You. 513 01:13:52.680 --> 01:13:53.220 barrycassilly: know so yeah. 514 01:13:53.730 --> 01:13:56.610 Alix: that's great and more is recused. 515 01:13:57.780 --> 01:14:04.470 Alix: Perfect Thank you Steve you will need to come to the November board meeting. 516 01:14:05.220 --> 01:14:06.480 Steve Rawlings: You know the date on that. 517 01:14:08.700 --> 01:14:09.120 Alix: hold on. 518 01:14:10.440 --> 01:14:15.900 Alix: it's the third Tuesday, which so happens to be the 16th of November. 519 01:14:16.980 --> 01:14:17.370 Steve Rawlings: Okay. 520 01:14:18.060 --> 01:14:20.340 Steve Rawlings: Okay, thank you, everybody Have a nice evening. 521 01:14:20.700 --> 01:14:21.840 Alix: Thank you and good luck. 522 01:14:22.020 --> 01:14:22.770 Steve Rawlings: Okay, thank you. 523 01:14:36.720 --> 01:14:46.650 Alix: i'm chloe avenue is going to get moved to the meeting on the 28th the applicant wanted some more time for Community outreach so just be aware that that's going on the. 524 01:14:47.850 --> 01:14:57.990 Alix: On the 28th and moving to the next we're of stakeholder emotions does somebody want to make TIM bernfeld motion. 525 01:14:58.950 --> 01:14:59.370 sure. 526 01:15:03.660 --> 01:15:05.310 Michael Jensen: move to discuss. 527 01:15:07.020 --> 01:15:08.010 Alix: Who wants to second. 528 01:15:11.820 --> 01:15:12.750 Alix: Thank you, Andrew. 529 01:15:17.520 --> 01:15:20.370 Alix: Great and TIM is not here. 530 01:15:21.510 --> 01:15:28.170 Alix: We were going to move it to the next motion but next meeting, but TIM told me he felt we were capable of handling this without him. 531 01:15:28.620 --> 01:15:41.760 Alix: um I think before we go to committee comment on this in it's fairly self explanatory in the motion i'm going to open this up to public comment so public comment, please. 532 01:15:46.140 --> 01:15:47.400 Alix: I see two hands up. 533 01:15:50.370 --> 01:15:51.930 Alix: Great shana Ryan. 534 01:15:55.350 --> 01:16:00.810 sean obrien: hi guys are great man I love this thing i'm so glad you guys did the work actually put this. 535 01:16:02.190 --> 01:16:08.280 sean obrien: On the meeting i'm i'm a little confused i'm going to speak, both on A and B I guess. 536 01:16:09.210 --> 01:16:17.310 sean obrien: The parking requirements are horrendous for the coastal zone that's different than okay so yeah, this is the park um. 537 01:16:18.270 --> 01:16:28.980 sean obrien: yeah it's ridiculous that only in the coastal zone, we have to add the one space of, and that will hinder a lot of of these agu units. 538 01:16:29.490 --> 01:16:41.100 sean obrien: Of and the ridiculous thing is you got a project like the reese Davidson community, which is going to have 141 units at point for parking spaces per door. 539 01:16:41.460 --> 01:16:49.320 sean obrien: So you're probably looking at about 400 people actually living in that community with about like 50 or 60 parking spaces. 540 01:16:50.220 --> 01:17:01.950 sean obrien: That they're going to provide so it's it's crazy to give the big developments all the brakes and then like tell you know local you know Homeowners. 541 01:17:02.400 --> 01:17:11.700 sean obrien: of just trying to survive and maybe want an ad unit to help cover the bills and exclude them from from the benefit. 542 01:17:12.420 --> 01:17:23.910 sean obrien: Just because you know I got a 3000 foot lot myself how can I add another person's face, but so I really liked this motion, thank you guys, I hope you pass it and I hope that moving forward, thank you. 543 01:17:26.610 --> 01:17:27.300 Alix: and 544 01:17:29.370 --> 01:17:29.880 Alix: Next. 545 01:17:29.910 --> 01:17:31.170 Is. 546 01:17:32.250 --> 01:17:32.790 Alix: Robin. 547 01:17:33.450 --> 01:17:35.550 Alix: Oh God Mary. 548 01:17:36.540 --> 01:17:36.960 barrycassilly: Oh sorry. 549 01:17:38.610 --> 01:17:39.000 RobinRudisill: hi. 550 01:17:40.140 --> 01:17:43.170 barrycassilly: I was talking to my dog who just did something. 551 01:17:44.310 --> 01:17:45.810 hi Barry it's Robin. 552 01:17:47.430 --> 01:17:59.250 RobinRudisill: I just wanted to let you know that I strongly support both motions i've had i've personally had conversations with coastal staff to strongly encourage these very things and. 553 01:18:00.090 --> 01:18:05.700 RobinRudisill: The fees are crazy to do an ad you in the coastal zone it's about three times more maybe more than that. 554 01:18:06.300 --> 01:18:12.360 RobinRudisill: Then outside the coastal zone and yet it's so important to increase density in the coastal zone, it just makes no sense. 555 01:18:13.110 --> 01:18:26.280 RobinRudisill: So i've been lobbying for these things and just to let you know, the response has been put it into the LCP I sure wish we could get this done sooner than that because, who knows how long. 556 01:18:26.580 --> 01:18:36.420 RobinRudisill: How far away, that is, but I encourage you to approve these get them out of the Board get the letter sent and then follow up I think it's important Thank you. 557 01:18:37.470 --> 01:18:38.100 Alix: Thank you. 558 01:18:41.640 --> 01:18:53.250 Alix: And with that I am closing public comments and opening this up to the committee comments or discussion. 559 01:18:55.410 --> 01:18:56.760 Alix: Does anyone have anything to say. 560 01:18:59.100 --> 01:19:00.390 barrycassilly: I do, besides my dog. 561 01:19:03.960 --> 01:19:06.030 Alix: Okay Barry um. 562 01:19:07.140 --> 01:19:08.250 barrycassilly: I don't know who that first. 563 01:19:09.570 --> 01:19:13.620 barrycassilly: comment or was but I totally agree with everything he said. 564 01:19:15.390 --> 01:19:18.600 barrycassilly: it's it's absurd that. 565 01:19:20.490 --> 01:19:29.910 barrycassilly: large corporate developers on just because they happen to be doing so called public service developments are given. 566 01:19:30.390 --> 01:19:38.700 barrycassilly: carte blanche exemptions from these requirements and small middle class Homeowners are raked over the coals. 567 01:19:39.210 --> 01:19:54.060 barrycassilly: I mean, I really do feel like the coastal Commission and a lot of the politicians in Los Angeles, are the best I can say is insensitive to the concerns of average middle class people and. 568 01:19:55.500 --> 01:20:06.900 barrycassilly: This needs to be reformed as to robin's comment um I agree with her, I find the coastal commission's response outlandish. 569 01:20:07.980 --> 01:20:08.460 barrycassilly: arm. 570 01:20:10.290 --> 01:20:16.290 barrycassilly: At the at the city level we're limited in what we can do or say, but the coastal Commission has absolute. 571 01:20:17.100 --> 01:20:27.870 barrycassilly: latitude to decide anything he wants to do at any time, up until the point that we have a local coastal program and implement implementation plan they approve. 572 01:20:28.470 --> 01:20:45.810 barrycassilly: So, tomorrow the coastal Commission could say we think this is unfair we're changing the policy for them to tell us to like fix it ourselves is absurd we're playing by their rules they make this game they can fix it tomorrow that's all I have to say. 573 01:20:46.740 --> 01:20:53.190 Alix: Thanks Barry I just want to add to that because I, I agree with you about your comment about. 574 01:20:53.940 --> 01:21:01.290 Alix: Why corporate developers being given carte blanche when they're supposedly doing a public service, but I would argue that there are a lot of Homeowners. 575 01:21:01.320 --> 01:21:13.170 Alix: That are actually building ag us, which is doing a way greater public service in terms of the type of density, we want to add into Venice, and we should be looked at as a public service as well to To be quite honest with you. 576 01:21:15.060 --> 01:21:17.910 Alix: So that's my my my pov on that, I think that. 577 01:21:18.060 --> 01:21:18.630 Alix: You know I. 578 01:21:20.340 --> 01:21:20.910 Alix: So. 579 01:21:21.930 --> 01:21:23.220 lauren siegel: wanted to say something. 580 01:21:23.610 --> 01:21:25.140 Alix: Laura lauren place. 581 01:21:25.530 --> 01:21:37.560 lauren siegel: So it seems to me that we should have the the idea of the ad you came across a couple years ago and it was about allowing access and providing additional units into the much needed area. 582 01:21:37.950 --> 01:21:53.970 lauren siegel: So the fact that we are in the coastal zone doesn't mean that we should have to pay a higher price to be able to do what everybody else is able to do so if there are no parking requirements and other parts of La county I don't believe when we add an ad you hear. 583 01:21:55.080 --> 01:22:05.610 lauren siegel: That we should have to follow different rules, so it just makes it prohibitive just reinforcing what everybody else has said, but I support the motion, thank you. 584 01:22:06.300 --> 01:22:10.980 Alix: minish mchale Andrew do either of you any of you have anything to say on this. 585 01:22:11.910 --> 01:22:13.530 Michael Jensen: i'm curious whether anyone. 586 01:22:16.950 --> 01:22:22.230 Michael Jensen: Are there still tie in fees for at us, I wish TIM was here because i'm sure he knows the answer. 587 01:22:23.790 --> 01:22:25.140 Mehrnoosh: What can the fee for you. 588 01:22:25.230 --> 01:22:26.160 Michael Jensen: I am fees. 589 01:22:27.390 --> 01:22:27.900 Mehrnoosh: huh. 590 01:22:28.410 --> 01:22:28.830 huh. 591 01:22:32.130 --> 01:22:43.560 Michael Jensen: I like that the real what i'm getting at is, I think, like this motion is great I don't think it goes far enough, because the barriers to to for normal people to create housing. 592 01:22:44.460 --> 01:22:51.120 Michael Jensen: which would allow I mean it's the same kind of thing that sb nine and 10 are trying to drive Homeowners building stuff. 593 01:22:53.250 --> 01:22:55.200 Michael Jensen: or sb nine I think not 10. 594 01:22:56.520 --> 01:23:12.900 Michael Jensen: But this whole if the city ends up charging you know if I want to go build like a 1500 square foot house and I have to pay the city like $16 a square foot for the privilege of building that suddenly The thing that was affordable for a middle class person to build in any other. 595 01:23:13.920 --> 01:23:21.420 Michael Jensen: State is or city, for that matter, although I think California has an especially egregious way of doing this. 596 01:23:22.710 --> 01:23:35.610 Michael Jensen: suddenly becomes unaffordable and So what do I do well, I have to build something hugely expensive because the only way that I can recoup the the ridiculous permit fees is by. 597 01:23:36.600 --> 01:23:43.890 Michael Jensen: selling or renting it on the high end and I think we don't look at the you know affordability, we have to go back to. 598 01:23:44.970 --> 01:23:54.390 Michael Jensen: The cost of construction, not just the actual cost of the construction with all these soft costs that drive our housing to be affordable to build. 599 01:23:55.140 --> 01:23:59.100 Michael Jensen: So I like the motion, I support the concept of removing cars from our life. 600 01:24:00.030 --> 01:24:14.190 Michael Jensen: I bike a lot I also don't have a off street parking spot, so I do this battle every every night which becomes really unpleasant on a night like tonight, where i'm going to drive home at nine o'clock at night and drive around for 20 minutes looking for a street spot so. 601 01:24:15.540 --> 01:24:19.050 Michael Jensen: yeah that's that's, I would like to see more like this. 602 01:24:19.560 --> 01:24:20.610 Alix: to drive down oh. 603 01:24:21.510 --> 01:24:30.840 Alix: I just I just want to bring up a point on on cars and working towards a car free existence, because when I was at the Rack Lou PAC meeting. 604 01:24:32.010 --> 01:24:40.710 Alix: Two weeks ago we were talking about sustainable development goals, and I know marunouchi I have to send that recent it out to everyone, I thought I had sent it out to you guys but. 605 01:24:41.010 --> 01:24:52.110 Alix: One of the loop chairs was talking about A to Z project that was going in over in West la or marvis stuff and they were very concerned about the parking. 606 01:24:52.740 --> 01:24:57.750 Alix: And so what they realized, is that in their Community where people had cars, most of the. 607 01:24:58.020 --> 01:25:10.890 Alix: People were aging so maybe not necessarily like families with kids and people that actually still do really need cars and this aging population was more so using their car once maybe twice a week to go to. 608 01:25:12.510 --> 01:25:21.060 Alix: To go to a doctor's appointment or to go get some groceries or to go to you know the hair salon or whatever, but they weren't using their car every single day is the bottom line. 609 01:25:22.020 --> 01:25:35.100 Alix: And so they made the the Community made an agreement with the developer, that the developer, I think there was an empty lot on a church where they were going to provide a fleet of electric cars and all of the community within. 610 01:25:36.420 --> 01:25:39.000 Alix: proximity to this development we're going to get. 611 01:25:40.560 --> 01:25:49.740 Alix: credits to use these electric cars once or twice a week for free and this way they could give up their cars, and this was like a huge win, win for everybody. 612 01:25:50.010 --> 01:25:59.580 Alix: So you know the reason I bring this back to the Community is is I think it's really like innovative way of thinking and looking to address. 613 01:26:00.330 --> 01:26:04.860 Alix: A community's needs, and I hope that, as we start looking at these different products, we can start. 614 01:26:05.130 --> 01:26:19.380 Alix: Thinking about this way not just thinking in absolutes have no cars or everything has to be carved or all bicycles, or no bicycles, but rather, what do people actually need and how do we find real world real time solutions that are useful. 615 01:26:21.120 --> 01:26:23.880 Alix: that's me anyone else minutia Andrew. 616 01:26:24.270 --> 01:26:24.780 lauren. 617 01:26:26.880 --> 01:26:27.570 Mehrnoosh: i'm. 618 01:26:29.730 --> 01:26:51.510 Mehrnoosh: If I start thinking of other cars, this is part of their culture and economic improvement, so too, and I think that changes are required, as you presenting I think there's gotta be some extra solutions to eliminate all the needs for the cars and requirements. 619 01:26:54.540 --> 01:27:07.140 Mehrnoosh: So every little bit helps so every every conditions that we're talking about tonight it's good I think it's good for the Community to have this parking and be able to have the units build and be affordable. 620 01:27:11.040 --> 01:27:16.350 Mehrnoosh: So it changes the overall economic procedures in here. 621 01:27:17.640 --> 01:27:24.750 Mehrnoosh: Because it was it was so directed towards having cars and make a purchase of that and economy so. 622 01:27:25.800 --> 01:27:27.030 Mehrnoosh: That makes sense, what i'm saying. 623 01:27:29.130 --> 01:27:30.150 Mehrnoosh: So I think i'm. 624 01:27:30.660 --> 01:27:37.560 Mehrnoosh: I am definitely for having solutions where we can use less cars or bikes and, as you said, sharing. 625 01:27:38.940 --> 01:27:41.280 Mehrnoosh: cars with the elderly people. 626 01:27:43.230 --> 01:27:44.910 Mehrnoosh: All that good stuff yes. 627 01:27:47.580 --> 01:27:48.000 Alix: and 628 01:27:48.690 --> 01:27:49.200 I. 629 01:27:51.150 --> 01:28:07.110 lauren siegel: yeah I understand that we have a goal of increasing the number of units throughout la county and in California, in general, so if this motion allows more units to be built at us, or whatever. 630 01:28:08.220 --> 01:28:20.130 lauren siegel: It seems to me like it's something that we should support, so this is just another way to add units, although it's you know coastal related, we need more units in La so I support it. 631 01:28:21.360 --> 01:28:28.650 lauren siegel: And I think that not having the parking stipulation in there, makes it that much easier for more people to do such a thing. 632 01:28:30.960 --> 01:28:41.400 Alix: And I would argue that hopefully to your point learn that, if it makes it easier for people to do this it won't be a situation where people feel compelled to sell their lots to developers who. 633 01:28:41.760 --> 01:28:53.460 Alix: will not be engaged in keeping the fabric of the Community, because I do think there's a difference when you or myself or some the previous person who was commenting about his lot. 634 01:28:53.760 --> 01:29:00.750 Alix: I think it does change the equation when it's someone who's vested in the Community developing in the Community versus outside interests. 635 01:29:06.660 --> 01:29:21.750 Alix: And I think, for me, I mean I would call the question on this if everyone's Okay, the only thing i'd ask is would someone communicate with TIM and report back to me who this needs to be distributed to so I can put that on the Minutes, because TIM did not give us a distribution list. 636 01:29:23.910 --> 01:29:25.050 Alix: Does anyone want to take that on. 637 01:29:26.490 --> 01:29:28.410 lauren siegel: i'm not sure exactly what you're asking. 638 01:29:29.430 --> 01:29:30.330 Michael Jensen: Well, this is the letter. 639 01:29:30.390 --> 01:29:42.750 Michael Jensen: Support letter goes to so city planning coastal Commission why I don't think we're authorized to send it to coastal but CD 11 planning building and safety yeah i'll asked him where. 640 01:29:42.780 --> 01:29:43.620 Alix: I think we can. 641 01:29:43.650 --> 01:29:45.780 Alix: Make how I think we can send to coastal. 642 01:29:47.100 --> 01:29:48.720 Michael Jensen: let's send it to them because. 643 01:29:48.750 --> 01:29:49.650 Alix: I mean it can. 644 01:29:49.740 --> 01:29:51.060 barrycassilly: only send it to them, Jim how. 645 01:29:51.090 --> 01:30:02.490 Alix: We can send them, but I would like it, we need to get a distribution list on us, so we should get a distribution list on this, so I would just ask that someone report back to me distribution list and mchale. 646 01:30:02.910 --> 01:30:04.530 Alix: Zara we know. 647 01:30:05.460 --> 01:30:06.690 Alix: That is now you. 648 01:30:07.800 --> 01:30:16.200 barrycassilly: slow down for a second you guys, not to be missed rule book, but like we can't send letters to anybody, this has to go to the board yeah. 649 01:30:16.800 --> 01:30:21.210 Alix: I understand very, but I have to send it the motion to the board. 650 01:30:21.240 --> 01:30:25.380 Alix: With a distribution list and there's no distribution list on this right now so. 651 01:30:25.410 --> 01:30:32.820 Alix: When I do our Minutes i'm going to put a distribution list on this on this motion and that distribution list is going to come from mikael. 652 01:30:33.480 --> 01:30:34.260 barrycassilly: that's awesome. 653 01:30:35.160 --> 01:30:38.550 Alix: If you look at all our other projects, they all have distribution. 654 01:30:38.550 --> 01:30:39.030 monsters. 655 01:30:42.030 --> 01:30:42.540 Alix: Yes. 656 01:30:43.590 --> 01:30:45.090 barrycassilly: I was being quiet. 657 01:30:46.500 --> 01:30:51.600 Alix: yeah cool okay michela you made the motion and are you second didn't finish. 658 01:30:51.720 --> 01:30:53.730 Mehrnoosh: Yes, second, third. 659 01:30:55.530 --> 01:30:57.480 Alix: lauren i'm assuming you're yes. 660 01:30:57.930 --> 01:30:59.760 Alix: Yes, and Barry. 661 01:31:00.540 --> 01:31:01.170 barrycassilly: Yes. 662 01:31:01.620 --> 01:31:03.720 Alix: And I assume Andrea and mchale both approve that. 663 01:31:04.800 --> 01:31:05.370 Andrew Mika: Yes. 664 01:31:05.790 --> 01:31:14.910 Alix: 600 the motion carries the only thing is a distribution list before the Minutes Thank you i'm onwards to our second motion. 665 01:31:16.530 --> 01:31:17.820 Alix: i'm going to pull the agenda up. 666 01:31:25.860 --> 01:31:28.410 Alix: Who wants to make the motion, this is another band filled one. 667 01:31:37.170 --> 01:31:40.800 barrycassilly: i'll make the motion, but like sitting somebody called him. 668 01:31:42.450 --> 01:31:43.800 Alix: Very he's not here. 669 01:31:44.820 --> 01:31:51.660 Alix: We had a miscommunication between the two of us and TIM felt that our committee could handle this without him being here okay. 670 01:31:51.750 --> 01:31:54.540 Alix: Oh, and by the way, we'd still have to make the motion. 671 01:31:54.750 --> 01:31:59.220 Alix: Whether TIM was here, not because tim's not a number of the tech any longer. 672 01:31:59.970 --> 01:32:01.080 barrycassilly: Okay, what do I have to do. 673 01:32:03.000 --> 01:32:04.230 Alix: you're making the motion it's. 674 01:32:04.320 --> 01:32:05.700 Alix: Item I make. 675 01:32:06.270 --> 01:32:11.700 Alix: And the motions that we're clear is an expedited process for accessory dwelling units in the Venice coastal zone. 676 01:32:12.960 --> 01:32:16.260 lauren siegel: It expedited or is it also cost prohibitive. 677 01:32:17.460 --> 01:32:18.000 Mehrnoosh: hmm. 678 01:32:19.530 --> 01:32:19.890 Andrew Mika: Oh. 679 01:32:20.910 --> 01:32:21.360 lauren siegel: Well yeah. 680 01:32:21.750 --> 01:32:22.350 Alix: I thought the most. 681 01:32:22.950 --> 01:32:26.130 barrycassilly: I thought the motion was to process at us with a cx. 682 01:32:26.220 --> 01:32:38.940 Alix: And that's that's correct okay okay so simply telling you how TIM titled the motion which is Let me read it so we're all clear it's expedited price it excuse me expedited process for accelerate. 683 01:32:40.050 --> 01:32:41.550 Alix: gosh i'm so sorry except. 684 01:32:42.990 --> 01:32:44.220 lauren siegel: Would you like me to read it for you. 685 01:32:44.640 --> 01:32:46.380 Alix: yeah Thank you. 686 01:32:46.680 --> 01:32:49.740 lauren siegel: X Ray process for access to accelerate accessory. 687 01:32:52.740 --> 01:33:04.920 lauren siegel: Venice neighborhood counts, I can't see all of it, Venice neighborhood Council requested the city of Los Angeles planning department in California coastal Commission follow assembly bill 68 relating to the project process time. 688 01:33:05.610 --> 01:33:06.810 Andrew Mika: Green rename the motion. 689 01:33:09.300 --> 01:33:15.960 lauren siegel: The Venice coastal zone should contribute to the needed an increase in density, whereas the CDP application, time is more than 12 months. 690 01:33:16.260 --> 01:33:22.590 lauren siegel: Whereas the current CDP application fee is more than 15,000, whereas the cx application time would be less than two months. 691 01:33:23.100 --> 01:33:37.350 lauren siegel: Whereas the cx application fee is 1700 whereas a cx would still be appealed to the CCC therefore the Venice neighborhood urges the city of Los Angeles, and the California coastal commission to process applications for at us as cx instead of. 692 01:33:38.520 --> 01:33:40.320 lauren siegel: And CDP. 693 01:33:42.450 --> 01:33:42.990 barrycassilly: By make the. 694 01:33:43.620 --> 01:33:47.130 Alix: area that is your emotion who's lori who's second doing it. 695 01:33:47.460 --> 01:33:48.420 lauren siegel: I will second it. 696 01:33:48.810 --> 01:34:00.420 Alix: Thank you now, we can have conversation i'm going to move this and i'm going to open it up for public comment i'm very sorry my reading is bad today public comment on this. 697 01:34:01.440 --> 01:34:02.730 Alix: I see two hands. 698 01:34:05.910 --> 01:34:07.140 Alix: Great Sean. 699 01:34:11.100 --> 01:34:14.070 sean obrien: yeah hey guys thanks another great piece of work, I love this. 700 01:34:15.360 --> 01:34:24.240 sean obrien: give you a, for instance, I have a friend who's going through this process it's roughly 400 450 square feet. 701 01:34:24.780 --> 01:34:38.790 sean obrien: of application fee to start with 17,000 with no guarantee that $17,000 fee he's anticipating of of the process to cost them about 25,000. 702 01:34:39.720 --> 01:34:52.230 sean obrien: that's NUTS that's insane and as well as you know, the whole time constraints of the it's taking forever he's been doing this now for eight months, no end in sight, so I love this thanks guys. 703 01:34:52.830 --> 01:34:53.670 Alix: Thanks Sean. 704 01:34:56.790 --> 01:34:57.780 Alix: And Erica. 705 01:35:02.700 --> 01:35:06.360 Erica Moore: hi there, I strongly support this, just like. 706 01:35:08.670 --> 01:35:09.450 Erica Moore: ridiculous. 707 01:35:11.640 --> 01:35:12.270 Erica Moore: We support. 708 01:35:13.380 --> 01:35:14.220 Alix: Thank you. 709 01:35:16.590 --> 01:35:21.090 Alix: And with that I am closing public comment. 710 01:35:23.550 --> 01:35:28.080 Alix: Committee members does anyone have anything to say on this lauren. 711 01:35:28.890 --> 01:35:38.100 lauren siegel: Well, I just wonder if it's realistic to believe that they will the coastal Commission will actually listen to this and make changes is this realistic. 712 01:35:38.370 --> 01:35:46.590 barrycassilly: Well, maybe we have to go speak to the coastal Commission and like insist that they do because they're obviously not listening to us. 713 01:35:47.910 --> 01:36:00.810 Alix: Well, I think, a couple things, we know that the both the plan and the LCP are are going to be redone right and, unfortunately, Lars not here tonight, but. 714 01:36:00.930 --> 01:36:02.730 Alix: I think the good news is is that. 715 01:36:03.090 --> 01:36:15.330 Alix: If past these motions and we also pass them in a board level, this is something we can discuss with Laura and point to when she comes back to speak to us, so you know. 716 01:36:17.250 --> 01:36:18.720 Michael Jensen: And I asked her question. 717 01:36:20.100 --> 01:36:23.850 Michael Jensen: um so typically we have motions comes. 718 01:36:23.910 --> 01:36:28.740 Michael Jensen: down from rack can this motion go up to rock. 719 01:36:32.100 --> 01:36:41.640 Alix: know because not all the rap councils are in the coastal zone and so rack addresses. 720 01:36:43.230 --> 01:36:48.960 Alix: rack addresses regional issues so, for example, when there was the specific. 721 01:36:49.920 --> 01:37:00.450 Alix: The specific plan motion that went through the genesis of that motion was because people were so up in arms about the berggruen project in. 722 01:37:01.260 --> 01:37:11.970 Alix: The palisades Brentwood and the conversation was that we could not bring emotion that just dealt with one project in one area of the district now. 723 01:37:13.080 --> 01:37:15.240 Alix: I don't even like the parking either would apply. 724 01:37:15.570 --> 01:37:16.470 Alix: I can check it. 725 01:37:16.740 --> 01:37:26.640 Michael Jensen: here's what i'm well i'm sorry to cut you off, but but I get it so, so this is a specific problem to only a few neighborhood Councils that are in Rack. 726 01:37:26.970 --> 01:37:36.780 Michael Jensen: However, prior rack motions have addressed certain things that were only in a few not all Rack. 727 01:37:38.010 --> 01:37:49.800 Michael Jensen: Councils so by that logic i'm just saying like Okay, yes, maybe not all rack councils are this is relevant to that certainly. 728 01:37:50.850 --> 01:37:53.430 Michael Jensen: palisades and us and. 729 01:37:55.650 --> 01:37:57.960 Michael Jensen: there's another one that's in the coastal zone isn't there. 730 01:37:59.790 --> 01:38:02.940 Michael Jensen: south of us a little bit maybe go del rey. 731 01:38:03.120 --> 01:38:11.670 Alix: Re well michela which I mean, can you cite something specifically because, since i've been attending rap when we've had motions that have been specific to. 732 01:38:12.840 --> 01:38:20.400 Alix: An area and not and not like a regional issue that affects all of us rock has has tabled the motion. 733 01:38:20.550 --> 01:38:35.730 Michael Jensen: Well, the one that is that that called out those three areas like it was for reese Davidson and then two other projects that were at the ir of whatever neighborhood Councils, they were in like that was only three neighborhood Councils. 734 01:38:36.510 --> 01:38:37.410 Michael Jensen: But um. 735 01:38:37.650 --> 01:38:54.660 Alix: But to speak to the actual mode, that was an agenda of examples and it didn't just it wasn't meant to encompass if you look at the actual motion that was an addendum and it really was meant to cover any project that that was looking to. 736 01:38:56.340 --> 01:39:01.470 Alix: You know, to overpass to override the specific plan process you we can certainly try. 737 01:39:01.680 --> 01:39:03.840 Michael Jensen: i'm simply saying I think this is a regional issue. 738 01:39:05.640 --> 01:39:08.970 lauren siegel: and ask the question of whether the coastal Commission Sir. 739 01:39:10.560 --> 01:39:18.030 lauren siegel: requires similar things in other counties beyond la county are they still the same stickler in terms of. 740 01:39:18.060 --> 01:39:25.800 lauren siegel: No Barbara county or you know for the South end you kind of are we, the only ones that have these really restrictive rules of at us. 741 01:39:26.100 --> 01:39:44.730 Alix: know every every coastal committee is every coastal community is governed by the coastal Act and the coastal Commission but, for example, okay so let's take Venice, for example, 15% of Venice is not covered by the coastal Commission because only 85% of our. 742 01:39:45.030 --> 01:39:45.540 Alix: of our. 743 01:39:45.690 --> 01:39:48.810 Alix: in Venice host all right. 744 01:39:48.990 --> 01:39:49.650 lauren siegel: But but. 745 01:39:49.710 --> 01:40:03.030 lauren siegel: My understanding is the coast has different rules in Santa Barbara county like, for example, in short term Rentals they have a different standard of what they deem acceptable in Santa Barbara county vs la county So why is. 746 01:40:03.030 --> 01:40:06.840 barrycassilly: It they do that's a good question not not just Santa Barbara county. 747 01:40:07.170 --> 01:40:07.650 barrycassilly: But go now. 748 01:40:08.910 --> 01:40:21.420 barrycassilly: But go next door to like ocean park in Santa Monica and you can build a single family home or any small project with a de minimis waiver they've got an approved local coastal Program. 749 01:40:21.990 --> 01:40:29.730 barrycassilly: They do not have an implementation plan exactly the same as Venice, but there are a completely separate set of rules. 750 01:40:30.030 --> 01:40:32.490 barrycassilly: For Venice, then there are for ocean park. 751 01:40:37.470 --> 01:40:53.220 Alix: But ocean Park, this is the other complication ocean park is part of the city of Santa Monica even though it's under a California coastal act but it's not part of La city so Santa Monica has its own city council that that. 752 01:40:54.090 --> 01:41:06.120 barrycassilly: Santa Monica has exactly the same set of approved rules by the coastal Commission that Venice does they have an approved land use plan, they do not have an approved. 753 01:41:06.390 --> 01:41:07.050 Alix: Implementing a. 754 01:41:07.230 --> 01:41:08.340 Alix: plan that's. 755 01:41:08.700 --> 01:41:24.270 barrycassilly: Exactly the same but they the coastal Commission deals with Santa Monica coastal Commission completely different than Venice coastal Commission land and like literally you you go block apart and the rules are completely different. 756 01:41:24.300 --> 01:41:30.000 lauren siegel: And how is that acceptable, how is it there's different treatment for the same access to coastal end. 757 01:41:30.270 --> 01:41:31.440 barrycassilly: It not acceptable. 758 01:41:31.620 --> 01:41:33.360 Andrew Mika: it's not acceptable. 759 01:41:34.770 --> 01:41:35.430 Alix: it's not. 760 01:41:37.710 --> 01:41:38.160 Alix: it's not. 761 01:41:38.400 --> 01:41:38.880 Alix: A, by the way. 762 01:41:41.640 --> 01:41:48.390 Alix: And I can't really site, the project but Andrew and I just dealt with this on a project that we're that we're in the midst of dealing with. 763 01:41:48.780 --> 01:42:00.690 Alix: Which is that coastal is now looking and we're going to have to figure out how to address this and I and i've actually vetted this out with a couple of other land use people, because it was the first i've heard of it but coastal is now. 764 01:42:01.350 --> 01:42:08.760 Alix: Saying no to certain at us and asking that projects be filed as to single families and not as a single family with an ad. 765 01:42:09.150 --> 01:42:24.600 Alix: Which is going to be a whole separate can of worms that we're going to have to figure out how to discuss, but you know that then triggers different parking requirements that then triggers different ways of filing so it's sort of a gigantic mess, for lack of a better way of described. 766 01:42:26.010 --> 01:42:40.260 Alix: I was, I was shocked to hear this, but to that point, what I would what I would like to see to this motion that that before us is that if we're really looking to help out the average middle class person that wants to build. 767 01:42:41.520 --> 01:42:45.600 Alix: i'm so sorry i've such a headache it's hard for me to get my thoughts clear um. 768 01:42:46.950 --> 01:42:57.540 Alix: If we really want to look to help the average homeowner add density in Venice and we fear when we have see big llc coming in and being disruptive to the Community. 769 01:42:57.900 --> 01:43:13.020 Alix: I would like to see something like this motion apply just to an individual person developing on their property and not to develop by llc I don't know that you guys will agree with that, but that's my personal pov on this. 770 01:43:13.260 --> 01:43:30.510 lauren siegel: elite i'm not clear why you want two sets of rules, I mean really realistically you seem to bring up the middle class versus an llc but isn't it all the similar treatment, no matter who's trying to do it, I mean, why is it an us versus them kind of attitude. 771 01:43:31.200 --> 01:43:35.190 Alix: Well, I don't I mean lauren I don't think it's an us versus them type of attitude. 772 01:43:35.460 --> 01:43:43.410 Alix: But if you see someone who and we've seen this before Lou pack, and if you see someone that's tearing you know tearing down a house with an llc. 773 01:43:43.620 --> 01:43:52.830 Alix: Building a huge mansion and then putting in a 200 square foot agu and saying it's replacement and, by the way, coastal and said, this is no longer replacement. 774 01:43:53.250 --> 01:44:04.410 Alix: They may not tell us that they're doing this for airbnb being or investment purposes or whatever, but it's not really being done to help density and help affordable housing Dennis. 775 01:44:04.710 --> 01:44:15.690 Alix: And I think, like, I am very pro putting in you know, affordable affordable housing and a variety of different housing in in the marketplace. 776 01:44:16.050 --> 01:44:30.630 Alix: But what worries me is the unintended consequences of people looking at the land here and using it as like a way to just enrich themselves without actually looking to put in affordable housing without actually looking to have diversity of housing stock. 777 01:44:30.780 --> 01:44:31.650 Alix: And i'm just waiting. 778 01:44:31.830 --> 01:44:44.280 Alix: As a as a as a pov it's to me it's not an us versus them, it said if we're really serious about this problem and the problem has been getting worse and worse and worse, we have to look at it from all different points of view that's all. 779 01:44:44.580 --> 01:44:53.280 barrycassilly: But I think this point of view of dealing with different people and apply different sets of rules to different classifications of people is like. 780 01:44:54.090 --> 01:45:08.490 barrycassilly: Really questionable um I think if if somebody has a problem with the rules that allow people to do whatever build a big single family home and not a small at you, and that qualifies as something I don't really see the problem with that. 781 01:45:08.910 --> 01:45:10.410 barrycassilly: um but if somebody does. 782 01:45:10.770 --> 01:45:31.230 barrycassilly: Then, change the rules for everybody, like changing the rules for only some people leads to just abuse all across the board, like anybody, like most Homeowners I know how the llc they're not developers, they just are intelligent about like protecting themselves from losses, so they have. 783 01:45:31.230 --> 01:45:38.070 Michael Jensen: llc there's as the as the resident attorney tonight I can just say there are really good reasons to put. 784 01:45:40.050 --> 01:45:52.020 Michael Jensen: A home in an llc or a trust that don't necessarily make you a billionaire developer, but are just whether it's tax reason tax planning reasons or. 785 01:45:54.630 --> 01:46:10.470 Michael Jensen: or liability reasons there are very good reasons to put assets in corporate entities or trusts to shield them or protect them, whether I mean there's just there's so many reasons besides just doing. 786 01:46:11.430 --> 01:46:18.480 Michael Jensen: You know development flips that I mean I don't think that distinction is really targets, the problem I think you know. 787 01:46:19.920 --> 01:46:21.810 Michael Jensen: Corporate you know. 788 01:46:23.880 --> 01:46:26.610 Michael Jensen: You know blackstone or something like that, like huge. 789 01:46:30.210 --> 01:46:39.330 Michael Jensen: Wall Street kind of investment Okay, you can you can maybe treat that as a call that a different kind of category of developer than. 790 01:46:41.250 --> 01:46:53.070 Michael Jensen: You know what our Community essentially Community builders they live here they employ local contractors like this is part of our economic engine I wouldn't you know. 791 01:46:54.420 --> 01:46:56.580 Alix: You get what you get what i'm getting at like. 792 01:46:56.640 --> 01:47:03.120 Alix: Yes, I under, I guess, I understand that you have people that have their houses and llc but you've got the concern that i'm raising. 793 01:47:03.480 --> 01:47:06.750 Michael Jensen: But yes, I want to say, I mean I know a very. 794 01:47:07.230 --> 01:47:19.110 Michael Jensen: I mean not that I would say, I have like my finger on the pulse of this but, like in terms of like massive like the macro shift you're seeing in like Canadian markets and in places like Arizona where like. 795 01:47:19.440 --> 01:47:29.580 Michael Jensen: These huge investment firms are buying up tons of single family residences like you know some entire subdivisions, and you know. 796 01:47:30.390 --> 01:47:36.660 Michael Jensen: move shifting from where people own homes to now they're renting homes like that movement, which is happening i'm not denying if. 797 01:47:37.110 --> 01:47:58.290 Michael Jensen: I in Venice it's a very no massive investment fund is looking at a place like Venice where it's very difficult to navigate the permitting like these guys want volume and numbers and like Yes, they are totally buying single family homes across like Arizona Nevada parts of Canada. 798 01:47:59.580 --> 01:48:07.110 Michael Jensen: And and that's having I think a detrimental effect to middle class home home ownership but I don't think it's the same. 799 01:48:08.580 --> 01:48:16.680 Michael Jensen: You know, for the most part the developers and you know even the ones building spec houses here are not. 800 01:48:17.160 --> 01:48:31.620 Michael Jensen: You know these behemoth corporations, because they don't want to touch stuff as unpredictable as discretionary development in a place like Venice that's how I read oven and just knowing how these things. 801 01:48:33.030 --> 01:48:33.300 Alix: money. 802 01:48:33.480 --> 01:48:34.350 Alix: You want to say something. 803 01:48:34.710 --> 01:48:48.030 Mehrnoosh: yeah I, I have a concern which i'm hoping that there is an answer, for it is like some some lots where you can do more than two units, you can do you know if you have existing one unit, and you can do an. 804 01:48:48.510 --> 01:49:00.030 Mehrnoosh: issue as well, but i'm just wondering if you could your lot allows you to have two units plus an ad you if you do an ad you first you can still do a second unit. 805 01:49:00.900 --> 01:49:13.230 Mehrnoosh: It won't it won't stop you from doing something right that makes sense for them so so you got one unit, you can get an ad you didn't can you have your second unit on a lot as well right. 806 01:49:14.700 --> 01:49:27.900 Michael Jensen: hypothetically if you had a square footage on the lot I should let me add one thing the caveat to my comment does not include investment back you know low income housing conglomerates. 807 01:49:27.930 --> 01:49:28.350 Michael Jensen: like it. 808 01:49:28.950 --> 01:49:29.490 Ladies. 809 01:49:31.380 --> 01:49:33.510 Alix: Add to your your thing as well too. 810 01:49:33.690 --> 01:49:40.380 Michael Jensen: yeah i'm talking about the the single family home like what what we call like the spec home builders. 811 01:49:41.460 --> 01:49:47.220 Michael Jensen: i'm not talking about I mean, yes, there is a massive I mean the largest corporate developer and venice's. 812 01:49:47.460 --> 01:49:48.030 Venice case. 813 01:49:49.200 --> 01:49:49.920 Michael Jensen: and 814 01:49:49.980 --> 01:49:53.310 Michael Jensen: that's a different animal than what i'm talking about. 815 01:49:53.430 --> 01:50:05.070 barrycassilly: that yes, thank you, there are no, no, none zero large corporate developers in Venice except these like i'm homeless service developers. 816 01:50:05.490 --> 01:50:17.010 barrycassilly: there's like a fee and vc he is the largest developer in Venice by far they're the only corporate developer in Venice, there are no corporate developers. 817 01:50:17.340 --> 01:50:31.020 barrycassilly: Working in on smaller projects in Venice, be they like four unit properties or single family home or two unit properties Those are all like small people Community builders like who are. 818 01:50:31.710 --> 01:50:49.620 barrycassilly: You know they know our market, they most of them live here it's a different story with like corporate developers to apply that to like somebody doing a house is just like it doesn't exist that's not a problem that exists, so we don't need to make a separate set of rules for. 819 01:50:49.620 --> 01:50:59.400 Alix: That look Barry i'm just I bring it up Okay, who knew on a macro level in our world what citizens united was going to lead to. 820 01:50:59.880 --> 01:51:05.070 Alix: And that is at the essence, the very same thing, where corporations are deemed the same as people. 821 01:51:05.340 --> 01:51:12.120 Alix: And i'm not saying that this is the conversation that we need to put in now I just think as we look down the line, as we look at more. 822 01:51:12.390 --> 01:51:27.630 Alix: corporate investment into housing, as we look into the commodity and commoditization of hosting market I think it's something to think about and to think that, just because it's not here now in Venice that's, not to say that it won't come here and. 823 01:51:27.990 --> 01:51:35.220 barrycassilly: But it is here now it's here now, we can see it, we have to deal with it we know who they are. 824 01:51:35.760 --> 01:51:52.950 barrycassilly: um and to suggest that it is possible for that those same developers to come in on small projects, the market doesn't work that way it's it's structurally impossible so let's not worry about something to structurally. 825 01:51:52.950 --> 01:51:56.460 barrycassilly: impossible let's worry about the like demon that's here. 826 01:51:57.210 --> 01:52:04.590 lauren siegel: So can we can, can we redirect back to what we originally started to talk about here, and I think what. 827 01:52:05.940 --> 01:52:13.020 lauren siegel: He was suggesting is that we make the process of getting an EDU in the coastal zone. 828 01:52:13.560 --> 01:52:15.840 lauren siegel: faster and cheaper, you know. 829 01:52:16.380 --> 01:52:19.410 lauren siegel: It doesn't sound like anybody here has a problem with that no. 830 01:52:19.650 --> 01:52:27.720 Alix: We don't so i'm going to call the question right and unless Andrew I know you've been silent through this do anything you want to say on this. 831 01:52:28.680 --> 01:52:29.820 Andrew Mika: Oh, my post recovered. 832 01:52:31.980 --> 01:52:39.570 Alix: i'm great i'm we're going to call the question Barry i'm assuming you're approving this motion oh sorry for. 833 01:52:39.690 --> 01:52:42.390 barrycassilly: Another promotion oh I don't I don't have a second. 834 01:52:43.170 --> 01:52:46.650 Alix: lauren second to the motion that's how we opened it up for comments. 835 01:52:47.190 --> 01:52:47.400 or. 836 01:52:48.510 --> 01:52:48.930 Alix: i'm. 837 01:52:48.960 --> 01:52:49.290 Sorry. 838 01:52:51.570 --> 01:52:55.650 Alix: Since you're speaking to TIM about the distribution list for. 839 01:52:56.100 --> 01:52:56.400 Michael Jensen: So. 840 01:52:56.970 --> 01:52:58.110 Michael Jensen: TIM just gave it to me. 841 01:52:58.710 --> 01:52:59.430 Alix: hey do you want. 842 01:53:00.030 --> 01:53:07.020 Michael Jensen: Coastal planning and CD 11 he also said, Venice specific, but I think what he means is that. 843 01:53:09.990 --> 01:53:15.960 Alix: To give us but we'll get we'll get we'll get it i'll figure it out i'll talk to him tomorrow to. 844 01:53:16.050 --> 01:53:22.020 Michael Jensen: I think the group with Laura and does those guys that are working or those gals that are working on. 845 01:53:22.290 --> 01:53:29.490 Alix: It would be like it would be, it would be, it would be born in it would be Jason and. 846 01:53:31.710 --> 01:53:34.230 Alix: The coastal the the coastal Commissioners. 847 01:53:34.830 --> 01:53:35.100 Alix: yeah. 848 01:53:35.550 --> 01:53:38.310 Alix: Probably stick plans for Steve Hudson jacqueline's worth. 849 01:53:39.720 --> 01:53:41.040 lauren siegel: Okay, so we're gonna vote. 850 01:53:41.310 --> 01:53:49.020 Alix: Yes, we're going about Barry i'm doing your yes lauren i'm assuming you're yes, because you did it i'm Andrew. 851 01:53:50.460 --> 01:53:52.170 Andrew Mika: Yes, mchale. 852 01:53:52.830 --> 01:53:58.230 Alix: Yes, British, yes, and I mean yes to so we're done. 853 01:53:58.710 --> 01:54:02.400 lauren siegel: So just to confirm this will go in front of the dnc next correct. 854 01:54:02.790 --> 01:54:05.700 lauren siegel: Correct wonderful yes. 855 01:54:07.650 --> 01:54:08.370 Alix: Look at that we. 856 01:54:08.400 --> 01:54:09.300 Alix: All agreed on. 857 01:54:09.840 --> 01:54:12.150 lauren siegel: We got something done i'm so proud. 858 01:54:12.990 --> 01:54:13.560 barrycassilly: We agree on. 859 01:54:14.460 --> 01:54:26.550 Alix: And mikael to your point I will I will address this with wrath leadership and send the motions to them and find out if this is something if it passes are bored if it can go to rock. 860 01:54:27.540 --> 01:54:45.630 Alix: And if it can then, then I see no reason why it shouldn't be you know why it should go to rock but for for, for I think lauren and and and Andrew you weren't here last week last week i'm so sorry guys i'm just with a terrible headache. 861 01:54:47.160 --> 01:54:54.540 Alix: The way rack works is very similar to the rest of the neighborhood Council systems if this could go through roku Pack and it's wrapped loop have. 862 01:54:55.080 --> 01:55:05.130 Alix: approved this motion, it was then go to the rap board and then the rest of the Rack neighborhood Councils, would have to pass this before it becomes an adopted position of Rack. 863 01:55:05.460 --> 01:55:15.030 Alix: And a majority of rock counts of the Rack Councils have to approve it, I think it's seven or eight of the Rack Councils and I maybe they're 15 of us, I forget the exact numbers but. 864 01:55:16.200 --> 01:55:22.020 Alix: There you go and wrap is the first Sunday of every month for those of you who are interested. 865 01:55:24.840 --> 01:55:25.380 Andrew Mika: All right. 866 01:55:26.400 --> 01:55:27.360 Michael Jensen: ready to adjourn. 867 01:55:28.020 --> 01:55:36.630 Alix: One quick question before joining, and I think I sent you all, an email that's that that done has sent through. 868 01:55:37.380 --> 01:55:45.720 Alix: Through a course on planning that everybody needs to do if you guys haven't received that email, can you please reach out to me if you have problems logging in. 869 01:55:45.930 --> 01:55:54.030 Alix: And you're not getting answers from the city, can you please reach out to me because it will be required to vote on the type items I believe mchale I think you're good. 870 01:55:54.540 --> 01:55:56.100 Michael Jensen: Very it sounds good. 871 01:55:56.460 --> 01:56:00.060 Alix: yeah i'm very I can't remember if you did it um. 872 01:56:00.120 --> 01:56:01.230 lauren siegel: i've already done mine. 873 01:56:01.710 --> 01:56:03.060 Alix: you've done your submitted it. 874 01:56:03.060 --> 01:56:03.510 barrycassilly: All good. 875 01:56:04.410 --> 01:56:05.520 Alix: you're all good so if everyone. 876 01:56:05.880 --> 01:56:06.600 barrycassilly: i'm not but i'm oh. 877 01:56:07.770 --> 01:56:09.420 Alix: Why are you all good if you haven't done it. 878 01:56:11.940 --> 01:56:14.340 barrycassilly: Because I know what's supposed to be done. 879 01:56:15.090 --> 01:56:15.990 Alix: Very but. 880 01:56:17.610 --> 01:56:17.760 Michael Jensen: You. 881 01:56:18.150 --> 01:56:18.420 Andrew Mika: know. 882 01:56:18.990 --> 01:56:20.730 Andrew Mika: conversation about this let's do it. 883 01:56:22.230 --> 01:56:22.770 barrycassilly: let's do it. 884 01:56:23.940 --> 01:56:32.520 Alix: and the last thing is, is, I sent out some dates for December of what everybody wants to do if you guys could get back to me, so I could put those. 885 01:56:33.330 --> 01:56:47.220 Alix: dates on the calendar, I just want to be sensitive to everybody and the holidays so i'd appreciate it, so we can just make the decisions of when we're going to do that i'm assuming with like thanksgiving and Christmas and people have family child I don't want to be intrusive upon that. 886 01:56:47.430 --> 01:56:49.560 Michael Jensen: You don't want to do Thursday thanksgiving Eve. 887 01:56:50.160 --> 01:56:51.690 Andrew Mika: I don't see that email. 888 01:56:52.350 --> 01:56:53.970 lauren siegel: And I asked one more question. 889 01:56:54.240 --> 01:56:56.970 Alix: Absolutely and forever. 890 01:56:58.590 --> 01:57:10.710 lauren siegel: Is there any master list of all of the cases that need to be heard and who's assigned to every one of them, so that we can always know what we're responsible for can we do that. 891 01:57:10.740 --> 01:57:12.600 Alix: So that yeah I have a manager that. 892 01:57:12.630 --> 01:57:14.130 Alix: I have a master list of what's. 893 01:57:14.130 --> 01:57:16.770 lauren siegel: Valuable so that we can see. 894 01:57:16.920 --> 01:57:28.650 lauren siegel: Today, as up front for a case but I don't remember exactly what it was I would love to be able to refer to, and say oh that's mine mine and mine and everybody else can do the same, so can you keep a living list. 895 01:57:29.010 --> 01:57:29.220 yeah. 896 01:57:30.300 --> 01:57:41.160 Alix: I will I have it, and I will I will send it out to everybody so everybody has it and for people that are working on things if they could tell me if they have anything ready for the 28th let me know so that I can start thinking about. 897 01:57:42.120 --> 01:57:46.050 Alix: scheduling and I think we're going to have a joint meeting with. 898 01:57:47.490 --> 01:57:48.900 Alix: With the verb committee on the 20th. 899 01:57:49.410 --> 01:57:57.930 lauren siegel: And just one more point, so if it's a living list that we can all access rather than you having to send it out, we can go look, for it would be great. 900 01:57:58.020 --> 01:57:59.160 Michael Jensen: If that makes isn't she. 901 01:57:59.490 --> 01:58:00.570 lauren siegel: Yes, thank you. 902 01:58:00.990 --> 01:58:02.070 Alix: got it done. 903 01:58:03.390 --> 01:58:04.740 Alix: Thank you done. 904 01:58:06.720 --> 01:58:07.890 Alix: Anything else from anybody. 905 01:58:07.920 --> 01:58:11.700 Alix: Jim I see your hair, yes, did you have something you wanted to say. 906 01:58:11.760 --> 01:58:21.660 james murez: yeah if that living sheet could live on the website so there was a link so everybody in the Community would know who was assigned to a particular case if they had a question that would be even more beneficial. 907 01:58:21.990 --> 01:58:23.490 Alix: Great great well. 908 01:58:24.840 --> 01:58:33.570 Andrew Mika: we'll need permissions then so people can't randomly edit it if it's a Google sheet, but those are schematics we can deal with all outside of this meeting it. 909 01:58:33.570 --> 01:58:41.520 james murez: can be published once a week or once every two weeks, whenever you guys have a meeting and things change just republish it as a PDF. 910 01:58:42.750 --> 01:58:43.170 Okay. 911 01:58:44.220 --> 01:58:46.770 Alix: And someone can help me with the schematics because i'm not always great. 912 01:58:47.160 --> 01:58:47.670 Andrew Mika: call me. 913 01:58:48.480 --> 01:58:49.290 Alix: Thank you. 914 01:58:49.410 --> 01:58:49.890 goodnight. 915 01:58:51.150 --> 01:58:51.870 Alix: Everybody. 916 01:58:52.110 --> 01:58:52.470 I.